Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-01-30 [p 8]. · 2017. 12. 15. · In tho caso...

j r 11 rL f L l 1 1 II eAox XiciIT JPHB PADUCAH EVENING 0UN MONDAV JANtUHV flo III l KENTUCKY NEWS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS J Nlro At Atigusn i Atignstti Ky inn30Erlro de stroyed the threestory hotel here f alf ey 4 Insurance J Attempted to Itrlbc I Loulsvlllo Ky Jan 10George 3L Dravo of the local branch of A J ilooth Co the fish and game deal hll was Indicted by the grand jury I on the charge of offering money to n judicial officer to Influence a deci ¬ I 1elon booth ft Co were recently pros ecutcd for soiling quail out of season I and fined 2GOO by Magistrate Fe genbush who alleged that Dravo of- fered ¬ him 1600 to Influence the de ¬ cision This Is the first Indlctcmrit In Jefferson county under tho now statute Sllnlster Swnllown Steel i Louisville Ky Jan 30A prom Incnt Loulsvlllo tnlnlstor while In a dentists chair recently swallowed a steel drill ono and onehalf Inches I long which became losened from the holder The reverend gentleman has been subjected three times unsuc- cessfully ¬ to the XHay The name of the minister Is withheld at his re ¬ quest upon the ground that publici ¬ ty would bring him Into unpleasant notoriety and operate fb his disad ¬ vantage In tho pulpit by distracting the attention of his hearers from what he was saying to thoughts of the accident i- Olllos Xnnifsnkcs Washington Jan 30 Represent ¬ ative Ollie M James has received let- ters ¬ from four good Democratic mothers in the county of Calloway who tell him that they have given their boy babies the name of Ollle James The congressman now has something like a bakers dozen of namesakes In tho First district Y Sues Former County Judge > Madlsonvllle icy ItJan 30Sult was flied by County Judge R D Bradley against former County Judge C C GIvens In the Hopkins county circuit court to recover mon- ey ¬ in the sum of 431 which be al Jeges Mr GIvens paid out for clerk tire while county judge claiming he countysmoney I k r Republicans In Christian Hopklnsvllle Ky Jan 30The Republican executive committee Saturday afternoon nominated the- e > following county ticket James Brea thltt judge C 0 Prowse attorney babe Campbell clerk H C Hesley represntatlve suporIntendent James Allensworth coroner Hold Mineral Lands Madlsonvlllo Ky Jan 30W11i- lam ¬ Lynch And others of Dawson Springy sold to Nashville capital ¬ ists 1000 acres of the fine mineral fortaG laof a line quality said to be the best In the state Tho Nashville capl ¬ talists will develop the field Church to lie Dedicated Mayfield Ky Jan aOThe Bap- tists are to dedicate their now church here Voburuary 12 the former pas- tor ¬ Rev H C Roberts of Eureka Springs Ark the pastor under whom It was built to preach tho dedicatory sermon Tho debt of the r I 1 25Per rRedue 1O 1 i H ERES good vith the frI I IJoJlt trousersAl and Boy cut in price I Make idsuit addition ofa pair- Reductions I I J I IBWeill X L church will herd been paid by Feb ¬ runty 12 thtf building and furnish ¬ ings having cost about 3d 000 18 iT HALHY 7 Mnn Arrested lit WftMiliiRton Hup mowed to Ho it Former 1adtt- rnh harbor Washington dispatches sent out Saturday Jtato that ono J W Wat kins claiming to be from Paducah Ky was arrested for pulling his pis ¬ tol and frightening people on tbo streets It Is believed that his mind Is affected and may be sent to the asy lum It Is not known who the man Is unless It laI Baldy WAtkins the former Paducah barber who for two or three years has been hanging about Washington Baltimore und Philadelphia Imagining that ho lit going to get about f 40000000 worth of tho finest property In Phil ¬ adelphia that was leased for 99 years by his forefathers Ho claimed when he left hero that the lease had expired and the property revertd to heirs of tho original owners but 1t- was doubtless a pipe like scores of similar cases and Baldy so far IS anyone hero knows has never secured anything except tho assur once of lawyers lie was hero about a year ago END IN SIGHT German Strlko Is Expected to He Over Soon Moeller ¬ merce announced In the Reichstag recently that the government was not willing to undertake revision of the general mining laws during the existing strike a conference with apparentlyled A semiofficial publication now states that the Prussian ministry will lay before the diet a bill for revIsing the law In such a way as to be equivalent to granting all essential demands of the strikers The governments decision to act In the manner indicated makes a good Impression and It Is believed will hasten resumption of work In the mines The Vossische Zeltungs Essen correspondent says publication of the facts gives the strike leaders great satisfaction and that they are ready to urge the men to return to work It Is doubtful If the latter will accept the dispatch lays but a de ¬ cision will be taken on Saturday SCALDED TO DEATH Two Men Left Shut Up In Turkish Bath House New York Jan 30Shut in the steam room of a Russian bath house in Hester