Pair writing: better content, more customer-focused

Pair writing: better content, more customer- focused Gerry McGovern, Bjørn Bergslien, Audun Rundberg 11 February 2015

Transcript of Pair writing: better content, more customer-focused

Pair writing: better content, more customer-focused

Gerry McGovern, Bjørn Bergslien, Audun Rundberg11 February 2015



This is what we look like

Construction companyUniversity

Global fertilizer company Bank

Traditional content creation processes are sort of broken...

We write without getting any critical input from others

Photo: nivekhmng / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Who’s asking...• Why are we creating this content?• What is the purpose of this content?• How does this content support our business goals?• Who will be reading this content? • And why will they read it? • Could this be a video or an illustration instead of text?

Everyone is publishing their

own stuff - «Silo publishing»

Photo: Astrid Westvang / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

We produce new content instead of improving what we

already have

Photo: Jon S / CC BY 2.0

We publish content because it’s really easy to click that button

in the CMS

Photo: Sean MacEntee / CC BY 2.0

We forget to involve the right

stakeholders early enough in a

website project

Photo: Seattle Municipal Archives / CC BY 2.0

We love content strategy so much that we forget to

work with the actual content

Photo: Ranil Amarasuriya / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Challenges• Writing without getting any input from others• Working separately on our own - «silo publishing»• Producing new content instead of improving existing content• Publishing content no one else has looked at• Not involving the right stakeholders early in the process• Only working on the strategy, not the nitty gritty details

More collaboration


Pair writing

Do your user research

...and establishobjectives!

Why pair writing?• The team thinks before publishing• It forces authors to stay focused• It helps colleagues form a mutual understanding of their

content• It results in a more uniform tone• It allows authors to share best practices in regards to writing for

the web

Web writing

workshop(ca 1948)

Pair writing!

Inspired by pair

programming (PDF)

Pair writing1. Bring people together and pair them up2. Decide on a need3. Group feedback4. Write!5. Present a draft6. Continue writing

Step #1: Bring people together and pair them up

Before writing, each pair has to answer these questions.

• Which objective will this page help us achieve?

• What are the user needs?

Step #2: Decide on

a need

Step #3: Group


Step #4: Write!

– Can you read that out loud?

– What do you mean by that?

Initial drafts focus on most

important need

Step #5: Present a


Step #6: Switch roles

and continue writing

No cruft, just


Example from City of Oslo

Pair writing1. Bring people together and pair them up2. Decide on a need3. Group feedback4. Write!5. Present a draft6. Continue writing

Where does pair writing fit in your process?Let’s look at 4 examples


Example #1

Small-town bank on the windy west coast of Norway

Financial jargon

Product prices hard

to find

Dull and lifeless content

Takes a long time to get to the




Pair writing at SSF• 2 pair writing workshops

• 10-12 people in total• Pairing communications people and product specialists

• Finding a common tone of voice• Getting rid of financial jargon

• Using Google Docs

Straight to the pointClear call to action

Prices and rates

Try it yourself!

Contact the bank for more info

236% increase in mortgage

calculator use

Increased traffic to all

product pages

520% increase in traffic

compared to banners on the front page

Example #2

Gaining leads for construction projects

Add to cart


Bridge (18.000 tonnes)

Not going to happen...

Showcase a project

Showcase a project

Contact project


Gain project leads








Web manager


Web manager




Example #3

Global fertilizer company with 10.000 employees

Decentralized publishing practices

People speaking different


50 different locations worldwide

Photo: Alexander Kaiser / CC BY 2.0

More than 60 intranet editors

and contributors

...and one (SharePoint)


So this is what we did...• 60 people from all over the world in the same

room• Half day web writing theory course to get a

common understanding of quality content• Two and a half days pair writing workshops in

smaller groups

+Word SharePoint


2. Cultural and organizational differencesLanguage barriersPeople not feeling it was their task to write

3. Word and SharePoint gave us a hard timeUse Google Docs instead!

Lessons learned1. We should have had more theory togetherHR, IT, Communications, Legal, business segments and moreHalf a day wasn’t enough to get everyone on the same page

Example #4

Customer focus at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

5 million pages sounds about right...

NTNU’s «web school»90 participants, 1 semester, 6 gatherings:

• Digital strategy• Customer-centric content, usability and user testing• Text, images and video best practices• Social media• Search, search engine optimization and accessibility• Content strategy and pair writing

90 editors gathered in a


What’s our objective? What does

the customer need?


Pair writing helps you write to

meet the need

Pair writing is outside some

people’s comfort zone, but the results

are worth it

It teaches you to focus on the need first, then the words

When you practise pair writing, you can't

remember who wrote each sentence. You have

shared ownership.

Pair writing helps you find common


Thank you!

@[email protected]

@[email protected]

Slides and resources: