PACIFIC CITIZEN Eleventh-Hour Internment Save For ...

PACIFIC CITIZEN ■tOL. 22; NO. 13 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, MARCH 30,1946 Prce: Seven cents Elevent-Hour Releases Save 102 Persons fro Internent In Crystal Cty Cap n Texas Several Already Moved toTranWen Orders For Releases Arrvefro Wasngton; Fnal GroupLeaves TuleLae as Cap sClosed KLAMATH FALLS,Ore. —Elevent-our releases—soe of ■e arrvng after teaffectedevacuees adboardedaDepart- ■nent of Justcetran —saved 102personsat te TuleLae relo- catoncenter fro gong to teCrystal Cty, Tex., nternent Hap as tewar relocaton center offcally closed ts doorson In te last 48 ours before te cap was closed, releases Hrrved for 102personswountl ten adbeen eld asDepart- ■nent of Justce detanees and. ——— Hvere not pertted to relocate. Heveral actually ad been- oved Hote tran wc was sceduled Hotae te to teTexasca p, Hut wen ter status wascang- Hd teygot off tetran andtoo Herular transportaton as free Hrelocatees"' tooter ponts. I It was announced tat,n all, H.y personsof Japanese ancestry, ■e fnal groupwc reanedof ■In' 19^000 wo once resded nte ■tenter, were oved out on te Knul day, andnot asngleevacuee Hvasleftncapon Marc 21. Of He nu ber 460 were' transferred Ho teCrystal Cty cap, te only HeanngDepart ent of Justce Hnternent center for personsof Hfapanesc ancestry, were tey Hvllawat clarfcaton ofter Hatus. It was announced tat 103 Hvere relocated and fve oters Hvent to San■Francsco under De- H)art ent ofJustce ursdcton. ■Of telatter group, tree are n- HVolved nte A ercan Cvl Ltb- H)rtes Unon test caseswc wll BY eard wtn 40 days, Te ot- ftr twowerelsted as"segregated ■parolees." F Te groupwc left bytran ■for Crystal Cty ncluded any ■Woen andcldrenwo were ac- Hcopanyng faly ebers to He Texasnternent cap. It was Kndcated tat anyof tese per- ■boswereacco panyngdetanee ■ebers ofterfales and ■weretecncally not under deten- Hton. I It was reportedtat troug out Hefnal day, Marc 20, detaned Hevacueespassedtroug tefnal ■processng, after watngn a bt- ■ter wnd nsde te segregaton ■center fence. I Byteng t of Marc 20 te ■only nabtantsreanngn Tule ■Lae were dogswc ad been ■left bend wen soeof te evac- ■uees were unable to taete ■wt te. It wasreportedtat ■any of te evacuees ad ade ■arrangeents to tae ter pets ■along. Te abandoneddogsprob- ■ably wll bedestroyed, t wasstat- Natonal YMCA Urges Isse Naturalzaton Actonon Resoluton Follows Appeal by Nse War Hero ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Fol- lownga strrngappeal by Ben Kuro, JapaneseAercan war ero, for te de ocratzatonof A ercan graton laws,te Natonal CounclofteYoung Men's C rstan Assocaton on Marc 17passeda resolutonurg- ng tebroadenngof naturalza- ton statutes to per tresdent Japanese alens n teUnted States and oter resdentalens of Asatc ancestry to becoe A ercan ctzens. Te resoluton, proposedby te Co ttee on Publc Affars, of wc Dr. Krtley F. Mater, pro- fessor of teology at Harvard,s car an, too cognzanceof "te noteworty contrbuton ade to ts naton durng WorldWarII by anyA ercans wose parents are debarred fro ctzens psole- ly onracal grounds." Te resoluton referred specf- cally toalens"legally resdentn te UntedStates and now nelg- ble for ctzens ponteground of racal orgn." Ben Kuro's tal, part of s oe front "59t sson" aganst racepreudce, was eard by an audence of 2500. Rotaryto Hear Kuro, Masaoa IDAHO FALLS Ex-sergeant BenKuro and MeMasaoa of tenatonal eadquarters staff of te JACLwll beprncpal spea- ers at te Idao Falls Rotary club lunceon on Aprl 3. InterountanJACL Councl Votes Fund for Isse Drve IDAHO FALLS,Idao Te nterounta dstrct councl, JACL, unanouslyvoted an ad- dtonal $10,000 donaton tote Japanese A ercan Ctzens League's educaton ca pagn for Isse ctzensp asdelegates et Sunday,Marc 24, at te Hotel Rogers n Idao Falls. Te su wll be n addton to te $5,000 assessent recently voted by te IDC for te JACL na- tonal eadquarters. Most of te $5,000 asalready beenrased,t was reported. JoeSato, presdent of teSnae Rver capter, announced tat s organzaton wll guarantee$1,500 of te $10,000ca pagn funddo- naton n teevent teoter cap- ters rase te addtonal $8,500. e Idao Falls capter pledged to rase $1,000. In votngte$10,000fund, te representatves vocedteopnon tat lac of fnances ust not de- ter te naturalzatonca pagn at ts te. Tedelegates declared tat wt terecently augented JACL staff andte volunteerelp of ex-Sgt. BenKuro, all facl- tes ust be ade avalable at once to teJACL n pursung ts ost portant ca pagn, tatof urg- ng naturalzaton foralens of Japanese descent. Tedelegates also apponted two vce car en to fll vacances n te IDC cabnet. GeorgeS ozawa of Pocatello wascosen frst vce caran andTo Hosya aof Salt Lae Cty wasselected assec- ond vce caran. Hosya a wasalsoelected ora- torcal contest caran. Hewll be n cargeof oratorcal, debate andessay contests. Fnals for te oratorcal contest wll be eld n te fall at tedstrct conventon, t wasdecded. To Matsuor was selected sports co ssoner to coordnate IDC actvtes. Te possbltes of avng natonal bowlng andbas- etball tournaents were also ds- cussed. , Seven capters were represented at te Idao Falls eetng over wc Sge Uso, Murray, Uta, presded. A dnner was eld n te eve- nng for te delegates. Hto O ada, natonal presdent, and Saburo Kdo, past natonal presdent, spoe to tedelegates. Salt Lae Ctywas represented by Oada,Kdo and Kay Tera- s a. "Trd Evacuaton" Under Way For Calforna Evacuees WnonaProect Resdents Evcted as Oters Face Loss Of E ergency Selter LOS ANGELES —More tan 500returned evacueesof Japa- nese ancestry, wowere ovedout of ter oes n Soutern Calforna n 1942 and wowere forced to undergoa"second evacuaton" n te fall of 1945 fro war relocaton centers, were experencng a"trd evacuaton"ts wee fro te Wnona e ergency ousng proectnBurban. Te522resdents of Wnona, co prsng returned evacuees wo avebeen unable to fnd ndvdual ousng snce ter re- turnlast fall, were notfed last wee tat tey ust fnd ndvd- ual ousngor be ovedto oter e ergency nstallatons were ousng s of te barracs type. No' provson as ade for en and woen at W nona wt obsnte vcntyoftat proect, altoug soealready avelost ter pos- tonsbecause ofnabltytofnd ousngandbecauseof te lac of transportaton fro Hawtorne and Lo ta. Most oftepeopleat W nona, unable to fndter own ousng n te overcrowded LosAngeles area, were oved to te Lota and Hawtorne nstallatons. Tose wo were oved ntralerswere notfed on Marc 28 tat tey ust vacatete byAprl 4, ne- cesstatngstll anoter ove. All oterreturned evacuees n te Hawtorne and Lota proects were notfed tat tey ust ove byAprl 30. It was estatedtat approx- ately 2000 Japanese and Japanese A ercans wo lost teroesn 1942 and wo ave been unable to fnd ousng snceter return fro relocatoncentersfacedan- oter evacuaton astee ergency ousng proects n wc tey ave beenlvng for tepast sx onts were sceduled to be closed. At El Segundo, were 250 el- derlyevacuees, uneployablebe- cause of advanced age,were be- ng oused, tese evacueeswere notfed on Marc 27 tat tey would be oved to Ranco Los A gos, an old en's oe,on Marc 29. Wen soe of tese elderly evacuees declaredtey dd not want togo to Ranco,tey were told tat tey could ave fro $29.50 to $32.50 a ont for roo and board, and tat tey ustget outof El Segundoby Marc 29. "Te pactof an unoused group of ts agntude on a co unty already unable to cope wt te ousngprobles of veterans andoter dsplaced peoples de andste edate acton of all responsble lead- ers," an offcal of a prvate wel- fare agency wodd not ws to be dentfed declared. "Acton to see tat tese evctees get ter legal rgts and arevew of tese evcton notces by OPA or oter govern ental agences s peratve. "Te callousness wt wc te evctonnotceswerewrt- ten and serveduponts td groupof elpless people aes protest byall cvc-nded per- sonsnecessary. It sould ave te especal attenton of all - nortes, as t sets defntepat- terns of governental volatons of basc consttutonal rgtsof one of ter group." Teeergency proble "of pub- lc ousng facngte LosAngeles co untyfollowngte decson of Federal autortes to close te barracs andtraler capswc ave oused 2000 returned eva- cueeswaste subect of aspecal eetng nte offceof Supervsor Jon AnsonFord on Marc 21. In addton to Mr. Ford, Assstant D- rector Rex Lee of teWRA, Rob- ert Burnsof teCountyHousng Autorty, Dr.GeorgeGleason of teCountyCo tteefor Inter- racal Progress, Mrs. Beula Lews, drector of teBureau of Publc Assstance, andNewell Stewart of te Aercan Frends ServceCo- ttee were present. Mr. Lee outlnedaplan under wc teWRA wouldconstruct a traler par of 300 tralers equpped as oter Federal Publc Housng Autorty pars and wouldturn t over to te FPHA tooperate. Needy fales of re- turned Japanese and Japanese Aercan evacuees would ave frst cance at ts ousng, wc wouldtaecareof fro 1000 to 1100 persons. FPHA,underte WRA suggeston, would provde ousngfor about 360 servce-con- nectedpersons, andte Bureauof Publc Assstance ndcated tey would tae 250 old en,now at El Segundo,nto RancoLosA - gos. Tswould leaveabout 500 oter personswoare nowbeng oused nFederal proectsand for wo noplansare adeat pres- ent. Sacraento AVC Hts Mstreatent Of Nse Wounded SACRAMENTO A resolu- ton protestng1 te asserted transportaton of wounded Jap- aneseA ercan solders to ter oes n Hawa n te old ofte Navy transport Pres- dent Hayes wlecvlansoc- cuped stateroos wasadopted onMarc 21byteSacraen- to capter of te A ercan Veterans Co ttee. Teresolutonurgedtat all veteransbe gvenequal rgts regardless ofrace, coloror creed. Solder's Medal Awarded Nse Gl for Heros T/5 Masaaru Tsuda's Acton Prevented Inury toCorades BREMEN, Ger any—T/5 Masa- aru Tsuda of C cago,111., re- cently was awardedte solder's edalw c s presented forero- s notnvolvng actual conflct wt teene y. T/5 Tsuda, a eber of 379 t Antarcraft Artllerybattalon of te Coast Artllery Corps, was cted foran actof eros on January 20, 1946. Te Nse, a coo n te ess all, wtout es- taton and wtutter dsregard for s own personal safety, pced up a fla ng gasolneburner offa feld range wc ad exploded, andcarred t out of te ess all. Durng ts acton,Tsudare- ceved serousburnson s ands, arns,face andsoulders, but e prevented nury to ltaryper- sonneland saved destructon of valuablegovern ent property. BENKUROKI WILL TALK AT IDAHO LEGION AFFAIR POCATELLO, Idao-*-Nse war ero Ben Kuro wll be guest speaer for te A ercanLegon as700forer servceen on tat veterans' group na ass nta- ton servce on te evenng of Aprl 4 nPocatello, Idao. Seven Nse veterans wll be a ong te700 new A ercanLe- gonnares. Tecere ones, ncludng Kuro- 'sspeec, wll be broadcast over staton KSEI. Kuro, vceco anderof te Aercan Legon Duncan Perry postn New Yor Cty,scar- an of teJACL veterans' co- ttee. WRAWll Close Offce n Oaland SAN FRANCISCO, Calf.—Te War Relocaton Autorty'soffce n Oaland wll be closed onAprl 19 andservcesto resettledevac- ueeswll beternated onAprl 12, t was announcedbyCarles Mller, area supervsor for WRA n Nortern Calforna, ts wee. WRA offces n Santa Rosa, StoctonandWatsonvlle also wll beclosedonAprl 19. Foufoter dstrct offces n Fresno, Sacraento, SanJose and San Francsco wll ternate serv- cestoreturnees onAprl 26 and wll close onMay 3. Mller pontedout tat te last wee of busness neac case wll be devoted to adnstratve at- ters adenecessary bytelqud- aton of te warte agency. Te Nortern Calforna Area offce n SanFrancsco wll rean open untl May 15, wlete na- tonal offce n Was ngton, D. C. s expectedtoclose onJune 80. Uta Worer Des In Quarry Accdent SUNNYSIDE, Uta Funeral rtes were eld Marc 26 for Taes Tsutsu,56, wo ded on Marc 22 ofnures suffered n anaccdent at te quarry of te Uta Roc Aspalt Co pany. Two Sons Klled n Accdent, Nse Fater Co ts Sucde Cldren De as AutoSases Into Tranat Crossng SAN JOSE, Calf.—A Sunday afternoon drve n tefaly car was qucly transfored nto a ngtare of tragedy for te fa- ly of Kyos Saa wen ter autosased ntotesecondcar of afregt tran at teBaley Aye. and Monterey Roadcrossng sout of San Jose, llngtwoof te Saa cldren nstantlyand nurng te oteroccupantsof te car. Wtn 36 ourste 32-year old fater was found dead andMrs. Czuo Saa, 24, nfored of ts addtonaltragedy, lost er nd andwas taento Agnew State Hosptal for te Insane. TeSaas adreturnedto San Jose fro a relocaton center only a few ontsago. Last Sunday, Marc 24, tey went for a drve. Twosons; Stepen, 4, andRoland, 3, were lled wente car drven by te fatercrased Into te tran. Saa, s wfeand twoot- er cldren, Eugene, 6, andJoyce, 5 ontsold, werenured. After beng treated at te Coun- ty Hosptal for nor nures, Saa was nforedtat stwo sons were dead. Berser wt gref, e ranout of te osptal anddrove off nte osptal en- gneer's car. He pared after about four blocs and fled n anoter car. OnTuesday ornng, Marc 26, Saa's body was found n anor- card on Tully road. He ad slas- ed s wrsts, cut stroat "and drun abrew of dssolvedlye.

Transcript of PACIFIC CITIZEN Eleventh-Hour Internment Save For ...


Eleventh -HourReleasesSave102PersonsfromInternmentInCrystalCityCampi nTexasSeveralAlreadyMovedtoTrainWh enOrdersForReleasesArrivefrom Wash i ngton;FinalGroupLeavesTuleLak easCamp i sClosed

KLAMATH FALLS,Ore.—Eleventh -h ourreleases—someof■h emarrivi ngafterth eaffectedevacuees h adboardedaDepart-■nentofJusticetrain—saved102personsatth eTuleLak erelo-cationcenterfrom goingtoth eCrystalCity,Tex., i nternmentHampasth ewarrelocationcenteroffici allyclosed i tsdoorson

Inth elast48 h oursbeforeth ecampwasclosed,releasesHrrivedfor102personswh ounti lth enh adbeenh eldasDepart-■nentofJustice detaineesand.———Hvere notpermittedto relocate.Heveralactuallyh adbeen-movedHoth etrai nwh i ch wassch eduledHotak eth emtoth eTexascamp,Hutwh enth ei rstatuswasch ang-Hdth eygotoffth etrai nandtookHejrular transportation as freeHrelocatees"'tooth erpoints.IItwasannouncedth at,i nall,H.yj personsofJapaneseancestry,■h efinalgroupwh i ch remai nedof■In'19000wh oonceresided i nth e■tenter,weremovedoutonth eKnulday,andnotasingleevacueeHvaslefti ncamponMarch 21.OfHh enumber460were'transferredHoth eCrystalCitycamp,th eonlyHemaini ngDepartmentofJusticeHnternmentcenterforpersonsofHfapanesc ancestry,wh ere th eyHvillawaitclarifi cati on ofth ei rHiatus.Itwasannouncedth at103Hvere relocated and five oth ersHventtoSan■FranciscounderDe-H)artmentofJustice j uri sdi cti on.■Ofth elattergroup,th reeare i n-HVolved i nth eAmericanCivi lLtib-H)rtiesUniontestcaseswh i ch willBY h eardwith i n40days,Th eoth -ftrtwowerelistedas"segregated■parolees."F Th egroupwh i ch leftbytrain■forCrystalCity i ncluded many■Womenandch i ldrenwh owereac-Hcompanying familymemberstoHh eTexasi nternmentcamp.ItwasKndicatedth atmanyofth eseper-■boh swereaccompanyingdetainee■members ofth ei rfamili es and■weretech ni callynotunderdeten-Htion.IItwasreportedth atth rough outHh efinalday,March 20,detainedHevacueespassedth rough th efi nal■processing,afterwaiti ngi nabit-■terwind i nsi de th esegregation■centerfence.IByth enigh tofMarch 20th e■onlyinh abi tantsremaini ngi nTule■Lak eweredogswh i ch h adbeen■leftbeh i ndwh ensomeofth eevac-■ueeswere unableto tak eth em■with th em.Itwasreportedth at■manyofth eevacuees h admade■arrangementsto tak eth ei rpets■along.Th eabandoneddogsprob-■ablywillbedestroyed,i twasstat-

NationalYMCAUrgesIsseiNaturalizati onActiononResolutionFollowsAppealbyNisei WarHero

ATLANTIC CITY,N.J.—Fol-lowingastirri ngappealbyBenKurok i ,JapaneseAmerican warh ero,forth edemocratizati onofAmerican i mmi grationlaws,th eNationalCouncilofth eYoungMen's Ch ri sti an Associati on onMarch 17passedaresolutionurg-i ngth ebroadeningofnaturaliza-ti onstatutesto permitresidentJapanesealiens i n th eUnitedStatesandoth erresidentaliensofAsiati c ancestry to becomeAmericanciti zens.Th eresolution,proposedbyth eCommittee on PublicAffairs, ofwh i ch Dr.KirtleyF.Math er,pro-fessorofth eologyatHarvard,i sch ai rman,took cognizanceof"th enoteworth ycontributi onmadetoth i snationduringWorldWarIIbymanyAmericanswh oseparentsaredebarredfromciti zensh i psole-lyonracialgrounds."Th eresolutionreferredspecifi -callytoaliens"legallyresidenti nth eUni tedStatesandnow i neli gi -bleforciti zensh i ponth egroundofracialorigi n."BenKurok i 'stalk ,partofh i sh omefront"59th missi on"againstraceprejudi ce,was h eardbyanaudienceof2500.

