Pacific Youth - vodcasting


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Pacific Youth was a five week online social media training course for over twenty youth leaders in Tonga and Papua New Guinea. All course content is available under the Creative Commons license which enables other organisations and young people to participate in the course themselves, remix or embellish upon it (as long as they provide us with credit/link):

Transcript of Pacific Youth - vodcasting

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VODCASTINGLearn the basics of vodcasting what is a vodcast, how do I produce a vodcast, how do I get it online, how do I spread the news and what is a vodcast good for anyways... We will try to set up a space for vodcasts from the Pacific region that you can nurture and expand after this 5-week online course.

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VODCAST DEFINITION 1/3Wikipedia says...

Video podcast (sometimes shortened to vidcast or vodcast) is a term used for the online delivery of video on demand video clip content via Atom or RSS enclosures. The term is an evolution specialized for video, coming from the generally audio-based podcast and referring to the distribution of video where the RSS feed is used as a non-linear TV channel to which consumers can subscribe using a PC, TV, set-top box, media center or mobile multimedia device.

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In simple words, a vodcast is a video or better, a series of videos - that people can subscribe to using the Atom or RSS technology. Whenever a new episode appears online, your Atom/RSS feed will alert you to this and link you to straight to the new video. Vodcasts are either streaming videos or available for download (or both). The advantage of a downloadable vodcast is clear: you can watch it as often as you want without having to download it again.

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VODCAST DEFINITION 3/3Podcast vs Vodcast

First came the podcast, then the vodcast... just like you first had mp3s on an iPod (or any other mobile device) and then video files. Podcasts are usually audio files and vodcasts are video files. For the rest, it's pretty much the same: produce, upload, generate Atom/RSS feed spread the news and have the audience download your files.

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VODCASTPreparations 1/5

To create a vodcast, you first need a video. To create a video, you first need a camera. And what's even more important: to create a video you need to have an idea what you want to film. For a vodcast, that's even more so the case because a vodcast is a series of videos.

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VODCASTPreparations 2/5

So - think about what you really want to do before you do it... This is very important especially when it comes to a vodcast, because in a series of videos, there should be a choreography, an order, a certain build-up that makes sense.

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VODCASTPreparations 3/5

Now, do you have a plan? How about portraits for all the members your group? You could start with an intro of the whole group and then add a portrait of an individual member once a week. Then you add friends, parents, teachers, etc.

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VODCASTPreparations 4/5

Time for some action, alright then, let's start the filming! Your group leaders suggested that you do the vodcast together at the beginning. So, why don't you decide how to introduce yourselves as a group in let's say about a minute. Find a nice location and have someone film you!

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VODCASTPreparations 5/5

You should be busy now doing your videos, so focus on that and come home with some really nice footage. The next steps on the way to your first vodcast episode will be described in the mission pdf.

Good luck and hope to see you soon on the chat this Friday and on YouTube when you are done with this week's mission!

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Pacific Youth is a five week online social media course for twenty youth leaders from

Tonga and Papua New Guinea.

Coordinated by MediaSnackers the project is being delivered in partnership with Antonio

Lopez (World Bridger Media), Chris Schuepp (youth media consultant for UNICEF and theoneminutesjr.) plus Youth Action for
