Paralegals and The Use of Technology in Litigation H. Barber Boone Partner Forman Perry Watkins...

Paralegals and The Use of Technology in Litigation H. Barber Boone Partner Forman Perry Watkins Krutz & Tardy LLP

Transcript of Paralegals and The Use of Technology in Litigation H. Barber Boone Partner Forman Perry Watkins...

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ParalegalsandThe Use of Technology in LitigationH. Barber BoonePartnerForman Perry Watkins Krutz & Tardy LLP

Ambassadors of TechnologyIts an Uphill Battle!!

You have to be the ambassadors of technology for the people you work for.

You have to keep working to introduce new ways of doing things, and to fight the argument, Thats the way weve always done it.

Work with Attorneys that:

Prefer Letters over E-mailsPrefer Fax Machines (deep down)Would Get Rid of E-mails, if they could

Changing the way you do things first.Then, you can work on changing the way your attorney does things.

2My Motto:There Has To Be A Better Way!!

And There Usually Is

But Be Careful!!

A Better Way Pleadings Index

Word Perfect4

Michael M. Choy v. ComcastPending in New Jersey District CourtPlaintiff alleges wrongful termination based on:Racial Discrimination, and Violation of the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (protects employees if they feel their job duties would be a violation of law and/or public policy).

Pleadings IndexBasicMicrosoft Word - TableDescriptive Filenames on DocumentsLevel 1Excel SpreadsheetAdds Hyperlinks Level 2Excel SpreadsheetAdds Issue Codes, Additional FieldsAdvancedExcel SpreadsheetAdds Color CodingPleadings Index - BasicWindows Explorer Example Descriptive FilenamesConsistent Naming ConventionDate in the Names (YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD)Other DetailsMicrosoft Word Example Color and Bold Heading RowMake the Heading Row repeat on each page

Pleadings Index Level 1Excel is primary Pleadings Index.Hyperlinks ExampleFiltersThis will help you:Get documents quicklySort documentsIdentify pleadings given somewhat vague requests

Why are We Doing This?You can find things a lot more quickly.You and the attorneys you work with can get a better grasp of the posture of the case.You can see the Forest and the Trees.

But, sometimes the technology feels like this

Office Space

Pleadings Index Level 2Excel - ExampleAdding Issues FieldAdding Other Fields (Pleading Type, Filer, etc.)Remember: Garbage In = Garbage OutFiltersReally using the benefits of ExcelThis will help you:Get documents even more quicklyGet documents given vague requests

Pleadings Index - AdvancedExcel - ExampleColor coding different types of pleadings.This will help you:Find pleadings more quicklySee trends in pleadingsThis will help you:Find documents quicklyFind documents with the vaguest of requests

Your attorneys need you to introduce them to new ways of doing things.

Keep looking for better ways to do your jobs. In the long run, it will make it easier on you.

But, with all things, you have to move slowly.Ambassadors of Technology

ParalegalsandThe Use of Technology in LitigationH. Barber BoonePartner


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