RotarytoHearKurok i ,Masaok aIDAHOFALLS— Ex-sergeant

BenKurok i andMi k eMasaok aofth enationalh eadquartersstaffofth eJACLwillbeprinci palspeak -ersatth eIdah oFallsRotaryclublunch eononApril3.

IntermountainJACLCouncilVotesFundforIssei Dri veIDAHO FALLS,Idah o— Th ei ntermountam di stri ctcouncil,JACL,unanimouslyvotedanad-diti onal$10,000donationtoth eJapanese American Citi zensLeague'seducationcampaignforIssei ci ti zensh i pasdelegatesmetSunday,March 24,atth eHotelRogersi nIdah oFalls.Th esumwillbe i nadditi ontoth e $5,000 assessmentrecentlyvotedbyth eIDCforth eJACLna-tionalh eadquarters. Mostofth e$5,000 h asalreadybeenraised,i twasreported.JoeSaito,presidentofth eSnak eRi verch apter,announcedth ath i sorganizati onwillguarantee$1,500ofth e$10,000campaignfunddo-nationi nth eeventth eoth erch ap-tersraise th eadditi onal$8,500.i h eIdah o Fallsch apterpledgedtoraise$1,000.Invotingth e$10,000fund,th e

representativesvoicedth eopini onth atlack offinancesmustnotde-terth enaturalizati oncampaignatth i sti me.Th edelegatesdeclaredth atwith th erecentlyaugmentedJACLstaffandth evolunteerh elpofex-Sgt.BenKurok i ,allfacili -tiesmustbemadeavailableatoncetoth eJACLi npursuing i tsmosti mportantcampaign,th atofurg-

i ngnaturalizati onforaliensofJapanesedescent.Th edelegatesalsoappointedtwovicech ai rmentofillvacancies i nth eIDCcabinet.GeorgeSh i ozawaofPocatellowasch osenfi rstvicech ai rmanandTom Hosh i yamaofSaltLak eCitywasselectedassec-ondvicech ai rman.Hosh i yamawasalsoelectedora-toricalcontestch ai rman. Hewillbe i nch argeoforatorical,debateandessaycontests.Finalsforth eoratoricalcontestwi llbe h eldi nth efallatth edi stri ctconvention,i twasdecided.Tom Matsumori was selectedsportscommissi onertocoordinateIDCactivi ti es.Th epossibi li ti esofh avi ngnationalbowlingandbas-k etballtournamentswerealsodis-cussed. ,Sevench apterswererepresentedatth eIdah oFallsmeetingoverwh i ch Sh i gek i Ush i o,Murray,Utah ,presided.Adinnerwas h eld i nth eeve-ningforth edelegates.HitoOk ada,nationalpresident,and SaburoKido,pastnationalpresident,spok etoth edelegates.SaltLak eCitywasrepresentedbyOk ada,Kido andKay Tera-sh i ma.

"Th i rdEvacuation"UnderWayForCaliforniaEvacuees

WinonaProjectResidentsEvictedasOth ersFaceLossOfEmergencySh elter

LOSANGELES—Moreth an500returnedevacueesofJapa-neseancestry,wh oweremovedoutofth ei rh omes i nSouth ernCalifornia i n1942andwh owereforcedtoundergoa"secondevacuation"i nth efallof1945from warrelocationcenters,wereexperienci nga"th i rdevacuation"th i sweek from th e Wi nonaemergencyh ousi ngprojecti nBurbank .

Th e522residentsofWinona,comprisi ngreturnedevacueeswh oh avebeenunabletofind i ndi vi dualh ousi ngsi nceth ei rre-turnlastfall,werenotifi edlastweek th atth eymustfindindi vi d-ualh ousi ngorbemovedtooth eremergencyi nstallationswh ereh ousi ngi softh ebarrack stype.No'provisi onasmadeformenandwomenatWinonawith j obsi nth evici ni tyofth atproject,alth oughsomealreadyh avelostth ei rposi-tionsbecauseofi nabi li tytofindh ousi ngandbecauseofth elack oftransportation from Hawth orneandLomita.Mostofth epeopleatWinona,unabletofindth ei rownh ousi ngi nth eovercrowdedLosAngelesarea,weremovedtoth eLomitaandHawth orne i nstallations. Th osewh oweremoved i ntrailerswerenotifi edonMarch 28 th atth eymustvacateth embyApril4,ne-cessitati ngstillanoth ermove.Alloth erreturned evacuees i nth eHawth orneand Lomitaprojectswerenotifi edth atth eymustmovebyApril30.Itwasestimatedth atapproxi-mately2000JapaneseandJapaneseAmericanswh olostth ei rh omesi n1942andwh oh avebeenunabletofind h ousi ngsinceth ei rreturnfromrelocationcentersfacedan-oth erevacuationasth eemergencyh ousi ng projects i nwh i ch th eyh avebeenlivi ngforth epastsixmonth s were sch eduled to beclosed.AtElSegundo,wh ere250 el-derlyevacuees,unemployablebe-causeofadvancedage,werebe-i ng h oused,th eseevacueeswerenotifi edonMarch 27th atth eywouldbemovedtoRanch oLosAmigos,an oldmen's h ome,onMarch 29. Wh en someofth eseelderlyevacueesdeclaredth eydidnotwanttogotoRanch o,th eyweretoldth atth eycould h avefrom$29.50to$32.50amonth forroom andboard,and th atth eymustgetoutofElSegundobyMarch 29."Th e i mpactofanunh ousedgroupofth i smagnitudeonacommunity already unable tocopewith th e h ousi ngproblemsofveteransandoth erdisplacedpeoplesdemandsth ei mmedi ateaction ofallresponsiblelead-ers,"anoffici alofaprivatewel-fareagencywh odi dnotwish tobe i denti fi eddeclared. "Actiontoseeth atth eseevicteesgetth ei rlegalrigh tsandareviewofth eseevicti onnoticesbyOPAoroth ergovernmentalagenciesi si mperative."Th ecallousnesswith wh i ch

th eevi cti onnoticeswerewrit-tenandserveduponth i stimi dgroupofh elplesspeoplemak esprotestbyallcivi c-mi ndedper-sonsnecessary.Itsh ouldh aveth eespecialattentionofallmi-noriti es,as i tsetsdefini tepat-ternsofgovernmentalviolationsofbasicconstituti onalrigh tsofoneofth ei rgroup."Th eemergencyproblem"ofpub-lich ousi ngfacingth eLosAngelescommunityfollowingth edecisi onofFederalauth ori ti estocloseth ebarrack sandtrailercampswh i chh ave h oused 2000returned eva-cueeswasth esubjectofaspecialmeetingi nth eofficeofSupervisorJoh nAnsonFordonMarch 21.Inadditi ontoMr.Ford,AssistantDi-rectorRexLeeofth eWRA,Rob-ertBurnsofth eCountyHousingAuth ori ty,Dr.GeorgeGleasonofth eCountyCommitteeforInter-racialProgress,Mrs.Beulah Lewis,directorofth eBureauofPublicAssistance,andNewellStewartofth eAmericanFriendsServiceCom-mitteewerepresent.Mr.Leeoutlinedaplanunder

wh i ch th eWRAwouldconstructatrailerpark of300 trailersequippedasoth erFederalPublicHousing Auth ori ty park s andwouldturni tovertoth eFPHAtooperate.Needyfamili esofre-turned Japaneseand JapaneseAmericanevacueeswouldh avefi rstch ance atth i s h ousi ng,wh i chwouldtak ecareoffrom 1000to1100persons.FPHA,underth eWRA suggestion,wouldprovideh ousi ngforabout360service-con-nectedpersons,andth eBureauofPublicAssistance indi cated th eywouldtak e250 oldmen,nowatElSegundo,i ntoRanch oLosAmi-gos. Th i swouldleaveabout500oth erpersonswh oarenowbeingh ousedi nFederalprojectsandforwh om noplansaremadeatpres-ent.

SacramentoAVCHitsMistreatmentOfNisei WoundedSACRAMENTO— Aresolu-tion protesting1th e assertedtransportationofwoundedJap-aneseAmericansoldierstoth ei rh omes i nHawai i i nth e h oldofth eNavytransportPresi-dentHayeswh i leci vi li ansoc-cupiedstateroomswasadoptedonMarch 21byth eSacramen-to ch apterofth e AmericanVeteransCommittee.Th eresolutionurgedth atallveteransbegivenequalrigh tsregardless ofrace, colororcreed.

Soldier'sMedalAwardedNiseiGlforHeroismT/5Masah aruTsuida'sActionPreventedInjurytoComrades

BREMEN,Germany—T/5Masa-h aruTsuidaofCh i cago,111.,re-centlywasawardedth esoldier'smedalwh i ch i spresentedforh ero-i sm noti nvolving actualconflictwith th eenemy.T/5Tsuida,amemberof379thAntiai rcraftArtillerybattalionofth e CoastArtilleryCorps,wascitedforanactofh eroi sm onJanuary20,1946. Th eNisei ,acook i nth emessh all,with outh esi -tati onandwith utterdisregardforh i sownpersonalsafety,pick edupaflaminggasolineburneroffafieldrange wh i ch h adexploded,andcarriedi toutofth emessh all.Duringth i saction,Tsuidare-

ceivedseriousburnson h i sh ands,arnjs,faceandsh oulders,buth eprevented i nj urytomili taryper-sonnelandsaved destructionofvaluablegovernmentproperty.

BENKUROKIWILLTALKATIDAHOLEGION AFFAIRPOCATELLO,Idah o-*-Nisei warh ero BenKurok i willbe guestspeak erforth eAmericanLegionas700formerservicemenj oi nth atveterans'groupi namass i ni ti a-ti onserviceonth eeveningofApril4i nPocatello,Idah o.Seven Ni sei veteranswi llbe

amongth e700newAmericanLe-gionnaires.Th eceremonies,i ncludingKuro-k i 'sspeech ,wi llbebroadcastoverstationKSEI.Kurok i ,vicecommanderofth eAmerican Leigon Duncan Perryposti nNewYork Ci ty,i sch ai r-manofth eJACLveterans'com-mittee.

WRAWi llCloseOfficei nOak landSAN FRANCISCO,Calif.—Th eWarRelocationAuth ori ty'sofficei nOak landwillbeclosedonApril19andservicestoresettledevac-ueeswillbeterminatedonApril12,i twasannouncedbyCh arlesMiller,areasupervisorforWRAi nNorth ernCalifornia,th i sweek .WRA offices i n Santa Rosa,Stock tonandWatsonvillealsowillbeclosedonApril19.Foufoth erdi stri ctoffices i nFresno,Sacramento,SanJoseandSanFranciscowillterminateserv-i cestoreturneesonApril26andwillcloseonMay3.Mi llerpointedoutth atth elastweek ofbusinessi neach casewillbedevotedtoadmini strativemat-tersmadenecessarybyth eliqui d-ationofth ewartimeagency.Th e North ernCalifornia Areaofficei nSanFranciscowillremainopenuntilMay15,wh i leth ena-tionalofficei nWash i ngton,D.C.i sexpectedtocloseonJune80.

Utah Work erDiesInQuarryAccidentSUNNYSIDE, Utah — Funeralri teswere h eld March 26 forTak esh i Tsutsui,56,wh odiedonMarch 22ofi nj uri essuffered i nanaccidentatth equarryofth eUtah Rock Asph altCompany.

TwoSonsKilledi nAcci dent,Nisei Fath erCommitsSuici deCh i ldrenDieasAutoSmash esIntoTrainatCrossing

SAN JOSE,Calif.—A Sundayafternoondrivei nth efami lycarwas quick lytransformed into anigh tmareoftragedyforth efam-i lyofKiyosh i Sak ai wh enth ei rautosmash ed i ntoth esecondcarofafreigh ttrainatth eBaileyAye.andMontereyRoadcrossingsouth ofSanJose,k i lli ngtwoofth eSak ai ch i ldren i nstantlyandi nj uri ng th e oth eroccupantsofth ecar.With i n36h oursth e32-yearoldfath erwasfounddeadandMrs.Ch i zuk o Sak ai , 24, i nformed ofth i sadditi onaltragedy,losth ermindandwas tak entoAgnewStateHospitalforth eInsane.Th eSak ai sh adreturnedtoSan

Josefromarelocationcenteronlyafewmonth sago.LastSunday,March 24,th eywentforadrive.Twosons;Steph en,4,andRoland,3,werek i lledwh enth ecardrivenby th e fath ercrash ed Into th etrain.Sak ai ,h i swi feandtwooth -erch i ldren,Eugene,6,andJoyce,5month sold,werei nj ured.Afterbeingtreatedatth eCoun-tyHospitalforminor i nj uri es,Sak ai was i nformedth ath i stwosons were dead.Berserk withgrief,h eranoutofth e h ospi talanddroveoffi nth eh ospi talen-gineer'scar.Hepark edafteraboutfourblock sandfled i nanoth ercar.OnTuesdaymorning,March 26,Sak ai 'sbodywasfoundi nanor-ch ardonTullyroad.Heh adslash -ed h i swrists,cuth i sth roat"anddrunk abrewofdissolvedlye.

U.S.ArmyActionIndicatesNisei StrandedbyWari nJapan,Ryuk yusMayReturn

Th reeKanesh i rosNowAwaiti ngTransportationBack toHomei nHawai i ;Mili taryRequestsAuth ori zati onforReturnofJapaneseAmercans

American mili tarygovernmentauth ori ti es i n th eRyuk yuIslands h ave requested auth ori zati onforth e repatriati on toHawai i andth eAmericanmainlandofallUnitedStatesciti zensonOk i nawawh odesiretoreturn,i nformationreceivedbyth ePacifi cCi ti zeni ndi catedth i sweek .Iti salsoreportedth atClaraKanesh i ro,ayoung Japanese

Americanfrom Hawai i wh owasstrandedonOk i nawawith th eoutbreak ofwar,wasnow awaiti ng,transportationtoreturntoHawai i with h ertwo broth ersGeorgeandMich ael,togeth erwi thanumberofoth erUnitedStatesciti zensofJapaneseancestry i nasimi larstatus.Th epetiti onofMissKanesh i roandh ertwobroth erstoreturntoth ei rh ome i n.Hawai i h as beenconsidered a "testcase"wh i chmayaffectth efutureofseveralth ousandoth erAmericansofJap-aneseancestrywh owerecaugh tbyti i ewaronOk i nawaand i nJapan. /Itwasreportedth atassoonas

Kanesh i ro,wh oserecordofserviceforAmericanforces duringth ei nvasionofOk i nawah asbeende-scri bedas"outstanding,"h asth esupportofAmericanMili taryGov-ernmentoffici als i n h errequestforrepatriati ontoJapan.Itwasreportedtah tassoonas

sh eandh erwoundedbroth er,Mi-ch ael,couldgetth rough toth eAmericanforces'followingth e i n-vasion,ClaraKanesh i ro i mmedi-atelywenttowork toassisti nth eorganizati onofcivi li anactivi ti esi nth evillagesofSok eandJi nuzawh eresh equick lybecameth emosti mportantmemberofth estaff,acccordingtoLieut.MilroyBlo-witz,th encommandingth eAMGuniti nth atarea.MissKanesh i rowon th e h i ghprai seofAmericanmili taryau-th ori ti esforh eri ni ti ati veand i n-telligentleadersh i pi n h elpi ngtoreestablish decentconditi ons'forth eci vi li ans.Th eHawai i anNisei girlh asasisteri nHonoluluandabroth eri nth eArmyonth emainland.Hermoth er,with wh omsh e h adgonetoOk i nawash ortlybeforeth eout-break ofwar,was k i lledduringth eAmericani nvasi onofth eRy-uk yus.Iti salsoreportedth atnatur-alizati onand i mmi grationauth or-i ti es i nHonoluluh ave i ndi catedth atth erearenolegalbarriersorcomplicati onsforth ereturn toHawai i ofpersons establish i ng"primafacie"casesofciti zensh i p,such asth eKanesh i rosh avedonei nth ei rpetiti onforreturntoHa-wai i -Oneofth efactorsdelayingth e

returnofth eseAmericanrepatri-ates,accordingtoth ei nformation,i sth elack ofsh i ppi ng.Noauth or-i zati onh asbeeni ssuedtotrans-portth em onNavyvesselsandcommercialli nesh avenotyetre-sumedservice.

