Pamela R, Hanson, DDS, MS To Distract or not Distract in the Surgical/Orthodontic · PDF...

Pamela R, Hanson, DDS, MS To Distract or not Distract in the Surgical/Orthodontic I. Definition of Distraction Osteogenesis a. Distraction osteogenesis is a process that results in new bone formation between the surfaces of bone segments gradually separated by incremental traction. b. The volume of soft tissue adjacent to the generating bone is also increased c. Histiogenesis i. occurs in different tissues: ii. bone, skin, fascia, blood vessels, nerves, muscle, ligament, cartilage & periosteum. Melugin MB, Hanson PR, Bergstrom CA, Schuckit WI, Gerald Bradley T. Soft tissue to hard tissue advancement ratios for mandibular elongation using distraction osteogenesis in children. Angle Orthod. 2006 Jan:76(1):72-6 II. Understanding Distraction Osteogenesis a. What it can and can’t do i. Can do: 1. Lengthen bones 2. Increase volume of bones 3- dimensionally 3. Increase the soft tissue envelope 4. Decrease relapse Linear distraction device (above)

Transcript of Pamela R, Hanson, DDS, MS To Distract or not Distract in the Surgical/Orthodontic · PDF...


I. DefinitionofDistractionOsteogenesisa. Distractionosteogenesisisaprocessthatresultsinnewbone


b. Thevolumeofsofttissueadjacenttothegeneratingboneisalso

increasedc. Histiogenesis

i. occursindifferenttissues:ii. bone,skin,fascia,bloodvessels,nerves,muscle,ligament,

cartilage&periosteum.Melugin MB, Hanson PR, Bergstrom CA, Schuckit WI, Gerald Bradley T. Soft tissue to hard tissue advancement ratios for mandibular elongation using distraction osteogenesis in children. Angle Orthod. 2006 Jan:76(1):72-6

II. UnderstandingDistractionOsteogenesisa. Whatitcanandcan’tdo

i. Cando:1. Lengthenbones2. Increasevolumeofbones3-dimensionally3. Increasethesofttissueenvelope4. Decreaserelapse





ii. Cannotdo:1. Makebonesshorter2. Makebonessmaller3. Movebonesbackwards

III. ToDistractornotdistractisthequestiona. ToDistract-Whentoconsiderdistractionasatreatmentmodality

i. Ifmagnitudeistoogreatforanyotherprocedureii. Iffunctiondemandsearlyand/orlargemagnitudecorrectioniii. IfstabilityisbetterwithDOiv. Ifitsetsupthepatientforamorestableandprecisedefinitive

procedureatskeletalmaturityv. Ifskilloftheteamcandeliveranexcellentresult

b. NottoDistract-Whendistractionisnottherecommendedoptioni. Ifmagnitudeisnotgreatandotherproceduresaremoreprecise.

ii. Ifskeletalcorrectionrequiredistoretropositionaboneordecreaseskeletalvolume

iii. Ifnofunctionaldeficitiv. Ifotherproceduresprovidegood/betterstabilityv. Ifskilloftheteamcannotdeliveranexcellentresult

1. Surgicalskill/experienceinadequate2. Skilledorthodontistunavailablefor:

a. Treatmentplanningb. Monitoringtheactivedistractionc. Manipulatingthedistalsegment

vi. IfapatientisincapableofcooperationIV. TeamEffortisrequiredtosuccessfullycompletedistraction

a. Diagnosisi. Identifyingthedeficiency

1. Skeletal2. Softtissue

ii. Identifylocationofthedeficiencyiii. Identifythedifferencesbetween:

1. Volumea. 3dimensionalvalue

2. Locationa. Advancingaskeletalstructure(A-P)b. Placingthedistalsegmentinaprecise

3dimensionallocationc. Verticallymanipulatingtheskeletalstructure

i. Improvesoverallresultii. ie:LeFortIIIadvancement

1. Improvesocclusion-ieclosesanterioropenbite

2. Increasesorbitalvolumeverticallybyloweringtheorbitalfloor




early distraction prior to orthopedic mgmt

late distraction during orthopedic mgmt

Hanson PR, Melugin MB: Orthopedic and Orthodontic Management of Distal Segment Position During Distraction Osteogenesis, Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, Sept 2008, 16.2, pp 273-286.

