Paradiso History of America -...

2001 Chicago Open Tossups by Ben Heller, Paul Litvak, Adam Kemezis, and Noel Erinjeri 1. The poet's use of the phrase "pure serene" to end its seventh line can also be found in Cary's translation of the Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale ofChamouni." Its author's reading of Robertson's History of America led to a mistake, for the men "Silent, upon a peak of Darien" had "stared at the Pacific" under Balboa, not Cortez as this poem claims. The poet, who though having "travell'd in the realms of gold," only gains true appreciation after reading the titular translation. FTP, name this famed sonnet by John Keats. Answer: "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" 2. He was the keynote speaker at the bicentennial celebration ofthe Mayflower landing, where his speech outlined his idea that "power naturally and necessarily follows property." He only carried his own state when he ran as one of three Whig presidential candidates in 1836, failing to recover from the stigma of his service as legal counsel of the Second Bank ofthe United States. Returning to the senate after serving as John Tyler's Secretary of State, FTP, name this Massachusetts politician who engaged in a set of debates with Robert Hayne and orchestrated an 1842 treaty with Baron Ashburton. Answer: Daniel Webster 3. Synthesis of this compound begins with the formation ofa cytoplasmic precursor by ATP-dependent ligases, followed by translocation of a pentapeptide across the cytoplasmic membrane. The target of several antibiotics including beta-Iactams and penicillin, it is very thick and embedded with teichoic acids in Gram positive bacteria and much thinner in Gram negative organisms. FTP, identify this long-chain polymer, a major component of bacterial cell walls. Answer: peptidoglycan 4. One was the founder of Arpi in Apulia, where his companions were turned into birds. This grandson of Adrastus and son ofTydeus killed Dolon and Rhesus in battle and stole the Trojan Palladium after bringing 80 Argive ships with him to Priam's kingdom. The other was a Thracian king who was fed to his own four savage horses by Heracles. FTP, give this shared name, the first of which is the hero in the Iliad who wounded Aphrodite in battle and exchanged his armor with Glaucus. Answer: Diomedes 5. The opening of this work features a description of the protagonist's uncle laying on his deathbed. Though a denizen of the city and its masked balls, the hero is prompted by his uncle's death to move to a country estate, where he meets Madame Larina and her servant Filippyevna, who is based on the author's own nanny. In addition he meets Larina's two daughters, Olga and Tatiana. The latter he spurns, while the former causes a rift between him and Lensky, whom he kills in a duel. FTP, identify this verse novel by Pushkin. Answer: Eugene Onegin or Yevgeny Onegin 6. A famous history of this people was written by Paul the Deacon. Their first major dynasty was begun under Audoin and under his son, Alboin, they invaded across the Julian Alps. After the death of Cleph, the "rule ofthe dukes" began and lasted until the onset ofa series of wars with the Franks, which finally ended with the fall of their capital, Pavia, and the defeat of their king, Desiderius, at the hands of Charlemagne in 774. FTP, name this Germanic people whose name still lives on in a region of northern Italy. Answer: Lombards 7. This particle was shown to be unique when it was demonstrated that upon interaction with protons and neutrons it did not produce electrons. Recent evidence has shown that a particle transformation into this particle may explain a solar anomaly, and explain the nature of dark matter. The discoverers, Leon Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, and Jack Steinberger received the 1988 Nobel Prize for Physics for their efforts in identifying, FTP, what neutral particle? Answer: muon neutrino (prompt on "neutrino" but not "muon")

Transcript of Paradiso History of America -...

Page 1: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

2001 Chicago Open Tossups by Ben Heller, Paul Litvak, Adam Kemezis, and Noel Erinjeri

1. The poet's use of the phrase "pure serene" to end its seventh line can also be found in Cary's translation of the Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale ofChamouni." Its author's reading of Robertson's History of America led to a mistake, for the men "Silent, upon a peak of Darien" had "stared at the Pacific" under Balboa, not Cortez as this poem claims. The poet, who though having "travell'd in the realms of gold," only gains true appreciation after reading the titular translation. FTP, name this famed sonnet by John Keats.