street Abraham Paster flak and Peter Roos were scalded to death Evidence that both had made frenzied efforts by cuts and bruises on both bodies and by blood stalned scratches in the plaster ot walls against which they had groped In efforts to find tho outlet Abraham Stern proprietor of the bath house and five attendants wore arrested and held pending an inves- tigation From Incoherent accounts the police gathered that Roos and Pasternak entered tho bath house last night and after being conducted Into the steam room wore left there evidently forgotten until the bodies were fount today There was a gas jet In the room but It was unllghted and In tho darkness the men were unable to find the door I tionI I Ii Trousers I news for the man eyedat the edges 1 i 1oUr 1 look new by the 1- Too on SblrlI I leSonI I I r IltlttrLllttl U f1 tt LAa 11 L IN THE COURTS Police Court Iollce Judge b U Sanders held court all tho morning rind afternoon today In order to finish the eases against Wm Holden and Homer Williams colored for malicious cut ¬ ting and assault and Boyd Manton and Hermann Clements colored for false swearing Arthur Dunn was this morning fined Uand costs for being drunk and disorderly and after this case was flnlshedSho Manion case wad brought up ond a portion of the ovl deuce heard This afternoon at 2 oclock the two cases were taken up again ahd will be finished today If possible Circuit Court This morning tho juryjn tho caso of Rachael Johnson agalrist James Collins and others returned a Ver- dict ¬ for the defendant The woman was arrested and sub ¬ sequently released and brought a suit for 5000 for false arrest and Imprisonment Tho case was par ¬ tlally tried Saturday and taken up again today- A Judgment for divorce was filed In tho caso of Ora Lee Wells against L C Wells At press time the case of W F Bradshaw against Ed Vaughan was on trial It Is a suit over possession of land Licensed to Marry- J T Dean ago 37 and Ora Leo Wilson age 27 both of Carlllo coun ¬ t ty Ky have been licensed to wed It wilt make the second marriage of the groom and tho first of tho bride ad circuit Mrs Mamie Cooley McMannoh was this morning appointed official court reporter to succeed Mr Alben Bark ley resigned The case of Cliff Burnett against Frank H Rleko was dismissed with ¬ out prejudice The case of W ft Woodson against the N C and St L road was dis ¬ missed and settled i i lcellI 11Et Lapis to V J Ulow lor adlltlonto J Wm Ashford and others to Jeff D Carter for 200propertylntho Trimble addition M H Gallagher to Katherine Gal ¬ Jerltlons Tho ShcrrlllRusseil Lumber Co has med a mechanics loin against Mrs Virginia Warden to recover an alleged debt of 95 0 L Gregory deeds to Ottlo Greg- ory ¬ for U and other consideration property in the Afton Heights sec ¬ tion John W Fry power of attorney to aril Reed Mary and K Little to O C and H R Hank for 1 and other considera ¬ tion property near Fifth and Clark streets I CT Truoheart to Charles Kirch hoff for 960 property in the coun ¬ ty M L and E A Bryan to C E Walker for faO property In tho county M L and E A Bryan to John P Morton for 000 property in tho countyA Waller and wife to DOlII Hughes for U90 property In tho countyNannie R Dallatn and others to J F Blchon for 1050 properly near 10th and Clay streets Harry and bonnie Rudolph to Ret tlo Rudolph for fa and other consid ¬ oration property In the county Harry and Lonnle Rudolp to H C Rudoph for 00 and other consid ¬ oration property In tho county The estate of Mollle P Cook has boon ordered Into the hands of lien ¬ ry Harwood A Fatal Collision Ardmore I T Jan 30A north hand passenger train on the Atchi- son Topeka anti Santa Fe railway and an extra freight collided head on north of Ardmore yesterday Fire- man ¬ Guy Gone was killed and soy ¬ eral persons Injured Hurt i by H Full Charles Smith aged 10 of 1000 Harrison street was Injured about 1 oclock today at First and Broad- way He works at one of the laun ¬ dries and In gejlng off tljo street car slipped and fell Ills scalp was put but he was not seriously Injured Chief of police Ohajrles McNutt of Mayfield Ky Is In the city again today on work connected with the Mayfield murder mystery Chief McNutt hoe nothing at present to give out but hopes soon to have solve ed the mystery- 6wbserlbetot The Sun r V TWO WEDDINGS Mil ItAlttlV tXrfiLINH ANn MISS KINHULLA TO JGUItIY1LtNSA- NNOUNCII MntTlntte of Young Couple At trncc ton Yesterday Afternoon The wedding bans of Mr > harry Collins of tho city to Mlsa Lulu Anna Klnsotla of Milwaukee Wls wero published yesterday morning at high ones by the Rev Father 11 W Jan sen at the SL Francis do Sales church The marriage will tnko placo In a setMr ¬ cab for several years and Is an nt Cache of one of the laundries Ho 1 a Is singer of ability and recently had one of tho principal parts In Tho First Lieutenant The young lady Is quite wellknown hero having visited the fnmllof Capt Ed Farley In Mochanlcsburg Miss Della Bcrryman n popular young lady of Mcchanlcsburg and Mr Harry Mcars a valued employe of till