PALM SUNDAY - · 4/9/2017  · Palm Sunday Worship/Journey to the Cross 8:30 &...

PALM SUNDAY April 9, 2017 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.

Transcript of PALM SUNDAY - · 4/9/2017  · Palm Sunday Worship/Journey to the Cross 8:30 &...

PALM SUNDAY April 9, 2017

8:30 & 10:00 a.m.


PRELUDE All Glory, Laud and Honor David Paxton


You are invited to stand.

PROCESSIONAL GOSPEL Matthew 21:1-11 Holy Bible pg. 23 (NT)

PEACE The peace of the Lord be with you always. And also with you.


The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Let us pray.

We praise and bless you, ever-living God, for the acts of love by which you re-

deem the world through Jesus Christ our Lord. This day he entered the holy city of

Jerusalem and was proclaimed Messiah and King by those who spread their gar-

ments and palm branches along his way. Let these branches be for us signs of his

victory, and grant that we who bear them may always acclaim Jesus Messiah by

walking the way of his suffering and cross; that, dying and rising with him, we

may enter into your kingdom. Through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you

and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


PROCESSIONAL HYMN Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (vs. 1-2)

Please be seated.

ANTHEM My God is So Great! (8:30 a.m.)

We Have a King (10:00 a.m.) Traditional

He Comes (10:00 a.m.) Michael Jothen

Palm branches in hand, we

join a procession of chil-

dren and their elders sing-

ing sweet hosannas. This

procession, begun centuries

ago in Jerusalem, encircles

the earth with ceaseless

praise and now winds

through our worship space.

We are part of a long line of

people in need of God’s

saving grace who rejoice as

Christ comes to open the

gates of justice and bring

heaven’s peace.

The procession leads us to

the cross of Christ and into

the mystery of Jesus’ life-

giving death.

We remember Jesus’ last

supper in worship this

Maundy Thursday (April 13

at 12 noon and 7:00 p.m.)

as we begin the Three Days.

Now begins “the hour” that

holds the universe and

widens to eternity: the suf-

fering, death, burial and

resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Children are invited to come forward.


HYMN Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (vs. 3)

THE LAST SUPPER - Part I - Peter

WORDS OF INSTITUTION ...For as often as we eat of this bread and drink from this cup, we proclaim the

mystery of our faith.

Response: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.




On the holiest of holy days,

Good Friday worship ser-

vices (April 14 at 12 noon

and 7:00 p.m.) begin in

silence where Maundy

Thursday’s left off. Now, as

if awaiting our return, the

silence receives us and

invites us more deeply in

the empty room, the unfold-

ing story, the widening

hour, the mystery of faith.

With boldness we approach

the throne of grace, the

cross upon which Christ is

lifted, to pray not only for

the church, but also for all

the world. As he promised,

Jesus draws us – all people,

named and unnamed, all

things, seen and unseen – to

himself and to the heart of


Bethany welcomes all to receive the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. An usher

will direct you forward for communion. There are several stations across the front of the

seating sections. Groups are welcome to visit a communion station together. You will re-

ceive a piece of bread in your hand, please dip the bread into the cup of wine. Those who

are not receiving communion are invited to receive a blessing. Note that the communion

station at the center has gluten-free bread and alcohol-free wine.



COMMUNION MUSIC Come to the Table Medley (8:30 a.m.) Swanson

Ride On, King Jesus (10:00 a.m.) L. Fleming

COMMUNION HYMN One Bread, One Body Hymn #496




OFFERING At the Foot of the Cross/Majesty (8:30 a.m.) Bond/Hayford

Christus Factus Est (10:00 a.m.) Anton Bruckner


You are invited to stand.

HYMN Were You There (vs. 1 & 2) Hymn #353

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Response: Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer.

Please be seated.

The Three Days continues

with the Vigil of Easter

(April 15, 6:30 pm at

Epiphany Lutheran Church,

790 S. Corona St., Denver,

80209) when we gather

around the fire. “The light

of Christ. Thanks be to

God.” we sing, following

the pillar of fire held high.

