Paper of JRSharma - ·...

Course Of Vedic River Saraswati as Deciphered from latest satellite data J R Sharma, A K Gupta and B K Bhadra RRSSC/ISRO, CAZRI Campus, Jodhpur 342003 [email protected] Abstract Results of an interdepartmental research work aimed at solving the controversy regarding course and existence of a prehistoric palaeo river known as “Saraswati” buried below the sands of Thar Desert are presented in the paper. River Saraswati originated in Himalayas and dried up during 2500-1500 BC, due to tectonic and palaeo-climatic changes. Varying number of courses of the river have been suggested by the different workers. The obscured channels of the river could be seen on the images from present day satellites. Using multi-spectral data from new generation (Indian) satellites/ Sensors IRS WIFS, LISS-I and LISS-3/ PAN. Efforts are made to reconstruct the true course of the river and validate the same through a variety of scientific data generated under the project by different agencies viz. Remote sensing data, data from core drillings and isotopic studies; data on ground water quality, yield, depth and age of ground water; litholog and sedimentological data, archeological finds, geomorphological data, historic maps etc. Reasons responsible for disappearance of Saraswati are also analyzed. Results indicate different reasons responsible for its disappearance. Analysis indicate that “Rise in Himalayas and consequent displacements in the Siwaliks and its foot Hills region (in the form of Yamuna and Satlej tear faults”) and not the “Rise along Delhi-Hardwar Ridge and movements along Kuchchh fault and Luni-Sukari lineaments with resultant westward slope changes” as suggested / believed by earlier workers was the main cause for ultimate drainage desiccation in the north-western Indian region. The results indicate that the river Sarasvati drained through present day river Ghaggar and did not drain along the Aravali hills in Rajasthan. Also it did not shift its course drastically and continuously from east to west, as suggested by earlier workers. The image anomalies indicate that river Sarasvati flowed parallel to the river Indus as an independent river system (closer to the north-western Indian border) but did not flow through present course of river Nara. The mapped courses of Saras wati runs about 850-900 kms east, parallel to the Indus river course. Course reported has been mapped with details as never before. Course is continuous, shows details of the channels with branching and loops, can be seen through naked eye and, is significantly different from the one reported by earlier workers. Existing controversies regarding 1) exact course of river Saraswati in Thar Desert region 2) continuous west-ward shift of river Saraswati from initial position near Aravali hills in Rajasthan to its final position closer to northwestern International border and 3) possible cause of disappearance of river Saraswati and drainage desiccation in the NW India have also been resolved. The work for demarcation of saraswati course has been completed in Rajasthan state (including part falling in Pakistan) and is in different stages for Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab states. Details are provided herewith. 1.0 Introduction River Saraswati originated in Himalayas and dried up during 2500-1500 BC, due to tectonic and palaeo-climatic changes. River is described as as ‘Ambitame Naditame Devitame’ that is the best of mothers, best of rivers and the best of goddess and was the largest of the 7 rivers of their country. Thar desert region today does not show presence of any perennial river system or even of a major seasonal stream, except river Luni which mark the eastern limit of Thar desert and flows parallel to Aravali mountains.

Transcript of Paper of JRSharma - ·...

Page 1: Paper of JRSharma - · ... Bhagvat Purana, Vamana Purana and Upnishads, etc. Two powerful

Course Of Vedic River Saraswati as Deciphered from latest satellite data

J R Sharma, A K Gupta and B K Bhadra

RRSSC/ISRO, CAZRI Campus, Jodhpur 342003

[email protected]


Results of an interdepartmental research work aimed at solving the controversy regarding course and existence of a prehistoric palaeo river known as “Saraswati” buried below the sands of Thar Desert are presented in the paper. River Saraswati originated in Himalayas and dried up during 2500-1500 BC, due to tectonic and palaeo-climatic changes. Varying number of courses of the river have been suggested by the different workers. The obscured channels of the river could be seen on the images from present day satellites. Using multi-spectral data from new generation (Indian) satellites/ Sensors IRS WIFS, LISS-I and LISS-3/ PAN. Efforts are made to reconstruct the true course of the river and validate the same through a variety of scientific data generated under the project by different agencies viz. Remote sensing data, data from core drillings and isotopic studies; data on ground water quality, yield, depth and age of ground water; litholog and sedimentological data, archeological finds, geomorphological data, historic maps etc. Reasons responsible for disappearance of Saraswati are also analyzed.

