Page 4 Friday, September 13, 2013 The Observer/Enterprise ... fileBronte ISD. For additional...

Breakfast Monday, September 16 Sausage kolache or cereal, juice, milk Tuesday, September 17 Cheddar omelet wrap or cereal, juice, milk Wednesday, September 18 Breakfast pizza or cereal, juice, milk Thursday, September 19 Waffle & sausage or cereal, juice, milk Friday, September 20 Cinnamon roll & bacon or cereal, juice, milk Lunch Monday, September 16 Hot dog, sweet potato fries, cucumber dippers, fruit, milk Tuesday, September 17 Crispy taco, garden salad, charro beans, cinnamon applesauce, salsa, milk Wednesday, September 18 Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, carrot coins, bananas, hot rolls, gravy, milk Thursday, September 19 Pork chops, garden salad, green beans, sliced peaches, breadstick, milk Friday, September 20 Beef & bean burrito, broccoli bites, garden salad, orange smiles, milk Horns fall to Roby By Coach Kevin Burns The Roby Lions defeated the Bronte Longhorns last Friday by a score of 46-28. The Longhorns started strong and had a lot of momentum after recover- ing a Lion fumble but turnovers plagued the Horns on Friday and the Lions took advantage scor- ing 21 points off of them. The Horns battled back and got back into the game. After being down 30-7 early in the third quarter, the Longhorns scored 21 points in the frame and cut the lead to 38-28 headed into the 4th quarter but could not mount enough momentum to catch the Lions. Bronte was led offen- sively and defensively by Jared Scott who rushed for 123 yards on 10 carries and had 4 TD’s, three rushing and one pass, and also had 12 1/2 tackles on defense. Josh Puentez had 63 yards and Kyler Richards completed 6 of 8 passes for 161 yards. Defensively, our guys were put into too many short fields as 21 points were scored on offensive drives that started deep inside our own territory and two of them were inside the Horns’ ten yard line. The Lions had 213 yards rushing yards and 38 passing yards. Ean Ward recovered two Lion fum- bles and Jared Scott recov- ered one. The Horns are now 0-2 on the season. We have two more games before district competition begins so we are going to work hard to improve our block- ing and tackling skills and get in the win column. This week is Homecoming and the Horns will play the Winters Blizzards on Friday at 7:30. See you there!!!! Homecoming Dance set for tonight A Homecoming Dance will be held tonight (Fr- iday, September 13, 2013), beginning at 10:30 pm and continuing until 1 am. The dance will be at the Bronte Community Center. Children in 6th grade and under must have a parent present to attend. All proceeds will benefit 2014 BHS Project Graduation. Evans Scholarship Applications available The Bronte United Methodist Women announce that applications for the Sid & Bernice Evans Scholarship are now being accepted. The Evans were long-time members of the Bronte United Methodist Church. The Scholarship is for students 19 years of age and older. Applications are available from Pat Martindale at the City Hall in Bronte, 114 South Washington. Applications must be returned to the City Hall by September 16, 2013. PSAT Test for set for BHS Juniors The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, at Bronte High School. This testing ses- sion is available to all Bronte juniors, including home-schooled students eligible to attend school in the Bronte ISD. Junior students currently enrolled at Bronte ISD will automatically be regis- tered. The students will be given a PSAT study guide prior to the test. Home-school students will need to register for the test at http://www.nationalmerit.o rg. After registering online, please notify Mrs. Timmerman, counselor, at Bronte ISD. For additional informa- tion, please contact BISD counselor, Mrs. Timmerman, at (325) 473-2511. You may also visit for more information. Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Program announced The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards were created in 1995 to recog- nize students in grades 5 – 12 who have demonstrated exemplary community service. These prestigious awards sponsored by Prudential Financial Network in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), are presented annually on the local, state and national level. Students who are eligible to apply should currently be enrolled in grades 5-12 and be legal residents of the United States. Students should have engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least in part after September 1, 2012. Applications are available online at Click the “Apply Now” link. Applications may also be mailed to inter- ested applicants by calling (877) 525-8491. Students may turn their applications into their school counselor by November 5, 2013. BRONTE SCHOOL NEWS Page 4 Friday, September 13, 2013 The Observer/Enterprise Editorial & Advertising Deadline is 12 noon on Tuesday preceding publication. BSERVER/ NTERPRISE O E T H E Serving Coke County P.O. Box 1329 Robert Lee, TX 76945 (915) 453-2433 School Menu Paul’s Body Shop PAUL KNIGHT 123 N. State Bronte, Texas (325) 473-2425 • (325) 450-2281 • Complete Auto Body Repairs & Paint • Insurance Claims Welcome Glenn-Bivins Insurance 325-473-6791 [email protected] Locally and Family Owned Since 1922 We’ll Be Here When You Need Us! Home - Auto - Life - Commercial - RV “Insure your home and auto with Germania and save 15% on both; and receive an additional 10% with a Life policy.” Lady Shorthorn Volleyball! The Bronte 7th grade volleyball team placed 2nd in the Bronte Junior High Volleyball Tournament held Saturday, September 7, 2013. In their quest for the championship, they defeated the Grape Creek 7th grade team and the Grape Creek 8th grade team. In the Championship game, the Bronte 7th grade team fell to the Miles 8th grade team. Team members include (back row, from left) Kristen Stilley, Nita Betts, Cassidy McWright, Elexis Sanchez, Kaci Queen, Mahira Tapia, Hailey McKinney, Savina Ornelaz, (front row, from left) Makalah DeLaCerda, Kaily Torres, Baily Torres, Sarah Allen, Skyleigh Minjarez, and Jayden Speary. Shear Heaven Salon welcomes Jessica Matthews 20% OFF Cuts & Color thru September 30th Walk-ins Welcome! 5 Years Experience! Donna Hall • Family Hair Care 121 N. Main • Bronte • 450-7720