Nisei AttorneyWillTak eParti nTrialsOfWarCrimi nalsNEW YORK—GeorgeYama-ok a,memberofaNew Yorklawfirm, i snow Japan-boundunderWarDepartmentorderstopartici patei nth eforth com-i ng trials ofJapanesewarcrimi nals i nTok yoasaliai sonmanbetweendefenseandpro-secutionoffici als.Yamaok aexpectstobei nJa-


Nisei StudentGraduatesatHeadofClassDETROIT, Mich .— A Japa-

neseAmericanstudent,wh ofouryearsago saw littlech ance ofcompleting h i smedicaleducationasaresultofth ewestcoastmassevacuationwh i ch i nterrupted h i sstudies,th i sweek rank edatth etopofh i s graduating1class at'Wayneuniversitycollegeofmedi-ci ne.Yosh i k azuMorita,25,formerlyofSanFrancisco,was th eonlyoneof53graduatestoDeceiveth e"h i gh disti ncti on"diplomaatcom-mencementexercisesonMarch 25.Morita,wh oformerlyattendedth eUniversityofCalifornia,wh ereh e wasaPh i BetaKappa,wassentfrom h i sSanFranciscoh ometoarelocationcenteri n1942.Herelocatedlateri nth esameyeartoDetroit,wh ereh eobtainedemploy-mentand gainedadmittancetoWayneonh i sh i gh sch olasticrec-ord.Hewilli nterneatDetroitre-ceivi ngh ospi tal.

Ch i cagoJACLSlatesDanceCHICAGO—Th e-Ch i cagoJACLwillinaugurate i ts 1946 socialcalendarwith apre-Easterdanceatth e InternationalHouse onApril13from 8p.m.ArtHayash i and h i s Harmon-

ai reswillsupplyth emusic.

NationalParleytoConsiderMinori tyVeterans'ProblemsCHICAGO— Citi ng wh at i t

ch arges i sgrossneglectofth erigh tsofminori tyveteransunderth eG.I.Bill,th eAmericanCoun-ci lonRaceRelationsth i sweeki ssuedacallforanationalemer-gencyconferencetoi nvestigateandtak eactiononth eproblemsofNegro, Japanese American andoth erminori tyveterans.Topofficersandveterans'rep-resentativesofmoreth anfi ftyna-tionalorganizati ons h ave beencalledtoNewYork Ci tytomeeti nall-daysessionFriday,April5,atth eWillk i eMemorialBuildi ngTh econferencewillh earth ere-sultsofth eAmericanCouncil'ssurvey ofveterans'i nformationcentersi ntwenty-onemajorciti esacrossth ecountry.Delegatesoforganizati ons,i ncludingth eUrbanLeague,th e JapaneseAmericanCiti zensLeague,th eNationalAs-sociati onforth eAdvancementofColoredPeople,andth eSouth ernRegionalCouncilwillalsopresentth ei restimatesofth emanneri nwh i ch provisi onsofth eG.I.Bi llarebeingwith h eldfromminori tyveterans.I CartoonistBillMauldinwillad-Idressth edelegatesatalunch eon,fcandth ebusinesssessionswillbe■conductedbyCh arlesHouston,viceIch ai rmanofth eAmericanCouncil,■wh o recentlyresignedfrom th e

president'sfairemploymentprac-ti cescommittee.Resultsofth ecouncil'ssurveywillbepresentedbyVincentMal-veaux,formercombatsergeantwh oservedwith oneofth efamousmixedbattalionsi nGermany.Th eactionofth e.Americancoun-cili ncallingth eemergencycon-ferencei sth efirstorganizedat-tgmpttoconsiderth epligh tofmi-nori tyveteransonanationalscale.A.A.Liveri gh t,executivedirec-tor,said th e American councilwouldseek j oi ntactionfrom allth eorganizati onspresenttocarryth ech argesofdiscri mi nati onanai nadequatefacili ti estoeverygov-ernmentagencyi nvolved.Anef-fortwillalsobemadetoestablishgreatercooperationbetweenlocalbranch esofth enationalorganiza-tions,soth attreatmentofminor-i tyveteransatth ecommunityin-formationcenterscanbei mproved.Th eAmerican council's survey

revealedth atwh oleareasofth eG.I.Bill,such asapprenticesh i ptrai ni ng,arebeingdeniedtomi-norityveteransi nmanycommuni-ties. Negroveteransaregivenfew opportuniti esto use th ei rarmy-acquiredsk i llsasmech ani cs,electrici ans,etc.,and i nsome i n-,stancesth esesamesk i lledveter-ansarebeing"trained"atgovern-mentexpenseasporters.

HearingsAsk edonDismi ssalCh argesAgainstNisei GroupSACRAMENTO—WiImerMoore,

deputyattorneygeneralandlegalrepresentativeforth eStatePer-sonnelBoard,saidlastweek h ewouldrequestth atth edi smi ssalch argesagainst"severalh undred"JapaneseAmericansemployedbyth eStateofCalifori nai tatth eti meofth eoutbreak ofwarbesetforah eari ngbeforeaboardreferee.Itwasreportedth atth ePer-sonnelBoard i snow i nterestedmdisposingofth ech argesandjtwas i ndi catedth ati nviewofth epresentpolicyofth eboard,wh i chh as reversed i tswartime standagainsth i ri nganypersonsofJap-

aneseancestry,th ech argeswouldnotbepressedi ncases"wh erenodisloyaltycanbesh own."Th esus-pended JapaneseAmerican em-ployeeswouldth enbereinstated.Itwasunderstoodth atth eorig-i naldismi ssalch argesstillstandagainst87personswh ofi ledan-swers-toth eorigi nalcomplaintsandwh oh averetainedaSanFran-ciscoattorney,JamesPurcell,asth ei rlegalcounsel. Severalh un-dredoth er JapaneseAmericansemployedbyth eStatedidnotfileanswerstoth ech argesorwereprobationaryemployeeswh owereautomaticallydismi ssed uponfil-i ngofth ecomplaints.

Ok adaAnnouncesAppointmentOfTriotoNationalStaffMasaoSatow,Ei j i Tanabe,YurinoTak ayoth i WillTak eJACLPosts

AppointmentofMasao Satow,Ei j i TanabeandYurinoTak ayo-sh i toth enationalstaffofth eJapanese American Citi zensLeaguewasannouncedth i sweeki nSaltLak eCi tybyHitoOk ada,president,wh oannouncedatth esametimeth eresignationofPeterAok i ,NewYork representative,andDr.T.T.Yatabe,h eadofth eCh i cagooffice.Satow h asbeennamedeasternrepresentativeofth eJACL i nch argeofth eCh i cagoandNewYork offices. Hewillbeassistedi nNewYork byMissTak ayosh i .Tanabewasnamedtoth e na-tionalh eadquartersstaffi nSaltLak eCi ty.Announcementofth eresignationofPeterAok i andDr.Yatabewasmade "with regrets" by HitoOk ada,wh ocommendedth ei ref-fortsi nth epastfouryears.Dr.Yatabe,formerlyaFresno,Cal.,dentist,h asresignedh i sJACLdutiestoresume h i sdentalpracticei nCh i cago. Heleftth eCh i cagoofficeafterth reeyearsofserviceas h eadofJACLaffairs i nth emidwestern region.Dr. Yatabewasoneofth eorigi nalorganizersofth eJapaneseAmericanCiti zensLeagueandservedatonetimeasnationalpresidentofth eorganiza-tion.PeterAok i ,formerlyh eadofth eNewYork office,h astak enoverh i snewpositi onasexecutivesec-retaryofth eGreaterNew.YorkCommitteeforJapaneseAmeri-cans,Inc.Th eneweasternrepresentative,Masao Satow, servedwith th eYMCAfor16years,actingasex-ecutivesecretaryofth eJapanesebranch ofth eLosAngelesYMCAfrom 1982to1942.Followingth eevacuationh e j oi nedth enationalYMCAstaffasaspecialrepresen-tativeonJapaneseAmericanprob-lems. He i sagraduateofth ePrincetonTh eologicalseminary.Tanaberecentlyterminatedth reeyearsas an i nstructoratAnnArbor,Mich .,i nth eJapaneselan-guageclassesatth eUniversityofMich i gan.HewasformerlyEng-lish editorofth eLosAngelesdaily,th eKash u Mai ni ch i .Mi ss Tak ayosh i was recently

electedpresidentofth eNewYorkch apterofth eJACL,oneofth efewwomenelectedtoth epresiden-cyofalocalch apter. v

Ei j i TanabeToSpeak i nRexburg,Idah oEi j i Tanabe,newly-appointedna-tionalstaffmemberofth eJACL,willdiscuss Issei naturalizati onandciti zensh i pataspecialmeet-i ngforIssei onApril4 i nRex-burg,Idah o.Th emeetingwillbe sponsoredby th e Yellowstone ch apterofJACL.

LosAngelesDanceWi llHonorNisei GlsLOS ANGELES—Nisei soldiers

wh oh avereturnedfrom servicetoh omesi nth eLosAngelesareawillbeh onoredatadancebyth eNi seiCi ti zens'Coordinati ngCommitteeonApril1atth eEvergreengym-nasium.Amongth esoldierswh owillbefetedwillbeSgt.PaulE.Tak a-gak i ,25,ofElCentro,h olderoftwopurpleh eartawards,wh oh asreenlisted i nth earmyforoccupa-ti ondutyi nJapan.

HenryGosh osBecomeParentsofBoyNEW YORK CITY — Henry"Hank "Gosh o,wh ofough ti nth ePacifi c campaignasoneofMer-ri lls Marauders h as named h i sfi rstson,born March 25,"Mer-rill"incommemorationofh i swarservicedays.Gosh oi spresentlyamemberof

th e board ofdirectors ofth eNew York ch apter.

Ch i cagoGroupsPlanFetetoHonorNisei GlCHICAGO — Fifteenreligi ousandsocialorganizati onsi nCh i cagowilluniteto h onorNisei WorldWarIIveteransandoffici alsofth eWRAataMemorialdaytesti-monialdi nneratth eStevensh otel.VeteransofCh i cagoandvici ni tywillbeguestsatth edinner,butreservationsmustbe/madei nad-vancewith th eMi dwestJACLof*fice,189W.Madison,beforeMay15. NoboruHonda,ch ai rman,i s-suedaspecialrequestth atallfriendsofveteransnotifyth emofth edi nnerandreservationdead-li ne.Assisti ngHondaareth efollow-i ng committee ch ai rmen: TomMasuda,vicech ai rman,executivecouncil;Dr.Tom Watanabe,sec-retary,executivecouncil;ElmerSh i ro,special i nvi tati ons;HarryMayeda,program;Mr.T.Muk u-yama,finance;Mrs.T.Muk uyama,reception;TogoTanak a,Englishpublici ty;R.Fuj i i ,Japanesepub-lici ty,andMasImon,veterans.Th efollowingareth ej oi ntspon-sors:Ch i cagoJACL,Ch i cagoMu-tualAidSociety,Ch i cagoReset-tiers,Fourth Presbyterianch urch ;FirstBaptist'ch urch , Moodych urch ,MidwestBuddh i stch urch ,Ch i cago Buddh i stch urch , Girls'Service club,Nisei CYO,JACLSupportersgroup,JapaneseAmeri-canWomen'sclub,McCormick sem-i nary,JapaneseMeth odi stch urchand JapaneseAmericanProfes-si onalguild.

Nisei VeteranHonoredatSaltLak eFeteKurok i ,Masaok aSpeak atDinnerforReturned SoldiersSeventy-fiveJapaneseAimMveteransfrom SaltLak erdlwh oservedth ei rcountrymMbattlefieldsofEuropeandttlJcifi c th eaterwere accordedagratefulrecogniti onofth ei rfjciti zensatawelcome h omeJquetanddanceh eldbyth *i SFriday,March 29,atth e h IUtah i nSaltLak eCity. *■Atth esametimeth eJAfI.Mtended i tsgratitudeto50JMoffici als,civi cleaders,ch urch lJeraandWarRelocationAuth <Soffici alswh oattendedth ei -Masspecialguests.Th eNisei warh ero,BenK«J

andMi k e Masaok a,formerlyßth e 442nd RegimentalCogjlTeam,wh o h asreturnedt«1formerpostasnationalsecnjflofth eJACL,werefeaturedi J

Guestsatth edinneri nclolGovernorHerbertB.MawofuJMayorEarlJ.GladeofSaltJCity,President GeorgeAHSmith ofth eMormondiurch JformermayorAbJenk i nsofmLak eCity.JimTazoi,onlylivi neNisei lUtah to beawardedth eDitj lguish edServiceCrosswasi aMth eguests.

Nisei SoldierBringsSixOth ersHomeToNewJerseyPASSAJC,N.J.-Wh eolfland Mrs.Stanley KariSomi ,flLafayetteaye.,Passaic,Newjflsey,welcomc T."> HenryHKari k omi h omefrom Europetflweek ,th eywillalsowelcoiwi Moth erNi sei servicemenwh o!alth e Kari k omi addressastiHh omeaddress."Hcnry's probablybrinpflh omesomefriendsforavisfl

Mrs.Kari k omi said.Th eywould,sh e i ndi cated,i fl

ceivea welcomebefitti i \gfrioflofHenry.Mrs.Kari k omi saidflth ough tth eymigh tbeHawi i i Hboyswh owanteda ch anceto i Hth eEastbeforereturningto'>Vh omes.Henryh asbeen i n th earmjß

yearanda h alf,mostofwEflh e h adserved i nEurope.HebBabroth er,Ted,wh owasa(Aporali nth efamed 112mlbattfli on i nItaly.

SixNisei Li stedOnHonorRollatWash i ngtonStatePULLMAN, Wash .—Si x$MatWash i ngtonStatecollege«"among 306 h onorstudentsi flnouncedMarch 21 by th ecolk pßTh eNi sei arcRonaldS.WaMbe, Ellen Hasegawa,Heidi ■Kitayama,Grace Suzuk i ,AtHSh i mi zu andTedM.Uomoto.l

LoomisNisei GetsDisch argeStaysonItalyJobasCivi li anPENINSULARBASESECTIONHEADQUARTERS,LEGHORN,Italy—Th eh onorofth efi rstsol-dierofth efamous442ndJapaneseAmerican CombatTeam tore-ceiveh i sdisch argei nth eMediter-raneanth eaterofoperationsre-centlywentto Tech ni ci anFi fthGradeDanielMak abeofLoomis,Cal.Asacivi li an,ex-soldierandnowMr.DanielMak abe,h ewillwork forth eWarDepartmentasaclerk -typisti nth epeninsularbasesec-tion h eadquarters i n Legh orn,Italy. Mr.Mak abe i sunderth eUni ted StatesCivi lService andh oldsaneffici encyratingofth eh i gh estnature.Wh i lewith th e442ndregimen-talcombatteam,Mr.Mak abewasth eregimentalreenlistmentclerkandh asth ecreditofh avi ngaidedover125menofth e442nd i ntoth eregulararmyofth eUni tedStates.Moreover,th i sableandcompetentclerk couldh andleanywork alongth eli nesofpersonnelduties.Hi snew dutiesarenotanyth i ngnewto h i m,fori nth ecourseofh i spastfouryearsi nth earmy,Mr.Mak abe h asalwaysbeen associ-atedwith th epersonnelsectionand

i tswork . Heh ash elddownojeigh tdifferentpositi onsalongfflsonnelwork and masteredtM

Eventh ough Mr.Mak abet*loverseasi nSeptemberof1946"j oi nedth e442nd i nfantryregiraji nLegh orn,Italy,h ewasi nduflji ntoth earmyi n 1941. He"■completedfivecompletecyclJbasictraini ngandwasmovedvmoneposttoanoth ersooften«jh e does notrecollectdenniwiwh ereallth epostswerelocaflCivi li anMak abeh assignedwfth eWarDepartmenttore!s|forani ndefi ni teperiod."h eforniannowresides i nth eW"%TerminusHoteli n Legh oni »»■goesabouth i snewlyacquired"wi th th eWarDepartmenti nJjsameeffici entmannerasne»asasoldierwith th e442nd.Mr.Mak abegraduatedfrom»PlacerUnion h i gh sch ooli n «burn,Cal.,i n 1937. Hisfa"lMr.Sh i nzoMak abe,i sresidi ngLoomis,Cal.Uponcompletion'h i sduti eswith th eWarDep*Jmenti nItaly,Mr.Mak abei s&flylook i ngforwardtoreturningth eUnitedStatesandcontinueh i sstudiesatauniversity.

