Paradiso Magazine, November 2014 Edition

Vol. IX November 2014 Welcome Pak Arief yahya


Indonesia Tourism News

Transcript of Paradiso Magazine, November 2014 Edition

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Vol. IX November 2014

WelcomePak Arief yahya

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DIREKTUR Igo Kleden [email protected]


Tri Wibowo

[email protected]


Dewi Antini

[email protected]


REPORTER Erwin Gumilar (Jakarta) Komang Wahyuni, Wiss Kedang, Dona Trihapsari FINANCE & Yuni ArianiACCOUNTING

TRANSLATOR Indira Sari Paputungan



CONTRIBUTOR Christovao Vinhas Cok Dewi Modestus Suharman Hubertus Samsi

PT. Travindo JayaJl. Batas Dukuh Sari Gg Curik no. 11 Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia 80222

Phone : 0361 - 8959507 Fax: +62 361 8474102Hp. 081338306900 w up : 081238711251

email : [email protected]

Bank Account : 097001023164531Bank BRI Cab. Sesetan - Denpasar

Third Country Visa System for Tourists

Indonesian government is now having new strategy to attract more foreign tourists to visit the country. New strategy is needed considering that the target of tourist visit in the next five years has been set at the figure of 20 million people. It is the third country visa system that later will become the new strategy.

“Tourists who have already had visa to visit Malaysia and Singapore can visit Indonesia without visa to enter Indonesia,” said Coordinating Minister of Maritime Af-fairs Indroyono Soesilo recently.

Meanwhile Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya said that the big idea is about marketing affairs. According to Arief, this system has been imple-mented in a number of countries, including in ASEAN countries.

Malaysia implements free visa to all tourists who hold Singapore visa (i.e. enter Ma-laysia via Singapore). “Tourists who hold American visa means that they have passed the security checking to enter America. We can give them free visa to Indonesia. Other options are those who hold Schengen and Australian visa can also get free visa to Indonesia for it is difficult to get such visa,” Arief said.

Tourists who have hold such visa can be guaranteed to be secured to visit Indon sia. In addition to security factor, Arief admitted that business factor also affects the provi-sion of free visa to certain countries.

“The top three countries (i.e. number of foreign tourists in ASEAN) are Thailand (26 million people), Malaysia (24 million people) and Singapore (15 million people). The total foreign tourists visiting those countries are 66 million people. They can directly visit Indonesia from those countries,” said Arief.

Head of International Cooperation Bureau for Ministry of Tourism Noviendi Makalam said that Mexico is one of the countries that firstly implemented third country visa and experienced significant increase in terms of foreign tourist visit.

Mexico provides free visa for tourists who hold US visa and Schengen. The proposal is to implement the third country visa to Indonesia’s main tourism market that hold visa from Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, the USA and schengen.

Based on the analysis of United World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the implementation of free visa and third country visa can increase tourist visit as much as 5%. Hopefully, this big idea can come true. ***

Igo Kleden

Editor’s Note

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10 | News

Cruise and Yacht Licensing to be simplified

conten8 |


Tourism Minister Arief Yahya Ready to Promote Indonesia Tourism

11 | News

Indonesia Provides Free Visafor five countries

12 | News

Thousand of Participants to Join Jakarta Marathon 2014

16 | News

Kadin to Encourage Culinary Business to Get Certification

14 | News

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya to Ask BPPI Advice on Tour-ism Promotion

15 | News

Sahid Group Continues Developing

17 | News

Garuda Indonesia to Open Two New Routes from Batam

18 | News

Ecotourism to become the future of NTT’s Tourism

Page 7: Paradiso Magazine, November 2014 Edition

43 | BaliHotel NEO Will Make Its De-but in Malaysia in 2015

27 | Sumba

Place Of Interest in SUMBA ISLAND

44 | BaliFave Hotel Sunset Seminyak is Opened

47 | Balid’Praya Lombok Hotel

48 | BaliBali National Golf Club Awarded the Best Renovated Course in Asia Pacific

32 | Event and Destination

Garuda Indonesia Launch-es Album “The Sounds of Indonesia” Volume III

22 | EndeRia baech

36 | Event and Destination

IEBF 2014, Packaging and Mar-keting Flores’ Exotic Ecotourism

38 | Event and Destination

Public Toilet of Artificial Recre-ation Park to Achieve an Award

34 | Event and Destination

DMO to be the key success to Manage Tourism Destinations

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Arief Yahya is officially selected by the President Jokowi to be-come the Minister of Tourism

in the Working Cabinet of 2014-2019 Period. Arief Yahya said that he would start building the tourism industry with information technology (IT) and tele-communications, as well as invite PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) to help promoting Indonesia’s tourism industry.

Arief Yahya explained that the plan is an effort to improve the quality stan-dards of the national tourism, which are based on the international standards of The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) still ranks 70 in the world.

“The easiest and the cheapest way are through ICT (information and com-munication technology). So I will invite Telkom to help so that it can be realized faster. Then later, we will also cooper-ate with other institutions to develop tourism related infrastructure, “said Ari-ef after ceremony of the position trans-fer of Tourism Minister in Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (28/10).

According to Arief, before rolling the plan to develop the tourism industry, it’s good to evaluate what is the weakness of Indonesia.

There are at least three weakness-es of Indonesia based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) issued by the World Economic Forum, namely tourism infrastructure, information and communication technology as well as health and hygiene.

Those three things, said Arief, which will be the basis for determining the pri-ority consideration in promoting tourism in the future.

“We must have priority. Our products are tourist destinations. So we have to set the top destinations such as the top 10 or top 20 destinations. The method to set it will be determined later, “he said.

According to Arief, based on GCI, Indonesia scored 4 on a scale of 1-7. With these values, Indonesia is number 34 of 144 countries in the list.

“Actually, considering its potential, Indonesia is certainly not inferior to

other countries. But why the number of foreign tourist visits is smaller than oth-ers? “He said.

Although the tourism sector is grow-ing at a satisfactory rate, Arief said the numbers are still not good enough to beat the other countries such as Thai-land or Malaysia.

In the next five years, the new gov-ernment led by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla is tar-geting the tourism sector to attract 20 million foreign tourists. This figure is twice as large compared to the end of 2014, which were estimated at 9.5 mil-lion tourists.

“That’s what we have to achieve. Oth-erwise, we will lose to other countries. We have to compare with other coun-tries, they have over 20 million foreign tourists, why can’t we have the same figure? “He said.

Meanwhile, the ranks of the employ-ees of the Ministry of Tourism, which was formerly called the Ministry of Tour-ism and Creative Economy welcomes Arief Yahya as their new leader. It can be seen from the banners and bouquets of congratulations lined up in front of the ministry given to the former Director of PT Telkom from the employees and various institutions.

Head of Public Communication Min-istry of Tourism Vinsensius Jemadu said that employees welcomed the ap-pointment of Arief Yahya as their lead-er. Although Arief background is from the field of information technology and marketing, employee considers the ap-pointment as a breakthrough.

“As a breakthrough that will combine tourism and information technology, maybe later when you open the gadget there will be writing such as “Welcome to Jakarta” or “Welcome to Bali” and it will further intensify the promotion of our tourism,” said Vinsensius.

In addition to his leadership figure, the ranks of employees also appreciate the decision of Jokowi that separates the creative economy. This separation, said Vinsensius, will lead the develop-ment of the tourism sector and the cre-ative economy to be more focus.

“The change of name is very positive and we welcome it positively, because the focus of tourism will no longer be divided with other sectors despite the great synergy between tourism and the creative economy. With the focus of ministry to only tourism sector, all avail-able resources will be fully driven to this sector, “said Visensius.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya Ready to Promote Indonesia Tourism




Arief Yahya, Mari Pangestu and Sapta Nirwandar

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Hard Duty is Waiting

Tourism observer Ida Bagus Sur-akusuma asserted, Arief Yahya who obtained the mandate as Minister of Tourism Working Cabinet of 2014-2019 Period should have the support of all parties to be able to develop the tour-ism sector in Indonesia.

“With the support of all parties, espe-cially all the components of tourism and Tourism Department ranks throughout the country will be able to increase tourist arrivals to the entire tourist desti-nation,” said Ida Bagus Surakusuma.

He added, for that Ariel must receive input from local stakeholders, particu-larly from the operators of the favorite destinations and destinations that will develop into an international gate.

“In addition, he also actively invites components of tourism to provide input so that they can create synergy with the tourism component actors to jointly conduct a campaign to potential mar-ket,” he said.

He reminds that the development of tourism in Indonesia is not merely in Bali, but it can be spread evenly across the archipelago. Therefore, it requires the support and readiness of all compo-nents in the area, specifically members of the Department of Tourism in each region.

It will thus be able to increase tourist visits evenly to all regions in Indonesia, not only to Bali.

Thus, the new Tourism Minister must have the ability and willingness to im-prove performance, because increas-ing tourist arrivals from 10 million to 20 million in five years or in other words increased by an average of 20 percent every year is not easy.

Jokowi-JK Government plans to in-crease the number of tourist arrival doubled in the next five years, or 20 million foreign tourists.

He said, for that reason the minister of tourism should really have had previ-ous professional experience that is able to read the tourism potential and readi-ness of each region in Indonesia.

“Thus, Indonesia can work on poten-tial markets abroad and direct foreign tourists to travel to Indonesia in accor-dance to the potential and readiness of each region in Indonesia,” he added.

Arief Yahya, From CEO of PT Telkom to Minister of Tourism

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya was formerly known as the CEO of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. Before becoming the number 1 in PT Telkom, precisely since May 2012, the man who was born in Banyuwangi, April 2, 1961 served as the Director of Enterprise and Wholesale Telkom Indonesia since 2005. When sitting in this position, Arief gained several awards such as Saty-alencana Pembangunan in 2006 for the success in Improving Service Ex-cellence in Kalimantan and East Java from the President.

