Pagan History of Christmas

The Pagan History of Christmas by Dr. Joel Ehrlich Additional Notes by DJ Love The Christian Church and much of Judaism is entrenched deep in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion, only today it is referred to as 'culture' or 'traditions.' The seventeenth chapter of the book of Revelation speaks of a mysterious woman who rides a beast. It shows that at the end of the age, most of the earth would be drinking out of her hand. With the excessive compromise that has taken place in Judaism and Christianity, that time has arrived. Her method of intoxication is merriment, festivity, drink, and most of all, materialism. This materialism is the free enterprise, or capitalistic system. Revelation 17:1-2 1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters; 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Revelation 18:3-4 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven,


Illustrates the pagan history of how Christmas came into existence

Transcript of Pagan History of Christmas

The Pagan History ofChristmasby Dr. Joel EhrlichAdditional NotesbyDJ LoveThe Christian Church and much of Judaism is entrenched deep in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion, only today it is referred to as 'culture' or 'traditions.' The seventeenth chapter of the book of evelation speaks of a mysterious !oman !ho rides a beast. "t sho!s that at the end of the age, most of the earth !ould be drinking out of her hand. #ith the e$cessive compromise that has taken place in Judaism and Christianity, that time has arrived. %er method of into$ication is merriment, festivity, drink, and most of all, materialism. This materialism is the free enterprise, or capitalistic system.evelation &'(&)*& +nd there came one of the seven angels !hich had the seven vials, and talked !ith me, saying unto me, come hither, " !ill sho! unto thee the -udgment of the great !hore that sitteth upon many !aters, * #ith !hom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk !ith the !ine of her fornication.evelation &.(/)0/ 1or all nations have drunk of the !ine of the !rath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication !ith her, and the merchants of the earth are !a$ed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 0 +nd " heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, 2y people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.+ll of 3)d's people, as !ell as the secular earth, are guilty of giving in to Babylon's pageantry and paganism. 2ost Christians and Je!s either don't kno! or care to kno! the truth of these pagan ties. Christians rationali4e that they are !orshipping Jesus, !hile Je!s see no harm in %elleni4ing their Channukah to spice it up. These people have become drunk from drinking from this ancient mystery cup. They don't even recogni4e the sign of their drunkenness, !hich is complacency and indifference. efusing to heed 3)d's call to be sanctified and to come out of Babylon, they e$press their hypocrisy by refusing to honor 3)d's ordained feasts and holidays.+ recent ne!s article from the 5cripps %o!ard 6e!s 5ervice states in their article, 7Christmas Celebration Crosses +ll 1aiths.77Christmas remains +merica's favorite holiday)a religious celebration that transcends the nation's increasingly multicultural society. Eighty)three percent of the adult residents of the 8nited 5tates)including Je!s, 2uslims and atheists)say they put a decorated tree in their homes. 1ifty)nine percent say there is no holiday they love more than Christmas.7#hat is Christmas and from !here did it originate9 :ule is the Chaldean name for 'infant' or 'little child.' "n ancient Babylon, the *;th of December !as kno!n as :ule day or the birth of the promised child day. This !as the day of the birth of the incarnate sun, !ho appeared as a baby child to redeem a !orld bound in darkness. "t !as an essential belief of the Babylonian religious system, that the sun god, also kno!n as Baal, !as the chief god in a polytheistic system. Tammu4 !as also !orshipped as the god incarnate, or promised baby son of Baal, !ho !as to be the 5avior of the !orld."t is interesting that a revie! of the 6e! Covenant 5criptures reveals that no early believers reverenced :eshua's birth. "nstead, as is the Je!ish custom of faith, they !ere told to commemorate his death. .Christmas has clearly brought an infusion of paganism into the church that !as initially prohibited among all of 3)d's people."" Corinthians =(&0)&. states&0 Be ye not uneJually yoked together !ith unbelievers, for !hat fello!ship hath righteousness !ith unrighteousness9 +nd !hat communion hath light !ith darkness9 &; +nd !hat concord hath 2essiah !ith Belial9 ?r !hat part hath he that believeth !ith an infidel9 &= +nd !hat agreement hath the temple of 3)d !ith idols9 1or ye are the temple of the living 3)d, as 3)d hath said, " !ill d!ell in them, and !alk in them, and " !ill be their 3)d, and they shall be 2y people. &' #herefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the F?D, and touch not the unclean thing, and " !ill receive you, &. and !ill be a 1ather unto you, and ye shall be 2y sons and daughters, saith the F?D +lmighty."t is certainly clear from all that !e have read, that an end time apostasy has come upon both Je!s and 3entiles. Both have strayed far from the original precepts of the faith, and there !ill be a heavy accounting before the F?D for this. These holidays represent only part of the great apostasy that has come upon 3)d's people in the latter days. They cumulatively fulfill !hat are kno!n as the latter day prophesies that predict a great apostasy before the coming of 2essiah. 3)d is calling for both Christians and Je!s to come out of their compromised faith and return to their original calling, before the coming of the great and a!esome day of the F?D.