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Beach At one time the Grimmoni property ani the Fraser property beloniei to Mr.Bryoe Thomson· ,uncle of Miss.P.Thomson.The westerly portion of hills , valleys and lake front formei the Fraser estate ani the easterly This site slopes town to Sytenham St. portion passei into various hanis ant about 1905 oame into possession of the Grimmonis. The Uailroai bou&ht a ri&ht of way alon& the baaoh up to ' the steps which approach the hill now as Hts. This property,of ,follows aloni the beach. Mr.Grimmont beian layin& out the rest of the lani,into lots ani built fiYe cotta&es for sale. Ayr was bOUiht by a Arron was bouaht by Mr.Wootfort of St.Thomas, Aberteliy became the property of ¥r.Wm.Grimmont of Toronto, son of Kr.Grimmonl Sr. (now the E.C.Santers Summer home.) ani Hillaiie was purchaset by Mr.Harry Brennan, Week's View by the Week's tamily.Soon after Mr.W.Blackburn of Lonion bouiht a lot ani built Glenarohy ani now the beach is really built up. CaYal Blvi. Bylaw--618 In I920 Caval Blvt.was opened up ani the Fraser House was razet ani Peter Pan oottaaes were built alon& Caval Blvi.trom the timber.Tneee · belenaet , to the Port Stanley Amusement Co. Lani aiJoinin& this property,be- lonain& to the Thos.Meek estate was bouaht ordleasei for more cottaaes. In later years much lani has formet along the west beach ani this lani south of Caval 1 ani the boari walk has also been built up with Summer ottaaes. .Prospect Hill In early times about 1864 or there about-this was a camping 1rouni for the Iniians here about. A few homes were built but Summer homes built.Here was the Summer home of Dr.Marlatt. Tlle oli

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~rimmont's Beach

At one time the Grimmoni property ani the Fraser property beloniei

to Mr.Bryoe Thomson·,uncle of Miss.P.Thomson.The westerly portion of

hills ,valleys and lake front formei the Fraser estate ani the easterly This site slopes town to Sytenham St.

portion ~~s retained.This~ passei into various hanis ant about

1905 oame into possession of the Grimmonis.

The Uailroai bou&ht a ri&ht of way alon& the baaoh up to ' the steps which approach the hill now ~own as InY~r•rie Hts. This

property,of oouis~ ,follows aloni the beach.

Mr.Grimmont beian layin& out the rest of the lani,into lots

ani built fiYe cotta&es for sale.

Ayr was bOUiht by a ~r.Wilson, Arron was bouaht by Mr.Wootfort of

St.Thomas, Aberteliy became the property of ¥r.Wm.Grimmont of Toronto,

son of Kr.Grimmonl Sr. (now the E.C.Santers Summer home.) ani

Hillaiie was purchaset by Mr.Harry Brennan, Week's View by the

Week's tamily.Soon after Mr.W.Blackburn of Lonion bouiht a lot ani built

Glenarohy ani now the beach is really built up.

CaYal Blvi.

Bylaw--618 In I920 Caval Blvt.was opened up ani the Fraser House was razet ani

Peter Pan oottaaes were built alon& Caval Blvi.trom the timber.Tneee ·belenaet

, to the Port Stanley Amusement Co. Lani aiJoinin& this property,be-

lonain& to the Thos.Meek estate was bouaht ordleasei for more cottaaes.

In later years much lani has formet along the west beach ani this

lani south of Caval1ani the boari walk has also been built up with

Summer c·ottaaes.

.Prospect Hill

In early times about 1864 or there about-this was a camping 1rouni ~.i.

for the Iniians here about. A few homes were built but la~er Summer

homes w~re built.Here was the Summer home of Dr.Marlatt.

Tlle oli

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Willow Beach

~essie St. - -Willow Bea.oh

Copy tor post oaris for c . F. ~aylor-Brii&e St-Store now ooc~pied by Mr.L. Dimmiok.