In the same year, Arief was also in-cluded in the list of “25 Business Fu-ture Leader” of Swa magazine version. Arief was also named the recipient of the Economic Challenge Award 2012 Telecommunications Industry category, recipient of the 2012 Business Review Award from Business Review maga-zine. Lastly, Arief was selected as The Best Innovative 2012 SOE CEO.

Arief’s achievements are also com-pared with the achievements of Telkom. Telkom’s revenue up to September 2012 amounted to Rp 56.864 trillion. While the profits was Rp 14.11 trillion.

Arief Yahya was brought up in a simple family with father, H. Said Su-hadi who worked as a merchant and mother, Hj Siti Badriya who is active in religious organizations. Arief takes the example of his parents, especially from his mother. His mother never showed her sad face instead she always shows endless fight and always gives the best to her children.

Arief imitates the example of his

mother by always striving wholeheart-edly in education. Armed with that, Arief became the student of Bandung Insti-tute of Technology majoring in Electri-cal Engineering.

The main thing he learned from his mother is the most important in living things is perseverance. Thanks to the persistence, Arief graduated from ITB with a very satisfactory result, which he dedicated to his parents. After graduat-ing from ITB, Arief started his career at PT Telkom and managed to become one of Telkom employees elected to fol-low the Master’s program of Telematics in Surrey University, UK.

The Master’s program is successfully completed. His motto in life is “Success without plan is luck. Success with plan is achievement...! “

Now, under the control of Arief, the Ministry of Tourism has hard duty espe-cially because Jokowi-JK government aims to achieve 20 million foreign tour-ist arrivals by 2019. Hard work is abso-lutely needed to reach this target.

In the last two years Indonesia tour-ism grows above 8 percent so that the number of foreign tourists visiting Indo-nesia reached the range of 8-9 million people. In 2014 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy only set a target of 9.5 million foreign tourists visit to close the year. While last year there were 8.7 million foreign tourists visited Indonesia by the end of the year.

According to former Menparekraf Mari Elka Pangestu, to reach the figure of 20 million foreign tourists, the tour-ism sector should grow by an average of 16 percent per year and even more. That means double the current growth. (bowo)




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Government is soon going to simplify the licensing for cruise ships and yacht

as part of the tourism priority pro-gram (quickwins) that is related to marine tourism and maritime affairs.

For this matter, Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs In-droyono Soesilo held a joint meet-ing with the Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya in Jakarta recently.

“This time we discuss tour-ism priority program, including aspects that can become oppor-tunity, problems and attempts to solve the problem such as by sim-plifying the licensing of cruise and yacht. This is related to marine tourism and maritime affairs,” said Indroyono.

The meeting also discussed a number of important agenda that becomes the priority of tourism sector including the attempt to en-courage the provision of free visa to a number of countries.

Previously, Indroyono Soesilo also held a meeting with Vice President Yusuf Kalla to discuss priority program in the Ministry of Tourism, Marine and Fishery, En-ergy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Communication.

“Priority of tourism sector in-cludes the improvement of pro-motion to make Indonesia more widely known especially in terms of three aspects: culture, nature and hospitality,” he said.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya in his speech said that the cur-rent macro tourism condition (i.e. in 2014) shows that contribution of tourism sector to the national

income is as much as 4.2% or reaches Rp 120 trillion. This sector also cre-ates job opportunity for 8.7.million people.

The micro condition is that tour-ism sector has successfully at-tracted 9 million foreign tourists and 250 million domestic tourists.

According to WEF (World Eco-nomic Forum), the competitive-ness aspect of Indonesian tour-ism ranks 70 in the world. This condition in the next five years or in 2019 will be increased double.

Tourism contribution to the na-tional revenue will become 8% in 2019 and the revenue earned will be as much as Rp 240 trillion. The sector will also create 13 mil-lion job opportunities. In addition to this improvement, the target of foreign tourist arrival will become 20 million people and for domestic tourists will be 275 million people. The competitiveness of Indone-sian tourism is expected to be on the world top 30.

Minister of Tourism explained further that nature potentials are developed through marine tour-ism products, ecology tourism and adventurous tourism. Cultural potentials are developed through heritage and religious tourism, cu-linary and shopping tourism, and city and village tourism. Manmade potentials are developed through MICE and Event tourism, sport tourism and integrated resort tour-ism.

In accordance to the Center of Data and Information Ministry of

Tourism, which is taken from the result of the PES (Passenger Exit Survey) 2013, there are top five tourism products that become contributor of foreign tourist ar-rival, namely: culinary and shop-ping tourism (80%), heritage and religious tourism (80%), marine tourism (35%), MICE (25%) and sport tourism (5%).

“With easier accessibility and connectivity in the future, contri-bution of marine tourism in attract-ing foreign tourists to Indonesia is increasing,” said Arief Yahya.

Through the simplification of yacht licensing that is imple-mented in CAIT (Clearance Ap-proval to Indonesian Territory) through online one stop service, it is expected that the number of yacht visiting Indonesia increases significantly. It is expected to in-crease from 750 yachts to 1,500 yachts.

On that occasion, Minister of Tourism also conveyed the prob-lems faced by Indonesian tourism such as tourism infrastructure, ICT infrastructure, accessibil-ity (i.e. connectivity, seat capacity and direct flight) and the regula-tions (e.g. visa).

“We’re planning to increase the number of free VISA facility for foreign tourists. Indonesia cur-rently provides free VISA to fifteen countries. Other countries give more, such as Thailand that pro-vides free VISA for 56 countries and Malaysia for 164 countries,” said Arief Yahya. (*/ant)

Cruise and Yacht Licensing to be simplified


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To increase the growth of foreign tourist arrival to the country, the government is soon applying the

free VISA facility for short visit for five countries, which are the main markets of Indonesian tourism. Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo said this in the Joint Coordination Meeting in Jakarta recently.

“It has been agreed that we’re going to add five free VISA facilities to five main markets of Indonesian tourism. Currently, there are 15 countries that are eligible to free VISA facility, namely: China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Australia,” said Indroyono.

He said further that by implementing free VISA for short visit to the five coun-tries, it is expected that within a year it will add 450,000 – 500,000 foreign tourists. “For that number, we are going to lose $25 per person for visa,” said Indroyono.

Multiply by 450,000, it means Indo-nesia has the potential to lose US$ 11,250. However, Arief continued, with the coming of additional 450,000 foreign tourists and the calculation of spending of US$ 1,200 per person, thus the country can earn around US$ 540 million.

Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya said that the increase of 500,000 foreign tourists is quite

big. It is considering that the increase of foreign tourist visit every year does not even reach one million people.

“The figure 500,000 is quite high. This can be a smart way to increase the number of tourist visit. The main point that should be improved is the custom-er service,” said Arief.

He added that the most important as-pect is service. The process of acquir-ing visa is complicated enough. Thus, the implementation of free VISA facility can improve the service to customers. “If customers are satisfied with the ser-vice provided, income will automatically increase,” he said.

Arief also stated that other countries provide free VISA facility to their tour-ism markets, such as performed by Malaysia and Singapore. The growth of foreign tourist arrivals in both coun-tries is quite high. A number of studies mention that the implementation of free VISA can increase foreign tourist arrival as much as 5% – 25%. The free VISA facility is targeted to be implemented in January 2015.

The five countries are cho-

sen because they are the main market of Indonesian tourism. According to the Head of International Cooperation Bureau for the Ministry of Tourism No-viendi Makalam, those five countries contribute 54% of the total foreign tour-ists visiting Indonesia.

According to Noviendi, based on the analysis conducted by the Ministry of Tourism, from the free visa program for five countries that is totaled with the number of domestic and international tourists, Indonesia will get 16 million foreign tourists in 2019. “This is exclud-ing other promotional programs,” said Noviendi.

Jokowi – JK program set the target of 20 million foreign tourist visits in 2019. This means doubled the prediction of achievement in 2014, which is 9.5 mil-lion foreign tourists.

Currently, Indonesia implements free VISA facility for short visit to 15 coun-tries. They are 9 ASEAN countries (Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Philip-pine, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos), Chili,

Hong Kong, Macau, Peru and Ecuador. (*)

Indonesia Provides for five countries

Free VISANews

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Thousands of participants of Festival City Marathon started running at 5am Jakarta time.

They had to run in various distances. Participants gathered in Silang Daya Monas on Sunday, 26 October 2014.

The participants wore white t-shirt with ‘Festival City Marathon’ written on it. There are five categories in this competition, namely: full mara-thon (42.195 km), half marathon (21 km, finished on Jl. HR Rasuna Said), 10km (finished on Jl. Hayam Wuruk), 5km (finished on Jl. Pintu Besar Sela-tan) and Maratoonz (for children).

The routes started from Silang Mo-nas Barat Daya to Jl. Budi Kemuliaan – Jl. Abdul Muis – Jl. Majapahit – Jl. Gajah Mada. It was then continued to Jl. Pintu Besar Selatan – Jl Kunir – Jl Lada Dalam (Museum Sejarah Ja-karta) – Jl Hayam Wuruk – Jl Juanda – Jl Pos (Pasar Baru) – Mesjid Istiqlal – Jl Veteran. From Jl. Veteran, partici-pants entered Jl Medan Merdeka Ba-rat – Jl MH Thamrin – Jl Imam Bon-

jol – Jl Rasuna Said. From Rasuna Said, participants were directed to Jl. Gatot Subroto – Jl Gerbang Pemuda – Jl Asia Afrika – Plaza Senayan – Jl Hang Tuah – Jl Sisingamangaraja – Jl Sudirman – Jl MH Thamrin – Silang Barat Daya.

Runner from Kenya won

World class runner from Kenya suc-cessfully dominated the marathon. They are dominant in the category of half marathon and full marathon.

For half marathon category, Joseph Nwangi Ngare reached the finish line first (1 hour 4 minutes 12 seconds). On the second position is Silas Mututi Gmchori (1 hour 6 minutes 16 sec-onds) and then followed by Collins Kipkorin on the third position (1 hour 11 minutes 13 seconds).

In woman half marathon category, Peninan Kigen has successfully won (1:14:24). Edinan Koech (1:18) fol-lowed on the second position and

Jacline Taziro (1:31:20) finished third. All of them are from Kenya.

Julius Seurei won the first posi-tion in the category of full marathon (2:14:51). He is followed by Kennedy Liken Kipro on the second position (2:16:47) and Yusuf Sowgoka on the third (2:23:10).

Woman full marathon was won by runners from Kenya, namely Nyan-sikera Winfridah (2:40:25), Mercy Je-mutai (2:43:17) and Elizabeth Jenuyut Chemweko (2:43:44).

Jakarta Marathon is annual event held by Inspiro in cooperation with Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Provincial Govern-ment of Jakarta. The event is also aimed to make Jakarta as world sport tourism destination.

JKT48 entertained the runners and closed Jakarta Marathon 2014. More than a thousand visitors and partici-pants watched the performance of JKT48 on the stage near the National Monument, Central Jakarta. (bowo)

Thousand of Participants to Join Jakarta Marathon 2014


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After eleven years without tourism promotion to Indonesia, Netherland is

now starting tourism promotion to Indonesia. Through Netherland Board Tourism and Conventions (NBTC), Netherland promotes the great tourism potentials of the country packaged under the brand of “HOLLAND” to Indonesian people.

Series of NBTC’s promotional activities entitled South East Asia Sales Mission 2014 is made into a seminar held on October 27, 2014 at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta and on October 29 in Surabaya. This activ-ity is not only done in Surabaya and Jakarta, but also in Singapore.

During this event, NBTC was promoting “Holland” and included a number of participants in the event such as Schipol Amsterdam Airport, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Garuda Indonesia, Henri Willig (Zaanse Schans), Mc ArthurGlenn (Design Outlet Center Roermond) and Keu-kenhof, Amsterdam City of Dia-monds (Gassan Diamonds, Coster Diamonds, Zazare Diamonds).

According to Andrew Van Der Feltz, since 2009 the number of flight from Indonesia to Holland has been increasing significantly. In 2013, there were 990 flights with the contribution reached more than 318,000 seats. Since May 2014, Garuda has become the first airline that serves non-stop flight to Am-sterdam. This makes the mission of “Holland” is optimistic to set the target of 41,000 Indonesian tourists to visit Netherland during 2014.

“Through this promotional mis-sion, we expect the number of Indo-nesian people visiting Netherland to increase significantly and to stay longer,” said Andrew in Jakarta.

In this mission, NBTC is support-ed by the fund provided by the

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. In addition to the fund from the gov-ernment, NBTC also establishes intensive cooperation with related parties inside and outside the hos-pitality sector.

“NBTC is a non-profitable institu-tion that specializes itself as mar-keting and branding agent for “Hol-land” brand, which was established in 1968. We have done marketing to Europe, North America, South America (Brazil) and Asia,” said Jos Vranken, Marketing Director of NBTC.

South East Asia Sales Mission 2014 in Jakarta invited a number of tour operator partners and media in Indonesia as part of its first mission in Indonesia. According to Director Networking and Business Develop-ment NBTC Andrew Van Der Feltz, the approach to tour operators is expected to add the number of tour operator’s products to be offered to Indonesian market. With “Holland”, NBTC is building positive image of Netherland as a perfect destination for holiday, business meeting and

convention. For NTC, Indonesia with the

population of around 250.6 million and average economic growth of 6% per year from 2010 to 2013 is a potential market for the growth of tourism industry in Netherland. On the other side, Netherland has also become top of mind for Indonesian tourists visiting Europe. In 2012, almost 97,000 Indonesian tourists traveled to Europe and 33,000 of them included Netherland in their trip to Europe.

As one of the biggest cheese producer countries, Netherland has historical tourist destinations and high value art such as Anne Frank House – a museum located in Am-sterdam, which was the hideout of Anne Frank during the World War II.

In addition to museum, Nether-land also has the most beautiful spring garden in the world, Keuken-hof. This inspirational garden offers more than 30 spectacular flower shows and located on the area of 32 hectares. (bowo)

Netherland is targeting 41 thousands Indonesian tourists in 2014

NBTC at Ritz Carlton Hotel Jakarta

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Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya asks some advice and solution related to the strategy of

tourism promotion to the Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI).

“In order to complete the construc-tion of Tourism Strategic Plan, we ask the board of BPPI to quickly provide us with some advice and solution related to tourism promotion as a result of the analysis made by the Directorate Gen-eral of Tourism Marketing,” said Arief Yahya.

Previously, Tourism Minister received the board of BPPI led by BPPI Chair-person Wiryanti Sukamdani in Sapta Pesona Building. The meeting is ex-pected to sharpen the program and ac-tivities of Indonesia tourism promotion as main destination of world tourism.

“We need input from BPPI for the in-stitution is the partner of Tourism Min-istry that is formed based on the Presi-dential Decree Number 22 Year 2011 about Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board to implement Article 36 Section (3) Law No 10 Year 2009 about tour-ism,” he said.

BPPI is expected to improve the im-age of Indonesian tourism, foreign tour-ist arrival and visa revenue, domestic tourist visit and shopping, as well as to conduct research to develop tourism business and industry.

In addition to that, BPPI is also ex-pected to act as the coordinator of tour-ism promotion done by business sector in the central and regional scope as well as to become the working partner of the central and local government.

In the next five years, tourism sec-tor is expected to attract as many as 20 million foreign tourists or double the last figure in 2014, which is 9.5 million foreign tourists.

“Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board not only have the responsibility to pro-mote tourism potentials of Indonesia, but also to bridge the creation of syn-ergy between the government and tour-ism business players,” said Arief.

Tourism Ministry is going to improve the quality of tourist destination, includ-ing 16 main tourist destinations includ-ed in the National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) that later will become 25 KSPN. Tourism Minister hopes that in implementing the program, BPPI refers to the working program of the govern-ment.

Chairperson of BPPI Yanti Sukam-dani explained that BPPI has devel-oped a number of programs and activi-ties that have been implemented during the partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. At the provincial level, there are 20 Regional Tourism Promotion Board approved by

the governor. “Synergy of program and activities

has been done in an attempt to pro-mote Indonesian tourism potentials to the market and the segment of foreign tourists. It is adjusted to the tourism characteristics and attractions in each area with BPPI as the coordinator of promotion,” said Yanti.

According to Yanti, in relation to tourism sector in Jokowi – JK’s work-ing cabinet is handled by the Ministry of Tourism. Thus, later the handling of tourism sector is expected to be more focused both in terms of infrastructure improvement and quality of tourist des-tination in the area as well as the pro-motional activities.

“Currently, the seat capacity has bee fulfilled by various airlines, either inter-national or domestic flights. However, it hasn’t been maximally utilized,” said Yanti.

BPPI considers yacht tourism as an-other important sector. Unfortunately, it still has a lot of problems especially related to the regulations that have not supported and the lack of adequate yacht harbor in the areas.

In the future, Yanti added, BPPI hopes that partnership with the govern-ment can solve various problems that hamper the development of tourism sector. (*/bowo)

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya to Ask BPPI Advice on Tourism Promotion

Wiryanti Sukamdani (left) and Arief Yahya

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Sahid Hotel Group is now growing into big independent hotel chain in Indonesia. Sahid Hotels

currently manage 20 hotels that consist of five-star hotels, four-star hotels, three-star hotels and budget hotels (two-star hotel) spread throughout Indonesia.

The number of rooms managed is 2718 rooms and 14 hotels are still under construction. These hotels are planned to be opened in 2015/2017 with 3723 room that adds the total rooms man-aged to 6441 rooms.

Vice President Sahid Group Exacty Sukamdani Sryantoro explained that the track of Sahid Group in Indonesia was begun in 1965 when Sukamdani S Gito Sardjono built the first star ho-tel in Solo. After nine years, he built the first tallest hotel in Indonesia at that time, Sahid Jaya in Jakarta, which later changed the name into Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel in 2012.

Twenty seven years working in hos-pitality industry, in 1992, Sahid Group did business diversification to property sector. It was started by completing the Sahid City Jakarta area with the con-struction of Istana Sahid Apartment in 1995. It was then followed by building Sahid Office Boutique, Sahid Memorial Hospital, Sahid Sudirman Residence and Sahid Sudirman Center that is still under construction. It is expected to be completed in the beginning of 2015. This is going to be the highest building in Indonesia,” said Exacty in Jakarta.

Besides office building, hospital and apartment, Sahid Property also devel-

ops middle-class residential area such as Almira Green Residence, Sahid Met-ropolitan Residence and Sahid Garden Residence, which is planned to be built in early 2015. The total area that has been operated is 320,700 m2.

In addition to Jakarta area, Exacty explained, the expansion of Sahid Property also carries out in other areas throughout Indonesia. Sahid Timika Lifestyle City is developed in eastern Indonesia, Sahid Senggigi Resort, Sa-hid Jaya Makassar and Sahid Manado is developed in central Indonesia. In western Indonesia there are Sahid Surabaya Condotel, Sahid Semarang Condotel, Sahid Yogya Lifestyle City, Sahid Bandar Lampung, Griyadi Bang-ka and Sahid Bintan Beach Resort.

