Paper Subject Code: 85501 Central Banking V

ea/jr//3 V Paper / Subject Code: 85501 / Central Banking •••■ v; . pis TotsilMacks: 75 Time: 2Vi Hours Note: 1)All questions are compulsory 2) Figures to right indicate marks Q.l.a.State whether the following statements are True or lalse^jjAhy 8) . 1. The RBI was established as a private bank. < 2. Globlisation has increased the role of Central bank. r 3. The RBI is totally autonomous and independent of the government. 4. The Bank for International Settlements frames prudential norms for the Banking sector. - V : 5. Foreign exchange operations are governed by theFERA. 6. Monetary policy alone can control inflation. V-- V; A .V. v .. - 7. Price stability and economic growth; are conflicting in nature. 8. Any organization accepting deposits for its own sake is called a bank. 9. There are no risk in e-banking.; . lO.The World Bank consists^offlye. institutions i C. b. Choose the correct alternalive.and rewrite the sentences: (Any Seven) 1. The major wealmess faced^y .Central Banks In Emerging economies r (07) arc 2. ForcakingbffixmgJrate of inflation is called > .inflation targeting . : bCRR ^ ^ ; ttsunir- ' c.Both (a) and (b), d.None of the above . *- c. Exchangc rate targeting d.Monelary policy > c. Central Government d. State government c.N.K.Singh d.Arvind Subramanian Page 1 of 3 006A8E3EACD806A942002D7F55769E05

Transcript of Paper Subject Code: 85501 Central Banking V

ea/jr//3VPaper / Subject Code: 85501 / Central Banking


v; .

pisTotsilMacks: 75Time: 2Vi Hours

Note: 1)All questions are compulsory

2) Figures to right indicate marksQ.l.a.State whether the following statements are True or lalse^jjAhy 8) .

1. The RBI was established as a private bank.


2. Globlisation has increased the role of Central bank. • r

3. The RBI is totally autonomous and independent of the government.

4. The Bank for International Settlements frames prudential norms for the Banking sector. -

• • V :5. Foreign exchange operations are governed by theFERA.

6. Monetary policy alone can control inflation. V--V; A.V. v .. -

7. Price stability and economic growth; are conflicting in nature.

8. Any organization accepting deposits for its own sake is called a bank.

9. There are no risk in e-banking.; •


lO.The World Bank consists^offlye. institutions i


b. Choose the correct alternalive.and rewrite the sentences: (Any Seven)

1. The major wealmess faced^y .Central Banks In Emerging economies r



2. ForcakingbffixmgJrate of inflation is called >

“.inflation targeting .: bCRR

^ ^ —<« ;


' c.Both (a) and (b),

d.None of the above. *-

c. Exchangc rate targeting

d. Monelary policy>

c. Central Government

d. State government

c. N.K.Singh

d. Arvind Subramanian

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- fmPaper / Subject Code: 85501 / Central Banking' y

4 9. MpptpppfppvpiCJ“‘"3p Slipd.doubled, p

5. During the recession time the C.R.R is

a. Reduced

b. Increased

6. License to start a bank are issued by__




7.Certificate of deposit is issued by

a.CommerciaJ Banksd.SEBI g

PipPVP : ■b.RBI

8.The central bank of China is_

a.PeopIe’s Bank of China


jmmmmmm»b.Resorve Bank of China '

9. E-payments are increasing dueto .shopping. / i .: ' ;;c; v ■

10. RTGS stands forPIpPijPPi/%g i P . r'''';v

b'R?SESrSaU,ei!!Cm -I I d-Reci Time <&«* Settlement


b.Offline •* :v

Q^.a.Expiai„ the factors responsible for changing faeebf Cb^xplani briefly afcm. various. departments of RBE ; '

.'xp al?:!?1^Pf,^bt provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949

§§SXK$h 'I ■ j ' fyst™ture°fftaeraIReserveSystem-

entral Banking. (08)




(08)and cons. (07)



(07)Page 2 of 3:V •.


• - ■ .


