Paige grantham's final for desma9

The Tell All Scan By: Paige Grantham Desma 9

Transcript of Paige grantham's final for desma9

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The Tell All Scan By: Paige Grantham

Desma 9

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Due to the fact that everyone nowadays seems to work and have a very busy schedule, going to numerous doctor appointment is like torture and not convenient for people. The Tell All Scan would make it easy for people to have one appointment per year for those annoying annual check ups that everyone needs. This scan will check your entire body within minutes. It will then highlight areas of concern. For example it will show any problems within your body that need to be addressed, thus saving people from unnecessary trips to multiple different doctors.

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The Tell All Scan is a very simple way to test everything in ones body. One either can stand in in the machine or if not able to stand can lie down. In this machine it take only a few minutes for it to capture a complete image of your entire body.

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The Tell All Scan is a perfect way for people to go to one doctor appointment and find out any and all things going on in their body. So many things go undiagnosed and unsolved with a normal doctor appointment. With the Tell All Scan people can go in for their annual check up and nothing would be missed, no need to go to another doctor unless some problem was detected. This scan would check bones, muscles, nerves, organs, and tissue.

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This scan is a perfect way for people to get everything checked at once and problems would be found early, thus saving peoples lives. Finding problems earlier in the body is better than later for example The American Cancer Society states, “Breast cancers that are found because they are causing symptoms tend to be larger and are more likely to have already spread beyond the breast.”

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In the results from The Tell All Scan done on my example, describes a man who was in a snowboarding accident and was rushed to the hospital. When he got there he was put into The Tell All Scan and they were able to find out any and all damage that had occurred to his body. Within minutes the scan showed that he had a broken femur and pelvis bone, damage to his small intestine, and also found tears in both the Vastus Lateralis and the Rectus Femoris muscles. After only minutes of him being at the hospital the scan was able to provide doctors with all the injuries that had transpired in his body from this horrible snowboarding accident.

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ConceptThe whole point of

this new Tell All Scan technology is to reduce unnecessary trips to numerous doctors, diagnose problems early on, and to save lives.

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In the United States each year ten to thirty percent of people are misdiagnosed each year, which leads to wrong treatment and people continue to stuff from what the real cause is. (Torrey) Throughout the United States a lot of time people are told that nothing is wrong with them when something really is. Both of these things just lead people becoming further ill or end up causing them more problems. When misdiagnosed people are often prescribed wrong medication and treatment that can cause tons of side effects.

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In the United States people tend to hate going to doctors appointments. One reason I found was that they think doctor’s appointments take way to much time. (Senelick) Doctors appointment take especially long if you are having any tests done for example an MRI can take from fifteen to forty minutes per person. (Hoad-Robson) Going to a doctors appointment that you need tests done at usually causes people to miss work, which is something that most people in the United States don’t like to do when they take a day off.

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Science Precedents X-Rays

X-Rays is a type of electromagnetic radiation that captures medical images of certain parts of one body. X-Ray machines are not only used to look at bones but “before the x-rays were found helpful they were used in radiation treatment, to look at bones that could have a stress fracture or be broken, to see something in the body that could have been swallowed, to see the image of a gun-shot wound such as a bullet that entered the body, to look at gallstones, to examine teeth and to scan baggage at the airport.” (Juhl)

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Science PrecedentsMRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body (webMD) The part of the body that is being tested is placed in a machine with strong magnets. MRI scans provide digital images that can be saved and used to further research.

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Artistic PrecedentsCT Scan Art

Dr Kai-hung Fung has taken Computed Tomography (CT) Scans of the body and turns them into art masterpieces. “Dr. Fung said: 'The pictures I create are generated directly from the medical 3D workstation, representing what I see on it. I do not use software such as Adobe Photoshop to further change the image.” (Kaushik)

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Artistic PrecedentsHuman Anatomy Art

There are tons of drawings and labeled pictures of the human body and this could not have been done if one does not know what the human body actually looks like. So the technology of MRI’s, X-Rays and human cadaver’s we are able to see pictures in Human Anatomy textbooks of the human body.

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Work Cited"Breast Cancer: Early Detection." American Cancer Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013.

“CAT Scan (Computed Tomography or CT Scan): Procedure, Preparation, and Results." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

Chart of Human Bones: Front View. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013.

CT Scan Art from Human Body Parts. Digital image. Amusing Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013.

Examining X-Ray. Digital image. Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013.

Extracting Slices from a 3-Dimensional MRI. Digital image. Mathworks. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2013.

Hoad-Robson, Rachel. " - Trusted Medical Information and Support." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

Juhl, Katie. "How Do X-rays Work?" How Do X-rays Work? N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

Kaushik. "CT Scan Art from Human Body Parts | Amusing Planet." CT Scan Art from Human Body Parts | Amusing Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

Senelick, M.D., Richard C. "Doctor Patient Relationship: 5 Reasons People Don't Like Their Doctor." The Huffington Post., 08 Nov. 2010. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

Torrey, Trisha. "Misdiagnosis -- What Is Misdiagnosis?" Patient Empowerment. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.

"What Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?" WebMD. WebMD, 03 Jan. 0000. Web. 08 Aug. 2013.