“The entire planning has reached fi-nalization phase and construction plan-ning are mostly carried out in mid 2015 until 2018 with the total area built reach-ing 879,300m2 and the biggest contri-bution from Sahid Yogya Lifestyle City. If the entire construction of the property, especially condotel and apartment, can be completed by the end of 2018, then the total building area will reach 1.2 mil-lion m2,” said Exacty.

The management of project is entire-ly done by Sahid Hotels, which is hotel chain owned by Sahid Group. Besides having hotel, Sahid Hotels also man-age other hotels owned by investors.

“Starting from hospitality industry, the strong point of Sahid Property lies on the ability to develop the concept of condotel, where project development is done systematically and sustainably

between developer and management of condotel,” Exacty explained.

Developing Integrated Area of Sahid Yogya Lifestyle City

Sahid Property is currently building an integrated area in Yogyakarta, Sahid Yogya Lifestyle City. The project is built on area of 2.2 hectare and integrated with hotel, condotel and mall, Amarta, which is not still under construction.

Exacty explained that the new build-ing has the total area of 55,393 m2 and integrated with condotel, apartment, mall, convention center, parking area and green area. It will also have the concept of wayang story inside.

“Condotel will be built on the top of the mall and consists of nine stories. The total unit built is as many as 543 units, which started to be marketed today. The construction of mall will be completed by July next year and hotel renovation is still going on. The total in-vestment spent reaches Rp 750 – 800 billion,” Exacty said.

She added that in addition of having the concept of wayang, the entire build-ing also applies the green concept to save energy. Air circulation in this com-plex is more maximal due to the avail-ability of large green open space.

“Mall inside the complex started op-erating a few months ago and will be fully operated in December next year. The mall occupancy reaches 70% – 80% and continues to increase until the soft opening in July 2015,” she said. (*)

Sahid Group Continues Developing

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The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) encourages culinary business practitioners to

immediately get certification in order to

improve the competitiveness welcoming the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) 2015.

Chairperson of the Culinary and Ca-

tering Service of KADIN Ning Sudjito explained that entrepreneurs in culi-nary sector especially for beginners should get certification in accordance to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) so that it is easier for them to ex-pand their business to ASEAN region.

“I consider catering businesses that have followed the standard of business and human resources in Indonesia are ready to compete in ASEAN market welcoming the MEA 2015. Having the certification, it will be easier for culinary entrepreneurs to expand their business abroad,” said Ning.

Ning further said that currently there are many culinary entrepreneurs that have expanded their business abroad. However, they have not settled yet and still need more support. (*)


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Kadin to Encourage Culinary Business to Get Certification


Gili Trawangan offers the best value for Indonesian tourists this year to spend holiday on

the island, in accordance to the report of price comparison by TripAdvisor. The result was taken from the second annual report of ripIndexIsland Sun that compares one-day spending of having vacation and stay for two people in 16 popular island tourist destinations in South East Asia.

The survey calculated the total budget for two people to enjoy staying a night at a four-star hotel, two-course meals with coconut water, beer, massage ser-vice and bike and kayak rental.

The most affordable island for one-day vacation and a night stay for Indo-nesian tourists is Gili Trawangan with the total TripIndex of Rp 2,677,194. Traveling to Sentosa Island in Singa-pore spends the budget Rp 9,499,234 or three times higher than Gili Trawan-gan.

“TripleIndex Island Sun provides pic-ture to tourists related to the budget that should be spent when they make a plan for the next end-of-year vacation. The result of this year’s report shows that although very popular, Indonesia and Thailand still become the most af-fordable holiday destination with Gili Trawangan, Bali and Koh Samui on the top list,” said Ow-Yeong, TripAdvisor spokeperson.

“Tourists who want to visit more ex-pensive islands can find a way to save travel budget by visiting the destina-tion page of TripAdvisor where they can search for hotel and restaurant in accordance to their budger,” said Ow-Yeong.

Indonesia Dominates with Most Affordable Islands

Result of this year’s report shows that tourists who travel to Indone-

sia can save quite a lot with Gili Trawangan (#1), Bali (#2) and Lom-bok (#5) on the top five most afford-able islands with the total TripIndex of Rp.2,677,194,Rp.3,086,446 and Rp. 3,313,408 for each island.

Gili Trawangan and Bali are also known as some of 10 top islands in Asia with each ranks fifth and second in accordance to Travelers’ Choice Is-lands Awards 2014. Nusa Dua Beach in Bali ranks 13th in Travelers’ Choice Beaches Awards 2014.

Islands in Thailand have great ranks for Indonesian tourists who want to travel abroad such as Koh Samui, Phuket and Koh Phi Phi Don that each ranks 3rd, 6th and 10th in South East Asia with TripIndex of Rp 3,289,854, Rp 3,841,964 dan Rp 4,817,578. (*)

Gili Trawangan, the Most Affordable Island in South East Asia

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Being known as one of diving sites in Indonesia has made the number of diving operators in

Bali increases every year. Chairperson of Marine Tourism Enterpreneurs (Gahawisri) Yos Amerta said that every year the number of diving business is increasing 10 % – 20 % with equal composition between foreign and local business.

“Most of them are in the field of dive operators for the capital is considered to be quite low, which is around Rp 1 billion, compared to other fields such as dive resort. Although the number is increasing, it does not bring any prob-lems for the composition between for-eign and local is equal. Bali is much better than other areas in the country such as Komodo Island and Lombok,

which are mostly dominated by foreign operators,” said Yos.

He further said that it is estimated that the number of dive operators in the fu-ture will continue to increase along with the increase of people’s income, which makes the trend of having a vacation continues to grow as well. This condi-tion is also supported by the improve-ment of infrastructure in marine tourism destinations.

“In addition to that, diving enthusiast is increasing along with the presence of various digital technologies to support diving activity such as the underwater camera. People will continue to dive especially due to the beauty of Indone-sian marine tourism,” he said. (*/

New Diving Operators to Present in Bali

Garuda Indonesia to Open Two New Routes from BatamGaruda Indonesia Airlines is

planning to open two new routes from Batam to Surbaya and

Batam to Bandung started November 14, 2014 once a day each.

According to Station Manager PT Garuda Indonesia Batam Branch Office Timbul Panjaitan, Garuda Indonesia is proposing the licensing to the Ministry of Communication. Hopefully, on the date set, Garuda Indonesia is able to serve the new routes.

“The two routes will be served by Boeing 737-800NG with business and economy class service. Demand for these routes is quite high. Therefore, we try to make our customers from Batam no need to transit in order to go to Surabaya and Bandung,” he said.

So far, Garuda’s loyal passengers have to transit in Jakarta before going to Surabaya and it is considered to be ineffective. The same thing also ap-plies to Bandung route. Direct flight to the two cities will be more effective and faster so that passengers will feel more comfortable.

“Before planning the opening of the new routes, Garuda Indonesia has

served the route of Batam – Jakarta five times a day and Batam – Medan, Batam – Tanjung Karang once a day each. Batam – Jakarta route is served by Boeing 737-800NG, while Medan and Tanjung Karang is by Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen with the capacity of 98 passengers,” Timbul said.

He added that Garuda Indonesia in

2013 served the route of Batam – Pe-kanbaru by Bombardier CJR1000 Nex-tGen, but the route was close due to the fog smoke.

Besides Garuda Indonesia, Suraba-ya route is currently served by Lion Air three times a day and Citilink twice a day. For Bandung route is also served by Lion Air once a day. (*/ant)

Yos Amerta

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Head of NTT Tourism Office Alexander Sena said that the beauty of East Nusa

Tenggara’s (NTT) tourism is now recognized world wide and the province continues to develop its tourism industry to the direction of ecotourism. NTT’s tourism is developed under the concept of ecotourism, which is sustainable for the nature and community.

“NTT has cultural and natural po-tentials and the future concept is ecotourism. This community-based tourism becomes one of my pro-grams, namely the development of tourism village. Since 2012, the provincial government has allocated

Rp 50 million per village to develop their villages into tourism village,” he said.

Moreover, Alexander said that the annual target is 50 villages and this program has been established since 2012 and will last until 2018. Lake Kelimutu for example, it offers natu-ral beauty that attracts both domes-tic and international tourists visiting Flores Island.

“The targeted villages are those that have community work in the field of tourism or have tour-ism potentials. The develop-ment program provided can be tourism awareness training for tourism village community and

training for home-stay owners,” Al-exander said.

It is important to preserve the nat-ural potentials of NTT such as Ko-modo Island, Kelimutu, dive spots in Riung (Ngada), Kepa Island in Alor and Maumere Bay in Maumere con-sidering that they are the assets of marine tourism and NTT is islands that consist of many big and small islands.

“NTT also has many unique tra-ditions such as the whale-hunting in Lembata. Traditional tribes in the province also still live in accordance to their ancestors’ tradition such as Wae Rebo in Manggarai. Pasola is another interesting tradition in Sumba that should not be missed. However, in order to attract more visitors, there are many aspects that still need improvement such as the infrastructure. Flight access is still for domestic flight and concentrated in Labuan Bajo and Kupang as well as star-hotels,” he said.

In terms of accommodation, Alex-ander considers the importance of

developing homestay in NTT. “Almost all

regencies have hotels, but most of them

are not star hotels,” he said. (*)

Ecotourism to become the future of NTT’s Tourism

Alexander Sena, Head of Tourism Office of NTT

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EndeRia Beach

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Penggajawa beach is located in the west Ende city, it is approxi-mately 29 kilometers from Ende. There we can find colour stone rug domonantly blue, green and brown colour along the coast of Penggajawa. This location is easy to reach by motorcycle or by bemo. The stones of penggajawa are economical valuable with vari-ous size and sold by local people so that most of them work as stone collectors. Beside that the condi-tion of the sea is clean and blue. It is to stimulate the willingness to do another maritime activity like swimming, fishing while enjoy-ing the beautiful landscape along south coach.


