PAKISTAN · Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, where again matters of mutual interest were discussed. ......

PAKISTAN MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas Co. B.V. Branch Office, Islamabad Issue No. 19 2014. Jul - Oct

Transcript of PAKISTAN · Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, where again matters of mutual interest were discussed. ......


MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas Co. B.V.Branch Office, IslamabadIssue No. 19 2014. Jul - Oct


PANORÁMA PAKISTAN is a quarterly newsletter of MOL Pakistan.

Editorial Board

Patron: MD/CEO

Executive Editor: Ali Murtaza Abbas

Editor: Saadi Faraz

Editorial Team

Said KamalIrtaza HassanSamiara Malik

Contents2 MD’s Message

3 Development of Makori Gas Processing

Facility – Growing from Strength to Strength

4 Mr Dodds’ Visit - 4- 5 Aug 2014

5 Growww, MOL Group’s Award-Winning Global Graduate Recruitment and Development Program

6 Regional Food Festival

7 MOL Pakistan Dispatches 1st Tranche of Relief Goods to the IDPs of NWA

7 MOL Extends Help to IDPs of North Waziristan

8 Visit by Brian William Glover

9 Hungarian National Day

10 Mr Dodds’ Visit - 4- 5 Aug 2014 (Urdu)

11 MD’s Message (Urdu)

MD’s MessageDear readers We are here with yet another edition of Panorama. We have tried to share the maximum number of articles covering our activities to keep you informed about MOL family. Hopefully you will love going through it.As winter sets in to permeate our evenings and the days ahead witness early darkness and cooler temperature, I wish you a happy fall season. New seasons along with them bring an opportunity of new beginnings. I hope and wish this weather change brings peace to your world and joy to your life. I feel happy and proud to share with you all, that adding to its existing string of achievements, MOL Pakistan had completed a very important milestone when it started production from the Makori Gas Processing Facility (Makori GPF) in February 2014 stands fully functional now and mature in its production levels. MOL Pakistan’s first LPG production facility also enhances MOL’s continued contribution to improving the energy resources of Pakistan. What we hope in return is that we shall have secure and peaceful working environment, on which all international investments in Pakistan, present and future both, so much depend.Apart from detailed article on LPG production at MOL’s facility, this edition of Panorama contains many other interesting stories. It includes a report on regional food festival representing all provinces held to mark the Independence Day, report about Growww Program on their on-boarding session, Mr. Dodds visit to Pakistan in August 2014 followed by visits of Mr Brian William Glover in September and Mr Mike Pausche in October. Dispatch of two relief goods tranches for North Waziristan’s IDPs is also part of this edition. The Hungarian National Day celebration’s account should also interest our readers. This edition thus is aimed to give you insight of our activities.In the end I would like to convey my best wishes to all my readers for the New Year and hope that you will find this edition informative and interesting.

Thank you.

Editorial TeamThe fresh edition of Panorama is in your hands, which is designed according to your precious feedback as always. With some changes and inclusion of new members in Editorial team, the Team hopes to bring about pleasant changes to the format and content of the Newsletter. We thank our previous outgoing team members for their valued contributions. You will find good articles with colorful supporting pictures in this edition. We have tried to create a balance of pictures and written content on the pages to make it a smooth reading. We will be anxiously waiting for your feedback about our endeavor with the hope that you will find it interesting to read.