-----.... In tae reooll~ction of the olier citizens this part of 2ort Stanley was

known as the ~annery Ron~. In S~er it was swamp land ani in Winter the

ohiliren skatci on the rink formed there.The writer has often been taken on

a slei arouni its skatin& rink.

At one time it belon&ed to the Ellison estate.then passei into

tAe poaession of Mr.M.Payne.D~rin& that time it was laii out with two a.b.GI.l-t

streetst Tiz . -Mauie and Bessie after Mr.~yne' s two iau&hters. Alfout 1900

It then passei into the ha.nis of Mr . Ben Marlatt.He built the

oottaae,BenHur for themselTes on William St.Othe~ cotta&es were built·

Cottaae f ·ollowei ootta&e ani now in 195! many of these are winterizei

for -. - -- ]C\I D d' . I . I -b permanent _ _ Wlllow Beach,~~o~~one of the newest 1stncts. t •s on y a out

two years since building operations first in this neighborhood, and to-day it is one of the most thickly inhabited in the summer months. It is really a I ittle village by itself, each cot­tage bearing some suitable name, characteristic of the situation. Willow Beach is situated mid-way between the lake and t he village. Many new cottages are being built this season, and some of them will no doubt be open for rental.

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~•• first we hear of this hei&ht of lan~ was in hiso~ical aooaments tell ~

in& Gf Col.~komas ~albot arantin& to Col.~no.~ostwic~ the first twe lots

in YarmoutA on the lake in front of Kettle Oree~.~hat mustvaaTe inoluaea

at '·~•ast as far north as the An&lioan Churoh for · that lani ~a• the ohuron

was a aenation from Col Bostwic~.

Tllen in r a-n·,a mill was built on the east b~ of Kettle ~ree~

ana a t~•l was out throuah the hill ana an aqueauct oarriea tae water streams

from ••»ur•~ east of the hill to &iTe power for the wor~in& of the same.

Aaain on its brow was built an isolation hospital.But after

seme years ,'the hospital was happily foraotten ana the stranae feat of

••ai•erina tell into iisuse.

~hen on this same eleyation was built a beautiful home for the

Beatwio~ family who ownea the lanaS~lii ani : well•built~it has,as we ~ow . ' ~

eaiarei well the r&Yaaes of time. Where ooula haTe been founa a looa tion mt1 ~~ .... 'vj ~1 ~ :t.....: •

more pleasinc . tor the home of our ~t settlers?The Tiew from this site

is still marrelous.Wllat m11st it aatt•~then?The whole Talley spreais out

fan-wiae.Weatwara the hills seem to the very heaTen ••, the •te "-- \.·-· ten miles

II&J£Y ranae J1-~t'i.iii='*i~~--- an incomin& ship, or .<wa.~ah the elements in all sorts fair ani foul '

of weatllel'. .To the north is the winiin& riyer ani ohuroh•spire ani

eaatwara"~artber than Tisio• ranaes,~arther than eaales):fll's Stretches the lana of aeauty,a.rches the perfect s.lty. (.Pauline JoA.naon")


· On Au.a.IIth/66,there was an extensiTe Au.otion Sale a.i.yertise4

in tlle "St.Thomas Dispa.toh",to be heli Sept.4th/1866. It state~.-

Tlleae lots are beautifully situ.atei on the tablelani oyerloo~in& L.Erie

ani ~•ina an excellent ~ry aaraen soil,su.oh a locality for family resii­

enoes oan scarcely be equalle~.Port Stanley bein& the principle port on

tae norta shore of L.Hrietraie will be openei u.p in imports ani exports

oYer the L&P.S. R. ani by water." s note-In pesession of Mr . Jaok Bru.mpton is a ~eei of



i oseph BJerson Bostwick & wife Amelia


Eawara Foratoe for tae oonsii.era tion of fifty pounas------------------half an acre of lan~

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Hillcrest {oontinaei)

---Firat concession of Yarmoat h--oommenoini at the corner of Joseph ani

East St.or~Oli Port Stanley Ri.)in the villaie of Port Stanl~y,taenoe

at riiht anales to the last mentionet street -one chain eleven links

to the commencement of Eiwari Fortyoe's half-acre which is as follows

viz.-Thenoe aloni the east site of East St.(olt Pt.Stanley Ri)northly ~

~wo ohains ani thirty links ,thence at r1iht anales to the riiht-~wo

oaains ant eiihteen links-~henoe at riiht &niles to the ri&ht,~wo chains

ant eiihteen lin~s to the place of beiinnina • . note-The iooament is sianet by J. R.Bostwio~,E.Foriyoe ani Amelia K.