Aekipa which located on the hill of Ndona district area is the ideal place to watch the beauty of Ende city view, from the top of hill Ende displayed in other side with co-conut trees. Gunung Meja (Meja mount) and gunung Ia (Ia mount)

were visible clear seen from the hill. Aekipa is a hilly area approxi-mately 20 kilometers from Ende, it can be reached just 30 minutes away by motorcycle or by bemo.


Ae Oka hot spring De-tusoko is approximately 33 from Ende city. It can be reached just 1 hour away by land transportation. This pool is located on the road side northward to Maurole district, one kilometer from Detusoko ter-minal. It is well arranged and neat. This hot spring contains sulphur and trusted that cure various skin disease. Based on research result hot reservoir Ae Oka, it ranges about 35 – 45 degrees celcius.

This pool is always crowded with the visitors especially local people all the more so in the afternoon. In summer time there are a lot of tourists come to this place, either domestic tourists or foreign tour-ists. The visitors can enjoy the warm submerged or only merely your feet.


The location is ap-proximately 5 kilometers from Ende city, it is just 15 minutes away by motorcycle or bemo. This beach is good to do weekly activity for urban community, swimming, fishing while chatting with family or friends is an interesting choice, while enjoying young coconut pre-sentation direct taken from the coconut trees around the beach. There is something interest-

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ing point as free look as Gunung Meja (Meja mount) and Gunung Ia (Ia mount) and cute isle is Koa isle, not keep quit hold back every wave flinging down come and go. Fisherman bustle are looking for fishes and decorating the beauty of Mbu’u beach panorama. It is also alternative location to see sunrise which always loyal appears from hill shoulder in the morning.


Ende island is one of the district area from Ende regency that sepa-

rated by sea. To achieve Ende is-land we can go by sea transporta-tion it is about 1 hour depend on nature condition. In Ende island, found one of the historical sur-vival former Potuguese fortress. Although today only visible that muffled banyan root but this is to produce proven that it is still have international interaction in the past. There we can be traced de-pendability the existence connec-tion with Portuguese former sur-vival to the coach society in other area of Ende regency.


Camping ground is lo-cated in Wologai Tengah village, Detusoko district. It is approximate-ly 40 kilometers from Ende city and

5 kilometers from Detusoko district office. This location is ever used by the Governor of East Nusa Teng-gara to hold scout jamboree camp-ing. Means and facilities available around there is fishing pool. This pool forms an ideal place for visi-tors that want to canalize their hobbies for fishing while enjoying the beauty of scenery and camp-ing with family or friends.


Ende beach is a recreation place that lies near Ende down city center. The distance and location of this beach is nearer and easier reached just a half from city cen-ter. It is used for recreation while enjoying wave pounding south beach, fisherman activities on the sea, busy to load goos at Ende port and panorama island behind Ende island. The festivity in this space begins in the afternoon up to late of night, where the people chatting while enjoying drink presentation (soft drink, coffee, milk and so on) and local snack like banana fried, cassava fried and so on. They era sold by local people who lived near the beach.

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SUMBAIkat Weaving

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The Sumba island is wellknown for its sandalwood, wild horses, incredible megalithic tombs, traditional dan primi-tive villages, typical hand woven textile (ikat weaving), and still untouchable beaches.


Capital of West Sumba ( 1 hour drive from the Hotel). A neat little town in West part of Sumba island. right in town are very traditionnal villages you will see old graves carved in motifs of buf-falo horns, man heads, horses, nude men or women symbolizing social sta-tus or wealth of the people (megalithic tombs of Kadung Tana, Watu Karagata, and Bulu Peka Mila). Tarung Village is an important ceremonial center . Local

market is pleasant and display indig-enous stuff


Traditional and prmitive villages and old megalithic tombs , Pasola in every Pebruary and March.


Sodan village is a very important vil-lage for Marapu , there you can find holy houses (rumah nyale-rumah wula podu) and sacred places, also a drum made from human skin that can only be showed on certain occasions and in the presence of `ratos` (priest/chief). The date for Wula podu and Pasola Lam-boya is decided by rato of this village,

the plain on a high ridge of line of hills (the panorama is fantastic).

At Patiala is the plain where Pasola Lamboya take place, you can reach many traditional villages off the beaten path: an old anchor probably from a Portuguese vessel amazingly kept in a high hill village; holy house with eight carved bird’s heads; meet ratos and see one of the two horses which first open Pasola on February. Every where around you will be welcome as if you were a member of their family; you are staying at Mr Ali`s Hotel and Mr Ali has been introduced as member of their community and rebaptized with a local name. Many beautiful ballades inland or along the coast to pristine remote beaches will gratify your days . You can often get ceremonies in Lamboya, Wula

Place Of Interest in




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Podu,Topeng/Magowo, Pajura take place in October-November, Pasola in February, Pacuan in July-August. Yawu, weddings and burials all around the year.


Pasola is the name of a war tournament played by two groups of Sumbanese men riding decorated horses and flinging wood-en spears at each other - really unique in the world .

Ikat Weaving

Ikat textile in Sumba are worked an ex-changed at important ceremonies to show one’s social status. At the funerals, the most exquisite textiles would be placed in the grave for use in the after world.


Matayangu & Lai Popu are large and beautiful waterfall located between Anakalang and Wanokaka, Access is

through wooded hills. Manupeu National Park(Anakalang) is very interesting for flora and fauna (Sumba has many unique birds). Laputi (near Tarimbang) is a high waterfall above which is a lake with eels that you can feed. For the bravest ones, in some caves, you will cope with bats & not dangerous snakes The last crocodiles of Sumba are very difficult to see in the north part of West Sumba . Wild pigs are hunted with spears by valorous warriors full mud coated


Animist belief still very vivid near Hotel Sumba Nautil Resort and Lamboya re-gion.

The essence of Marapu religion is the belief in spirituals forces including God, spirits and ancestors. Dead people can influence the world of the living and the living perform rituals in order to satisfy ancestors and sometimes ask to them for help or agreement .Humans cannot ap-peal to God the creator so Ancestors are placed on earth mediated through people

who get special powers (concentrated in certain places or objects) . Those people are “Rato” (priests) , Dodo and Tahuli who are able to speak the spiritual language (Bahasa adat) of Ancestors. Wula Podu, Topeng, Magowo, Pajura, Pasola, Yawu are some of main Marapu ceremonies.

WULA PODU - Holy month for Marapu.

From full moon of October to full moon of November there are many prohibitions; if infringed ancestor spirits will strongly pun-ish the infringer. At the end of Wula podu month, many ceremonies take place:


In several villages of Lamboya, Patiala, Loli drums are beating all night long and the day after occurs the ceremony. Mara-pu rituals are performed by a rato, women dance and a kind of sorcerer wearing a mask amuse or frighten the audience.

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A big crowd gather at the delta of a river (Lamboya) for Marapu rituals and collective traditional fishing.


Ritual boxing for men. It seems like they get up to all that was forbidden during the holy period! During this pe-riod, rato of Sodan village decide of the date for Pasola Lamboya.


Yawu is ritual ceremony that take place at night to get help from the an-cestors. Women dance around a fire in the middle of graveyard, drums beat, and the mysterious dialogue with an-

cestors begin :” Tahuli” speaks as ad-vocate for humans, ancestors speak through the voice of “Dodo”, all the dia-logue is in a spiritual language(Bahasa adat) . When somebody is ill, they think ancestors are angry with this person. So they want to know why and they ask to ancestors what to do to calm down the wrath of Marapu - sometimes it works! Also when they want to built a new traditional house, Humans have to ask for agreement to Marapu.


First the men have to “knock at the door”: go to the girl’s village and bring animals to her father. He must comes two times again, giving much buffalos and horses at each time. Finally, he is obliged to offer a huge number of cattle

and horses to be allowed to take away the girl. If it is not enough, the girl stay in her family; that’s a great deal and a lot of money (or debts) to get a wife in Sumba!

Men have to bring horses, buffalos, gold and metalwork; bride have to bring pigs, dogs, ivory and textiles. Weddings are absolutely impossible between some clan which are in bad terms, even in modern times.


Death is the more important event for Sumbanese and the dead men must enter in the afterworld with all he needs. The body is dressed with sev-eral textiles and the wake last some days. During this time relatives have gathered and brought gifts (mostly ani-mals). The last day relatives have an endless talk to determinate the value of gifts: they are bound to a system of swaps and debts all their life. Then they slaughter some of animals one of which is a horse that the dead man’s spirit will ride in the afterworld. The body is bur-ied with things needed and symbols of wealth. At 19th century, slaves were still sacrificed to follow and serve the king in the afterworld.


A jamboree of traditional dances, costumes, music and songs occurs ev-ery year . You will see Kataga dance (a war dance that men perform with long knives and shields) and Negu dance performed by women.

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In line with its commitment to continuously preserve the cultural wealth of the nation, Garuda

Indonesia on Wednesday (8/10), released the album “The Sounds of Indonesia” volume III.

The album launch of “The Sound of Indonesia III” is designed with the concept of the Indonesian nuance, with the theme of “Bringing the Best of Indonesia to the World” and was attended among others by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu, Garuda Indone-sia Board of Directors and musician Addie MS.

“The Sound of Indonesia” is a col-lection of folk and traditional songs from all over Indonesia, which are re-arranged in the form of orchestral music by Addie MS as the “official music” that will be played during the flight and in every “lounge” and the office of Garuda Indonesia in an at-tempt to introduce Indonesian cul-ture through the “Garuda Indonesia Experience”.

Minister of Tourism and Creative

Economy Mari Elka Pangestu said, “I give appreciation to what is done by Garuda Indonesia in relation to the Garuda Indonesia Experience program, because this is really the spirit that we developed in the lo-cally-based creative industries but with a contemporary spirit or world class. Garuda Indonesia as our Na-tional carrier reflects and carries the branding of Indonesia, and tells what is wonderful about Indonesia.”