SaturdayMarch 30,JPACIFIC CITIZEN2

ImmigrationServiceTravelRestricti onsonNisei ,Oth erOrientalAmericansProtestedHonoluluBoardofSupervisorsDenouncesDiscri mi natoryPractices;RegulationsWereRecentlyRevisedforOrientalAmericanVeterans

HONOLULU—Discri mi natorypracticesbyth eImmigration■niceregarding travelbyJapaneseAmericans and oth er■nericansofOrientalancestrybetweenHawai i and th emai n-Bidweredenouncedas."unfair,unlawfulanddegrading"byth e■moluluBoardofSupervisorsrecently.

Th eactionfollowed th eannouncementth atth esetravelre-licti onsh adbeenli ftedbyth eImmigrationServiceforAmer-KnwarveteransofJapaneseandoth erOrientalancestry.Th eBnoluluch apterofth eAmerican■teransCommittee,wh i ch madeKlicth enew policyofth e i m-■jrati onservicetowardOriental■nericanGlsandveterans,alsoKitonrecdrdforth eextension■th i snewpolicytooth erOrien-IAmericans. »■Th eHonoluluBoardofSuper-Hors unanimously adopted Su-H;visorHerbertM.Rich ards'res-■tion condemning "intolerableRises" i n th erequirementth at■h citi zensgetspeciali mmi gra-■nclearances,th e Star-BulletinKorted.Mr.Rich ardscitedth ecaseof■AmericanofOrientalancestryHo received a letterfrom a■inland trade sch oolacceptingHi as a studentto enrolli nKirh orApril.■'Hecouldgetonaboatleav-■i nafew daysbut,being of■entalancestry,h emustgeta■arance from th e ImmigrationB-viee,andth eywon'tgiveh i m■prelimi nary h eari ngbefore12:30Jm.May31,"Mr.Rich ardssaid,■h esituation i s i ntolerable."■SupervisorCh uck Mau,wh oi sBenineseancestry,secondedth eHtionandtoldofh i sown ex-H-iences.■Wh en going to th e mainland,■pervisorMauwasrequiredto■pearatth e i mmi gration sta-■nfourtimestogetclearance,Hpite h i s h avi ngabirth certifi -Kefrom th eBoardofHealth .■'Th eyask edmetoproducewi t-Hsseswh osawth eactualbirth ,"Isaid."Th enIbrough ti nrel-■vesand th ei rtestimonywas■taccepted.■'Each ti meIh adtowaitth reeIfourh ours.Actuallyth eytreat-■allwitnessesandapplicantsas■p...Th eywerenotcivi l."■Th eHonolulusupervisorsgave■reemainreasonsforth ei rop-Bsiti on to Immigration Service■(crimi nati on against OrientalHnericans.■'Th eterritoryofHawai i i san■egralpartofth eUni tedStates■dpersonsborn i nHawai i are■izensofth e U.S.Adequate■izensh i precords are maintai n-■andareavailable i nHawai i■tli respecttoresidentsofth eBfcritory.■"Th e Supreme Court of th e■nited States h asunequivocably■M i n th e h abeas corpusrases■at'th epeople ofHawai i are■ili tledto constituti onalprotec-PJdh toth esameextentasth e i n■bitantsofth e48states.'■"Citi zensofth e Uni ted StatesIOrientalancestryaresubjected■long delaysand bureaucratic■buses i nth ei reffortstotravel■tweenHawai i andth emainland■th eCnitedSttaes."■(Th e JapaneseAmerican Citi -■fensLeagueprotestedtoImmigra-■">.' and Naturalizati onComini s-■oncrUgoCarusi lastfallth at■ini ni ans ofOriental ancestry■eresubjectedto/Jdiscri mi natory■racticesbyth eImmigrationSer-■ce i ntravelbetweenHawai i and■"'United States mainland. In■sreplytoth eJACL,Commis-■onerCarusi i ndi cated th ath e■asunaware th atsuch practices■k i stedanddeclared"th erei sno■asisforth ebeli efth atth emat-Vl'i s oneofracialdi scri mi na-

B(HitoOk ada,nationalpresident■th e JACL,commented th i s■"''■l< th atth e Immigration Ser-■ces new policy i n Removing■ravelrestricti ons from American■Bterans ofJapanese and oth er■rientalancestryi nHawai i -mai n-■ndtravelisan"admissi onbyth e■nmigrationServiceth atdiscri m-i natory practicesstillare i n ef-■Pctforalloth erpersonsofOr-■ntalancestry.Mr.Ok adanotedMPatallAmericans of Oriental■picestryarerequiredtoh ave"cer-■ficatesofciti zensh i p"before■JjK'ycan purch asea tick etfrom■Pawantoth e Uni tedStatesand■atAmericans notofOriental■Fcestrv*arenotrequiredtoobtain■uch certifi cates.Th eJACLof-

4ici alnotedth atOrientalAmeri-cansare"subjectedtoi ndi gni ti esand forced to unwarrantedex-pense" i nobtaini ngth e"certifi -catesofciti zensh i p.')InHonolulu,ImmigrationCom-mi ssi onerCarusi's remark th atth erewasnoracebias i nh i sde-partment'sattitudetowardOrien-talAmericanswas quick lych al-lengedbyMi tsuyuk i Kido,formerexecutivesecretaryofth eTerri-tori alEmergencyServiceCommit-tee.Th eStar-Bulletinreportedth atMr.KidowrotetoGeraldCorbett,secretaryofHawai i ,th atAmeri-cans otOrientalancestry,evenveteransofWorldWar1and11,are subjected to specialproced-uresnotrequiredototh erAmer-i cans. .Mr.Kidocriti ci zedth enecessityofth eapplicanth avi ngto"proveh i sAmericanciti zensh i p,th elongdelaybefore h eari ngsare given,th efactth atHawai i anbi rth cer-tifi catesissuedby th eSecretaryofHawai i andbyth eBoardofHealth arenotrecognizedbyth evariousFederaldepartments."Th e Japanese American saidth eregulation i sparticularlydif-fi cultformany olderAmericanswh oareunabletofindwitnessesandforwh om travelisth usmadepractically i mpossible.Mr.Kido ci ted th e following"h ardsh i pcases"ofJapaneseandoth erOrientalAmericanstosup-porth i sassertions,accordingtoth e Star-Bulletin:"A h i .i fh sch oolgraduatewh owastoldh i s case couldnotbeh eardforamonth (th euniversi-tyh ewasplanningtoattendwastoopen i ntwoweek s);alaborleaderwh oh adtowaitforWash -i ngtontoactbecauseh ewasun-ableloproducewitnesses;avet-eranwh osai dh ecouldnotanswerwh eth erh eplannedtoreturnaft-ermainlandsch ooli ngandwas i s-sued a'letterofi denti ty'validfor30 daysonly,i nlieuofth ecertifi cateofciti zensh i pforwh i chh e h adapplied."Th eseprocedures,accordingtoMr.Kido,seem i ntended"todis-courage travelofAmericansofOrientalancestry to th e main-land."Mr.Kidonoted,th ati nfairness

to th eImmigrationService,th e"h ardsh i pcases"occurredbeforeth epresentofficeri nch argetookoffice.t Itwas reported th atvariousHawai i anorganizati ons,i ncludingth eHawai i Associati onforCivi cUnity,Hawai i InterracialCom-mittee,th e442ndVeteransClub,th e 100th InfantryClubandth eMili taryIntelligenceLingui stsclub,arereportedlyi nterested i nactionagainstth econtinuanceofth epresentdiscri mi natrypractice.


WASHINGTON, D.C—BecauseDr.Rich ardOtagak i ,Ni sei part-timeclini cali nstructoratHowarduniversity's college ofdentistry,wasallegedlyalooftowardsth em,95studentsofth etwoupperden-talclassesatth enotedNegrosch oolabsented th emselvesfrom,th ecli ni c i nath ree-dayprotestlastweek .Th estudentsch argedth atth ei nstructorassumedacurtandun-cooperativeattitudetowardth emi nh i sroutinedealings.Th eylodg-edaformalprotestwith collegeauth ori ti esandrequestedth atth efacultyconferwith Dr.Otagak iwith th eaim ofbringi ngaboutanadjustmenti nh i smannerofh an-dlingstudentproblems'.Th euniversity'ssecretarylater

releasedastatementth atth emat-terh adbeensatisfactorilyadjust-ed

ArmyWillReviewCasesOfNisei Barredfrom Draft

SelectiveServiceSystemAdvisedofCh angeofPolicyOnJapaneseAmericanGroup

Th eWarDepartmenth asch anged i tspolicytowardAmeri-can citi zensofJapaneseancestrywh owereclassifi ed as4-Cduringth ewarand h as i nformedth eSelectiveServiceSystemth atcasesofJapaneseAmericans i nth i scategorymaybere-openedbylocalboardsandforwardedtoth eWarDepartmentforreview,th ePacifi cCi ti zenlearnedth i sweek .Th e4-Cclassi-fi cati oncoveredaliensandAmericanciti zens i neli gi bleformili -tary i nduction.Atonetime th e greatmajori tyofJapaneseAmericansoth erwi seeligi blefori nduction wereclassifi ed i n4-Cbutwerelaterreclassifi ed.Some24,000 JapaneseAmericansh avebeen i nducted i ntoMili taryser-vicesi nceth eSelectiveServiceActwenti ntoeffecti n1940andth enumbercomparesfavorablywithth enationalaverage.Th eSelectiveSeviceSystem h as

beenadvisedbyth eWarDepart-ment th atcases ofJapaneseAmericanswh o arestilli n4-C

maybereopenedwh ensuch per-sonsareoth erwi seeligi blefori m-mediate i nduction and directionsh a,vebeengiventoth eeffectth atth i srevi ewwillbe madeunderstandards "appropriatelyrevisedto meett]ne ch angedconditi onsbrough taboutbyth ecapitulationofJapan."DuringWorldWarIIallJap-

anese Americanseligi blefori n-ductionweresubjectedtospecialscreening and anypersons wh owereunabletopassth earbitraryregulationswh i ch weresetuptofacili tate th e screening processwereclassifi edas4-C.Iti sunderstoodth atth eWarDepartmentcontemplatesnooth erch ange i n i ts polici esregardingJapaneseAmericans.CurrentArmy practice, h ow-

ever,i stoassignJapaneseAmer-i can i nducteesonth esamebasisasoth eri nducteesandservice i nvariousbranch esofArmyservice,h eretoforeclosedtoAmericansofJapaneseancestry,h as"beenopen-ed.A prominentWarDepartmentoffici al h as di sclosed th atth eWarDepartment h ad i nsti tutedadefini tepolicysh ortlyafterth eoutbreak ofwarpermitti ngcom-mandingofficers,£tcertainlevels,todeterminewh eth erth eywish -edtoretainordisch argesolidersofJapaneseancestry.Itwasunderth i spolicyth at

severalh undredJapaneseAmeri-can soldiersreceived disch argesearly i n1942.Anyofth esemenwh oreceiveddisch argeswith outh onor, th e so-called "blue dis-ch arges,"maynow submitth ei rcases to th e WarDepartment'sDisch argeReviewBoard.If-th atBoarddeterminesth atan i nj us-ticeh asbeendone,correctiveac-tionwillbe tak entoawardanh onorable disch arge wh i ch willrenderth eveterani nquestioneli-gibleforth eGIbi llofRigh tsandoth er.veterans'benefits.Th e WarDepartmentoffici alalso notedth atJapanesealiensarenotbeingforwardedby Se-lectiveService fori nduction un-lessth eyvolunteer.Oth eraliens,exceptciti zensofneutralcountrieswh o objectto mili taryservice,areforwardedbySelectiveServ-i ceforinductionupon determin-ati on ofth ei racceptabili tyforth eArmedForces.Inviewofth esmallnumberofJapanesealienswh oareeligi blefori nduction,i ti sconsideredth atth erewillbenoch ange i nth eWarDepartment'spresentpolicytowardth egroup.FormerAmerican citi zens of

Japaneseancestrywh orenouncedth ei rciti zensh i patth eTuleLak esegregationcenterareconsideredtech ni callyaliensbyth eWarDe-partment.Iti sstated,h owever,th atpersonsi nth i s,Categorywillbeaffordedth eopportunitygivenJapanese aliens tovolunterforArmyservice.

BodyofNiseiSoldierFoundi nPark i nCh i cagoCHICAGO — Apparentlya

suici de,th e body ofWilli amK.Kato,36,aNisei warveter-an,wasfound i nLincolnParkonMarch 28.Kato'awristswerecut.Beforeth ewarKatowasbe-

li evedto h avebeenemployedasanewseditoronaJapaneseAmericannewspaperi nLosAn-geles.

Nisei ElectedPresidentofCollegeGroupKazTadaHeadsSeniorClassatNebrask aWesleyan

LINCOLN, Neb.— Kaz Tada,sonofMr.andMrs.K.TadaofSeattle,Wash i ngton,formerlyofth eMini dok awarrelocationcen-ter,h asrecentlybeenelectedpres-i dentofth eseniorclassatNe-brask a Wesleyan university.Sch ooloffici als noted th atth eNi sei h asanexcellentrecordofpersonalach i evementduring h i sfouryearsatNebrask aWesleyan.He h asservedaseditorofth eweek ly sch ool newspaper"Th eWesleyan"andi samemberofth eStudentSenate,wh i ch i sth estu-dentgoverning body;two yearletter-mani nbask etball;memberofPh i KappaPh i ,nationalsch ol-astich onorsociety;Pi GammaMv,nationalsocialscience h onararyfraternity;Th etaAlph aPh i ,na-tionaldramaticsh onorarysocietyandBlueKey,men'snationalh on-oraryfraternity. Hisnameap-pearsi n"Wh o'sWh oAmongStu-dentsi nAmericanColleges."Kazwasch osenbyth eseniorstode-liverth eorationonSeniorRecog-niti onDay.Anoth erh onorcametoh i mlastweek . He was elected "IdealPlainsman"wh o i ssupposedtorepresent,i nth eopini onofth estudentbody,th ei dealWesleyanstudent.

KoyamaAppointedAdjutantofSpok anePurpleHeartUnitSPOKANE,Wash .— SpadyA.Koyama,woundedveteranofPaci-ficfi gh ti ng,wasappointedadju-tantofth eSpok anech apterofth eMili tary Orderof th e PurpleHeartonMarch 17atadinnerandmeetingobservingth efi rstanniversaryofth eSpok anech ap-ter.About75membersofth ech ap-terandauxili aryattendedth edin-nermeeting.

Dah li aSaitoWeds-DavidAylesworthSHELDON,Kan.—Th emarriageofDavidRich ardAylesworth ofSh eldon to Miss Dah li a Saito,daugh terofMrs.N.Saitoof114South Loomis St.,Ch i cago,wasannounced h ererecently.Th ecoupleweremarried i nCh i -cagoatCentralch urch with afamilyfriend,th e Rev.SamuelTak agi sh i ,offici ati ng.Mrs. Aylesworth 'fini sh ed h erh i gh sch ooleducationatTuleLak erelocationcenterbeforeth eSai tofamilyrelocated i nCh i cago.Since,bere arrivali nCh i cagosh e h asbeenattendingRoosieveltcollege.

StudentRelocationCouncilWillEndWork i nJunePHILADELPHIA—Th e Nation-alJapaneseAmericanStudentRe-location council, wh i ch enabledth ousandsofyoungNisei collegestudentstoentercollegesanduni-versiti esduringth erelocationandevacuationperiod,willterminatei tsactivi ti esbyJune30,accordingtoth eStudentRelocation News-sh eet.Th eNewssh eet.publish edbyth eWarRelocationAuth ori ty,printedi tslastissueonMarch 1.

TwoHawai i anGirlstoEnterSwimmi ngMeetNisei StarsWillRepresentSch oolatU.S.Ch ampi onsh i ps

HONOLULU—TwoNisei girls,th eoutstandingwomenswimmersatth eUniversityofHawai i ,willenterth e1946NationalAAUwom-en'soutdoorswimmi ngch ampi on-sh i psatSh ak amak statepark ,Ja-sonville,Ind.,from August16to18.Th etwogirls,coach edbyHa-wai i 'sfamousSoich i Sak amoto,areMitzHi guch i andCh i cMiyamoto.MissMiyamotoi sth eformerNa-ti onalAAU outdoor i ndi vi dualch ampi on.Sh ecurrentlyh oldsth eHawai i anrecordforth e220-yardwomen'sfreestyleat2:37.3sandth e100-yardback strok eat1:13.75.MissHiguch i i sregardedasafavoritetowinth enationalwom-en's200-meterbreaststrok eevent.Th e presentch ampi on i s Clai reLamourofProvidence,R.1.,wh owonth eeventi n1945 i n3:18.65.MissHiguch i h asbeenswimmi ngth edi stancei nabout3:12,accord-i ngtoCoach Sak amoto. ',OnMarch 1MissHiguch i estab-li sh edanew-Hawai i anrecordforth e100-yardbreaststrok e,swim-ming th edi stancei n1:21.75.

MENOF442NDWILLMARCHINPARADEINITALYLEGHORN,Italy— Aselectedgroupofmenfrom th e 442nd(Japanese American)regimentalcombatteamwillcompriseapro-vi si onalbattalionwh i ch willrep-resentth e"Torch ofLiberty"regi-menti nanAmericanstreetpa-rade to h onorth e soldiers ofWorldWarsIandIIonArmyday,April6.Th e paradewi llbe th efi rst

publicappearanceforth e442ndregimentsinceth eJapaneseAmer-i canswerech osentoleadth epa-radewh i ch celebratedV-Jdayi nth ei rsectorofItaly.

