Packaging terms

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 Our goal is to provide you with all packaging terms you run across on a weekly, monthly or yearlybasis. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please let us know and we’ll find the answer! 

A Flute: Fluting of height 4-5mm, also known as coarse flute. See Flutes. 

Accessories: We can divide the accessories products in 3 main groups.1. Closing systems, which are mainly used for closing boxes or packages.2. Stabilization packaging that is used for grouping the several packages in one bulk or pallet and helps it keep it safe during transports.3. There are as well other products that are a complementary to the package itself like labelsor security system that can give the package a complementary function in security or proper identification. 

Adhesives dispensers and machines: From the simple manual tape dispenser to the fullyautomatic applicator machines, it makes the process of closing boxes faster and more efficient. In

case of plastic tape a simple dispenser process is used for manual and automatic applications.The main difference is that in automatic applications the box closing is automatically done. 

Adhesives tapes: The product consis ts in a base support (plast ic, paper) and glue (adhesive),which are used for sealing corrugated boxes and other packages. There are different tapematerials such as paper, plastics fabricated in a wide range of thicknesses and widths. This giveshe best solution depending on application and area of usage. See Paper Tapes, and/or Plast ic


Air freight: Air freighting is commonly used by companies who work with short lead t imes, or advanced service levels. Shipping by air certainly isn’t the cheapest alternative, and is onlyadvisable for certain size/weighted products. 

Air pad : Air pad is a fast, easy-to-use and efficient void filling solution that can also be used for blocking lightweight products. This packaging solution fills the empty spaces in the box,

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effectively protecting and stabilizing the product. The material is clean and aesthetic and it issuitable for regular shaped products without sharp edges. 

Anti slip paper: Anti s lip paper is a disposable non-woven fleece; it is placed between the layersand avoids shifting of the cargo. This fleece is used to put between roles of paper, but also as ananti-skid material under a pallet. Anti skid fleece is particularly efficient to use with goods of anirregular form. Anti s lip sheets are the best solut ion to become more safety and stable your pallets handling in

he storage system and transport.

 ASTM : American Society of Testing Materials.   ASTM-standard: D 4169-01 Standard Practice for 

Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems. ASTM D 4169-01 includes 18 differentdistribution cycles to choose between depending on the transportation method and distributionchain. The testing program refers to 13 different standards for testing moments and equipment.This is a common standard and all types of packed products and all types of packages can beested according to it, it isn’t concerned for any special products.


B Flute: Fluting of height 2.1-3mm. See Flutes. 

Barriers: Barriers are available in the form of films or laminated foils (multi -layer) that protectagainst corrosion by preventing the entry of moist air into the packaging system. Barriers alsoprotect against water infiltration, dust and hand perspiration… 

Bending Test:  During the use of sheet material for packaging it has become evident that the

ability of the package to withstand compression is based on the bending strength and bendingstiffness of the sheet material. Therefore this is a vital test to perform in order to get the bestpossible packaging.The sheets are cut to size, 900 by 100 millimetres, and are conditioned in room climate (23degrees and 50% RH) before testing. The test is performed by placing the pieces onto two pillars500 millimetres from each other and then applying pressure to the middle (acc. to the picture).

The test is completed either when the sheet brakes or when the force is zero. 

Bins : Containers used for storage. 

Bio-Degradable: Capable of being decomposed of by biological means 

Birch Faced Kraft: the base ply is usually the same as for a White Top Kraft. The top ply is of 

Birch fibres which are bleached by an Oxygen based technique, which does not involve the use of chlorine compounds. This slightly lowers the overall environmental impact of the process, but thebest whiteness levels can be achieved are lower than those that can be achieved for White TopKrafts. 

Bleached Kraft: as its name implies, Bleached Kraft is produced by the same process as naturalKraft with the addition of bleaching stage in the pulping process. This produces a material whichis white in appearance but with some loss of strength against the unbleached one. Bleached

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Krafts are less widely used nowadays with the development of White Top Krafts. 

Block Pallet : Block pallets have the most efficient design without stringers. They are capable of 

full four-way entry; compatible with forklifts, hand trucks and walkies in all directions. 

Blocking : There are many different ways to fill up a void or block a product inside a packaging.

Standard materials can be used to develop a customized packaging solution and the focus isalways to provide the most cost efficient solution for each project. The main purpose of thesesolutions is to block and fixate the product inside.

 Blocking & Filling Solutions: The four main blocking and filling materials are paper pad, air pad,foam-in-place and loose fill. Honeycomb, bubble wrap and foam are other materials whose mainfield of application is not blocking and filling. However these materials are sometimes used for blocking and filling applications. Also some less commonly used materials will be presentedunder other solutions. 

Blown Films: Blown stretch film provides greater tear resistance, tension retention and scuff resistance than cast film, making it ideal for heavy industrial loads, irregular loads and loads withsharp corners. 

Bonded Warehouse   A warehouse, dis tribution centre or consolidation centre that is

authorised by customs to store goods; where duties and taxes are only payable once items aredispatched. 

Box : Describes a variety of containers and receptacles. When no specific shape is described, a

ypical rectangular box may be expected. Nevertheless, a box may have a horizontal crosssection that is square, elongated, round or oval; s loped or domed top surfaces, or non-verticalsides. A box normally may be opened by raising, sliding or removing the lid, which may be hingedand/or fastened by a catch, clasp, lock, or adhesive tape. 

Bracing : To bind or tie closely; to fasten tightly. The objective when bracing a product is to

ensure it is tightly fitted to ensure minimal movements. 

Brown Kraft: This material is naturally brown in appearance and the shade varies depending on

he location of the mill, the source of fibre and the pulping process. 

Bubble Wrap : Bubble wrap is a l ight and flexible packaging material made of low-density

polyethylene. Bubble Wrap is an inner packaging solution which performs very well when used for blocking and filling. There are several different bubble sizes available and the wrap can bedissipative or conductive. 

Bulk Container  : A large container which was designed to carry bulk cargo. 


 C Flute : Fluting of height 3.2 – 4mm. See Flutes. 

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Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride can in some instances be used as a corrosion inhibitor.Calcium chloride ( CaCl2 CAS No 10043-52-4) is a very hygroscopic salt. It is used, together withother chlorides, as water binding agent on roads, to melt ice on the roads in the Nordic countriesand in a variety of other applications. It is classified as a hazardous compound and must bedeclared as such (irritating) in any product that holds more than 20% by weight. 

Carton : A container made from folding boxboard and supplied flat for erection when filling, usually

made of corrugated board. 

Case : In terms of packaging, a case is similar to a tote. Cases are usually made of plastic andsimilar in concept to the briefcase. 

Cast Films: Cast film provides better clarity and gloss, and quieter films unwind than blown films.These characteristics make cast film a good choice for cube shaped loads, and loads that areused for display purposes. 

CFR, Cost and Freight: Incoterm  (… named port of destination) “Cost and Freight” means that

he seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or any damage to the goods, as well as any additional costsdue to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer.The CFR term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for seaand inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship’srail, the CPT term should be used. 

Chip (C): L ess commonly seen as a liner material than the other two. This is a material

manufactured from uncontrolled recycled material. It offers much lower performance. It variesconsiderably in performance. Chip can be bleached or used in conjunction with bleached paper togive the following variations:· Bleached (B) - Liner which is bleached, usually white.· White top (WT) - Liner with a laminated bleached liner to give a similar affect to the aboveat a lower cost.· Mottled (M) - Their use is normally restricted to applications as an inner and/or centre liner in double wall board, but can be used throughout in the manufacture of fittings as appropriate.


CIF, Cost, Insurance and Freight: Incoterm (… named port of destination) “Cost, Insuranceand Freight” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due tohe events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the

buyer. However, in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimumcover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree

as much expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. The CIFerm requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea andinland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship’s rail,

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he CIP term should be used. 

CIP, Carriage a nd Insurance Paid To: Incoterm (… named place of destination) “Carriage andInsurance paid to…” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him buthe seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named

destination. This means that the buyer bears all risks and any additional costs occurring after thegoods have been so delivered. However, in CIP the seller also has to procure insurance againsthe buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during carriage.

Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.

The buyer should note that under the CIP term the seller is required to obtain insurance only onminimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurancearrangements.“Carrier” means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure theperformance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of suchmodes.If subsequent carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination, the risk passes whenhe goods have been delivered to the first carrier.

The CIP term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport including multimodal t ransport. 

