PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone An Emergency Call to Voluntary Political Non-Action on Behalf of the Left, the Right, and Everyone In-Between by the Rosenberger Family Create the issue, fund raise the money, pay themselves, donate to the party, create the issue, fund raise….. ©Rosenberger 2011


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Transcript of PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Page 1: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone An Emergency Call to Voluntary Political Non-Action on Behalf of the Left, the Right, and Everyone In-Between

by the Rosenberger Family Create the issue, fund raise the money, pay themselves, donate to the party,

create the issue, fund raise…..


©Rosenberger  2011 

Page 2: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Follow the Money What Do You Get for Supporting an Issue‐Based PAC? 

Disclaimer: This is not an indictment of the Republican Party Platform, nor is it a 

personal attack – it is an exposition of the insidious network of “bottom feeders” that 

prey off conservative issues, candidates and elected officials. 


Real Life Example #1: Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom PAC (PAC Reg No# BI1498) 

in Support of Issue 3 the Healthcare Freedom Amendment to the Ohio Constitution  

*indicates that the data can be found with a simple search at the Secretary of State website at 

Republican Operatives: 1)  Brett Buerck owns Majority Strategies, a political consulting firm in Ponte 

Vedra Beach, FL. Investigated in OH by the FBI for campaign finance fraud and 

transplanted to FL to remain useful to John Husted.[1] 

Gave $2000 to Bush ’04, $1000 to McCain ’08, and more. 

Media Subcontractor for OFHF Paid $118,038.30, 5/2011 to 10/2011* 

Associated Builders & Contractors, 3rd Party Media Company ABC Ohio is the main sponsor for the Workplace Freedom Amendment. What will OFWF pay him??? 

2)   Jeff Longstreth Executive Director of JPL & Associates, Republican Party donor, Mike 

Huckabee’s Ohio Campaign Manager LOST, Bob Dole’s Ohio Campaign Manager LOST, 

Executive Director, Ohio Citizens against Lawsuit Abuse DEFUNCT.  Managed OFHF, 

but did he really?? Where was the rented physical office space at 145 E. Rich Street? 

Did he REALLY what Issue #3 to pass on November 8?  See his email to Brett! [2] 

Paid $34,545.59 by OFHF to JPL & Asst. from 6/2011 to 10/2011* 

Already a Go Coalition “Member” (the OFHF and OFWF Go sites managed by Chris Littleton) on the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom page! Guess what position he will be paid for next with the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom PAC? 

3)  James S. Nathanson & Associates is Management Consulting Services from Dayton. 

Gave $2000 to George  Bush in 2003.  

Subcontracted management firm hired to do Jeff’s job.  

Paid $15,000 by OFHF to JSN & Asst. July 7, 2011* 

4)  Tanya Rutner, CPO, Raising Green Productions “develop and implement your 

fund raising plan” by posing as a grassroots fundraiser. HER SOLE CONTRIBUTION to 

OFHF was the direct mail/party fundraiser campaign given to duped Ohio Project 

County Coordinator volunteers to help them raise money from their communities 

to feed the machine. Her salary does not even include the cost of the direct mail components (that’s 

under Brett’s line items) and as if Tea Party volunteers need to be told how to have a party. Really now. 

Gave $500 to John Boehner, 2010, political fundraising intern for Voinovich for Senate, 2003. 

Grassroots Fundraising services for OFHF. Paid $27,828.27, 7/2011 to 10/2011* 

Already a Go Coalition “Member” (the OFHF and OFWF Go sites managed by Chris Littleton) on the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom page! Guess what position she will be paid for next with the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom PAC? 

Page 3: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone


5)  J. Matthew Yuskewich, CPA, Treasurer OFHF & BUILDING A BETTER OHIO -ISSUE 2 CAMPAIGN!!!! Winterset CPA Group, former Republican Senatorial Campaign Treasurer  Washington DC. Complaint filed against him in 2008 by the Federal Elections Commission.  Republican Party donor.  