Paper / Subject Code: 85501 / Central Banking

,:vQ.4.a.Explain meaning of autonomy of the central banking. A Iso explain factors limiting autonomy of Central Bank. *̂***b. Explain meaning and objectives of monetary policy. > '

Q.5.a. Explain meaning & instruments of fiscal policy

b. Explain steps taken by SEBI for capital market development.m mmimQ.5. Write short note on any three:

1. Inflation targeting |W*2. Limitations of fiscal policy f|WM

3. Regulations Review

«. .


ORQ.4.a. Explain constituents of Indian Financial system, b. Explain core principles for the supervisors.

4. Risks in the new IT Era5. OSMOS

i m msts®irPage 3 of 3

MSSV 006A8E3EACD806A942002D7F55769E05

Paper / Subject Code: 85502 / Security Analysis and Portfolio Management ^^cj

Marks : 75Duration : 2.30 Hours: c,

NB: (l) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Figures to the right indicate marks allotted to each question.o •

SmSSSM’: Gr..p» ■; =

1 mgmmm"(2) Discounted value. • , ';v

(3) Fixed Dividend

(4) Unsecured Deposit , /

(5ifTaxSaviiig Investment

(6) Registered off be ....

1. (A) Match the following. (Any 8)

Group A

(a) Equity share *:

(b) Preference share

(c) Fundamental analysis> (d) PPF

(e) Public Deposit

(0 Investment Bank r

(g) Post Office (7) Initial public offering :vA

(h) Present Value - 1 f (8) . Ratios(i) Bond (?) Bear Market0) Expectation to fell price . ; / V | (10) Risky Capital

“ .............................................................................................

.4'"^? c, «vv- /-i'.,/:; vf.L (B) Give True or False: (Any 7)

-..'y f ; Av~ \ -/.* >v* ...1. Small-cap stocks t^'offer more growth potential than large-cap stocks.2. Risk f

3. The hi^her.tke^f,return expected from it.

(07 Marks)

4' Specu^tivc activities arc harmful $i

4sssjgpp&rr.10. A risky asset is one whose return is certain as a Government Security.

2. , (a) Distinguish between investment and Speculation?

(b) Explain the phases of Portfolio Management.(08 Marks)

(07 Marks)OR

• 7< . - _ \67352 Page 1 of 3; -

A6861391455C3E57 AF1DF357083E15 A1

Paper / Subject Code: 85502 / Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

The rale of return of stock Alpha and Beta under different status of economy are given below2.Particular Boom RecessionNormal ■••1■ «

Probability 0.500.35 0.15Return of stock Alpha (%) 30 50 .70Return of stock Beta (%) 5070 30


(a) Calculate the expected return and standard deviation ofrCturn on both the slock.O’

(b) If you could invest in either stock Alpha or stock Beta, but not in both.

(c) Which stock would you prefer? (15 Marks)

3. Following information is available relating to X Limited and Y Limited C)Particulars . X Limited Y LimitedEquity Share Capital (Rs.l Q face value). ______________ Rs.300 lakhs Rs.350 lakhsProfit after tax •• •

Rs.50 lakhs . RsJO lakhs

Rs.35 lakhs Rs.40 lakhsProposed Dividend ’ •'’ •

Market Price Per Share

Current Assets

, • *> 4*'

Rs.200 Rs.280

Rs.80 lakhs Rs.90 lakhs••* •

Current Liabilities; . ; • , >:Rs.40 lakhs Rs.45 lakhs

(i) Earnings per share

(iv).Return on Equity Shares (v) Current Ratio

Calculate : (ii) P/E Ratio (iii) Dividend Payout Ratio

As an analyst inform the investor which is good in investing.

3> W Explain Technical Analysis and principles of Technical Analysis.

...(b) Explain Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage and its uses.

(15 Marks)

(08 Marks)-*

(07 Marks)

......... (a) The details ofthrec portfolios are given below.4. . .