Results indicate different reasons responsible for its disappearance. Analysis indicate that “Rise in Himalayas and consequent displacements in the Siwaliks and its foot Hills region (in the form of Yamuna and Satlej tear faults”) and not the “Rise along Delhi-Hardwar Ridge and movements along Kuchchh fault and Luni-Sukari lineaments with resultant westward slope changes” as suggested / believed by earlier workers was the main cause for ultimate drainage desiccation in the north-western Indian region. The results indicate that the river Sarasvati drained through present day river Ghaggar and did not drain along the Aravali hills in Rajasthan. Also it did not shift its course drastically and continuously from east to west, as suggested by earlier workers. The image anomalies indicate that river Sarasvati flowed parallel to the river Indus as an independent river system (closer to the north-western Indian border) but did not flow through present course of river Nara. The mapped courses of Saras wati runs about 850-900 kms east, parallel to the Indus river course.

Course reported has been mapped with details as never before. Course is continuous, shows details of the channels with branching and loops, can be seen through naked eye and, is significantly different from the one reported by earlier workers. Existing controversies regarding 1) exact course of river Saraswati in Thar Desert region 2) continuous west-ward shift of river Saraswati from initial position near Aravali hills in Rajasthan to its final position closer to northwestern International border and 3) possible cause of disappearance of river Saraswati and drainage desiccation in the NW India have also been resolved. The work for demarcation of saraswati course has been completed in Rajasthan state (including part falling in Pakistan) and is in different stages for Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab states. Details are provided herewith.

1.0 Introduction

River Saraswati originated in Himalayas and dried up during 2500-1500 BC, due to tectonic and palaeo-climatic changes. River is described as as ‘Ambitame Naditame Devitame’ that is the best of mothers, best of rivers and the best of goddess and was the largest of the 7 rivers of their country. Thar desert region today does not show presence of any perennial river system or even of a major seasonal stream, except river Luni which mark the eastern limit of Thar desert and flows parallel to Aravali mountains.

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Existence of holy and mighty river in western part of India has been described in the ancient Indian literature viz. Vedas, Brahmana and Srautasutra literature, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagvat Purana, Vamana Purana and Upnishads, etc. Two powerful perennial rivers of today river Yamuna and the Satluj served as the tributaries to the extinct Saraswati. Many Hermitages of the famous Indian sages like Yakyavalka, Dadhichi, Parasurama, Parashara etc existed on the banks of the river.

On the banks of this mighty river, once upon a time thieved a well known major ancient civilization of the world “The Harappan civilization”, that occupied an area over 1 million square kilometers, more than 1200 settlements archeological sites of Harappan and other ages are discovered along the dried channels of River saraswati.

Study area forms the part of Thar Desert terrain that include parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat (Kuchchh region), Haryana and Punjab states in NW India and part of Sindh and Bahawalpur Provinces in Pakistan (eastern part of the Indus River Basin).

