Paper chicken-Edition August 2013



Paper chicken-Edition August 2013 Gastronomical voice of TSM Madurai

Transcript of Paper chicken-Edition August 2013

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This virtual magazine

fulfills the desires of chick

packed souls who are now

encountering a fate of living

in a chicken starved


brings you

some of the finest

experiences of chicken lovers

in Madurai.

This edition brings you

results of chick speaks

Survey – where known truths are quantified.

This edition also Features topics like

Benefits of eating chicken, Story of KFC, and

last but not the least “How to eat chicken secretly

within hostel campus”

Happy chicking…

Editor-Chick Kumar

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Survey Results…Chick-A-Lysis

Benefits of Eating Chicken

KFC Story…………………….

Do Chickens have cognitive Ability?

How to eat Chicken at Hostel……….


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Dear All,

Thanks for the overwhelming support. Received 55

responses within a day a convincing sample to

strongly qualify and validate the findings.

Scroll down to check yourself whether you and your

friends share same taste buds…. :)

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94% Non veg. A hardcore meat loving campus.

Beware Veggies...!..A lot of chick predators at TSM




Are you a Non Vegetarian

Non vegetarian vegetarian

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“Hell no…!” Was one of the replies.

Cool down soldier..:)

We crave much more for chicken after coming to

the campus.

U deprive people of something.. People crave much

higher ..!



Do you think Vegetarian food on campus has actually made us to embrace

Vegetarian Food


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No – Adhu manabrandhi.

For nay Sayers check out the article “ Do chickens

have cognitive ability” and convince urself.



Do you think eating chicken has negative effect on studies

Yes-Unmai No-Adhu mana Brandhi





Which Soup do you like the most

Chicken chettinad spl soup Hot n Sour chicken clear soup

Sweet corn soup chicken milagu soup

veg soup don’t like soup

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67 % Chick predators hunt chicken 1-3 days in a


4+ days18%

3 days31%

1 day36%


twice a month2%


whatever time available


Chicken Hunt in a week



Do you prefer Soup before Non-Veg Meals

YES No Cant say

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3% 3%

Most Preferred Hotel

Annapoorna asha JB Narayanapuram

Home made Dindugal Vvelu Biriyani Pechiamman TPK

Vaaniyambadi basheer Boy chicken point wings

Vaaniyambaadi Basheer Bai Kadai was a choice of one unknown Chick-o-Philic…

Bro.. Who are you…are u alrite?

…share your experiences in the next issue

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BENEFITS OF EATING CHICKEN 1. Build Muscles: Chicken is lean

meat. This basically means that it

has little fats and lots of proteins.

People who are trying to add bulk

to their muscles eat lots of boiled


2. Increases Appetite: Chicken has zinc which helps

to maintain a healthy appetite. A bowl of steaming

chicken soup can change the taste of your mouth.

3. Keeps Bones Healthy: Chicken has phosphorus

which along with calcium keeps your bones healthy. It

might be good for women who are prone to having weak


4. Heart Healthy: Chicken has cholesterol but it also

has niacin which helps lower cholesterol. So if you pick

lean pieces of chicken and have it without adding oil or

butter, it is heart healthy.

5. Improves Immunity: Chicken has lots of trace

minerals in it that gives a boost to the immune system.

Usually boiled chicken in pepper soup is also good for

fighting off cold.

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6. Helps Children Grow: Chicken is a one of the best

foods for growing children. Chicken has lots of amino

acids that helps the child to grow taller and stronger.

7. Cuts Risk Of Arthritis: Chicken is rich in a mineral

called selenium. This selenium cuts the risk of

developing arthritis at later stages of life.

8. Relieves Stress: Chicken has vitamin B 5 or

pantothenic acid which has a calming effect on the

nerves. So if you are stressed out, nothing like grilled

chicken to chill out.

9. Reduces Rick Of Heart

Attack: Chicken cuts the risk of

heart attacks because it is rich in

vitamin B 6. This vitamin lowers

the levels of homocysteine. If you

have homocysteine it can cause

cardiac arrests.

10. Soothes PMS Symptoms: Chicken has magnesium

that can help you cope with pre menstrual stress. The

magnesium levels in your blood reduces just before

your have your period. So compensate by having some

blanched chicken.

11. Spikes Testosterone Levels: Chicken has special

health benefits for men. This is because zinc in chicken

helps to regulate the testosterone (male hormone)

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levels. These are some of the most vital health

benefits of eating chicken. Cook chicken in healthy

ways so that you can enjoy all its benefits.

