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Hey and WELCOME to the Quick Start guide for Making Money in the Importing and Exporting Business! This guide will give you a great introduction and show you exactly how to take your first baby steps in making money online selling imported products. Before we get to final details about importing, let me just reveal to you quickly the four things you need to do first before anything else, these four things are important because it assists you in ensuring your import-export business is built and you are making money online as soon as possible. You dont want to be doing this 6 months from now do you? The goal is to make money as soon as possible in this business and you do that by doing the following: First thing you need to do is think of and BUY a domain name. Domain names cost $9 USD a year for a .com or for a or (for New Zealanders) its about $15 a year, we always tend to pay more for things over here dont we? :( Why am I recommending you buy a domain name? Simply and surely you need to lock in your business name before somebody else gets it! I've seen this happen too often so you have a few of options herein what you name your website. I use Crazy Domains (<<<<--- Click to check them out)as they are a great host and domain name provider, and have a fantastic up-time guarantee.Definitely check them out. When selecting a domain name, be sure to remember to include what your product is as it helps people find you online. So for example if you are selling alcohol breath testers, it's good to have that keyword in the domain name, for example Do you understand what I mean? Alternatively, if you are planning on selling multiple products, so for example alcohol breath testers, USB devices, gardening equipments, and pet toys, then you will need a generic name. So what do I mean by that? Maybe or That way, it's generic. The second thing I advise you do is get hosting! I recommend Hostgator (<<<<--- Click to check them out) as this is the website hosting that I use. They have a fantastic up-time guarantee, as well. And on top of that,you can host unlimited websites with them! Some hosting providers charge per website you hostwhereas I host over hundred websites with one hosting account and is one low-fee per monthI think it's $9.99 a month. Definitely check them out!

Suman Saha
Crazy Domains
Suman Saha
Host Gator

So what is hosting? Hosting is where you store your domain name. If you are wanting to get a website, which I highly advise you do, as this is the number one way in making money online, then you definitely need a domain name and a hosting. Hosting will set you back less than 10 dollars a month and a domain name will set you back about ten bucks a year. Say that's quite affordable. So lock one in right now!

Once you have your website up, it is imperative and very important that you build a database, a newsletter list. So when people come to your website, you build a database via a newsletter which will enable you to grow a base of hungry customers wanting to buy your products. The reason you are reading this report right now is you subscribed to one of my newsletters or seminars. So it works! This is where you make the real money online. And once you have a big database, you launch to that database your new product. I've done this many times and this has enabled me up to $25,000 Australian dollars per week using a database and launching new products.

Look at any other big tim marketers like Frank kern or Eben Pagan or other super switched on marketers out there and they will say the same thing and have a databasecollection tool asking for your name and email. This is something you need to do! Aweber(<<<<--- Click to check them out) is something that I use for some of my businesses. It's veryaffordable and it's a great way to start building a list. Lastly, you need to get traffic for your website. Something that I talk about a lot in seminars is video traffic, not only because it is fast and easy to do but also because it is free to do. Creating awesome Youtube videos about yourproducts, about your happy customers, product demonstrations and more, will send free traffic toyour website. I use Video Maker (<<<<--- Click to check them out) Check them out and they offera brilliant product and you can make unlimited awesome videos. Check out some of their casestudies. You can make an awesome video like that in less than 5 minutes! Now onto the nitty gritty of the exciting importing business!

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Suman Saha
Suman Saha
Video Maker Page 3

Okay so this quick publication will give you a good OVERVIEW to importing from China and the steps involved. It is by no means a complete system, consider a Chef attempting to teach you his whole recipe book with you in an hour - it would be impossible! (even if you watch Masterchef and consider yourself a good cook ... it just can not be done). So to try and teach you everything that is involved in the import/export business in a short book would be silly and would be futile to attempt it.

That's why I run training programs and bootcamps around Australia that are two days of intensive study with expert customs agents, shipping agents, marketers, importers, exporters and more and its in these EVENTS you will learn how to be an expert importer and be able to pick hot products and import them with ease.

Okay shall we get started? Are you excited?

I certainly am! Because importing from China is FUN and easy when you know what you're doing. The potential of a startup import/export business is huge and Chinese products can be found ANYWHERE in your home.

I doubt anyone in the Australia, or even in the world for that matter, doesn’t have at least one item in their home that has the “made in China” label on it. Importing from China can be a complicated task to start, but there are a few steps that can make it a lot easier for you.