Cleated Crate : When any type of crate reaches a certain size, more boards may be added.

These boards are often called Cleats. A c leat is used to provide support to a panel when thatpanel has reached a size that is may require added support based on the method of ransportation.


Climatic Stresses: In addition to the mechanical and energy strains the climate also plays a partin the durability and performance of the packaging during the transport. Humidity can create twoypes of problems in packaging. One problem caused by high relative humidity is the weakening

of organic materials. The other problem is condensation inside a package, which may causecorrosion or other damaging effects. Condensation is particularly occurring during overseasransportation inside steel containers. Some packaging materials, particularly plastics, are

adversely affected by temperature extremes. Plastic components may soften at highemperatures or become stiff and brittle at low temperatures.

 Closing Systems: Usually there is the need to close a corrugated box, fix a container to a pallet,which is basically to keep the package as a one piece solution. Therefore it’s very important thatwe chose the correct product to perform well this operation. It is also important that the procedureis done in the correct and efficient way in order that all the elements in the packaging (f.corrugated box, foam, and closing system) work in the correct way. For types, see AdhesiveTapes, Straps, Packaging Machines, and Stapling. 

Coarse Flute: Alternative name for A or C flute 

Coated Paper: Paper made with a layer of clay on top of fibres. 

Collapsibility : Collapsibility in packaging when we look at containers, crates, boxes etc is

essential in transport packaging. The benefits of collapsible containers/packaging are; you canstore more goods in the same warehouse space, you can save on inbound and return freight due

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o optimized transport, and much more. 

Compression and Stacking Tests, ISO 12048 and 2234This test is performed to assess the ability of a transport package to withstand compressiveforces and to protect its contents during compression. The test may also be used as a stackingest to investigate the performance of i.e. the bottom package in a stack during storage in a

warehouse.The test package is placed between the parallel plates of a compression tester and then the loadis applied. In the case of a compression test the load is applied until the package fails or 

predetermined values for load or displacement are reached. In the case of a s tacking test apredetermined load is applied for a predetermined time or until the package fails. 

Condensation: When the temperature of the metal surface is lower than the surrounding air,

water condenses on the metal surface. Example: In a watertight enclosure, temperature is 20°Cand Relative Humidity (%HR) is 80%. If temperature drops to 15°C, then water condenses. 

Conductive Materials : Conductive materials allow charge (electrons) to move freely across their 

surface or through their volume. Charge placed in one spot on a conductive object will flow aroundhe object so that all parts of the object share the same charge. If the charged conductive material

makes contact with another conductive material or ground, the electrons will transfer between thematerials or to ground quite easily. Electrostatic charge can be created triboelectrically onconductive materials. As long as the conductive material is isolated from other conductors or ground, the static charge will remain on the conductive material. A conductor does have someshielding capacity, (depending on the thickness). Typical products: “Black” -boxes. See ESD 

Consignment : One or more items that a carrier has accepted for shipment at a given time. 

Consolidation : The combination of two or more consignments to create a more economical

freight solution. 

Container  : An item which product(s) are stored in. In the transport packaging industry,

containers are used as storage for cargo during shipping, and often are made of wood, steel, or plastic materials. 

Corrosion: Corrosion is a natural process. When products are fabricated out of iron, or other metals, it is natural for them to return to their original state. The metal begins to release its storedup energy by reacting with oxygen. This process is called corrosion. Factors Influencing

Corrosion- The most common oxidation component influencing corrosion is the oxygen in bothair and water. That is why meteorological elements such as: temperature, moisture are mainfactors influencing corrosion. A lso, because of meteorological variations between two geographicalpoints, products are subject to climatic stress. Different Forms of Corrosion: There are severalypes of elect rochemical corrosion, depending on the material and the corrosive environment:

1. General corrosion. The surface effect produced by most direct chemical attacks (e.g., as byan acid) is a uniform etching of the metal.2. Electrochemical corrosion. The most common form and it can vary depending on metals andhe local environment.

3. Atmospheric corrosion. Corrosion in air is the most relevant to transport packaging design. 

Corrosion Inhibitors : Corrosion Inhibitors are substances, which restrain the chemical process

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of corrosion. The most common type is VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors), also sometimes calledVPI (Vapour Phase Inhibitors). VCI protects against the corrosive influences of oxygen, water vapour and condensation. VCI products can be impregnated into:· Paper : useful as an intermediate layer between small parts· Polyethylene: PE can be supplied as sheeting, tubing, bags, liners. Packages can be heatsealed or taped shut.· Emitters : cups, foams, …· Cardboard· For some applications, VCI oils and water based coatings can be used.

 Corrugated: Corrugated is made from paper made up cellulose fibres which can be virgin or recycled. The board consists of formed fluting that is faced with a liner on both sides. Corrugatedboard consists of one or more sheets of fluted paper adhered to one or more liner papers. Themanufacturing process requires at least two layers of paper, very high humidity (steam), glue andheating only, that’s why corrugated is treated as environmental friendly product. A variety of boards are made using variations of:· Liner material· Fluting medium· Board construction 

Corrugated Board: Formed fluting faced with liner on both sides, for more detail see corrugated. 

Corrugator: The machine for making corrugated board. 

CPS, Complete Packaging Solutions : CPS is not about selling one product. CPS is aboutselling a solution which will provide the customer with a total cost take out. The products andpossible services that will be chosen will optimise the transport and logistics while fulfilling therequirements that the customer has on the packaging. 

CPT, Carriage Paid To: Incoterm (… named place of destination) “Carriage paid to…” meanshat the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition

pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. This means thathe buyer bears all risks and any other costs occurring after the goods have been so delivered.

“Carrier” means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the

performance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of suchmodes.If subsequent carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination, the risk passes whenhe goods have been delivered to the first carrier.

The CPT term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport including multimodal t ransport. 

Crate :  A crate is a large container, often made of wood, often used to transport large, heavy,

high-valued, or awkward items. A crate has a self-supporting structure. For a container to be acrate, all six of its sides must be put in place to result in the rated strength of the container.Boxes and crates are often confused with one another; mostly when they are made of wood. 

Custom Packaging : Designing packing solutions for customers’ specific requirements. This is

usually done through the use of software programs such as CAD, and also often requires test ingof the packaging under the specific conditions which the product would go through. See testing for 

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more details. 

Cutting-Strength Test: The cutting-strength test is performed to establish the strength of theglue, which holds the veneers of ply together to form the plywood-sheet. The testing methods varya bit depending on the bonding material used in the plywood. The size of the pieces should beapproximately 135 by 25 mil limetres and only have three layers of veneer. Into these pieces youcut two grooves, one on each opposing side, down through two of the layers (as shown in thedrawing), the groove should be so deep so that it cuts through the middle layer from both sides.Before the actual tes ting begins the sheets are conditioned in water, in different ways depending

on the bonding material used in the plywood. The test is then conducted by pulling the plywood-sheet from two different directions at once until the sheet brakes. 

Cycle Time   Cycle time is the total time from the beginning to the end of your process, as

defined by you and your customer. Cycle time includes process time, during which a unit is actedupon to bring it closer to an output, and delay time, during which a unit of work is spent waiting toake the next action. In a nutshell - Cycle Time is the total elapsed time to move a unit of work

from the beginning to the end of a physical process. (Note, Cycle Time is not the same as LeadTime) 

DAF, Delivered At Frontier: Incoterm (… named place) “Delivered at Frontier” means that the

seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of ransport not unloaded, c leared for export, but not c leared for import at the named point and place

at the frontier, but before the customs border of the adjoining country. The term “frontier” may beused for any frontier including that of the country of export. Therefore, it is of vital importance thathe frontier in question be defined precisely by always naming the point and place in the term.

However, if the partier wish the seller to be responsible for the unloading of the goods from thearriving means of transport and to bear the risks and costs of unloading, this should be madeclear by adding explicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport when goods are to be delivered at aland frontier. When delivery is to take place in the port of destination, on board a vessel or on the

quay (wharf), the DES or DEQ terms should be used. 

Dangerous Goods : Dangerous goods are a designation for substances and products that have

such dangerous characteristics that they can damage humans, animals, environment or propertyif they are not handled right during transport or storage. Even emptied packages or containers thathave contained such substances can in some cases be regarded as dangerous goods. The basicpurpose for DG Packaging is to contain the dangerous goods even if the box is being put under grate stress. Nefab products are very strong and fulfils this purpose very well IF THEY AREPRODUCED AND MARKED according to the certificates we hold. For dangerous goods to besafe for transport they must be properly (also see Classification of Dangerous Goods)· classified,· packaged,· marked,· labelled and· documented.

