Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Sunday 5 ... · Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del...

Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord - Jesus prepared to eat the Passover with his disciples on "the first day of Unleavened Bread" (Mt 26:17a). This meal probably took place on the evening before the first day of Passover. During this time, Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' own disciples, agreed to betray Jesus for the petty sum of "thirty pieces of silver" (v. 15), the compensation for a wounded slave (Ex 21:32). During the ritual of the feast, Jesus gave his own body and blood to his disciples as food and drink. Then singing songs of praise (the Hallel Psalms 113-118), Jesus set out to the "Mount of Olives" (Mt 26:30) where death lay ahead. Though Peter affirmed his undying loyalty, Jesus declared that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed at dawn. In the garden of Gethsemane, meaning "olive-press," Jesus prayed alone in agony to accept the suffering and death that awaited him. Jesus was arrested and his followers deserted him. In the morning, the religious leaders conferred against Jesus, and handed him over to be tried by Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Jesus was mocked, beaten and led away to be executed between two criminals on Golgotha ("Place of a Skull" or "Calvary" in English). On the cross, Jesus felt abandoned by all, even by God. When the Roman Centurion witnessed Jesus’ death, he could not deny that "this man was God's Son!" (v. 54). NOTE: Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, the beginning of Holy Week, and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palm branches have been used by all nations as an emblem of joy and victory over enemies. For Christians, they are a sign of Christ's victory over the sins of the world. Palms are distributed to parishioners who carry them in a ritual procession into church. From the blessed palms the ashes are procured for Ash Wednesday of the following year. The colours of the Mass on Palm Sunday are red and white, symbolizing our redemption in Christ's blood. Sunday 5 April - Dominic, 47 is a former teacher and father of six from Papua New Guinea. In 2016, he became involved with the Caritas Australia’s Safe House and Family Anonymous programs and turned a difficult life and an unhappy relationship around. The program provides gender-based violence prevention training, counselling services and safe accommodation for women and children survivors of violence. Now a community trainer, he works with other men to help them to change their behaviour and build more harmonious family lives. Dominic and his wife, Christophylda say that their relationship has been transformed – and their family life is now harmonious, happy and safe. Please donate to Project Compassion 2020 to help support the Safe House project and help bring greater harmony to families in Papua New Guinea. Let’s Go Further, Together. Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, Re d’Israele Dai «Discorsi» di sant'Andrea di Creta, vescovo Venite, e saliamo insieme sul monte degli Ulivi, e andiamo incontro a Cristo che oggi ritorna da Betània e si avvicina spontaneamente alla venerabile e beata passione, per compiere il mistero della nostra salvezza. Viene di sua spontanea volontà verso Gerusalemme. E' disceso dal cielo, per farci salire con sé lassù «al di sopra di ogni principato e autorità, di ogni potenza e dominazione e di ogni altro nome che si possa nominare» (Ef 1, 21). Venne non per conquistare la gloria, non nello sfarzo e nella spettacolarità, «Non contenderà», dice, «né griderà, né si udrà sulle piazze la sua voce» (Mt 12, 19). Sarà mansueto e umile, ed entrerà con un vestito dimesso e in condizione di povertà. Corriamo anche noi insieme a colui che si affretta verso la passione, e imitiamo coloro che gli andarono incontro. Non però per stendere davanti a lui lungo il suo cammino rami d'olivo o di palme, tappeti o altre cose del genere, ma come per stendere in umile prostrazione e in profonda adorazione dinanzi ai suoi piedi le nostre persone. Accogliamo così il Verbo di Dio che si avanza e riceviamo in noi stessi quel Dio che nessun luogo può contenere. Egli, che è la mansuetudine stessa, gode i venire a noi mansueto. Sale, per così dire, sopra il crepuscolo del nostro orgoglio, o meglio entra nell'ombra della nostra infinita bassezza, si fa nostro intimo, diventa uno di noi per sollevarci e ricondurci a sé. Egli salì «verso oriente sopra i cieli dei cieli» (cfr. Sal 67, 34) cioè al culmine della gloria e del suo trionfo divino, come principio e anticipazione della nostra condizione futura. Tuttavia non abbandona il genere umano perché lo ama, perché vuole sublimare con sé la natura umana, innalzandola dalle bassezze della terra verso la gloria. Stendiamo, dunque, umilmente innanzi a Cristo noi stessi, piuttosto che le tuniche o i rami inanimati e le verdi fronde che rallegrano gli occhi solo per poche ore e sono destinate a perdere, con la linfa, anche il loro verde. Stendiamo noi stessi rivestiti della sua grazia, o meglio, di tutto lui stesso poiché quanti siamo stati battezzati in Cristo, ci siamo rivestiti di Cristo (cfr. Gal 3, 27) e prostriamoci ai suoi piedi come tuniche distese. Per il peccato eravamo prima rossi come scarlatto, poi in virtù del lavacro battesimale della salvezza, siamo arrivati al candore della lana per poter offrire al vincitore della morte non più semplici rami di palma, ma trofei di vittoria. Agitando i rami spirituali dell'anima, anche noi ogni giorno, assieme ai fanciulli, acclamiamo santamente: «Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, il re d'Israele». St Fiacre’s & Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Adm: Fr Pionius Hendi, OFM Cap 98 Catherine St, Leichhardt 2040 Tel.: 02 9518 0650 Email: [email protected] Website: We want to let you know that the Capuchin Friars of Leichhardt are broadcasting live Masses for Saint Fiacre’s Parishioners and Friends. If you, or anyone you know, would like to participate please click or copy & paste this link: Daily Masses (Mon-Sat) at 7:00 AM Vigil Mass (Saturday) at 5:30 PM Sunday Mass at 9:30 AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safeguarding Introduction Training. Volunteers and staff who wish to complete the Online Induction Training need to register by following this link For Youth Ministry follow this link ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SYDNEY. Abuse is a crime. The appropriate people to deal with a crime are the police. If you – or anyone you know – have been abused, please contact the police. Alternatively, you can contact the Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office at (02) 9390 5810 or [email protected]. You may also want to speak to your Parish Priest who will provide support and guidance. The Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police. When I denied the Lord? PERSONAL REFLECTION Lord Jesus, help me to be faithful to you as I carry my cross. IMPORTANT UPDATE Given the fast changing nature of the precautionary measures taken by the Federal and State Governments, by the NSW Department of Health and by the Archdiocese of Sydney to minimize the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we strongly encourage our Parishioners to stay informed on the latest developments and to keep in touch with the Parish via online media at: Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected] If you want to receive regular updates, please contact us by email and mention that in your email. We know that it is difficult time for everyone. However, if you can, please consider to support our Parish and the Capuchin Friars. Your support is greatly appreciated. Donations to St Fiacre’s Parish and the Capuchin Friars Bank: CDF Acc. Name: St Fiacre’s Catholic Church BSB: 062 784 Acc. No.: 0457 5001 Ref: Your name – No receipt will be given If you require a 30% tax deduction write your Envelope Number For more information, please go to our website: SPECIAL LIVE STREAMING FOR PASCHAL TRIDUUM: HOLY THURSDAY (9 TH April): 7.00 PM GOOD FRIDAY (10 th April): 3.00 PM EASTER VIGIL (11 th April): 7.00 PM EASTER SUNDAY (12 th April): 9.30 AM