1. Select the Product You Want to Import

Not every product suits every person. To be successful, you want to select the right product. Everyone wants profit, but there is more to selecting the product than just selecting the least expensive item available, or the one that allows for the highest mark-up. When considering your product, here are a few things you should consider:

� Always choose a product you love. It’s easier to stay motivated if you are passionate about something. When others see your passion for something, they want it more (this also makes it easier to sell the products too!)

� Consider the cost for shipping. If you select something you can ship in large quantities, it will save you money. Always consider your product size and how much you can fit into one shipment. If it’s large, bulky, expensive to ship with small profit margins you may want to change your product... On the other hand if it's small and can be transported by air and has high ticket price and high Page 4

margin (maybe a small tech gadget) then you may be onto a winner. That's not to say that anything bulky won’t make money.

� Originality is important. You don’t want to produce something others may mass produce. You want something others will want/need, and have to come to you to get. If its in Woolworths, Coles or Aldi then reconsider your product as these big companies will have the market share over this product (unless you market the product with a new feature and you market/advertise it differently!)

2. Write Down Those that Can Provide You with Your Product

Suppliers can be found by looking online for trade directories or professional sourcing companies. There are several good places you can look to find them:

� This is a directory of Chinese suppliers who provide buyers with company information, product listings, contact details, company culture information and even factory photo tours.

� This is an outsourcing directory which contains listings of products with website URL’s and contact details.

� This is an outsourcing directory which has thousands of Chinese products, buyers who provide it, and contact information for each buyer. In addition, this website also offers buying and selling leads, tradeshow information, and trading resources for buyers and sellers.

There are so many places to find suppliers -, Global Sources, HKTDC and many more. After doing some searching you'll discover that every many and his dog will claim to own a factory in China - which is why you tread carefully and attend one of my events to know how to save yourself hours and weed out scammers and 'middle men trading companies'.

3. Make Contact with Each Supplier You List

When you’ve completed your list of exporters, you need to contact them and ask questions in order to prepare a “short list.” This is a list you narrow down after talking with them. It will help you select the supplier who is best for your needs. Be sure to include things like:

� References—A supplier should be able to give you a list of client references if they are a reputable supplier. When they give you references or testimonials, it is Page 5

imperative that you check them. There are fraudulent business listed online, and you want to make sure you aren’t dealing with one.

� Licensing Information—All reputable business will be properly licensed and in compliance with all trade laws. Make sure any company you is to avoid any future legal problems. Ask if they have an export license!

� Manufacturing and staffing—You will need information regarding the exporter’s relationship to the manufacturer. Ask if they manufacture the products themselves, and if not, do they get paid by the manufacturer or only work for you. This only applies if you're dealing with a sourcing agent.

� Location and Name of Factory that will be Producing Your Product—Ask the supplier to give you the name and address of the factory where the product is manufactured. You’ll want to make sure they are a reputable supplier and that the factory exists! (we show you more on this at our seminars)

� Experience of the Factory for Producing your Particular Product—There is more to consider than just cost when choosing a supplier. Quality is also important. The manufacturer’s experience producing your type of product is often an indication of the quality of work they do. So ask if they have produced your item or a similar item before as there is also a good chance of saving you costs on moulds (if your item requires a mould).

� Product Samples—If you are not manufacturing your own product, you’ll want to see samples, so you’ll know the product meets your standards and requirements. The supplier you select should be able to show you samples of the product. You want to make sure you get exactly what you are paying for. When you receive it be sure to STRESS test it for durability, heat, moisture etc

4. Negotiations with Selected Suppler

Chinese customs and culture are the basis for how they negotiate a contract. They don’t negotiate the same as the Western world, so certain tactics are required. To be prepared for Chinese contract negotiations, remember the following things:

� Relationships—Each business deal creates a new relationship with the person you are doing business with. In China, they aren’t negotiating with a business, but with a person. Chinese exporters will take things slowly until to get to know you better. Page 6

� Moral Influence not Legal Practice—Chinese think of the actual contract as a

formality. The relationship and moral integrity seal the deal. It is more than just a legal practice. Forget about how quickly you want the contract signed. You definitely do want a signed contract, but good negotiations rely on the relationship.

� The Chinese feel in the relationship both you and they are morally obligated to perform, even without a signed contract.

� Hierarchy—The simple mistake of calling a high-ranking executive by their first name or shaking a low-executives hand first can affect your interpersonal relationship and the willingness of the Chinese executive to negotiate with you. Pay close attention to how executives address each other and follow their lead.