Read more



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How it all began Harland David Sanders was born September 9, 1890 in

Indiana, USA. The young Harland Sanders had many jobs such

as a farmhand, a bus conductor, a steam boat driver, a soldier,

and a salesman. Eventually he became a business man owning

a petrol service station in Kentucky, one of the 52 states of the


Many travelers stopped at his service station wanting

refreshments and food. The Colonel saw this as a business

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opportunity and decided to offer food to these customers. The

Colonel enjoyed making his customers happy – he was

passionate about entertaining them with excellent food and

superb service.

His food and service was so good that he was mentioned in

several newspapers around the country. As a result he had to

expand his dining room to keep up with the increase in new

customers. This 'Customer Mania' experience made people

drive from far away just to

visit the Colonel's restaurant.

A winning recipe! After careful testing for

many years to find just the

right combination of

ingredients, the Colonel knew

that he was at last onto a

winning recipe. When he added the 11th and final ingredient,

he was truly satisfied that he had created the best chicken he

had ever tasted – he wanted to share it with the world!

To this day, the Original Recipe of 11 Herbs and Spices is one

of the biggest secrets in the world - “the Finger Lickin' Taste”

of KFC! The Colonel also introduced the idea of using a pressure

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cooker to cook the chicken. This ensured that the product

cooked faster and produced the best results ever.

The Colonel decided that his Original Recipe needed to be

introduced to people further from his home and from his state.

At the age of 66, he started selling his idea of Kentucky Fried

Chicken by traveling from town to town, preparing his famous

chicken recipe for restaurants and their employees. Soon

everybody wanted to try it – families stood in queues to try his

great Original Recipe.

Colonel Sanders appeared on national Television promoting

the idea of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He always licked his

fingers as he described the Original Recipe taste to viewers –

this is how the slogan “It's Finger Lickin' Good” developed.

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Do chicken’s have Cognitive

ability..? By Rev. Penny Hibbitts

Dec. 2011

Studies indicate that chicken cognitive abilities

are far more advanced than previously thought.

CHOE Tests were conducted from March 2006-

March 2011

Bird's tested in CHOE Study Chickens have

cognitive abilities

50 hens were tested daily during this period

25 roosters were tested daily during this period

Results of Testing:

Observations of Chicken Cognitive Abilities at CHOE:

Studies at Chicken Heaven On Earth have indicated that chickens do have cognitive

abilities. Out of a group of 30 hens, 12 roosters, and 10 baby chicks which were observed

over a five year period-all of them demonstrated advanced cognitive abilities equivalent to

those of small children with some adult characteristics.

Have family structures and hierarchies

Systematically check boundaries

Systematically check every angle when trying to jump to a higher perch

Baby chicks were taught tricks (climb the ladder, peek-a-boo, play dead, give a

kiss) in less than five minutes and they retained this knowledge to repeat the tricks

on command until adulthood

25 and 12 rooster's were taught to go to bed on command

10 hens were paper potty trained and 5 roosters were trained to go to the door

when they needed to potty

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All of the chickens tried to imitate sounds of speech although they were limited by

the inability to pronounce consonants due to the shape of their beaks

12 Roosters were trained to crow after 9:00 in the morning

All of the chickens demonstrated the ability to imitate voice inflections (questioning

tone, laughing, sad, angry)

All of the chickens were taught (in a group) to say "something good" if they

wanted a snack. Those who did not say it did not get a snack and the next time

they were asked if they wanted something good they clearly tried to say the words

and received the snacks. After that every time they wanted a snack they would

come to the door and say, "something good?" in a questioning tone of voice.

Chickens appear to have the intelligence level of small children.

Chickens have some social instincts seen in children and adults

Expert Opinions

"]t is now clear that birds have cognitive capacities equivalent to those of

mammals, even primates.”

Rogers LJ, The Development of Brain and Behaviour in the Chicken (Wallingford, Oxon,

U.K.: CABI Publishing, 1995, p. 217). Rogers LJ, The Development of Brain and Behaviour in

the Chicken

(Wallingford, Oxon, U.K.: CABI Publishing, 1995, p. 217).“Dr. Joy Mench, Professor and

Director of the Center for Animal Welfare at the Univ. of Calif. at Davis states,

„Chickens show sophisticated social behavior….That‟s what a pecking order is all about.

They can recognize more than a hundred other chickens and remember them. They have

more than thirty types of vocalizations.‟”

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Step 1: Secretly take some Vegetable briyani from

mess to your room on Tuesdays.

Step 2: Secretly close all doors and windows.

Step 3: Secretly buy a packet of

sakthi briyani masala and spray

gently throughout the room. Now

chick flavored ambience is ready.

Step 4: Secretly take a color

printout of fried chicken meat and

hang it on the wall of your room.

Step 5: Now Inhale the briyani flavor, Watch the

chick image and eat the briyani.. :) .

This is how u secretly eat chicken briyani at

Hostels…Respect the Hostel rules buddy….!

How to eat chicken

at Hostel


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