
P3 It’s a choice. Choose wisely. By Ken Miller

Transcript of P3

Page 1: P3

P3It’s a choice.

Choose wisely.

By Ken Miller

Page 2: P3

P3 is a simple reminder of what it takes to

build our teams. We all have room for improvement, regardless

of title or position. We have the ability to build the best

department. All that is stopping us, is ourselves. In the following slides we will discuss this

simple concept to help us succeed together.


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P 3 is an acronym for, Positive attitude Personal ownership Pride


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Positive attitude – Something we have all been

guilty of is coming to work with a ton of things on our mind and not focusing on doing our best. It’s human nature to be overwhelmed at times. But we as professionals have to try and rise above and at least attempt to be positive. Just as negativity is contagious, so is positivity. The old saying smiles are contagious is as true today as ever.


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Positive attitude – Can make a good day great

and a bad day bearable. No one enjoys working in doom and gloom. Take a moment to find the good in the situation. Instead of tearing things down, take an opportunity to build people up. It’s called team building for a reason. It may be that a situation doesn’t have an obvious “good” side. Use it as a training scenario so the next time it occurs you’re better prepared.


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Example – If one of your team comes in a bad

mood, how long is it until the rest of the team is upset and also in bad mood? 5 minutes? An hour? Half the day? It’s happened in as little as 15 minutes. And makes for a long day.

When most come in a positive mood how long does it take to become contagious? Almost instantly, people begin to laugh and smile.

Attitudes are contagious, good or bad, it’s your choice.


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Example – Positive comments breed positivity, i.e.- “Good

job”, “thanks for your help”, “great work”, “hey, great idea on the class schedule”, and so on, build people up. In turn building up our teams.

Negative comments breed negativity, i.e.- What were you thinking, that’s stupid, why can’t you do it right, this sucks, that’s a dumb thing to say, why do we have to do this, why did that change; tears people down and causes dissension in the team.


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Example – Taking an extra second to think about how

something is said makes an enormous difference. i.e.- “WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING? ARE YOU STUPID?” vs. “Why was this situation handled like that? Were there other circumstances?

Simply rephrasing a question or comment can make it positive or negative. Think before you speak. We need to build our team not tear it down.


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Personal ownership- Is simply taking

ownership or responsibility for a task or situation. How can you fix something you don’t own? To be dedicated to a project’s success, it takes claiming it as your own. How many of us have used the term “the” department instead of “my” department? A simple vocabulary change and the ownership changes.


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Personal ownership – By taking ownership of

projects, tasks, and positions, we are showing that we have claimed responsibility for seeing it through. Again building our people up, and taking on the responsibility of training those who haven't had the opportunities of others.


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Example – “My” department instead of “The”

department. Everything we do, whether good or bad

reflects on us. Why wouldn’t we want to own what effects us most. Our image, their perception of us.

If “we” train as a team, grow as a team and succeed as a team, the sky is the limit.


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Pride – The last but not the least. Pride is one of

the most important aspects of the P3 philosophy. We take pride in telling people things like I’m a Teacher, I’m a Mother/Father, I’m an Educator/ Instructor/Administrator. But pride is more than where you work or the job you have. Taking pride in who you are and how you conduct yourself is even more important. A wise old Professor once told me; “As an Instructor you will always be held to a higher level of responsibility.”


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Pride- Is how you approach every situation.

Take pride in every action that you do. Every task and special project that is requested should give you another opportunity to prove how much pride you take in your work. Taking pride in your work isn’t bowing down to the corporate machine or giving in to peer pressure. Not taking pride in your work however is giving in to peer pressure.


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The P3 ideology isn't to meant to solve

everything. It’s simply a reminder that being positive, taking ownership, and having pride in your work will go a long way in building the team we all want to be a part of. We all came here to be a part of something fantastic. The opportunities here are unprecedented. We have the building blocks of the finest schools in the southeast. To build it together we must take ownership of it.