Boatwio~-It is witnessei by A.Foriyoe ani Richart Philpott.

Deei-No 2I89 I oertity that a memorial hereof was reoortei the 6th.iay

of January A. D.I867 at 13 min past I2 o'oloc~ p.m. in Liber E.for

Yaraouta-Folio 42 I McKay Reiiatrar Eliin.

It follows that this lani was soli at or near the time of the aivertiset

Auction Sale.

On Hillcrest as we ~ow that heiiht of lant , to-iay,taere

were only two hoase ap antil I900 . The former Bostwick home belonaet to

the Bisho~lehn Walsh , 2ni. bishop of Lonton ant t he other home,farther

north belon(ei to ~rs McQueen .My si s t er s and brothers ant myself were

born on the property on Joseph St. which hat 33 ' frontaie ant 132 '

moat of waich went ap the hill,¢~wartj~~he Bishop's property .Oar yart

containet oak trees ant hickory-one hickory we love to remember as it

helt ~~~ well•lovei swina. The lani above as was the Bishop's Home

bat oar J l&yiroant.Eyery niaht , up the hill I went to the McQueen home

for a quart of mi~.ln bat weather I took the roat but in iOOt weather

up the &111 besiie the hoase was shorter.

It woali make a story in itself to tesoribe the Sootoh

miatress of the oli farae,frame house ,She iiin't foraet to tell yoa

what yoa ahoalt ani shoulin't to ani my mother was always warnina me Mrs.MoQueen's

to wiJe my feet before aoini into her ~itohen ani in h&vina on my Yery

best manners.No wonier for t can remember of seein& her sorabbina her

~itoaen table ant floor with sani ani I believe few plaoes were ~ept

so olean ani n~at.~esiie her home to the south was an oli-fashionei

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Hillcrest ( continllet)

well with a wintl~ss -the only one I can remember in a shelf

part way iow.n the well she kept milk ant some other eatables.

By 1906 the Bishop's property ant most of the Mc Q11een a

property came into possession of J.A.Robinson,&t.Thomas ,lawyer.

HoweTer Mrs.McQlleen reservei a parcel of lant on the north east corn­

er of her lot ani bllilt a new home which was later p11rchasei by Mr.

Ezra Falmer. I

The oli frame ho11se with its heaTy timbers ani aiobe walls

ha~ .chan&ei.The 011tl er shet ani oli ~itchen which I Tisitei so freq11ent

ly ~Ye,

was ta~en off b11t I 11nierstani there are still 12 rooms intact.

It is now the Williamson home.

note--'l'llere is a pict11re in"News11 of 1906.

:t.rr.J.A.Robr,_·· .. ;: .>~·l renamei the hei&hts,"Liberty Hill",

built a new Club Ho11se ani plannei a real resort.After the ieath ot

J.A. as he was often callei,E.M.DaTiison mana&ei the b11siness in

I9IO as the clippini shows ani aivertisei the property as "Hillcrest •

. o;.t.~. -On the east stde 1s beautiful

Hill Crest, with an elevation of over a hundred feet, commandin;l a magnificent view of the-vill;g~ below, the beacl; and pier. · Hill Crest is a delightful resort in itself and is a very inviting summe; place. It has a fine pavillion, called the "Club House," where meals are served and social func­tions are indulged in. The " White H_ouse" nearby, is nicely fitted up ' wtth restful rooms and large veran­dahs. The grounds ·are beauti­fully kept, being dotted with com­fortable cottages, some of which may be sec.ured for the season by private famil~ . .M.eals m~ had at the Club House if one does not wish to be bo~hered with cook­ing.S oul- eri~OOklet. +9IO