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Dangerous Goods, Classification of: Goods that are to be transported can involve many kinds

of risks and are therefore divided into nine different c lasses. All classes are also divided intosubclasses. The following classes give you an idea of which k ind of products and material areclassified as dangerous goods.1. Explosives2. Gases3. Flammable liquids4. Flammable solids; Substances liable to spontaneous combustion; Substances which, in

contact with water, emit flammable gases5. Oxidizing substances and Organic peroxides6. Toxic and infectious substances7. Radioactive materials8. Corrosives9. Miscellaneous dangerous goods 

DDP, Delivered Duty Paid: Incoterm (… named place of destination) “Delivered duty paid”means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, c leared for import, and not unloaded fromany arriving means of transport at the named place of destination. The seller has to bear all thecosts and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto including, where applicable, any “duty”(which term includes the responsibility for and the risks of the carrying out of customs formalitiesand the payment of formalities, customs duties, taxes and other charges) for import in the country

of destination.hilst the EXW term represents the minimum obligation for the seller, DDP represents the

maximum obligation.This term should not be used if the seller is unable directly or indirectly to obtain the importlicence.However, if the parties wish to exclude from the seller’s obligations some of the costs payableupon import of the goods (such as value-added tax: VAT), this should be made clear by addingexplicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale.If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of the import, the DDU term should beused.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport but when delivery is to take place inhe port of destination on board the vessel or on the quay (wharf), the DES or DEQ terms should

be used. 

DDU, Delivered Duty Unpaid, Incoterm (… named place of destination) “Delivered duty unpaid”means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, not cleared for import, and not unloadedfrom any arriving means of transport at the named place of destination. The seller has to bear thecosts and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto, other than, where applicable, any “duty”(which term includes the responsibility for and the risks of the carrying out of customs formalities,and the payment of formalities, customs duties, taxes and other charges) for import in the countryof destination. Such “duty” has to be borne by the buyer as well as any costs and risks causedby his failure to clear the goods for import in time.However, if the parties wish the seller to carry out customs formalities and bear the costs andrisks resulting there from as well as some of the costs payable upon import of the goods, thisshould be made clear by adding explicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport but when delivery is to take place inhe port of destination on board the vessel or on the quay (wharf), the DES or DEQ terms should

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be used. 

DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay: Incoterm (… named port of destination) “Delivered Ex Quay” meanshat the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer not cleared for 

import on the quay (wharf) at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear costs and risksinvolved in bringing the goods to the named port of destination and discharging the goods on thequay (wharf). The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for import and to pay for allformalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import.This is a reversal from previous INCOTERMS versions which required the seller to arrange for 

import clearance.If the parties wish to include in the seller’s obligations all or part of the costs payable upon importof the goods, this should be made clear by adding explicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale.This term can be used only when the goods are to be delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal t ransport on discharging from a vessel onto the quay (wharf) in the port of destination. However if the parties wish to include in the seller’s obligations the risks and costs of he handling of the goods from the quay to another place (warehouse, terminal, t ransport station,

etc.) in or outside the port, the DDU or DDP terms should be used. 

DES, Delivered Ex Ship: Incoterm (… named port of destination) “Delivered Ex Ship” meanshat the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship

not cleared for import at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear all the costs and

risks involved in bringing the goods to the named port of destination before discharging. If theparties wish the seller to bear the costs and risks of discharging the goods, then the DEQ termshould be used.This term can be used only when the goods are to be delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal transport on a vessel in the port of destination. 

Desiccants : Desiccants are granules of between 0.3 mm and 6.3 mm in which there are

countless numbers of pores. The less water they contain themselves, the more active they are(i.e. the more water vapour they can absorb from the surrounding air). When air is dried usingdesiccants it will not release condensation onto sensitive surfaces when the surroundingemperature drops.


Die – Cut: Stamping out a specified shape using steel rule dies. 

Die-Cutting : The process of cutting shapes from sheets of plastic by pressing a shaped knife

edge into one or several layers of sheeting. The dies are often called steel rule dies, and pressureis applied by hydraulic or mechanical presses. 

Dissipative Materials : There can be electron flow across or through the dissipative material, but

he surface resistance or volume resistance of the material controls it. “A slowly controlled move.”Like other types of materials, charge can be generated triboelectrically on a dissipative material.However, like the conductive material, the diss ipative material will allow the transfer of charge toground or other conductive and dissipative objects. The transfer of charge from a dissipativematerial will generally take longer than from a conductive material of equivalent size. Charge

ransfers from dissipative materials are significantly slower than from conductors. See ESD 

Distribution: The process of storing and transporting finished goods from the end of the

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production line to the final customer. 

Distribution Centre: A facility that accepts inbound consignments of raw materials, componentsor finished goods, divides and then recombines them in different ways into outbound shipments.Many DCs also contain specialised handling/storage equipment and IT systems and also serve aswarehouses. Also: regional DC (or RDC), national DC (or NDC) and international DC (or IDC). 

Double wal l corrugation: Normally a combination of B & C flutes. Double wall corrugated boardshould be used when stronger boxes and extra padding are needed. A common solution for 

stack ing products with average weight. 

Drop Test: The purpose of this test is not only to test the actual package but also to see howwell the intended content is protected by the package. The test simulates actual shocks bydropping the package and its intended content freely against a rigid plane surface from apredetermined height. The package is set up to hit the surface at a particular angle and on aparticular attitude, face, edge or corner, of the package. 

Drum : barrel or large cylindrical container for liquid transport and storage 

Durability : Durability is the ability to endure. 

E Flute: Fluting of height 1 – 1.8mm, also called fine flute, see Flutes. 

Edge Crush Test: Test of vertical crush resistance 

EDI: One of the first steps in rationalizing information transfer in the supply chain was EDI(Electronic Data Interchange). EDI is a method of exchanging information about business objectselectronically in a standard format so that the information is correctly processed by the receivingcomputers. The problem in order to make this work is that the customer and the supplier haveDIFFERENT BUSINESS SYSTEMS with different item number systems and different format of 

data. Both NEED to work in their own system! Please note, EDI is not the same as VMI. 

Electrostatic Charge: Static electricity is defined as an electrical charge caused by animbalance of electrons on the surface of a material. This imbalance of electrons produces anelectric field that can be measured and that can influence other objects at a distance.Electrostatic discharge, ESD, is defined as the transfer of charge between bodies at differentelectrical potentials.Controlling electrostatic discharge begins with understanding how electrostatic charge occurs inhe first place. Electrostatic charge is most commonly created by the contact and separation of wo materials.


Environmental Hazards: Transport packages and their contents are influenced by the methodsof transport and the stresses they are submitted to during transport. There are several types of stresses the package has to be able to withstand. Among these are mechanical strains andclimatic stresses.

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EPA – Electrostatic Protected Area:   An EPA is an area that is maintained safe for handling of 

electrostatic sensitive components. Keeping electrostatic fields and voltages to an insignificantlylow level is the guiding-star to attain this. An EPA should have well defined boundaries so that it isabsolutely clear where the safe area is entered and left.To make an EPA, some arrangements need to be done. Any surface floor, chairs, tables andbenches need to be resistively correct and ESD grounded  . Personnel have to wear the correct

clothes, shoes and wristbands. All material brought into the area need to be ESD safe andcontrolled.

 E PE (PE) Foam : PE is the most widely used polymer in the world and as a result, is probably

he polymer that we all see most frequently in our day to day activities. This polymer is used tomake grocery bags, shampoo bottles, children’s toys, and even bullet-proof vests. Although thisproduct is very versatile in its applications, it has an extremely simple chemical structure. Amolecule of PE is simply a long chain of carbon atoms, with two hydrogen atoms attached.Expanded polyethylene beads produce very flexible, closed-cell foam, which offers a high degreeof resiliency. This material can withstand repetitive deformations and still maintain its dimensionsand cushioning ability. Expanded polyethylene is a thermoplastic foam with closed cells. Non-cross linked Polyethylene foam is a tough, resilient, lightweight, moisture and chemical resistantclosed cell material that is usable throughout a wide temperature range. Good resistance to acidsnon-organic chemicals and alkali’s. Good temperature resistance, isolating. 