Treasurer Paid $2,213.96 by OFHF, 10/2011*  

Cannot trace $$ trail to salary from BBO. Maybe it’s concealed because it was a lot more than 

OFHF paid him. 

6) OFHF Other Staff – the state & regional volunteer coordinators, phone bank and door to door operators more than $41,725.28 to replace The Ohio Project volunteers who were already doing the 

work anyway FOR FREE! 

7)   ARNO Political Consultants was paid $248,870.15 by OFHF from May to July 

2011* to gather additional signatures for The Ohio Project petition.  They have 

frequently been the subject of controversy over its bait‐and‐switch tactics, 

bribery, forgery, and other types of fraud in gathering signatures. [3] 

Why did OFHF hire out of state paid petition circulators? Was it cost effective to bring in 

these guys from Michigan and Massachusetts (yes, it is true!) to get signatures that The 

Ohio Project volunteers were collecting FOR FREE? Why didn’t they just give the money 

to The Ohio Project to pay the volunteers?  Why not? Because you ARE NOT paid for 

Republican Operatives! 

These are approximate numbers from the SOS and are subject to change: 

Total Staff/Management costs:  $488,221.55 

Staff/Management not covered by individual donations were ~$137K  

PAC & OTHER SPECIAL INTEREST donations came in at $565K 

$702,000 income ‐ $488,221.55 = $213,778.45 

Did you notice the morphing of the staff from Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom 

to Ohioans for Workplace Freedom?  

Did you notice that they were all Republican donors? 

By simply visiting the Go Coalition page for Ohioans for Workplace Freedom, 

you can see that all of the names from the Go Page for Ohioans for Healthcare 

Freedom have been lifted and transferred from the OFHF GO site to the Ohioans 

for Workplace Freedom GO site without consent of the individual. This is of 

grave concern to Ohio Project volunteers who do not support the Right to Work 

drive as many of their names have been placed on there without their 

knowledge (this writer included).  OP people NEED to check it out!!! 

RESULTS?  What did these Republican Operatives deliver? Did you hear about Issue 3 on 

the Radio?  Newspaper ads?  Mailers? Television? Billboards?  Yard Signs? Brochures? 

Door Hangers?  Did you get a knock on the door? Did you take notice that everything 

that came into your mailbox was from Virginia PACs and not Ohio PACs????  

Page 4: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Ohio Project volunteers accomplished 100% more on short notice in just 2 short 

months what the staff of OFHF failed to do and got paid while failing in 5 months.  

WAS THE OFHF PAC EVEN NECESSRY??? Issue 3 was polling at 85% in July. OFHF was 

fully operational (or dysfunctional?) by August. As OFHF commenced we saw a dramatic 

drop in our polling and won by only 65% despite the heroic efforts on behalf of The Ohio 

Project volunteers to get out the vote. Who do you think was responsible for giving 

Ohioans a much smaller voice when the Supreme Court decides the Constitutionality of 

Obamacare in 2012? 

You might not understand the “Self Licking Ice Cream Cone” theory yet, so 

keep reading and repeat after me: “Create an Issue, Fund Raise Money, 

Pay Themselves, Donate to the Party….. Create an Issue, Fund….”  



 The two perpetual cycles are shown above – the self‐licking ice cream cones.  They are both 

used by both parties.  The left cycle is the endless cycle of growing governments and 

entitlements. The right cycle is the trick used by parties to get their grass roots activists and 

unions to do the party work. Since they both use both sides, many times it is difficult to see 

exactly where the party lines are drawn and where there is a difference between either. We 

now have Coke and Pepsi – a one party dictatorship that takes on a slightly different flavor from 

issue to issue or candidate to candidate. And its engine is you pumping money and support into 

it. That’s why it is on hyper‐drive right now and we are headed for inevitable self‐implosion – 

because we are running out of the fuel – we are bankrupt! Stop the cycle = stop the implosion. 

