
P6 TIPS & TRICKS/PERTMASTER-RISK MANAGER/FEATURES-P7 -In Hotmail also->Methodology to Import COST IDs->First Import from Excel to (Blank Project in) P3 (as Cost IDs copied from a “Source” Excel File-from Project Contract Documents or Other-and Pasted into P3 Exported Excel/Lotus/Dbase IV File cannot exist without related “Activity IDs” in P3, for use in “Import” to P3 after data is entered in Excel-Assign False/Bogus Activity IDs in rows to “Pasted” Cost IDs by auto-numbering Activity IDs->Import Excel File into P3, and let “Bogus” Activity IDs remain as they are not harmful, or delete them-at which stage the Cost IDs will now exist in the “Source” P3 Schedule)->Then Import P3 Schedule into P6 (at this stage the P3 Schedule will become a P6 Schedule), under the same EPS Node where the host P6 Project is->When both Source and Host P6 Project Schedules are under the same EPS Node, the COST Ids in Source Project will show up “Globally” in Host Project. If the need to define COST IDs as “Project” COST IDs arises, instead of “Global”, Copy/Paste COST IDs from Source Project to Host Project-there is no particular need for this, as COST IDs will appear “Globally” as described above. COST IDs (or RESOURCE IDs) entered in Excel and Imported from Excel into the P6 Schedule, will not be “recognized”-if they do not already “exist” in the Cost & Resource “Dictionaries” in the P6 Schedule. If there already exists a P6 Schedule with Cost IDs/Cost ID Names->Include this P6 Schedule into the same EPS Node as the “Host” Project in P6->the Cost IDs will show up “Globally” in P6 now and Activities can be assigned Cost IDs, individually or by Copy/Paste-Fill Down as needed in the P6 Schedule “Host” Project or alternatively, this can be now done in Excel-as Cost IDs entered corresponding to Activities in Excel-will now be recognized on Import from Excel to P6). As Cost ID “Names” cannot be Exported (and therefore cannot be “Imported”) in P3 (and thence into P6)->after assigning Cost IDs to Activities in P6 “Host” Project, Export Activities with Cost IDs from P6 Project to Excel-and assign Cost ID “Names” to Activities with Cost IDs in Excel-by Filtering and Sorting, or Otherwise-when data is “Imported” back into P6 from Excel, the Cost ID “Names” will now be recognized, as the Cost IDs themselves exist in the P6 Cost Accounts “Dictionary”. Believe there is no facility, as yet, to Import Cost IDs/Cost Account Names directly from Excel to P6. -ACTUALS/FINANCIALS/P6 “TIMESHEET”->Actuals/Spent can be entered directly by the Project Manager (or Designee) directly in P6 Schedule (Bottom Layout Details/Resources or Costs “Tab”) at every Stipulated Progress Period- corresponding with Activity concerned-in Manhours, Dollars or Quantities/ Commodities. In “Admin Preferences”-Financial Periods can be defined, also Batch Runs-and the Planned/Earned/Actual Values by Period can be Exported to Excel if needed, using the P6/Export Function. The Actuals can be entered

Transcript of P6_Tips_and_Tricks.pdf


    -In Hotmail also->Methodology to Import COST IDs->First Import from Excel to (Blank Project in) P3 (as Cost IDs copied from a Source Excel File-from Project Contract Documents or Other-and Pasted into P3 Exported Excel/Lotus/Dbase IV File cannot exist without related Activity IDs in P3, for use in Import to P3 after data is entered in Excel-Assign False/Bogus Activity IDs in rows to Pasted Cost IDs by auto-numbering Activity IDs->Import Excel File into P3, and let Bogus Activity IDs remain as they are not harmful, or delete them-at which stage the Cost IDs will now exist in the Source P3 Schedule)->Then Import P3 Schedule into P6 (at this stage the P3 Schedule will become a P6 Schedule), under the same EPS Node where the host P6 Project is->When both Source and Host P6 Project Schedules are under the same EPS Node, the COST Ids in Source Project will show up Globally in Host Project. If the need to define COST IDs as Project COST IDs arises, instead of Global, Copy/Paste COST IDs from Source Project to Host Project-there is no particular need for this, as COST IDs will appear Globally as described above. COST IDs (or RESOURCE IDs) entered in Excel and Imported from Excel into the P6 Schedule, will not be recognized-if they do not already exist in the Cost & Resource Dictionaries in the P6 Schedule. If there already exists a P6 Schedule with Cost IDs/Cost ID Names->Include this P6 Schedule into the same EPS Node as the Host Project in P6->the Cost IDs will show up Globally in P6 now and Activities can be assigned Cost IDs, individually or by Copy/Paste-Fill Down as needed in the P6 Schedule Host Project or alternatively, this can be now done in Excel-as Cost IDs entered corresponding to Activities in Excel-will now be recognized on Import from Excel to P6). As Cost ID Names cannot be Exported (and therefore cannot be Imported) in P3 (and thence into P6)->after assigning Cost IDs to Activities in P6 Host Project, Export Activities with Cost IDs from P6 Project to Excel-and assign Cost ID Names to Activities with Cost IDs in Excel-by Filtering and Sorting, or Otherwise-when data is Imported back into P6 from Excel, the Cost ID Names will now be recognized, as the Cost IDs themselves exist in the P6 Cost Accounts Dictionary. Believe there is no facility, as yet, to Import Cost IDs/Cost Account Names directly from Excel to P6.

    -ACTUALS/FINANCIALS/P6 TIMESHEET->Actuals/Spent can be entered directly by the Project Manager (or Designee) directly in P6 Schedule (Bottom Layout Details/Resources or Costs Tab) at every Stipulated Progress Period-corresponding with Activity concerned-in Manhours, Dollars or Quantities/Commodities. In Admin Preferences-Financial Periods can be defined, also Batch Runs-and the Planned/Earned/Actual Values by Period can be Exported to Excel if needed, using the P6/Export Function. The Actuals can be entered

  • by Receiver in Excel and then Imported back from Excel into P6 Schedule, with Actuals-if they have not been entered directly by Responsible Parties into the P6 Schedule as described above. In addition->The P6 Timesheet Program Add-On allows personnel to enter Manhours on Timesheets based on defined Timesheet Periods in Admin Preferences and these Hours entered into P6 Add-On Timesheet Program allows automatic updating of P6 Schedule with Actuals/Spent-when the Apply Actuals Command is executed- P6 Timesheet Program not absolutely necessary, as Actuals/Spent can also be added as indicated in the 2 Methods described above. MASTER/SUB-PROJECTS->CREATION/PERIODIC UPDATES AND RELEVANT METHODOLOGIES-> 1. When "Master" Project contains All Activities-Including those for Sub-Projects- -As P6 does not have the Subproject Function as in P3->Create Blank Projects in P6 for various Subprojects->Then Open both the Master and Host Schedules in P6, Organize/Group & Sort the Master (& Host) Schedule by WBS/Level 1 Only-and then Copy/Paste the Activities for the Subcontract (or Subproject) from Master to Host Schedule as many times as needed (for various Subcontracts/ External Parties), maintaining Option for External Ties and Issue Subcontractor Subproject Schedules to be Updated (Periodically, as needed) by concerned Stakeholders. On receiving subsequent Updates by Subcontractors-to Update Master Schedule with Subcontractor Subproject Schedules->either use the Update Schedule (Master) Function on P6/Import or Delete All particular Subcontract Activities in Master Schedule and Copy/Paste Updated Subcontract Schedule into Master Schedule, maintaining External Relationships. Both Master and Subcontractor Schedules have to be Open in P6 to do this. Subcontractor Schedule Updates can also be done by Issuing/Exporting relevant Data from P6 to Excel (with content and detail used in the old manner->Standard Columns, Look-Ahead Activities by Department/ Discipline etc.)-where the Export will be Activity based Option in P6 Export, with relevant Data/Options chosen as needed according to standard old method-and then Import into P6 the Updated Excel File received from Subcontractors at each Reporting Period. Note->External Relationship Ties when Subprojects are Open can also be displayed for Subproject Activities having Ties to External Activities in Master Schedule as Columns in Activity Table- selected from Column List& denoted by External Early Start and External Late Finish (there are No Options to display External Actual Start and Actual Finish). 2. When "Master" Project has to be Created; All Sub-Projects existing as Separate Projects->

  • -Consider that there are 2 Sub-Projects, as an example-in reality there may be several. Open both the Sub-Projects/Create Baselines for Both Sub-Projects /Logically "Link" Relevant Activities in Both Sub-Projects->as needed and required-this can be done, as Both Sub-Projects are "Open" in P6. In "Group/Sort" Option-> Group by "Grand Totals"-this will provide backdrop for "Master" Project. Create New "Master" Project/"Open" Master and Sub-Projects and Sort "Root" WBS Bands for Master and Sub-Projects "Alphabetically"-Option #1. Go To WBS->With Master & Sub-Projects "Open" and using Arrows on RHS of WBS "Screen"-Move "Master" Project to the "Top" of the heap of Sub-Projects with Sub-Projects below Master Project-Note->This has to be done by Highlighting and Moving the "Root" WBS's. Add "Summary" and "Key Milestone" and "Interface" Activities as needed into the "Master" Project and Create Logical "Links" from Sub-Project(s) Activities to Key Activities and Summary Level Activities in the Master Project. On Baseline View or Periodic Updates to Current Versions of Sub-Projects->the Logically Linked Master and Sub-Projects will ensure that "Progress" Changes made on Periodic Updates to Sub-Projects, on Scheduling/F9 will be reflected in Sub-Project Activities themselves (if Sub-Project Activities are "Interlinked") and in the Master Schedule-NOTE->Master and Sub-Project Schedules have All got to be "Open" to correctly observe and gauge the "Impact" to each other based on "Progress" Updates-so that Corrective Action can be taken if required. 3. USING "REFLECTIONS" IN THE PROGRESS UPDATING OF MASTER/SUB-PROJECT SCHEDULES--Create "Reflections" of Master Schedule (This When Master Schedule contains All Activities for All Sub-Projects)-by Right-Clicking on Master Project/Selecting Create Reflection-in Enterprise/Projects View. "Reflections" Created represent All Sub-Projects/Contractors who will receive the Master Project for Periodic Progress Updating for their relevant Activities. Ensure that Each Reflection "Project" contains a Unique Identifier in Project Name (usually included at End of Name-such as ACME, BOZO etc.)-so that the Reflection Schedules can be sent to and received from the designated Contractor and are clearly delineated and segregated by Name.XER File. In the Enterprise/Projects View, the "Source" or "Master" Project will be denoted to the RHS of the Individual Reflection Projects-which is not the case when you merely "Copy" a Project instead of Creating a Reflection. When the XER Files for Progress Updating are received from the Individual Contractors->Import these XER File Updates into the "Original" Reflection XER Files, as designated by Contractor-Ensure that "Update" Option is selected whilst Importing. When All Updated XER Files are Imported completely->Select "Merge" File by Right-Clicking on Each Reflection File-which will ensure All Updates by Each Contractor are "Merged"