5. Find Resellers for Your Product

This process can take a lot of time. It can also be difficult at times. Doing this process, however, can decrease the time you spend and increase your chances of success. These simple tips will help:

� Contact the decision maker for each potential reseller by telephone. Take the time to introduce both you and your company to them. Check to see if they are interested in receiving information by e-mail. This will help you to verify their email address.

� Send an e-mail that is brief. Attach something professionally designed to describe your company and your product.

� A few days after the email contact, you’ll want to follow up with a phone call. Request a meeting with the supplier. Be prepared to both sell your product in order to get a signed contract. Then, you can begin ordering product.

� You can sell your goods online with your own web store (we show you how at our bootcamps for under $250)

� Brick and mortar business (not recommended for newbie's) Page 7

� Selling via eBay is a good option to attract brand awareness and sell old models and last season stock - however there are so many BETTER ways than this.

� Become a wholesaler! This is an awesome and fast way to sell a lot of product to only a few customers! (we show you how at our events)

� Coupon sites like spreets groupon and scoopon and all the other sites ending with "on" (there seems to be one popping up every hour!) these sites get TONS of traffic.

� Many more ways! I cover how to sell your goods in much more details at the bootcamps.

6. Begin the Ordering Process

Shipping arrangements vary from supplier to supplier. Each one will have a basic shipping agreement and a minimum order amount. There are several common types of shipping from China to the Australia.

� EMS--Express Mail Service—This is a worldwide shipping service that works with the United States Postal Service to deliver goods from other countries to the United States.

� DHL-- International DHL—This is a global shipping company which provides shipping services commonly used for shipping from China to the AUSTRALIA.

� FOB--Free On Board—This is used for freight shipping, with a port of loading. This means that the seller has to pay both transportation costs of the goods to the indicated port of loading or shipment and the loading costs. The buyer must pay the costs of transport, insurance, unloading, and transportation from the port of arrival. The buyer takes ownership of the goods as soon as they leave the port of shipping. Page 8

7. Customs, Border Protection, and Duties

A service port of entry near you can help you with this. Simply ask for the CBP import specialists for your port of import. They can give you specific product requirements, duty rates, filing entries, preparing and filing all required paperwork. We have good customs agents and shipping agents we can connect you with who have done work for many of our clients, at our live events we connect you with them.

8. Pick-Up and Transport

You will need to have your shipment picked up at the port of entry. It will then have to be shipped to your warehouse or to local resellers. A commercial cargo company should be contacted and all arrangements made prior to shipment. You can find one in your local yellow pages or online, shipping agents and logistic companies handle this for you - learn more at this at our events.

The import/export business to China is not an easy one for beginners to learn. You’re dealing with another culture on the other side of the world. If you follow the above steps, however, you can learn how to do it and turn your questions like, “China, how?” into “China, Wow!”

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Have You Registered Yet

For One Of Our FREE Info

Nights Around Australia?

Discover How To Start a

Profitable Import/Export

Business Within 90 Days!

Okay let me ask you a few important questions and please answer honestly...

Are you looking to import from China?

Are you unsure what product to import or would you like to know what products are HOT to import right now?

Would you like to know how to avoid being scammed on sites like Alibaba?

How would you like to save money on shipping and logistics?

Care to minimize your duties, taxes, port charges and tariffs?

Click here to register now for free

Have you ever wanted to take advantage of the massive profit margins importing from china has to offer?

How would you like to know the quickest and easiest way to start importing from china and start selling product within 90 days? (even if you're a complete beginner at this).

One common question than I've been getting over the last few years is "how do import from china and sell these goods for massive profits?"

Well that's where I come in! I will reveal to you how to do just the and more and my free seminar!

Why Import

There are many great reasons to import from china!

1. The profit Margins are HUGE! if you could buy and sell them for up to 1000x more for what you paid for it then that's a profitable business.

2. Chinese products are GREAT quality . Many people think that anything made in china is bad quality and shonky and "will probabis true! Everything from iPads, iPhones, tractors, engine parts even housing infrastructure are all made in china, these products are extremely high quality. These companies did proper due diligence and followed a very simsystem ( I teach these same principles at my seminar)!

3. There is so much opportunity in the import export businessjump on the importing opportunity. Every day there are new products, new inventions, new needs and people want products to satisfy these needs!

Now is also the best time to import from china (especially if you are Aussie importer) considering the USD dollar making cheaper than 7 years ago! Demand for products is increasing more than ever! Will you be there to satisfy this demand? So act now and take action by registering your place at my seminar.

Click here to register now for free

mport From China?

There are many great reasons to import from china!