1.1 Courses demarcated in Rajasthan and adjoining Pakistan region

A dense network of palaeo channels is observed in the area parallel to Aravali hills and in the area adjoining Pakistan region (Fig.1). While the palaeo channels passing through river Ghaggar are prominent and broad, the palaeo channels passing closer to the Aravalis are narrow (only a few hundred m wide). Palaeo channels draining in different directions, many of them west flowing have also been mapped, however most of these are as discontinuous channels. Five drainage courses of different river systems joining Rann of Kachchh have been worked out in Rajasthan based on the mapped palaeo channels (Fig. - 2). These courses fall in two major categories and pass through as follows

Courses closer to Northwestern Indian Border

(Courses are listed in order of their location from west to east)

1. Main Saraswati course 4-10 km wide passing through river Ghaggar via Banawali-Anupgarh-NW of Beriyanwala-Ganeriwala-West of Nawakot-and Islam garh-Tanot-Longewalatar-West of Ghotaru-East of Pairewarotar-running parallel to Nara river-NE of Khipro-Munabao-East of Islamkot and meeting Rann of Kachchh.

2. The course passes through river Ghaggar via Banawali-Anupgarh-NW of Beriyanwala, Rukanpur-Nawakot-West of Islamgarh-Tanot-Longewala Tar-Ghotaru-Dhanana-West of Myajlar-Munabao-East of Islamkot and meeting Rann of Kachchh. This is the second major course passing along the border with 4-6 km wide channel.

3. The course originates from the main channel (Channel – 5, in Figure-4) near Bijnot and passes through Kanod-Gadra Road, East of Islamkot- and meets the main channel east of Munabao and finally discharging

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into the Rann of Kachchh. The channel (only a few hundred meters wide) joins Kanod, Meetha and Khara rann as well.

Courses closer to Aravali hills

4. Passing through Hisar-Sewani-Rajgarh-East of Churu-Fatehpur-Didwana-East of Taranau-Merta-Pipar-North of Luni-Kalyanpur-Pachpadra and meeting Rann of Kachchh though a channel via Sirva or directely through the present course of Luni

5. Passing through Loharu-Navalgarh-Sikar- Maulasar-Degana-Merta-Pipar-North of Luni-Kalyanpur-Pachpadra and meeting Rann of Kachchh though a channel via Sirva or directely through the present course of Luni

Saraswati main course

The river Saraswati originated in Himalayas has been a very mighty perennial river of Vedic period. In the Rigvedic literature it is described as ‘Ambitame Naditame Devitame’ that is the best of mothers, best of rivers and the best of goddess. Discovery of a large number of sites of Pre Harappan and Harappan civilization along the banks of Saraswati also indicate towards might of the river and its magnanimity.

Courses delineated along Aravali Hills are (much thinner) only a few hundred meters wide) in width as compared to the width of the channels along the Indo- Pak border with Rajasthan and Gujrat (which are 4-10 km wide). Channels along Aravali hills do not signify the description of the river Saraswati in the Rigveda, hence are considered to be courses of the other smaller rivers/ streams (Drishadvati, etc.).

First two courses (No. 1&2) of palaeo channels originating from river Ghaggar and passing through Jaisalmer district and Pakistan (along IB), (with channel courses 4-10 km wide), match expected width of the Saraswati palaeo channels. Channel-1 is more prominent and forms well developed river course joining Rann of Kachchh as an independent river with no major no major shift along this course.. Hence authors believe it to be actual Saraswati course.

1.2 Ground Validation

Mapped Saraswati channels have been validated for confirmation of palaeochannels below ground through a variety of scientific data. Drilling of 14 tube wells on the image identified palaeo channels in Tanot–Kishangarh–Longewala-Ghotaru section Jaisalmer district (Fig.3 ) Indicate that the water quality is quite good (potable water) (Table -1) for most of the drilled wells, as compared to Tube/dug wells. The ground water away from palaeo channels is saline (non potable) and TDS and fluorides very high. Investigations by Ground Water Department, Rajasthan indicated palaeochannels as the store house of good quality potable water.

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Sediment analysis indicate palaeo channels consisting of alternating layers of fine-medium and coarse grained sand and some times with gravel columns, indicating presence of fluvial regime. Coarser sediments are noticed at a depth of 40 – 125 m (about 55-85 m) and have been encountered in 9 of the 14 tube wells drilled. Channels are about 35 to 80 m thick with depth of water level ranging from 35-60 m.