  • into the "Source" or "Master" Project. When "Merge" Dialogue Box comes up-Select "Merge" at RHS/Bottom for First Contractor "Merge" Activities (Select "Activity View" prior to Merge First Contractor Schedule Update). IMPORTANT NOTE->on Second and Subsequent Merging of Other Contractor Updates->Ensure that ONLY the Progress Update for the Contractor concerned is being Merged->As the "Merge" Dialogue Box shows ALL Activities-Therefore "Tick-Off" in the Check Boxes on the RHS in Merge Dialogue Box Only those Activities pertaining to the "Current" Contractor whose XER Updated File is being Merged->This can be done by noting the "Activity ID" Numbering, which should have a Unique Identifier designating the various Contractors/OR "Roll-Up" Activities by Grouping Bands shown on Dialogue Box-so that Only the Updates/Activities of the Contractor being considered are shown in Detail and Others are "Rolled-Up" or Summarized-then "Tick-Off" Check-Boxes of Activities Progress for Current Contractor and hit "Merge" Option on RHS/Bottom of Merge Dialogue Box. Also NOTE->Percent Complete does not show up in Merge "Report" Dialogue Box, but comes through in "Source"/Master Schedule on Merging the Individual Contractor Schedule Updates.When All Contractor Schedule Progress Updates have been merged into Source/Master Project->Reschedule Current Master Project, Compare to Master Schedule Baseline and Conduct All Standard "Schedule Analyses" Computations, Presentations and Reporting. 4. Details->Periodic Auto-Update of Schedule in P6 via Export/Import from Excel-For Progress and Productivity Measurements-In Activities Option-Export AS/AF/RD/Expected Finish/Physical % Complete-By Contractor->in addition to other standard parameters already included as default items to be Exported. In Export->Filter Out "Summary" Activities, Option to Designate 3-Week Look Ahead Activities (OR Give All Activities-since some Activities may be performed in a "Out-Of-Sequence" Mode), Designate/Apply Filter for Activity Status "In Progress" and finally "Sort" by Start Date.In Excel Import File->DO NOT ALTER Top 2 Column Header Lines or Any of the "Tab" Designations at Bottom of Excel Spreadsheet or "User Data" Worksheet. The "Filter" Function in Excel itself can be used to "Group" Activities by Contractor, if needed. On Resources Option-Export Resources and Resource Assignments as applicable with standard defaults-along with Resource ID/BQ/Actual Units.Before Import, delete All Other Activities in TASKRSRC Tab in Excel-which have not been Updated this period, otherwise there may be an ERROR message on Import.All Fields in Updated Excel File to be Imported have to be TEXT designated Fields-In Excel-for Dates etc.-Copy any Fields with Existing Dates (to maintain Format as Text Fields) into Cells or Column Range which have to be Updated this period->and then Type In Updated Dates or Data as the case may be-so that Text Format is maintained (or alternatively use the ASAP Utilities

  • Function-after Updating existing Excel Version with/by getting ASAP Utilities from MS Website - OR "Google" Search for MS -> ASAP Utilities and Install it into Excel; then by selecting ASAP Utilities/Data/Format Range/Insert Text, after highlighting cells to be formatted, as ASAP Utilities will now exist on Menu at Top of Excel Worksheet).NOTES->A. Resources and Costs have to be defined in P6 Dictionaries, before Activity-assigned Resources and Costs are Imported, otherwise they will not be recognized.B. In Excel-When Adding Multiple Resources-Labor and Non-Labor-/Costs to One particular Activity->they have to be one-below-the-other and designated, if Resource, as Labor or Non-Labor. C. When Adding Numbers/Quantities for Budgeted Quantity for example->First Format Blank/Empty Cells where Data is to be Entered as Text Fields-then Add Figures/Numbers as needed for Budgeted Quantity. As needed->Copy Format as "Text" Type for Cells requiring Number Entry-and then Add Real Figures/Numbers. Cells have to be denoted as "Text" Type (for "Number" Entry and Recognition by P6-such as Budgeted Quantity or Duration)-Cells when denoted as "Text" need not have the "Green" Triangle in Cell-LHS/Top. If "Green" Triangle is needed (which is normally not the case)-the "Green" Triangles can be maintained in cells if Data is entered into cells "one by one". If Group "Copy" is required from Range of cells to another Range of cells, then highlight "Copy To" Range and designate "Copy To" Range by denoting Format->"Text" Type. D. Whilst Importing the Completed Progress Update Excel File->Ensure that the "Update" Option is selected in P6 on Excel Spreadsheet Import.E. As regards P6 Updates via Excel, Many fields that you think would be editable in Excel for Reimport are not. Do not know why "Expected Finish" has an asterisk in Excel Header Column, and is therefore not editable.

    However, there is no asterisk on- Actual Start / Finish- Activity % Complete- Remaining Duration- Activity StatusMeaning that these ARE editable in Excel for re-import.Workaround->Create "User Defined" Date in P6->On Update-Export All Above Fields as well as Expected Finish and the "User Defined" Date. In the Excel File, Instead of Entering EF in Expected Finish Column, Enter it in User-Defined Field.

  • After Importing the Excel File to P6 Project, Run Global Change-Expected Finish=the "User Defined" Date Field. Once complete, Run Global Change->"User Defined" Date=Blank-that is "No Value-Just a Blank Field. Repeat for All Updates Each Month.F. Sometimes Global Change does not work in P6-as when trying to change or add Resource IDs and when Resource Loading-In these cases, use P6 Export to transfer data to Excel, Add BQ or Other changes in Excel and then Reimport data from Excel to P6 with needed changes.To Be Noted->In P6 Table "Columns"->There is no facility to designate or select "User Defined Fields" when "Resource" Option is selected when selecting needed "User Defined Field"-As the "Table"/Column View selections for "Columns" are for "Activities" Only-therefore selections can Only be made for choices under "Activities" designation when using "User Defined Fields" if they need to be displayed in Table/Column" View-selections made under Options for "Resource" in "User Defined Fields" will not be able to be displayed in Table/Column Views-even though they will exist in P6/Project Database.

    Note on Direct Excel Export/"Text to Column" Option in Excel Can Export Table View directly to Excel, but cannot Import "Directly" from Excel to P6. Also, Excel Export will only have "Task" Tab, not Resource or Cost Tabs- there Export will have only "Activities" Data. Can Import Excel File if needed via the Formal P6 Import Function. Also, Note->In Excel, Data/"Text to Column" Option can desegregate an Item like WBS from 11.22.33 to 11|22|33 "Columns" for use as Activity Codes etc.


    Progress Updates Reported By Contractor in Exported Excel Files -as designated above->Then, Import Progress Update Excel Files By Contractor-One By One- into a "Reflection" Project Created from Source or Master Project previously, prior to Imports-> Reschedule "Reflection" Project after Import of Each Contractor Excel Progress Update and Gauge/Analyze "Impact" to "Reflection" Schedule By Each Contractor->After All Contractor Excel Progress Updates have been Imported into "Reflection" Schedule and their "Impacts" Gauged and Analyzed, "Merge" the "Reflection" Project into the Source or Master Project-and Pull Reports and Presentation

  • Material as needed for Periodic and Ad-hoc Project Controls requirements.

    -Resource Rate Definitions can be Added in P6-under Enterprise/Resources-select Resource and then corresponding Rate in Dollars/Hour-Bottom Layout Details/Resource. Rates can also be Refreshed as needed and will be changed on all activities containing Resource(s)->Tools/Recalculate Assignment Costs.

    -Resource Loading cannot be Exported from Resource Profile or Usage Spreadsheet (Bottom Layout Option)-but the Activity Table-Top Left (usually) of screen can be Exported directly to Excel (Right-Click Mouse->Select Export to Excel). Easiest Way->Resource and Cost Data can be Exported to Excel (via File Saved as a CVS File, which is basically an Excel Format) from the P6 REPORT Function-using In-Built SAMPLE P6 Reports or Report Customization->will give standard Resource and Cost Loading-Time Based or Otherwise-can be Saved as a PDF File (and then converted to Excel in Adobe Writer) or directly sent from the P6 Reports Function as a CVS/Excel File-after which the data can be manipulated in Excel to produce Charts/Tables etc. (most of the displays can be done in P6 itself-Profiles or Usage Spreadsheets-but for high-level Project/ Overall EPCC type displays it may be better done in Excel). Once Budgeted Quantities/Units for Labor and Non-Labor Resources are Loaded in Schedule-per Notes in Sections as below->Budgeted or Planned/Earned/Actual-Spent Values can be Exported, if needed, from P6 to Excel-where Progress/Forecast and Productivity Measurements and Analyses can be conducted if so desired.

    Methodology Manager/Project Architect- A Project or Methodology can be Imported into the P6 Methodology Manager (Database-MMDB, not PMDB-as in Primavera Project Manager->MMDB Database will need to be accessed, and not clicked through PMDB and changed to MMDB)-as an XER File for Project-once in MMDB the XER Project becomes a Methodology. Once What-ifs are run on the Methodology to be Imported into the Project (PMDB) Database-(via File/Project Architect Option in PMDB)-which may include playing around with ranges (High/Low) for Activity Durations, Resources (and other parameters) in MMDB-Methodology Manager, before the Methodology is selected and Imported->the Methodology can be Imported as a Project using the Project Architect Option in the PMDB-Project Database (the Project Architect Import Option allows one to Tailor the Methodology being Imported, for parameters such as Size & Complexity in %s, WBS, WPs and Docs etc.-before Import via Project Architect). The selected Methodology-when What-Ifs are complete-can also be Exported from the MMDB-Methodology Manager Database as an XER File to be Saved (or e-mailed) at/from any location on the PC Hard Drive. The selected Methodology in Methodology Manager cannot be Scheduled/F9->only the parameters such as WBS, Durations, Resource

  • Quantities and Manhour Ranges can be changed to customize Methodology before being Imported into PMDB via Project Architect. In MMDB-Methodology Manager->The Methodology can be Saved->under Methodology Properties as a Activity Library, Base or Plug-In Methodology-the Plug-In (Methodology) being a System Fragnet-such as Feedwater System, Main Steam System etc.->Thereafter, when Importing via Project Architect (in PMDB-Primavera Project Management) from MMDB-the appropriate Methodology can be selected-whether Base or Plug-In (the latter being multiple Fragnets-FWS/MSS Systems etc.)-If Plug-In, the multiple Fragnets can be conjoined logically to produce the Project Schedule in PMDB-P6 Primavera Project Management Database. A Database of Plug-Ins or Activity Library can be maintained in the MMDB Database->to be used to customize and build an Entire Schedule in P6 via Import from MMDB by Project Architect in PMDB.

    Import WBS/Activity Codes/Cost Dictionary from Excel or Manipulate in P6 and Define-> This cannot be done (similar to Import of COST IDs described above)-unless the WBS Structure/Dictionary is already defined in the P6 Schedule. Utilize the same approach as elaborated for COST IDs as above->Copy WBS Dictionary from any Excel Spreadsheet-from Project Contract Documents or other Source-into Excel File to be Imported into P3 Project or from WBS Structure meeting criteria for current project from other similar Projects in P3 and Copy or Import from Excel or P3 Project into current Project in P3-then Import P3 Project with WBS Structure into the P6 EPS Node where current P6 Schedule resides-then the WBS Structure will be defined for current Project in P6. Thereafter, WBS designations as assigned to Activities for current Project in Excel, or assigned to Activities directly in the P6 Schedule-will be recognized when Imported from Excel or assigned to Activities directly in the P6 Schedule. Note->No "Names" will be Imported from P3 to P6, only Values, as P3 Export to Excel cannot Export WBS and Activity Code "Names" etc. If needed, "Dummy" Activities can be created in Excel File to capture ALL Fields from External Excel File into P3 Import Excel File. If the Project Detail in P3 File is sufficient-WBS/Cost Accounts/Activity Codes- no need to Export from P3 to Excel File and Modify/Reimport to P3. Import P3 File with All WBS/Cost Account/Activity Codes Data into P6 into a New EPS Node. Activity Codes will all be Imported as "Project" Activity Codes-Do not Delete Any Activities in this P6 Import-they can just "exist" in the P6 Database/EPS Node. If P6 "Project" Activity Codes" are to be converted into EPS Activity Codes->use the "Make into EPS" Option in Enterprise/Activity Codes-this means that these Codes will be Deleted from "Project" Activity Codes and converted into EPS Activity Codes. If needed to Convert from EPS Activity Codes to "Project" Activity Codes->Copy concerned Project from current EPS Node to "New" EPS Node-

  • which would accommodate this change.1. Cost Accounts will be brought over in Import from P3 to P6 as "Project"/Current Project Cost Accounts. These Cost Accounts will Exist at the "Project" as well as the "Global" Level.2. Note->Delete All Reference to Project Activity Codes in EPS Activity Code Structure, before making "Project" Activity Codes into "EPS" Activity Codes-Enterprise/Activity Codes Option. The "EPS" Codes thus created can be used then for All Projects concerning a particular Client-such as Bechtel etc.3. On Import from P3 to P6->the WBS will be brought over at the EPS Node Level. If a "New" Project is Opened in the EPS Node in question, the WBS can be copied, with or without "Activities" from Source Project to "New" Project, for which there will be "Dialogue Box" Options.

    Baselines-Maintain/Assign-First Maintain Baseline by selecting current Project (which is Open) and Adding Baseline-by either Copying Current Project or Converting Another Project as Baseline-which are Options for Maintaining Baselines. Thereafter, once Baselines are Maintained, Baselines can be Assigned using the Assign Baseline Option-upto 3 Baselines can be selected. Once Baselines are Assigned-standard Outputs displaying Current and Baseline Data-ES/EF, Durations, Total Float etc. in Activity Table or Gantt Chart can be formulated. Also, Note->To set the Project Baselines->the Edit Project Details except Financials Project privilege must be checked off->in Admin/Security Profiles/Project Profile/Edit Project Details except Financials.

    Earned or Actuals Value Formulations/Definitions-for Labor & Non-Labor Resources, Progress & Productivity Measurements and Displays- When P6 Schedule has been Resource and Cost Loaded, directly in the P6 Schedule or via Export from P6 Schedule and then Import from Excel Spreadsheets-in View/Bottom Layout Details->Resource Usage Spreadsheet, Resource Usage for Each Resource or Overall Resource Usage View can be displayed and Printed as PDF Files or Printed directly for Presentation. In Adobe PDF, these displays can be Exported to Excel (or MS Word) for further manipulation and analyses-as for Overall/ Project EPCC Progress and Productivity formulation and presentation, with Weightages assigned for the E/P/C/C Phases of Project based on Dollar Values from Contract Documents or based on similar Projects residing in the Company Historical Databases. In the View/Top Layout Option in P6->Earned Value/Units can be displayed as a Column in the Activity Tableonly for Labor Resource Units; also, Resource Profile or Usage Spreadsheet in View/Bottom Layout Details measures ETC/EAC based on Budget-Actual, not Budget-Earned Plus Actuals/Spent to Date (this last for EAC). For the Second Issue->Go To Admin/Admin Preferences->and Redefine ETC as being=PF (Productivity Factor, which is selected as PF=1)

  • multiplied (x) by (Budget at Completion->which is Adjusted Budget or Original Budget->MINUS Earned Value. With these Adjustments->All Reports, Profiles and Table displays will be based on ETC as defined above for parameters as selected. Labor and Non-Labor Resources exist in View/Bottom Layout Details-Under Resources-one under another if Budgeted Units or Units % Complete or other similar Options are selected under Resource Tab->there is No Option available to display separate Budgeted Labor and Budgeted Non-Labor Units in this area. Also, Earned Value Units for Labor can be displayed ONLY in Activity Table (View/Top Layout Option)-along with Budgeted Labor Units and Units % Complete as Columns in Activity Table. Also to be Adjusted->Using Enterprise/Projects Option->Bottom Layout Details/Calculations Tab->For Activities-Check Box for Link Budget and At Completion for Non-Started Activities and For Resources-When Updating Actual Units or Costs, Click Option Subtract Actual from At Completion.

    Resource/Cost Loading in Excel->Methodology and Process-& resulting Tables and Reports/Displays in P6 Schedule-It is not absolutely necessary to establish the Cost Dictionary in P6 (but beneficial-as Costs assigned to each Activity can be cross-referencedwith corresponding Cost ID, and thus aid in Valuations and for Payment purposes-in addition to providing an Earned Value calculation using Cost as a parameter instead of Duration or Unit (last-for Resource)-As the Costs assigned to each Activity in the Excel Spreadsheet Imports-will be brought over on Importing the Resource & Cost Loaded Excel Spreadsheets. Import only Activities with Resources and Costs that are to be Added-not Activities with Resources and Costs which already exist in P6 and may have been Exported to Excel-as there will be an ERROR message on Import if this is done. In case of modifying a Resource Budget Quantity-an overwrite of concerned number in Excel, prior to Import into P6-may be attempted.

    Note->On Bottom Detail on Layouts-All Labor (Manhours) and Non-Labor (Commodities/Quantities) Units-on Import-will be displayed under Units Tab-but will be distinguished by specific Resource ID (MR01, MCC2 etc), All Costs will be displayed under Expenses Tab for respective Activity-Only Costs /Expenses (Dollars) will be displayed-not COST IDs-as these may not have been entered in the Excel Spreadsheets before Import; Refer Establishing COST IDs Dictionary as given hitherto. For the Resource or Cost Profile or Table->select same from View and choose what you want to display and Print for Reports-Total or etc.. Profiles/Resource Usage Tables will give Plan/Progress-Earned & Forecast. The Schedule is not to be used as a tool for Payment/Invoice Purposes, but as a support to validate Payments/Invoices-however, Invoice and Schedule Derived Percentages should be quite closely matched. TO-DOs IN EXCEL

  • EXPORT (BEFORE IMPORT OF RESOURCE/COST DATA FROM EXCEL TO P6)->-Each Resource ID should be in Separate/Different Column.

    -Each Activity will contain One (1) Labor Resource ID and One (1) Non-Labor Resource ID. When Exporting Resource Data from P6 to Excel, Export Resource as well as Resource Assignments-Option for which is available when Exporting from P6 to Excel.

    -For All Activities-Cost will be Added in ProjCost Tab with Cost ID Plus Budgeted Cost Dollars from relevant Source Data. -Add Resource/Labor Quantity on the TASKRSRC TabAnd not on the TASK Tab.-Resource IDs & Cost IDs/Budgeted Manhours, Quantities and Dollars (or Actuals/ Spent Values->this during Periodic Updates as below) -Loaded (Initially with Budgeted Values-with Reference to the Contractual Documents and/or B.O.Q.- or Expertise by Discipline/ Department Engineers or by Project Controls Personnel who will Refer to Company Historical Databases for similar projects or Estimate the Budgeted Values themselves through Experience and Reference to Richardsons, R.S. Means, Sweets etc.; also Knowing Overall Manhour/Quantity Values for Resource, such as Large Bore Piping Manhours/Quantity-the Overall Large Bore Piping Manhours/Quantity can be segregated by Activities for Large Bore Piping using Duration as the ratio delinearator or factor) in Excel from P6 Export to Excel, can be Imported back from Excel to the P6 Schedule when complete.-Export/Import for Periodic (or Stipulated) Updates by Stakeholders (Discipline/ Department Engineers, Internal & External Parties concerned) via Excel-in lieu of Updates to Master Schedule via P6 Subprojects as described above in Subprojects section->Data such as Percent Complete, Actual Start/Finish, Expected Finish, Remaining Duration, Actual/Spent Values etc. will be Exported/Imported with P6 Activity (not Resource or Other) Export/Import Options available in P6 and will exist in P6 Schedule Excel Export under the TASK Tab. EXAMPLE OF RESOURCE LOADING IN EXCEL & IMPORT INTO P6->

    1.While exporting the XLS kindly mark the resource assignment window to be exported.

    2.Add a new resource assignment as example at (TASKRSRC) sheet attached XLS,a.Data added (Activity ID = P42HB-610, Resource ID = MCC4, Budget Units = 50)

    3.Import the XLS again and got this example successfully imported. NOTE->Add dictionary items to Primavera before assigning these items to activities in Excel. If you assign a new value to an activity or resource that doesnt exist in Primavera, then import will not add it to the dictionary. This applies to resource, roles, activity codes and values, calendar, cost accounts, WBS, and resource codes and values.

  • Note on Levelization->Refer Hotmail (Search Criteria->Levelization) for Memos From/To Sabine Graile from Inteco.de->Primavera Support Specialists for ILF Engineers & Consultants->5 e-mails in All with Sample P3 Fragnet Files->providing different methodologies regarding Levelization->Last e-mail dated 18Feb10 from Sabine Graile-> [email protected] ->

    Antwort: Questions on "Levelization" Options/Commands-Sample Schedule attached- with Sample P3 Schedule Fragnet and Explanation attached->

    is most relevant, workable and adaptable.Levelization is not recommended by using the Levelization Feature in P6-Instead utilize Resource Profile Display to gauge "Available" Resources as compared to Resource "Assigned" to Activities-and Manually Levelize so that Resource Assignments do not Exceed Availability."Availability" of Resource(s) can also be used for Resource " BUCKET PLANNING"-Go To Resource/Resource Assignments->then in RHS/Gantt Display, Select "Remaining Units" or "Budgeted Units" and MANUALLY Adjust Required "Units/Per Time Period" based on "Availability" of Resource(s).

    General Note on Filter for any Parameter, such as Activities->When selecting Parameter-Open State equals Open->means that this Filter will select ALL Activities.

    Note on Portfolio Management and Tracking->First Develop Portfolio of Projects-by Location, Department, Project Manager or Other Parameters (Enterprise/Portfolio Option-ADD)-Then access Enterprise/Projects Option-and Press Control-Click to select Projects being Analyzed-and File/Open Projects-as if Projects selected are not Open->All Parameters in Columns displayed on the RHS of Project Designations will not necessarily be visible-Column Displays can include Planned/Earned/Actual-Spent Values or can be selected to display a slew of Other Parameters to Review, Analyze and Present. Also, utilize Enterprise/ Tracking Option to display required Parameters on the LHS and RHS of screen-by Right-Clicking on Column Headers and selecting Items to be displayed-and then Review, Analyze and Present required deliverables-Analyses using Enterprise/Projects & Enterprise/ Tracking Options can include gauging the Health of the Portfolio of Projects selected->Progress/Forecast and Productivity, Criticalities in Resources assigned to Projects-and their reassignments to optimize the Portfolio Budgets & Schedules, Achievement of Guaranteed Key Project Milestone Dates, Risk Levels etc.

  • View Progress Line Option-For Activities Ahead/Behind shown Graphically on Bar Chart does not exist in P6 as it does in P3-but does exist in P7-Note->The progress line represents the variance between select criteria in the current project versus a baseline project. On the Progress Line tab of the Bar Chart Options dialog box, you may set options for the lines appearance, its baseline for comparison, and whether it is based on start or finish date variance, or progress points based on remaining duration or completion percentage.

    Enterprise/Tracking Option-then View Layout/Open Option in Tracking to show already Built-In Global Layouts for Resource Analyses->Choose Layout/ then-Resource(s) based on Projects or Otherwise, Customize Column Displays in the LHS/RHS Panes and Top/Bottom Details-to Analyze Resource Usage, Allocation etc. across Project Portfolio, Specific Resource or Group of Resources.

    Enterprise/Projects Option-Display Groups of Projects by Portfolio or Total (on LHS)-Customize Columns on RHS to Display Planned/Earned/Actual Values or Other Parameters-with Specific Project Details in Bottom Layout. For selected Projects-assure that Projects are Open-as not all Parameters selected in Columns on RHS will display if this is not done.

    Alternate->Making Global/EPS Activity Codes into Project Activity Codes- Create Project Activity Dictionary by Copy/Paste (For Paste-DO NOT USE the Paste Button in the Dialogue Box, but rather Right-Click on Mouse and then the Paste Option, otherwise you will get an erroneous Pasting of Data to be Copied) Global Activity Dictionary already existing in P6-Copy Only the Codes that relate with current Project being Built-Up/Analyzed. NOTE->In The Project Activity Codes Dictionary-whilst Creating Duplicate Codes from the Global Dictionary-be sure to Number/Text Activity Codes appropriately->that is, if Global Code is PNG, then the Project Code should be PNG-1, so as to maintain correspondence between them and eliminate Duplicity whilst Exporting/Importing from P6 to Excel and vice-versa and maintain Integrity of Project Codes and Simplicity of Operation. Export from P6 to Excel the Global Activity Codes already assigned to All Activities or only sections/blocks you want to assign Project Activity Codes to, in addition to Exporting corresponding Project Activity Codes. When in Excel, Copy/Paste Activity Codes from populated Global Activity Codes to blank Project Activity Codes, either for All Activities or sections thereof. Then Import the File from Excel to P6-and the Global and corresponding Project Activity Codes will be Imported into concerned Project. In P6->the Global Activity Codes can now be deleted from the Dictionary-so that the process for assignment of Activity Codes to Activities becomes non-duplicative and easier-NOTE->It is possible when the Global Activity Codes are deleted from the Global Dictionary, the Project Activity

  • Codes may also be deleted in the Project Dictionary-if this is the case, avoid deleting the Activity Codes in the Global Activity Codes Dictionary. The Project Activity Codes can be converted into Global Activity Codes at any time, as this Option is available in the Activity Codes Dictionary Dialogue Box; however, Global Activity Codes cannot be converted to Project Activity Codes in this simpler manner, as a result of which the above process has to be followed.OR->

    Quick Tip: How To Convert an EPS Activity Code to a Project Activity Code in Oracle Primavera P6EPS Activity Codes are great when we want to have a set of Activity Codes available to certain projects

    based on where they sit in your EPS structure. An example might be having a set of Activity Codes for

    each Department in your database. Typically, EPS nodes would be set up for each Department, allowing

    an organization to specific a set of EPS Activity Codes for each Department that are only available to their


    Many organizations setup and use EPS Activity Codes as a means to establish standardized codes for

    groups of projects.

    But what happens if we want to move the project to another EPS node and need to preserve the coding?

    What if the EPS Activity Codes dont exist at the projects new EPS node? Will we have to redo all of

    that coding inside the project? AND what happens if we need to export the project to another database?

    Will the coding come along?

    Fortunately, there is a way to preserve the coding in both of these situations. It is possible to convert

    anEPS Activity Codeto aProject-level Activity Codein Primavera P6 allowing you to preserve your coding when moving or exporting a project. Heres how:

    Step 1 EPS Activity Code Setup

    Assuming weve got an EPS Activity Code set up like so:

  • Step 2 Open the Project

    Open the Project that uses the EPS Activity Code.

    Step 3 Copy and Move

  • Copy the Project and paste it to an EPS node where the EPS Activity Codes do not exist. Youll see a

    message like this one.

    To preserve the EPS Coding, Primavera P6 will copy the EPS Activity Code to a Project Activity Code to

    be stored inside the Project and the coding assignments will stay put.

    If it makes sense, move the copied Project back the original EPS node. You can chose to keep or delete

    the original project its up to you. And now you can also export the project with the coding intact.

  • To make Budget at Completion=Budget, for Earned Value Calculations-Plus Earned Value Calculations/EAC/Productivity Measurements-Refer Hotmail memo also on this issue->Make Activity-Physical % Complete and Activity Type->Fixed Units and Durations Activity->"Task Dependent". All Activities can be changed to these parameters by Adding Columns for Percentage Complete Type and Activity Type and then Fill Down the 2 required parameters needed for All Activities. Actuals/ Spent Values can be assigned Manually in P6 (If on Network) or in Excel Auto-Update File->Enterprise- Settings/Calculations can be adjusted to reflect Actuals do not change (are not Updated), when Percent Complete changes. With these Values-SPI-EV/PV, CPI=EV/AV etc can be calculated/ETC will be given by-> Budget At Completion Minus Earned. The Admin Preferences/Earned Value setting has to be configured rightly to reflect this approach as given/queried below. The Column Data as given in P6 can be manipulated to give similar results in Excel-for the parameters designated-and may be more flexible for presentation cases. COSTS can also be manipulated to give similar results-using the criteria and methodology described above-in P6 and Excel, as for UNITS.

    Importing Cost IDs and Cost ID Names into P6 via P3 (Cost ID Import to the latter thru Excel)-

    Easy Way->Export Blank Column for COST ID to Excel with Activity Numbers-there is no Option to Export COST ID Names. Once in Excel/Lotus/DBIV-Copy COST IDs from Source Excel File to corresponding Column (COST ID) in Excel Export File-then give False Activity IDs to All Activities that have COST IDs assigned to Row-just Copy/Paste/Fill Down (?) ACT ID using a 5 Number gapbetween each Activity. The COST IDs will now be populated along with ACT IDs and will be automatically defined in P3 Cost Dictionary on Import-only by COST ID, as there is no Option to Import COST ID Names. A similar approach cannot be applied through P6, as COST IDs assigned to Activities are not recognized unless the COST ID Dictionary has been defined and populated-there is also no provision to Copy/Paste Dictionary from Excel (applies to P6 as well as P3). Once the COCT ID Dictionary has been populated/established in P3->Import this P3 File into P6 under the same EPS Node the Parent P6 File exists, to which the COST ID Dictionary has to be assigned->On Opening the Parent P6 File, the COST IDs will appear in Global Form/not Project in the Parent File and COST IDs can now be assigned to Activities, either within P6-or Externally in Excel with Export/Import-when the filled fields for COST ID are input in Excel, corresponding to concerned ACT ID, the COST IDs are recognized on Import to P6 as COST ID Dictionary has been established. COST ID Names can also be assigned next to COST ID & ACT ID now in Excel (by Copy/Paste from Source File) and will be probably be recognized, as the COST IDs & ACT IDs exist in P6

  • and are correctly cross-referenced. Adding WBS Codes/Names and Assigning WBS to Activities-

    Take a similar project in P6-with WBS Codes & WBS Names, as needed-Open both the Source and Host P6 Projects at the same time-go to Project/WBS->in WBS Layout, Organize-Group & Sort by Default Option->and Copy/Paste (press Shift-Select/Right-Click to copy Entire WBS Dictionary or a Range of WBS & related WBS Names-or a single WBS, as needed->Copy from Source and Paste into Host) the WBS Codes and Names from both Opened (in P6)Source into Host/Current Project; both Source and Host P6 Projects will be displayed/organized, grouped and sorted- by WBS Codes and corresponding WBS Names-one below the other->In Dialogue Box when Pasting from Source P6 Project to Host P6 Project->Select All Options, including Activities if there is a need to copy Activities as well, or if Only the WBS, with Other Options-such as WPs/Docs etc., need to be copied from Source to Host, Deselect/Uncheck the Activities Option Only, and Copy the rest of the Options/Data. If a similar project does not exist in P6->Use a WBS from a P3 project, after Importing it into P6-and then Copy/Paste WBS, as noted above, from Imported P3 (now P6) project into the Host/Current project in P6. If a suitable WBS does not exist in the Blank Source P3 Project->Import a suitable WBS Dictionary to the Blank Source P3 Project from a similar project existing in P3 itself. After the Host/Current project in P6 has been populated with the WBS Codes/Names in the WBS Dictionary, in the Top-Right-> Project/Activities Table-add Column for WBS ID-and using the Drop Down feature in the cell-assign/select WBS for the concerned Activity, as the WBS Code/Names will have been defined in the WBS Dictionary and can be selected in the Activity Table-for WBS-for any Activity->thereafter, the Fill Down feature can be used to Copy WBS in the Activity Table Area, from Activity to Activity or from a particular Activity to a Group of Activities, as desired, after Organizing/Layout Group & Sort Option-by Activity Codes/Activity IDs or any Other appropriate parameters. NOTE->Hint->When a Project is Open In Project/WBS mode->and there is a Column in Activity Table Area defined for the Project ID->changing the Project ID Name which exists to another, in any Activity row-say from Project ID Sample to Project ID Sample1-will change the Project ID designation & therefore the Entire Project, into Sample1.

