Paper 3 final draft

Leanna Gardner ENC 1102 Composition II- CRN 81433 November 7, 2012 F L O R I D A P A N T H E R S

Transcript of Paper 3 final draft

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Leanna GardnerENC 1102 Composition II- CRN 81433

November 7, 2012



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Overall message:

How can the state of Florida balance the reality of urbanization with the need to protect the Florida panther?

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A large developer in Collier County has planned to construct a community that will be a sustainable one as well as preserving the rural quality of the area. However, the Tourist Board and Environmentalist are also included on this plan in different ways.

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What is a “Sustainable Community”?

Definition A sustainable community is

one that is economically, environmentally, and socially healthy and resilient.

A sustainable community manages its human, natural, and financial resources to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are equitably available for future generations.

How can this be achieved?

Active, organized, and informed citizenship.

Inspiring, effective, and responsive leadership.

Responsible, caring, and healthy community institutions, services, and businesses.

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The Florida Panther

Why is the Florida Panther endangered?

Habitat Loss – Construction reduces available habitat important to territorial panthers.

Human-Wildlife Conflicts – Florida panthers cross roads and highways and are hit by cars.

Low Genetic Diversity

Pollution – Mercury

Disease – Feline leukemia

Fear – A misunderstanding of the dangers posed by Florida panthers prevents reintroductions to new areas.

Why should the Florida Panther be protected?

Today, there are less than 100 Florida Panthers in the wild.

As recent as the early 1990s, only about 30 Florida panthers existed.

Although the numbers have risen due to recovery programs, the Florida panther is still critically endangered.

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Although urban development is good for Florida’s economy, Southwest Florida must find ways to develop sustainable communities that will protect the habitat of the Florida Panther.

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At a Glance: The Land Developer’s Perspective

In the perspective of the Land Developer, the community that will be built will not pose as a threat, but more of an opportunistic idea where humans and animals can co-habitat without disputes.

The Rural Lands Stewardship Program, created in 2002, was founded on the principle of preventing urban sprawl and protect lands by transferring development to environmentally suitable areas. (

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Reasons to support the proposed town in Collier County Building an urban city brings about more beneficial

factors than harmful ones. Urbanization can be closely associated with higher incomes, improved health, higher literacy, and an improved quality of life. The environment will not be harmed in the process, as there are boundaries as to where the town will be built. (

With the demands for economic growth, there are also breakthroughs where natural resources are preserved. Strategies are created to ensure the protection of resources and neighboring lands. Opportunities to save wildlife is important, and that is why supporting the new town would mean granting time in preserving them. (

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At a Glance: The Florida Tourist Board’s Perspective

The Florida Tourist Board looks at the state of Florida as a tourist attraction, due to its weather and its unique rural features, including its large bodies of water and land. Florida’s landmarks and beauty is a main priority to jumpstart its economy.

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Reasons to support the proposed town to increase tourism Tourism is one of the most important factors for

accelerating Florida’s economy. Roughly forty million people visit Florida annually, which is one of the biggest reasons why tourism is a great source of income for the state. (

With tourism, national parks attract nature lovers; thereby giving a meaning to the environment as a precious factor to Florida’s tourism. (

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At a Glance: The Environmentalist’s Perspective

The primary concern is of the well-being of the Florida panther. By enforcing and creating more towns, it will invade the panther’s habitat. In the act of developing this town, the panther population will surely shrink.

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Describing the Environmentalist View Before the souring skyscrapers and numerous strip

malls, there was land that home to hundreds, if not thousands, of animals. They were protected in their habitats and never had to worry about human interference on their sanctuary. However, through the progressive decades, urbanization has taken over what was originally owned by countless animals, including the Florida panthers. When urbanization increases, the surrounding environment becomes overwhelmed with pollution and noise—one in which an animal cannot live peacefully. To sum up, animals should be left to dwell in their habitats without the threats of urbanization.

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Reasons to go against the new town Instead of investing in a new town that will do nothing for

distinguished endangered species, there should be more proactive measures in creating larger areas for wildlife to live. Petitions are done for this purpose, and until businesses can come to that realization, urbanization should be postponed. (

Preserving wilderness protects the quality of soil, water, and air that every species depend on for life. If the Florida panther is rescued, several plants and animals will also be rescued and preserved additionally. (

There are simply too many panthers for a smaller territory range. Panthers can easily get killed from going through traffic. With the increase of roads, panthers can easily cross boundaries and be killed on impact.


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Common Ground

The belief system between all three perspectives are fairly similar, although strikingly different. We can come to an agreement that once nature interferes with urbanization, there is a problem! To decrease potential law suits, there must be an understanding between these three parties to not cross the lines.

As long as the well-being of the animals are not disturbed, then touring and the rise of cities will not be a problem.

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ConclusionFor this conflict to be resolved, there needs to be a common ground that can be agreed upon among all three parties. For the Land Developer and the Tourist Board to be in agreement with the Environmentalist, there must be a boundary where the Florida Panther and its lands are protected and untouched, while urbanization still flourishes. As long as tourists and people of the community create a space that is sustainable for surrounding wildlife, there will always be common ground. Once that boundary is crossed, these parties will continue to differ in views.

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Scenarios/ Alternate Solutions

If a Florida Panther was spotted at a tourist attraction or in Collier County, how would The Florida Tourist Board or Land Developer come to an agreement with Environmentalists?

They would have to report the presence of the animal first, and create a larger boundary that would serve to protect the animal and the people surrounding where it was spotted.

If the Land Developer wanted to expand the new town, would it pose as a problem to the other parties?

If the Land Developer feels the need to expand its territory, then the Tourist Board may feel the need to do the same. Urbanization, although it is beneficial, can cause problems with Environmentalists that would quickly discard the notion. As long as the new land has no impact on neighboring wildlife, then an agreement could be made.

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Works Cited

"15 Florida Panthers Killed! - YouTube." YouTube. 1 Sept. 2007. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.

“Cities And The Environment | World Resources Institute.” World Resources Institute | Global Warming, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Sustainable Markets, Good Governance & the Environment. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.

“Lawsuit to Be Filed Over Delay in Protecting Florida Panther Habitat.” Center for Biological Diversity. 22 Dec. 2009. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.

“Rural Lands Stewardship Area (RLSA) - Conservancy of Southwest Florida.” Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.

"Tourism in Florida." Exploring Florida. University of South Florida. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.

"Urbanization It's Causes, Effects and Benefits." Natural Geographic, 1 July 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2012.