Isotopic studies of water samples by Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), for the samples from the wells existing along the palaeo channels in the Jaisalmer area indicated presence of palaeo waters in the channels, no connection of channels with the Himalayan water and absence of modern recharge (Table-2).

54 sites of Early-Harappan and Harappan period fall in the western Rajasthan. These sites plotted on the palaeo channel map showed most of the Harappan and Pre-Harappan Sites falling along the Ghaggar river, indicating Ghaggar to be the palaeo Saraswati course. (Fig. 4 )

Maps of Indo-Pakistan region prepared by the Italians, Dutch and British authors during 14th –17th Century A.D. have been studied. Map “Empire of Great Moghul” published in the year 1746 shows Indus as a parallel river system with a river parallel to it in the east (Fig. - 5). This indicate towards presence of the dry channels of Saraswati along which occasionally water flowed during heavy monsoon or flood events, which continued till 13 th century and minor flows up to end of 16th century (Wilhelmy, 1969).

A major validation of existence of mapped palaeochannels was seen in case of reactivation of the palaeochannels in Gujarat, during Bhuj Earthquake of Jan 26, 2000 of magnitude 9.2 that devastated several towns of Gujarat. The Palaeochannels map prepared by the RRSSC/ ISRO was released about a year before the earthquake hit Bhuj town (Gupta et al, 1999). The map showed palaeochannels passing on Northern and Southern side of famous Dhoravila island located in Rann of Kuchchh. Satellite images showed that the new channels had formed exactly along the portions of palaeochannels shown on the palaeochannels map released by the RRSSC/ISRO, indicating that new channels were merely a reactivation of buried Saraswati palaeochannels. The water in new channels was the water stored inside the buried channels which gushed to the ground due to compression of the aquifer from the strain generated by the earthquake.

1.3 Results

Findings indicate that Saraswati flowed as an independent river System parallel to Indus river and did not change its course and did not drain through river Nara. Beriyanwala (in Pakistan) route is found on the image as the main Saraswati channel joining Rann of Kachchh. Earlier Marot route (in Pakistan) was believed to be the actual Saraswati route. Also the Saraswati did not flow through river

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Nara as postulated by earlier workers. The present mapped course of Saraswati is about 40 km east of river Nara (Gupta et al, 2004).

The finding indicate that the river Saraswati never took a course to join river Luni, it never drained along Aravali hills and did not shift its course from east to west, because it is unlikely that a continuously shifting river (over a shift zone of ~500 km from Aravalis to Rajasthan border) may become mighty and with major ancient civilization located along its banks. The archaeological evidence also does not support presence of Saraswati palaeo channels in the Luni basin (Misra, 1984).

Prominence and the width of the Saraswati palaeo channels in Ganganagar and Hanumangarh districts, and presence of a large number of archaeological sites of Harappan and Pre Harappan age, confirms that river Saraswati had its course through present day river Ghaggar.

Study points out towards tectonic movements in the Shivalik hills region, due to upliftment of Himalayas and the changes in climate, as the major cause of drainage desiccation in north western India and drying of river saraswati and not the upliftment along “Delhi-Hardwar Ridge” and movements along Kuchchh fault and Luni-Sukari lineaments. The conclusion is in line with the observations of Krishnan (1982) also supported by Yashpal et al, 1980.

The main (western most) channel of river Saraswati (4-10 km wide) remained more or less constant and unchanged and hence the actual Rig Vedic Saraswati river course. The mapped course of Saraswati runs about 850-900 km east, parallel to the Indus river course. The width of the channels mapped in this area varied from 4-10 kms as against observed width of the today’s Indus flood plains of the order of about 25 km. About 35% of the lower course of river Saraswati fall in the territory of India and remaining portion located in Sindh and Bahawalpur provinces of Pakistan.