    Note on Profile Display in P6-Choosing Profile Display-Bottom Details-for Resources or a Set of Activities-will give Option for Histograms/Curves-with available Selection Parameters being Budget and ACTUALS (not EARNED VALUE)/and Forecast. If any Other sort of Display is needed-such as Budget/EAC, Earned Value, Actuals,

  • Forecast etc.-choose Reports and obtain Standard Reports, or Export to Excel via CSV Type Files-and manipulate data in Excel as needed-as described in Tab above.

    Concurrent Users designation/figures can be altered in the P6 License File-to conform to P6 Admin Preferences requirements/needs. Also P6 Install Procedure" is given in Install Procedure/License Text Write-up in P6 Folder/Files.

    Note on Filters and Global Change using User Defined Fields instead of &TMP-Filters do not exist in P6, like they do in P3-with selection for Level 1,2,3 etc.-but in P6 you can select 2 or more Filters to choose different Options for parameters that need to be selected-that is, the Layout which will be formulated will select multiple Filters to give desired selections-thus providing the same Options as available in P3-only One particular Filter for a certain Layout as in P3, will be replaced by Multiple Filters for a certain Layout, for desired selections, as represented in P6. Instead of using a Temporary Variable-&TMP as in P3-since this Option is not available in P6->Whilst using Global Change in P6 where a Temporary Variable is required or needed->Create 2 or more User Defined/Custom Data Fields in P6 to accomplish what Temporary Variable(s)-such as &TMP and &TMP1-in P3 will do whilst executing a complex Global Change.

    Compatibility-> Different Versions of Primavera Enterprise-P5/P6.1/P6.2/P7-Changing Enterprise Versions-for Access to Enterprise Files of a particular Version->If you have P6-Version 6.1 and receive a P6-Version 6.2 XER File-you will not be able to Open this File with Version 6.1-In this case, Right-Click on XER File and select Command-Open With-- NOTEPAD-In the Text Fields in NOTEPAD, change Version (on first Text Line)-from P6 Version 6.2 to 6.1 and SAVE this Notepad Text File-Now this amended to Version 6.1 File can be Opened with the P6-Version 6.1 which exists on your computer.

    Work Products & Documents-Creating/Assign to Activity or WBS/Link to External File-Go To Project/Work Products & Documents and Create a WP & Doc-With Title/Status/ Reference # etc. Assign a Activity or WBS or Project to particular WP & Doc. Link to any External File in Excel etc.-This is important, as you can Create a Risk Management Plan or Matrix in Excel and then Link it to a particular Project via the WP & Doc feature-this Link can be at a Private or Public Location-If Public->the Risk Management Matrix and subsequent Updates can be Viewed by relevant Team Members right from the WP & Doc feature in P6 by Launching the Location designated on Project/WPs & Doc Option. At the Activity Level->On the Project/Activities Bottom Layout Option, the Fields can be Customized to include WPs & Docs and Activities Assigned a particular WP & Doc->which has been defined in the Project/WPs & Docs Option->The Description on the particular WP & Doc can be in Text Form or as a Link as described above->specifying Problems/References/Notes->which can be Displayed in Activity Tables, Printed or Exported etc.

    Risk/Thresholds/Issues Explanation and how they can be utilized on Projects->

  • Project/Risks Option allows for Creating a Risk Item with info such as Status/Priority/ Description etc. and can be assigned to a WBS or Resource Only->and provides Option to write (In Text) a Risk Control Plan-based on Options which can be exercised for Impact Date and Exposure (the latter being calculated based on Resource or WBS Current Value/Impact Value and Probability of Impact). The Number of Activities affected depends on the WBS and/or Resource Selected.Project/Issues Option allows one to Create an Issue related with Thresholds (the latter being Described in Project/Thresholds Option)->by Status/Priority/Resolution Date. The Issue is related with a WBS and an Activity ID, with the Threshold Parameter, Lower and Upper and Actual Value defined-Text Description can also be assigned to the Issue. To be Noted->The Issue can be Tied or Related with a Threshold where the Threshold is defined using the Project/Threshold Option- where Thresholds can be automatically selected and assigned Low/High Values, a WBS with Activities affected, Tracking Layout, Status and Issue Priority. The Threshold/Details window allows one to Monitor the Time Period Window-From/To Dates-where the Parameter defined is within Specified Values-with the data about the related Issue being displayed, such as Status/Priority/Resolution Date. The already formulated Tracking Layout can be selected, either in the Project/Issues or the Project/Threshold Options to monitor the effects of the related Threshold or Issue designated.

    Publish Websites/Activity Layouts/Tracking Layouts->Publish Activity and Tracking Layouts is straightforward->Tools/Publish Activity or Tracking Layouts as HTML Documents and Save them Locally or on Public/Company designated Folders or Servers. Tools/Publish Websites->can Publish on the Web on designated/created Website for this purpose-Website Name, such as www.sample.com ahs to be provided in addition to Publish Directory which has to created as well and should be empty, with no data therein-such as C:\Test for example, to accommodate Files created on publishing.In this case, the data will be displayed on the Web under www.sample.com /file:///C:/Test/main.htmandwillalsoshowonLocalDrive(orPublicDrive,ifsoselectedanddesignated)underC:\Test.Tools/PublishtoWebsitewillalsoworkwhenNoWebsiteAddressisindicatedforOptionschosenunderTools/Publish/WebsiteandonlythePublish/DirectoryOptionisindicated-inwhichcaseAllFilesCreatedwillbeSavedunderC:\Test.TheTools/Publish/(Project)WebsiteOptionworksverywellforGraphicsandReportsOptionswhereLayoutsandReportscanbepublishedontheWebandLocal/PublicDrives,buttheOption for publishing Topics (which is an Option) does not work-especially on Web Publishing, where Project Data such as Listing for Project Activities, Resources and Codes etc. is required to be published on the Web or Local/Public Drives (Question->For P6 Technical Support).

    Notebook Option-Project/Activities/Bottom Layout Selections->Firstly, Define Notebook Topics in Admin/Admin Categories-Then, Select to Display Notebook in the Project/Activities/Bottom Layout Option-by choosing the Customize Activity Details Option->Then Select a Notebook Topic (already defined in the Admin/Admin Categories Option) for a particular Activity and Pen Down particular Details in the Objectives Pane. These details can refer to any concern-Delays on Manufacturing/Delivery, Drawings and their Impact on Project Progress-This Notebook Text Entry Option allows to display these Notes in the Gantt/Bar Chart Area corresponding with the affected Activity, by choosing Bars/Label->and then Selecting Notebook-the

  • Field thus being configured to be displayed next to the Activity Bar in the Gantt Chart Area of Layout. This convenience of being able to Display Notebook Texts for elaborating on Project Concerns for Activities Selected also helps by minimizing the use of User Defined Fields and Text Boxes (the latter-View/Attachment/Text Option)-as relevant data can be displayed as Notebook Texts next to the Bars in the Gantt Chart Area.

    Export of Gantt/Bar Chart from P6 to Excel, so that Bars show in Excel->May or May not Work-> Save Layout, Activity Table & Bar Chart as a PDF File->Newer Versions of Adobe Acrobat Professional have capabilities of Exporting PDF Files/Layouts directly to Excel->Try This, On Export from Adobe Acrobat Professional to Excel->the Activity Table Columns area will certainly come through, and probably the Time Spread Bars in Bar Chart, corresponding with Start/Finish Dates for Activities in the Activity Table area.

    P6-Saving and Printing Data/Layouts in Different Formats->File/Print Feature-Allows you to Print/Save to Local or Server Printers/Microsoft-XPS Document Writer where you can View and Print Files, by Opening the Layout in XPS Document Viewer, a Microsoft Product which is Loaded and Available on all Computers/PDF Printers-such as Adobe Acrobat Professional or PDF Creator/Architect-And/Send to One Note Printer Option.Print/Preview Feature-Allows you directly to Publish the Data/Layout as a HTML Document. The Print/Preview and Save As Feature-allows you to Save Layout As/In JPG/BMP/EMF/PNG Formats or Print Layouts as described above.

    Global/All Resources and Project/Current Project Resources & their Assignments->First Access Enterprise/Resources->Then First Create a Resource Dictionary at the Global or EPS Level-the EPS Level being for a Particular Client or a Group of Projects. Then Import Clients Projects if need be->Resources assigned to these Imported Projects will be Imported at the Global Level. If not, Access Enterprise/Resources-> and Filter/Select Resources at Current Project Resources-and Copy/Paste All Resources from Current Project Resources to Global or EPS Level, if Project Resources do not exist at the Global/EPS Level already on Import. Organize Resources in the Enterprise/Global Resource Dictionary by EPS/Particular Client or at the Project Level-whichever Option is most usable and appropriate. NOTE->A Resource will exist at Global Level Only if so entered/Added, if Activities in Project concerned, have not been Assigned Resources (which exist at the Global Level Only till the present) within the Project itself->The Resources can be assigned at the Project/Current Project Resources Level by going to Activities concerned within the Project, and then Filtering by All Resources and then selecting the Resources from the Global Resource Dictionary and Assigning it to the Projects Activities-At this point, the Resources that have been assigned to the Projects Activities will start existing at the Global as well as the Project/Current Project Resources Level.