BelieveMostofEvacueesNowInCh i cagoWillRemainCHICAGO—Th erearebetween

12,000and15,000JapaneseAmer-i cans i n Ch i cago,and mostofth em areth eretostay,PrudenceRoss, arearelocation supervisorofth eWRA i n'Ch i cagodeclaredrecently,i nan i nterviewwith th eCh i cagoHerald-American.Ch i cagonow rivalsLosAnge-lesi nbei ngth elargestcenterofJapanesepopulation i n America.Th eresettferswh oh avepassedupth eopportunitytogoback toth ei rprewarh omes remain i nCh i cagobych oi ce,MissRosssaid."Th eyh ave h omesand j obsh ere.Forth i sreasoni tcanbeexpectedth atCh i cago'sJapanesepopula-

tionwillprobablynotfallbelow10,000,"sh esaid. 3»ReasonsgivenforNisei favor-i ngCh i cagowere given«as fol-lows:CosmopolitanCh i cago i srela-tivelyfreeofprejudi ceJobsareplentiful.Educationalopportuniti esarenumerous,and JapaneseAmeri-cansareanxiousforeducationalandculturaladvancement.Ch i cago's JapaneseAmericansarelaw-abidi ngand loyal,MissRoss said. Th e majori ty areth orough ly Americani zed, andmoreth an70percentareciti -zenswith manyfamili esh avi ngsons i nth eU.S.Army.

Saturday,March 30,1946 PACIFICCITIZEN 3

EDITORIALS:Unfini sh edBusinessInth edeserted i nnercompoundofth e

TuleLak erelocationcenteri nsi deth ebarb-ed-wirefences,th ebarrack sstoodemptyandabitter-coldwindblew.Afewdogs,leftbe-h i ndbyth eevacuees,wh i mpered.Th erelocationcenterph aseofth eevac-

uation wasover.Th i swas th enigh tofMarch 20andth elastofth eevacuees h adbeenprocessedth rough th egatesofth eTuleLak ecamp.Th eTuleLak e campwas de-claredclosedbyth eWarRelocationAuth or-i ty.Butth eevacuationwasnotover.True,allth erelocationcenterswerenow

closed. Jerome,Roh wer,Granada,HeartMountain,GilaRiver,Topaz,Poston,Man-zanarandMi ni dok awerewarsurplus,nolongerevenplacesonamap.Populationzero.As th e WarRelocation Auth ori ty ap-

proach edth efi nalweek sofi tsexistence,dismantlingatbreak neck speedandseek i ngtosh i fti tswartimeresponsibi li tytooth eragencieswh i ch wouldbe i nexistenceafterJune30,th epli gh tofmanyofth epeoplewh oh adbeenforcedtoleaveth erelocationcenterstoreturntoth ei rformerWestCoastareasemph asi zedth erealityth atth eprob-lemsofevacuation h adnotyetbeencom-pletelysolved.


Th eweek afterth eTuleLak ecampwasclosedth eWRAalsobeganclosingi tsemer-gency h ousi ngcenters i nSouth ernCalifor-ni awh eremoreth an2,000persons,unabletofind i ndi vi dualh ousi ng,arebeinggi vensh elter.In additi on i n oth erWestCoastci ti esth ousandsofoth erevacueeswerestilllivi ngi n h ostelsand i nFederalemergencyh ousi ngprojectsunderconditi onswh i ch of-tenwereworseth anth osetowh i ch th eyh adbeensubjected i nth erelocationcenters.Th erelocationprogramofth eWRA h as

notbeencompleted.Th eagencyh admadeastrenuousefforttoassistth e evacuees i nfindi ng j obsand h ousi ng.Butmostofth eevacuees h adlostth ei rh omesasaresultofth eevacuationandmostofth em h addissi -patedwh ateversavingsth eymay h ave h adduringth ei rlongmonth s i nth erelocationcenters.Now th eyreturned toWestCoastareaswh ereth erewasnoh ousi ng.Th eWRAh ad h elpedprovide th em with emergencyh ousi ng i n cooperation with th e FederalPublicHousingagency.Nowwith WRA i nth e processofliqui dati on,th eseevacueeswerebeingservedwith evicti onnotices.Th i s i satimeforth eFederalgovern-

menttoaffirm i tsresponsibi li tytowardth eevacuees. Th e relocation centers may beclosedbutth eevacuation i snotover.Th ewh olesorrysituationcreatedbymass'evac-uation i n 1942cannotbeclearedfrom th enation'sconscienceuntilth eli ttlepeopleofth eevacuation,th eaged,th ei nfi rm,th eun-employableaandallofth eh umanremnantsofth e*origi nal115,000evacuees,areassur-edofsh elterandadecent-future.Th esi tua-ti oni sonewh i ch callsforh umanityand i snotonetobeslough edoffi nanyfitofbureaucraticdespondency.Th eresponsibi li tyi snolongerth atofth e

WRAalonesinceth atagencyh asbeenorder-edtoliqui dateandi s i nnopositi ontocon-tinuei tsservices.Th eresponsibi li ty i sonewh i ch mustbeassumedbyth eFederalgov-ernmenti tselfandbywh ateveragencieswith -i i n i twh i ch maybedelegatedto h andle i t.IProblems surrounding th ereturn ofth eIevacueestoth eWestCoastandth ei rrelo-■cation i ntoth ei rformerh omecommuniti es

arestillcomplicatedbyth econditi onsbrough taboutbywarandth eendofwarsuch asth elack ofh ousi ngandth euncertaintyofem-ploymenti nth ereconversionperiod.Inth eLosAngelesareath i sweek th eseproblemswere h i gh li gh tedbyth eforcedmovementofmoreth an500returned evacueesfrom th eWi nonaprojectatBurbank andth eannounce-mentth atevacueesatoth ersi mi laremer-gencyh ousi ngcentersatSantaAna,Lomita,Hawth orneandElSegundowouldbeforcedtomove.Th ereh asbeentoomuch h eartbreak and

di scomfortinvolved i nth eevacuationtoal-low forth efi nalabandonmentofth eunre-locatableresidueofth e115,000evacueeswh oweremovedfrom th eWestCoast i n 1942.Th eassuranceofth emai ntenenceofFeder-alaidandresponsibi li ty i sneeded.

Evacuation'sLegacyTh ewayback afterth ewar-timeweak en-

i ngofcivi lrigh ts i snotsoeasilyfound,saysth eAmericansFriendsServiceCommit-tee i n a specialbulletin on th eJapaneseAmericanevacuation.Th eseareth ewordsofth eAFSC,oneof

th rstorganizati onstoaid th ecause ofth eNi sei duringth e h eavydaysofth eevac-uation.Inth ei nterveningperiodandth roughtoth epresent,wh enth e AFSC h asaidedgreatlyin th efi nalreadjustmentofth eevacuees i nth ei roldWestCoasth omes,th eAFSC h asbeenoneofth egroupsmostcon-cernedwith th eNi sei 'swelfare,mostcogni-zantofh i sneeds.Itopenedoneofth efi rsth ostels i nLosAngelestocareforreturningevacuees wh o were i n need oftemporaryh cusi ng i nth e i ntervalduringwh i ch th eysough tj obsand h omes.Th eAFSC sees i n th eevacuation more

th an th e sorry,undemocratic spectacle i tpresentedtosomanyAmericans.Itseesi ni tan opportunitytoch allengeth epresentlimi tati onsofdemocracywh i ch permittedth ewh olesaledeportationofamassofciti zens,i rrespectiveofguiltori nnocense."Th eunfini sh edbusinessofevacuationi s

formidable,"saysth eAFSC bulletin,wh i chwas preparedby i ts South ern Californiabranch Japanese American Relationscom-mittee."Facingusnow,"saysth e AFSC,"are

th elongrangeproblemswh i ch th osedissent-i ngpredictedatth eti meofevacuationandh avecontinuedtopointout..."Atatimewh enwesorelyneedallwh ole-

some i nfluences,familylifeh asbeenweak -enedamongagroupof110,000people.Weh avewelfare caseswh erenoneexisted be-fore.Th etremendouscostofevacuationandrelocation (estimatedatsome$237,000,000)h asaddedtoth efi nancialproblemsofagov-ernmentoperating'in th ered.'With des-peratefoodsh ortages i nmanypartsofth eworld,we h avefarmerswith outland;sk i ll-edfi sh ermenproh i bi tedfrom operatingboats.Th eeconomicpligh tofth eelderly,alwaysa h ardby-productofouri ndustrialcivi li zati on,h as been made more sad.Weneedunity,andourracialmi nori ti es h avebeen disqui eted.Th elargestand mostag-gressive,tautwith senseofgrievance,h asi tsbi tternessconstantlyfedbyremindersofdiscri mi nati ononth ebasisofancestry.Th ewayback afterth ewar-timeweak eni ngofcivi lrigh tsi snotsoeasilyfound."Th ere is no easypath outofwar's

aftermath .Butth eslow,patienteffortmustgoonwi th cooperativespi ri t,with resource-fulnessand h ope.Againstadark back ground,certaingainsh avebeenconsolidated.Wecan-notwith outunctiousnessseem toclose th ebalancesh eetofevacuation."Acquaintancesh i pand personalunder-

standingbetween JapaneseAmericans andfair-mi ndedCaucasians h ave i ncreased;th eabi li ti esandqualiti esofIssei andNi sei h avebecomemoregenerallyrecognized."Yetwemustnotassumeth atfriendli-

nesscancompensateforfundamentali nj us-tice.Th eJapaneseAmericansremainwith -outanyi ndemnifi cati onforth e h eavyactuallossessufferedasaresultofh astyevicti onandli fe i ndetention.Th eunfini sh edbusi-nessofevacuationconfrontsuswi th sober-i ngaccusationoffailuretoapplydemocraticpri nci ples i ntimeofcrisi s."Yetoutofitspenaltiescomes i tsch al-

lenge.Th eevacuationofpersonsofJapaneseancestryfrom th ei rWestCoasth omes h astak enuspartwayonasearch i ngandwh ole-someanalysisofourcountry'sach i evementsandli mi tati ons i ndemocraticpractice."

nisei USABYLARRY TAJIRIBenKurok i 's59th Missi onWh enBenKurok i cameh ometoh i snati veAmericaonedaylastOctoberonash i pwith alotoloth erGlswh oh admetth eenemyi nth ePacifi c,h ewastired,andh elook edforwardtoalongsucces-sionoflazydaysunderatreeonh i s fath er'sfarm i nNebrask a.SincePearlHarborday-plus-one,wh en h e h advolunteeredlormili -taryservice,Benh adsurvived58h eavycombatmissi onsasaturretgunneri naLiberatoroverNorthAfrica, Sici ly,Italy,FranceandGermany,andasatailgunneri naSuperfortressoverth ei slandsofJapan.Wh en Ben Kurok i walk ed upth atgangplank i nSanFrancisco,h eth ough th ewasth rough wi thwaranawith figh ti ng. He h adth reedisti ngui sh edflyi h gcrosses,anairmedalwith sevenoak lealclustersandalotofoth erfruitsalad on h i s ch est. He look edforwardtotwoth i ngs. Onewasgettinga h ai rcutandth eoth erwasgettingh i spay,sinceh eonlyh adanick eli n h i spock et.With i n 24 h ours,h owever,h e

was i naroom atth eWaldorf-Astoriai nNewYork ,stillneedingth ath ai rcutand with onlyth eni ck eli nh i spock et.Hewassweat-i ngoutth estartofwh ath enowcalls h i s "59th missi on"againstfascistrace h atred i nth eh eartsandmindsofh i sfellowAmericans.Lessth anaweek afterh i sar-rivali nSanFrancisco,Benspok eonth eopeningni gh tofth eannualHerald-Iribune lorum i n NewYork ,th eonlyGIi nagalaxyofbrass, wh i ch i ncluded GeneralsMarsh all,Ch eh nault,and Wain-wrigh t.Benwasth eretospeakforallofAmerica'sfigh ti ngmenwh o h ave k nown onlymarginaldemocracybecauseofrace,colororcreed.Hewasth eretotellth epeopleath ometh atarbitrarydis-cri mi nati onagainstapersonbe-causeofh i srace,creedorancestryh adbeenprovedtobean i mpossi-bleluxuryi nth efrontlinesofanall-outwar.Th escreamsofdyingmenh avenoaccent,Bensaid,andallth ebloodwh i ch flowsisth esamecolor.BenKurok i i saNisei .Hi spar-entswereborn i nJapan,buth eandh i sni nebroth ersandsisterswereborn i nAmerica,mostofth emonth efarm nearth elittletownofHersh eyonth eNebrask aplain. Th e elderKurok i raisedseedpotatoesanasugarbeets.Hedi dprettywell,butth erewereyears,too,wh entnelarderwasbareandwh endustfilledth esk yandth eth i rsty,burningwindsing-edth eleavesandwith eredth evi nes.Ben i sa Nebrask afarm boywh osevisi ononcestoppedatth eh ori zonli neandwh osemain i n-terestswereth eacresh i sfamilyfarmed,landrich with siltlaidbyth eNorth Platteon i tssluggishwaytoth eMissouri,andth eMexi-cangulf.Benlearnedth e h ardwayth atth erearepersonsandprejudi cesbeyond h i s h ori zon li ne wh i chcould i mpelh i m tolayaside h i sdreamofafarmandafamilyofh i sowni nordertocarryouth i scombatmissi onagainstth ebattle-mentsofRank i ni smandBilboland.He h asfeltth ecoldsh oulderofdiscri mi nati onand h e h ask nownth eh ardslapofi ntolerance.Benh adbeenbornandraised i nNe-brask a,buth efoundafterPearlHarborth attosomeofh i sfellowAmericansh ewas j usta"Jap."Heandh i sbroth er,Fred,enlistedonDec.8,1941,andpersonallydeclaredwaronth elandofth ei rancestors.Benfoundth atth erewasdis-cri mi nati on i nth earmyaswellasoutsidei t.Hestartedfigh ti ngth i s,discri mi nati onwh enh efoundh i mselfperpetuallyonK.P. Hefough ttogeti ntoth eai rforceandsucceeded,found h i mselfongrounddutyatanairfi eldi nEng-land. Hefough ttogeti ntoth eairandfinallyconvincedth esquad-roncommanderth ath ecoulddoh i sparti naB-24crew.Hewasi nth efi rstLiberatorsquadrontolandi nNorth Africaafterth ei n-vasion i n November,1942. Hewatch ed Rommelrun and th enturnandlash back atKasserinePass.Heremembersth eflak aboveSici lyandSalernoandth ath i stori craidonth eoilfieldsofPloesti,th efi rstgreataerialwedgetobedriveni ntofortressEurope.Fewplanesreturnedfrom Ploesti,butBenandh i screwmateswereluck y.

Onceh i splanewasforceddowni.Spanish Moroccoand h ewasfa!ternedbyFranco. He andM,crewmatesescapedandweresoonback i naction.Hefini sh ed h i stour"ofduty»

Europe—inth efallofl<J4a__o£h eavycombatmissi ons. Heth envolunteeredforfivemoreandi l.mostwalk edh omefrom th eMoneoverMuenster.Hewasbadi nAmericai nDecember,1943,gjh adth atch ocolatemaltedh eh idreamed aboutone nigh tonvairfi eldnearTobruk .InDecember,1943,th eJapan*

exclusionassociati onsandth eB»memberPearlHarborleaguesw«ni nth emi dstofth ei rcampaignofh ,ateagainstAmericansofJim,neseancestry.Th eNisei needed1warh ero,andBenwas i t.Bawasth efi rstJapaneseAmericatoreturnfromth ewar.Hewhsenttoanairforcerestcenteonth ewestcoastandonenigk th ewassch eduledtoappearonGitnySimms'radiosh ow. Th i swuatatimewh enth eanti-evacueemovementwasi nfullswing.Annjbrassgotth efrigh tsandBenwupulledoffth eradio sh owafewminutesbeforebroadcasttimewitith eexplanationth ath i sappear-ancemigh tprovecontroversial.Hefi nallydidgetonth eGinny

Si mmsprogrammanyweek slater,butth i swasafterh e h adgivesh i sfi rstpublicspeech before800membersofth e CommonwealClubofSanFrancisco.Benspok efor45mi nutesandatth eendIkh adth efull800onth ei rfeeti narousingovationtoth i sslim,se-riousGIwith aJapaneseface.Itmaybe moreth anacoinci denceth atpublicsentimentonth ewotcoasttowardJapaneseAmericanch angedforth e betteratj utaboutth i stime.Benh adservedh i ssh areoftime

asacombatgunner,andh ecouldh avefini sh edoutth ewaronstate-sideduty.Buth ewasdeterminedtoseeserviceagainstth eJapanesei nth ePacifi c. Th ewardepart-menth adaruleth atnoJapaneseAmericansweretobeusedi ncom-bati nth ePacifi cwar,alth ougalatermoreth an5000weretoweserviceas i ntelligencespeciali st*,manyi ncombat.Benwasassign-edtoth eultra-secretB-29sandth enrelievedofdutybyasuspi-cioussuperior.Hefough ttogetback i n,writi ngletterstofriends,Finally,with th eassistanceofAtsistantSecretaryofWarMcCloyh ewasreassignedtoaSuperfor-tress.Heh adcompleted27h esTjbombingmissi onsoverJapanbyV-Jday.BenKurok i learnedsomewh ertaloneth ewayth ati ti snotenoughtofigh tdiscri mi nati on againstJapanese Americans. Anti-Ni seiactivi tyi sj ustanoth erexpressionofJimCrowandanti-Semiti smEx-Sgt.Kurok i h asbeentouri i jth ecountryon h i s59th missi on.Wemeth i m i nDenverafewdayiagoand we h eard h i m tellvaudienceth ereth ath eh adfough tformoreth anmomandblueberrypie. Heand h i sfellow Gls,Iksaid,h adfough tforafairemploy-mentpracticeslaw,andth eyh adfough tagainstallth enasty,meanpracticesofracesegregation.Amas h etoldaTownMeetingofth eAiraudience last'Th ank sgi vi ngday,th eydidnotfigh tforth eperpetuationof"NoJapsWantedsigns i nwestcoastciti esand"wh i teonly"signsi nth esouth .Onh i s59th missi onagainstrace

h atred,h esai dh elearnedth ath ewasnotflyingalone.Hiscrew-matesweremenofgoodwillevery-wh ereacrossth ebroadacresofAmerica. His crewmates ww*manyandth eyonedaywouldpi*vail.