Paducah Cooperage company are reported to have married nt 2 oclock yesterday afternoon at Prince ¬ ton Ky They are expected homeI this eenllllI Mr Mears has been with the com- pany ¬ t for some time and was under- stood ¬ I In Mochanlcsburg although not known for certain this afternoon I thrit the couple had married Miss I Borryman Is one of tho prettiest and I most popular young ladles of Mo chanlc burg and Is daughter of Mr J D Bcrryman STOPS COLLISIONS IlY RAIL Tablet H Klein Introduced In Sew Kenliuid n Great Success I United States Consul General DM Ingham at Auckland Australia In a report to the department of com merce tells of a new system for preII entlng railway collisions lIe says An Interesting change has re- cently been made In the signaling ystom In New Zealands railway which it Is thought will make cotil ¬ lions absolutely Impossible For a long time up to a recent I date what Is knoWn as the block t t system has been generally used but IJ J InIItroduced new system Is that no engine driver Is allowed to leave a station without I atablel In his possession anti the el ement of safety rests on the fact that I Ihe machines are so made that It Is impossible for two of tho tablets to t bo out at tho same time If a driver leaves Auckland for l Cewmarkot with a tablet that tablet has to bo deposited In the machine at issued allowing a return train to leave that station for Auckland andI I the electrical connection between the two stations makes It Impossible toI r extract a tablet from tho Auckland Tiachino until the tablet has been put Into the machine at Newmarket- It Is claimed by railroad experts that under the new system two trains can not be on the samo section at once so that tho danger of colli ¬ lions Is entirely done away with PKAHODY TO STICK tiayw Ito HUH No Notion of Withdraw hug Contest Denver Col Jan 30Former Governor Peabody denied a report that ho Intended to withdraw his contest for the governorship or that lie had been approached with any proposition for a compromise You couldnt drive me out of this contest with a pack of bloodhounds ho said I entered tho contest with a determination to probo frauds to tho bottom unit I will be there at the finish If the legislature In Joint ses ¬ sion declares mo plqctod I shall take my seat If It declares Adams elect ed I shall gracefully stop down A now president of tho Connor ¬ cial club will be elected tomorrow night Mr L B Dullols not desiring on account of private business to hold the position Messrs Charles Reed and Ron Wollle are both men ¬ coned for Iho place and whllo neith ¬ er wants tho honor either woul Verve It I Is understood t Trouhlnioiiio Wcnlwt From London Tld < nts Mrs Symea always remind mo of a gardener Dont be unkind ahoa a widow now Just sQand trying to get rid o- her i weeds > I The only pne who lived above all I I sin was the one who lived for nil sin- ner L 1n if Vh rn ru lh I j r > 1J4T- he I gauge today Is eight feet and falling cold clear Weather with heavy Ice stilt fuming out and Ice stilt forming nlonrf the shores No boats left today In tho Ohio river The Dick Fowler and the Dunne vlllo packets are still nt tho bank and wilt have to remain there InllenI I nltoly I The Charleston arrived from Ten ¬ nessee river yesterday and Is nt I i Brookport unloading She returns tomorrow night i The Clyde Is u from Tennessee I rlvof t Tho Buttorff arrived at Smlthland yesterday but was unable to got I down this tar on account of the Ice and turned back for Clarksvllle Capt J S Tynor of Nashville I U In tho city on business The river Is falling and leaving Ice I on the sand bars Tho river tins also gorged above Paducah In several places which stops the Ice and caus ¬ es It to thin considerably I The Pavonla arrived from Cum- berland ¬ river yesterday She came down from Smlthland assisted by tho Caitalla Tho Pavonla will go In ¬ to Tennessee river tomorrow The WlUord Is hero taking care of the Smith barges and waiting for- th Ice to thin out so tho fleet can l be taken to Joppa for unloading The Margaret wont Into Tennessee river yesterday The Inverness will go out today to if Tennessee river HOARD OF NAVIGATION I Ruled Recently Itcrominendcd IIC Secretary Melcatf Will lieII Conlhltndt Washington J n 30ext Mon- day ¬ tho National Hoard of Steam Navigation will begin a settee of meetings in Washington In consider ¬ atlon of the rules and regulations reII Gently recommended to Secretary Motcalfe of the department of com ¬ pierce and labor by the board of supervisors ot tho steamboat Inspec- t ¬ I ion service The board has laid be fore Secretary Metcalfe some lugI I Bested changes in ninny of tho pro regulations but tho members urge Socrcory Metcalfo further to exr tend the time tar tho consideration of the regulations In order that all oft t the shipping Interests ot the country muy have an opportunity to examine I them thoroughly Hearings as to the proposed rcguI I lations have been arranged by the Board of Steam Navigation with Lawrence O Murray assistant secre- tary of the department of