    For Auto/Monthly-Updates via Excel and then Import to P6-1---Expected Finish Dates Updated in Excel not coming through as Import-All Fields in Excel coming through in Import, except for those in Column Headers

  • designated as (*)-including Expected Finish-Need to find reason why. 2---Also, need to know why Project/Admin Preferences/ Earned Value settings conflict with Enterprise/Settings/Actuals Calculation, as the former is what is desired, not the latter. 3---In addition, need to find a method to directly Import Cost Account IDs and corresponding Cost ID Names (which may exist in a Worksheet in Excel) directly into the P6 Cost Dictionary.(THE ABOVE POINTS-IN GREEN->ALL EXPLAINED IN NOTES ABOVE/BELOW)

    P6-Rel. 8.2/Add-Ons->Team Member Updates, Progress Reporter, Difference->P6 Professional/P6 EPPM/P6 Web

    1. The "Team Member" Application-where Project/ActivityStatusing can be done remotely-Do the "Team Member"Updates work with all 3 types of configurations-P6 Professional, EPPM and P6 Web? Can the App.be linked to any of these 3 configuration types?The team member module will only update the schedule in an EPPM environment. If a scheduler using PPM needs a status update, he will need to call or email the field.2. Is the P6 Web configuration a "Stand-Alone" Planning/Schedulingand Project Controls tool/application-or does it "linked" toP6 Professional or P6 EPPM-that is can P6 Web functionas a tool all by itself?P6 Web (EPPM) is installed on a central server and is not standalone. In version 8.2 PPM (standalone) can be configured to work within an (EPPM) environment. 8.2 only though. P6 EPPM cannot be installed on a desktop. It needs to be installed on an application (web) server3. Why have Progress Reporter/Timesheets as a separate"Add-On" to P6 Professional? Why can it not be combinedwith the "Team Member" Application Add-On->to provideTimesheet "Actuals/Spent" Values (which Progress Reporter/Timesheets is configured to do) as well, as the "Team Member"Add-On is already designed/functioningto provideremote/independent "Status"on Activities?I am not sure why Oracle decided to license it that way. Probably some of their larger customers where wanting two different types of functionality to provide project updates.4.Will the Team Member module not updateschedule-even if P6 Professional is Installed on a Server or Network? (Can P6 Professional NOT be Installed on a Network/Server?-I believeyou may have answered this below-statingthat ONLY Version 8.2 of P6 Professionalcan be configured to work within an EPPM Environment-but does P6 Professional have to be "physically" Installedon a Network/Server or just locally on the "Desktop" computeror Laptop to enable obtaining Updates via the Team Member module?).Also, is the P6 Web configurationa "stand-alone" configuration for "entire" Planning/Scheduling functions and has "full" capabilitiessuch as the "P6 Professional" and "P6 EPPM"configurations or does it have "limited" capabilitiesand works ONLY in tandem with the "P6 Professional"

  • or "P6 EPPM" configurations? P6 Professional cannot be installed on a server due to the Oracle licensing agreement. P6 Pro is standalone application meant to be installed on a laptop or pc. P6 Pro version 8.2 can be configured on a laptop so that it can collaborate with an EPPM database located on a central server, but previous versions cannot. You cannot use any team member applications to send updates to P6 Pro, only P6 EPPM (which is web server based). You can do everything using the web (EPPM) that you can on the client/desktop (PPM). A company can run all web licenses if they want.

    P6 ETC/EAC Settings > TO SET BAC=BUDGETED UNITS OR COST->How do I set (Budget) "At Completion" Units (or Cost)to Equal=Budgeted Units (or Cost)->the "At Completion"Values change when Activity % Complete changes->and I want it to remain Constant at=Budgeted Units (or Cost).Global Change does not work, as the Primary Parameter-"At Completion" is not available in Options on the Left Hand Sideof Global Change Dialogue Box.

    It is a project level setting see below->

    You will have to change the duration type to Fixed duration and units, Percent complete to physical , and task dependent......this will solve that for new activities that you add

    For existing activities you can add the columns and then start at the top and do a fill down, or you can change individual activities by the general Tab on the detail screen on the bottom of the chart view.....SEE BELOW->

  • OR->Probably utilize the macro-embedded .xls sheet that utilizes the Primavera SDK kit. You can then set the values equal to whatever you want. Especially if you need to back into a set value it is easily accomplished in this manner. Dont forget to copy/paste values for any column that you calculate with Excel formulae->This can also be done with Export to Excel/Set Values as needed/Import back into P6.

    PRIMAVERA RISK MANAGER (PERTMASTER)-> Risk Levels are set Using Both-> Uncertainties-Minimum (Durations etc.)/Most Likely/Maximum (Durations etc.)-Based on Original Durations etc. for Parameters as given below and Risk Events in the Risk Register in P6->Confidence Levels can be set in P6->For Example->Create User Defined Fields for Duration-Minimum/Most Likely/Maximum-After selecting these Values as Columns-Assign Limit Values to Minimum/ML/Maximum Fields based on Existing Durations ("User Defined Fields" are thus reflected in Risk Manager and can be brought over into P6 after "What-Ifs" Scenarios in Risk Manager, as they have been Defined already in P6). Then Create Risk Events in P6 Risk Register, Linking these Events to Activities, WBS, Groups of Activities if needed.Import the Project Concerned into Primavera Risk Manager-This can be done directly from P6>"Tools/Risk Analysis Manager" or by going into Risk Manager and Importing the Project from P6. Once Project is Imported from P6 into Risk Manager-Adjust "Settings" in Risk Manager->in General/Tasks/User Defined Fields "Tabs" as needed/ Confidence Levels can also be set for Durations/ Dates/Resources/Costs/Float/ IRR-NPV in Risk Manager-For Example using Duration as the Parameter and Setting Confidence Levels in Terms of Percentages-

  • i.e. 10% Lower, 20% Higher (Highest/Lowest) than Existing Durations etc. to selected Activities ("Risk/Template" Option can be used for this purpose). In Risk Manager->The Risk Events also having been Imported->Select in Risk Register-> (from RHS) the WBS, Activities etc. that the particular Risk Events affect-and then "File/Save Register".Now the Minimum/ML/Maximum Uncertainties and Risk Events have been defined in Risk Manager and the Risk Calculations can be Run in Risk Manager (Note->Prior to Running the Risk Manager on the Project->In the Risk Manager Run Dialogue Box or elsewhere in Risk ManagerChoose the User Defined Minimum/ML/Maximum Fields and the Risk Events that have been Imported into Risk Manager).There are 3 Main Outputs on Running the Risk Manager->One Distribution "Graph/Chart" (LHS)-Showing the Minimum/ML/Maximum and Optimum Completion Times/Dates (say 72% Likely to complete on Optimum Date-as denoted in the Table on the RHS of the Chart/Graph) based on the Duration Uncertainties and defined Risk Events; One Distribution "Graph/Chart" Showing the Minimum/ML/Maximum and Optimum Costs (ROI-Return On Investment) ) at which the Project will complete (say 60% Likely to complete at Optimum Costs-as denoted in the Table on the RHS of the Chart/Graph) based on the Duration Uncertainties and defined Risk Events-Results will also affect Costs based on 3 Point (Minimum/ML/Maximum) computations of Schedule Duration-> Three Point Costs Estimates can also be used as a Parameter Minimum/ML/Maximum-in Addition to the same for Durations or can be a Stand-Alone Parameter; Tornado Chart based on the Duration Uncertainties and defined Risk Events-which show All Critical Activities causing the Result obtained for Dates/Costs etc.- based on the Duration Uncertainties and defined Risk Events-the most Critical of which are denoted in higher %s (out of a Total of 100%) on the Top of the Tornado Chart and need to be Monitored and/or Altered Logically, Reduced in Duration or Resource Allocations Adjusted-which are Mitigation Actions to recover or "Optimize" Schedule. The Reports can then be Saved (File/Save Report)-to exist in Risk Manager with other Scenarios, as needed. The "Summary Risk Report" can also be selected from the Menu-and then "Build Report" ->to Display Results on Parameters selected in the "Build Report" Option.Cumulative "Comparisons" between Baseline and Current Schedules can also be configured in Risk Manager. Also, if needed, Different "Calendars" can be selected/designated in Risk Manager for different Risk Analysis "Scenarios".Based on the Run and subsequent Results->Projects can be Categorized and Selected from a Portfolio of Projects-in Terms of Higher Confidence Levels, Critical Date Completions/Tornado Chart Results and Associated Costs etc.-to be Implemented or Rejected/Deferred etc.The Changes to Durations/Costs etc.-which have caused certain Results to be indicated in Risk Manager-can be Imported back into P6, if the indicated Results in Risk Manager are demonstrative of the direction in which the Project(s) are to be geared towards in their Implementation & Execution-so as to provide Optimum Completion Time Frames and ROI.


    Difference between 2 Options for ETC Calculations- as marked below-Option 1 & Option 2->

    Option 1-As described above->The process works for "Estimate at Complete"-the Value holds-but the ETC holds too-I want (Calculation 1)-the ETC to be=Estimate at Complete - Earned Value (Productivity Factor=1)-which I have marked on Admin->"Admin Preferences/Earned Value"(this very Option for EV Setting, also exists in Project/WBS/Earned Value-

  • What is the difference between this & Admin->"Admin Preferences/Earned Value"setting above) Option-(ETC=PF x [Budget at Completion - Earned Value])but it does not do so. Option 2-Also, in the same Option DialogueBox-What does (Calculation 2)-"ETC=Remaining Cost for Activity" Imply-as it relates to Units and not Costs (P6 Help on this states-ETC will equal=Remaining Duration x Applicable Resource Rates-so as applied to Units will it be ETC=RD x Remaining Units?)-And what is the difference between these 2 ETC Calculation Options?

    A. There are settings to measure Earned and Actuals separatelyas given below-however you need to disassociate the twoas the settings on "Enterprise" Level-apparently clash with one another->1. "Enterprise/Projects/Calculations/Resource Assignments"- I have set "Subtract Actual from at Completion" and Unchecked "Recalculate Actual Units & Costs when Duration % changes"- this means I can enter Actuals/Spent manually, and ETC="At Completion" Minus Actuals.2. In "Admin/Admin Preferences/Earned Value/Technique for Computing Earned Value"- I have chosen ETC=PF x (Budget at Completion Minus Earned Value), with PF=1. I want to enter "Actuals" Manually as in 1. above and calculate ETC with Earned Valueas in 2. above-however with setting as in 1. ->ETC is calculated as "At Completion" Minus"Actuals" instead of setting as in 2. ETC=Budget (or "At Completion") Minus Earned Value-the latter setting being the one I want. B. Also, I am attaching an Excel Spreadsheet with Cost IDs and Cost Names Exported from P6-on Import-only "Columns" without an (*) are Imported and not the ones with the (*) inColumn Headings-how do I adjust to have data in all columns Imported?