Both cycles hold the constitutional republic hostage and impede our liberty and freedom.  

Page 5: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

The Ohio Project as morphed in to the Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom PAC is a 

real life example of the right cycle… 

Fighting Obama Care was the issue; we gave to Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom to push the 

election; the paid workers lined their pockets for doing diddly‐squat; and they all give to the 

Republican Party.  The next issue is Ohioans for Workplace Freedom…! 

The system is rigged like a Don King boxing match. The losers still get paid and still stay in 

the game. And you are kept on the outside paying ticket money or keeping busy (like 

donating and circulating a petition!) to watch the show. Your money or labor contributes to 

the boxers’ managers.  

The Republicans have a monopoly on conservative political issues, candidates and 

politicians which is a self‐perpetuating money making (in many instances, money 

laundering) cycle involving business that guarantees they stay in power even if they lose 

This is called fascism: government + business = guarantee of power. 

Understanding the Self Licking Ice Cream Cone theory will help you or the people you 

support step into the ring and fight for America. Remember, they do not want you there; 

they only want you in the audience granting your approval. But getting in is very easy to do. 

You first have to understand the following. 

The elephant in the room we support with our money and acknowledgment consists of our 

friends and relatives who work for elected officials (permanent staffers), lobbyists, , BUT as 

well as business PAC representatives (like Associated Builders & Contractors), advertising 

media firms, union, associations, insurance agencies, management companies, lawyers, 

non‐for‐profits, accountants, real estate professionals, video production companies, tax 

accountants, LLCs, universities, people in volunteer political leadership positions like for Tea 

Parties or other umbrella group style PAC organizations like the OLC, Americans for 

Prosperity or the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and even businesses that provide services 

like catering or entertainment venues that indirectly go to support an issue or candidate. 

These are the people that cross over from “creating an issue” to “fund raise the money”. By 

our support of these entities, we are also complicit in the cycle. See how false some PACs 

are in reference [4]. 



Do not go to the boxing match! Boycott the cycle! 

Withdrawing your support between “creating an issue” and “fundraise the money” will 

throw a monkey wrench into the cycle, the perpetual cycle will stop and the game is 


This is most effective part to throw in the monkey wrench because everybody can do it! 

STAY HOME ‐ DON’T GO TO THE SHOW!! (See list of things that you can do). 

From time to time we do get a monkey wrench thrown in at other points of the cycle 

like between “donate to the party” and “create an issue”. Good examples of this are 

Herman Cain, Ron Paul and the original grassroots beginning of the Ohio Project. But 

throwing the wrench in here doesn’t stop the cycle; it only slows it down and eventually 

ends up absorbing the issue or candidate back into the network just like we saw with 

the Ohio Project being co‐opted by the PAC monster. This explains why the Republicans 

Page 6: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

and their political system did not care about the Ohio Project because they knew it was 

inevitable that the petition drive would be brought back into the cycle even though it 

came from the outside.  



This is the Elephant in the Room that they are hoping you will not notice. It is huge and has 

a direct effect upon the quality of our political goods and services because it is a monopoly. 

Monopoly = No competition = Poor Quality Product. The players have no incentive to 

produce a high quality product because no matter how they perform, they still get the job, 

as long as they keep donating to the party. You pay, you play. Then you play and you pay (by 

donating to the party). This explains the reason why Jeff and Brett in their e‐mail 

correspondence [2] are conspiring to produce a shoddy product that has no aesthetic or 

advertising value and they are being nasty about Tea Partiers in Cincinnati trying to acquire 

a better product. And this explains why our elected officials could care less about the 


Even before one issue or candidate is finished, they quickly move on to the next. Ohioans 

for Workplace Freedom anyone?? It’s just a new issue to keep the money spinning and the 

players in the cycle. 

The cycle must be stopped so that the people on the outside, who have not entered the 

arena to see the show, or who are in but know it’s rigged, can finally enter the fight and 

claim the prize that is held hostage in the middle of the cycle – our Constitutional Republic. 

Only a total boycott of all things political from people of all political stripes will save 

America and it needs to be done yesterday. 


Do you see the “Self Licking Ice Cream Cone” and the Boxing Match yet?  

Do you now see where you fit into the cycle? 

Do you now see where you can extract yourself from the cycle?  

Remember, “Create an Issue” includes creating a candidate, a 

need or even a big news story that gets national attention and 

gives the parties something to have hearings about (MF Global 

last week, Solyndra this week, what’s next?!).   

What about the other cycle on the left? 

Examples of the left side abound! Expanded prescription drug benefits? Free flu shot anyone?  

Think the big drug companies are behind that? How about the free Medicare/aide taxi in 

Columbus? Social Security, TARP, ObamaCare.…. WE HAVE TO HAVE IT!!! WE HAVE A PROBLEM 

WE HAVE TO SOLVE IT!!! These needs and solutions are offered by both parties and only serve 

to grow the government entitlements. Make the need disappear and the cycle stops. 

You will have to wait for the final cut of the Self Licking Ice Cream Cone to see the theory of 

“Unified Voluntary De‐Constructivism” (©Rosenberger 2011) to be finished soon. This will be a 

completed theory that will more strongly support a national call to boycott action (or non‐

action!) on behalf of every American. 

Page 7: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

A Real Life Example of a PAC Monster 

 This is the kind of person the cycle produces on either side of the political spectrum. 

 Did you ever see this man with a clip board in his hand?   

Go back to page one and read it again. Since Chris Littleton sits on all boards associated with the Healthcare Freedom Amendment as the OLC Owner, OFHF board member who hired Jeff Longstreth, and the Ohio Project board, he is therefore the person most responsible for the hiring, oversight, and practices of the OFHF staff and the volunteers at the OP. What would you rate his job performance? How can anybody who presides over 10 entities do a good job at anything? And why should he, he still gets paid because he plays. Wouldn’t this be considered a CONFLICT OF INTEREST to sit on some many committees? It’s no wonder the OFHF was such a mess. What motivates this man? Can you see now what motivates this man? He is not only getting paid to play, but he has set up his on PAC‐dom so that he can pay himself to play! 

What is insidious about this system is that innocent people are quickly sucked into it without 

their knowledge or consent. The PAC monster example above sucks in all who associate with 

him by paying them or just making them believe that they are doing something extremely 

patriotic to help save America (many of the OP volunteers have sadly been sucked in by 

providing their professional services like legal counsel and business services like printing or 

advertising). Then he makes boat loads of money by simply shuffling the money around from 

one Pac to another, each time taking a cut. It’s called a “PAC Wheel”. When you donate to one 

of these PACs, your money quickly evaporates and may never arrive at its intended destination. 

Also, what one must wonder is the name of one PAC that the PAC Monster owns ‐ “American 

Junta”. Junta means military‐led government (i.e., dictatorship with a general at the top). What 

does this have to do with Liberty as in the OLC? Maybe we should leave that connection up to 


Remember that the most dangerous styles of collectivism are fascism draped with a flag and 

communism draped with good intentions. The fascism will quickly turn into socialist nationalism 

(as witnessed at the December 10th, 2011 OLC “open” meeting) which gives rise to horrible end 

results like Nazism. The OLC board members who were also the OFHF and OP board members 

may or may not be aware of the ramifications of their actions but they are complicit in and are 

directly responsible for these results: 

Knowingly hiring an incompetent Republican crony staff for OFHF. 

The PAC Wheel 

Page 8: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Not properly over‐seeing the progress of the campaign and letting things go to Hell. 

Making Issue 3 voter support drop from 85% to 65% in just under 4 months. 