Coarse resolution data (188 m) from IRS P3 WIFS and 55 m data from IRS P6 AWIFS sensors was found extremely useful for mapping the major channels of river Saraswati. Piecewise linear stretching technique was extremely useful in enhancing signatures of palaeochannels of river Saraswati in sand covered and vegetated areas.

2.0 Saraswati Palaeochannels in Gujarat

Prima-facie a look at the channels delineated from IRS WIFS data indicate Saraswati to meet Rann of Kuchchh in Pakistan area, however a few channels west of Munabao appear to originate from the Saraswati main course and they continue southwest ward, bifurcate and take a turn southeast ward towards Dholavira/Khadir island where one channel passes south of Dholavira where as the other north of Dholavira and Bodrani. These channels finally meet at mouth of Gulf of Kachchh, south east of Surkotada (Fig.1). A few channels again originating from Saraswati main channels south of Munabao and from Saraswati-Luni Delta area seem to continue towards Surkotada in Gujarat and meet the

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Gulf of Kachchh as above. At present level of evidence and understanding It is difficult to visualize that Vedic saraswati itself discharged to Gulf of Kuchchh but same time one cannot totally rule out the possibility and more work is required to be done. A more detailed study of Saraswati palaeochannels in Gujarat is still in the process.

3.0 Work Done in Haryana

Palaeochannels have been mapped in Haryana using IRS AWIFS data and Radar images. Northern and northwestern districts of Haryana, where occurrence of palaeochannels has been observed on satellite images have only been studied for the purpose. Study area include districts viz. Yamuna Nagar, Kurukshetra, Zind, Hissar, Sirsa, Kaithal, Karnal, Fatehabad, Bhiwani, , Sonipat and Panipat districts. The main problem faced in mapping of palaeochannels in Haryana has been the dense network of artificially constructed canals all over Haryana making it very difficult to differentiate palaeochannels signatures from those of the canal network. Confusing net work of interlaced channels running N-S and NE-SW is observed in these districts. In Haryana palaeochannels mapped in the NW part of the state which are mostly more continuous and longer in length belong to the Ghaggar (Saraswati system) and those in the middle part of Haryana with disposition in the NE-SW direction seem to belong to the Drishadvati river system. Overlay of the litholog (Sedimentological) data from the peizometer key wells maintained by the Ground water cell, government of Haryana indicate three different sediment patterns in the studied area. Occurrence of Course sediments including Gravel and Pebble in the foothills zone near Yamuna Nagar, occurrence of mostly medium sands in the middle zone comprising of districts of Kaithal, Karnal, Panipat, Kurukshetra and eastern part of Zind and mixed zone of coarse sand, gravel and pebbles in Hisar, Sirsa and western part of Zind districts. Overlay of archaeological sites on palaeochannels shows alignment of many Harappan period sites in the region occupied by the Drishadvati River System. Specific studies on the Sarasuti (Saraswati nala) river originating from near Adibadri have also been carried out that showed alignment of temples and historic places and locations along Saraswati nala indicating it to be historically important channel. Studies on analysis of rock samples collected from Adibadri area for identififation of origin of transported boulders found in the ABR sites, Rainfall data analysis, Water sample analysis for the samples collected from kalayat etc have also been carried ou, under the present study, indicating water woozing at Kalayat was from the palaeochannel forming the aquifer below and not from the neighboring adjacent pond. Results of Haryana study are yet to be given a final shape in respect of the exact Vedic Saraswati river course based on analysis carried out of the available scientific data vis a vis palaeochannels signatures.

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4.0 Recommendations Palaeochannels of Saraswati mapped under the study apart from there ground water potential, would also be useful for the archeological investigations along the channels where new settlements of Harappan age are likely to be found buried below the sands of Thar Desert. Placer mineral deposits of heavy metals and radioactive minerals are also likely to be found along Saraswati palaeo channels. Acknowledgement

Authors are thankful to ISRO for permitting to carryout this study and to GWD, Rajasthan and CGWB Bangalore for providing hydrogeological and drilling data including results of isotopic studies by the BARC, Mumbai. Archaeological data published in Possel, 2000 have been used. References

1. Bakliwal, P.C. and Grover, A.K. (1988). Signature and migration of Saraswati river in

Thar desert western India. Records Geological Survey of India, 116 (3-8) : 77-86.