    Excel Spreadsheet-for P6 Update Import-Asterisk Marked Data.xlsx

    C. Also, if Cost ID Fields are not "defined' in P6, if I enter Cost IDs/Names in Excel next to ActivityIDs-they will not come through on the Import from Excel to P6-so what does "settingup Fields" in P6 indicate-does that mean establishing the Cost IDs/Names in theCost Dictionary-Exporting to Excel and then Importing from Excel to P6 afterassigning Cost IDs/Names to Activities in Export File?(OUTSTANDING ISSUES NOTED ABOVE->ALL EXPLAINED IN NOTES ABOVE AND BELOW)

    Solution to Above-ETC/EAC/EARNED VALUE & PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT-> 1. Earned Value Measurement-Planned Value-Obtained from Target/Baseline=Budget At Completion x Schedule % Complete. The Planned Value is Automatically calculated in Current Project as the Data Date is moved periodically. Schedule % Complete->Baseline Duration Complete as of Data Date.Total Actual Cost=Actual Cost of Labor/Non-Labor/Material/Expenses.Earned Value=Value of Work Done=Budget At Completion x Performance % Complete (Denoted Manually)-Performance % Complete can be Activity/Physical % Complete, Duration % Complete or Units % Complete and is % of Activity Planned Value "Earned".Budget At Completion=Baseline Budget of Labor/Non-Labor/Material/Expenses.SAMPLE->Resources Tab->8 MHrs/Day x 10 Days-80 Budgeted Units x $100/Hour=$8000 (Budget At Completion).PROGRESS-PRODUCTIVITY DISPLAY-> Top Layout-> Table->

  • Act ID/Name/PV/Actual Value/EV/BAC/Schedule %/Perf %/Start-Finish/BL1 Start-FinishDISPLAY->Bottom Layout->Resources "Tab"->Rem. Units/Time-Budgeted Units/Actual Units/Remaining Units/Price Per Unit/Actual CostFOR STATUSING SCHEDULE->Execute Status->Start/Finish Date, Physical % Complete, Remaining Duration/Expected Finish-then->Tools/Schedule/Data Date Change-then "Schedule". 2. Performance % Complete-In Enterprise/Projects View-> Go to ROOT/PROJECT "WBS"->"Earned Value" Tab->A. Activity % Complete=Physical % Complete-If this Option selected=Performance % Complete.B. WBS Milestones->WBS Weighted Milestone Elements->Highlight "WBS" to be selected and thus Activities pertaining to particular WBS.Go to WBS "Tab"-Designate Elements with Weightages (Total=100%)-Bid/RFQ etc.On Periodic Schedule Updates->Hit "Complete" for Each Element/Weight->Performance % Complete will be changed based on "Element" Completed for Activities under the particular WBS and Earned Value wll be Updated based on Performance % Complete.NOTE->Physical % Complete as Checked on Activity Status does not Change, but Performance % Complete is calculated as indicated here based on "Method" selected in WBS/Earned Value "Tab" (Only "Overlap"/Similarity is as mentioned in "A" Option).When "Radio Button" is changed back to "Activity % Complete"->the Performance % Complete-designated in "Table" View-> goes back to Activity % Complete and EV is calculated back to how it was originally->when Activity % Complete was designated for Performance % Complete.C. 0/100 Complete->0% Complete on Actual Start/100% Complete on Actual Finish.D. 50/100 Complete->50% Complete on Actual Start/100% Complete on Actual Finish. 3. CPI and SPI->TOP LAYOUT->"TABLE" VIEW->EV/PV/AV/Schedule %/Performance %/CPI/SPI/BAC/EAC->where SPI=EV/PV;CPI=EV/AVTo Gauge "Health" of Project->COMPARE->Schedule %/Performance %BOTTOM LAYOUT VIEW->General/Status/Resources/Relationships/Steps->From Above-"Resources" Tab->Act ID/Name/Rem. Units-Time/Budgeted Units/Actual Units/Rem. Units/Price-Unit/Actual Cost. 4. Calculation of ETC/EAC and Comparison of EAC/BAC->REFER ATTACHED KHAN.XER FILE->"Project" Important EV Layout-Activity ID "P11HN-320" in particular for Details as regards calculations below-> Assure that Calculations for ETC are changed in all following Locations-the ROOT Change being in WBS/Earned Value "Tab"-RHS Display->-Admin Preferences/EV-ROOT Change->WBS-For Particular "Project", "Root" WBS->EV "Tab" TOP LAYOUT "TABLE" VIEW->Act ID/Name/EV-Labor Units/AC-Labor Units/PV-Labor Units/PV-Non Labor Units/Budget-Non Labor Units/Cost-Non Labor Units/Actual Units-Non Labor/Actual Cost-Non Labor/Schedule %/Perf %/CPI/SPI/BAC/ETC/EAC/VARIANCE AT COMPLETION (EAC-BAC)NOTE->There is no EV-Earned Value for Non Labor and Material, Only Budget and Actual Values->that is, Columns will exist in TABLE View for Budgeted Units and Cost & Actual Units and Cost.-This configuration, as can be seen, will apply for CONSTRUCTION, where there will be Manhours (Labor) and Quantities (Non Labor). When the Schedule is Updated, Cumulative "Actual" Units/Quantity Progress will be Input for Construction Activities->The Percentage % Complete based on Quantities Installed->Actual Units/Budgeted Units->will be

  • Input as the "Physical" % Complete on the particular Activities, as a result of which EV/ETC/EAC etc. will be calculated for the Labor/Manhours Portion of the Activities. A "User-Defined" Field can be created for the Actual Quantity % Complete-which will be Actual Units/Budgeted Units, if so desired, so that Physical % Complete can be Input for Activities concerned for Labor Calculations. There will be No "Individual" EV/ETC/EAC Calculations for Non Labor as mentioned hitherto. Go To WBS (Project "Root")-EV Tab->RHS Display->Currently Set at ETC=Remaining Cost for Activity->Reflected in Activity View/"Resources" Tab as->ETC based on Rem. Cost for Activity->say, 64 Rem. Units or Mhrs x Price/Unit ($100/Hr)=$6400 (ETC "Cost"). NOTE 1->Do Not Input "Duration At Completion" as = Original Duration (in Settings where this Option is given), as "Remaining Duration" or "Expected Finish" are Input during Status Updates, which gives results as above for ETC etc. and means that Remaining Duration and Physical % Complete are "Unlinked"-which is the manner in which Status Updates should be configured. NOTE 2->All Fields such as " Budget At Completion", "Estimate To Complete", "Estimate At Completion" as denoted correctly in TABLE View are different from Fields such as "At Completion Budget", "At Completion Estimate to Complete" etc. which are based on "Work To Go" with Remaining Duration as the Criteria, as shown in NOTE 1 above. "Work To Go" based on Remaining Duration and Quantities can be shown if needed, in the "Resource" Tab-Bottom Layout View-for a Comparison with Fields/Data as shown in the TABLE View. The Correct Representation of EV/ETC/EAC etc. however is in the Top Layout TABLE View, Bottom Layout "Resource" View is Only for Viewing-and can be Used if the Method of EV/Forecast Measurement requires Data based on Manually Stipulated Remaining Duration & Quantities during Status Updates. EAC (Cost) is calculated as=ETC (Cost) + Actual Cost->Same for "Units"->Compare EAC to BAC as indicated in TABLE "VIEW" as above. NOTE->If the Option for displaying "EAC (Units)" is not available in "Columns" Display and it is necessary to show "EAC (Units)" etc. for Displays regarding/using "Units" instead of "Cost" Values, the "Rate" ($/Per Hour) for the Resource(s) can be made=$0 (Zero)/Per Hour, in which case the "Units" (Manhours) x Rate (which is "zero")=EAC (Cost), which is in reality EAC (Units)-the Description of the "Column" Header can be changed from "EAC (Cost)" to "EAC (Units)"-as can all Column Headers where and if needed->from "Cost" to "Units". WBS (Project "Root")-EV Tab->RHS Display->Can be Changed to any of the following 3 Options from Default Setting-> "ETC based on Rem. Cost for Activity"->And ETC will change accordingly-> Base Formula->ETC=PF (Productivity Factor) x (BAC-EV)->Where PF=1PF=1/CPI->Recalculated ETC in this case will denote "Minimum" Reqd. Total Costs or Units->Most "Optimistic" Scenario.PF=1/(CPI x SPI)->Recalculated ETC in this case will denote "Maximum" Reqd. Total Costs or Units->Most "Pessimistic" Scenario, as CPI and SPI are being considered in Formula.


  • "Hard Dollar" can be Loaded with Activities Imported from P6 or from the Contract BOQ. Once Refined with Resources/Quantities-Rates can be applied to Manhours depending for obtaining Project Dollars and the Integrity of the Contract verified within Estimating "Confidence Levels" (how much Confidence "Rates" applied have and their Impact on Contract Value/Cost). Most of this information is readily available in the BOQ (or in Historical Company Schedule & Estimating Databases) and can be fine-tuned once in Hard Dollar-most information may not be available when Importing from P6 to Hard Dollar and thus relevant data such as Resources/Quantities/ Rates may need to be added when Imported into Hard Dollar, as needed. The "Integrity" of Main Contract-Client/Company and Subcontracts-Company/Subcontractors can be verified following above procedure. Since Hard Dollar is an expensive program, the same methodology can be used when using Excel, after Copying data into Excel from the BOQ or Export from P6 to Excel. In very many cases the BOQ may be more detailed than the data in P6 (and if the P6 Schedule is not Loaded with Resources/Quantities/Rtaes) -therefore the detailed data from the BOQ would be preferred when preparing Detailed Estimates to conform to required Confidence Levels. Hard Dollar has the capability to perform EV Analyses-EV/ETC/EAC etc. and this relevant data can be Reimported and Exported from P6 to Hard Dollar and vice-versa after each scheduled Periodic Update. However, the same EV Analyses can be performed in Excel after Export of date from P6 to Excel on each Update (or in P6 Itself if so desired). Therefore, either Hard Dollar or Excel can be used to determine Estimate Integrity at the Initial or Execution Stages (the latter if Scope has been Added)-using data from the BOQ or P6 as described above and EV Analyses can be Conducted and Reported on each Update-in Hard Dollar, Excel or P6 Itself as desired and depending on Hard Dollar existing in the suite of the Company's Programs. If Client/Company BOQ or "As-Sold" Contract does not provide sufficient information-Use Engineering Dept. for Engineering Scope/Manhours, Procurement/Purchasing Dept. for Procurement Manhours, Client/Company "Contract" or Procurement Dept. OR Vendor information for Manufacturing Dollars for all Procured Items, BOQ or Construction Dept. or Subcontractor Data for Construction Quantities and Manhours, Commissioning Dept. for Commissioning Manhours. Also, for Conceptual Estimating use "Conceptual" Estimating Worksheet which is available on ED. -Core/Primary Utilizations of P6 Planning/Scheduling and Cost Control Capabilities- 1. Primavera P6 or Other Versions-should be mainly used when "Planning"/Forecasting-Quantities (for Construction and Manhours), Dollars (for Manufacturing) and Manhours (for Other Phases of the Project), with our without Disciplines for Manhours Forecast-such as Designers, Welders etc. so that shortfalls and over-allocation of Disciplines can be measured at any given stage of project (including Re-Forecasting)- by establishing Resource "Availabilities" in Resource Dictionary and formulating Planned/Forecast Resource/Quantity Curves-derived from either the Baseline/ Target or Current Schedules (Resource Disciplines and Crafts-such as Designers,