Turning The Ohio Project volunteers into an Issue 2 Republican boots on the ground workforce without their knowledge or consent. Lying when the plot was exposed. 

Attempting to morph the Ohio Project network into an Ohioans for Workplace Freedom grassroots movement without knowledge or consent. Backtrack pedaling on the plot when exposed. 

Now letting that volunteer network and other Tea Party volunteers morph into a brown shirt style civilian army as evidenced by the events at the December 10, 2011 OLC meeting. Nuremburg, anyone? 

Truth stretching in a recent e‐mail solicitation for further OFHF funding [5] by claiming “We need about $5K to pay final expenses and shut down.” (How will they know for sure until the December 16th filing deadline with the SOS?) And “No special interests made funding for the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment Campaign possible.”  (Oh really? Remember the $565K in special interests to OFHF?)  What if they run a surplus because of post‐election donations? Will that be given to the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom PAC which will most likely have the same staff and treasurer (it’s already showing that it has the same website development company and petition creating crew). Where do you think the left‐over money go? Ohioans for Workplace Freedom, anyone? 

Making plans to transfer as much of the Tea Party energy and money to the Right to Work cause and planning for the ultimate “Self Licking Ice Cream Cone” monopoly to take over that issue, too, for their own profit and political gain and power. 

Make of it as you will.  And in the meantime, go get yourself an ice cream before it’s too late! 

Did you learn the “Self Licking Ice Cream Cone”?  

Repeat after me: “Create an Issue, Fund Raise Money, Pay Themselves, Donate 

to the Party….. Create an Issue, Fund,….” 


What can you do whether you are a Republican Democrat or Other? You can save Money & Live a More Peaceful Life if You: 

Stop pumping money and support into the machine to either party. Do not give your money, labor or resources to any PAC for any reason unless it is a 100% trusted source and it is not in the practice of shuffling the money down to other PACS. Your donation will go from $100 to $90 to $0 before your very eyes. [4] 

Quit all associations or voluntary unions that pump money into the machine.  

Investigate and find out exactly where you money goes.  

Immediately remove yourself from all websites like GO COALITION!!!, Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In, etc… 

Do not answer the phone. Do not respond to mail solicitations. 

Do not circulate a petition unless it is for trusted candidates you want to help get elected. Do not volunteer unless it is for your close, local network or candidate. 

Remember we do not need any more laws, regulations, or constitutional amendments. This is a lie, once we stop the cycle; we can elect people who will really guard the US Constitution as it is and start fixing and amending the laws that have destroyed America. 

Keep a collection of all political mailers and junk. They are your best learning resource. 

Page 9: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Stop inviting PACS and other scurrilous organizations to your Tea Party meetings and rallies. Keep your group small, un‐funded and under the radar. 

Stop swapping logos with them on your website thereby making your group beholden to special interests. 

Stop attending their events like press releases and meetings in fancy expensive hotel rooms that require an ID check to get in. Stop letting big “umbrella” style organizations tell you what to think and how to act like the thugs at the December 10, 2011 OLC meeting. They should be ashamed of themselves. 

Stop supporting other events like pseudo Tea Party conventions that are nothing but part of the “Bottom Feeder Network”. 

Stop letting them have a monopoly over the media. Get the news out in your own way using your own resources. De‐centralize, de‐organize, de‐construct. 

Keep your organization local. The most effective Tea Parties are independent and self‐sustaining units that may or may not even communicate with other Tea Parties but share the same goal of Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility and Individual Freedom. They reflect the True American spirit. 

Home school. 

Turn off the Television, and ignore the media.  Vote Independent or do not vote at all. Perhaps a complete election boycott is called for…. 

Research G. Edward Griffin. 

Pass along this information to Democrats, Republicans and everyone in the middle! 

Stop calling and writing to your elected officials at your state and US capitol. Pretend they do not exist. By acknowledging their power you give your consent. Your silence takes away your consent. 