commerce and labor The hearings will boglnI next Monday and may continue two J r or three days MAKING MONEY Over no000 PitUntH WIn INMUII Last Year Washington Jan 30The rOllortI of tho commissioner of patents for the calendar year of 1904 shows reI ceipts 1067327 i expenditures U 476000 and a balance In the treas ¬ ury to tho credit of the patent onto January 1 last of 6803870 whl1I Includes receipts of past years There wero 62143 applications for pat- ents an Increase of nearly 2000 over 1003 and 20428 patents expired Thero wore 30824 patents and de ¬ signs Issued 110 patents reissued 2158 trade marks 1114 labola and 297 prints registered LKHLli COM IIS Will Ito lleapiiolnhd to Guatemala and HondiiruN Washington Jan 28Lealia Combs ot I Kentucky minister to- Ol llellllla amj Honduras will bo reappointed to represent this coun- try In the South American republic- Mr Combs likes his post and wants to remain In tho diplomatic service At the state department his service U commended highly and In addition tho president has the highest regard annauneotd l therefore that his status under th e Incoming administration Is fixed o Now Night HiiKK eiiwH Mr U n MlBcnlielmor formerly night baggageman hero but now of Carbondale has been selected to flll I the vacancy caused by Uio resigna Nf Moore of the local Hlnca Central At least the ossified man has all 1 Ina backbone he needs in his bust peas iln rT jrr Jt CTrI III ry JANES ii REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES LOANS I Sara enough bargains innow 4I 1x room house with bath hot and cold water connections and every cone nlcnco HOIIRO just finished and own or must sacflflco without over living In It South Sldo Prico = 1300 cash See mo It you want bargain In home t 912 Jefferson street 8room house 00ft lot eowor connection easy payments best residence see Ion Prlco 5000 Nice 4room residence good house and large lot on South Eighth street excellent homo for colored tuna atr K 900 on easy payments 628 N Eighth St Croom nous In best residence part of city Price 2f60 627 N Fifth St Groom house good one on lot 67 ft 9 Inches by 108 to alley Doslrablo home Price 2250 r Notlco removal of my once to Room C Truohcart building and como there for bargains In real ci ¬ a tate or farm mortgage loans on 10 k years tlmo at 6 per cent igterst One Madison St Fountain Park 50 foot lot for UGO cash Most do slrablo suburban lot I know of at tbo price Bargain to homo builders In 25 r- wt lots near L 0 passenger depot at fl00 each on small cash payment and balance U per month Those are best lots to be gotten near depot and want cheap homes there come and t eet first choice 235 South Sixth St very desirable 10 room house on corner lot front ¬ 4 ing Yclser park Excellent residence well suited for first class board ¬ house See me for price and as am anxious to soil 1000 Jefferson St number one 10 room house on corner lot In excelf lent condition good stable Flat 1 Mass rcitdenco or well located and roomy enough for boarding house u j 5000 on reasonable pay ¬ manta Seven roorn two atory residence with sewerage bath 62foot corner lot at southeast corner Ninth and Ad ins streets excellent location Price 12400Just back of last named corner home fronting on Adams street a 3 house In good condition and at price GOO a fine Investment for the rent or a horns The former Grace hoot plant on North Fifth St salt lido blllun Usdlson and Harrison lot i7 ft I Indian with two ales cottage on it blch rent for U7IiOa month Price 8000 on reasonable terms to toll buyer Dont forct that I have at allr mes plenty money to loan on farm mortgages at 8 per clint Interact tin years time New plat of Madison St lots just ptst of and adjoining Fountain park ill level and high and street graded tad traveled Surrey just mad and Slat turned over tonit Corns while sn get first choice Prices 310 of which 16 each and balance on ie monthly payments Location pries and term considered these are most desirable lots In Psducab First clsss business property on l both Sesond and Third streets near roadway Best chance to be had la I this line of Investment Ask for de alle Large number of Ilechlnlc bur lots on small monthly payments prices from UO up Four excellent houses on Tonnes tee street between llth and llth streets no better of else and class In city Corner one at 2600 and three + Inside ones at 1600 each No CO North Sixth street renlfcd by year to prompt paying tenant at 3S per mouth Price 4000 1317 Jefferson street Rood 4 room pottage on lot worth 1000 at U 100 d Rowlandtown house and lot on traveled street at 600 on small monthly payments No S3Q Kentucky avenue good business property Rents at 36 per c month price on easy payments U too New house 4 rooms hall bath Vo 1 residence I 50 ft lot on Mon- roe street between 18th and 13th U 1600 No 305 North Seventh street lot 116 by lOll ft to alley 13 room house very choicest property In city i At price to make sate See me If you want best thing to be h- udWMJANES ROOM R 1Oltl Pitons UD7rcd- HTWKIUURT HVIGII1Ot 1APVOAl KV I t n