♦ * *(Th e above article on BenKurok i byLarryTaj i ri i sre-printedfrom th ecurrentSecondHalfMarch i ssueof'NOW,*i nterracialnewsmagazinewh i wi sedi tedi nLosAngielesbyWil-liam Oununings.)

Relocation:DesMoinesDES MOINES,lowa■-M«?Ki tah asbeenelectedpresidenttfth eYWCA Cosmopolitanclub»th eDcsMoinesYW,according»th eMidgetTribune." ":f"5girlstudentcouncilpresident»th eWash i ngtonIrvingjurti orWsch ooli sKazuk oKita.


PACIFICCITIZENOffici alPublicati onofth e «&*

Jtpmi i AmericanCUlmm League

NationalHeadquarter!:41J-15BeamBoiU-i ng,25 BastSecondSouth Street,SaltLak eCity,Utah .

Edi tori alandBasineaaOffice:415 BeaaoaBuildi ng.Ph one5-6501.

Oth erNationalJACLOfficesi nCh i cago.NewYork ,Denver,SanFrancisco,SeattleandLosAngeles.

Subscripti onRates:JACLmember*,$2.00yearNon-nvsmbers,$8.00year.

Enteredassecondclassmatterinth epostofficeatSaltLak eCi ty,Utah .Publish edweek ly,underth eactofMarch S,1879.


SaturdayMarch ;3o,4

VagariesDisturbed .. .

■ottersfromseveralNisei bisi n*BPtte.j }'teh aredlg.

fc'bth efactth atth eUS.Kf;Vh i ri ngJapaneserepatn-Xwh oweresegregatedatTule

Beandi nDepartmentofJustice■"Krmnentcamps and were de-

■Jllto Japan. It's i ndi cated*■Tth erepatriatesh avefounda°"Bh ruined, h ungry countryKfth ei rarrivali n Japanandi nIEturnedtoemploymentwith

2■occupationforces....Speak i ngi ßgbJapa",RKO'a"Report1Ijapan,"oneofth efi lmsi nth ettflsIsAmericaseries,sh owsack lKj GIcensoring Radio Tok yoAlth ough th ewar

MflKffici allyover,aNisei soldierüßEntlvwas wounded i n bici i yEtroopswerecalledtoquellleHocaldemonstration. Th eNisei»Evedagrenadesplinteri n h i s

Lapidari es ...»ftneofth emostsuccessfullines"MbusinessenterpriseforevacueesUSettling i nNew York City h asi K,th atofth elapidary.About"IInewevacuee-openedstone-pol-► sh opsh aveopenedonMan-lKani nth epastmonth ....tKre'sapossibi li tyth atCalifor-7K'santi-ali enfish i nglaw,proh i b-" Issei fromengagingi ncom-i Brci alfish i ng,wh i ch waspassedk th ewar,maybech allenged■■ courts JimmyWasa,one■Hawai i 'stopNisei ballplayers,

rHsoneofth eNisei toplaywith!pHawai i All-Starsagainstth ei FranciscoSeals.

Teh ach apiSouth ...i HcareyMcWilli am's newbook ,i Kli sh ed th i smonth by Duell,.and Pearce, i s "South ernICountry,"oneofth e!AmericanFolk waysse-IInth ebook i sani nterestingIonth eCh i neseandCh i nese[Hnericans i nSouth ernCalifornia.I.SixtyNisei recentlyh avebeen

i Hi ployedbyth eStateofCalifor-IBt,followingth ereversalofth e'HttePersonnelBoard'spolicyofIHrri ngJapaneseAmericans.Be-;Beth eevacuation,some500Ni sei

onstate j obs i nCalifornia,i majori tywork i ngasclerk sand...BenKurok i i sHwavice commanderofth e

Legion'sDuncanPerry■sti nNewYork City.Command-Iofth epost,composedofWorldBarIIveterans,i sMarion(SeeBerePrivate)Hargrove.

* ♦ *Petiti on.. .

■ifYonaich i Kitagawa,Honolulu"xingcoach ,sh ows upatth e■etionalAAU boxingch ampi on-■i psinBostononApril8,i twill■th eresultofapetiti onsigned■severalth ousandHawai i anbox-■gfanswh owantedKi tagawato■companyCoach esJack i eWrigh t■idPatsyFuk udatoth eU.S.■ampionsh i ps....Yosh i k i Ko-■atsu,formerlyanewspaperman|LosAngeles,i srunningforth e■paneseHouseofRepresentativesmaLiberalfrom Fuk ush i mapre-"ctuje....TwoHonoluluNisei■wererecentlyreceivedmember-■ipsi nth e"700"BowlingClub|America. Membersh i p i nth eE?Pl%contin&entuponabowlerKting700forath ree-gameseriesmauth onzedcompetiti on.Th eNi-■inareMwardMatsueda,wh o h i tK'andTaroMiyasato,wh oscored

***Im'*?1 °?°ler'notedrad>« dra-matist,wh ose "Th eFamilyNa-■JJta was th estoryofaNisei■LtB toCalifornia,h as»*evmth eannualPeabodyawardEth e,year'soutstandingwork i nmLSS?drama-"Th eFamilyESfi.wasoneofaseriesof■wierplayswh i ch werebroadcastWly«aroverth eMutualnetwork .fewce.Kamok i laCampbell,bell-MsdLs?pP°siti°ntoHawai i anKr7'.1Scontinui ngh ercam-K nst statusfori enutory-Oneofh ermostre-i eni tv1;?11068wasbeforeaUni-BmeVrl-ta,au>rouP'atwh i <=hBiateTt?8,1 natorCampbellKinW atNlsei studentsatISW1 SC-h OOlandth eUni -X'-i H ai i h adbeen"dis-■otoffera torCamPbellcouldI°fferanyProofofh erch arges.

Waivers...|»mbatTpteurans?fth e 4di remain£h aVe-si*nedwaiversarSls?ntHli nordert0gwitY*'-italy>butaremeet-s*""i considerabc"redtape"1 smart,fast442ndbffi-

ballteam i snowplayingItalian,Briti sh andAmericanteamsi nth eTriesteareaandalongth eAus-trianborder.Th eNi sei cagersareexpectedtocontinueth ei rtouri ntoSwitzerlandandth epossibi li tyofatourofsouth ernGermanyforth eJapaneseAmericanteam i sbeingconsidered.

Mi k eMasaok aUph oldsNiseiRigh ts i nWork forJACL


Wash i ngtonNews-Letter

A/f-i n* i , Wash i ngton,D.C.Mi k eMasaok a,work h orseofth eJACL,cameback toWash -i ngtonlastweek -th eWash i ngtonwh ereh efough tsomeofth egreatestbattlesforth eNi sei i nth eearlywaryears,andwh ereh eexpectstorollup h i ssleevesandgotobatagain.Th ere h avebeensomech anges i n Wash i ngtonsinceMi k ewash erelast.MartinDies,wh ogaveMi k eaprettyh otti me i nth osestar-ch ambersessions,nolongerstalk sth rough th e h allsofCongress.Th edominantpersonalityofFrank li nDelano Roo-

seveltisgonefrom th eWash i ng-—tonscene.Th atfeelingofappreh ensi on

and.tensenesswh i ch usedto i n-h abi tth eofficesofth eWRA i nth eBarrBuildi ngi nth oseturbu-lentdayswh enDi llonMyerandth eWRA wereunderincessantfireh asbeendissi pated,andth eWRAi stodaygoingdownth elaststretch ,relaxed and deservedlyproudofitsfinerecord.Th i ngs h ave ch anged alrigh t,buti nonerespectWash i ngtonwi llneverch ange—th erei ssti llth eh ordeofpeoplewh oh avebusi-nesstodowith th egovernment—lobbyists,promoters,favor-seek -ers,and j obh unters.Andth at'swh yMi k eflew i nlastweek from SaltLak eCitywith abriefcasestuffedwithpropositi onsanddocuments.He'sgotabig j obtodo h ere,andh «wastednotimegettingstart-ed.Heconferredth efirstth i ngwithh i sgoodfriend,DillonMyer,andth enwith h i sformercollegepro-fessor,SenatorElbertTh omasofUtah ,andDelegateJoseph Far-ri ngtoßofHawai i ,andanumberofcongressmenand governmentoffici als.Mi k e's i mmedi ate purposewastoi ni ti ateactiononlegislationtosecurenaturalizati on andciti zen-sh i prigh tsforIssei andpersonsofoth erbarrednationaliti es,andalsoabillwh i ch wouldsetupaclaims commissi onto i ndemnifyth osewh osustainedlossesduringth e warth rough di scri mi natoryaction.Much th atMi k etoldusregard-i ngth esebillsana1oth ermatters

wasoffth erecord.Suffice i ttosayforth epresentth atweareproperlyamazedatth ek now->bowofth eJACLboardofstrategy,andth atourfaith i nth e'JACL,wh i leneveri nneedofbolstering,h asbeen i mmeasurablyfortifi ed.Mi k ei strulyadynamooper-atingwith th eleverallth ewaydown.We'veneverseenanyonewith h omuch go.Hedrivesanddrives,cutscornerswh ereverh ecan, mak es split-second deci-sions,andi sneverundauntedbywh atmayappearasasetback .Aftertwodaysi nWash i ngton,h edash eduptoNewYork ,backtoPh i ladelph i a,downtoWash i ng-tonagainforth reemoredays,anduptoNewYork again.Andth enh ewassch eduledtoflyouttoCh i -cagoforconferences«mdaspeak -i ng engagement,and two dayslateranoth erspeech i nSaltLak eCi ty,andafterth ath e wastoh eadtoCaliforniaforstillanoth erspeech .Wewondered h ow h ewasabletok eepupth epace.(Helosteigh tpoundsduringth efour-dayJACLconventioni nDenver.)Hesh owedusa.bottleofvitami ncapsules—superpotent. "Th ese h elp,"h esaid,as h egentlycaressed th ebottleofdark brownpills.Butweth i nk Mi k edrawlsh i sdrivi ngforcenotsomuch fromany vitami n-nurtured stamina,butmorefrom h i sdetermina-tiontodoagoodj ob,h i seager-nesstomeetanych allenge,andh i sprofoundsenseofresponsi-bili ty.Andyet,asth ough th eph ysi calbeatingwerenotcostlyenough apricetopayforJh ework th eyaredoing,leadersli k eMi k eMasaok aaretargetsofmanypersonalat-tack sonth ei rmotivesand j udg-ments.Work yourh eadoffandgetabooti nth epants. Th at'sh owi t'sbeen.Righ tafterth eout-break ofth ewarandallth ewayth rough th eassemblycenterandrelocationcenteri nteri ms,th eJA-CLbecameth edumpinggrounds

forNisei gripesandgrumblings,and i tsleadersth escapegoatsofth eNi sei 'spligh t.Yefli nspiteofi tall,Mi k esaysth atth eJACLcameoutofth ewarstrongerth an i teverwas.Th ati snoth ardtobelieve.Th esentimenttowardth eJACLh asch angedamongmanyNisei .Butth erearestillth ose embitteredanti-JACLdie-h ardswh oviewi tseffortswith suspici on,trytodis-crediti tsprogram,andrefusetoack nowledge i tspositi veach i eve-ments. Th ati san i ndi cati onofth ei radolescence.Inordertoputth rough th eleg-i slati onth eJACLh asplanned,th eNisei mustpresentaunitedfront,saysMi k e.Th eNi sei candemon-strateth atth eyh avecomeofageandth atth eyh aveprofitedfromth ebi tterexperiencesofth ewarbyaccordingwi despreadsupporttoth eJACLprogram,aprogramnotonlyforNisei andIssei,butforallminori ti es.

* **POSTSCRIPTS: Offici alsatth eWarRelocation-Auth ori tywerei rk edatth eWarDepart-mentfornotnotifyi ngth em i nadvanceofth epresentationofth e CongressionalMedalofHonortoPfc.SadaoMunemori.

WKA h adrequestedadvanceno-ticemonth sago,andh adplan-nedto h andle i ti namannersimi lartoth eawardingofth eDisti ngui sh ed ServiceCrosstoMaryMasudattSantaAna.WarDepartment'snegligenceresult-edi nanewsstorywh i ch barelygotbeyondth eSierraNevadas.Th eonlyeasternpaperwesawcarryth estorywasth eWash -i ngtonTimes-Herald,wh i ch h adatwo-inch i tem.Mi k eMasaok awaselatedoverth e posth umous awardto Pfc.Munemori."Th e442nd now h a3everymedali nth ebook s,"h esaid.Buth ewasdisappointedi nth atmoreNisei h adnotreceivedth enatoin's h i gh estmi li tarymedal.Mi k esai dth erewereanumberofNisei wh o sh ould h avewonth emedalandmuch earlier.



LittleTok yoAgain...

Ourerstwh i lesch oolch um,Tok o,writesusth ath e i sbacki nSacramentobask i ng i nth e"goodolesunsh i ne"andth ath ewaswalk i ngaroundi nmid-Januarywith noth i ngoverh i ssh i rt.Herei nCh i cago,winterandi tsi cywindarestillh angi ngaroundourwindows,sh ak i ngth epaneswith quiverli k eabowloffresh lysetj ello.Butth eai ri scrispandscinti llating.Th erei sth ecleansmellofourlaunderedunderwearandgayrowofmulti-coloredsock ssteamingoveranoisyradiatori nonecornerof k i tch ene-tteroom.Inth i sdubi ousluxuryofalazySaturdaymorning,wesiti nourfavoritearmch ai r,cock oureyesatth eceili ngi nserenereflec-ti on.Forareasonth ath assometh i ngtodowith someth i ng"gettingi ntoone'sblood,"wedevelopastrongaffini tyforth i swind-blown,noisy,multifari ousconfusionofCh i cago.Th i si sth eenterprisi ng,unbridledcitywh i ch CarlSandburgaptlyask edto"sh bw h i m anoth ercitywith lifted h eadsingi ngsoproudtobealiveandcoarseandstrongand cunning." Into th eboili ngmixtureofliterallymilli onsofpeo-pleofallsh ades,:politi cal,social,racial;ameccaforuntoldth ou-sandsofi mmi grantsfrom th eoldworld,migrantsfromoth erstates,youth sfrom th efarmsandth evillages;i ntoth i senormity,Niseitak eth ei rplaces.Iti sth ough tth atth ecityreach -

edi tssaturationpointlongagoasfarasJapaneseevacueesettlementi sconcerned,butth einflux i sstrongasever,despiteth efactth atmanypulledstak estoreturntoth ecoast.Th erei snostatisti -calfigureavailable,butth efi gureisbelievedtobe i ntenth ousandsormore,undoubtedlyth elargestofanyJapaneseaggregationsi nth ecountry. Mobili tyam«ng Nisei ,especiallyth ose i n Ch i cago, i sh i gh ;th eyareconstantlymovingfrom apartmentto apartment,from j obtojob,fromcitytocity.Ch i cago'sh ugeevacueepopula-tioni snotafactorforboastfuli n-clinati on.Morever,with anexist-i ngh ousi ngdiffi cultycoupledwi than i nsti ncti vedesireforNisei tocongregatei nconspicuousgath er-i ngs,anoth erLil'Tok yo,i nspi ri ti fnotph ysi cally,i sabouttoreari tsuglyh ead.Th edangerofNi h on-mach i stoth efuturewelfareofJapaneseAmericansisasubjectth atsomany"liberalandprogres-sive-minded"Nisei leaders h arpedaboutduringth eearlyph aseofth erelocationprogram.Well,th ewari sover. Feace

andsomesenseofsecurityreturntoourmidst.Th ose"liberalandprogressive-minded"people wh ogavesuch wonderfullipservicetoth e i ntegrationprogram i nwh i chJapaneseAmericanswillbe ab-sorbed i n th e normalAmericancommunityaretodayorganizi ngexclusiveNisei organizati onsandpromoting all-Nisei bazaarsandtalentsh owsanddanceswh i ch areself-segregationi nnature.Iti sdiscouragingeventorealizeth atgroupofleaderswh ofi gh tfori n-tegrationaredwindli ngtoapain-fullysmallbut h ardymi nori ty.Th eyarebeginni ngtofeelth ei rvoicesdisappeari nth eproverbialwilderness.Itwon'tbelongbeforesome

peoplewi llask us i fwelive i nth e"Japanesetown"...and i fwe speak English . We h opeth ey'renotth i nk i ngoforganizi nga Japanesestudentclub atth eUniversityorh avi ngabon-odorionEast43rdStreet(orh owaboutafuro-ya,apublicbath h ouse,onClark andDivi si on).Wecanreadilysympath i zewi thth ediffi cultyofsociallyconsciousgroupsandleaderstoarouseNiseifromapath y.Th eyfeeli t'suse-lesstoi nterestus i n i ntegration.Instead,th eymaintai nth atweturntoperverseoutletsforrecreationi nourmaladjustment.Speak i ngofsocialadjustment,th e"DailyNews"recentlyrevealedsome surprisi ng statisti csaboutnormalpersonaliti eswh o li ve i nth i scity.Onth enearSouth si deofCh i cago,nolessth an39percentofadultsinterviewed—consid-erablymoreth anath i rd—reportedth ey h adnofriends. Even i naprosperoussuburbancommunityonth eNorth Sh ore,8percentofth osei nterviewedreportedh avi ngnofriends.Th esefi guresaresigni fi canti nviewofth efactth atanaverageNisei h asmorefriendsandgroupsofcommon i nterestand back -

From th eFryingPanByBILLHOSOKAWA

SamTeraoRunsaKosh erDelicatessenDcsMoines,lowa

Ourfavoritestoryofth eweek i sth atofSamTerao,Ch i cagodelicatessenstoreoperator,wh o,somewh erealongth eway,learnedth esecretofwinni ngfriends.ItseemsSam opened h i sstore i napredominantlyJewish

neigh borh ood.Th ecustomerswereslowtocomeuntilSammie,i nrespecttolocalcustom,closedupforYomKippur.Afterth ati tdidn'ttak elongforwordtogetalong,andSam

Teraowasanoutlandernolonger.Sam'sexperiencei smoreth an

merelyanamusingstorytobetoldwith gesturesandaYiddi shacci dent.Moreth anth at,i ti sastoryofaNisei 'swilli ngnesstoadapt h i mselfto h i s envi ron-ment.Wetak eourh atsofftoSammie

asaresourcefulyoungmanwh o,undoubtedly,wi llgoplacesi n h i sownlittleway.