b. Surgicalskilli. Accuracyincorticotomy/osteotomy

c. Deviceplacementi. Accuracyinplacementpositionii. Symmetry-ifbilateraldeviceplacementiii. Idealvectorestablished

d. Protocol-shouldbecarefullyfollowedtomaximizeoutcomei. Ilizarov-1949-1stprotocolwithlowmorbidity

1. Latencyperioda. 5-7dayspriortodeviceactivationb. Fibrovascularmatrixformation

2. Rate/rhythma. 1mm/dayb. 1mm/daycompletedbyseveralincrementsper

day3. Consolidation

a. Length-Roughlytwicetheofnumberofdaysofactivation

b. Whenradiographicevidenceofboneconsolidation

e. Activedistractioni. 1mm/day

f. Controlofdistractioniscruciali. Preparation

1. Treatmentplana. Determinefinalpositionofboneb. Determinemagnitudeofdesireddistractionin

mmc. Determinelengthofdistractiondeviceatleast2X

thatofthedesiredlengthofdistractioninmm2. Orthodonticpreparation

a. Anchoragei. Toprovidetheopportunitytomanipulatethedistalsegment

b. Distractionstabilizationappliancesi. Toprovidemultipleplacesforelastictraction

ii. ToprovidemaxillaryexpansionPRN


g. Duringdistraction-controliscrucial

i. Activationofthedistractiondevice1. Millimetriclengthening-linear2. Devicemanipulationonlyifdevicesismultidirectional

ii. Forces/manipulationofthedistalsegment1. Elastictraction2. Maxillaryexpansion

h. Afterconsolidationi. Elastictractionii. Maxillaryexpansioniii. Occlusalplanecorrectionviaadjustedbiteblock(figurebelow)

1. Sequentialadjustmentofthebiteblocktopromotesequentialeruptionofthemaxillaryposteriorteeth

2. Closestheposterioropenbitecreatedbydistractionofthemandibletothedesiredverticalbysupereruptingthemaxillaryposteriorteethtocorrectthemaxillaryocclusalplaneandclosethedistractioncreatedopenbite.


i. Requirementsi. Cooperationbythepatientcrucialii. Teamtreatment-control/forcescanbeplacedbysomeone

whowillassumethatrole1. Educatepatientandfamily2. Monitorcloselytheadvancing/evolvingdistraction

iii. Knowledge/experienceonhowtodiagnose,deliverforcesandmonitor

V. Parameterswhenconsideringdistractionasatreatmentoptiona. Magnitude

i. Determiningmagnitudehelpsdeterminethefollowing:1. Ifdistractionisthebestmodality

2. Devicetype3. Devicelength

b. Timingi. Timingbasedonfunctionalneedii. Timingbecausemagnitudesogreatasingledefinitive

procedurewouldnotbesuccessfuliii. Timingasthefirststeptoa2stepdefinitive

surgical/orthodonticplanc. Functionaldisordersthatdrivetiming

i. Airway,ii. Masticatoryfunction-Chewing/feedingiii. Speechiv. Facialappearancev. Psychosocialdevelopment

d. Therapeuticbenefite. MaxillaryDOafteralveolarcleftgraftasmaxillaissinglepiecepost

graftVI. UniquetoDistraction

a. Shapeformingeffectb. Alteredphenotypicexpressionoffibroblasts

c. Fibroblasts“polarize”orientingparalleltothevectorofdistraction

i. Changesthedirectionofthefibroblastorientationii. Thisinturnchangesthephenotypicexpressionofthe

fibroblastiii. Whichchangestheshapeoftheboneandultimatelythe


d. Forcesplacedonthedistalsegmentduringdistractione. TypesofforcesHansonPR,MeluginMB.Orthodonticmanagementofthepatientundergoingmandibulardistractionosteogenesis.SeminarsinOrthodontics.March1999:5(1):25-34.

i. Distractiondeviceactivationoralterationofamultidimensionaldistractiondevice

ii. Elastictraction

iii. Headgeariv. Expansionappliancesv. Distractionstabilizationappliances

VII. Maxillaryhypoplasiaa. LeFortIII/midfacedeficienciesb. LeFortI/maxillarydeficiencies

VIII. UnilateralMandibulardistractionIX. BilateralMandibulardistraction


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