THE WHITE HOUSE HILL CREST PORT From "So11vtnir Boo.lclet--l9'ro. ' STANLEY


HAS BEEN OPENED for the season, by E. M. Davidson

who ccnducted this most popula; Summer Hotel last se;son with so much credit to himself. This hotel commands a beautiful land and lake view, and is surrounded by twenty or more pretty cottages Goods meals a reserved at the "Club House" nearby. The service is the very b~st.

Hill Crest is one of the most rest­ful resorts at Port, and is visited by many Summer c it izens who go there year after year. Good music and dancing at the Club House.

Rates furnished on application to E. M. DAVIDSON, Hill Crest, Port Stanley, Ont.

THREE FINE COTTAGES on the ground, FOR SALE or TO RENT, apply to


The Club Ho11se was soli ani moved to ea&e of the cliff.

lUss.C.Rainer(now Mrs.Stanley Ship1)\~d&ht the property ant mana&ea it

alone for some time.Later she was joinet by Mr.Ship ani the b11s1ness

was a ieoiiei Bllccess. They are now retirea ani enjoyin& a more restflll

life oa the same hei&ht of land farther to the north of the villa&e

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Hillcrest (continued.)

The Wea ther ~bservatory

Before the Club House was moved to the brow of the hill,a weather Observatory loomet up in siiht of the sailors.In the home of Mr.M.Payne was r egi stered the direction nnu. vel oc i ty of the wind. It was a r a t h er sm~ll f our -sideu builiini whi ch came t~point a t tho top .

"The Bishop's House", oldest residence in Port Stanley, is now owned by W. Leonard. It was the scene of many incidents of vital importance in the history of this part of Canada.

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Tne second observatory­

Blown iown in a heavy gale.


Hillcrest, Port Stanley, Ont.

Hotlcreat Inn , Port Stanley. Ont2•io Canada. ·

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~liere was a 9e~itiun sen~ ~o ~lie ~ieu~enun~ uov. of untario .~rch ~oth . Iti~I . to annex vrcnard ~eaon . Urder i n Uounoil au~horizing tnis annexati on was dated May tith.Iti~l •

.C~is is a ver.1 earl.,1 pic.: l.U.L'e of urc.uaro. .deacil.The painting from v.nich 1 t. was taken hangs in ~lie villa6 e ~ler~'s office ann ~as presenten b.f ~r . Fred Bell Count.v- .c.ngineer . <..ol . Uameron presen' i,hi s oo py ~o tue '.Cweedsmuir Hi stor.v-


Aoou~ Iti~L . tbere was enuu~u beac.:n to Urive to urc.:haru Beach along the shore. ilite Vv..L'.L t' :llo.s of \.en gone wi 'l.!L ~ne a.eliver.v- bOY, in the delivery wagon . taking

groceries 1.0 0rc.nara. beacn for my bro1.ner,W • .111 . Berr~ . A punl. was often used tO 1.8.!(e a.rounCL Swall. oru.e.L'S o '<\.U~ t.e a Cll&nge from t.n~S year • 1~47 ,

tnL neA~ pic~ure sno~s \.ne wiue S\.re~cn of Beacn o.escribed above.


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Six Hundred Feet of Stone Wall Being Laid to Save Duffield Property; Bank Washed A way up to Verandah


PORT .STANLEY, Sept. 7.-, iAbaut 500 feet of stone wall Is be-1lng laid along the beach In front

lot the Duffield property at thd cast end of Orchard Beach, where the bank is washed away up to the verandah of the beautiful summer t·eside'nce, despite the. piling which had been driven along the beach In an effort to stay the encroaching waters of Lake Erie.