** *SuccessStoryTh eNi sei successstoryi snoth -i ngnew.It'sbeengoingonfor

yearswh eneveraNisei wasambi-tiousandenterprisi ngenough toquitth e"Li'lTok yos"ofth ePa-ci fi ccoastandstri k eouti nth emidwestandeast. Butth i sal-wayswasonasmallscale.Th ank stoth eevacuation,alarge

numberofNisei h avefoundop-portunityoutsideth esh adow ofth eYellowPerilth atdoggedth ei reffortsback onth ecoast.Someofth ose successes h ave

beenspectacular.Some h avebeen unusual,li k eth estoryofMargaretEch i gosh i -ma,aSeattlegirlwh oi smak i ngh erwayasan attorney i n St.Louis.

* * *Butth esuccessstoriesofth emajori tyarecommonplace,h eart-warmingtalesofi ngenuity,goodwilland j ustcommonh umangood-nessli k eth atofSam Terao.We'reinterestedi nth esestories—spectacular,unusualand com-monplace— becauseth eytellth estoriesofth enewlifeofth eNisei .Ifyou h aveafavoritestoryofyourown,passth emalongtous.We'dli k etopublish afew.

* * *MidwestSpringSpringreallyspringswith a

vengeance i n th i spartofth ecountry.Onedayi twaswi nter,raw andbleak anddepressing;th enextdayi twasspring,j ustli k eth at,with robinsreconnoi-teringforwormsandth egrassturning greenfrom underth elastofth esnow.Towardth eendofth ewinterwh enwe'vebecomefedupwithwearingah eavyovercoat,sh ovel-i ngth ewalk ,payingfuelbi llsandoth erwi seexperienci ngth edisad-vantagesofwh atlaugh i nglyi scalledavigorousclimate,wedwelldeeplyonth epleasuresoflivi ngwh ereth ere i snowinter.Butth enwerealizeth ath alfth epleasureofth efi rstsh i rt-sleevesday,th efi rstbud,th efirstgreenbladeofgrass, i s i n th ek nowledgeth atth ereh asbeenach ange i nth eseason.Soon i twi llbeplanting timeandth ebeginni ngofanewcycle.

* * *Nisei VeteransAverbalbouquettoBenKurok iforh i sexplanationofwh yh eh asj oi nedth eAmericanLegion,andanoth ertoSpadyKoyamaofSpo-k aneforh i sfi gh tagainstNisei"JimCrow"veterans'organizati onch apters.Hereareacoupleofquotestoremember:"Ith asalways_beenmyfirm

beliefth ati fth i ngsarewrongwith anoutfit, th ati twasallth emorereasonth atIsh ouldj oi n i tandfigh ttwiceas h ardtomak eth i ngsri gh t."— BenKurok i ."IfPost51candiscri mi nate

againstusas i ndi vi dualsth eymostcertainlycanh oldth esameviewsagainstusasasegregatedVFW postregardlessofourmembersh i p."—SpadyKoyama.

* ♦ *DownbeatTh elatestnumberofDownBeatcarriesapictureofNisei SuzanneTory,directorofCh i cago'sPark -wayCommunityHouse,togeth erwi th HildaSimms,starofth eplay"AnnaLucasta." Th eyare pic-tured h elpi ngtoformulateplansfora seriesoflecturesentitled"Peoplei nTh ei rMusic,"designedto"exposeth erootsofallmusicandconceivedonan i nter-racialbasis."

* * *Th eModernHomeOneofouri ntra-familyCh ri st-maspresentswasasubscripti ontoa slick -papermagazinededi-catedtoth epropositi onth ath omessh ouldbebeautifulandmodern.Th e majorresultofth i sstepwasth e i ntrusion ofsubversivei deas,subversivei nth atouroth er-wi sepassable h omenowappearsdilapi dated,ourtasteuncouth ,ourfacili ti esoutrageous.Wecompromisebynottalk i ngtoomuch abouti t.(Continuedonpage6)


groundtowh i ch h ecanbeidenti-fiedth ananon-Nisei person.Th eNi sei "socialproblem"i snotse-riousas i tsounds,buti ti sag-gravatedbyso-calledNisei leaderswh oi nsi stth atwearenoth appyandcanbemadeh appybyfeedingusall-Nisei eventsandgath eri ngs.Th egreatbulk ofNisei residentsi nCh i cago i stoooccupied wi thpersonalandfamilyproblemsnor-maltoanyi ndi vi dualandfamilyi nalargecity. Th ereare th eh ousi ng sh ortage,post-wareco-nomic adjustments, educationalplans,etc. Wefi ndourlimi tedleisureh ourswellfilledwith i n-terestgroupmeetings,studies,vis-i ti ngfriends,andth econcerts,th e-aters,movies,andath ousandandoneformsofamusementofferedbyalargecityli k eCh i cago.Integration i sn'tan overnigh tundertak i ngbutalong-rangeone.Iti sanattitude.Iti sth estepi nth erigh tdirectiontowardbuild-i ngofmorewell-balancedperson-ali ti esamongsomeofuswh oseexpressionsandmannerismsaretoorestrained,h avi nglivedi nCal-i forni agh ettostoolong.Wearemeasurablyh eartenedbymanyNisei wh otak eth ei rplacesi nth epuissantlifeofCh i cago,unsh ack li ng th ei rinh i bi ti onsbrough taboutbyracialconscious-ness. Th eystrivefori ndepend-enceandi ni ti ati veth rough i ndi vi d-ualityli k eth eth ousandsofyouth si nCh i cagocaugh ti nth eexh i lara-tionofstruggle,figh ti ngth ei rwaytowardagoal.Welayh opei nlittletotsli k eSumi-cftanwh oplaysi nth ebackyardwith yellow-h ai red ch i ldrenfromth eneigh borh ood.Hervoicei si ndi sti ngui sh ablefrom th erestofth ech i ldrenfrom wh erewesitth i smorning,cock i ngoureyesatth eceili ng.

IntermountainBowlingTourneySch eduledBySaltLak eJACLTh esecondannualIntermountainopenbowlingtournamentwi llbeh eldonApril13and 14atth eTempleBowling Alleys i n SaltLak e Cityunderth esponsorsh i pofth eSaltLak eJACLch apter.Teams and i ndi vi dualbowlersfrom Idah o,Utah and Coloradoare expectedto compete. Th eIdah oFallsWolves,winnerofth erecentPocatello tournament,areexpectedtoenterth etournament.Among th e SaltLak e teamswh i ch willenterth etourneyareOk ada Insurance and Wally'sFlowers.Ateamfrom Denveri sexpectedtoch allengeforh onorsi nth eteam competiti on.Competiti oni ssch eduled i nth ewomen'ssingles,th emixeddoub-lesandwomen'steammatch esonth eni,gh tofApril13and i nth emen's doubles and men's teammatch eswh i ch willbeginatnoononApril14.Entriesforeach eventwillbe

$2andteamentriesarebeingac-ceptedbyKaoruHonda,tourna-mentch ai rman,5693South StateSt.,Murray,Utah .

Idah oFallsPlansAppreciati onFeteIDAHO FALLS,Ida.— Resi-dentsi nIdah oFallswillh oldanappreciati onbanquetonApril3atth eHotelBonnevilleforoffic-i alsofth eWarRelocation Au-th ori tyandcityoffici als.Specialspeak erswi llbeex-ser-

geantBenKurok i ,nowch ai rmanofth eJACLveteranscommittee,andMi k eMasaok a,nationalexec-utivesecretary.

Marush oMi k sWinJACLTournamentTh eMarush oMi k sfromJwonth eannualJACLC2l\VnAask etballtauTMnSflMarch 23bydefeatingT??Jfive51to23,i nth efinJsiWestminstercollegegy"■Th eSaltLak eCityBuff.Jedth eIdah oFallstLmf«totak eth i rdplace.HarW,■ofMurray,Utah ,defiftjLak eBussei, 31 to23,fourth place.'"m

JoboNak amura:Li ttleTok yoAgain

(Continuedfrom page5)

PACIFICCITIZEN SaturdayMarch 3o1W L6



1001ApgarStreetOak land,CaliforniaPh one:Pi edmont4942

DR.A.KAWABEPh ysi ci anandSurgeon


LosAngeles12 TUck er8353Res.3125MontclairSt.Ph oneREpublic0301

Dr.Yosh i k oSh i madaDentist

312E.IstSt. Ph .TU2930Room 309-LosAngeles


1854Fi llmoreStreetSANFRANCISCO

Teleph oneFillmore4793


"1943LarimerSt.,Denver,Colo.Ph :Ch erry7813


124South SanPedroStreet(FormerSh ok i nBuildi ng)

LosAngeles12,CaliforniaTel:Mich i gan3580 Room 211


122So.SanPedroSt.LosAngeles,Calif.Teleph oneMU7419



South Si deBank &TrustBldg.SuiteTwo

CottageGroveat47th StATLantic1090 Ch i cago,111.EveningsbyAppointment


Ch i cago2,Illinoi sPh one:FRAnk li n1266


ITOMABE,M.D.IPHYSICIANandSURGEON1841E.63rdSt. Ch i cago37(NearCottageGroveAye.)Ph oneDOKch ester1464|Res.Ph oneATLantic7416


39S.StateSt. Ch i cago3MentorBldg.

Ph oneDEAborn7486Res.Ph one ARDmore0562


318Sixth Avenue,So.Ph oneMA-5569

Seattle4,Wash i ngton


4230S.EllisAye.,Ch i cago15Corner43rd

Ph oneDKExel6484Res.Ph oneATLantic1332


1228Fourth St.,Sacramento,CaliforniaPh one2-193S

Dr.Joh nY.Nak ah araDENTIST

2514Sh attuck AvenueBerk eley,CaliforniaPh one:BErk eley3270


H.IWAMOTOOptometrist-Optici ans136WestFirstSouthTeleph one5-8871SaltLak eCity,Utah


3254AdelineSt."So.Berk eley(AboveBank ofAmerica)NearGroveandAlcatrazTeleph oneOlympic6307


Ph ysi ci an&Surgeon1210N.Clark St.Ch i cago10,Illinoi s

Office TellWHlteh all8422Residence:KENwood4906


Closed Sunday&Wednesday

BarricM.KatoM.D.Ph ysi ci an&Surgeon4003N.Sh eri danKd.Ch i cago,Illinoi s





WOODLAWNMEDICALARTSBUILDINGSuite401 Ch i cago,Illinoi sPh ones:Office"DOItch ester6648— Res.-PLAza9984



|fe| CHICAGO 2,ILLINOISTeleph oneDEArborn6094



H.INOUYE,M.D.PHYSICIANandSURGEON3901S.CottageGroveCh i cago 15,111.Office:Drexel3888Res.Oak land2805


Drs.Hi ura&HiuraOPTOMETRISTS1454East53rd

(BetweenHarper&Black atone)CHICAGO

Ph oneMidway836S

Rich ardY.Noda,M.D.Ph ysi ci anandSurgeon

1133E.63rdSt.,Ch i cago37,111.OfficePh one:MIDway4477Res.Ph one:WHlteh all6211

Dr.M.M.Nak adateDENTIST

Suites311-314"Firm Bldg.112No.SanPedroSt.,LosAngeles12,Calif.Ph one:VAndyk e1592

LearnaTradeWh i leEarningTopWag IGIRLS!WOMEN!Learnth eneedletrade,becomesk i lledJoperatingapowermach i neandeafn60can h ourwh i le1■i ng.Experiencedoperatorsearnupto$1.25perh our. "*■We offerexcellentwork i ngconditi ons i na smali,modIfactory i nth eh eartofCh i cago'sLoopDistri ct.


CURTISSCANDYCOMPANYEmploymentOffer-NISEIGIRLSWANTEdIOpeningsi mmedi ately:femalecandywrappers(betweenagesofl17-35)topack andpack age candyandoth erfoodDrodurtil

HOURLYANDPIECERATESAVAILABLE ■PleasantWork i ngConditi ons— GroupLifeInsuranceRetirementIncome ProfitSh ari ngPlans — GroupHealth Insurance— Vacationwith Pay—-PensionPlansCompanyemploysmanyNisei work ers.Noexperiencenecesssnß

ReporttoMainOffice, 1101\\.BelmontAvenue,Ch i cagoISeeMr.HarryIS.MayedaorElmerL.Sh i rrellatth ataddral


$ MANY $GoodJobsNowOpen




Willh i reWOMENbetweenth eagesof18and45wh oare i nterested i n j obswith afuture.Th ework i sVERYEASYandyoudonoth avetoh aveexperience.Mo9tallth e j obsnowopenareSIMPLE j obsonth easemblyline—puttingsmallpartsforelectrica!motorstogeth er.-

~ * THEPAYISGOODYOU ARE GUARANTEED 64cPER HOUR TOSTARTandcanmak eMOREONPIECEWORK.Oth eiJapaneseandNisei girlsaremak i ngverygoodmoneydoingafine j ob—Russellwantsmoreofth em.

Work i ngConditi onsareExcellentPaidRestPeriods— VacationsHospitali zati onInsurance

Jointh emanyh appywomennowwork i ngforoneofth eLargestFractionalHorsepowerMotorManufactureCompaniesi ntown.

Come i nToday—Don'tWait—LaterMayBeTooLate

* \RussellElectricCompany

340W.HURONSTREET(Just2block ssouth ofCh i cagoAye.)



I.crimi nati onbyth eAmericanline Congress againstlocalnational partici pati on by

ricans ofnon-wh i teancestrybeprotestedbyth eJapanesericanCiti zensLeague i twas"need h ereth i sweek byMi k e,ok a,nationalsecretary.,cdiscri mi natorypolicyofth emsrecentlybrough ttona-j attentionbyth ebarringofCaucasianbowlersatth eas-tfon'scurrenttournamenti n

i ti -discri mi nati ongroupsi nYork protested th e policy,

andth rewpick etlinesaroundth ealleys.Senator James Mead ofNewYork waswassch eduledtoopenth ebowlingcongress,refus-edtopassth rough th epick etlinesandseverelycondemned th e un-democraticpolicyofth eABC.Th e JACL's protestwillbemadenotonlyi nbeh alfofJapa-neseAmericansbutalloth ernon-wh i teAmericans,Masaok asaid

Nisei GIFigh tersLose i nFinalsofCrowderTourney

x,-o.?CROWDER,Mo—Th reeNisei GIfi gh tersfromFortSnell-mg-lostondecisi ons i nth efi na-ch ampi onsh i proundofth e Sev-enth Service Command boxingtournamentatCampCrowderonMarch 23.HaruoKumamotolosttoCh ar-lesDebowofCampCrowderi nth e118-pounddivi si on.Mi noru Miya&h i ro,feath er-weigh t,losttoLenan MingsofFortLeavenworth ,wh i le TeruoTanonak aofFortSnelling-wasde-ci si onedbyGene'CarlisleofCrow-deri nth eli gh twei gh tfi nals.

VitalStatisti csBIRTHS

soL°Mr-i a?dJPn-Ich i roMori-sono,agirli nRiverside,Calif.ToMrandMrs.JamesMayedaTabVi rl Riverside,Calif. 'JoMr.and Mrs.Umetarot"'aglrli nPortland,Ore."riri "v-

andMrs>Nak amura,agt'?,VlCtoryHeigh ts,Ore.