Beta Standard Deviation(%) • (%)

•Sony,-. 18 1.2 28Mony 12 0.8 32Tony 16 1.1 36Market Index 14 1.0 22

67352Page 2 of 3


Paper / Subject Code: 85502 / Security Analysis and Portfolio Management v-\■: '• >

Compare these portfolio on performance using Sharpe and Treynor measures. Risk Free return is 8 %. (08 Marks)

•,’V4. (b) A Government of India bond of Rs. 1,000 each has a coupon rate of 7.5% p.a. and

maturity period is 10 years. If the current market price is Rs. 960. Find YTM . (07 .Marks)OR

_____________ ....4. (c) Give assumptions of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.. (08 Marks)

(d) Explain Capital Market Line with diagram. V ; (07 Marks):•

■ •

(a) Returns of Apple Limited and Orange Limited are given for four years with marketreturris.You are required to compute Beta of (08 Marks)


»Apple Limited Q^geLimlit^;^-;;Year Market (%)(%) «> r11 a* •131 12.>.«(•132 14 .. 14

f3 ,11 . 144 16,-V


-(b) What are the three,forms.ofefficibnt market? Explain.

4® 5§S 0R

3.. BdndRisk::v,;£ '.v-y

mmmw; :■ V

S Ov. V-if. ■ ***************

(07 Marks)

5. (15 Marks)* • *I. •••v'



' “ \v


67352 CPage 3 of 3


. 9gmi3Paper / Subject Code: 85504 / Human Resource Management

r>v-A^\v"^ •• Vv;-a, •'•••v ••••' :••: -


[Time: 2^ Hours] v [Marks:75]....

Please check whether you have got the right question paper.' a/ ;; <r.: •

N.B: 1. All questions are compulsory.2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

$ ,> -•.*•.‘v

v v A , ,'V’V■ .'

A-A% ' • * V; •• •(

Q.l A) State whether the following statements are True / False (Any 8) /' '' , : 08a) Effective management of human resources has national significance.


b) Globalisation has led to outsourcing of jobs. •t

' . • j ;?:.v •-rK'A A V:K

■ -

• 1 /s'" ,c) The critical incident method is used for job evaluationd) In job rotation, the employee is shifted from one job to another.

» e) Promotion somes as an incentive to employees.c‘p -V" ; > •' .;-V

f) Job postings are an external sources of recruitment. ..A

g) Off the job training is to improve knowledge about latest developments.srh) Performance appraisal sources as a two fold purpose

i) Incentives may be individual based or group based.i.'r-

j) Employees feel is

B) Match the columns (Any 7)

WW&k. - -A"r,V. ^-v • a) Middle large core assigned

,,72) .Job Enrichment ^-fr ' >■ a .A ' <?; A •

b) Use of company credit cardc) Efficient Training of workerswsifta’ x- - ■ .•

■ ' AI jS d) Poaching

e) Horizontal Job loading'if!

y&'s<6) Central Tendency Error

, 7) Key executive benefitsQ Focuses on business level outcomesg) Includes empowering employees

.•.. h) Personnel or manpower planningA

i) Costly;.,>:iX))d6b enlargement:; j) Improve speed & accuracy

>M: ■ \ . -■ v t - a?

rAi l -?Av'6469.4 r

aaaaaa1 WM

•.vt •

Page 1 of 2


Paper / Subject Code: 85504 / Human Resource Management


; '}S'}A- T'v^y A A A ■ ' &a) Discuss the role and functions of human resources manager in insurance sector. : 08b) Explain with diagram common structure of the human resources department ' 07




*• ‘; <■OR :V ■V


07r' . j •

c) Describe the different factors that affect job design.s

d) Explain the objectives of human resources planning.t'.;'\X>

-<c> *\V. V

r *

08a) Define promotion and elaborate on promotion by seniority & promotion by merit,b) What is recruitment? Explain the internal sources of recruitment


V,-.s.ORc) Explain the selection procedure in the Banking Sector.d) Elaborate on the different types of interviews.

,g>J ,V, . ■■ ■ x.v,- ,ft

r-\.' *S'\- .• • • ' . ■' ' ^ f\'Q.4 a) What are the different methods of Training & development?