2. Ghose, B., Kar, A. and Hussain, Z. (1979). The lost courses of the Saraswati River in the

Great Indian Desert – New evidence from Landsat Imagery. The Geographical J.,

London, 45 (3) : 446-451.

3. Gupta A.K., Sharma J.R., Sreenivasan G., and Srivastava K.S. (2004) New findings on

the course of river Sarasvati. Photonirvachak - J Ind. Soc.of Rem. Sen.,32 (1) : 1-24.

4. Kalyanraman, S. (1999). Saraswati River, Goddess and civilization. In : Vedic Saraswati

(Eds.: B.P. Radhakrishna and S.S. Mer). Memoir Geol. Soc. India, 42: 25-34.

5. Misra, V.N. (1995). Geoarchaeology of Thar Desert, North-West India. In : Quaternary

Environments and Geoarchaeology of India (Eds.: S. Wadia, et. al.). Geological Society

of India, Bangalore, pp. 210-250.

6. Possehl, G.L. (2000). Indus Age- The Beginnings. IBH & Oxford Publication Co., Delhi.

7. Valdiya, K.S. (2002). Sarswati – The River That Disappeared. University Press (India)

Limited, Hyderabad, 116 p.

8. Yashpal, Sahai, B., Sood, R. K. and Agarwal, D.P. (1980). Remote Sensing of the “Lost”

Saraswati River. Proc. Indian Academy of Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences,


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IRS P3 WiFS True Color Composite (TCC) Image showing palaeo drainage in Sarasvati River Basin. Thick channels represent the course of river Sarasvati










Surkotada Dholavir


Ghaggar R.


Aravalli Hi




Figure - 1

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Major Palaeo Drainage Courses in North Western Region Simplified map prepared from image mapped palaeo channels


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IRS 1C WiFS Image of Part of Saraswati River Basin With Archaeological Sites of Early Harappan and Harappan period Plotted Over It. Sites Show Alignment Along River Ghaggar

Figure- 4

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Indus and Ghaggar (Saraswati) depicted as parallel river systems – In Moghul Period Dutch map (Year 1746)

Figure- 5

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Table –2 : Ground water ages of the samples collected along the palaeo channels in Jaisalmer and Ganganagar districts, Rajasthan*

ID No.

Location Well type

3H (TR ± 0.5)

δ 13 C 14 C ± 1σ (pMC)