Transcript of Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Sunday 5 ... · Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del...

Page 1: Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Sunday 5 ... · Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, Re d’Israele Dai «Discorsi» di sant'Andrea di Creta, vescovo Venite, e saliamo

Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord - Jesus prepared to eat the Passover with his disciples on "the first day of Unleavened Bread" (Mt 26:17a). This meal

probably took place on the evening before the first day of Passover. During this time, Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' own disciples, agreed to betray Jesus for the petty sum of "thirty pieces of silver" (v. 15), the compensation for a wounded slave (Ex 21:32). During the ritual of the feast, Jesus gave

his own body and blood to his disciples as food and drink. Then singing songs of praise (the Hallel Psalms 113-118), Jesus set out to the "Mount of Olives" (Mt 26:30) where death lay ahead. Though Peter affirmed his undying loyalty, Jesus declared that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed at dawn. In the garden of Gethsemane, meaning "olive-press," Jesus prayed alone in agony to accept the suffering and death that awaited him. Jesus was arrested and his followers deserted him. In the morning, the religious leaders conferred against Jesus, and handed him over to be tried by Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Jesus was mocked, beaten and led away to be executed between two criminals on Golgotha ("Place of a Skull" or "Calvary" in English). On the cross, Jesus felt abandoned by all, even by God. When the Roman Centurion witnessed Jesus’ death, he could not deny that "this man was God's Son!" (v. 54).

NOTE: Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, the beginning of Holy Week, and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palm branches have been used by all nations as an emblem of joy and victory over enemies. For Christians, they are a sign of Christ's victory over the sins of the world. Palms are distributed to parishioners who carry them in a ritual procession into church. From the blessed palms the ashes are procured for Ash Wednesday of the following year. The colours of the Mass on Palm Sunday are red and white, symbolizing our redemption in Christ's blood.

Sunday 5 April - Dominic, 47 is a former teacher and father of six from Papua New Guinea. In 2016, he became involved with the Caritas Australia’s Safe House and Family Anonymous programs and turned a difficult life and an unhappy relationship around. The program provides gender-based violence prevention training, counselling services and safe accommodation for women and children survivors of violence. Now a community trainer, he works with other men to help them to change their behaviour and build more harmonious family lives. Dominic and his wife, Christophylda say that their relationship has been transformed – and their family life is now harmonious, happy and safe. Please donate to Project Compassion 2020 to help support the Safe House project and help bring greater harmony to families in Papua New Guinea. Let’s Go Further, Together.

Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, Re d’Israele

Dai «Discorsi» di sant'Andrea di Creta, vescovo Venite, e saliamo insieme sul monte degli Ulivi, e andiamo incontro a Cristo che oggi ritorna da Betània e si avvicina spontaneamente alla venerabile e beata passione, per compiere il mistero della nostra salvezza. Viene di sua spontanea volontà verso Gerusalemme. E' disceso dal cielo, per farci salire con sé lassù «al di sopra di ogni principato e autorità, di ogni potenza e dominazione e di ogni altro nome che si possa nominare» (Ef 1, 21). Venne non per conquistare la gloria, non nello sfarzo e nella spettacolarità, «Non contenderà», dice, «né griderà, né si udrà sulle piazze la sua voce» (Mt 12, 19). Sarà mansueto e umile, ed entrerà con un vestito dimesso e in condizione di povertà. Corriamo anche noi insieme a colui che si affretta verso la passione, e imitiamo coloro che gli andarono incontro. Non però per stendere davanti a lui lungo il suo cammino rami d'olivo o di palme, tappeti o altre cose del genere, ma come per stendere in umile prostrazione e in profonda adorazione dinanzi ai suoi piedi le nostre persone. Accogliamo così il Verbo di Dio che si avanza e riceviamo in noi stessi quel Dio che nessun luogo può contenere. Egli, che è la mansuetudine stessa, gode i venire a noi mansueto. Sale, per così dire, sopra il crepuscolo del nostro orgoglio, o meglio entra nell'ombra della nostra infinita bassezza, si fa nostro intimo, diventa uno di noi per sollevarci e ricondurci a sé. Egli salì «verso oriente sopra i cieli dei cieli» (cfr. Sal 67, 34) cioè al culmine della gloria e del suo trionfo divino, come principio e anticipazione della nostra condizione futura. Tuttavia non abbandona il genere umano perché lo ama, perché vuole sublimare con sé la natura umana, innalzandola dalle bassezze della terra verso la gloria. Stendiamo, dunque, umilmente innanzi a Cristo noi stessi, piuttosto che le tuniche o i rami inanimati e le verdi fronde che rallegrano gli occhi solo per poche ore e sono destinate a perdere, con la linfa, anche il loro verde. Stendiamo noi stessi rivestiti della sua grazia, o meglio, di tutto lui stesso poiché quanti siamo stati battezzati in Cristo, ci siamo rivestiti di Cristo (cfr. Gal 3, 27) e prostriamoci ai suoi piedi come tuniche distese. Per il peccato eravamo prima rossi come scarlatto, poi in virtù del lavacro battesimale della salvezza, siamo arrivati al candore della lana per poter offrire al vincitore della morte non più semplici rami di palma, ma trofei di vittoria. Agitando i rami spirituali dell'anima, anche noi ogni giorno, assieme ai fanciulli, acclamiamo santamente: «Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, il re d'Israele».

St Fiacre’s & Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Adm: Fr Pionius Hendi, OFM Cap

98 Catherine St, Leichhardt 2040 Tel.: 02 9518 0650

Email: [email protected] Website:

We want to let you know that the Capuchin Friars of Leichhardt

are broadcasting live Masses for Saint Fiacre’s Parishioners and Friends.

If you, or anyone you know,

would like to participate please click or copy & paste this link:

• Daily Masses (Mon-Sat) at 7:00 AM • Vigil Mass (Saturday) at 5:30 PM • Sunday Mass at 9:30 AM

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safeguarding Introduction Training. Volunteers and staff

who wish to complete the Online Induction Training need to register by following this link For Youth Ministry follow this link ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A MESSAGE FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SYDNEY. Abuse is a crime. The appropriate people to deal with a crime are the police. If you – or anyone you know – have been abused, please contact the police. Alternatively, you can contact the Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office at (02) 9390 5810 or [email protected]. You may also want to speak to your Parish Priest who will provide support and guidance. The Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police.

When I denied the Lord? PERSONAL REFLECTION

Lord Jesus, help me to be faithful to you as I carry my cross.

IMPORTANT UPDATE Given the fast changing nature of the precautionary measures taken by the Federal and State Governments, by the NSW Department of Health and by the Archdiocese of Sydney to minimize the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we strongly encourage our Parishioners to stay informed on the latest developments and to keep in touch with the Parish via online media at:



Email: [email protected]

If you want to receive regular updates, please contact us by email and mention that in your email.

We know that it is difficult time for everyone. However, if you can, please consider

to support our Parish and the Capuchin Friars. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Donations to

St Fiacre’s Parish and the Capuchin Friars Bank: CDF Acc. Name: St Fiacre’s Catholic Church BSB: 062 784 Acc. No.: 0457 5001 Ref: Your name – No receipt will be given If you require a 30% tax deduction write your Envelope Number

For more information, please go to our



HOLY THURSDAY (9TH April): 7.00 PM

GOOD FRIDAY (10th April): 3.00 PM EASTER VIGIL (11th April): 7.00 PM

EASTER SUNDAY (12th April): 9.30 AM

Page 2: Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Sunday 5 ... · Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore, Re d’Israele Dai «Discorsi» di sant'Andrea di Creta, vescovo Venite, e saliamo