The federal gdvtrrnment, under whose dl.spensatlon this furm of public work is carried on, Is en­deavoring to build a protecting ~ wall of stone that will, It Is hoped, withstand tho buffeting of heavy sons that pre'Vall during the fall season. and for several weelts men J

have been engaged In trucking quantities of stone to that vicin­Ity from the L & P. S. Tht' stone comes from the quarries at Queens­ton and is taken In trucks over the hill. where It Is banked along ] the piling which Is already then!. These hugoblocl<s of stone, some of which weigh a ton ur more, are loaded at the station under the dl­re'Ctlon Qf Fred Pollock, over 2,000 1



.. ··, ~-

inert: are now man.r oeau'tiful nomes along tn~s eas1. snore,ou't gr0unds are 1nrea~en~u by tue enoroacnin~ waters of ~aKe ~rie . Tne co't'tagers a't their own eApenee ana. 1-ne 1.7overnmen1. uave t.rjeu uta.ny ·VIiays ~o help 1.he si tllation as the ~imes - Jollrnal clipping snows.

tons having already been truck~e~ to the beach.

Several years ago the residents 1 Curther west on Orchard Beach

were conft·onted by a sirr.dlat• prob- J !em, the bank caving away to such an exte!lt that owners In some cases were obliged to movo their houses back to prevent th~m top­pling over the bank. Now, whe­ther from tho lower lake level. which has left a wider beach, or lt·om a posslblet change In tho cur­rent due to the breakwater, condi­tions on that part of the beach are nil that could be desired, and no more Ideal 11pot could be found for a bummer hornet.

It Is a tremendous task to handle these huge blocks ot stCIIle and It Is hoped that when the wall Is fln­l!!hed It will be strong enough to withstand any sea that may pre­vall.

The Duffield residence now sl.s\nds on the edge ot the bank and Immediate action was necessary to protect It from possible! damage should there be any further erCJ­sion,

~b:enne1.h Lavac~·


~nis piotl.lre giv en b.f .li'J.r .Joe . Sharp , shows one means ~hat ~as useu ~o p~o~eu~ the banL.No~e ~illo~s .wllon of ~nis i s •asned out .

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Bylaw-466 --Currie BlYi •

.:11is photo slo'.1S Ort:nar•a.,£t . Sta.nlcy , aootlt HHM . !ou. will see

tHe fil'St u.n<. only owrun0r cabin built. a.t. l.ue !Jittle Grce.k. , bu.ilt by

.. ~eT . J • •• Smit.L(rector of ~4ona.on) ana J.tev.S. L .Jmit!l(rector of ~.Jt • ..Cho.:nas .l) scent~ was taken from the hill l\OOTe tlle Jarvis farm a.nd sh ows the

z:aspber.L'Y po. tc.uv.tlere tne young i'o ll. of tne village mucte some poc.l(ot

money . tae tistanoe is the coaerie(earlier-~uth'so progerty.


141 V/ rtu . JJondon , Vr1 t .

~1rs. J . l . l!'ert)uson haa. t.tJ.i a t:o JJ mo.a.e espcc is.lly for the " ~bse

:Port Stanley xweea.smt1ir Hi storg . ~He J.ev. J •• ~ . iJmi th v1as :ner fa ti1er .

anCJ. she spent u1any. na.ppy. Swtwters nere in he1· childhood a.ays.

The oli route to Orohara Beach from Hillcrest was known as Victoria St.I\ ~as maie tor horse ant bU.iiY tays.~h• new roai,Cu.rrie ~.oroasea the olt Pt.Stanley roat ant co••• ou.t at Orchara Beach near the oli roat.

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W. 'll. BEitH \'.

Considering its ' size un<l population the Port Is bett4•r supplle, l with gen­eral storC~:~ than many a more pre­tentimu; plac·e. By careful enterpt·ise and ~)(!J•alstent attention to business Mr. Berry has built uJ> one or the best paylug businesses In the dllages. Dry g.J(X]a, boot> and shoes, tinware and grO<.·eries can be obtniued here in great. variety. The cottngers may rely upon obtaining at this store the freshe-st fruit::; and vegetttbles in sea­soil, and t•ustomers aro !lut·e or fair and courteous t reatment. The cen- · tral t elephone is in this sto1·e. Gift­ed with shrewd business tact and a warm heart, :\Ir. Berry Is deserYedly popular amongst his neighbors and customers.