  • Welders etc. need not be Loaded into Schedules to define "exact" shortfalls in Manpower, but knowing the "Total Manhours" Forecast by Resource at any stage/update, an assessment can be made on "Ratios" for Disciplines needed/Forecast->such as if 100 Manhours for Large Bore Piping for any set of Activities comprising the Installation of Large Bore Piping, it may contain "Ratios" for Welders/Helpers and-or Pipefitters/Pipefitter Helpers in the Ratio of 1:2-so Activity will be for 50 Manhours->Welders/Helpers, Ratio=17:34 and the same Ratio applied for Pipefitters/Helpers for 50 Manhours Total) . The Resources/Quantities should be Loaded into the Baseline Schedule, as per above which is thus-> Besides using data from Historical Schedules, Use Engineering Dept. for Engineering Scope/Manhours, Procurement/Purchasing Dept. for Procurement Manhours, Client/Company "Contract" or Procurement Dept. OR Vendor information for Manufacturing Dollars for all Procured Items, BOQ or Construction Dept. or Subcontractor Data for Construction Quantities and Manhours, Commissioning Dept. for Commissioning Manhours. The Planned Values derived thus for the EPCC Project, by Phase or any Other detail (and by Entire Project)-will be used either Internally within P6 Itself when formulating EV Calculations-EV/ETC/EAC etc. on each Update or can be used to build "Planned"/Time Scaled Data for use in Other Company Programs, such as PRISM-which are used for EV Measurements-where Percent Complete, Budgeted Values, Actual/Spent Values are available in their database on each Update for making EV/Productivity/ETC/EAC measurements-Since they are incapable of producing "Time Scaled" Planned Values against which EV/Productivity measurements can be formulated-the need for obtaining the same from P6 is required.2. Primavera P6 or Other, should also be used for "Sequencing" of Tasks and "Criticality" (Critical and Sub Critical Path formulations) compilations-which is the main reason Planning/Scheduling Programs are used-as No Database or Spreadsheet Program can accomplish these functions, unless Tasks are "Scheduled" manually-and this is the primary purpose of Planning/Scheduling Software.3. Primavera Schedules-P6 or Other, when Resource Loaded, can also be used very effectively-for EV/ETC/EAC/SPI/CPI etc. formulations on each Update as can data Exported from P6 to Excel, as described in Detail above-and this does not take away from its main functions, but are a very forceful extension of its capabilities. To be Noted->"EV/Trending" Formulations can be based on "Units" or "Costs" (the latter when Dollar "Rates" are utilized for respective Resources or "Units")-or Both-either in P6 Itself or when P6 data is Exported to Excel and rearranged. -Invoice Payments->How they should be accomplished and their Relation with P6-> The BOQs-either Client/Company or Company/Subcontractors-should be used for Payment Purposes, as the specific Task(s)-either partially or fully completed (measured by Percent Complete) with their respective allocated Dollar Amounts-are represented on the BOQs-which can be verified by concerned Company or Client Personnel. "Earned Value" (Manhours) are

  • not a good measure for Payment Purposes-as their use can vary vastly from region to region. Payment can be measured using the BOQ Tasks as mentioned or as "Events"/Tasks which are necessarily noted in the BOQs or Otherwise (such as in Contract Documents) with corresponding Dollar Amount. If noted as Events-the Payments/Invoices can also be cross-checked with/between the same Activities/Tasks or "Events" in the P6 Schedule-for "Completion" Status -applying appropriate Contractual and Accepted "Rules of Credit" (for "Partial" or "Total" Completion Status) - and the Corresponding "Earned"/Progress Dollar Amounts for Activities/Tasks as represented in Contract Payment Schedule/BOQs or Other Contract Documents-and the Payment/Invoice Amount thus verified and sanctioned. Also, as regards "Earned Value"/Percent Complete->If the "Event" or Activities/Tasks Indicated "Percent Complete", and thus Invoice Payment for the Project (or any portions thereof) as measured using BOQs as noted above-shows a certain Value(s)-this Value can be compared to the "Earned Value"/"Percent Complete" (based on Manhours or Other Resource or Cost) contained within the Resource Loaded P6 Schedule-which provides a basis for a "sanity" check of "Earned Value" or Progress/Payments derived from these 2 sources-as Values obtained from these 2 separate sources should not be widely divergent. -Note on P6->Development & Integration of Main/Master Schedules and Subcontract Schedules-> Even though the Subcontract Level 4 EPCC Schedules may be Developed and Updated by the Subcontractors (by Methods outlined as below), the Subcontractors are obligated to Update the Master level 3 EPCC Schedules for activities they are responsible for-notably the "Construction" and "Commissioning" portions of the Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule as these portions are "Site" oriented and Company or Subcontractor Site Project Controls Team are most aware of Site Construction and Commissioning Scope and Activities-the HQs Project Controls Personnel will be responsible for Developing the Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule, and Updating the Engineering/Procurement/Manufacturing "portions" of the Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule at designated Intervals. The Company or Subcontractor Project Controls Personnel are also responsible for Updating the EPCC Level 4 Schedules, which are developed as noted below. The Subcontractor Updated Level 4 EPCC Schedules-will be analyzed by Company Lead Project Controls Representative at each Update, prior to Import into Master Schedule, for adherence to Contractual (Company/Subcontractor and Company/Client) Key Milestone Dates-irrespective of whether the Level 4 EPCC Schedules have been developed from the Level 3 EPCC Schedule using "Steps" (function available in P6), "Hammocks" or Job Lists-and for Earned Value Analysis, including measurements of Level 4 Schedules for EV/ETC/EAC etc. Earned Value (EV/ETC/EAC etc.) and Other Analyses-Integrated Critical Path Analysis etc.-on Updated Integrated Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing and "Imported" Subcontractor Updated "portions" of Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule (supplied Initially to

  • Subcontractors as either "Entire" EPCC Level 3 Schedules or Extracted from Master Schedule as "Subprojects" by Subcontractor) will also be conducted on a Periodic Basis, using an "Integrated" Level 3 EPMCC approach. The Resource Loading/Quantities etc. should be denoted in the Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule as per Company/Client BOQ and Other Company/Client Contractual Documentation-and should remain as such on each Periodic Update "Integration" with the Subcontractor Updated Level 3 Activities by various Methods described below (and also may include Subcontract for the A/E or the Engineering "portion" of the Works).The Resource Loading ( and perhaps the "Quantities") and the scheduled "Time-Frame" of Individual Activities on subsequent Updates on Subcontractor Level 4 EPCC Activities -as denoted by Subcontractors-may differ (it will be as defined in Company/Subcontract BOQ and Contract Documents) as compared to Resource Loading/"Time Frame" on the same Activities in the Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule -but the Key Milestone and Contractual Dates have to be met as denoted on the Level 3 EPCC Schedule and therefore duly included in the Contract between Company and Subcontractors. The Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule issued Initially for development into Level 4 Schedules (and subsequent Updates to the same) by Subcontractors-can Only be Updated when Updates are submitted-via "Import" Directly, when the "Steps" Function has been utilized Initially to develop the Level 4 Schedules from the Level 3 Schedule by the Subcontractors, as the Activities in the Level 3 Schedule will be the same as in the Level 4 Schedule (save for Added Activities due to "Scope" Changes etc.) as P6 "Steps" have been used to further define Level 3 Activities-and the "Direct" Import of the Level 3 Schedule Updates (including the Level 4 Activities as "Steps") will be appropriate. However, if Subcontractors "Hammocks" Added Level 4 Activities into the Level 3 Schedule Activities or simply "Adds-On" Level 4 Activities to Issued Level 3 Schedule or "Subprojects" Extracted from Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule by Subcontract and Issued to Subcontractors-they will be obligated to "separately" Update the Level 3 Schedule supplied to them-as the Level 4 Updated Schedules with "Added" Activities should not be Imported into the Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule-as the Integrity and Content/Detail on the Master Schedule should be maintained at the Level 3 Detail. If "Job Lists" (in Excel etc.) are used to further define the Activities in the Level 3 Schedule to Level 4 Detail and subsequently Updated in Excel-and the Level 3 Schedule is Updated/Refined based on Activity Status indicated on "Job Lists"-the Level 3 Schedule Issued to and Updated by Subcontractors can be "Directly" Imported into the Master Schedule, as the Detail on the Subcontractor Updated Level 3 EPCC Schedules (or on "Subprojects" Extracted from Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule by Subcontract and Issued to Subcontractors)-will be the same as the Detail on the Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule.-As Noted Above-Subcontract Level 4 Schedules may be Developed and Updated -from the Company supplied "Entire" Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule or "Subprojects" Schedules Extracted from Master Level 3 EPCC Schedule by Subcontract > by Any of the Methods Below->

  • 1. Using "Steps" in P6 to further define Level 3 Activities into Level 4 Activities (This Method enables "Direct" Import of Subcontractor Schedule Updates into Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule). 2. Using "Hammocks" to further define the Level 3 Schedule Activities, by Developing/Adding Level 4 Activities to "Hammock" into the Level 3 activities and Updating them at designated Periodic Intervals (This Method does not enable "Direct" Import of Subcontractor Schedule Updates into Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule-and therefore the Subcontractor Level 3 Schedule needs to be Updated "separately" and submitted for Integration into the Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule).3. Developing/Adding Level 4 Activities to further define Level 3 Activities , (and Updating them at designated Periodic Intervals) but not "Hammocking" into the Level 3 Activities, but maintaining them separately (This Method does not enable "Direct" Import of Subcontractor Schedule Updates into Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule-and therefore the Subcontractor Level 3 Schedule needs to be Updated "separately" and submitted for Integration into the Master Level 3 EPMCC Schedule).4. Developing/Adding and Updating Level 4 Activities "Job Lists" in Excel etc. -based on Level 3 EPMCC Activities and Updating the Subcontract Level 3 Schedule at designated Periodic Intervals (This Method enables "Direct" Import of Subcontract S