EPP Foam: Polypropylene foam is a tough, resilient, and lightweight closed cell material that ismoisture and chemical resistant and can be used throughout a wide temperature range.PP is a very versatile material but is not as widely used as PE, however, due to its moderate costand favourable attributes makes it one of the fastest growing classes of commodityhermoplastics. PP is one of the lightest of all thermoplastics and as a result, fewer pounds are

needed for finished goods. Due to the high strength to weight ratio, it is much more rigid whencompared to other polyolefins. Many items that are designed to withstand high temperatures,such as automotive and electronic parts utilise PP because of its high melt temperature andcreep resistance. Structurally, it is very similar to PE with the exception that every other carbonatom in the backbone chain has a methyl group attached to it. Expanded polypropylene (EPP)beads produce low-density, closed-cell foam with excellent energy absorption characteristics. Thematerial has together with EPE, excellent recoverability from repeated shocks and deformations.

Foams moulded from these beads also retain their high degree of dimensional stability whenexposed to temperature extremes. 

EPS Foam: Very good temperature resistance, low conductivity. Shock absorption and resiliency(maintained performance during repeated use) inferior to EPE/EPP, but often better performanceunder static compression (stacking). More EPS foam shapes are manufactured than any other ype on the market. Most EPS used in the packaging industry is moulded into custom shapes

from beads. Lower material cost than many other products. Primarily the small appliance andconsumer electronics markets for shipping lightweight, relatively rugged products use these foamshapes. EPS is rigid and lightweight, and usually good single-impact protection for relativelydurable items, such as kitchen appliances and telephones. 

Ergonomics: Ergonomics is commonly thought of as how companies design tasks and workareas to maximize the efficiency and quality of their employees’ work. In Packaging & Logistics,his plays a role to ensure packers aren’t at risk or for packaging companies to limit that risk by

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offering products that are designed with ergonomic concerns in mind.

ESD (E lectroS tatic D ischarge): Static electricity is a phenomenon as old as our world and is

still the most unknown form of electricity. To many people, static electricity is no more than theshock experienced when touching a metal doorknob after walking across a carpeted room or sliding acrossa car seat. However, static electricity has been a serious industrial problem for centuries. Modernelectronic components are often very sensitive to discharges of static electricity, ESD (  E 

lectroS tatic Discharge). Why worry about ESD- Within industry, ESD is discreet and invisible

and causes problems of different nature. Many electrical components, including computer chips,electronic assemblies and circuit boards, can be damaged beyond repair by electrical discharges.Manufacturers of electronic components and assemblers of electronic systems must controlstatic discharges in their processes through the use of an effective ESD program. If they fail toake the necessary measures to control static electricity many of the components or systemshey produce will fail to work or will suffer a reduced operating life.


ETSI: ETSI EN 300 019-2-2 V2.1.2 (1999-09) Transportation This standard includes 3 differentseverity levels, Very careful, Careful and Public transportation, to choose between and it treatsboth packed and unpacked products. But only products for the telecommunication market. ETSIis an organization whose mission is to produce telecommunication standards. ETSI unites a bignumber of members from 55 countries inside and outside Europe. 

EXCO: To be able to compare alternative Export- or expendable packaging solutions from costviewpoint requires that a quite detailed packaging audit be conducted. It is necessary tounderstand the customer’s needs and operating environment. Once the data is collected andentered into EXCO, software application developed by Nefab based on software called Delphi, itwill be possible to demonstrate the effectiveness and cost efficiency of several packagingalternatives. 

ExPak : The name Nefab ExPak derives from Ex port Packaging, in other words an external

packaging for demanding export transports. Generally, all export pack ing places great demandson packaging. The former name for NEFAB ExPak was Vikex, which is derived from the Swedishwords for foldable export packaging – vikbara exportförpackningar. 

Expendable Packaging : This term (similar to export packaging) stands for one-way. Packagingmaterials that fall under export or expendable are usually only expected to make it once from itsassembly to final destination. Expendable packaging is usually only used for internationalshipments by air or sea, but at times plays a role in domestic shipping. 

Extruded Film : The process in which the extrusion of molten resin occurs through a die, which

hen produces a film... see also ‘Extruded Materials’ 

Extruded Materials: Extruded materials are generally used when the product have a low volume,easy design (also possibly for a product with difficult design), the lifetime of the product are shortand when the design of the product changes often. Extruded materials are used for pads, L-shaped profiles, and case inserts. Because the use of fabrication, the flexibility is very good.

Tooling costs are low. 

EXW, Ex Works: Incoterm - (… named place) “Ex Works” means that the seller delivers when

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he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place(ie. works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not loaded on any collectingvehicle.This term thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller, and the buyer has to bear allcosts and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller’s premises.However, if the parties wish the seller to be responsible for the loading of the goods on departureand to bear the risks and all the costs of such loading, this should be made clear by addingexplicit wording to this effect in the contract sale. This term should not be used when the buyer cannot carry out the export formalities directly or indirectly. In such circumstances, the FCA term

should be used, provided the seller agrees that he will load at his cost and risk. 

F F Flute: Fluting of height 0.75mm, also called micro flute, see Flutes. 

FAS Free Alongside Ship: Incoterm (… named port of shipment) “Free Alongside Ship” means

hat the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to thegoods from that moment.The FAS term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This is a reversal from previous

INCOTERMS versions which required the buyer to arrange for export clearance. However, if theparties wish the buyer to clear the goods for export, this should be made clear by adding explicitwording to this effect in the contract of sale. This term can be used only for sea or inlandwaterway transport. 

FCA, Free Carrier: Incoterm - (… named place) “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers thegoods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. It should benoted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloadinghe goods at that place. If delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, the seller is responsible for 

loading. If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading.This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport, including multimodalransport. “Carrier” means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to

procure the performance of transport by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed tohave fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they are delivered to that person. 

FEFCO: The European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacture. FEFCO represents 22

European National Associations in the corrugated packaging industry and is mandated by theseactive members to represent them on a European level. 

Flutes: Architects have known for thousands of years that an arch with the proper curve is thestrongest way to span a given space. The inventors of corrugated fibre board applied this sameprinciple to paper when they put arches in the corrugated medium. These arches are known asflutes and when anchored to the linerboard with a starch-based adhesive, they resist bending and

pressure from all directions. When a piece of combined board is placed on its end, the archesform rigid columns, capable of supporting a great deal of weight. When pressure is applied to the

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side of the board, the space in between the flutes acts as a cushion to protect the container’scontents. The flutes also serve as an insulator, providing some product protection from suddenemperature changes. At the same time, the vertical liner board provides more st rength and

protects the flutes from damage. Flutes come in several standard shapes or flute profiles (A, B, C,E, F, etc.). A-flute was the first to be developed and is the largest common flute profile. B-flutewas next and is much smaller. C-flute followed and is between A and B in size. E-flute is smaller han B and F-flute is smaller yet.


Flutings: F lutings fall into two categories:

1. Recycled Fluting – made from 100% recycled fibre, which come from selected grades of waste paper. RCT Rigidity and Concora strength properties are usually enhanced by the additionof chemicals and starches.2. Semi-Chemical Fluting – is manufactured from hardwood pulp. Typically Semi-Chemicalflutings will contain a proportion of recycled or softwood fibres. Semi-Chemical Fluting iscommonly used for heavy duty packaging and in some instances where high humidity conditionsare expected. 

Flexible Packaging : Flexible packaging is material such as paper or foil used to form

packaging for items such as bags, pouches, envelopes, etc. 

Flexographic: Type of printing on standard corrugated or plywood boxes such as logotype. 

Fluting Medium: Paper formed into the flute profile, see corrugated for more details. 

Fluting Profile: The shape of the corrugations, see corrugated for more details. 

Foam: Foam is widely used as protective packaging material and has unique shock absorbingabilities. There are basically four different materials (polymers) and two main manufacturingechniques that are used to meet required specifications. Foam belongs mainly to cushioning but

can in some cases be considered as a blocking and filling medium why it will be briefly describedin this course. 

Foam-in-place: Foam-in-place is a fast, easy and versatile process for on-line and on-siteproduction of protective polyurethane foam packages. The polyurethane foam is created through a

chemical process, where two liquids react and expand rapidly. In a very short space of time, thefoam expands more than 280 times. 

FOB, Free on Board: Incoterm (… named port of shipment) “Free on Board” means that theseller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means thathe buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. The

FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intent to deliver the goods across the ship’s rail,he FCA term should be used.