Transcript of Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-01-30 [p 8]. · 2017. 12. 15. · In tho caso...

Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-01-30 [p 8]. · 2017. 12. 15. · In tho caso of Ora Lee Wells against L C Wells At press time the case of W F Bradshaw against

j r 11 rLf

L l 1






Nlro At Atigusni Atignstti Ky inn30Erlro destroyed the threestory hotel here

falfey4 Insurance


Attempted to ItrlbcI Loulsvlllo Ky Jan 10George3L Dravo of the local branch of A

J ilooth Co the fish and game dealhll was Indicted by the grand jury

I on the charge of offering money to njudicial officer to Influence a deci ¬

I1elon booth ft Co were recently prosecutcd for soiling quail out of season


and fined 2GOO by Magistrate Fegenbush who alleged that Dravo of-


him 1600 to Influence the de¬

cision This Is the first Indlctcmrit In

Jefferson county under tho nowstatute

Sllnlster Swnllown Steeli Louisville Ky Jan 30A promIncnt Loulsvlllo tnlnlstor while In adentists chair recently swallowed asteel drill ono and onehalf InchesIlong which became losened from theholder The reverend gentleman hasbeen subjected three times unsuc-cessfully


to the XHay The name ofthe minister Is withheld at his re ¬

quest upon the ground that publici ¬

ty would bring him Into unpleasantnotoriety and operate fb his disad ¬

vantage In tho pulpit by distractingthe attention of his hearers fromwhat he was saying to thoughts ofthe accidenti-

Olllos XnnifsnkcsWashington Jan 30 Represent¬

ative Ollie M James has received let-ters


from four good Democraticmothers in the county of Callowaywho tell him that they have giventheir boy babies the name of OllleJames The congressman now hassomething like a bakers dozen of

namesakes In tho First district

Y Sues Former County Judge> Madlsonvllle icyItJan 30Sultwas flied by County Judge R D

Bradley against former CountyJudge C C GIvens In the Hopkinscounty circuit court to recover mon-ey


in the sum of 431 which be alJeges Mr GIvens paid out for clerktire while county judge claiming he

countysmoneyIkr Republicans In Christian

Hopklnsvllle Ky Jan 30TheRepublican executive committeeSaturday afternoon nominated the-

e >following county ticket James Breathltt judge C 0 Prowse attorneybabe Campbell clerk H C Hesley

represntatlvesuporIntendentJames Allensworth coroner

Hold Mineral LandsMadlsonvlllo Ky Jan 30W11i-


Lynch And others of DawsonSpringy sold to Nashville capital ¬

ists 1000 acres of the fine mineral

fortaGlaof a line quality said to be thebest In the state Tho Nashville capl ¬

talists will develop the field

Church to lie DedicatedMayfield Ky Jan aOThe Bap-

tists are to dedicate their now churchhere Voburuary 12 the former pas-


Rev H C Roberts of EurekaSprings Ark the pastor underwhom It was built to preach thodedicatory sermon Tho debt of the

rI 1 25PerrRedue

1O1i H ERES good

vith the frI

IIJoJlt trousersAland Boy

cut in priceI Make idsuit

addition ofa pair-





church will herd been paid by Feb ¬

runty 12 thtf building and furnish ¬

ings having cost about 3d 000

18 iT HALHY 7

Mnn Arrested lit WftMiliiRton Hupmowed to Ho it Former 1adtt-

rnh harbor

Washington dispatches sent outSaturday Jtato that ono J W Watkins claiming to be from PaducahKy was arrested for pulling his pis ¬

tol and frightening people on tbostreets It Is believed that his mind Isaffected and may be sent to the asylum

It Is not known who the man Is

unless It laI Baldy WAtkins theformer Paducah barber who for twoor three years has been hangingabout Washington Baltimore undPhiladelphia Imagining that ho litgoing to get about f 40000000worth of tho finest property In Phil ¬

adelphia that was leased for 99years by his forefathers Ho claimedwhen he left hero that the lease hadexpired and the property revertd toheirs of tho original owners but 1t-

was doubtless a pipe like scoresof similar cases and Baldy so farIS anyone hero knows has neversecured anything except tho assuronce of lawyers lie was hero abouta year ago


German Strlko Is Expected to HeOver Soon

Moeller ¬

merce announced In the Reichstagrecently that the government wasnot willing to undertake revision ofthe general mining laws during theexisting strike a conference with

apparentlyledA semiofficial publication now

states that the Prussian ministry willlay before the diet a bill for revIsingthe law In such a way as to beequivalent to granting all essentialdemands of the strikers

The governments decision to actIn the manner indicated makes agood Impression and It Is believedwill hasten resumption of work Inthe mines The Vossische ZeltungsEssen correspondent says publicationof the facts gives the strike leadersgreat satisfaction and that they areready to urge the men to return towork It Is doubtful If the latter willaccept the dispatch lays but a de ¬

cision will be taken on Saturday


Two Men Left Shut Up In TurkishBath House

New York Jan 30Shut in thesteam room of a Russian bath housein Hester street Abraham Pasterflak and Peter Roos were scalded todeath Evidence that both had madefrenzied efforts by cuts and bruiseson both bodies and by blood stalnedscratches in the plaster ot wallsagainst which they had groped Inefforts to find tho outlet