Development of Makori Gas Processing Facility – Growing from Strength to StrengthAdding to its existing string of achievements, MOL Pakistan completed a very important milestone when it started production from the Makori Gas Processing Facility (Makori GPF) in February 2014. The Makori GPF start-up is a special cause for celebration because it is MOL Pakistan’s first LPG production facility which means that sale of high-priced LPG will greatly improve MOL Pakistan’s bottom line. This facility also enhances MOL’s continued contribution to improving the energy resources of Pakistan.The plant, which caters for the Makori, Maramzai and Mamikhel fields, is designed with a capacity to treat 150 MMScfd gas, 10,000 bpd condensate, 20,000 bpd oil and extract 425 MT/day LPG. The process involves using cryogenic temperatures to extract LPG through Turbo-expander technology. While the plant is located next to the Manzalai CPF, it operates as an independent facility with its dedicated power generation, utilities and liquid hydrocarbon storage. Achieving this milestone was not easy. It involved incessant hard work carried out over a period of several years. The entire project for the Makori GPF began in 2010 with the initiation of the FEED (Front-End Engineering & Design) that would involve an extensive study to select the most economical and suitable technology to achieve an optimum recovery of LPG. This was an important step to maximize the gains that MOL Pakistan & Tal Joint Venture wished to achieve from the project. Different types of proprietary and non-proprietary technologies were evaluated and non-proprietary turbo-expander technology was finally selected as the best solution from a techno-economic perspective. FEED study was carried out for a facility based on the selected technology so that basic engineering would be completed and cost estimation refined.Subsequent to the FEED study, the process for pre-qualification of EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning) bidders was initiated by advertisement through national and international newspapers. The bidding

was concluded in 2012 with the award of the EPCC to a consortium of Presson-Descon International Ltd and Descon Engineering Ltd at a cost of approximately US$ 220 million.The EPCC stage was executed by MOL Pakistan Project Team through effective project monitoring and control. Intensive reviews of engineering documents were carried out in the Detailed Design stage and great emphasis was laid on HSE and Quality Assurance & Control during the construction phase. Finally LPG production was achieved in February 2014. Currently, the plant is producing as per the required specification, and project close-out is near at hand as the performance test will be completed in the coming days.Establishing production from the plant was not the only achievement in this project. Project success was achieved with multiple other successes. LPG production was achieved in 21 months after award of contract to EPCC contractor which translates into project execution and start-up in record time. Till date more than 7 million Lost-Time Injury-free manhours have been completed which is an achievement in itself and is testament to the HSE focus maintained throughout the construction and commissioning period. Further, such a large project has been completed without any change orders that would have increased the cost of the project above that stipulated during

award of contract. No security incident has occurred during execution and effective community handling has meant that there were zero work stoppages.This is the fourth production facility developed by MOL Pakistan and with each plant the achievements have been greater. The Makori GPF has certainly made MOL Pakistan proud!


Mr Dodds’ Visit - 4- 5 Aug 2014Mr. Alexander Dodds, the Executive Vice President (E&P) MOL Group was here in Islamabad, Pakistan on a two-day visit from 4th Aug to 5th Aug, 2014. Like always, he had a busy schedule.

Visits Ministry of Petroleum:On 4th Aug, he along with Mr. Ali Murtaza Abbas, Group Regional Advisor - Middle East, Africa & Pakistan called on Secretary Petroleum. The meeting was held in a very congenial atmosphere, where MOL operations in Pakistan in particular were discussed. While the Secretary praised MOL Group’s investments in Pakistan, he lauded the successes made by MOL Pakistan in recent years. Mr. Dodds also apprised the Secretary of the Group’s interest and keenness in looking at other opportunities that would interest MOL Group for further investments in Pakistan. In the afternoon, Mr. Dodds chaired an MCOM meeting at MOL Pakistan offices Islamabad.Thereafter, Mr Dodds visited Mari Petroleum Company Limited(MPCL) where Managing Director MPCL LtGen (R) Nadeem Ahmad welcomed him. Both had a fruitful talk on the ongoing joint ventures of Karak & Ghauri blocks and prospects of further expanding mutually benificial relationship.