T he leading livery business in P ort ~taoley 1a done by Mr .. John Fnrguson; 111 f act, he IB t.he only ma,r1 who Is J)l•eparoo to meet the demands or tl!e driving public or diroota his whole time :;~.nd attention to that business. He has recently purchased a number or beautiful drivers for t he summer trade

Port Stanley is well supplied with churches, Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Roman Catholic all being r epx:esented. Rev. Dr. Aylsworth, who L'l soon to make way for Rev. o. u. Going, hru; charge or the :llet\JO­odist church. ne,·. J. H . Courteney Is pru;tor or the Presbyterian church; Re,· .'M1·. Hind, or St. John's church, St. '.rhomas, of!iclate5, Christ church , Angllc:w . Hev. Dt·. Flannery, of St. 'rhomns, look!S after· t he Roman Catholic Clock.

-The ,·eatnurant of M t·. A. Herrick, oppo•osi te the Franklin House, is t oo well known to requir e much special mention. El;!shed bt 1882, he ltas had to add wings and rooms and in­c t·eased accommodation from time to tim\ uu til uow he has n I ::u·ge, plea­aan and convenient plnco of busi­ness with evex·y facility Cor supply ­ing ice croo.m, iced drinks, candy, fl·uit, lnn<·hes tUtd meals at all hours, with slooplug accommodation for nearly twenty guests. His stock is always fx~h. prices populnt· , waiters attentive a 11d volite, and 110 pains are sp:u>ecf t0 ClLtisfy <'UI!Itolll<ll'S' I"'<!llil'C• menta. Mrs. Herrick per~><ma l ly super­intends t he cooking anJ the manuiac­ture or choice home made candy, taf­fies, etc. Two new stot·es are beiug added this season to the establish­ment, maklug t he whole an attrac­tive bloek. When in Pot·t call at HetTick's.


A bu~:~illos.-,; of I)O llttlo importan~:o to all clas<;es in and around Port Ststr:!.,y Is that or tl1e Jtobiusou Lwn­ber Comll:tlly, which wna established het·e ab,yu t a ye~tr and a half ago under tho management of l\rt· .. James At·niel. Tlte fil·m own tlluber limits on :Mnn it<nil in lsland aut! already largo sh\p.Hlents havo anh·ecl he1·e aucJ be~n forwa,rded to dealers in nuious pn.rts of Wcstet·n Ontar io. T.:ey hnv~ mad-3 for themselves a very fa W>rll ble ro'PU t:ttion ll.H regards <lUll 1-ity aud Jlrlce or material which the a re pt·evnred to snstn.ln. 'The volum'

· '· ~>I bpsin()f.;!; done is continually on t h lllr t-eu.60, which fact SJ)Oaks strong! ' in theit· f u.vor. •


There Is no mot·e prominen t figux·e 'In Port Stnuley's business n.ff£drs to­day tllan l\fr .• John Price. His gen­eral store is the oldest established J>lace or buslnoos in the village and he Is pi·obably the \Vldest knowu man living in thls vieiuty, as well as the best infm·m ed w au on locn.l affairs. Ilo Juus in addi Mon to gro<·erlos, ch'y goods, c·amp suppl!es, patent medicines nnd all such things as are usually' keJ>t in a well r egulated general stot•c, considerable property with houses to rent 111 the summer·, as well as acting as lligent for partloo liv­Ing away w ho have summer co.ttages here to r ent. H e Is also prcnn,t·cd to remove fuJ·ni ture and campers' be­longings a"nd has ral'l'iages and horses fot· hire. He has just bPen anpoint ed general agent for the Pnttera.m Line or boats recently established to run between Prn·t Stanley, Morpcth, R<md Eau and Cleveland.