Abraham Stern proprietor of thebath house and five attendants worearrested and held pending an inves-tigation From Incoherent accountsthe police gathered that Roos andPasternak entered tho bath houselast night and after being conductedInto the steam room wore left thereevidently forgotten until the bodieswere fount today There was a gasjet In the room but It was unllghtedand In tho darkness the men wereunable to find the door


Ii Trousers Inews for the man

eyedat the edges1i1oUr1

look new by the 1-

Too on SblrlII


Ir IltlttrLllttl U

f1 tt LAa 11



Police CourtIollce Judge b U Sanders held

court all tho morning rind afternoontoday In order to finish the easesagainst Wm Holden and HomerWilliams colored for malicious cut¬

ting and assault and Boyd Mantonand Hermann Clements colored forfalse swearing

Arthur Dunn was this morningfined Uand costs for being drunkand disorderly and after this casewas flnlshedSho Manion case wadbrought up ond a portion of the ovldeuce heard This afternoon at 2

oclock the two cases were taken upagain ahd will be finished today Ifpossible

Circuit CourtThis morning tho juryjn tho caso

of Rachael Johnson agalrist JamesCollins and others returned a Ver-


for the defendantThe woman was arrested and sub ¬

sequently released and brought asuit for 5000 for false arrest andImprisonment Tho case was par¬

tlally tried Saturday and taken upagain today-

A Judgment for divorce was filedIn tho caso of Ora Lee Wells againstL C Wells

At press time the case of W FBradshaw against Ed Vaughan wason trial It Is a suit over possessionof land

Licensed to Marry-

J T Dean ago 37 and Ora LeoWilson age 27 both of Carlllo coun ¬

tty Ky have been licensed to wedIt wilt make the second marriage ofthe groom and tho first of tho bridead circuit

Mrs Mamie Cooley McMannoh wasthis morning appointed official courtreporter to succeed Mr Alben Barkley resigned

The case of Cliff Burnett againstFrank H Rleko was dismissed with ¬

out prejudiceThe case of W ft Woodson against

the N C and St L road was dis ¬

missed and settlediilcellI11EtLapis to V J Ulow lor

adlltlontoJWm Ashford and others to JeffD Carter for 200propertylnthoTrimble addition

M H Gallagher to Katherine Gal ¬

JerltlonsTho ShcrrlllRusseil Lumber Cohas med a mechanics loin againstMrs Virginia Warden to recover analleged debt of 95

0 L Gregory deeds to Ottlo Greg-ory


for U and other considerationproperty in the Afton Heights sec¬

tionJohn W Fry power of attorney to

aril ReedMary and K Little to O C and H

R Hank for 1 and other considera ¬

tion property near Fifth and Clarkstreets I

CT Truoheart to Charles Kirchhoff for 960 property in the coun ¬

tyM L and E A Bryan to C E

Walker for faO property In thocounty

M L and E A Bryan to John PMorton for 000 property in tho

countyAWaller and wife to DOlII

Hughes for U90 property In tho

countyNannieR Dallatn and others to J

F Blchon for 1050 properly near10th and Clay streets

Harry and bonnie Rudolph to Rettlo Rudolph for fa and other consid ¬

oration property In the countyHarry and Lonnle Rudolp to H

C Rudoph for 00 and other consid ¬

oration property In tho countyThe estate of Mollle P Cook has

boon ordered Into the hands of lien ¬

ry Harwood

A Fatal CollisionArdmore I T Jan 30A north

hand passenger train on the Atchi-son Topeka anti Santa Fe railwayand an extra freight collided headon north of Ardmore yesterday Fire-man


Guy Gone was killed and soy ¬

eral persons Injured

Hurt iby H FullCharles Smith aged 10 of 1000

Harrison street was Injured about1 oclock today at First and Broad-way He works at one of the laun ¬

dries and In gejlng off tljo street carslipped and fell Ills scalp was putbut he was not seriously Injured

Chief of police Ohajrles McNuttof Mayfield Ky Is In the city againtoday on work connected with theMayfield murder mystery ChiefMcNutt hoe nothing at present togive out but hopes soon to have solveed the mystery-

6wbserlbetot The Sun rV




MntTlntte of Young Couple At trnccton Yesterday Afternoon

The wedding bans of Mr >harryCollins of tho city to Mlsa Lulu AnnaKlnsotla of Milwaukee Wls weropublished yesterday morning at highones by the Rev Father 11 W Jansen at the SL Francis do Sales churchThe marriage will tnko placo In asetMr ¬

cab for several years and Is an ntCache of one of the laundries Ho 1


singer of ability and recently hadone of tho principal parts In ThoFirst Lieutenant