Answer: "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer"

2. He was the keynote speaker at the bicentennial celebration ofthe Mayflower landing, where his speech outlined his idea that "power naturally and necessarily follows property." He only carried his own state when he ran as one of three Whig presidential candidates in 1836, failing to recover from the stigma of his service as legal counsel of the Second Bank ofthe United States. Returning to the senate after serving as John Tyler's Secretary of State, FTP, name this Massachusetts politician who engaged in a set of debates with Robert Hayne and orchestrated an 1842 treaty with Baron Ashburton.

Answer: Daniel Webster

3. Synthesis of this compound begins with the formation ofa cytoplasmic precursor by ATP-dependent ligases, followed by translocation of a pentapeptide across the cytoplasmic membrane. The target of several antibiotics including beta-Iactams and penicillin, it is very thick and embedded with teichoic acids in Gram positive bacteria and much thinner in Gram negative organisms. FTP, identify this long-chain polymer, a major component of bacterial cell walls.

Answer: peptidoglycan

4. One was the founder of Arpi in Apulia, where his companions were turned into birds. This grandson of Adrastus and son ofTydeus killed Dolon and Rhesus in battle and stole the Trojan Palladium after bringing 80 Argive ships with him to Priam's kingdom. The other was a Thracian king who was fed to his own four savage horses by Heracles. FTP, give this shared name, the first of which is the hero in the Iliad who wounded Aphrodite in battle and exchanged his armor with Glaucus.

Answer: Diomedes

5. The opening of this work features a description of the protagonist's uncle laying on his deathbed. Though a denizen of the city and its masked balls, the hero is prompted by his uncle's death to move to a country estate, where he meets Madame Larina and her servant Filippyevna, who is based on the author's own nanny. In addition he meets Larina's two daughters, Olga and Tatiana. The latter he spurns, while the former causes a rift between him and Lensky, whom he kills in a duel. FTP, identify this verse novel by Pushkin.

Answer: Eugene Onegin or Yevgeny Onegin

6. A famous history of this people was written by Paul the Deacon. Their first major dynasty was begun under Audoin and under his son, Alboin, they invaded across the Julian Alps. After the death of Cleph, the "rule ofthe dukes" began and lasted until the onset ofa series of wars with the Franks, which finally ended with the fall of their capital, Pavia, and the defeat of their king, Desiderius, at the hands of Charlemagne in 774. FTP, name this Germanic people whose name still lives on in a region of northern Italy.

Answer: Lombards

7. This particle was shown to be unique when it was demonstrated that upon interaction with protons and neutrons it did not produce electrons. Recent evidence has shown that a particle transformation into this particle may explain a solar anomaly, and explain the nature of dark matter. The discoverers, Leon Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, and Jack Steinberger received the 1988 Nobel Prize for Physics for their efforts in identifying, FTP, what neutral particle?

Answer: muon neutrino (prompt on "neutrino" but not "muon")

Page 2: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

8. Musical numbers in this work include "Arm, Arm ye Brave," the Israelite women's aria "Come, Ever-Smiling Liberty," and the chorus "See, the Conquering Hero Comes." It finishes with a scene in which the Roman Eupolemus offers his friendship to the hero's people, who in the first scene were mourning Mattathias, the hero's father. FTP, name this Biblical oratorio about the liberation ofIsrael from Syria, a work by Handel whose title refers to the priestly Jewish guerilla leader of the forces against Antiochus IV.

Answer: Judas Maccabeus (do not accept "Judah Maccabee" as that is not the actual title)

9. Jane Lynch and Jennifer Coolidge playa discovered lesbian couple, who lose for the first time in three years and go on to start the magazine American Bitch. Another character, Harland Pepper, is the proud owner of Hubert and is played by director Christopher Guest. Fred Willard's announcer is the funniest character in this movie, which culminates with Eugene Levy and Winky winning the blue ribbon. FTP, name this satirical 2000 movie about the participants at the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show.

