P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer

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Transcript of P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    when it counts













  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    P2 WorkloW Using Avid MediA CoMPoserTh A Ma Cmp amy Puct cu; Ma Cmp staa stwa, Ma Cmp wth

    A Mj sdi, a Ma Cmp Aa wth A dnxc. Th pap pccay cu u Paac

    P2 ma wth th A Ma Cmp staa stwa . Yu mut ha Ma Cmp 2.1

    at upat. W w t mmum hawa a twa umt, acut tchu, ach th ,

    mpt t A Ma Cmp t, utput puct a a ach. Pa t, wfw w b ma

    th Ma Cmp amy Puct, but w i/o, hawa a twa pmac.

    MiniMUM CoMPUTer reqUireMenTs

    T u A Ma Cmp, bw a th mmum Cmput rumt

    A Ma Cmp w u a PC Mac but th pap w ta PC pat.

    Qualified PC Workstations and notebooks

    HP xw8000, xw8200, xw8400 xw4400 Wtat

    d Pc 390 490

    spccat ay ba ab ytm:

    Mct Ww XP 32-bt et (sP2) Ww XP Pa sP

    dua dua-C it X Pc 5150 2.66 gHz, 1333 sB, 4 MB l2 cach it C2 du Pc

    e6400 2.13 gHz 2 MB l2, 1066 MHz sB ( at) dua 3.4 3.6 gHz it X pc wth nvidiA quaX 3450, 3400, 1400 1300.

    2 gB ddr2 eCC Bd sdrAM (2 gB mmum, 3 gB cmm Hd a cmpx wfw)

    160 gB hh (7200 rPM) sATA d


    HP w8440 Mb Wtat

    HP w9440 Mb Wtat

    d Pc M65 (A Mj t uppt)

    d Pc M90 (A Mj w uppt it C 2 du m)

    HP Cmpa Mb Wtat w8000 (dvCPro Hd t uppt)

    P :ntb ytm a t uppt u wth m tha tam ucmp sd mata.

    a cmpt t, pa : www.a.cm/puct/ma-cmp/t/pc.ap

    system, softWare and reCording format used for this PaPer:

    HP w9440 mb wtat:

    it Ct du T2600 2 @ 1.67 gHz

    2gB rAM

    95 gB ha

    dvd-Cd-rW d

    quc Tm 7.1.3

    Mct Ww XP Pa v 2002, sc Pac 2 A Ma Cmp 2.7b180

    ACqUisiTion in THe ieldsht wth P2 Ma p up at fxbty yu wfw. Yu jy a th wfw a abty bt

    -tat acut, but ay puct, th bt a at wh yu aac pa yu ach a

    tbut umt. Yu ca acu ta cty P2 ca, a t s-100. i yu acu a P2

    ca, yu ca t cty m th ca. Yu ca ta th mat th ca t th P2 st a yu ca th

    t cty m th P2 st. o yu ca ta th mat m th P2 ca t a ha a t m th ha


  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    key Point. P2 Cards are temPorary storage

    d t th P2 ma a a tap pacmt. it y a tmpay

    ta ma yu cama mat. Yu w wat t t yu ta

    a P2 a t m acha ytm mmaty, that yu

    ca u yu P2 ca. Th th maj aata P2 ca,

    thy a uab! Wth th cct wfw, yu ca puc amt aypjct wth a mmum jut th P2 ca.

    A mmb yu ca taty w ay ht th a t ba

    ta, up pac th P2 ca.

    AlTernATe WorkloW oPTionsi yu a c a m puct (cct, pay, w, cpat ta ha) that u yu t ctuay

    c a ctuu tm, th a a cup atat wfw aaab t yu.

    reCord on a firestore fs-100 hard drive

    Th ptab ha cct cty t yu cama a ba yu c mat ca

    captu c tm 100 mut dvCPro Hd a 250 mut dvCPro Hd 720p/24Pn.

    Hw, mmb th a cama captu a th P2 ca, yu hu ach th

    mata AsAP, t ath ha th ma. key Point - make sure you install fs-

    100 version 3.0 uPgrade. Th upa p dvCProHd quctm uppt a nat

    720p MX uppt. Ctact www.cu.cm ta th upa. B u t pat

    th cama 720p/24p ( 60), t 720p/24Pn.

    reCord direCtly to a mobile Workstation

    Th pt w aw at c tm (ba th ha yu cmput, a xta ha ). Th

    w that yu ha t ha a cmput th cct a w t yu cama. obuy th w t

    w cat wh th a t cama mmt, but c w ht, th a attact pt.

    i at, yu ca actuay captu cty t yu A Ma Cmp ( that yu a taty ay t t th


    ConneCT CAMerA viA ireWire

    oPen Avid MediA CoMPoser

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    oPen CAPTUre Tool. Cc T > Captu.