The young lady Is quite wellknownhero having visited the fnmllofCapt Ed Farley In Mochanlcsburg

Miss Della Bcrryman n popularyoung lady of Mcchanlcsburg andMr Harry Mcars a valued employeof till Paducah Cooperage companyare reported to have married nt 2

oclock yesterday afternoon at Prince ¬

ton Ky They are expected homeIthis eenllllIMr Mears has been with the com-

pany¬ t

for some time and was under-stood

¬ I

In Mochanlcsburg although notknown for certain this afternoon I

thrit the couple had married Miss I

Borryman Is one of tho prettiest and I

most popular young ladles of Mochanlc burg and Is daughter of MrJ D Bcrryman


Tablet H Klein Introduced In SewKenliuid n Great Success I

United States Consul General DM

Ingham at Auckland Australia In areport to the department of commerce tells of a new system for preIIentlng railway collisions lIe says

An Interesting change has re-

cently been made In the signalingystom In New Zealands railwaywhich it Is thought will make cotil ¬

lions absolutely ImpossibleFor a long time up to a recent I

date what Is knoWn as the block tt

system has been generally used but IJJ

InIItroducednew system Is that no engine driverIs allowed to leave a station without I

atablel In his possession anti the element of safety rests on the fact that I

Ihe machines are so made that It Isimpossible for two of tho tablets to t

bo out at tho same timeIf a driver leaves Auckland for l

Cewmarkot with a tablet that tablethas to bo deposited In the machine atissued allowing a return train toleave that station for Auckland andII

the electrical connection between thetwo stations makes It Impossible toIrextract a tablet from tho AucklandTiachino until the tablet has beenput Into the machine at Newmarket-

It Is claimed by railroad expertsthat under the new system two

trains can not be on the samo sectionat once so that tho danger of colli ¬

lions Is entirely done away with


tiayw Ito HUH No Notion of Withdrawhug Contest

Denver Col Jan 30FormerGovernor Peabody denied a reportthat ho Intended to withdraw hiscontest for the governorship or thatlie had been approached with anyproposition for a compromise

You couldnt drive me out of thiscontest with a pack of bloodhoundsho said I entered tho contest witha determination to probo frauds totho bottom unit I will be there at thefinish If the legislature In Joint ses ¬

sion declares mo plqctod I shall takemy seat If It declares Adams elected I shall gracefully stop down

A now president of tho Connor ¬

cial club will be elected tomorrownight Mr L B Dullols not desiringon account of private business tohold the position Messrs CharlesReed and Ron Wollle are both men ¬

coned for Iho place and whllo neith ¬

er wants tho honor either woulVerve It IIs understood


Trouhlnioiiio WcnlwtFrom London Tld < nts

Mrs Symea always remind moof a gardener

Dont be unkind ahoa a widownow

Just sQand trying to get rid o-

heri weeds >

I The only pne who lived above allIIsin was the one who lived for nil sin-


L 1n if Vh rn ru


I jr >1J4T-



gauge today Is eight feet andfalling cold clear Weather withheavy Ice stilt fuming out and Ice

stilt forming nlonrf the shores Noboats left today In tho Ohio riverThe Dick Fowler and the Dunnevlllo packets are still nt tho bankand wilt have to remain there InllenI I


The Charleston arrived from Ten ¬

nessee river yesterday and Is nt Ii

Brookport unloading She returnstomorrow night i

The Clyde Is ufrom Tennessee I


Tho Buttorff arrived at Smlthlandyesterday but was unable to got I

down this tar on account of the Iceand turned back for Clarksvllle

Capt J S Tynor of NashvilleIIU In tho city on business

The river Is falling and leaving Ice I

on the sand bars Tho river tins alsogorged above Paducah In severalplaces which stops the Ice and caus ¬

es It to thin considerably I

The Pavonla arrived from Cum-berland


river yesterday She camedown from Smlthland assisted bytho Caitalla Tho Pavonla will go In ¬

to Tennessee river tomorrowThe WlUord Is hero taking care of

the Smith barges and waiting for-

th Ice to thin out so tho fleet can l

be taken to Joppa for unloadingThe Margaret wont Into Tennessee

river yesterdayThe Inverness will go out today to if

Tennessee river


Ruled Recently Itcrominendcd IICSecretary Melcatf Will lieIIConlhltndt

Washington Jn30ext Mon-


tho National Hoard of SteamNavigation will begin a settee ofmeetings in Washington In consider ¬

atlon of the rules and regulations reIIGently recommended to SecretaryMotcalfe of the department of com ¬

pierce and labor by the board ofsupervisors ot tho steamboat Inspec-


ion service The board has laid before Secretary Metcalfe some lugII

Bested changes in ninny of tho proregulations but tho members

urge Socrcory Metcalfo further to exrtend the time tar tho considerationof the regulations In order that all ofttthe shipping Interests ot the countrymuy have an opportunity to examine