Free Trade Zone   A commercial or industrial area usually near a port of entry where

merchandise and raw material imports are not subject to customs charges or duties 

Freight Forwarder    A person or company involved in the collect ion, consolidation, shipping

and distribution of goods from overseas territories. Typically, freight forwarders clear freight

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hrough customs, prepare documents and arrange shipping, warehousing and delivery. 

FTL : Full-truck-load, where goods being shipped occupy a complete truck. 

Glue: Glue made out of starch is most commonly used in modern paper and paper packagingindustry. This kind of glue doesn’t have any negative influence on environment and is easilyapplicable onto a paper. 

Glue-Joints Test: This test is very similar to the one used to measure the strength of theplywood. However, unlike that test the pressure is applied on both sides of the glue-joint, in order o get the maximum strain on the joint. The test is performed by placing the sheets, 900 by 200

millimetres, on two pillars with the joint between them. By adding pressure to the joint it ispossible to measure the amount of pressure, or strain, the glue-joint is able to withstand. The testis concluded either when the board brakes or when the force is down to zero. 

Gram Weight: The weight of paper specified, for corrugated. 

HAZMAT : used almost exclusively in the United States, this term stands for hazardous materials

 packaging   (hazmat), see Dangerous Goods for more details. 

HDPE : High Density Polyethylene, see foam for more details. 

Honeycomb : Honeycomb is a material consisting of Kraft-liner formed into continuous uniform

hexagonal cells. The hexagonal structure makes this material quite strong – can support 40Ton/m2 maximum (vertical compression). Apart from blocking and filling, it can also be used as aproduct separator or even as a pallet.

 Horizontal Impact Test: Horizontal shocks are simulated by applying a horizontal velocity to theest specimen and bringing it to halt by impact with a vertical impact surface. The impact velocity

and the attitude of the test specimen are predetermined. Three different types of test apparatus isavailable for this test, Inclined plane tester, Horizontal plane tester and Pendulum apparatus. Mostmajor horizontal impact arise from railway shunting, which is why this is a meaningful test toperform on packaging destined for this type of t ransport. 

Humidity / Temperature Indicators : These indicators monitor whether a threshold has been

reached and surpassed. This is an easy way to check if the product has been exposed tounacceptable temperatures/levels of humidity during transport and storage. 


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IATA DGR : The International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Regulations 

ID : Inner Dimension, usually given or shown as L (length) x W (width) x H (height).

Impact Indicators: The drop or impact indicator is an impact detection device that activates whenhe impact level exceeds the threshold of the unit. It can be used inside the box, directly on the

product or outside the product in the external box. 

Inbound Logistics: The movement of raw materials and components from suppliers/vendors toproduction processes and storage facilities. International inbound logistics is the management of he international inbound supply chain, often on behalf of retailers.


Indicators: Today’s "Just-In-Time" zero defect delivery requirements demand shipping control toensure that handling and transportation is performed accordingly. Nefab delivers indicators toseveral industries and the wide product range makes it possible to find the most suitable solutionfor each customer approach. 

Inner Packaging  By blocking, bracing and cushioning the products, the inner packaging

ogether with the outer packaging is protecting the product from transport and storage damages.The inner packaging surrounds the product and can also be designed to protect against abrasion,corrosion or electro static discharge (ESD). 

Insulative Materia ls : Insulative materials do not allow charge (electrons) to move across their 

surface or through their volume. Charge placed on one spot on an insulative object will stay in thatlocation. If a charged insulator is grounded, charge will not move to ground. Insulators can haveboth negatively and posit ively charged areas on the same object, because insulators do not allowcharge (electrons) movement. Insulators can accumulate massive amounts of charge. See ESD. 

Intermodal: This involves the use of more than one form of transport for a journey. 

Inventory : A list of raw materials, components, work in progress, finished goods or other 

supplies held in a warehouse or distribution centre. 

ISO: ISO 4180-1 and -2:1980 Complete, filled transport packages – General rules for thecompilation of performance test schedules. Recommends severity levels when the wholedistribution chain is known. The standard tells that only the strains that will exist are necessary toest. A test program for any general undefined distribution system isn’t included. ISO is a global

association of national standardization institutions, about 130 countries are included in thisassociation. 

ISTA: ISTA Pre-shipment Testing Procedures ISTA’s 17 different testing procedures are designedo help shippers of any product reduce transit and handling damage. The program is designed with

experiences through the cooperation of shippers, carriers, manufacturers, packaging suppliers and

certified testing laboratories. 


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JIT : Just-in-time, A comprehensive stock and manufacturing control system, in which materials

are purchased, manufactured or supplied only when required. In logistics , JIT uses pullreplenishment to ensure deliveries are completed at the right t ime in order to meet production andclient schedules. 

Joint-Test, Sheet/Stee l Materia l: The aim of this test is to determine the strength of the jointbetween the steel and the sheet material. The pieces of sheets are cut to size, 200 by 100millimetres, and the steel is attached to them. The test is then performed by pressing the sheetmaterial downwards while the steel is held at a constant height. The testing is performed until thesteel starts to separate from the sheet material. 

K ANBAN : I s a concept related to lean and just-in-time (JIT) production. Kanban is a signaling

system. As its name suggests, kanban historically uses cards to signal the need for an item.However, other devices such as plastic markers (kanban squares) or balls (often golf balls) or anempty part-transport trolley can also be used to trigger the movement, production, or supply of aunit in a factory. It was out of a need to maintain the level of improvements that the kanbansystem was devised by Toyota. Kanban became an effective tool to support the running of the

production system as a whole. In addition, it proved to be an excellent way for promotingimprovements because restricting the number of kanban in circulation highlighted problem areas. 

Kraft (K): Kraft c onsists of at least 80% virgin chemical pulp fibre. It offers excellent strength and

stiffness properties and excellent surface finish. Kraft Liner represents the top material grade inerms of physical properties used in the corrugated industry. In general these liners are made from

softwood pulp (ISO 4046) although many sources of Kraft liner now also incorporate pulp fromharder wood sources such as birch. Most sources of Kraft liner also incorporate recycled fibre invarying amounts, depending on the manufacturer. For the different material types, see BrownKraft, White Tope Kraft, White Mottled Kraft, Bleached Kraft, and/or Birch Faced Kraft. 

Kraft Liner Stock: Corrugated waste and old boxes used for recycling, see Kraft.


Labels: Labels for marking and identifying the packaging are available in many shapes and sizes.Nefab can provide a wide range, from consumer packaging labels showing company logos, tohose required for dangerous goods by law.


LDPE: Low density polyethylene, see foam for more details. 

Lightweight Pallet : The light weight pallet is an excellent load carrier for heavy goods that need

a strong and durable packaging solution. Nefab's lightweight plywood pallet can not only be

reused several times but can also be sold as an integrated part of the box. The plywood deck hasa smooth, clean surface and low moisture absorption. Another major advantage is the low weight,

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yet good strength of the pallet. Plywood is not considered a phytosanitary problem according tointernational regulations; therefore the pallet can be shipped to any destination. The plywood deckand the steel cylinders are manufactured in standard footprints of 1200 X 800 mm and 600 X800mm. Nefab is able to customise the lightweight pallets up to 3100 mm. Additional benefit of using the lightweight pallet is that there will be cost savings in Air Freight since it is much lighter han the traditional hard wood pallets.


Liner: The inner and outer facing of corrugated board, see Corrugated. 

Liner MaterialLiner materials are available in the following basic forms:· Kraft (K)· Test (T)· Chip (C)· Flutings· Glue 

LTL: Less-than-truckload Logistics, the process of planning, implementing and controlling theefficient and cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process stocks, finished goodsand related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for customers. Putmore simply, it is the science and art of ensuring that the right products reach the right place inhe right quantity at the right time in order to satisfy consumer demand. Logistics encompasses

warehousing, transport, added-value/pre-retailing services and IT solutions and covers inbound,outbound, internal, international and reverse product flows. 

Load Securing : The solution can be used to prevent damages during transportation.  Benefits of 

load securing: Flexible solutions available, efficient, low cost packaging material, Simple, safe andfast applications, Dynamic systems. 

Lock’N Pop: Lock’N Pop is an adhesive of watery base and ecological to palletise, that works asan anti-slip. It’s ideal to products packed in boxes, bags or even to frozen products that easilyslide and createpalletises problems. The way to use consists in an automatically application, proper for 

production l ines, or a manual application ideal to small and varied series. 