Page 10: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

[1] Husted and Brett Buerck focus of O’Shaughnessy campaign release 

Jon Husted Takes Money From Disgraced Operative Brett Buerck Returns to Ohio Politics COLUMBUS – Fresh off receiving his second “False” rating from PolitiFact Ohio, Incumbent State Sen. and Serial Liar Jon Husted filed his pre-general campaign finance report listing a $1,000 contribution from Brett Buerck as well as more than $11,500 in expenditures to Buerck’s firm, Majority Strategies. Buerck, a former Republican political operative, exited Ohio politics after an FBI investigation into campaign funding activities.

“Today, Incumbent State Sen. Jon Husted demonstrated once again why Ohioans cannot trust him to be their next Secretary of State,” said O’Shaughnessy for Ohio Communications Director Heidi Hubmann. “Husted’s willingness to accept campaign contributions from someone who was investigated by the FBI and attempted to evade Ohio law shows the importance with which he holds both Ohio Campaign Finance Law and his own word.”

In 2004, Husted encouraged Citizens for Conservative Values to hire Brett Buerck as a political consultant. Husted also raised money, and received travel reimbursements from CCV. According to The Plain Dealer, Buerck helped write “a 109-page plan that envisioned using an issue-advocacy group to camouflage political activity and exploit loopholes in campaign-finance laws,” and was to receive a $100,000 bonus should Husted be elected House Speaker. After Buerck’s plan to circumvent Ohio law was discovered, Husted promised that Buerck would not receive “a single penny” from him.

“Brett Buerck was going to get $100,000 if Husted was elected Speaker,” said Hubmann. “What’s he going to get if Husted becomes Secretary of State?”


Husted Encouraged County Party To Contribute $14,420 To Nonprofit. In 2004, theCleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “State Sen. Jeff Jacobson, who once said he would ‘rather die’ than open his local [Montgomery County] Republican Party’s operating account, opened part of it Tuesday — and lived to explain what was found inside. It included a $14,420 donation to Citizens For Conservative Values, a nonprofit group he once said he had no connection to…. Husted asked for the donation last year, Jacobson said, and pitched the group as an organization created to promote charter schools. ‘When [thePlain Dealer] talked to me about it the first time, I didn’t even remember the name,’ Jacobson said. ‘I saw the payment and wanted to clear things up.’” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 7/28/04]

Husted Reimbursed $6,471 By Nonprofit For Travel. The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “House Speaker Jon Husted received $6,471 in travel-related reimbursements from [Citizens for Conservative Values].” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 4/16/05; Husted 2004 Financial Disclosure Form]

Husted Told Nonprofit To Hire Political Consultants. The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “Husted, a suburban Dayton Republican, acknowledged that he urged Citizens for Conservative Values to hire [Brett] Buerck and [Kyle] Sisk.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/10/04]

Nonprofit Offered Bonuses To Political Consultants If Jon Husted Became Speaker Of The House. The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “Citizens for Conservative Values, a tiny nonprofit organization in Dayton that has no staff…. hired as its principal consultant First Tuesday Consulting, a firm run by political operative Brett Buerck, who budgeted $618,000 – $385,000 of it for salaries and bonuses to himself and political fund-raiser Kyle Sisk. The largest payment – a

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$100,000 bonus – was to be paid to Buerck next January after Rep. Jon Husted is sworn in as the next speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/10/04]

Operatives Recommended By Husted Sought To Exploit Campaign Finance Laws. The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “Buerck and Sisk helped write a 109-page plan that envisioned using an issue-advocacy group to camouflage political activity and exploit loopholes in campaign-finance laws. The plan outlined a strategy to destroy the career of Secretary of State Ken Blackwell while also promoting Householder by using a nonprofit group that would appear to be ‘at arm’s length’ from the speaker. Similarly, CCV and some other Dayton nonprofits appear to have an ‘arm’s-length’ relationship with Greater Dayton politicians.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/10/04] (emphasis added)