Director of Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar said, “The album “The Sounds of Indonesia” Volume III is a continuation of a two previous albums “The Sounds of Indonesia” that have been previously success-ful and well received in the market. This album is specially prepared by Garuda Indonesia in coopera-tion with Addie MS to preserve the Indonesian art especially traditional songs.

“As the nation’s flag carrier airline, Garuda Indonesia is committed to continuously preserve the national culture that is rich and diverse, as

well as marketing it to the interna-tional community, in accordance with the vision of Garuda Indonesia. We also hope with the re-arrangement of orchestral music presented through the album, people can also enjoy traditional songs that have been of-ten heard with different colors and uances, “added Satar.

Meanwhile, musician Addie MS on the occasion said, the working of “The Sounds of Indonesia Volume III” orchestrate Indonesian tradi-tional songs from so that the songs can be felt and enjoyed from a differ-ent perspective. The launch of this album needs to be appreciated for being one form of contribution from Garuda Indonesia for Indonesian arts and culture. “

Several national and traditional songs that have been re-arranged in the album “The Sounds of Indo-nesia” Volume III are “Tanah Airku” (my homeland) by Ismail Marzuki, Alusi Au (North Sumatra), Walang Kekek (Central Java), Bubuy Bulan (West Java), Si Patokaan (North Su-

Garuda Indonesia Launches Album “The Sounds of Indonesia” Volume III

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lawesi), Aceh Lon Sayang (Aceh), Tanduk Majeng (East Java), Saba-rai Sabarai (East Kalimantan), Mande Mande (Maluku), and Lan-cang Kuning (Riau).

Earlier in July 2012, Garuda In-donesia in collaboration with Ad-die MS has released the album “The Sounds of Indonesia” Volume I and II, which contain Indonesian traditional songs such as Manuk Dadali (West Java), Rasa Sayange (Maluku), Soleram (Riau), Anging Mamiri (South Sulawesi), Kroncong Kemayoran (Jakarta), O Ina Ni Keke (North Sulawesi), Lisoi (North Sumatra), Ampar-ampar Pisang (South Kalimantan), Jali-jali (Jakar-ta), Gending Sriwijaya (South Su-matra), and Yamko Rambe Yamko (Papua).

In 2009, as part of its effort to continuously improve its services to the passengers, Garuda Indonesia

introduced the “Garuda Indonesia Experience”, which emphasizes the culture and hospitality of Indonesia as well as presenting the best as-pects of Indonesia through the five senses, namely sight, sound, taste, scent, and touch, to be implement-ed in the service of pre-journey, pre-flight, in-flight, post-flight, and post-journey.

“Garuda Indonesia Experience” can now be experienced by pas-sengers from the aircraft interiors that combine natural colors and tra-ditional Indonesian motifs, including ‘gedek’ motifs on the wall that sepa-rates the cabin, batik uniform of the crew, Indonesia traditional songs that have been re-arranged, a typi-cal Indonesian food and beverages, and aromatherapy from typical Indo-nesian plants. In addition, the touch of a warm greeting and service of Garuda Indonesia crew also make

passengers feel the real Indonesia. In line with a variety of develop-

ment the company implemented, especially to improve the service to users of the service, Garuda In-donesia introduced the concept of “New Service Concept”. In addi-tion to presenting the “First Class” service, Garuda Indonesia also introduced new and better “Execu-tive Class” and “Economy Class” service.

Services in the three classes has a “service design” based on their individual characteristics. The “First Class” service will have the character of intimate, authentic and engaging. The “Executive Class” service has an approach that is en-ergetic, authentic and dynamic. The service of “Economy Class” has the characteristics of dynamic, positive and warm. (bowo)

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Recently, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Men-parekraf) Mari Elka Pangestu

opened as well as became keynote speaker at a national conference “Des-tination Management Organization / DMO 2014” which took place at the Swiss Belhotel Mangga Besar, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/10).

Mari Pangestu said that the Destina-tion Management Organization (DMO) is a program aimed to increase tourist destination governance to realize the value of attractiveness, sustainability and competitiveness by involving the entire tourism stakeholder.

She also explained that developing tourism destinations requires “syner-gy” between the integrated ministries / agencies with stakeholders who be-come an important element in develop-ing the tourism sector. “The format of the integration of tourism development can be cross-sectors or cross-regions and are synergistic and sustainable needed for the development of tourism

strategies, “she said. Furthermore, Mari said that the Na-

tional DMO Conference is expected to be a concrete result in a form of DMO management model through Tourism Governance Forum (FTKP). Of course, the forum aims to garner cooperation, communication, coordination, dynamic synergic systems, networking and lead-ership in destination management.

“We also expect the presence of this conference will produce an exit strategy in 2009 - 2014 and the scenario of Des-tination Governance for Medium Term Development Plan in 2015 - 2019. In the years 2015 to 2019, the DMO will develop the locus of development into 25 tourism destinations plus 9, which include Muaro Jambi, Musi River - Palembang City, Thousand Islands, Menjangan - Pemuteran, Sentarum, Belitung, Nias, Morotai, and Komodo Island, “she said.

Directorate General of Tourism Des-tination Development for Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Da-

dang Rizki Ratman, said that the DMO program started in 2010 to 2014 and has been implemented in 16 regional tourism destinations consist of the Eco-tourism cluster: Pangandaran - West Java, Flores - East Nusa Tenggara, Tanjung Puting - Central Kalimantan, Sanur – Bali and Geotourism Cluster: Toba - North Sumatra, Bromo Tengger Semeru - East Java, Batur - Bali Rinjani - Lombok.

Heritage Cluster: Old City - Jakarta, Borobudur - Central Java, Toraja - South Sulawesi. Marine Tourism Clus-ter: Sabang - Aceh, Derawan - East Kalimantan, Bunaken - North Sulawesi, Wakatobi - Southeast Sulawesi, and Raja Ampat - West Papua.

From the 16 locations of DMO, 15 of them are destinations which are also included in the Strategic National Tour-ism Zone (KSPN) in the National Tour-ism Development Master Plan (RIP-PARNAS, PP No. 50/2011). In this PP set 50 National Tourism Destinations, 88 National Tourism Strategic Area and

DMO to be the key success to Manage Tourism Destinations

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222 National Tourism Development Zone.

Director of Destinations and Tourism Investment Design, Frans Teguh added that the realization of DMO activities depend on the dynamics and charac-teristics of the destination as well as strategic issues that must be handled. DMO is done gradually and is a multi-year commitment (2010-2014). In the stages of transformation in the first year, the DMO program is on strength-ening phase of stakeholders’ collective consciousness movement.

“The first is the stage of strengthen-ing the collective consciousness move-ment of stakeholders through stake-holders mapping and encouraging the ownership and involvement of the par-ties in the locus of the DMO. The sec-ond one is the stage of development of destination management. The second phase emphasizes more on capacity building and restructuring and revital-ization of the destinations on the facili-ties, accessibility and community, “said Frans Teguh.

Frans added that the third stage is the development of the business. The third stage emphasizes more on busi-ness and industrial capacity building, strengthening the backward and for-ward linkage and development of the creative economy. The fourth stage is strengthening and structuring phases of Destinations Management Organiza-tion. In the fourth stage, the clusters of DMO are focused on the formation of Tourism Governance Forum (FTKP).

“Since we are now in the fourth phase, the focus is on the formation of forum to encourage cooperation, communi-

cation, coordination, synergy dynamic systems, networking and leadership in destination management. FTKP is a tool to activate the functions of gover-nance tourism destination by using the concept of Destination Management Organization (DMO) and Destination Governance (DG), “said Frans Teguh.

DMO National Conference 2014, which lasted for two days (15-16 Oc-tober 2014) is the fifth national con-ference, after the previous years held in Manado - North Sulawesi in 2013, Parapat, Lake Toba - North Sumatra in 2012 and Labuan Bajo, Flores in 2011 and Jakarta in 2010.

The national conference was at-tended by local government repre-sentatives, tourism business players, academia, private sector, NGOs and communities represented by the Local Working Group (LWG) of 16 DMO in In-donesia that will share their experience and knowledge of various learning jour-neys to accelerate the development of the DMO in Indonesia.

Present as the guest speaker at the 2014 DMO National Conference among are Alastair Morrison, Ph.D (Swiss Contact), Arif Satria (IPB), Oli-ver Oehms (GIZ), I Gede Ardika, cross-ministry (BAPPENAS, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Min-istry of environment), Director of BNI and Director of Bank Mandiri.

On the first day of the conference, the description from the speakers was then followed by achievement expose of DMO by each destination’s facilitator. On the second day, there was product knowledge of DMO through a visit to Soenda Kelapa “The Voice of Marine: embrace the story of our sailor’s ances-tor and Kampong China “Once upon a time in Glodok Chinatown: where soul of the past breathes in the present ... “

The DMO Award

At this conference, Ministry of Tour-ism and Creative Economy gave for the first time, DMO Champion to various parties involved in the development of tourism destination governance.

Frans Teguh expects the award to encourage, activate, and strengthen governance of tourism destinations and provide the necessary contribution in the context of systems development and management of tourism by giving more value to the sustainability of local values and locality.

“DMO must be able to motivate vari-ous parties to be able to improve the external quality of destination market-ing, the internal destination develop-ment and destination governance so that it can increase the number of tour-ist arrivals in each cluster with a target of five per cent by the end of 2014,” said Frans Teguh. (bowo)

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Flores Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has tremendous ecotourism attractions. It offers a

variety of natural and cultural tourism destination that are still natural and untouched by modernization. The authenticity and uniqueness of Flores become strong attraction that attracts tourists to visit the largest island in the province of NTT. Thus, it needs to be maintained, which also means the need to add supporting facilities.