Age (BP) (a), UC

Model Age, a

(Pearson) Jaisalmer samples D1 Dharmikua DW 2.1 -9.6 79.5 (2.2) 1900 m

T1 Kishengarh TW 0.3 -5.7 47.3 (1.4) 6190 m

D3 Kuriaberi DW 0.5 -8.3 58.8 (1.6) 4390 1340

D4 Nathurakua DW 0.3 7.9 69.3 (1.8) 3000 m

T2 Ghantiyali TW 0.5 -4.0 31.2(1.2) 9630 550

D5 Ghantiyali DW 0.6 - 54.9 (1.5) 4960 -

D7 Gajesing ka tar DW 2.1 -7.7 64.9 (1.9) 3570 m

T3 Ranau TW 0.6 -7.4 48.8(1.5) 5930 1930

T4 Sadewala TW 0.4 -7.7 6.6 (0.7) 22450 18800

T5 Loungewala TW 0.4 -5.6 10.4 (0.9) 18700 12400

T7 Ghotaru TW 0.4 -7.3 20.7 (1.0) 13000 8910

D12 Ghotaru DW 1.1 - 62.7 (1.7) 3860 -

T8 Asutar TW 0.4 -7.5 36.1(1.3) 8420 4540

D14 Langtala HP 0.3 -6.2 68.6(2.0) 3120 m

D15 Langtala DW 1.0 - 64.8(1.7) 3590 -

D17 Dostmoh. Kua DW 1.0 -7.6 49.7 (1.5) 5780 2000

D18 Mituwala DW 0.6 -11.0 57.9 (1.7) 4520 3800

DW : dugwell; TW:tubewell; DCB: Dug cum Bore well; TR : Tritium ratio; pMC : Percent Modern carbon, UC : uncorrected; m : modern *(Source : Ground Water Department (GWD), Govt. of Rajasthan, Jodhpur. Data analyzed by the BARC, Mumbai, for the GWD)

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Table – 1 : Data of the tube wells drilled along the palaeo channels in the Jaisalmer district (Source : Ground Water Department, Government of Rajasthan, Jodhpur)

Sl. No.

Drilled Site

Year Of Construction

Yield (lph)

Quality (EC) TDS figs. in brackets

Depth Drilled


Static Water

Level (m)

Structure Installed

Aquifer material as observed in lithologs

1 Tanot 3.5 Km from Ghantiyali to Tanot LHS of Road

1999-2000 11250 by


4400 (2650)

125 33 Tubewell

Mainly fine grained sand, medium grained at some levels.

2 Ghotaru- I 12.5 Kms Ghotaru to Longewala

1999-2000 13500 by


10800 (6506)

151 43 Tubewell

Medium to coarse sand and gravel Out of main channel

3 Ghotaru – II 14.5 Kms Ghotaru to Longewala

1999-2000 Not Developed


151 -

- Fine grained sand –sandstone chips-fine grained S.St.-Kankar . Out of main channel

4 Ghotaru – III 10 Kms from Ghotaru to Longewala. RHS of road

1999-2000 2250 by


7200 (4337)

151 48 Tubewell Fine grained sand –very coarse grained gravelly sand

5 Ghotaru – IV 3 Kms from Ghotaru to Longewala. RHS of road

1999-2000 32400

by pump

5900 (3554)

151 45 Tubewell Medium to fine and coarse grained sands

6 Ghotaru – V 150 m NE of Fort

1999-2000 33750 by pump


2550 (1536)

148 33 Tubewell Coarse gravelly sands, fine to medium grained sands and occasional clayey sands

7 Ghotaru –V I 1.5 Kms from Ghotaru to Asutar, RHS of road

2000-2001 22500 by pump


1550 (934)

125 46 Tubewell Dominantly medium to coarse sands, fine grained and clayey sands at few levels.

8 Dharmi Khu 3 Kms from Kishengarh to Dharmi Khu, RHS of road

2000-2001 35100 by pump


1700 (1024)

153 40 Tubewell Fine and medium grained sands

9 Ranau – I * Ranau-Tanot Road. ~2 km from Ranau on LHS of road

1998-1999 9120 by


1676 (1010)

102 42 Tubewell

Fine grained sand and silt with kankar; fine to medium sand

10 Ranau – II* Close to Ranau village RHS of Tanot road

1998-99 18240 by


1660 (1000)

120 58 Peizometer


11 Karthai* Ranau and Tanot road 9.5 km from Ranau LHS of Road

1998-1999 12312 by


2990 (1800)

125 42 Peizometer

Mostly Fine sand

12 Nathura Kua* 4.5 Km from Tanot, 250 m RHS of road

1999-2000 12768 by


4410 (2656)

120 36 Peizometer

Fine grained san d and silt with kankar

13 Kuria Beri*

1998-1999 12768 by


2150 (1295)


32 Tubewell

Mostly Fine sand

14 Ghantiyali I* 500 m from Ghantiyali Mandir to Tanot,LHS of Road

1998-1999 11400 by


3650 (2200)


62 Peizometer

Fine grained sand

Note : Yield by pumps are normally higher than the compressor yield by a factor of 1.5 to 2.0 * Wells are drilled by the CGWB

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