Operatives Recommended By Husted Investigated By The FBI. The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, “Buerck and Sisk are now central figures in ongoing investigations by the FBI, IRS and Secretary of State Ken Blackwell into possible campaign finance irregularities.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 8/25/04]

Husted Engineered Firings Of Two GOP Consultants, Promised They Would Not Receive “A Single Penny” From Caucus. After two GOP political consultants were fired during a campaign finance scandal, contracts showed that the House Republican Campaign Congressional Committee owed Brett Buerck, Speaker Larry Householder’s chief of staff, and Kyle Sisk, Householder’s fundraiser, a total of $150,000 for early termination of their contracts. Then-presumptive House Speaker Jon Husted said he would work to ensure that “not a single penny” of caucus money would be paid to Buerck and Sisk. According to the Associated Press andCleveland Plain Dealer, Husted “engineered the firings” of the two consultants. [Associated Press, 7/14/04; Plain Dealer, 7/8/04]

Husted Campaign Continued To Pay Buerck’s Firm More Than $100,000 After The Scandal. According to Husted’s campaign disclosures, he has paid Majority Strategies more than $100,000 between 2007 and 2010. [Ohio Secretary of State, Campaign Finance Database, Accessed 10/21/10]

Plain Dealer Said Husted And Wife Quietly Helped Buerck Behind The Scenes. An article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer stated that, “Husted, a Dayton-area Republican, fired Buerck and Sisk as consultants to the House GOP in 2004. Since then, he has publicly distanced himself from the pair while quietly helping behind the scenes. He wrote Buerck a letter of recommendation for law school, and his wife, Realtor Tina Husted, was the listing agent for the sale of Sisk’s $300,000 home.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/13/06]‐and‐brett‐buerck‐focus‐of‐oshaughnessy‐campaign‐release/ 

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[2] Email from Jeff to Brett…

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[3] Learn more about the tactics of Arno Political consultants at: 

[4] Fundraisers show little cash for Cain

A second group exploits his name A felon once imprisoned for fraud is raising money in the name of Herman Cain and profiting off of it through a company he owns. It is the second group raising large amounts of Cain cash that has a history of collecting millions of dollars through politically charged mailings and spending hardly any of it on politics. 

Draft Herman Cain is the latest from two California men who have raised tens of millions of dollars cashing in on causes such as breast cancer and illegal immigration, with little to show for it except payments to fundraisers and themselves, an analysis by The Washington Times shows. 

Randy J. Goodwin, its treasurer, also heads the Republican Majority Campaign (RMC), which raised $3.8 million from donors last election cycle yet gave only $15,600 to candidates and spent $105,000 on advocacy. 

He and disbarred lawyer Charles F. Benninghoff III last week began gearing up for what could be a sizable fundraising campaign, paying for lists of likely donors and making payments to Grassroots Campaign Creator, one of a multitude of Internet and political entities that Mr. Benninghoff owns. 

A series of other political action committees (PACs) tied to the men, according to the analysis, has collected money from ideological donors and plowed it into those companies and into their personal bank accounts. The organizations have raised money by casting a wide net with exclamation‐filled missives tapping into tea party anger along with barrages of telemarketing calls. 

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain speaks Nov. 12, 2011, at the CBS News/National Journal foreign policy debate at the Benjamin Johnson Arena in Spartanburg, S.C. (Associated Press) 

Despite the name, Draft Herman Cain kicked into gear after Mr. Cain already entered the race and came on the heels of an effort by the same men called Draft Sarah Palin, which reported running no ads. Other Goodwin efforts that drew contributions but no political activity include the Breast Cancer Awareness PAC. 

Ninety‐two percent of the money raised by the Republican Majority Campaign last cycle went to an Arizona telephone fundraising firm known as Political Advertising, which has received $12 million from four little‐known conservative groups in recent years, the analysis found. 