Tho leadin g veanut and l.mnana ktand at the l?ort ls that or Mr. Joe ~ewman. Ile hilS made many im­Jlt'ovement.'5 to his stand this year, aud can cat er to all olassllt! or cus­tomers. He keeps on hand a ll kinds or cold drinks, cigars, ice c r eam, etc., otc. From him you may get fishing tackle as w ell o.:s pointers In t hat J)leasant t>astilue. Mrs. Newmo,n has ox.cellent accommodation fo1· lodgers in their house known as the Haih·oad Elotel. H ere you may have full board and rooms, or those prefenlng x·ooms ouly can be n,ccommodated her e. '.rhis quiet n,nd comfortable houso Is near to the station !1.n? within easy walk -

u~rS • .lilO~lleen I s ol<i r esi O.enc e bollg.llt by J . A. n.obinson . -~ ""'

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( i ttle Cree..: and t11e ~omerie uell .have oeen fu.vourj te uaun'ts ,. for all growi up in i>ori. .;:) 'tanl

ere is bea.u. t.v ~.:~.u.ite enllranc i ng , -usi c sweet lo~ • Gorgeous maples , as}.er .. tremolin6 , J~oeo. an\1. yellow glo\,. rliciu en nest ' mi a. S\.ayin~ v.illovw Casts below i t.s f lt c.a:ing snaa.ov , ~ells tne seoret , so .

~OL.'letlting s1iirs me i n September ~ures me o ' er tne hill ; xo n~ inner . soul a ~hisper \,1 tJ an old- 'time thrill . day ing , ".lollow where I ' m leading Come \\itn neart of cnilnhood,heed i ng •OOQ.l and fairi es , sti:J-1 ~"

JJOVJn tHe ron.u as birCts are calling ~i~e one in a trance ~ ~t.en l heo.r the \\a. ter falling ~ Fairies bring romance ~ Fern ana. branches overhanging inere , ~ear ~ittle Cree~ , you ' ro h iding ~ Uo~. l see you dance !

io tnis ~ell in Cnil dhooa. ' s Sprin~time , e sa:ipped merril~ ,

.Jeeking flowers of nappy uJ.o.ytirue, Hearts ao light an« free ; Saw nepa+i oas li~e olanKets,

, and filled uur woven oasJCets, 1iesteo. l az i ly .

.i.Jreau1eu tiJ.o. t fairies li vea. 1!'! f l OVI c rs l're!.l.l' tl1e .Lit~..le Cree.»: , Lonaea to live i n sylvan bovwers, Su~por d..ia. not seek. :ri si ons came wi t l. wil tmng posies , ,;a lier:fall n.nd sunset gl ori es ; ~oon o ' er cliff aiu peep.

::>aoba t11 , this, tne a.ay I .... ar..ner O' er t~is lonb- loveu trail And with cnildliAe faith , I linger J.iear the wo. terfall . ~onsecrated , holy temple , irecs and lJ..~ee an<t :fu.r- off sail ; Nat~re ' s ~oa. o ' er all .

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Fraser Hei&hts

there was of~eret for sale on May 2~th,l888 by W.M.Koore,437 Rioamoni . St.,Loaion--lots ten,eleTen,twelTe,ant fo~rteen on the nortk site of

Front St.aocortin& to the plan ant s~ryey of part of lot numberei

fifteen,ao~th of the Lake Shore the township of Southwolt Co.of

Elcin,aaie by Jno.D.Catiy P.L.S •• for Wm.FraserEsq.ani iully filei in •


the Recistry office of saii Co. of Elain-ani seoonily lots no.ten,

eleTen,twelTe,thirteen ani fo~rteen on the so~th siie of Front.St.

aecoriina to the plan ani s~rtey of the Township of So~thwoli maie

by Joan D.Baikie P.L.S. for the corporation of Port Stanley anii~ly

filet in tke Reaistry office aforesaii.

Note-In later years a aooi ieal of litiaation has taken place reaari­

et ina waether or not laii form alona the La~e front iii or iitnot be-

lone to the purchaser.