In an effort to promote Flores to the international market, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through Promotional Directorate of Conven-tions, Incentives, Events and Special Interest in cooperation with Indecon (Indonesian Ecotourism Network) held the IEBF 2014 (International Ecotour-ism Business Forum) in Flores, NTT. IEBF 2014 lasted for 5 days from Sep-tember 30 to October 4, 2014.

IEBF invites buyers who are perpe-trators of ecotourism from abroad to further bring them together with sellers from Indonesia, the local community, as

well as local and national media. Before carrying out the business fo-

rum, buyers were first invited to visit tourist attractions in NTT such as Lake Kelimutu, Batu Cermin Cave, tradition-al villages, Lodok rice fields, as well as coffee plantations managed by the lo-cal community. The goal of this activity is to introduce tourism products directly to the buyers as well as providing an opportunity to interact with local people there.

Esthy Reko Astuty, Director General Tourism Marketing Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy said IEBF 2014 held in Flores is the 10th event, which is intended to introduce closer the mainland and cultural tourism products besides the Komodo dragons that have become the main attraction of the area so far.

“This is to support the distribution of tourists as well as increase the length of stay of tourists in Flores, so that lo-cal communities can benefit more from tourism sector,” said Esthy in Ende, Flores, NTT.

I E B F 2014 was started from Ende and ended in Labuan Bajo, with trips to indigenous villages and natural attractions and cultural activities combined with trekking, as well as discussions with the tourism community and local governments. In Labuan Bajo, buyers and sellers met in the table top activity to conduct busi-ness transaction.

“Speaking of ecotourism can never be separated from conservation ef-forts and empowerment of local com-munities, so that in the end this kind of activity is expected to contribute to the preservation of the environment and the welfare of the surrounding commu-nity, especially the East Nusa Tenggara region,” added the chairman of Indecon Ary Suhendi.

On the same occasion, Rizki Han-dayani Promotions Director of Conven-tions, Incentives, Events and Special Interest explains the development of eco-tourism business should certainly consider the latest issues and charac-

IEBF 2014, Packaging and Marketing Flores’ Exotic Ecotourism

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ter to be able to adapt to market trends without reducing the values believed.

“IEBF serves as a means of convey-ing information about the development of ecotourism in Indonesia today to pro-spective tourists before they plan their trips. It also facilitates local ecotourism actors who can not penetrate the inter-national market due to limited access and cost, “said Handayani.

Rizki added that these activities also strengthen the network among the ecotourism actors, especially between tourist destination operators and the public to develop synergistic efforts

Mitchell, one of the buyers from Germany is very enthusiastic to follow the activities of IEBF 2014, a special experience to directly view the exotic ecotourism products of Flores. He ad-mitted that he was amazed to see the beauty of Flores that is wrapped with well-maintained culture.

“There are many clients from travel agents in German ask me about tour package to Indonesia. I can now offer Flores that is as beautiful as Bali,” said Mitchell.

Kim, a buyer from South Korea was also quite amazed by the beauty of Flores, especially with the friendliness of the local people who are very excited to welcome foreign tourists.

“Flores is very unique and different from other parts of Indonesia, I will try to offer travel packages to Flores once I get back to South Korea. I’m sure my client would be interested in com-ing to Flores, “said Kim, who claimed to love the Moke (traditional liquor from Flores).

On the last day, the participants of IEBF 2014 had the table top activi-ties (tourism business transaction) at the Jayakarta Hotel, Labuan Bajo,

East Nusa Tenggara, on Saturday (10/04/2014). Here they can exchange information and do direct purchase of Flores tour packages that have been prepared by the local tourism industry of Flores.

West Sumatra to Host IEBF 2015

Head of Culture and Tourism Of-fice of the Province of West Sumatra, Burhasman said that West Sumatra will host IEBF in 2015. “In 2015, West Su-matra has been appointed by the Minis-try of Tourism and Creative Economy to host the IEBF,” he said at the Jayakarta Hotel, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Teng-gara.

West Sumatra is set to host the next IEBF for the province has agro-tourism and ecotourism. “The buyers of inter-national and national companies could directly see tourist destinations in West

Sumatra,” he said. Rizki Handayani added that just like

Flores, Sumatra also has very strong eco-tourism products. IEBF 2015 will become the gateway to promote eco-tourism products of West Sumatra to the world.

“West Sumatra also has eco-tourism destination that is not less interesting that those in other areas in Indonesia, such as Mentawai. It is also a favor-ite destination for world-class surfers, “said Rizki.

He hoped IEBF 2015 could be im-proved from the current year, mainly from the amount of participation from overseas buyers. With IEBF, eco-tourism destination in Indonesia is ex-pected to be a favorite destination for international tourists. (bowo)

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Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy gives Sapta Pesona Clean Public

Toilet 2014 to the artificial recreational park operators from 18 provinces throughout Indonesia.

This is the second time the award given after previously held in 2012. It is also a continuation of the Clean Pub-lic Toilet Award at the Airport (2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013), at the Mu-seum (2008 ), in the Zoo (2010), and Artificial Recreational Park (2012).

“Sapta Pesona (the seven enchant-ments) contains the elements of safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friend-ly, and memories that constitute the basic elements of tourism need to be implemented in order to realize a clean image of Indonesia,” said Acting Director General of Tourism Destina-tion Development Kemenparekraf,

Dadang Rizki Ratman during the giv-ing of Sapta Pesona Clean Public Toilet 2014 at Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Thursday (09/25/2014).

“This award is also a form of appre-ciation and motivation to the operators of clean public toilets in recreational parks, as well as to improve the qual-ity of service management,” he said.

One of the jury from the Indonesian Toilet Association, Naning Adiningsih Adiwoso said that the award achiev-ers are assessed based on the com-pleteness of facilities and amenities, cleanliness, and the availability of fa-cility for persons with disabilities, and nursing mothers.

Jury gives assessment for three categories, namely Water Category (Water Park) privately managed, The-matic Category (Theme Park) private-ly managed, and Water and Thematic

Category run by the government. The winners of the Water Category

(Water Park) privately managed are Waterbom Bali (1st), Waterbom Pan-tai Indah Kapuk Jakarta (2nd), and Ocean Park Banten (3rd).

Thematic category (Theme Park) won by Mikie Funland Brastagi (1st), Trans Studio Makassar (2nd), and Trans Studio Bandung (3rd).

The first rank of Water and Themat-ic category is Owabong Purbalinga. It is followed by Pikatan Waterpark Te-manggung on the second position.

“The impact of the clean toilet can be seen from the increasing number of visitors. The visitors also gave a positive response for clean and dry toilets and the presence of officer in charge in our toilets, “said Personal Assistant GM Waterbom Bali Claudia Cassandra. (bowo)

Public Toilet of Artificial Recreation Park to Achieve an Award

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Following the growing popularity of its Hotel NEO brand, Archipelago International

has proudly announced that the first Malaysian Hotel NEO will be opening in Penang during the second quarter of next year.

The newest member of the Archi-pelago International family, Hotel NEO+ Penang – Malaysia will be the first Hotel NEO to open in the popular island destination, under-scoring the brand’s strategy to ac-celerate expansion nationwide.

Hotel NEO+ Penang - Malaysia will be located in George Town, the capital of Penang in the north-east corner of Penang Island. Penang, known as the “Pearl of the Orient”, is located on the north-west coast of Peninsula Malaysia, nearby to the picturesque Strait of Malacca.

A city famous for its culinary fan-fare and idyllic beaches, George Town is within walking distance to

Penang’s shopping centers, food stalls, business and government of-fices and is just a 30 minutes drive from Penang International Airport, setting the pace for business trav-elers and holiday makers alike.

Making the most of this prime island location, Hotel NEO+ Pen-ang - Malaysia will feature 196 guest rooms and suites decorated in a modern-contemporary style that befits the new trends in ho-tel design. With uncluttered open spaces, the atmosphere is at once stylish and relaxed, topped off with twenty-first century conveniences such as complimentary high-speed WiFi, LED TVs and home entertain-ment systems.

Each of the rooms are also equipped with luxurious creature comforts, like high-quality beds and pillows, tea and coffee mak-ers, and a writing desk with univer-sal electrical outlets. Bathrooms

are equally as inviting, with large standing showers, fluffy cotton tow-els and complimentary bathroom amenities. The hotel also features four meeting rooms, two function rooms, a swimming pool & gym, as well as a Lounge & Bar for private events, weddings, meetings and exhibitions.

“Bringing Hotel NEO’s trade-mark experience to Malaysia, Hotel NEO+ Penang – Malaysia will offer a 100% smoke-free environment – one of the defining features of NEO Hotels that ranks them as the first and only 100% non-smoking select service hotel brand. NEOs also of-fer guest rooms with a full set of amenities and upmarket facilities without the high price-tag, staying truthful to the group’s credo that well designed and exciting hotels do not need to be expensive.”said Norbert Vas, Archipelago Interna-tional’s VP Sales & Marketing.

Hotel NEO Will Make Its Debut in Malaysia in 2015

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Favehotel Sunset Seminyak is uniquely designed and upbeat value priced hotel with a fun atmosphere, Fresh feel and friendly services. Surprisingly different and amiable, the hotel is a favorite

choice for budget conscious travelers to Bali.The “fave” which sits in fashionable Seminyak on the Northern end

of Sunset Road has all good things.Seminyak within easy reach and offers facilities not usually found in hotels of such great value including 2 modern conference rooms, an eclectic coffee shop, a swimming pool and plenty of parking space. favehotel Sunset Seminyak is the first fave hotel in Bali which is designed for family holiday and is equipped with Family Triple Room, enabled to accommodate three people. Com-plimentary, reliable and truly high speed WIFI throughout the entire hotel is of course a given. For information, please contact :

Fave Hotel Sunset Seminyak is Opened

Sunset SeminyakJl Sunset Road 89 Seminyak

80361 Bali - Indonesiat: +62 361 4741111f: +62 361 4741222

e: [email protected]

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Let the festivities begin as Grand Nikko Bali prepares to treat its guest with an array of delicious

culinary pleasures and vibrant performances throughout the festive season, from December 24th to January 6th. The resort’s Festive Season will be celebrated with Christmas Eve Dinner, Christmas Day Buffet, New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner and also Russian Christmas Dinner.