The profit Margins are HUGE! if you could buy products in china for a few dollars and sell them for up to 1000x more for what you paid for it then that's a profitable

Chinese products are GREAT quality . Many people think that anything made in china is bad quality and shonky and "will probably break in a month" The opposite is true! Everything from iPads, iPhones, tractors, engine parts even housing infrastructure are all made in china, these products are extremely high quality. These companies did proper due diligence and followed a very simsystem ( I teach these same principles at my seminar)! There is so much opportunity in the import export business It's never too late to jump on the importing opportunity. Every day there are new products, new inventions, new needs and people want products to satisfy these needs!

Now is also the best time to import from china (especially if you are Aussie considering the USD dollar making Australian imports at least 100%

years ago!

Demand for products is increasing more than ever! Will you be there to satisfy this demand? So act now and take action by registering your place at my seminar.

Click here to register now for free

Page 10

products in china for a few dollars and sell them for up to 1000x more for what you paid for it then that's a profitable

Chinese products are GREAT quality . Many people think that anything made in ly break in a month" The opposite

is true! Everything from iPads, iPhones, tractors, engine parts even housing infrastructure are all made in china, these products are extremely high quality. These companies did proper due diligence and followed a very simple importing

It's never too late to jump on the importing opportunity. Every day there are new products, new inventions, new needs and people want products to satisfy these needs!

Now is also the best time to import from china (especially if you are Aussie imports at least 100%

Demand for products is increasing more than ever! Will you be there to satisfy this demand? So act now and take action by registering your place at my seminar. Page 11

Who Is Peter Sun & Start Importing Now?

WARNING . . . Peter Sun’s Importing System Was Not Created For Those People Who Only Want To Make An “Average” Profit or Income. This system was created for those individuals who want to achieve SPECTACULAR Financial success and aspire to becoming financially wealthy with a relatively short period of time through a BUSINESS. It is NOT suitable for people who want to be employees, students or dependent on someone else for their destiny. Use At Your Own Risk!!

“I went from being a broke, shy nerd who Failed University,

Attempted Suicide and Lost Everything in my first business. .

. To making more money than Top Doctors and Lawyers... Page 12 Page 13

My current dream home:

This is the home I now live in with my 5 surfboards, 4 bikes, 5 children (on and off). It’s about 150 meters from the beach. And has four levels, private elevator, swimming pool and spa, plus beautiful views from the top level all over the Gold Coast and the ocean.

Why am I showing you where I lived? And my bank account details. It’s not to boast, but rather to prove and show you that I am not some guy living in a basement garage, dreaming of using your money to get rich. I have already done it and have been doing itfor the past 19 years or so!!!

If you are sick of making peanuts working for someone else. Want to be able to make money fast in your business. Or simply want to make a difference in the world. I have developed the importing and Selling systems to get yo Please let me introduce myself . . . My name is Peter Sun. I have five beautiful Children (4 daughters, and a boy Hugo) and most of my business life I have worked from magnificent properties, high up on a mountain overlooking the Gold Coast sunny Queensland. I like to work from home, And …

My Bank Statement showing the deposit for the purchase ofthe above property on the 8th May, 2007 (notice the balance)

Why am I showing you where I lived? And my bank account details. It’s not to boast, but rather to prove and show you that I am not some guy living in a basement garage, dreaming of using your money to get rich. I have already done it and have been doing itfor the past 19 years or so!!!

If you are sick of making peanuts working for someone else. Want to be able to make money fast in your business. Or simply want to make a difference in the world. I have developed the importing and Selling systems to get you there!!

Please let me introduce myself . . .

My name is Peter Sun. I have five beautiful Children (4 daughters, and a boy Hugo) and most of my business life I have worked from magnificent properties, high up on a mountain overlooking the Gold Coast or near the beach in

like to work from home,

My Bank Statement showing the deposit for the purchase ofthe above property on the 8th May, 2007 (notice the balance)

Page 12

Why am I showing you where I lived? And my bank account details. It’s not to boast, but rather to prove and show you that I am not some guy living in a basement garage, dreaming of using your money to get rich. I have already done it and have been doing it

If you are sick of making peanuts working for someone else. Want to be able to make money fast in your business. Or simply want to make a difference in the world. I have developed the importing and Selling

My Bank Statement showing the deposit for the purchase of the above property on the 8th May, 2007 (notice the balance)


In the 19 years I have been doing this, I learnt something very valuable . . . If you want to make money in business . . . it doesn’t matter what degrees you have. How old you are or what ethnic background you posses. It matters not if you are a man or a woman. Tall or short. Good looking or downright ugly.