Answer: Best in Show

10. He grew up under the care of a German tutor who spoke to him only in Latin, and when he was 10 still could not speak his native language, French. Donald Frame's definitive English translation of his most famous work appeared in 1957, though the first translation was done by John Florio. "On the Habit of Wearing Clothes" and "Apology of Raymond Seybonde" are just two of the 94 pieces he published in three books between 1580 and 1595. FTP, name this onetime mayor of Bordeaux best known for his Essays.

Answer: Michel Eyquem Montaigne

11. It was founded in April and by December it had overseen a reduction in inflation and the reversal of the military defeat of Neerwinden and would soon suppress the Vendean Revolt. After George Couthon was added it would vote to raise 14 armies, but lasted for only one more year. Its decline began with the execution of onetime members like Hebert [A Y -bare] and Danton. FTP, name this French executive body that orchestrated the Reign of Terror under the control ofMaxmilien de Robespierre.

Answer: Committee for Public Safety or Comite de Salut Publique

12. Substances that do not obey this law include glasses and carbon monoxide since there are many possible arrangements within the molecules. In fact it does not apply to any mixed crystals and defines the value of S at zero degrees Kelvin. Stating that at absolute zero the entropy of a pure crystal is zero, FTP, name this law of thermodynamics.

Answer: Third Law of Thermodynamics (accept just Third Law after question is finished)

13. Two black chandelier holders are at the top of the painting above the crossing canvases that are believed to be caricatures of Rubens scenes. One source of light comes from an open doorway in the rear in which an enigmatic figure turns and looks back as he mounts some stairs. On the bottom right is a seated dog, behind which is an attendant dwarf, one of the title characters. The artist himself appears facing the viewer and painting a canvas on the left in, FTP, what 1656 portrait of the servants to the Infanta Margarita, a work by Diego Velazquez.

Answer: Las Meninas or The Maids o(Honour

14. The introduction discusses the first movements in scientific philology by Friedrich August Wolf as well as Franz Bopp's studies of Sanskrit. This book makes a distinction between the speech of the individual person, or parole, and a systematic structure of speech, or langue. It also differentiates between the empirical study of the practices of speakers, which is synchrony, and the study of historical changes in speech, or diachronic studies. FTP, name this work compiled by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, taken from the lectures of Ferdinand de Saussure.

Answer: Course in General Linguistics

15. This play shares a character with The Lady from the Sea, a character whose urging leads to the play's climax. The title character never fully recovered from the burning of Aline's family estate, which resulted in the death of his twin sons. A side plot involves Kaja Fosli and Ragnar Brovik, two employees of the title character whom he wishes to keep apart. However all is upstaged by the arrival of Hilda Wangel, who urges the title character to climb the spire of his new home, resulting in his death. FTP, name this play about the architect Halvard Solness, a work by Henrik Ibsen.

Answer: The Master Builder

Page 3: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

16. After serving as deputy director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy, he became director ofthe military department of the CCP Central Committee. Marked as the true negotiating power at Bandung in 1955, he famously received Kissinger in 1971 and arranged for President Nixon's visit the next year. FTP, name this man who served from 1949 to 1976 as the premier of the People's Republic of China and as Mao's right-hand man.

Answer: Zhou Enlai or Chou En-Iai

17. It receives most of its sensory information from a fiber tract known as the arcuate fasciculus in its position just above the Sylvian fissure. First described in 1861, its position close to the lateral sulcus is in the third frontal convolution. Damage to it results in a condition known as nonfluent aphasia, similar to defects in the adjacent Wernicke region. FTP, identify this part of the brain responsible for grammar and syntax and named for a French physiologist.

Answer: Broca's area

18. Lake Maurepas lies to the west of this body of water, which gives into the sea through Lake Borgne. The Bonnet-Carre Spillway diverts floodwaters into it, yet it maintains a normal mean depth of about 12 feet. It is adjacent to St. Tammany and St. John the Baptist parishes, and Mandeville and Metairie are connected by a 24-mile causeway across, FTP, what lake north of New Orleans?