Relief Goods Distribution:On 5th Aug Mr. Dodds and Mr. Ali Murtaza called on Minister of Petroleum & Natural Resources Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, where again matters of mutual interest were discussed. The Secretary Petroleum also attended the meeting. Minister of Petroleum was appreciative of the role, MOL Pakistan was playing in mitigating energy crises in Pakistan. After the meeting, the minister came over to MOL Pakistan Islamabad offices where Mr Akos Grosz welcomed the minister. The purpose of Minister’s visit was to take over relief goods for initiating dispatch of consignment of rations meant for IDPs of North Waziristan. The consignment consisted of 7 trucks loaded with ration that would be sufficient for 1000 families for a week. The food packages had been arranged and financed by MOL Pakistan. The Minister appreciated MOL Pakistan for the kind gesture and standing up once again to help the people in distress.

Tree Plantation:In the afternoon, Mr. Alexander Dodds , Mr. Majdi Ahmad,(the Regional Director ME & Africa, who was also on Pakistan visit) Mr. Ali Murtaza and Mr. Akos Grosz visited Capital Development Authority (CDA) Offices in Islamabad where Mr. Dodds signed an MOU with CDA under which MOL will plant 100,000 plants in collaboration with CDA.Later in the evening, Mr. Dodds hosted a dinner for MOL Pakistan employees and spoke to them in detail before his departure in the late night.



Growww, MOL Group’s Award-Winning Global Graduate Recruitment and Development Program

Growww, MOL Group’s award-winning global graduate recruitment and development program on boarded the Growww14 Growwwers on 30th September & 1st October 2014, at the Refinery Gallery Bratislava, Slovakia. This year 24 Group Companies participated with 238 Growwwers in total from 11 countries. This Year MOL Pakistan participated with 25 Growwwers. MOL Pakistan team was headed by Mr. Ali Murtaza Abbas, Regional Advisor Middle East & Africa, Mr. Csaba Raisz, Chief Financial Officer accompanied by Mr. Shaban Babar Baig, Mr. Ali Yasin, Mr. Abdullah Afridi and Mr. Khalid Janjua. A day prior to on-boarding session, MOL Pakistan Growwwers also had a privilege to meet Mr. Alexander Dodds, Executive Vice President, Exploration & Production MOL Group. On day 1 of the two-day Group Growww-2014 on boarding orientation

started with an introduction of MOL Group followed by Mr. Alexander Dodds welcoming the Growwwers to MOL Group. Mr. Ferenc Horvoth, Executive Vice President Down Stream MOL Group talked about in detail on “What do we do in Downstream?”. In post lunch session two guest speakers Mr. Rick Salmon and Mr. Magnus Lindkvist explained about “Global Energy Trends” and “When the Future begins…” respectively. Upon completion of presentations, all Growwwers were divided in two separate teams for the Team Building Activity. The day ended with Dinner and Social Fade out. Day 2 was Group Growwwers’ Functional Areas Business Education Program Day. It started with the presentation of Group HR’s Ms. Zdravka Demeter Bubalo, who is Group HR VicePresident. Group’s Corporate Communications presentation was delivered by Mr. Dominic Kofner, Group Corporate Communication VP.

Later on Group Legal, Group HD&HSE, Group Finance, Internal Audit, OD&CG and Internal Audit also gave their presentations. The Two-day orientation session was of immense value and exposure for the Growwwers in terms of getting to know the core information of business and functional units. They also had a chance to socialize with fellow Growwwers and high officials. Question Answer Sessions after every presentation was also a big opportunity for the Growwwers to learn more and to GROWWW more.