Transcript of Page 4 Friday, September 13, 2013 The Observer/Enterprise ... fileBronte ISD. For additional...

BreakfastMonday, September 16

Sausage kolache or cereal,juice, milkTuesday, September 17

Cheddar omelet wrap orcereal, juice, milkWednesday, September 18

Breakfast pizza or cereal,juice, milkThursday, September 19

Waffle & sausage or cereal,juice, milkFriday, September 20

Cinnamon roll & bacon orcereal, juice, milk

LunchMonday, September 16

Hot dog, sweet potatofr ies , cucumber dippers ,fruit, milkTuesday, September 17

Crispy taco, garden salad,charro beans , c innamonapplesauce, salsa, milkWednesday, September 18

Chicken nuggets, mashedpo ta toe s , c a r ro t co in s ,bananas, hot rolls, gravy,milkThursday, September 19

Pork chops, garden salad,green beans, sliced peaches,breadstick, milkFriday, September 20

Beef & bean bur r i to ,broccoli bites, garden salad,orange smiles, milk

H o r n s f a l l t o R o b yBy Coach Kevin Burns

The Roby Lions defeatedthe Bronte Longhorns las tFriday by a score of 46-28.

T h e L o n g h o r n s s t a r t e ds t rong and had a l o t o fmomentum af te r recover -i n g a L i o n f u m b l e b u tt u r n o v e r s p l a g u e d t h eHorns on Fr iday and theLions took advantage scor-ing 21 points off of them.T h e H o r n s b a t t l e d b a c ka n d g o t b a c k i n t o t h egame.

Af te r be ing down 30-7ear ly in the th i rd quar ter,the Longhorns scored 21points in the frame and cutthe lead to 38-28 headed intothe 4 th quar te r bu t couldnot mount enough momentumto catch the Lions.

B r o n t e w a s l e d o f fen-s ively and defens ively byJared Scott who rushed for123 ya rds on 10 ca r r i e sa n d h a d 4 TD’s , t h r e erushing and one pass , andalso had 12 1/2 tackles ondefense. Josh Puentez had6 3 y a r d s a n d K y l e rRichards completed 6 of 8

passes for 161 yards.Defensively, o u r g u y s

were pu t i n to t oo manyshor t f i e lds as 21 po in t swere scored on o ffensived r i v e s t h a t s t a r t e d d e e pins ide ou r own t e r r i t o rya n d t w o o f t h e m w e r einside the Horns’ ten yardl ine . The L ions had 213yards rushing yards and 38pass ing yards . Ean Wardrecovered two Lion fum-bles and Jared Scott recov-ered one.

The Horns a re now 0-2on t he s ea son . We havet w o m o r e g a m e s b e f o r edistr ict competi t ion beginsso we a re go ing to workhard to improve our block-ing and tackling skil ls andget in the win column.

T h i s w e e k i sH o m e c o m i n g a n d t h eH o r n s w i l l p l a y t h eWi n t e r s B l i z z a r d s o nFr iday a t 7 :30 . See youthere!!!!

H o m e c o m i n g D a n c es e t f o r t o n i g h t

A H o m e c o m i n g D a n c ewi l l be he ld ton igh t (Fr -iday, September 13, 2013),beginning at 10:30 pm andcontinuing until 1 am. Thedance will be at the BronteCommunity Center.

Children in 6th grade andunder must have a parentpresent to attend.