Logistics: The process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and cost-effectiveflow and storage of raw materials, in-process s tocks, finished goods and related information fromhe point of origin to the point of consumption for customers. Put more simply, it is the science

and art of ensuring that the right products reach the right place in the right quantity at the rightime in order to satisfy consumer demand. Logistics encompasses warehousing, transport,

added-value/pre-retailing services and IT solutions and covers inbound, outbound, internal,international and reverse product flows. 

Loose Fill: Loose fill is a void filling and blocking packaging material. Polystyrene is traditionallyoften used as raw material but loose fill can be made of different materials. Corn starch andrecycled paper are eco friendly raw materials which are increasing in popularity. 

Low Charging Materials : Packaging material which minimise charge generation by separation

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or rubbing, (triboelectrically), with other material as well as itself. A material's low chargingproperties are not necessarily predicted by its resistance or resistively. Low Charging material canherefore not be classified by measuring the surface resistance. Examples on products, “Pink” -

bags, -shock absorber, -plastic foil, -plastic foam… See ESD. 

Material  : Materials are physical substances used as inputs to production or manufacturing.

Materials range from manmade synthetics such as many plastics to natural materials such ascopper or wood. In packaging, the process of selecting the proper packaging material is one of themost important due to the varying degrees of costs and characteristics. 

Material Testing : Material tests are used for all kind of materials used as packaging material.

Here we are focusing on tests used to qualify plywood for our ownly produced NEFAB ExPak andNEFAB RePak products. The tests, more detailed described below are:• Bending test-EPU: 4/86:89• Moisture absorption test• Cutting–strength test, BS 6566:part 8:1985• Testing of glue–joints, SS 84 20 21:mom 6.1• Joint test, sheet/steel (tongues and klammerband) material

 Except these testing methods it´s worth mentioning some test methods used for corrugatedpackaging material, as follows:• ECT-Edgewise crush test, ISO 3037• Bursting strength, ISO 2759• FCT-Flat crush test, ISO 3035• Cobb-Water absorption, ISO 535• BCT- Box crush test 

Mechanical Strains: The most common mechanical strains on transported goods are forcestresses like, stacking pressure and shocks and energy stresses like vibration and dropping.

hen stacking in a trailer or ship’s hold the stresses increase due to the movement of the carrier.

 As an example, the pressure at the front of a horizontal stack amounts to eight t imes that of thestress in a warehouse. One of the most common energy stresses is dropping. The change inenergy the packaging is subject to while dropped is depending on the mass of the product and theheight  that the product is dropped from. This type of energy is called potential energy. In a shockcaused by a sudden retardation of speed, for example a railway car that slows down to 0 m/sec,he energy stress is depending on the mass of the product and the speed before slowing down.

This type of energy is called kinetic energy. 

Moisture Absorption Test: In order to determine the plywood box’s capability to protect thegoods from moisture and to establish how moisture resistant the actual box will be a moistureabsorption test is performed on the different batches of plywood used. To start of the testingprocedures the sheets, 100 by 100 millimetres, are weighed and the thickness are measured. Thesecond step is to submerge the sheets in water for four hours. After the four hours have elapsed

he sheets are weighed and measured again in order to determine the status of the moistureabsorption. The submerging procedure is then repeated, this t ime for 72 hours, after which the

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sheets are measured and the final results noted. 

Moulded Materia ls: Moulded materials are generally used when there is a high volume and along lifetime of the products, or when the products have a sensitive or difficult design. The toolingcosts are high compared to the tooling cost for Extruded materials. (Ethafoam ex.) 

Mullen Burst: A measure of tear resistance. 

Multi – Ply Paper: Paper made from a number of layers of pulped fibres, see Corrugated. 

NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance established by the signing of the

North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949. With headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, the organizationestablished a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence inresponse to an attack by any external party. 

NEFAB: (Nordgrens Emballage fabric) Nordgrens is the founding family name, Emballage isSwedish for Packaging, Fabrik is Swedish for Factory. 

NIIN : NATO Item Identification Number  

NPPO : National Plant Protection Organization, this is the organisation who implemented

phytosanitary regulations for wood packaging. See Phytosanitary for more details. 

OD : Outer Dimension, usually given or shown as L (length) x W (width) x H (height). An important

hing to clarify when talking OD, is to determine if it is with or without pallet or base.

OPTICO: OptiCo is an optimization program developed by Nefab to help demonstrate cost savingshat can be derived by using the NEFAB ExPak line of packaging products vs. “traditional”solutions taking into consideration many packaging & logistics issues. 

Optimization : The procedure(s) used to make a sys tem or design as effective or functional as

possible. Factors in packaging where optimization is important is in warehousing, transport,containerization, etc. 

Outsourcing : The sub-contracting to external companies of tasks considered to be outside an

organisation's core competence. Logistics outsourcing is one of the most popular forms. 

Over Packaging : Simply put, too much more raw materials are used, than actually needed for 

protecting the contents of the package. 

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Plastic tapes: T his product group includes s tandard self-adhesive tapes, based on PVC

(Polyvinylchloride) films. These general-purpose, top-level-quality tapes are mainly used to sealcartons. Nevertheless, the adhesive coating properties make them suitable to be successfullyemployed on many other surfaces. 

Polyester Strap: Polyester strapping is designed for medium to heavy-duty palletizing andunitizing applications and can be applied by hand tools or power strapping equipment. Thisstrapping material yields higher break s trengths and maintains a higher level of retained strapension than polypropylene strapping. It is commonly used for palletized loads, such as PET

bottles, to prevent product shifting during handling and transit. 

Polyethylene (PE or EPE): is the most widely used polymer that can be moulded as well asfabricated depending on the requirements. It is a moisture resistant and resilient packagingmaterial with good multiple drop cushioning performances. One main feature with PE is thepossibility to recycle it. 

Polypropylene (PP or EPP): is a moulded foam that just like polyethylene is a moistureresistant and resilient material with good multiple drop cushioning performances. 

Polypropylene Strap: Polypropylene strapping, designed to run through hand tools and power strapping equipment, provides superior performance for light to medium-duty bundling and cartonclosure applications. It has excellent elongation recovery properties, making it ideal for products

hat shrink or compress, such as top-iced food packages and newspaper bundles. 

Polystyrene (PS or EPS): is a moulded foam with good insulation capability and good first dropcushioning performance. 

Polyurethane (PU or PUR): is commonly fabricated but can also be moulded. The material isrecognised as mattress or furniture material and is suitable as cushioning for light weight productsand as interior packaging in cases. 

Position Indicators: The position indicator is an indicating device for goods that must remainupright to ensure correct delivery and no damage. 

Product Fragility : The first step toward determining the amount of cushioning a product requiresis to determine the amount of mechanical shock the product can survive on its own. There areseveral common terms for this, with “fragility” and “G-factor” being the most common. Fragility isnormally expressed in units of “G” and indicates the maximum deceleration the product canwithstand without being damaged. The more fragile a product is , the lower its G-factor.[ G is a unit for acceleration, equal to the acceleration of gravity: 1g = 9,81 m/s2.Deceleration is “negative acceleration”, in this case the braking, down to a speed of zero, of a dropped product hitting the ground. The function of cushioning is to, through its compression,extend the time t(s) for this speed reduction v(m/s), thereby reducing the deceleration a(m/s2): A = v / t The lower deceleration a(m/s2) a product of given mass m(k g) is exposed to, the lower isthe force impact F(N) on the product: F = m * a ]  

Prototype :  An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are

based or judged. 

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PU Foam: PU foam shapes are fabricated from large blocks of foam called buns. The producer combines two chemical components to form urethane plastic foam. Most packaging grades areopen celled foams with a high degree of flexibility and resiliency. There are two types of urethanefoams. Polyester urethane foams are usually st iffer and more expensive, with higher load bearingcapability, while polyether urethane foams are typically cheaper, softer and less abrasives. PUfoams come in a variety of grades and price ranges, as well as variations of density and firmness,reatment for static resistance and degree of flame retardant. PU foam shapes are lightweight,

very flexible and resilient, and are considered to be well suited for packaging extremely lightweightitems. 

Rack : a series of one or more shelves, stacked one above the other, used mainly to optimise

warehouse space. 

Rail freight: Rail transportation offers many advantages and is (for obvious reasons) used for domestic use or inter-continental. Rail transport is ideal for heavy goods and has a wide range of benefits. 

Real-Time  : A real-time system provides an immediate response to external events. Often used

in relation to tracking; see also track-and-trace. 