Regional Food Festival

Pakistan ”The Land of Pure” where each day the sun rises with a new hope, with an enduring majesty as the rays of light flush down towards the snowcapped peaks of Himalaya’s and Nanga Parbat. A land where love finds a meaning in the heart warming hospitality of people, a land where history and ancient civilization mystifies one’s heart, a land of serene beauty, a country with diverse lifestyles. This is the land we belong to; this is the land that defines our identity. 14th August holds significant importance for every Pakistani as this is the day our beautiful homeland came into being. While the entire country gets into the occasion’s frenzy, MOL Pakistan is no exception. 14th August is celebrated with tremendous pride, enthusiasm, zeal, exuberance and patriotism at MOL Pakistan to remember the spirit of Independence. The employees at our field operations were equally thrilled with the spirit. To mark the day and its festivity, regional food festival was held where the traditional cuisines of 5 provinces were served. Each day the dining hall and respective site messes were decorated to depict the culture of the province of the day.Given the diversity of our country – the vast geographical expanse, the multiplicity of languages and traditions –all five provinces have a unique colour

and flavour. The extensive cuisine of Punjab can be vegetarian and non-vegetarian. One commonality between all Punjabi dishes is the substantial usage of ghee or butter and spices. Most Punjabi food is eaten with either rice or roti. There are some dishes that are exclusive to Punjab such as Dal Maash, Paratha, Makai ki rotti, Sarson ka Saag, Haleem, Baryani. Punjabis are also fond of Zarda, Gulab-Jamuns, Kheer, and Jalaibi. Sindh: The land of Saints and Sufis, shiny surface of lakes and the barren land of hills. This second largest province of the country has rich multifaceted culture, heritage, traditions, folk tales, dances and music. Sindhi cooking has influence of Mughlai and Indian cuisine. Some of most popular Sindhi recipes are Sai Bhaji, Sindhi Seyal Chicken Curry, Masala koki , Fried fish, popular Karachi Halwa, and of course the fiery Sindhi Biryani; delicious and exotic, a perfect manifestation of its surroundings. Baluchistan: “The Land of Jewels and Minerals” where coal miners put their lives at stake. The largest province, where tribal diversity gives the message of faithfulness, sincerity, love and hospitality. Baluchi Cuisine is not spicy but aromatic and has a very strong influence from Afghanistan. Baluchistan is famous for dishes that are made of meat, particularly

mutton. Saji and Dampukht are two special Baluchi cuisine. Khyber Pakthunkhwa: The Land of Warriors. The battlefield of Mongols, Mughals, Turks , Sikhs, Arabs, Egyptians and Persians but known for pious, hospitable and honest people. Pashtun Cuisines are strongly influenced by the rich cultural surroundings of the region. The food blends in the mouth-watering flavors of cooking whose roots can be traced to the styles used in Afghanistan and Iran. Popular dishes include Kabuli Pulao, Peshawari Naan and Chappli Kabab.Gilgit Baltistan : The natural wonder of the world where poetic verses find their inspirations from the beauty and elegance of high peak mountains, lush green fields and the fragrant breeze singing across the poplar trees. The famous cuisines of Gilgit include Marzan, Skampo-Sha, Sha-chu, Shabaly etc and different types of soups are also made according to the weather. Most of these dishes were made part of the menu during the Regional Food Festival that started from 12th August and lasted till 16th Aug. Food lovers were delighted about all that was on offer at the festival. They were appreciative of the cooking standards and lauded the local chefs for giving us all great delights.



As an international company and corporate entity, MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Company strives to foster relations with local communities by being a reliable partner in supporting constructive public activities. Committed to making social investments in its immediate and broader environment, MOL Pakistan have always risen to the occasion to help communities hit by natural calamities to stand up on their own feet again.Taking cognizance of the fact and to help the affectees of the operation in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) in Miranshah, MOL Pakistan contributed

MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Company, the subsidiary of MOL Group Hungary and presently working in TAL Block consisting of districts of Karak, Kohat & Hangu dispatched seven fully loaded trucks with food packages catering for one week’s needs of about 1000 IDP families. In a simple but elegant ceremony, Mr Alexander Dodds, Executive Vice President Exploration & Production, MOL Group, visiting Pakistan handed over loaded ration trucks to the Minister of Petroleum & Natural Resources Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi who visited MOL Pakistan Office for the purpose. Speaking on this occasion Mr Alexander Dodds said that “MOL Group considered it its moral and social obligation to help these distressed people who had to leave their homes under difficult circumstances”. “I have specially come here to personally get involved in this gesture of MOL Pakistan and to show solidarity with these suffering people in this hour of need. In future also, MOL

would continue to donate for such noble causes in Pakistan” he added.Mr Dodds praised the employees of MOL Pakistan who contributed portion of their salaries to the relief fund for the IDPs. The present relief goods tranche is second donation that MOL has handed over for the IDPs. Earlier one was dispatched two weeks ago and handed over to MNA Kohat Mr. Shehryar Afridi for distribution at his end. It may also be recalled that MOL Pakistan has been extending such help to disaster struck people including the earthquake and flood affected people. During the earthquake, MOL Group had donated five hundred thousand dollars worth assistance. The Regional Director ME & Africa Mr Ahmad Majdi, MOL Group, Regional Adviser ME & Africa MOL Group, Mr Ali Murtaza Abbas and MD/CEO MOL Pakistan Mr Akos Grosz were also present on the occasion. Lauding MOL Pakistan’s gesture, Mr Khaqan Abbasi said that he appreciated

the timely assistance extended by MOL Group for the people of NWA. Mr Shahid Khaqan Abbasi expressed his appreciation and called Mr Dodds “a friend of Pakistan”. He appreciated Mr Dodds for visiting Pakistan for the third time in the last one year despite his hectic schedule.The trucks with relief goods on reaching venue of IDPs were handed over to Army / Civil Administration that arranged for their distribution.MOL Pakistan has always championed CSR initiatives in Pakistan such as frequent free eye camps, water schemes and construction of schools & examination halls being carried out in the TAL Block.

to the government relief efforts by dispatching 3 trucks of relief food items contributed by the Company. The food items such as rice, sugar, cooking oil and dates etc dispatched were of about one week’s requirements for about 450 families. MNA Kohat Mr. Shehryar Afridi was handed over the consignments by MD/CEO MOL Pakistan Mr Akos Grosz for onward distribution amongst the IDPs through local District Administration. MOL representatives were present in three districts Hangu, Karak and Kohat at the time of distribution to the IDPs on 25th July, 2014.

MOL Pakistan’s prompt response to recent crises was well taken in the area and it only strengthened MOL Pakistan’s resolve to continue the good work for the local people.

MOL Pakistan Dispatches 1st Tranche of Relief Goods to the IDPs of NWA

MOL Extends Help to IDPs of North WaziristanMOL Group Executive Vice President Mr Dodds Hands Over Relief Goods to Federal Minister of Petroleum


Visit by Brian William Glover

Mr Brian William Glover was here in Islamabad for a three day visit from 22nd Sep to 24 Sep 2014. He was here to get acquainted with ground situation of MOL Pakistan Operations and Business activities.On arrival he was given a warm reception and presented with flower bouquets. After the HSE & Security induction, an over view of MOL Pakistan operations were presented through a presentation.An OGDCL visit had been planned for him being a major Oil & Gas player of the country and a major JV partner in TAL Block. He met the MD OGDCL Mr Muhammad Rafi and his staff and had mutual beneficial discussions with him. Accompanying Mr Brian were Mr Ali Murtaza, the Group Regional Adviser for ME & Africa, Mr Akos Grosz, the Managing Director/CEO MOL Pakistan and Mr Ahmad Nawaz, the COO. In the evening a dinner was hosted by Mr Ali Murtaza, the Group Regional Advisor for ME & Africa in his honor. The management MOL Pakistan also attended.The next day he called on Secretary Petroleum, Mr Abid Saeed after which he had a brief meeting with Minister of petroleum Mr Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. On his last day he visited Mari Petroleum Company and met the MD Lt Gen(R) Nadeem Ahmad and had discussions on joint ventures projects that MOL and MPCL were actively engaged in. Later he was taken to beautiful scenic restaurant of Monaal for Lunch. He appreciated the scenic beauty of the area. In the evening MD/CEO Mr Akos Grosz hosted a dinner in his honor with all management attending. Late night he flew back to his home country.