.a ' ok ' ' ■ 'Va'ORc) Describe the human errprs in performance appraisal. .;>•' p: Xd) What are the factors affecting wages and salaries?

> ..V\K .V • r.,-.

■r -08

v /c?f 07v



X .. v? •V

a) Explain the.diffeifent types of fringe benefits.Q.5 08p

b) Describe thp1 different meth'bds arid techniques of employees participation. 07

ORm../: IS.Write.short notes (Any 3)- . ’ V

b^ilob specified,,;/, - ;. ; c) Job tnbuymem g • - ; :§

d)^mors m&mitiKP • '• • : <5 S>'A $ •

15x'/y •


■ m§&oA ,5 isassas i m ry.:

* * * * * * * % *

, - t^4}A' ; ' ! <v" -

- y «, .. ; /.b 'r ; >-?■ - /

r-, - C


Page 2 of2


^/p()3Paper / Subject Code: 85505 / Turnaround Management

T ^ e> &:r (se<*> - 63 £Time 2 !4 hrs. . SS Marks :75, ■ V- ;

Q.I) A.) Fill in the blanks with appropriate choices given below. (Any (8)0 The----------- function carries out research, organizes advertising and product '

promotion- .a) Sales b) Marketing c) Production

implies increasing sales by selling present products in the new markets.-; a) Market Penetration b) Market Development c) Product’DeVe'lOpmelit S"'

3) Industrial sickness contributes to________ cost economy} ■c) Low


a) High b) Medium4) In April 1997, the name of Industrial Reconstruction Bank of Iridia (IRBIVhas been '

changed to_________ . . . -/n • •a) UBI b) IDBI c) SIDF

5) Tlie process of eliminating errors thereby improving the overall quality is 'a)BPR b)TQM c) Restructuring V . ; ;

6) JIT stands for_______# a) Just in Through b) Just in Time c) Just in Type

7) Linkedln is an example ofa) Social


* *' >v.» •

networking. . b) Business c) Personal

is a temporary partnership. ' ' u''J %"a) Merger b) Joint Venture, c) Takeover . £fv

9) -■ is the Process of influencing people to achieve group objectives:'''a) Staffing b) Leadership c) Controlling v; • 7.

10) —77----- involves up gradation of technology to increase production-to improvequality and reduce wastages: and cost of productiona) Diversification': b) Modernization

/ST”... ... .,Q-1) ^ of whether the following statements are True or False! (Any 7)

1) Change is the mark of growth and survival;2) Spin off i^ qnotfipf/yeqsipn of survival strategy.3) Sickness ln^industrialhriits is a gradual process and does not develop suddenly.S ;M'.y(tles cpPducted for earning money are called as Non economic activities.5) Indus^ial sickness relates to uneconomic functioning of Industrial units.6) Zen means "to Change” and Kai means “good”.

Turnaround,gncf Downsizing are one and the same.tP artists, writers, painters, musicians etc.

. turnaround strategy implementation.- 10) Initial investment m quite high.

“#JEx^lam the different characteristics of business objectives.: , b) Explam the term Turnaround Management. Explain the indicators of successful


IS' yf*"™1GroMt Str“e8,es “k,p“by B“Indq?tnal Sickness? Explain Internal reasons of Industrial Sickness

T’/Pf’f.Py expiain the role of Government to overcome Industrial Sickness.3.? or

; «re) Define jBPR;.$xplam various elements ofBPR .(;■ ,-T'd) Distihguishibetween -TQM and BPRmmsmw


c) Vertical Integration.