And then: “This is the

night.” This is the storied

night of the wonders of

God. Come, join the angels

and archangels, earth and

sea and all their creatures,

as we sing, “Alleluia and

amen. Holy, holy holy!”

Reimagine the offering:

What would it look like to

give a percentage of our

time away to serve our


The text of “Christus Factus

Est” is taken from Philippi-

ans 2. “Christ became obe-

dient for us unto death, even

to death on the cross.

Therefore God exalted him

and gave him a name which

is above all names.”


PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Gary Sandberg,

Pastor Russ Britton,

Pastor Brigette Weier

ORGANIST Rick Seaton

STORY-TELLERS Entry into Jerusalem: Forrest Guittar

The Last Supper: Ken Wills

Garden of Gethsemane:

Pastor Russ Britton

Suffering & Trial: Steve Buhrman

The Crucifixion: Eric Oss

The Tomb: Julie Miller

MUSICIANS Cherub Choir, Zach Rodasti, Director

Sounds of Praise, Paula Wills, Director

(8:30 a.m.)

Caroler Choir, Pat Guittar, Director;

Jubilation Singers, Pat Guittar, Director;

Chancel Choir, Dr. James Kim, Director

(10:00 a.m.)




Karen Tennien (8:30),

Alison Betts (10:00)

Garth Englund III, Koren Holden,

Jeanette Manos, Karen Tennien,

Cheryl Whitecotton (8:30 a.m.)

Judi Burchfield, Nickie Fowler,

Gretchen Hack, Morris Hack (10:00 a.m.)




Dave Malucky

Michelle Stone Kraus



Dave Okes (8:30),

Andy Gift (10:00)

Steve Esterline, Bill Herrmann,

Dave Kirchner, Gary Miller,

Scott Scholbe, David Scott,

Bud Setzer, Richard Will (8:30 a.m.)

David Admire, Andy Gift,

Ben King, Lowell Palmquist,

Judy Sturm, Julane Powell (10:00 a.m.)


Coordinators: Forrest

Guittar, Laura Romig

Colton Hook, Rob Kelly, Jacob Lusk,

Trevor McLean, Richard Romig


Coordinator: Linda Sather

Gwen Grace, Peg Kirchner,

Mona Palmquist, Carol Rankin


ATTENDANTS Kathy Shearer, Lori Braden

THE TOMB - Mary Magdalene


You are invited to stand.

SENDING HYMN Beneath the Cross of Jesus (vs. 1 & 2) Hymn #338

POSTLUDE Apparition de l’Eglise éternelle Olivier Messiaen

You are invited to remain in the Sanctuary to listen to Messiaen’s “Vision of the

Eternal Church” as a preparation for the Holy Week events leading to Christ’s


Liturgical Text, Worship Notes and Music: From Sundays and (c) 2017 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #26681



Palm Sunday Worship/Journey to the Cross 8:30

& 10:00 a.m. Sunday School children worship with

their families TODAY to experience this unique and

engaging presentation of the Passion Story.

Sunday School, Confirmation & Adult Faith For-

mation We will resume on Apr il 23.

Youth Fundraiser: Palm Sunday Pancake Break-

fast TODAY 7:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Fellow-

ship Hall. Join the annual Pancake Breakfast hosted

by Bethany’s Senior High Youth! Get the day started

off right as this Bethany community rallies around

our students! All proceeds, from the free-will offer-

ing collected, will go to the Summer Trip Scholar-

ship funds that will benefit students this year and

years to come! See you there!

Bonfils Blood Drive TODAY in the Great Hall

from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bonfils has 10 pairs of

suite-level tickets for Avalanche, Nuggets and Mam-

moth games to give away as a special thank you to

donors. Whoever donates on Palm Sunday will be

entered into a drawing to win a pair of tickets.