    Yu w b a t t a am th tap, th ca, c th tap, th cama. i cu ccty

    yu w th cama utput yu cmp ww. i t cu ccty, cc th c pu w mu

    a cc chc c

    key Point.

    make sure that your Camera is set to the same resolution and frame rate as your avid media

    ComPoser ProjeCt.

    seleCT AUdio And video TrACks And TC

    CliCk on CAPTUre BUTTon. Yu a w c.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    CreATing Clones o YoUr dATA on An inTernAl And/or eXTernAl HArd driveYu ca a cpy yu ata cty m a P2 ca (th w ut a cama, a PCMCiA t a th AJ-PCd20

    Ma a) t yu ha .

    MoUnT THe P2 CArds

    CoPY noT Move. Cpy a th th P2 ca t th w yu ha : :\A Ma\

    MX\1. nt: u th Cpy uct t M.

    keY PoinT. regArdless o HoW YoU ACqUire ooTAge, iTs viTAl THAT YoU ArCHive iT Beore erAsing YoUr

    P2 CArds. Whth ach t tap, ptca c, ha , ma u that yu cpy th t ctt thca (ConTenTs a lAsTCliP.TXT ) t a acha ma b matt a th ca.

    s th Ach ct at th th pap m ta.

    ACqUisiTion in THe sTUdioAcu ta th tu ma t acu th , xcpt cu yu ha much m ct. A th

    tp cb ab Acut th appy, athuh a tu t mht mt ab t c cty t a

    aptp a A Ma Cmp th th y mtat c tm th z yu xta ha .

    PrePAring or THe ediT on Avid MediA CoMPosergtt ctt c ay P2 ca t A Ma Cmp y ay a yu ha a umb pt.

    ediTing direCTlY roM A P2 CArd.o th bt atu u P2 ca wth yu A Ma Cmp that th t captu, tz

    mpt. Yu ca t cty m yu P2 ca! Uutaby, th th att wfw path t t, but mmb

    yu a ty up yu P2 ca wh yu th ut.

    insert the P2 Card.

    i yu mb wtat ha a PCMCiA ca t, yu jut

    t yu P2 ca t th t.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    oPen avid media ComPoser.

    st yu pjct paamt tm ut a am at.

    use media tool.

    Cc T > Ma T.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    sct th ma that yu P2 ca . sct cut pjct .

    Th ma that P2 ca w appa yu Ma t.

    Yu ca ab a cp a a t t th cmp ww. ntc a yu c th cmp ww, th ht fah

    th P2 ca. Th cat that yu a t cty th P2 ca. et m th pt tca t

    ay th ma A.

    Consolidate your files.

    Yu ca a cat yu t yu ha yu cmput, that yu ca up yu P2 ca.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    Cat ma cp th ma pt ma ct cp, ubcp uc. Cat

    cp th t a ha that yu ct. Th up th P2 ca a aw yu t t m yu ha .

    sct th ma a th cc b. o th p w mu ct Cat/Tac.

    Th Cat/Tac a bx w p.

    H yu ct Cat a at th tat ha . sct yu pt a th cc cat. Yu ma

    w th b cp t yu at ha . et th mata m th ha w tca t t

    a th typ ma A.

    ediTing roM PAnAsoniC AJ-PCd20 MeMorY CArd reAder

    ConneCt the aj-PCd20 to your ComPuter.

    Ch w UsB.

    insert your P2 Cards.

    Th a ha t. it t matt whch hw may t yu


    oPen avid media ComPoser. A yu tat A Ma Cmp, yu w tc

    that t w ca a x a th act P2 ca that a t t th AJ-PCd20.each t a a paat , wth t apppat tt.

    mount all drives.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer


    use media tool.

    Cc T > Ma T a yu w ach tt that pt ach ca t th a.

    seleCt the drives (P2 Cards)

    Cc th () yu wat a th ct cut pjct.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    Th ma that w appa yu Ma t. Yu ca ab a cp a a t t th cmp ww.

    ntc a yu c th cmp ww, th ht fah th cp ca t th Mmy Ca ra.

    Th cat that yu a t cty th P2 ca.

    Consolidate your files.