Answer: Lake Pontchartrain

19. His debt to the skepticism of Malebranche and Pierre Bayle was revealed in his fellowship thesis, Arithmetica and Miscellanea Mathematica. His Advice to the Tories Who Have Taken the Oaths was written during the first Jacobite Rebellion following his most influential works, including An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision. FTP, name this author of Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues between Hylas and Phi/onus, the Anglo-Irish bishop who said "to be is to be perceived."

Answer: George Berkeley

20. It is the first name of a Ms. Waters, the heroine of a George Moore novel. It is also the first name of the daughter of old Lyon, who must choose between Harold Transome and Felix Holt in a George Eliot novel. In addition, it is the first name of the future wife of Wood court and supposed orphan, who is devoted to John Jamdyce and is actually the daughter of Lady Dedlock. FTP, give the first name of Ms. Summerson, the heroine of Dickens' Bleak House, also the name of the Biblical heroine who exposed the plot of Haman, saving her relative, Mordecai.

Answer: Esther

21. Seeing military service in a radio station in the Eiffel Tower during World War I, he earned a degree in history from Sorbonne. Acting as adviser to the French Atomic Energy Commissariat, in 1952 he won the Kalinga Prize in recognition of his science writings for the general public. Seeing that tests showed that the electron revolved around the nucleus of an atom, he proposed a new idea to explain the electron's bizarre motion. FTP, name this scientist whose theory of the wave nature of the electron earned him the Nobel in physics.

Answer: Louis Victor, 7th duc de Broglie (Fake as can be)

22. One of his works is a play about the triumphant unfolding of Jewish history, entitled The Eternal Road. His earlier plays, such as Goat Song, and Juarez and Maximillian tend to be more tragic. Better known is an epic novel about Armenian villagers fighting Turks entitled The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, but even more famous is a novel about a saint from Lourdes. FTP, identify this Austrian author of The Song of Bernadette.

Answer: Franz Werfel

Page 4: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

2001 Chicago Open Bonuses by Ben Heller, Paul Litvak, Adam Kemezis, and Noel Erinjeri

1. Name these things about the big bang theory, FTP each: A. The first 10 to the negative 43 seconds after the Big Bang, of which nothing can be known in theory, is known as what, named for a certain physicist?

Answer: Planck time B. According to the big bang theory, cooling following the bang allowed the formation of hydrogen atoms and changes in wavelength resulted in this type of radiation detected in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson.

Answer: cosmic background radiation C. George Gamov [ga-MOFF] anticipated Penzias and Wilson when he formulated this primordial state of matter consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons in a sea of radiation.

Answer: ylem

2. That Julius Caesar, man, he won him some battles. Name these examples, FTP each: A. Asterix's buddies often lament this last battle of the Gallic Wars, which saw Julius starve out the Gaulish chieftain Vercingetorix.

Answer: Alesia B. This 48 BC battle in Macedonia saw Julius open up some whoop ass on Pompey's army forcing the defeated triumvir to flee to Egypt.

Answer: Pharsalus C. Two years later, in Spain, Julius finished the deal when he routed the army raised by Pompey's sons in this battle.

Answer: Munda

3. Give the real name of the character referred to in the titles of these works: A. For 15 points, The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil

Answer: lllrich B. For 10 points, Doktor Faustus by Thomas Mann

Answer: Adrian Leverkuhn (accept either name) C. For 5 points all or nothing, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

Answer: Athos. Porthos. and Aramis

4. Name these two painters of similarly titled works on a 15-5 basis: A. 15: This painter ofa work entitled Maternity also painted Listening to the Cock. 5: He is best known for J and the Village.

Answer: Marc Chagall B. 15: He also painted a Maternity as well as the Wall of the Moon and Wall of the Son murals in the lJNESCO building in Paris. 5: He is most famous for Dog Barking at the Moon.

Answer: Joan Miro

5. Name these terms from stereochemistry, FTP each: A. Two stereo isomers that are mirror images, are called what?

Answer: enantiomers B. This type of diagram is used to visualize the placement of substituents around a steroecenter.