All proceeds wil l benefi t2 0 1 4 B H S P r o j e c tGraduation.E v a n s S c h o l a r s h i p

A p p l i c a t i o n sa v a i l a b l e

T h e B r o n t e U n i t e dM e t h o d i s t Womenannounce that applicat ionsf o r t h e S i d & B e r n i c eEvans Scholarship are nowbeing accepted. The Evanswere l ong - t ime member so f t h e B r o n t e U n i t e dMethodist Church.

The Scho la r sh ip i s f o rs tuden t s 19 years o f ageand older. Applications area v a i l a b l e f r o m P a tMartindale at the City Halli n B r o n t e , 11 4 S o u t hWashington.

A p p l i c a t i o n s m u s t b ere turned to the Ci ty Hal lby September 16, 2013.

P S AT Te s t f o r s e tf o r B H S J u n i o r s

The PSAT/NMSQT w i l lb e a d m i n i s t e r e d o nWednesday, O c t o b e r 1 6 ,2 0 1 3 , a t B r o n t e H i g hSchool . This tes t ing ses-s i o n i s a v a i l a b l e t o a l lBronte jun iors , inc lud ingh o m e - s c h o o l e d s t u d e n t seligible to at tend school inthe Bronte ISD.

Junior s tudents current lyenrolled at Bronte ISD willa u t o m a t i c a l l y b e r e g i s -t e red . The s tudents wi l lb e g i v e n a P S AT s t u d yguide prior to the test .

H o m e - s c h o o l s t u d e n t swi l l need to reg i s t e r fo rt h e t e s t a thttp:/ /www.nationalmerit .org . Af te r r eg i s t e r ingonl ine , p lease not i fy Mrs .

Timmerman, counselor, a tBronte ISD.

For add i t iona l in fo rma-t ion , p lease contac t BISDcounselor, M r s .Timmerman, at (325) 473-2511. You maya l s o v i s i t w w w.collegeb o a r d . c o m f o r m o r einformation.P r u d e n t i a l S p i r i t o fC o m m u n i t y Aw a r d sP ro g r a m a n n o u n c e d

The Prudent ia l Spi r i t o fCommuni ty Awards we recrea ted in 1995 to recog-nize students in grades 5 –12 who have demonstratede x e m p l a r y c o m m u n i t yservice. These prest igiousa w a r d s s p o n s o r e d b yP r u d e n t i a l F i n a n c i a lN e t w o r k i n p a r t n e r s h i pw i t h t h e N a t i o n a lAssoc ia t ion of SecondaryS c h o o l P r i n c i p a l s( N A S S P ) , a r e p r e s e n t e dannually on the local , s tateand national level.

Students who are el igibleto apply should cur ren t lybe enrol led in grades 5-12and be lega l res iden ts o ft h e U n i t e d S t a t e s .S t u d e n t s s h o u l d h a v ee n g a g e d i n a v o l u n t e e rac t iv i ty t ha t occu r red a tl e a s t i n p a r t a f t e rS e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 2 .Appl icat ions are avai lableo n l i n e a t .C l i c k t h e “ A p p l y N o w ”l i n k . Appl ica t ions maya l so be ma i l ed t o i n t e r -ested applicants by cal l ing(877) 525-8491. Studentsmay turn their applicationsinto their school counselorby November 5, 2013.

BRONTE SCHOOL NEWSPage 4 Friday, September 13, 2013 The Observer/Enterprise

Editorial & AdvertisingDeadline

is 12 noon onTuesday

preceding publication.




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PAUL KNIGHT123 N. State Bronte, Texas

(325) 473-2425 • (325) 450-2281

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We’ll Be Here When You Need Us!Home - Auto - Life - Commercial - RV

“Insure your home and auto with Germania and save 15% onboth; and receive an additional 10% with a Life policy.”

Lady Shorthorn Volleyball! The Bronte 7th grade volleyball team placed 2nd inthe Bronte Junior High Volleyball Tournament held Saturday, September 7, 2013. Intheir quest for the championship, they defeated the Grape Creek 7th grade team andthe Grape Creek 8th grade team. In the Championship game, the Bronte 7th gradeteam fell to the Miles 8th grade team. Team members include (back row, from left)Kristen Stilley, Nita Betts, Cassidy McWright, Elexis Sanchez, Kaci Queen, MahiraTapia, Hailey McKinney, Savina Ornelaz, (front row, from left) Makalah DeLaCerda,Kaily Torres, Baily Torres, Sarah Allen, Skyleigh Minjarez, and Jayden Speary.

Shear Heaven Salonwelcomes

Jessica Matthews20% OFF Cuts & Color

thru September 30th

Walk-ins Welcome!

5 Years Experience!

Donna Hall •� Family Hair Care121 N. Main •� Bronte • 450-7720