Briti•a Em)ire) rulei that-

~he hiahest Go~rtc (then known as the

All lani soli by the Crown aiYes the buyers all riahts to the

water's eiae----

All lani soli by the (then spo~en of as the Dominion of Canaia)

a1Tei that GoTernment the riahts oyer f1fteen(I5) feet alona

the water's eiae.

( €rie 'R.ul, looking €ast. Pert Stanley. Onl ~

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23<79 B &

2380 B &

4156 B &

333 M. $8000

Pertaining to t he FRASER HOUSE Property .

Lot 34:

31 Jan.l834

s 22 Kar.l834

s 21 Aug.l834 .

s 1 sep.l870

3 Deo.l88l

Plan 223: POR~ Si'ANLEY.


18 Oot.l834 · charles Duncombe.

20 Oot.l834 Jacob Langs, Jr. . 22 Oct.l870 Samuel Mason & w.

.. ·---...

Charles Duncombe.

Samuel Mason.

William Fraser.

16 Jan,l88e William Fraser & w. The Canada savings & Loan Company of London, CS!llada.

1270 B & S 13 May 1903 (Under power of sale) .

23 May 1903 The Canada Savings and !Joan Company •

Albert Smith & Hugh M. Douglass as Hotel Keepers under the name & firm of Douglass & Company.

1719 Agree 10 Feb.l908 18 July 1908 Hugh Macintosh ment Douglass. ·

Christina H. Oberheide.

1743 Grant.l4 Aug.l908 15 ,Aug.l908 c. H.\oberheide. The London and Port Stanley Amusement Company. Limited.

1747 M. 20 Aug.l908 29 Aug.l908 The London and Port Thomas Donl ey. $7000 Stanley Amusement

eompany, Limited; Albert E. Ponsford, Alfred J, Ferguson, Joseph Griffin, Benjamin P. Honsinger, W.B. Jackson, John R. Green, Robert D. :F'erguso.n , G.G. Steele, B1aley W. Bennett, John Ferguson, & William D. Day execute as guarantors.

. 1814 A.M. 5 Jan.l909 22 Jan.l909 Thomas Donley. The Dominion Bank.

M. dated 20 Aug.l908.

1927 M. $9800

17 Sep.l909 24 Deo.l909 The Port Stanley Amusement Co~pany, Limited.

Benjamin F. Honsinger, William R. Jackson. & Robert D. Ferguson in . trust for W.R. Jackson

--------------------------------- B.F. Honsinger , Albert E. Ponsford, John R. Green, Joseph Griffin, Albert J, Ferguson, Robert D. Ferguson, Henry F. Jelly, John Ferguson, William Albert Day, Frederick G. Rumball, G.G~ Steele & BurleJ w. Bennett.

1938 A.M. 10 Feb.l9li0 18 Feb.l910 The Dominion Bank. M. dated ' 20 At~.l908.

Thomas Donley.

1939 A.M. 17 Feb.l910 18 Feb.l910 T~omas Donley. Benjamin F. aonsinger. M. dated 20- Aug.l"90B .

1942 M., 19 Feb .1910 2 Mar.l910 . "$2000

The Port Stanley Amusement Company, rjimi ted.

Benjamin F. Honsinger.

2064 Not- 10 Feb.l910 ice of Sale.

6 Oot.l910 To the Pt. Stanley A~sement Company, Limited; Albert E.

(Under M. dated ~0 Aug. 1908).

By Benjamin F. Hon­singer by Leitch & Green, his sol'rs.

PonsfoiU, Alfred J. Ferguson, Joseph Griffin, W.R. Jackson, John R. Green, G.G. Steele, Bur­ley w. Bennett, John ferguson, William A. Day, Robert D. Perguaon, Henry 1. Jelly, Frederick G. Rumball.

2~49 Deed 8 Ma, 1911 under power of sale.

16 May 1911 Benjamin F. Honsinger. The ~rie Amuse­ment Company, Limited.

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Fraser Heiahts.

Front St.

Cottaie on Front St.