««rio-li**ndMrs-T-Kitagaw.,ag4'S,Minneapolis,Minn.loMr.andMrs.Tak esh i F.Na-t'«

girlJi nBri gh ton,Colo.ToMr.andMrs.Hiromi tsuMit-suok a,aboyi nDenver,Colo.

i q n ,andMrs-Miysh i Nak ao,1956Bush St.,SanFrancisco,agirlonMarch 14.ToMr.andMrs.DonKuri h ara,March 4**'Cal'f''adaugh teronToMr.andMrs.Sam Sh i gemiHirak awa,Parlier,Calif.,adaugh -teronMarch 6.ToMr.andMrs.M.A.Yabu-moto,Lodi,Calif.,agirlonMarch10.ToMr.andMrs.BobN.Ni i gi ta,

Sacramento,asononMarch 15.ToMr.andMrs.GeorgeFuj i -moto,Ault,Colo.,asononMarch16.To Mr.and Mrs.Harold N.

Ouye,221113th street,Sacramen-to,adaugh teronMarch 16.To Mr.andMrs.TedTsuboi,SaltLak eCity,aboyonMarch 23.ToMr.andMrs.HenryGosh oaboyj MerrillEmerson,onMarch26 i nNewYork City.

DEATHSK.SaitoonFeb.9,i nPortland,Oregon.MinoruKoga,35,onFeb.23,i n

LosAngeles,Calif.Sannosuk eItoonFeb.24i nCh i -

cago,111.Yosh i oNi ah i h araonFeb.26,i n

Ch i cago,111.Mrs.TsuruYosh i nagaonMarch

8,i nSanJose,Calif.Saich i Tak ah as-h i onMarch 5,i n

Penryn,Calif.Staozo TamuraonMarch 9,i nPaynton,Miss.Manj i roOmura,69,onMarch

2,i nCh i cago,111.KatsuyoTamura,62,onMarch

9 i nSt.Louis.Kumaj i ro Sh i marnoto,76, onMarch 5,i nSanDiego,Calif.Mrs.Ki k usui ItoonMarch 2 i nLosAngeles,Calif.Mrs.Ginj i roHasegawa(Yuk i -k o)43,onMarch 4,i nLos An-geels,Calif.Sh oj i Kazano,45,onMarch 5 i nNewYork ,N.Y.Yuich i Ogawa,60,onMarch 10i nWalnutGrove,Calif.MinoruKawabataonMarch 13,i nDenver,Colo.Ki j i roFuruk awaonMarch 12,i nDenver,Colo.Mrs. i Hatsuk o Odawara on

March 16,i nSanFrancisco.Ki j i roSeto,80,onMarch 16i nFresno,Calif.Toh ei Ji motoonMarch 16,i nDenver,Colo.Tak azumi Asak uraonMarch 18,mLosAngeles,Calif.Kph ei Ak ash i onMarch 18,i n

Salt!Lak eCity.Sai h i ch i Yosh i mura,71,March19,Gr.eeley,Colo.YaemonKinagaonMarch 20,i nOgden,Utah .Tosh i oCh i baonMarch 21,i nDenver,Colo.Tak ek i Monj i ,69,onMarch 22,i nDenver,Colo.Steph enSak ai ,4,andRonaldSak ai ,3, i n Coyote,Calif.,onMarch 23.Manj i Oh ash i ,70,onMarch 21,i nLosAngeles.Tomitaro Yamasak i , 78, onMarch 20,i nSanJose,Calif.Tak esh i Tsutsui,56,onMarch

22,atSunnyside,Utah .EllaYosh i naga,daugh terofMr.

and Mrs.Asak i ch i \osh i nagaofBrigh amCity,Utah ,onMarch 19,atWeimar,Calif.Hach i emonYorinaga,66,160%26th St.,Ogden,Utah ,onMarchKiyosh i Tsuk ada,56,128WestIstSouth ,onMarch 12,SaltLak eCity,Utah .

MARRIAGESFrancesSh i rak awabetoNobutoCh arlesOno i nFeb.i nSeabrook ,N.J.Ayak oArak ak i toTosh i oSak a-ok aonMarch 9,i nCh i cago,111.KazumeFuj i mototoJunOrabei nMarch i nSeabrook ,N..Y.Mitsuk oOguratoSh i geoAk a-

h osh i onMarch 7,i nDenver,Colo.AliceTak emototoPaulKu-wataonMarch 6,i nStock ston,Calif.Tomi k ©HagiwaratoRoyIsamuNish i tsuj i onMarch 10,i nBlanca,Colo.

PACIFICCITIZENIrday,March 30,1946


INewEditi ons



HARRYH.MATSUMOTODistri butorIntermountainWestandPacifi c CoastAreas

c/o368E.Bth South St.SaltLak eCity2,UtahPh one:3-6146

c/oTh e GrolierSociety650 S.GrandAvenueLosAngeles14,Calif.


iERVICESTATIONIstSouth &WestTempleSaltLak eCity,UtahPh one3-0736

Quick BatteryRech argeGASAND OILPARKING

ak Kusano TatsMasuda


DiamondsandWatch esSaltLak eCity,170S.MainBrigh am City,137MainMurray Neph i


Ph one 66E.4th So.St.4-8261 SaltLak eCity

»—-"—~"———"—*HENRYY.KASAISpecialAgentSO Yean


1845-100YEARS— 1945

AHntialCompanyAssetsOver1% Billi on


SOIWalk erBank Bldg.SaltLak eCity,UtahTele:5-2841or3-6675




Buildi ngSaltLak eCity,Utah

Ph one3-7440

CaliforniaMark et138W.IstSouth SaltLak eCi ty,Utah

Teleph one:4-8098



IMPORTEDMEDICINEANDWRITING MATERIALSFreeDelivery— OpenSundays— MailOrdersFilledPromptlyForQualityFruit)andVegetables:

Aok i Broth ersProduceCo.Growers-Pack ers-Dealers115Pacifi cAvenue Ph one:5-6890Salt City,Utah L.D.30





MainPW'TOF" HITOOKADAlwV*...Natioi i al 403BBollBld*-

Boise,Hi.IL ,ldlng SaltLak eCity,Utah*«■..Box1809,Tel.729 Ph one5-8040"tCIDENTALLIFEINSURANCECO.sss-. ^ OP CAUFORNIA

JAPANESEAMERICAN GIRLSEarn$5adaywh i lelearningtosewOperatorsearn$7-$9adayFreeHospitali zati on,Insurance,PaidVacationsandBonusesROLEY-POLEYMFG.CO.

213InstitutePlace Ch i cago,111.7th floor.Oneblock north ofCh i cagoAye.atFrank li nSt.Tel;SUPerior8182-83

HELP WANTED FORLADIES'DRESSFACTORYExperiencedandInexperiencedExcellentOpportuniti es

FRANKLIN DRESS CO.,Inc.325W.JACKSONBLVD.Tel:HARrjson8550 Ch i cago



Ph one:FAlrfax4371M "Insistonth eFinest*

11 j EI"KanemasaBrandIAsk for Fuj i moto's,EdoMiso,Pre-WarQualityatyourfavoritesh oppi ng



302-306South 4th WestSaltLak eCity4,Utah




Ph one:Emerson43061011Milwauk eeSt.,Denver


1956LarimerSt. Ta.9576Denver2,Colo.



IPortrait,Wedding,Panorama,IPh otoCopies,Enlargements



SoySauce,Miso,Age,Tofo,Rice,andAllKindsofOrientalFoods149W.Divi si onSt.CallDELaware1816

T.N.Asato Ch i cago10,111.MallOrdersFilled

COMPLETEINSURANCELife-Auto-Hospital-FireLESTERG.KATSURACh i cagoBusinessService

Room 1119 32N.StateSt.Ch i cago2,Illinoi sSh i gKari ya

RANdolph 5971 CENtral5943


ROOM ANDBOARDJapaneseandAmericanFood

3991S.EllisAye,Ph oneOAK)and4823Ch i cago,Illinoi s


935E.42ndPlacePh .ATLantic3914


ForJapaneseProvisi onsCALLFUJIMOTO'S909 E.43rdStreet

Teleph oneDRExel5303DeliveryService


1834N.BissellStreetCh i cago,Illinoi s

Ph one:Mich i gan2568GilbertKuramitsu

Willi eFunak osh i



OneNo.LaSalleSt.Ch i cago,Illinoi sTel:RANdolph 2281


111 W.Divi si on St.Ch i cago,Illinoi s

KazuKuwah ara,Mgr.Ph one:MOHawk 3446Hours:10a.m.-10p.m.

COMPLETELIFEINSURANCESERVICEFamilyProtection— JuvenileEducationalInsurance

RetirementIncome— Annuiti es


(Over1% Billi onsofInsurance i nForce)£""?*,'««Sa"eBuildi n* Ch i cago2,HI.Suite1855 Ph oneCENtral1393


I OrientalFoodsManufacturersofTOFU&AGE

Fresh Fi sh fotSash i mi —OurSpecialtyMAILORDERDEPARTMENTPromptServiceWith OurLongExperience

I DIAMONDTRADING CO.[ 1012N.Clark Street Ch i cago10.Illinoi s

4 CHICAGOANSBillYamamoto's

ORIENTALSTUDIOI837N.LaSalleSt. Tel.SUPerior5179


HOMEPORTRAITBYAPPOINTMENTHours10a.m.-7:30p.m.-Tuesdayth rough SaturdayOpenSundaysfrom 10a.m.to6p.m.-ClosedMondays


OTTAWA—Governmentactionforth edeportationofsomepersonsofJpaaneseancestryi nCanada,amongth em Canadian-bornciti zens,willbesuspendedpendingth eoutcomeofanyap-pealtoth ePrivyCouncilfrom aSupremeCourtj udgmentcon-firmi ngth egovernment'sauth ori tytomak e th edeportations,PrimeMi ni sterMack enzi eKingannouncedh ereonMarch 13.Th ePri meMi ni stersaidth atth egovernmentwouldfacili -

tateanyappealtoth ePrivyCouncilUpto10,000ofCanada's23,000

residents ofJapanese ancestryfacedeportationi fth egovernmentcontinueswith i tspresentpro-gram,wh i ch wasuph eldbyth eSupremeCourti ntestcaseswh k hquestionedth eauth ori tyofth eorders-in-councilunderwh i ch th erepatriati onandexpatriati onpro-gramwasbeingcarriedout.Governmentcircles h erebeliev-edth ataPrivyCouncilh eari ngon any appealwh i ch may bebrough tbeforei tbyth eJapaneseCanadianpetiti onsregardingth erecentSupreme'Courtdecisi ons

wouldnotbe h eldbeforeJuly.In Toronto,Andrew Brewin,counselforJapanese Canadianswh ofacedeportationunderorders-i n-council,andsolici torforth eCo-operativeCommitteeonJapaneseCanadians,saidth atdespitePrimeMi ni sterKing'sannouncement,th ecommitteewillask h i m toreceiveadeputationwh i ch willurgeth atth eorders-in-councilberescinded.Mr.Brewin i ndi catedth atth eJapaneseCanadiancommitteeandAttorneyGeneralJ.W.'CormanofSask atch ewanwh oi ssupportingth eappealwereproceedingwithplanstobringth eappealbeforeth ePrivyi Gouncilatanearlydate.

Ch i cagoCh apterHearsTalk sonDenverConferenceCHICAGO—Th e ninth bienni alJACLconference i nDenverwasbrough th ometo70JACLmem-bersSunday,March 22,atHullHouse wh enfi vedelegatesgaveth ei rconference reportsto th eCh i cagoch apter.NoboruHonda,ch ai rman,gave

asummaryofth econferenceac-tivi ti es.Dr.T.T.Yatabe,formerh eadofth eCh i cagoJACLofficeandpastpresident,gave aper-sonalstoryofth econvention.

VeteransMeetWillbeHeldbyNewYork JACLNEW YORK CITY— Severaloutstanding events h ave beensch eduledbyth eNewYork ch ap-ter,JACL,th rough th emonth sofApriltoJune,accordingtoYurinoTak ayosh i ,newlyelectedpresident.Abowlingtournamenth asbeen

plannedforApril4,with ArtAbe,MitsMatsuoandKaz Kubo i nch arge.OnApril11representativesfromth eAmericanVeteransCommittee,Amvets,AmericanLegion,DisabledWarVeteransand th e VeteransofForeignWarswilldiscussth emeritsofth ei rorganizati onstoNisei veteransataspecialmeet-i ng.OnApril19th eJACLwillh oldameetingforIssei oni mmi grationandnaturalizati on atAmericanCommonsat8p.m.Th eJACL'ssemiannuali nformaldancewillbe h eldatth eHotelDelmonicoonMay11.Atopbandandoutstandingentertainerswillbe featured,according to MissTak ayosh i .Th e JACLwillbeoneofth esponsorsofth eFifth AnnualCity-WideHarlem Week May27toJune1.Th eJACLwillorigi nateaprogramonracerelations.Th eNewYork ch apterwillcon-ductamembersh i pdriveMarch 26th rough Apri l18aspartofitsplantobuildth eorganizati oni ntoamorerepresentativeunit;i twasannounced.HarryKuwada,featuredi nare-centNewYork CouncilforaPer-mjfh entFEPC rallyatMadisonSquareGarden,h asbeenappointedch ai rmanofth emembersh i pdrivecommittee.HisassistantswillbeSamKai,HenryGosh o,AliceHata,MaryFuj i ok a,Ruth Sh i nno andLi lli anDate.Teamcaptainsandth ei rrespec-ti vemembersareasfollows:1. Eurek aSato,AliceMiyaza-

wa,MitsuoMatsuo,MargaretSai-to,Ai k oInamoto,Hosh i eYamadaandSadaMaruyama.2. StanleyKari k omi ,Ken Furuya,MorrieKuramoto,PeterAok i ,AlfredFu-nabash i ,Ken Hayash i . 3. Wil-liam Greiner,Tosh i k oKak o,InaSugi h ara,CliffordForster,YurinoTak ayosh i andLouiseRoch ester.4.Joh nIwatsu,M.Murai,ClaraClay-man,BillSeno,Miwak oMiyaandMargaretIwatsu.


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OUYE'S PHARMACYPrescripti onPh armacists

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NowOpenTHE ALBUMPortraitPh otograph y

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MAIDWANTEDMaid i n adultfamily,nocook i ng,nolaundry,nowin-dow cleaning,goodwages,ft-juth side,stayorgo h omeoptional.

Dr.M.W.K.Byrne4860Ki mbark AvenueCHICAGO,ILLINOISTel:KENwood7200


Steno.-Secy.(NearNorth )$165Steno.(South Si de) $163Steno.(brok er)5 daysLoop _

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MALEWoodwk g.(exp.)90cplusO.T.Elect.Assembly i $40POWERMACHINEOPER.Average$1— P.W.5%,6-dayWeek

Begin.Typist $36-$4OGen.Factory,Mech $52.50Manymore j obsnotlistedALLJOBS GUARANTEEDLINCOLN412S.DEARBORN"CHICAGO,ILLINOIS



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4309S.Berk leyAye. Ch i cagoPh one:DRExel0124

CLASSMEDBMAID forgeneralvroom,boardandwJ!?lantconditi ons—Mra k 'Jm_13402ndAye.(s$JlUNIONDlME feJlNew \ork wish es **■■TatsugiroNorinobu,(ZjNew York City,togKtive account. i Tj,mVMsend i nformation toli i MBasonBldgj;JritLffMCounterGirls,—Apply Ash l/dry,2076Ash byAvefclß3,Calif.Ph one:Berk elSMALEHELPWANTJtentmaintenance andJman,abletofiresmall(Japartmenth ouse.SingleJriedwith family.Cang«|eralmenof(h i stype,h ii ngwant's.AlsoneedfuHCan turnoversmallf«9satisfactorycouple.— Rh ]Neudeck er,Room 428,|i nent Buildi ng,WudWANTED—ExperienledTSperiencedmantowork aHdryandcleaningplant.Mnentjab,p:mk lwage.Ro«|lboardavailable.Sh eltonJdryandCleaners,117HSh elton,Wash . JURGENT:Anyonek nowi ofjaboutsofRay i 'amura,{Mlyof6N.MainSt.,Lodi i flpleasewriteFrank H.Tilch i ,1273W.Sh ermanSt,BTexas,i mmedi ately.INFORMATION WANTED■wh ereaboutsofMr.KnflMurai andMr.Noboßetsflmura,both formerlyi llFrancisco, by ReneuflPleasesendany i nfornili flG.Sh i masak i ,Route i ■son, Win., or ReneLifl1319MoundSt.,MadisoyJHELPWANTED:Apply«■toBLU-WHITE LAUN«AND CLEANERS,16MSt., San Mateo,Calif,flmodernplant. GoodtilBoardandroomavailable.H4-2039. ■FEMALEHELPWANTBIh BKirlsforstock andfurMdepartment.Pleasantnilconditi ons,(rood wages,flDUPLERFUR,137So.flSaltLak eCity. ■WANTED:Eigh tgi rlsorJtopaintpicturesongluilprenticesh i ptostart.Bjflperh our.Experienced}UHh our.Work yearround!MatORIENTALTRADING*PANY,Mr.T.Muk oyanjßW.Madison,Ch i cago,0|Tel:KEDzie0806. ■



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