Answer: Newman projection C. A mixture equal parts of the Rand S enantiomers and thus optically inactive is described by what term?

Answer: racemic mixture

Page 5: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

6. Name these Chief Justices of the Supreme Court, FTP each: A. He coauthored with the Connecticut Compromise with Sherman and was the principle author of the Judiciary Act of 1789. In Us. v. Isaac Williams he wrote that a US citizen can not expatriate himself without the consent of the government.

Answer: Oliver Ellsworth B. Nominated by Cleveland in 1888, this Maine native's most important decisions were in US. v. EC Knight Co. and Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co.

Answer: Melville Weston Fuller C. Known for his "rule of reason" decision in 1911, he had previously fought for the south during the Civil War and formulated the concept of "incorporation" of territories gained in the Spanish American War.

Answer: Edward Douglass White

7. It is set in the capital of Illyria and includes such characters as Duke Orsino and the twins Sebastian and Viola. A. For 5 points, Name this Shakespearean comedy.

Answer: Twelfth Night (prompt on "What You Will") B. For 10 points, A humorous sideplot involves the deception of this obnoxious steward of the Lady Olivia, who is led to believe that his lady is in love with him.

Answer: Malvolio C. For 15 points, One of the chief participants in the plot against Malvolio is this clown who sings the song "Come away, come away, death."

Answer: Feste

8. Name the following about the Acts of the Apostles, FTP each: A. Paul's companion on his first missionary journey, with whom he eventually has a fight in Antioch.

Answer: Barnabas (prompt on Joses or Joseph) B. The man who accompanied Paul after the break with Barnabas, going through Asia Minor and Macedonia and sharing his imprisonment at Phillipi.

Answer: Silas or Silvanus C. The Asia Minor city in which Paul and Silas disrupted a celebrated cult of Artemis, thus causing a riot among the makers of tourist souvenirs.

Answer: Ephesus

9. Name these people who participated in this year's baseball All Star celebrity softball game, FTP each: A. This current husband of Vanessa Williams and current Los Angeles Lakers briefly played outfield.

Answer: Rick Fox B. This AL Rookie ofthe Year in 1984, who played 8 seasons with the Mariners, before going to the Angels and then Japan in 1992, hit a home run in the softball game.

Answer: Alvin Davis C. This pop singer of "Graduation (Friends Forever)" struck out badly at least once from what I saw.

Answer: Vitamin C or Colleen Fitzpatrick

10. Name these diseases given their causative agent, FTP each: A. Treponema Pallidum

Answer: syphilis B. Entamoeba histolytica

Answer: dysentery C. Various species of the genus Plasmodium

Answer: malaria

Page 6: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

11. Name these postwar Italian politicians, FTP each: A. The Christian Democrat who served in nearly every cabinet of the 1950s and 60s and then had three spells as premier between 1972 and 1991 . He was later tried but acquitted of ordering the murder of a journalist.

Answer: Giulio Andreotti B. The first Socialist premier, in power from 1983 to 1987, who ended Catholicism's status as the state religion but fled to Tunisia in 1993 amid corruption charges and died there in 2000.

Answer: Bettino Craxi C. The Christian Democrat premier from 1963 to 1968 who later tried to start a dialogue with the Communist Party only to be assassinated by the Red Brigades in 1978.

Answer: Aldo Moro

12. Name these writers whose lovers are linked with their death on a 15-5 basis. A. 15: He married Eugenie Mirat on the eve ofa duel precipitated by his attack on Ludwig Borne. 5: This German poet is best-known for his 1827 Buch der Lieder or Book o/Songs.

Answer: Heinrich Heine B. 15: He and his incurably sick lover Henriette Vogel engaged in a suicide pact following the bankruptcy of his newspaper. 5: He wrote Michael Kolhaas, which includes some of the worst prose you might read in your life.