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Mr. Goodwin acknowledged that when people nationwide received phone calls from RMC asking for money to support conservatives, their donations went almost entirely to allowing more of those same calls to be made. But he defended the practice by saying, “It is going to allow the message against Obama to be distributed.” 

In recent years, his PACs also paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to himself, Mr. Benninghoff and his wife, and companies that the Benninghoffs own. On the rare occasion a Goodwin group sends money to political groups, it often goes to other funds he controls. 

Those include a nonprofit called the United States Justice Foundation, of which Mr. Goodwin is an officer. The organization took in $4 million in contributions in 2009, most of which went to direct‐mail firms used by the political groups. It appears to spend little except to pay RMC’s top staffer, Gary Kreep, an additional $174,000, according to documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service. 

Draft Herman Cain also has paid RMC to rent its list of donors. The transfer of those names is crucial to the business, and those sending solicitations off of the same list often will use different names so the recipients don’t realize they are giving to the same people. 

‘Sucker’ list? 

About $300,000 went to Diener Consultants, a Pennsylvania firm without a working phone, to obtain a list of “reliable donors.” The names on Diener’s lists appear to be easy pickings for anyone who sends a tea party‐themed mailer. 

Diener’s other major client, AmeriPAC, raised $4 million last election cycle, nearly all of which went to the consultant, Political Advertising and PAC officials. AmeriPAC donated $49,000 to candidates and ran $27,000 worth of ads. Diener also has done work for a smattering of committees connected to former presidential candidate Alan Keyes, such as the Minutemen Alliance, which have raised millions of dollars with little to no money spent toward effective political ends. Mr. Goodwin denied any connection between the Justice Foundation and the Minutemen groups, but The Times obtained joint fundraising solicitations between the foundation and the Minutemen. 

It often is the same people giving to each of these seemingly unrelated groups, all connected to a few consultants and all of which spend little on politics, the analysis by The Times showed. The donors are not political powerhouses, but rather middle‐class tea partyers, including those who only recently became acquainted with the political world. Their most common occupation is retiree, records show. 

Page 15: PACs and The Self Licking Ice Cream Cone


[5]  When you click on 

the DONATE money it 

brings you to a different 

website than the old official 

OFHF website making it 

unclear as to where your 

donation will actually go.  

This is not 



And notice who it is paid for 

‐ at the bottom –  



From Issue 3 Healthcare Amendment Campaign

Dear Fellow Citizens and Taxpayers,

Just passing this along from the Issue 3, Healthcare Freedom Amendment campaign. They need some help in getting money together to cover year-end expenses to campaign. I think we'd all agree this was an incredibly important issue for Ohio, so please donate if you can. Message below.

Thanks for everything you did to support healthcare freedom in Ohio. Without your support and dedication, passage of the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment would never have been possible. Given your dedication to date, Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom has one final request - can you spare one final donation to help us shut down the organization and cover final expenses?

Donate Here Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom incurred no debt during the campaign. But because the campaign spent every dollar in every possible area right down to the wire - we need about $5K to pay final expenses and shut down the campaign. - Final accounting and legal expenses - Final office and overhead expenditures I know $5K doesn't sound like a lot of money for a statewide campaign, but as you know - no special interests, nor forced dues made funding for the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment campaign possible. We relied on the sacrifice of freedom loving people across Ohio, and continue to place our faith in those same people right now. We ask for your help once again. Please help us reach that $5K goal and donate today. You can also mail a check to: Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom 145 East Rich Street, Suite 101 – who is still picking up the mail here? Columbus, OH, 43215 Thanks for everything you did to make healthcare freedom a reality in our great state of Ohio.

Sincerely, Chris Littleton Co-Founder, Ohio Liberty Council

Paid for by Ohio Tea Party PAC

PO Box 1241

Cincinnati, OH 45211

Treasaurer: Melodie Johnson