Stations of the Cross The Stations of the Cross

combine art and scripture to recreate Christ’s walk to

the cross within the walls of the church, allowing us

to make a “pilgrimage to Jerusalem” and through

contemplation and meditation be drawn closer to the

Christ who walked there. You have the opportunity

to take this walk along our labyrinth TODAY in

Room 412 in the Youth Wing. These beautiful and

moving works of art created by a group of Bethany

needlepointers, are a powerful reminder of the Pas-

sion of our Lord.

40 Days of Giving We have pledged $12,000 to

this ELCA Campaign cause for World Hunger. Your

Global Mission Ministry Team has already given

$5,000 towards our goal. Pick up an ELCA World

Hunger envelope at the Welcome Center and help us

meet our goal! Bring your World Hunger gifts at


Flowers If you would like to help provide Easter

flowers for the Sanctuary, please fill out the pink

envelope from the pew rack, insert your check for

$18 (or pay at the kiosk) and place it in the offering

plate. Deadline is TODAY.

30th Anniversary Palm Sunday Prayer Walk!

The Urban Servant Corps community will celebrate

the beginning of Holy Week as we walk the neigh-

borhood where USC volunteers have been present

for 30 years! Sunday, April 9 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.,

1660 Ogden St. Denver. Please gather generous con-

tributions and "noisy offerings" (coins) to support

the USC program. If you are unable to attend the

event, please consider a contribution to celebrate 30

years of "serving Christ through action for better



The Triduum, the Three Days before Easter

† Maundy Thursday April 13, worship at noon &

7:00 p.m. Celebrate the Lord’s Supper and remember

Jesus’ new commandment to love one another. Foot

washing is offered at both services. First Communion

is celebrated at 7:00 p.m.

† Good Friday April 14, worship at noon & 7:00 p.m.

The Tenebrae (shadows/darkness) service is a continu-

ation of Maundy Thursday, beginning simply with

readings of Jesus’ Passion. Seven lighted candles, rep-

resenting the ebbing life of the Crucified, are extin-

guished as the readings progress.

† Vigil of Easter Saturday, Apr il 15 at 6:30 p.m. at

Epiphany Lutheran Church, 790 S. Corona St., Den-

ver, 80209. Come for the lighting of the new Paschal

candle, the Old Testament readings and the transition

from Lent to Easter. Bring a dish for a potluck after!

We welcome our new worshipers today! Please fill out a Connection Card found in the pew rack and join in

fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. To learn more about Bethany’s Bible studies and various ministries, pick up

a Life Together at Bethany booklet at the Welcome Center or download it from our website - www.bethany- Bethany hosts New Worshiper Information Sessions quarterly and then receives new members.

The next session is April 30 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 209. Schedule a home visit with a pastor to discuss how

Bethany’s ministries might connect with your faith journey and interests. Contact Sarah at sarah@bethany-

Centering Prayer will not meet this week at either

2:00 or 6:00 p.m.

Easter Egg Hunt & Festival Saturday, Apr il 15,

10:00 a.m. in the Bethany Courtyard and Fellowship

Hall! (We will have a designated area for ages 3 and

under.) Immediately following the Easter Egg hunt we

will have treats and crafts for all. Invite a friend, neigh-

bor or co-worker to this fun event for the whole family!

If you’d like to help us hide the eggs for the hunt, arrive

at 8:30 a.m. - we’d love help of all ages. To donate

empty colorful plastic eggs please contact the church

office at 303-758-2820. Thank you!

NEXT SUNDAY, April 16…

† Easter Sunday Worship

We celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord at 6:15,

7:45, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

Help reach the goal of $12,000 for ELCA World Hun-

ger. Bring your gifts at Easter.


Young at Heart Please join us on Fr iday, Apr il 21.

Note – because Good Friday falls on the 2nd Friday of

the month, Young at Heart is being moved to the 3rd

Friday. Cost is $8.00 per person. Arrive in Fellowship

Hall at about 11:00 am for coffee and socializing.

