Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and...

Pakistan Pakistan By Ali McGuire By Ali McGuire

Transcript of Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and...

Page 1: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

PakistanPakistanBy Ali McGuireBy Ali McGuire

Page 2: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

GeographyGeography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and

Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders the Arabian Sea.north. Borders the Arabian Sea.

Mostly hot, dry desert, cold in the north.Mostly hot, dry desert, cold in the north. Frequent Earthquakes and flooding.Frequent Earthquakes and flooding.Farming land: 24.44%Farming land: 24.44%Permanent Crops: 0.84%Permanent Crops: 0.84%Other: 74.72%Other: 74.72% Natural Resources: extensive natural gas reserves, land, Natural Resources: extensive natural gas reserves, land,

limited petroleum, iron, ore, copper, salt and petroleum, iron, ore, copper, salt and limestone. The Indus River runs through the center of Pakistan.The Indus River runs through the center of Pakistan. Himalayan mountains in the north called KarakorumHimalayan mountains in the north called Karakorum

Page 3: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.
Page 4: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.
Page 5: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

General InformationGeneral Information People are PakistaniPeople are Pakistani Ethnic Groups: Punjabi-48%, Pathan-15.42%, Sindhi-Ethnic Groups: Punjabi-48%, Pathan-15.42%, Sindhi-

14.1%, Sariaki-8.38%, Muhajirs-7.57%, Balochi-3.57%, 14.1%, Sariaki-8.38%, Muhajirs-7.57%, Balochi-3.57%, and other-8%.and other-8%.

95% Muslim: (5% Christian and Hindu)95% Muslim: (5% Christian and Hindu) Of the Muslims, there are Sunni-75% and Shia-20%.Of the Muslims, there are Sunni-75% and Shia-20%. Languages: Punjabi-48%, Sindhi-12%, Sariaki-10%, Languages: Punjabi-48%, Sindhi-12%, Sariaki-10%,

Pashtu-8%, Urdu-8%, other-14%. Official Language- Urdu. Pashtu-8%, Urdu-8%, other-14%. Official Language- Urdu. Population: 187,342,721Population: 187,342,721 6th most populated country.6th most populated country. 111 men for every 100 women.111 men for every 100 women. 146 people per square kilometer146 people per square kilometer

Page 6: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

EducationEducation 2.7% of GDP used for schooling.2.7% of GDP used for schooling. Age 15 and over can read and write. About Age 15 and over can read and write. About

49.9%- 63% male, 36% female.49.9%- 63% male, 36% female. Males go to school for about 8 yearsMales go to school for about 8 years Females go to school for about 6 years Females go to school for about 6 years

Page 7: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Health Health Infant mortality rate: 63/1000 births.Infant mortality rate: 63/1000 births. Total live expectancy: 63 years.Total live expectancy: 63 years. Male:64 Female:67Male:64 Female:67 About 3 children per womanAbout 3 children per woman 5,800 died of HIV/AIDS5,800 died of HIV/AIDS 31% of young children are 31% of young children are

underweight. underweight.

Page 8: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

GovernmentGovernment Type: Federal RepublicType: Federal Republic Capital: IslamabadCapital: Islamabad Gained Independence 1947Gained Independence 1947 Military is most important political force.Military is most important political force. President: Asif Ali ZardariPresident: Asif Ali Zardari Ambassador of USA is Husain Haqqani.Ambassador of USA is Husain Haqqani. Supreme Court: Federal Islamic or Sharia Supreme Court: Federal Islamic or Sharia

CourtCourt The government is fairly stable, apart from the The government is fairly stable, apart from the

Taliban regions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan Taliban regions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.border.

Page 9: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Economics GDP/ Income per capita: $2,500 ‘Labor Force: 48% agriculture. 20%

industry. 36% services Industry: apparel, food processing,

construction materials, paper products, fertilizer and shrimp.

Page 10: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

USA & Pakistan Relationship

Bilateral Relationship Diplomatic/mutual relationship. US provides economic and military

assistance. The US really needs Pakistan as an ally

especially because of the war with Afghanistan.

Major non-Nato ally: have strategic working relationships but not members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.-not inter-governmental.

Page 11: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Currently… US military killed Osama Bin Laden

on Pakistan soil which created tension between Washington DC and Islamabad.

The US ambassador to Pakistan, Husain, recently resigned.

Page 12: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

ShariaSharia How is Sharia influence modern criminal How is Sharia influence modern criminal

law?law? Pakistan uses certain criminal laws that Pakistan uses certain criminal laws that

reflect traditional Sharia, such as banning reflect traditional Sharia, such as banning Muslims from drinking or selling alcohol. Muslims from drinking or selling alcohol.

Pakistan does use the punishments in the Pakistan does use the punishments in the QurQur’’an, but are only enforced rarely, if an, but are only enforced rarely, if ever. The original punishments still occur ever. The original punishments still occur in Pakistan.

Page 13: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Human Rights Women treated better than middle east

women. Lots of violence against Pakistan women. Ranked 5th in execution punishment. 31

executed in 2005. (Hanging). Must be 18 to have the death sentence.

Currently, Pakistan is being accused of torturing activists seeking independence.

Page 14: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Current Event August 2010, Pakistan was hit with worst

flooding due to monsoons in its history sweeping away homes, bridges, and roads.

Effected about 20 million people. “Against Hunger” foundation have been helping

to prevent water-borne diseases.

Page 15: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.
Page 16: Pakistan By Ali McGuire. Geography Location: Southern Asia between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Borders.

Bibliography "CIA - The World Factbook." Welcome to the CIA Web Site —

Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. <>.

"Pakistan-Population Distribution and Density." "Pakistan-Population Distribution and Density." . Web. 01 Dec. 2011. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. <<>. population_distribution_and_density.html>.

"Women in Pakistan." "Women in Pakistan." Wikipedia, the Free EncyclopediaWikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. . Web. 01 Dec. 2011. 01 Dec. 2011. <>.<>.

"2010 Pakistan Floods | Emergencies | Action Against Hunger." Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA - Ending World Hunger & Malnutrition. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. <>.