Hungarian National Day

Ambassador Istvan Szabo and Mrs. Emilia Szabo hosted a reception at the Shamadan Hall of the Serena Hotel to celebrate the 58th National Day of Hungary. Ambassador of various European Union countries and their spouses attended the reception. The guest of honor was Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Resources Mr. Jam Kamal while few other politicians and sitting MPs also attended the event; prominent amongst them were Mr. Aftab Khan Sherpao, Mr. Naveed Qamar and Former Deputy Speaker Faisal Karim Kundi.Festivities are a symbol of maintaining group cohesion, socialization and often cheerful mood.Every year The Hungarian National day is celebrated in Pakistan with full zeal and fervor to commemorate solidarity with Hungary. This year the celebration and festive atmosphere had been created with flowers in the colors of the Hungarian flag.The celebrations began with the national anthem followed by a cake cutting ceremony and dinner. There were many Hungarian specialties for guests to enjoy, it was a pleasant evening attended by both local and overseas visitors and dignitaries celebrating and showing respect for the

nation.In his address the host Mr Istvan Szabo welcomed the gathering by saying they were all chief guests and also said that Republic of Hungary celebrates the annual event with reference to 1956 revolution of Hungary against the communist forces of Russia.He thanked the guest of honor for joining in the celebration and went on to speak about bilateral ties with Pakistan. Both countries established diplomatic relations on November 26th 1965. As of 2013, Hungary has invested US$ 1.4 billion in the energy sector in Pakistan; trade between them has grown substantially

and the Oil and Gas Company, MOL Pakistan has been operating since 2004 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, employing over 500 people.He also spoke of the significance of cultural exchanges and appreciated the level of understanding and harmony between the two countries, mentioning the two recent cultural events that had taken place since his arrival, with hopefully more to follow. He appreciated management of MOL for sponsoring the event, encouraging them to continue such celebrations in the future as well.





PANORAMA Pakistan awaits and appreciates your comments.

Feedback:[email protected]

MOL PakistanContact details:Plot. 5-A, Crown PlazaF-7 Markaz, Islamabad P.O. Box: 1562 Islamabad 44000Tel: + 92 51 111 665 725Fax: +92 51

CRS Public RelationsOfficial PR Agency of MOL Group in Pakistan24 - Nazimuddin Road, F-10/4 Islamabad - PakistanTel: ++ 92 51 2113414-5Fax:++92 51

[email protected]

Afforestation Project

Afforestation is the process of establishing a forest on land where there is no forest, by planting trees and caring continually until the trees grow collectively as a whole into a forest as planned. Afforestation helps in addressing the environmental issues of the world, especially in preventing and reversing the effects of global warming. It also helps in avoiding desertification. As the human needs grow through population growth and advances in civilization, people have been exploiting nature and

converting forests into agricultural lands, mines, and industrial areas for various resources for their recreation, enjoyment and comfort in living.As part of corporate sustainability, environment is one of our foremost concerns and we are highly committed to the betterment of ecological conditions and biodiversity in our areas of operation. In this connection MOL Pakistan has initiated an afforestation project in TAL Block. The native indigenous species

have been identified for plantation. Two committees one from field and other from office have been formed to carry out the plantation. A total of twenty five thousand dollars (25,000 USD) have been allocated for the project. In the initial stage, MOL Pakistan plans to plant 2000 trees along the boundary of the CPF/GPF. MOL Pakistan has also sponsored for a plantation project with Capital Development Authority (CDA) in Islamabad territory. The main benefits of the project are:

Increase vegetation cover; Reduce soil erosion; Reduce greenhouse effect by

decreasing carbon footprint and counter the impacts of climate change; and

Increase the quality of environment.