Lunch begins at 11:30am with a short devotion and

prayer. The program will begin at 12:30pm where we

will hear Arnie Voight talk about the current situation in

Palestine and Israel. For questions call Kathy Shearer at


Bethany Mission Trip (for all ages!) YES, ALL AG-

ES AND CAPABILITIES! The trip is scheduled for

July 16-21st in Axtell, NE. This opportunity will serve

the Bethphage Village (Mosaic) organization and in-

cludes both relational and physical labor serving oppor-

tunities. If you are interested in learning more, please

pick up an informational sheet at the Welcome Desk or

contact Tara Sawinski at [email protected] or

303-941-0093. There are only 23 spaces available.

Deadline to register for the trip is May 1.

Heard About Joseph’s Coat? Join in for Joseph and the

Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Boulder Dinner

Theater on Sunday, June 4. We’ll leave church at 11:15

a.m. for motorcoach transportation to and from the ven-

ue for a 1:30 p.m. show. Our per person price is $60

payable to Bethany which includes bus transportation,

gratuity for our driver, dinner, gratuity on the dinner

portion of your ticket, unlimited fountain drinks and/or

coffee/tea, and the performance itself. With limited

seats, please sign up and pay at the Welcome Center.

Be The Blessing Please join us for Be The Blessing

2017 – a time for serving others throughout our commu-

nity. Representatives of participating non-profits will be

at Bethany on Sunday, April 30 from 8:30-11:45

a.m. Be The Blessing service days are June 3, 10 and

11. To find out more about Bethany’s Be the Blessing

event, visit or stop by the

Welcome Center and pick up a project information


Vacation Bible School at Bethany is June 26-30

Maker Fun Factory! Created by God, Built for a Pur-

pose! Registration forms are available!! It will be an

awesome week and we’ll need volunteers so if you’re

interested in joining in all the fun please contact Gayle

at [email protected] or 303-758-2820 ext 352.


Pick up a Life Together at Bethany booklet and our

monthly newsletter at the Welcome Center to find ways

for you to connect with others at Bethany.


Bethany Fund Update: Received Give Now!

Office Help Needed Some of our Administrative staff

will be taking some well-deserved vacation time follow-

ing Easter. We are seeking volunteers who can help an-

swer the phone and greet people who enter the office. If

you can assist for a morning, afternoon, or even all day

the week of April 24-28, please contact the office at 303

-758-2820. We can offer a quick training session if you


Hearing Assistance Please see the Sound

Tech in the sound booth at the rear of the Sanc-

tuary if you need a hearing assistant device.

See Ushers for Large Print bulletins. Emergency 911 calls - In case of an emergency, always

dial 911 from a land line if possible. When calling from

Bethany, be sure to identify the address (4500 E. Hamp-

den Ave.) as being in Cherry Hills Village, Arapahoe


April 2 $ 40,087

April MTD $ 40,087

Fiscal YTD $1,453,708


Bethany Lutheran Church 4500 East Hampden Avenue Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80113


Holy Week Experience

Maundy Thursday – April 13, Noon and 7:00 p.m. The joy of Communion and the ministry of service are experienced

through the gift of the table, and through foot washing.

Many of our young people will be sharing in their First Communion.

Good Friday – April 14, Noon and 7:00 p.m. We move from light into darkness as we reflect on the

seven last words of Jesus.

Holy Saturday Easter Egg Hunt and Festival - April 15 10:00 a.m. snow or shine!

Easter Vigil – Saturday, April 15, 6:30 p.m. Hosted by our sister congregation, Epiphany Lutheran Church,

790 S. Corona St., Denver, 80209.

We share in a potluck following worship. Bring a dish to share.

Space will be set up resembling a reader's theater so bring pillows to sit on!

Easter at Bethany

Sunday, April 16 6:15 a.m. Sunr ise service (fir st 20 minutes will be outdoors)

Easter Celebrations at 7:45, 9:30, 11:15 a.m.

(The 7:45 worship will be in the Sanctuary.

The 9:30 & 11:15 worship will be in the Sanctuary and the Great Hall.)