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mm.i ED63F51A4ED90919EEA1334F3394F5CB

85505 / Turnaround Management -Paper / Subject Code:

\ #** :;

gQ.4) a)What is Reengineering team? What is the role of BPR leader? b) Explain 5S Principles. What are its benefits?

orQ.4) c) What is Franchising? Explain its different types. n\,

d) Explain the term Outsourcing. What are the different advantages^ ^:•>-)y-;f... 5;

Q.5) a) Explain the entities involved in outfitting a team for turnaround?management. y ^ ’ ^ b) Discuss the various styles of Decision making in the turnaround process.. ■ V- , . > /

OR :v/ 1 £*< :-V <r '</, . ^ ■ Q 5)

<•, V-- v> ,• • ,• \-•/v ^

..... ... ^v-- ••



Q.5) Write short notes on (Any Three)i) Business Objectives

ii) BIFRiii) Flowchartsiv) Present status of Starts up in Indiav) Organisational Change

•• i

m$m4 : • Cy>

Ms,**»i *

wmmmo;- •

■IV ,, ;y,- - ‘ »v; ?/•'.> • .







. '.' >',3f -O ;v$' vj- ,V »-?■• .\v <v *<


v<- > v.

, ...


P& . a ■ wjj§m0§s$0W*f

v-J-r ‘V

v-: '/■>■

Page 2 of 2


Paper / Subject Code: 85507 / Marketing in Banking & Insurance^ <?'■------------------------- ---------------------


State whether the following statements are true /;•’

1. Marketing is an important social environmental activity. ;; - ^

2. Branding means giving suitable name or-symbol fo' the £

3. Advertising is a key determinant of subcess f6rall'ihsur^ce:bom&ahie£c:.''

4. Marketing logistics must recognize, price drivers. ,• :

5. In a typical buying process, the;consumer passes through sevefr sjkgesv. 000

6. Customer’s perception plays an ipip6rtant;role in;judginga?cprapany;’s service.

(214 Hours)

NOTE:- All questions are compulsoryw;

Figures to the right indicate marks

Q.l a.

7. Rural markets dominaie{Jhdia(h marketing scene ^nd'.hced^eci^i^ft^ntibn for the

expansion. ■. &; > &~v;-3n & •<-' - V ' . ■ f«j vj <y

8. Television is a^ery'^owefful and popular medium in rural areas.'' I ivW9. E- marketing Cnable^all businesses to, have a truly global Teach.

10. One qf^e^ainSisadvahtages of online-marketing for businesses is its low operating:: \;-v ; ^

W0V000M0 0Q.1 b. Match the colymhs (ANY 7) '



' BMarketing Research- l Myk Tool used in service promotion

^^tlsfabtjqh oThurnah^ahts^, > - ;jf? Factor influencing choice of locationiii. An element of physical setting

Productfasearch-. - •• iv. Characteristics of logisticsV*'

i ■Perishability - •:■•;•>• Factor affecting buying behaviourv.iVt' mm* 00 vi. Scope of marketing

vii. Characteristics of marketing00h0 .Ambiepcg^^#^;^ viii. Service marketing mix

A' • i. ; Ensuring delivery;in::time$

ix. A type of marketing research000'm Characteristics of servicesx.mmmrc ? Q,2. a. Define marketing. Explain the importance of marketing

?'■ ’> 0 0. ^ '00.■'& '*£- ^ ^;2;-b^Disciiss'tiie#Ps of marketing mix.sisterwarn



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,nsura«il».<? '.;vv$-^v<o

Q.2. a. Explain the different direct and indirect marketing channels;..

Paper / Subject Code: 85507 / Marketing in Banking &


.. .-Q 2. b. Explain the process of marketing research.


Explain the characteristics of services marketing ' vVf -r/i?/.

Q 3.b. Discuss the marketing mix in Insurance

OR $4?4?$Q.3. a. What are the factors influencing buyer’s behaviour? - 4 '

■- • ' t - fjC‘, ;

Q 3. b. Explain the role of consumers in service delivery,. •; •••. :

,Q.4. a. What do you mean by marketing communication? Explain its types.., -

Q.3. a.



<s' S-\fv •■’VX*'. /K • V ■i\ yV ;.'-• '?*]>*<•?Q.4. a. What are the

Q 4. b.Discuss the:promotion strategics used for rural marketsr



^ E^pferi (he E- marketing mix strategy; .

Q 5. h.ywhat is E^marketing-. JExplain its scope.

004 b:Nea;„d;^?ce office marketi„e.

$mssrmw&m ?wmmMfiw




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