    Th tca t cat a cb ab th ct t cty m a P2 Ca.

    ediTing roM iresTore s-100

    Yu ca cct th s-100 t th a PC Mac. Th pap w cu cct t a PC. m ta a Maccct, th s-100 maua. i ta wa acu th st s-100, yu w t ha t u th s-

    100 oaz P2 cmma b attmpt t mpt ta t th cmput. Th t th s-100 t ct

    m, a attach th s-100 a a ieee 1394 tac cab; ma u t pu th cab t th s-100 CoMPUTer

    i/o pt, t t dv i/o pt.

    oPen THe s-100 drive older

    CreATe A neW older oMi MediAiles. sct >nw>

    drAg All oM And Ai iles inTo THe neW older.

    oPen Avid MediA CoMPoser

    oPen or CreATe A neW ProJeCT

    Use MediA Tool. sct T>Ma T.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    CliCk on fs-100 drive, Press ok.

    Create a neW bin.

    Cc > nw B, p yu

    xt b.

    highlight all items in the media tools


    Cc et>sct A

    drag to bin.

    Wh a yu cp a yu b, yu ca w t th tm.

    key Point. dismounting fs-100

    rmmb yu mut mut th s-100 m

    yu cmput p t pw w yu ytm.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    ediTing roM Clones o YoUr dATA on An inTernAl And/or eXTernAl HArd drivenatuay, yu ca t m ha . Th a au mth t t yu ta t th ha . Yu cu ha

    c cty t th ha yu cu ha put yu m a P2 t. Whch mth, w that t tm

    t t, mpy cct yu ha t yu A Ma Cmp.

    key Point: make sure that you are at the root level of your drive a that yu ha cp a th

    a m th a ata.

    oPen avid media ComPoser.

    mount all drives.

    Cc > Mut A

    oPen media tool.

    Cc T > Ma T.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    identifiy the eXternal drive.

    Cc cut pjct

    CoPy or drag CliPs into bin.

    Th cp w appa th Ma T, th cpy a ct cp t yu b a tat t.

    oUTPUTAt t, t tm t utput yu ata. oc aa, yu ha a umb pt ba what yu umt

    a pcc pjct ma. Yu ca utput th w dvCProHd pjct; 720p/23.976. 720p/59.94, 1080/50, a

    1080/59.94 a w t a xta c th c.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    Yu ca a utput dvdCProHd t a sd dv dc. A buy, th th A Ma Cmp amy Puct aw

    mutp i/o pt.

    seleCt the seQuenCe you Wish to outPut.

    render all effeCts.

    seleCt sPeCial >deviCe>ieee 1394.

    seleCt CliP > digital Cut.

  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    Perform the digital Cut.

    ArCHive (sToring YoUr dATA)At yu pjct cmpt t mptat t ach yu at. B bac up yu A Ma Cmp ,

    yu w a wat t ach yu P2 ta.

    key Point. When arChiving, you Want to store all the originally reCorded data, in its original form.

    dt jut ach cta pt cta , but bac up th t ctt th ca. Atay, t ta t p

    a p th cty tuctu a ach th t ConTenTs cty a th lAsTCliP.TXT , ay.

    oc aa yu ha m pt.

    dlT TAPe sTorAge

    sc P2 ma t tap ba, but ath iT mat, phap th mt tm tt ta iT tchy wtha dlT (dta la Tap) ta ytm. o xamp a tap that w w th P2 wfw th

    quatum sdlT 600A. Th tac t ct th c ttp.

    BlU-rAY disCTh m tchy up t 50 gB ta, a y attact acha ta.

    dvdP2 mat ca b ach ua dvd roM c. Ath cmm acha pc t u ptca c, uch

    a cab ata dvd. A 4gB P2 ca ca b ach t a ua 4.7gB dvd-r dvd+r; a 8gB P2 ca ca b

    ach t a ua-ay dvd-r. 16gB a a ca may b ab t b ach t ata Bu-ray ua-ay Hd-dvd c. T ach t a ata dvd-r yu a dvd bu a w a a dvd bu appcat (uch a n Ag

    n, rx Tat) whch uppt ma ata dvd. nt: yu t wat t cat a payab dvd, yu

    wat t cat a ata dvd. Th, u yu dvd bu appcat, cat a ata dvd ma that ct ca

    ConTenTs a lAsTCliP.TXT a bu dvd p ca.

    HArd disC sTorAgeHa ta w ut aab a aw ht tm ta, athuh th t cmm acha


  • 8/14/2019 P2 Workflow Avid Media Composer



    ConClUsionPaac P2 ma yu at fxbty yu acut, ach a t wfw. W wth P2 ata

    a t wth A Ma Cmp ut tahtwa a aw th att wfw.

    m mat cut:

    www.paac.cm/bu/p/hm.ap, www.cu.cm a www.a.cm.

    Wtt by: B Mtch, Pt, s Patt Puct, ic.