Ithem thoroughly

Hearings as to the proposed rcguII

lations have been arranged by theBoard of Steam Navigation withLawrence O Murray assistant secre-tary of the department of commerceand labor The hearings will boglnInext Monday and may continue two


r or three days


Over no000 PitUntH WIn INMUII

Last Year

Washington Jan 30The rOllortIof tho commissioner of patents forthe calendar year of 1904 shows reIceipts 1067327 i expenditures U476000 and a balance In the treas ¬

ury to tho credit of the patent ontoJanuary 1 last of 6803870 whl1IIncludes receipts of past years Therewero 62143 applications for pat-ents an Increase of nearly 2000 over1003 and 20428 patents expiredThero wore 30824 patents and de ¬

signs Issued 110 patents reissued2158 trade marks 1114 labola and297 prints registered


Will Ito lleapiiolnhd to Guatemalaand HondiiruN

Washington Jan 28LealiaCombs ot IKentucky minister to-

Ol llellllla amj Honduras will boreappointed to represent this coun-

try In the South American republic-

Mr Combs likes his post and wantsto remain In tho diplomatic serviceAt the state department his serviceU commended highly and In additiontho president has the highest regard

annauneotdltherefore that his status under the

Incoming administration Is fixed


Now Night HiiKK eiiwHMr U n MlBcnlielmor formerly

night baggageman hero but now ofCarbondale has been selected to flllI

the vacancy caused by Uio resignaNfMoore of the local Hlnca Central

At least the ossified man has all1Ina backbone he needs in his bustpeas

iln rT jrr JtCTrI IIIry



Sara enough bargains innow 4I1xroom house with bath hot and coldwater connections and every conenlcnco HOIIRO just finished and ownor must sacflflco without over livingIn It South Sldo Prico = 1300cash See mo It you want bargainIn home t

912 Jefferson street 8roomhouse 00ft lot eowor connectioneasy payments best residence seeIon Prlco 5000

Nice 4room residence good houseand large lot on South Eighth streetexcellent homo for colored tuna atrK

900 on easy payments628 N Eighth St Croom nous In

best residence part of city Price2f60

627 N Fifth St Groom housegood one on lot 67 ft 9 Inches by108 to alley Doslrablo home Price2250 r

Notlco removal of my once toRoom C Truohcart building andcomo there for bargains In real ci ¬ a

tate or farm mortgage loans on 10 kyears tlmo at 6 per cent igterst

One Madison St Fountain Park50 foot lot for UGO cash Most doslrablo suburban lot I know of attbo price

Bargain to homo builders In 25 r- wtlots near L 0 passenger depot atfl00 each on small cash paymentand balance U per month Those arebest lots to be gotten near depot and

want cheap homes there come and teet first choice

235 South Sixth St very desirable10 room house on corner lot front ¬

4ing Yclser park Excellent residencewell suited for first class board ¬

house See me for price andas am anxious to soil

1000 Jefferson St number one 10room house on corner lot In excelflent condition good stable Flat1

Mass rcitdenco or well located androomy enough for boarding house u j

5000 on reasonable pay ¬

mantaSeven roorn two atory residence

with sewerage bath 62foot cornerlot at southeast corner Ninth and Ad

ins streets excellent location Price

12400Justback of last named corner

home fronting on Adams street a 3

house In good condition andat price GOO a fine Investment forthe rent or a horns

The former Grace hoot plant onNorth Fifth St salt lido blllunUsdlson and Harrison lot i7 ft IIndian with two ales cottage on it

blch rent for U7IiOa monthPrice 8000 on reasonable terms totoll buyer

Dont forct that I have at allrmes plenty money to loan on farmmortgages at 8 per clint Interact tinyears time

New plat of Madison St lots justptst of and adjoining Fountain parkill level and high and street gradedtad traveled Surrey just mad andSlat turned over tonit Corns whilesn get first choice Prices 310 of

which 16 each and balance on iemonthly payments Location priesand term considered these are mostdesirable lots In Psducab

First clsss business property on lboth Sesond and Third streets nearroadway Best chance to be had laI

this line of Investment Ask for dealle

Large number of Ilechlnlc burlots on small monthly paymentsprices from UO up

Four excellent houses on Tonnestee street between llth and llthstreets no better of else and class In

city Corner one at 2600 and three +

Inside ones at 1600 eachNo CO North Sixth street renlfcd

by year to prompt paying tenant at3S per mouth Price 4000

1317 Jefferson street Rood 4 roompottage on lot worth 1000 at U100 d

Rowlandtown house and lot on

traveled street at 600 on smallmonthly payments

No S3Q Kentucky avenue goodbusiness property Rents at 36 per c

month price on easy payments Utoo

New house 4 rooms hall bathVo 1 residence I 50 ft lot on Mon-

roe street between 18th and 13thU 1600

No 305 North Seventh street lot116 by lOll ft to alley 13 roomhouse very choicest property In city i

At price to make sate See me If youwant best thing to be h-


1Oltl Pitons UD7rcd-