Answer: Heinrich von Kleist

13. Name these musical works given some pieces in them on a 15-5 basis: A. 15: "Fossils," "People with Long Ears" 5: "The Elephant," "The Swan," "Kangaroos"

Answer: Carnaval ofthe Animals or Le cm·naval des animaux B. 15: "Death of Ase," "Arabian Dance" 5: "In the Hall ofthe Mountain King"

Answer: Peer Gvnt

14. Name these constellations from their alpha stars: A. For 5 points, Regulus

Answer: Leo B. For 5 points, Deneb

Answer: Cygnus C. For 10 points, Nihal

Answer: Lepus D. For 10 points, Ras Algethi

Answer: Hercules

15. Name these medieval African cities: A. For 5 points, This city founded by Tuareg nomads has a name that means "mother with a big navel" and served as the trading hub of the Mali empire.

Answer: Timbuktu B. For 10 points, More commonly known as Kumbi Saleh, this capital city shared its name with the empire that would be overrun by the Almoravids in 1076.

Answer: Ghana C. For 15 points, This city in southern Mali was captured by Sonni Ali in 1468 and benefited from the direct connection by river with Timbuktu and from its location at the head of the trade routes to the gold mines ofBitou, to Lobe, and to Boure.

Answer: Djenne or Jenne

Page 7: Paradiso History of America -, Litvak, Kemezis... · Paradiso and Coleridge's "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the

16. Answer the following about the William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. A. For 5 points, The novel focuses on three brothers from what family?

Answer: Compson B. For 5 points, all or nothing, name the three Compson brothers whose viewpoints make up the first three parts of the novel.

Answer: Benjy, Quentin, and Jason C. For 10 points, the fourth section focuses upon this matriarch of the family of black servants that work in the Compson household.

Answer: [)ilsey [). For 10 points, Quentin's narrative is dated June 2,1910, the day he drowned himself. However, the other three sections take place on three sequential days in what month and what year. Both must be given for the 10 points.

Answer: April. 1928

17. Name these companions of Thor, FTP each: A. This trickster god was the son of Farbauti and often played pranks on Thor.

Answer: Loki B. Thor also traveled with this peasant, known as the speedy messenger of the gods.

Answer: Thialfi C. This god of eloquence and husband ofIdun was often a drinking companion of Thor.

Answer: Bragi

18. Answer these questions about a work of psychology, FTP each: A. [)ivided into nine chapters, what is this 1971 book that argues that ideological opposition to social engineering is merely the result of the two titular concepts?

Answer: Beyond Freedom and Dignity B. What author of Walden Two wrote Beyond Freedom and Dignity?

Answer: B(urrhus) F(rederic) Skinner C. The final chapter of Beyond Freedom and Dignity, "What is Man?," was inspired by a philosophical work by what physicist?

Answer: Erwin Schrodinger

19. Name these scientists who studied animal behavior, FTP each: A. This Austrian zoologist and founder of modern ethology contributed to an understanding of how behavioral patterns may be traced to an evolutionary past, and he was also known for his work on the roots of aggression.

Answer: Konrad Lorenz B. This zoologist's studies of communication among bees added significantly to the knowledge of the chemical and visual sensors of insects finding that bees' sense of smell was as highly developed as humans.

Answer: Karl von Frisch C. This brother of a famous economist is best known for his extended study of seagulls which helped generalize ideas on mating and courtship.

Answer: Nikolaas Tinbergen (prompt on just last name)

20. Name these Caribbean authors, FTP each: A. Her novels Annie John and Lucy focused on her mother, while My Brother discussed her brother's death from Ams.

Answer: Jamaica Kincaid B. This cricket writer's most influential work was the monograph Black Jacob ins, while his play Toussaint L 'Ouverture starred his friend Paul Robeson in its London premiere. Also of note is the political tract The Life of Captain Cipriani and the novel Minty Alley.

Answer: C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert) James C. This St. Lucian writer has written such poetry collections as In A Green Night and The Castaway, however, this Nobel laureate is better known for the poetry of Omeros and his play Dream on Monkey Mountain.

Answer: [)erek Walcott