Start it with a hearty set menu dinner of Joy to the World Christmas Eve Din-ner on December 24th, accompanied by exciting performance of Christmas Fire Dance in the sophisticated ambi-ence of The Shore Restaurant & Bar. This special 5 courses set menu is priced at USD 48++.

For guests who wants to enjoy the tranquility of Christmas Eve, the resort offers “Holy Night Buffet” at the terrace of Brasserie des Celebrites, featuring endless amount of all favourite edible treats and live Christmas music per-formed by Trio to make the eve memo-rable. The Christmas Day carvery buffet can be enjoyed at The Shore Restau-rant & Bar from 12.00 until 15.00, of-fering wide selections of delicious cu-

linary pleasures at only USD 33++ per person.

Building up to the New Year, guests can experience the real Balinese Magi-cal Night. The evening start with glam-orous pre-dinner Cocktail Reception in the MPF’s transparent-glass stun-ning reception area while savoring pass-around canapés, followed by the buffet-style Gala Dinner in the MPF Ballroom, featuring multiple live sta-tions, from BBQ station with premium imported meats; a seafood station; an international stations of European and Indonesian culinary delights to the Live Sushi & Sashimi station.

Be entertained with vibrant perfor-mances of live Balinese-themed shows, live music, professional DJ and MC to orchestrate the show. Party the night away until the countdown with raised glasses for special toast as the clock strikes midnight with the optional after-party at Oolooloos Bar. Balinese Magic Night is priced at USD 350++, including an unlimited flow of soft and alcoholic drinks at pre-function reception; wine, beer, premium spirits during the dinner (5 servings per adult); extra bubbly for 12 o`clock countdown and the free flow

of soft drinks.Guests can also celebrate the dawn

of 2014 by the beach at The Shore Res-taurant and Bar. Enjoy cocktails under the stars at the Roof Top Deck and con-tinue with a lovely set dinner menu ac-companied by quartet and fire dancers while counting down to the midnight. It’s available at USD 250 ++, inclusive of one glass of champagne.

Greet the New Year in Japanese style with Toshikoshi Soba New Year’s Lunch while wishing for good luck in the year ahead. Savor the traditional year-crossing noodle in a contemporary set-ting of Benkay Japanese Restaurant overlooking the Indian Ocean. From the hand of talented Chef Goda Katsu-mi, various choices of favorite Soba are available in the a la carte menu.

Take in the celebratory atmosphere in the resort’s Russian Christmas Din-ner on January 6th. Guests will be treated to a festive barbecue buffet dinner served in the semi-open ambi-ence of Paon Bali Restaurant. Live DJ and exciting dance performance will be your accompaniment to make the per-fect evening. The Russian Christmas Dinner is priced at USD 37++.

Celebrate the Festive Season with Grand Nikko Bali

The 4th Archipelago Culinary Fest 2014 and Job Fair held on 18 October 2014 at the recently

opened Aston Ungasan Hotel & Convention Center bringing together the best chefs, bartenders and barista from Archipelago’s eclectic Bali hotel collection of 16 hotels and villas. Winston Hanes, Regional General Manager of Archipelago International said that the purpose of the event is to showcase the talent of local chefs and boost the motivation while at the same time intends to raise the profile of Bali’s Food and Beverage Industry in general.

As a new comer in Archipelago Inter-national’s family, Harper Kuta Bali Hotel was enthusiasm participating the annu-al event by appointed our talented staff to join the competition. Harper Kuta

Bali Hotel was represented by I Wayan Ceri Arta (Bartender Competition), Gede Indra (Barista Competition), Putu Priyanta and Eka Septiawan (Cooking Competition).

From three competitions, proudly to announce that Harper Kuta Bali Hotel achieved the 3rd winner of Best Bar-tender and Best Cocktail from seven-teen participants. Light Rum Bacardi in-fused with Balimoon melon was a great combination and got high percentage score from the judges after they tasted the cocktail. Harper Kuta Bali Hotelis proud for the first extraordinary achieve-ment in Archipelago’s event.

Bartender competition itself divided into two parts which focusing on cre-ative cocktails as well as non-alcoholic mocktails followed with the internation-al ordinances and rules. In the compe-

tition, participants were given a chal-lenge to serve one glass of cocktail and one glass of mocktail in ten minutes included with the preparation.

The judges for Bartender competition are Mr. Ngurah Udayana (CTP Man-ager and Brand Ambassador PT. Bali-moon Indonesia), Mr. Winston Hanes (Regional General Manager of Archi-pelago International) and Mr. I Made Sumardika (Corporate Food and Bev-erages Manager – East Indonesia of Archipelago International).

“The event encourages each partici-pant to present the best and showcase the skill, I Wayan Ceri deserved for it. Be the first be the best.” said Nova No-vita, Director of Sales and Marketing Harper Kuta Bali Hotel. ***

Harper Kuta Bali Hotel Achieved The Best Bartender and The Best Cocktailon The 4th Archipelago Culinary Festive 2014


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d’Praya Lombok Hotel is a new hotel in Praya, Lombok. Its entering the hotel business field

and proudly offering you the concept of comport and pleasant atmosphere with well service provided by our full dedicated team, spirited by our motto “Enjoy your stay”.

d’Praya Lombok Hotel is a high rise building with 3 storey, with luxuries rooms, and providing Deluxe facilities. With strategic location in Penujak and near to BIL Airport, dPraya Lombok Ho-tel become a pleasant and smart way to spend your time.

Our location is very easy to be reached. With only 3 Minutes From Lom-bok International Airport (BIL), there is no better hotel location from Praya.We also provides and confort you with our superior hotel facilities such as : Deluxe

Room, Cabanas Room, D’praya Suite. Restaurant, Meeting Room, Pool, Gym, Wireless High-speed Internet Access in Public Area, 30 TV Chanel, 24-hour Room Service.

Contact:Jl. Raya Penujak 88 Praya BaratLombok Tengah, NTB, IndonesiaPhone. (0370) - 615 8555Fax. (0370) - 615 8200Email. [email protected]

d’Praya Lombok Hotel



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Bali National Golf Resort offers spectacular golfing scenery – beautiful trees

in a parkland setting, stately palm trees, lush green grass, tranquil lakes and flowering nature trails, located in Nusa Dua, Bali the only master planned tourism complex in Indonesia. And, now only a 15/20 minute drive via the recently opened Jalan Toll Mandara from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Yes, in addition to Bali’s new golf gem, Nusa Dua offers a plethora of star rated hotels, two Convention Centers, a Shopping Center, Restaurants and a Museum, set out alongside over three miles of white sand beaches.

After a11/2 year reconstruction, a superb Nelson, Haworth Golf Course Architects redesign of Bali National Golf Club, cornerstone of the Bali National Golf Resort, has arisen and we are delighted to announce receiving the pres-tigious Asia Pacific Golf Group award for the “Best Renovated Golf Course in Asia-Pacific 2014”. We were recognized in the TOP 10 for Best Golf Course in Asia Pacific and TOP 10 for Best Pro Shop in Asia Pacific. Bali National Golf Club has become the flagship golf facility in Bali, Indonesia and arguably Indonesia. Bali a desti-

nation long renowned as

a tourist destination; is also now emerging as a world class golf and accommodation destination. The prestigious award was pre-sented to Bali National Golf Club, at the Gala Awards Dinner hosted at the Asia Pacific Golf Summit Conference, held at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 14-16 No-vember, 2014.

The spectacular Nelson, Ha-worth redesign with its breathtak-ing views over the ma-jes t i c

b a c k -drop of Gunung

Agung and the Indian Ocean, which reopened in March of 2014, is a golf journey that commences amidst a lush tropical forest set on hilly parkland and traversing stunning ravines.

The amazing 9th, is only 407 yards from the back tee, but fea-tures a fairytale babbling brook that empties into a water hazard paralleling the right side of the fairway and ultimately surround-ing the peninsula green. Be sat-isfied with a par here, and then it’s on to the back nine and its lush landscaped coconut groves be-fore arriving at

Bali National Golf Club Awarded the Best Renovated Course in Asia Pacific

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the penultimate par 3, 17th hole, where a golfer’s ques-tion may well be “where’s the fairway”! Yes this hole re-quires a precise tee shot to a magnificent island green.

The 18th then awaits; a 400 yard dogleg par 4, with the green directly in front of the clubhouse terrace, where one’s putts will be dissected by the watching audience, while they are enjoying their cocktails.

Bali National Golf Club is also taking a leadership role in the arena of golf de-velopment in Indonesia continuing the tradition of producing Bali’s finest golf-ers. The newly opened and redesigned Ancora Golf In-

stitute who’s mission is “To position Ancora Sports at the forefront of grooming Indonesian Golf Champions both at amateur and profes-sional levels by providing the necessary platforms of train-ing, tournaments, and player management. Through this development, our overarch-ing goal is to bring recogni-tion to Indonesian players and Indonesia, with a view of developing Indonesian golf heroes on the world stage.” states Australian PGA Pro-fessional, Robert Turvey and his team, offering the latest state of the art swing analy-sis equipment, as well as top quality balls for both warm up and practice sessions. ***

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