In business the only thing that matters is simply this . . .

Can you get a RESULT or not? Can you make money, get customers and can’t you?

But you know it’s not even about the money. You see, most people in business just want to make money so that they can go and sail that boat. Hang out with their kids. Travel first class. Drive a nice new car. Live in a dream hom

That’s why I created a totally logical, proven and yet incredibly simple system for helping almost any business start importing from China and SELLING their imported goods online, offline and become wholesalers.. . which enabled me and others I trained to go from broke to earning as much as $5,000 per hour working just 3

And . . . since 1995 I have AVERAGED$1.4 million PER Year. Using the Internet, Direct Mail, Phone and Oneand small workshops. Despite the fact that I now often spend more time at the beach than at the office, my clients businesses are structured so that they can still make more money in a month than most people see in a year. Over the last years I have achieved my “dream” of having a great lifestyle (and making a lot of money. You may find my story hard to believe at first but please, put aside your reservations until you’ve heard what I have to say and read this message in full. It may just be the chance to change your life in a big, big way. I know it’s easy to make a lot of cthis much” “And I did this or that” but if you just take the time to attend one of bootcamps or events, I promise I will prove to you that not only it is possible, but that it has been (and is being) done by many othersright now as we speak.

In the 19 years I have been doing this, I learnt something very valuable . . . If you want to make money in business . . . it doesn’t matter what degrees you have. How old you

what ethnic background you posses. It matters not if you are a man or a woman. Tall or short. Good looking or downright ugly.

In business the only thing that matters is simply

Can you get a RESULT or not? Can you make money, get customers and make a profit or

But you know it’s not even about the money. You see, most people in business just want to make money so that they can go and sail that boat. Hang out with their kids. Travel first class. Drive a nice new car. Live in a dream home. Go surfing, fishing, play golf, save the whales or whatever.

That’s why I created a totally logical, proven and yet incredibly simple system for helping almost any business start importing from China and SELLING their imported goods online,

become wholesalers.. . which enabled me and others I trained to go from broke to earning as much as $5,000 per hour working just 3 - 4 days a week.*

. . since 1995 I have AVERAGED $1.4 million PER Year. Using the Internet, Direct Mail, Phone and One

Despite the fact that I now often spend more time at the beach than at the office, my clients businesses are structured so that they can still make more money in a month than most people see in a year. Over the last 18 years I have achieved my “dream” of having a great lifestyle (and making a lot of money.

You may find my story hard to believe at first but please, put aside your reservations until you’ve heard what I have to say and read this message in full. It may just be the chance to change your life in a big, big way. I know it’s easy to make a lot of claims and say “I made this much” “And I did this or that” but if you just take the time to attend one of bootcamps or events, I promise I will prove to you that not only it is possible, but that it has been (and is being) done by many others

In the 19 years I have been doing this, I learnt something very valuable . . . If you want to make money in business . . . it doesn’t matter what degrees you have. How old you

what ethnic background you posses. It matters not if you are a man or a woman.

e. Go surfing, fishing, play golf, save the whales or whatever.

That’s why I created a totally logical, proven and yet incredibly simple system for helping almost any business start importing from China and SELLING their imported goods online,

become wholesalers.. . which enabled me and others I trained to go from broke to

$1.4 million PER Year. Using the Internet, Direct Mail, Phone and One-on-one contact

Page 15

Would You Like One-On-One Help? This is why Import Export Revealed exists! We take the hassle and headache out of importing and make it easy to do. We explain this somewhat complicated process into a step-by-step system in many of our programs and live events.

If you would like us to help you start your import export business and start making money profiting from your imported goods we can help you.

We conduct advanced trainings and bootcamps for our clients on how to import from China and build a profitable business. Call us today on (02) 8007 4127 (Australian

number) or email us at [email protected]

Click here to register now for free

Who Should Come To This Seminar? If you're tired of the rat race and working for someone else and want to take charge of your financial destiny then you must be at this seminar. If you're a business owner wanting to save on product costs and the avoid the massive markups wholesalers in Australia are slogging Australian retailers. (if you only knew what they were paying for it!) If you're looking to start your own import business from scratch and have been interested in importing from china for awhile but not sure where to start or even what to import!... If this describes you then you should be at my seminar!

Click here to register now for free

Peter Sun P.S This seminar is the ultimate wake up call and "kick in the butt" to start importing from China. If you've always wanted to tap into the lucrative import/export business then you're going to love this seminar. P.P.S register your place now and guarantee your seat as our seminars usually sell out well in advance.

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