RECO: Deciding whether reusable packaging will provide cost benefits can be a complex process.

To help make this process easier NEFAB have developed RECO, a Visual Basic software tool.Developed by NEFAB with the purpose of simplifying the evaluations necessary when consideringreusable packaging, RECO is used by NEFAB to help organisations in the decision makingprocess. As the central element of a packaging audit, RECO can help identify the optimumsolution. RECO is the tool to use to make proper and detailed calculations related to the complexpackaging situations with many parameters involved. 

Recycled Paper: Paper made from extracting used paper fibre, see Corrugated. 

Relative Humidity (%RH): For a given temperature, the Relative Humidity is the ratio between theactual amount of water contained in the air and the maximum possible amount of water –saturated air. 

RePak: This is a Nefab brand name for its returnable wood and plywood returnable

containers. They are completely customizable and offer tremendous benefits pending the flow of goods. A general rule of thumb is if the packaging goes through x # of destinations, than areturnable packaging is suitable and will achieve cost savings. 

Returnable Packaging : “Returnable Packaging are packaging designed to be reused in open

and closed loops” A more deep definition could be as follows; A shipping and storage container which is designed for reuse without impairment of its protective function and which can be repairedand/or refitted to prolong its life or to adapt it for shipment of items other than that for which it wasoriginally employed. 

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Returnables: Under the right conditions, returnable packaging solutions have several potentialadvantages compared to expendable packaging:· long term usage· reduced packaging material costs· reduced handling and packaging related labour costs· environmental concerns (recycling, reduced material usage and waste disposal)· reduced transportation costs (e.g. due to better stackability)To operate a returnable packaging, you need an organization that takes care of:o the development and design of a packagingo the investment in a quantity of packaging to use instead of expendable packagingo the actors, a group of at least two users in a loopo the administration and tracking of the packagingo a setup for maintaining the system 

RFID : RFID is radio-frequency identification, a system that uses radio signals to locate and

identify merchandise, batched products or transportation assets fitted with special electronic tags.The tags - also known as smart labels or intelligent tags - enable the automatic track-and-trace of merchandise/assets throughout the supply chain. 

Road freight: Road transportation is the most commonly used method in practice today. Thenumbers are getting smaller as more and more companies export but it is still the most usedmode of transport by a wide margin.

 Rolling and Toppling Tests: In a rolling test the package is placed on a horizontal impactsurface with the resting surface down. The package is tilted with the edge 3-4 resting on theimpact surface until the point of balance on this edge is reached. Then it is permitted tooverbalance without thrust so as to impact on the surface 4. This procedure shall be repeated untilall six sides have been impacted. For packages which are tall in relation to their base dimensionsand with high centres of gravity a toppling test may be more suitable. The package is placed onhe impact surface standing on its normal base. An increasing load is applied above the centre of 

gravity until the package reaches a point of balance. Then permit it to overbalance without thrustso that it falls freely onto the face opposite to the face to which the force is applied. 

Screen Printing: Screen-printing is often used to print on assembled boxes. Printing is done

directly on the box or sheet, by pressing the ink through a net template onto the plywood. 

Sea freight: Sea transportation is usually used by companies who ship a large amount of goodsat once, with longer lead times. This mode of transport is the longest, yet is ideal for bulkshipments such as coal and minerals. 

Sealing Machines: These equipments are used to seal special flexible films like complex plastic(alu+PE+paper). Some equipment can be more flexible like sealing pliers, in order to make thesealing process “in Place” or complemented with special accessories like air suction devices or 

special sealing bars. 

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Security tape: Reliably indicates in several languages when someone has tried to open apackage. Sealing parcels with this tape will noticeably reduce theft. 

Semi-chemical: Fluting made by semi-chemical process with virgin wood pulp, see Corrugated 

Sheet Plant: A corrugated box maker that converts sheet board only 

Shielding Materials : Shielding materials have a barrier or enclosure that limits the passage of 

current and attenuates the energy resulting from an electrostatic discharge. Often there are bagswith a lamination of metallic, aluminium, nickel or copper. See ESD. 

Shock: Shock will appear when the packaging with the product suddenly being dropped in someways. Most of the time the shock appear in an accident, but the shock will appear for ex. Whenhe train changes freight car, or the handling of the product/packaging is rugged.


Shock and Vibration: Shock and Vibration is an environment the product will be exposed for under the fright, or in the handling of the packaging. How to Protect against Shock & Vibration. Toprotect against shock and vibration, you have several opportunities. But to decrease theopportunities there are some questions to make. How fragile is the product? What is the value of he product? How will the product be freight? What is the estimate volume of the product? This is

some question to make before you choose the packaging material. 

Single Face: A board or paper with one liner and fluting only, see corrugated. 

Single Wall Corrugation: This is p robably the most popular corrugated board material used in

carton manufacture. Manufactured in either B, C or E flutes depending on the application. 

Sizing: Sizing chemicals are added to fibres in the paper making stage to increase theresistance of the paper to the preparation and spreading of aqueous liquids such as inks. SeeCorrugated 

Sourcing : The practice of locating and procuring raw materials, components, finished goods and


Stacking Strength: This refers to the amount of weight a box or pallet can withstand duringransport and warehousing. The advantage of stacking s trength in transport is to optimizecontainers or trucks for savings opportunities, and in warehouses to save space. 

Stapling: From the cardboard blank to the cardboard box. Stapling is an alternative to taping andis particularly fast and efficient when making cardboard boxes for transport purposes. In thisprocess the cardboard blanks are folded and connected at the butt joints. In this way the bothends – after the filling process – are sealed. 

Steel Strap: Sometimes simple is better. Steel strapping is the classic method of securing loadsand despite the numerous advantages of plastic strap it is sometimes the better solution, even

oday. For example, when strapping very heavy loads or if the items have particularly sharp edgeswhich might possibly damage a plastic strap. 

Strap machines: This tools and equipments are necessary to apply correctly the strap. Tension

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is a very important aspect when we are developing a good and secure packaging process. Manualools are indicated for small volume applications while automatic machines are used for larger 

volumes. Size of the packaging is important because there are some limitations. In the extremesolutions (big volumes and non standard sizes) i t can be developed special machinery. 

Stretch Film: Product shipments will have protection from damage since packages are keptogether and no dust or dirt will get in. The transparency allows for visual inspection and can in

some cases speed up handling. Stretch film is an easy and simple solution and it is possible toeither manually wrap the film around the packaging or to use a machine. 

Stretch foils machines and tools: These equipment and tools are very important when applyingstretch foil. In order to provide the correct stretching to the plastic film with very important to havehe correct machine. For example, it’s extremely important that if we are offering a solution to a

specific customer that has the advantage to use high stretch performance film, we must confirmhat he has the machine needed to perform this operation. Manual applications are frequently

made with simple plastic accessories that ensure a smoother operation. 

Structural Packaging : Structural design for packaging can protect the goods completely,

especially for those good which have irregular shapes and fragile parts. 

Test (Corrugated): It is becoming common to categorise brown Test liners within three classes:TL1, TL2, and TL3. Precise and agreed definitions for the three classes are not yet availableacross the industry. However, the following definitions should serve as a useful guide between thehree classes (NOTE: All types of test liner use predominantly recycled fibre): see Test Liner 1

(TL1), Test Liner 2 (TL2), Test Liner 3 (TL3), White Top Test, and/or White Mottled Test. 

Test Liner 1 (TL1): This forms the rarest group of liners. They Usually have a Ring Crush Test

value (RCT) similar to that of Kraft at the same grammage, with a Burst Index of over 3,0 kPa per g/m2. (Kraft is usually over 3,5 kPa per g/m2). The top surface of a TL1 will be almostindistinguishable from a Kraft liner in appearance and will generally contain a high proportion of long fibres. TL1 should normally be suitable for use wherever Kraft liners may be used. 

Test Liner 2 (TL2): This will usually have the RCT value that is ca 90% of that of Kraft at thesame grammage, with a Burst index of over 2,5 kPA per g/m2. The top surface of a TL2 will bealmost indistinguishable from a Kraft liner in appearance and will contain a high proportion of longfibres. TL2 liners may be suitable for use wherever Kraft liners are used. 

Test Liner 3 (TL3): This will usually have the RCT value that is ca 75% of that of Kraft at the

same grammage with a Burst index of over 2,0 kPa per g/m2. TL3 liners vary more widely thanTL1 and TL2 liners in colour and appearance (spots etc.) from one source to another. The finalshade may be a result of dyes as well as the source of fibre being used. TL3 are most often usedas inner liners or as outer liners where appearance is not critical. 

Testing: A certi fied test house should carry out testing of any board. These will be known byNefab’s corrugated partners. Lis ted below are the main tests carried out on board with a brief 

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description.· Box compression test – Determines maximum loading before collapse.· Drop test – A test for severe shock forces on a filled case.· Edge crush Test (ECT ) – A corrugated board strength test of vertical crush resistance.

· Mullen burst – A measure of tear resistance.· Puncture resistance test – measures the strength of the case liner.· Cobb test – Measures the absorption rates of the board. 

Testing Standards: There are a number of different testing standards on the market and eachstandard has different severity levels. The important thing when choosing the right standard andhe right severity level is to have a dialogue between all the parties concerned. These are theesting laboratory , the client and in some cases the clients customer. The following standards are

some of the most frequent standards for transportation testing on the market.- ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials- ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute- ISO: International Organisation for Standardization- ISTA: International Safe Transit Association- TELCORDIA: Telcordia Technologies (former Bellcore) 

Track-and-Trace  : The process of recording the progress of a consignment through the supply

chain, usually in or near real-time, in order to track its status or trace its movements.Sophisticated control tower systems function as a single point of control, delivering centralised

command of the supply chain, with full visibility. 

Transport Packaging : Transport packaging includes items such as pallets, shipping containers

(corrugated cardboard, wooden crates), s tretch wrap, and dunnage (sty rofoam peanuts and other cushioning media). Transport packaging is a major source of solid waste, especially in thecommercial and industrial sectors of our economy. Waste reduction and recycling alternatives areavailable for many transport packaging wastes. This section highlights some of the resourcesavailable to business and industry. 

Transportation Testing: A t ransportation tes ting program is divided into different moments whichfollow the distribution chain. The strains are increasing during the testing program. The lower strains, as handling during packing and stacking in warehouse, are to be tested first. Then comes

he vibration testing, which shall simulate the transports with truck and by air. Out of the four ransportation methods the highest vibration strains generally occurs during truck transports. Most

of the impacts occur when railway trucks are coupling together and the testing method for that ishorizontal impacts. The highest strains on a packed product occur when a package is droppedduring manual handling and handling with forklift trucks , at the arrival to the final customer. 

Triple wa ll corrugation: Manufactured using different combinations of fluting dependant on theapplication. Normally two layers of C flute and one layer of B flute. If you’re looking for aworkhorse that is resistant to crushing during storage and transportation, this could be it. Used for heavy applications were product protection is required. Normally associated with transitpackaging. 


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Unit Cost : The total cost of producing a single unit. 

Vacuum forming : Vacuum forming is a method for thermally shaping a flat plastic sheet in to a

hree-dimensional shape by heating the sheet and withdrawing the air between the sheet andmold. 

Vendor Consolidation : The process of managing various vendors in order to consolidate

multiple LTL shipments into a single or smaller number of consignments to reduce costs andimprove delivery efficiency. 

Vibration: For many products to be packed, a package that provides protection againstmechanical shock during shipment is all that is required. There are some products, however,which are known to be sensitive to damage from vibration they might experience duringransportation. Vibration is a normally expressed in unit of frequency range (Hz).


Vibration Test: Various forms of transportation vibrations can be simulated in a laboratory bymeans of a vibration test. The test-bench can be made to swing and vibrate in almost any

direction with a number of frequencies and amplitudes to emulate the t ransportation being used.There is also the possibility to design the test from a transportation cycle viewpoint. During thisype of tests the packaging goes through a simulated transport with the different means of ransportation used during the haul from the producer to the end customer.


VMI, Vendor Managed Inventory: VMI is the spear head practice of partnering between

distribution channel members. It changes the traditional replenishment process from customer-generated purchase orders, based upon economic order quantities, to the replenishment of products based upon actual and forecasted demand. VMI is always based on the principal of "pulled" logistics, where the replenishment of a warehouse takes place on the basis of informationabout sales/production. The system is based on the exchange of information about current stocklevels of both the customer and the supplier. By making this exchange on a more or less daily

basis the system makes it possible to better monitor the warehouse and the expected demand.The joint goals of a VMI trading partnership are:· improved inventory turnover,· reduction in warehouse inventory,· reduced number of stock-outs,· improved service levels,· and improved over all warehouse efficiency. 

arehouse: A covered place for the reception and storage of goods. See also distribution centre.

 ater-Spray Test: In those cases the package is to protect the product from the penetration of 

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rain, tests with simulated rainstorms are carried out. The test is designed so that each area of theop surface of the package is sprayed with water maintained at a constant temperature at a

specified rate for a specified period. The test package shall be filled with its intended contents andclosed normally, as if ready for distribution. 

hite Mottled Kraft: (sometimes known as “Oyster”) are produced by the same process as

hite Top liners with the skin of white being randomly dis tributed to give a mottled appearance.This kind of liner was popular in mid 90’s. 

hite Mottled Test: These are produced by the same process as White Top Test liners, with the

skin of white being randomly distributed to give a mott led appearance. 

hite Top Kraft: This w as developed to produce a good white appearance with Kraft strength

characteristics, but at a lower cost than traditional Bleached Krafts.- White Top Kraft – A top skin of Bleached Kraft fibres on a Brown Kraft fibre base.- Coated White Kraft – A white coating, usually China Clay based, on a White Top Kraftliner or Bleached Kraft fibre base. 

hite Top Test: These are usually Duplex* materials comprising a base layer of recycled fibre on

which a layer of white fibre is laid. Some sources use recycled fibre in the white layer, others usebleached Kraft fibre. Coated White Top Test – have a China Clay based coating to give thesmoothest, whitest surface for high quality printing.


1A1 : Steel drum with non-removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

1A2: Steel drum with removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

1A2W: Steel drum with removable head (deviating design), see Dangerous Goods 

1B2W:  Aluminium drum with removable head (deviating design), see Dangerous Goods

 1G: Fibre drum, see Dangerous Goods 

1H1: Plastics drum with non-removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

1H2: Plastics drum with removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

3A1: Steel jerrican with non-removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

3H1: Plastics jerrican with non-removable head, see Dangerous Goods 

3H2: Plastics jerrican with removable head, see Dangerous Goods

 3PL : A '3PL' or third-party logistics provider; a supplier of outsourced logistics services that

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primarily uses its own assets and resources. 

4A: Steel box, see Dangerous Goods 

4AW: Steel box (deviating design) , see Dangerous Goods 

4C1: Box of natural wood, see Dangerous Goods 

4D: Plywood box , see Dangerous Goods 

4DV: Plywood box (special packaging) , see Dangerous Goods 

4G: Fibreboard box, see Dangerous Goods 

4GV: Fibreboard box (special packaging), see Dangerous Goods 

4GW: Fibreboard box (deviating design), see Dangerous Goods 

4H2: Solid plastics box, see Dangerous Goods 

4H2W: Solid plastics box (deviating design), see Dangerous Goods 

4PL : A '4PL' or fourth-party logistics provider; a supplier of outsourced supply chain coordination

and management services that generally does not own or operate the underlying logistical assetsand resources. See also 3PL and lead logistics provider. 

5H3: Woven plastics bag, water resistant, see Dangerous Goods 

5H4: Plastics film bag, see Dangerous Goods 

5M1: Paper bag multiwall, see Dangerous Goods 

5M2: Paper bag multiwall, water resis tant, see Dangerous Goods 

6HA1: Composite packaging, plastics inner receptacle with outer steel drum, see Dangerous


11A: Metal IBC for solids , see Dangerous Goods 

11D: Plywood IBC for solids (IBC = Intermediate Bulk Container) , see Dangerous Goods 

11H1: Rigid plastics IBC for solids, see Dangerous Goods 

13H1: Flexible IBC without coating or liner, see Dangerous Goods 

13H2: Flexible IBC coated, see Dangerous Goods 

13H3: Flexible IBC with liner, see Dangerous Goods

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13H4: Flexible IBC coated and with liner, see Dangerous Goods 

31A: Metal IBC for liquids, see Dangerous Goods 

31B:  Aluminium IBC for liquids, see Dangerous Goods 

31HA1: Composite IBC for liquids with plastics inner receptacle, see Dangerous Goods 

50D: Large packaging of plywood , see Dangerous Goods