P-B Nutrition

P-B Nutritio n Recharg e Purpos e “Y” Code Controlled Response “The Zone” Primal Fitness Mind Tactics Mind Tactics


Mind Tactics. Mind Tactics. Recharge. Code. Primal Fitness. P-B Nutrition. Controlled Response “The Zone”. Purpose “Y”. Mind Tactics. Tapping into the full power of the human mind can assist you in reaching your full potential by achieving greater control over your body - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of P-B Nutrition

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P-B Nutrition


Purpose “Y”


Controlled Response

“The Zone”

Primal Fitness

Mind Tactics

Mind Tactics

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Tapping into the full power of the human mind can assist you in reaching your full

potential by achieving greater control over your body

Learn how to harness its power…

Mind Tactics

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Mind Tactics

“Optimize your performance…”

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• Greater Speed and Reaction Time• Increased Pain Tolerance• Increased Physical Strength• Greater Control of CR

System• Improved Sleep and Energy • Increased Focus and

Concentration• Greater Endurance• Etc. Etc….Improved Overall


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Remember This…?“You’ve used it before…”

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Mind Tactics – You already have it…“Mental Tactics”

Attention Control, Discrimination, etc.Internal/ExternalFeedback

Support System

Controlled Breathing

MotivationMuscle Control

“Repetition”Developed Routine

“Mental Tactics”Attention Control, Discrimination, etc.

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Mind Tactics“Control the mechanism…

generalize it”

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Mind TacticsIMPORTANT:


See Controlled Response (CR) Module

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Width Broad (basketball, hockey -- patrolling

market) Narrow (lifting, diving -- shooting)

Direction Internal (internal adjustments -- muscle,

thoughts, etc.) External (environment, opponent -- enemy,


Concentration & Attention Control

Basic Mechanics

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Shifting Focus: Broad

- External (wind, distance, light, elevation)- Internal ( past similar performance

adjust) Narrow

- Internal (align physical/mental attributes)- External (lock-in on target)

Concentration & Attention Control

Basic Mechanics – Targeting

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Shifting Attention: Broad External Focus Broad Internal Focus Narrow Internal Focus Narrow External Focus

Shifting Focus

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Shifting Attention: Broad External Focus Broad Internal Focus Narrow Internal Focus Narrow External Focus


(CR Module)

Shifting Focus

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Controlling the mechanism

“Quiet your mind…Internal & External Chatter”

For example…

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Controlling the Mechanism“Quiet your mind…External/Internal”

“Focus and BREATHE”


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“You’ve done it before…”

Controlling the Mechanism“External”

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“You’ve done it before…”

Controlling the Mechanism“External…Shifting Focus”

Practical ExerciseClassroom: Shift your focus

External (A/C) /Internal (Breathing)

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What do you see?(30 seconds)

Controlling the Mechanism“Internal”

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“Your past experiences can influence your NOW…”

Controlling the Mechanism“First…AWARENESS…Internal Filters”


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Past Experiences = Internal filters

“What we Hear, See, Feel, Smell, and Taste”

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Controlling the Mechanism“Internal”

Internal Reference (aka Filter) Points

1. Internal Dialogue Filter2. Internal Image Filter3. Internal Biofeedback Filter

“Your PAST EXPERIENCES can influence your NOW…”

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Too Easy vs. Too Hard

Internal Dialogue Filter“ Past Experience = Dialogue Filter”

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The Clean Slate

Peak Performance Dialogue“Control your dialogue…don’t’ let it control


“You’re a winner”

“You’re a loser”

“You’re strong”

“You’re weak”

“You can do anything”

“You can’t do anything right”

“Choose wisely…success or failure”

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I don’t think I can do this!!!

Am I ready

for this?

That looks really heavy

Easy weight..

I got this!!

I’m ready!!!

No problem!!

Peak Performance Dialogue“ Internal dialogue…success or failure”

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Peak Performance Dialogue“ Create your dialogue for success…”

I got this!!

I’m ready!!!

No problem!!

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Too Easy!


Performance Based Dialogue Increased Energy “Explode,” “charge,” “psych

up,” “go,” etc. Disengaging CR “Calm,” “quiet,” “peace,” etc. Pain Tolerance “No pain..no gain,” “getting

stronger,” etc. Increased Strength “Light weight,” “too easy,”


Peak Performance Dialogue“Create your dialogue for success…”

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Control your dialogue: First: Awareness • What’s written on your slate?• Who put it there?• Negligent discharge?

Negligent discharge = Distorted thinking• Catastrophizing – Expecting worse of every situation• Personalization – Personalizing events/activities• Polarized Thinking – Winner or loser ; good or bad• Overgeneralizations – Assuming one event is a pattern• Fortune Telling – Predicting the future• Mind Reading – Projecting your thoughts into others


Peak Performance Dialogue“Can’t shut if off Self-defeating dialogue”

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e.g., Mind Reading

Peak Performance Dialogue“Control your dialogue…don’t let it control


You think I’m an idiot don’t you!!!


You don’t

respect me!!!

Negligent Discharge

You think I’m an idiot don’t you!!!

You don’t

respect me!!!

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Countering Self-Defeating Dialogue (aka Negligent Discharge):

First: Awareness, Awareness, Awareness Thought Stopping - Clapping , word “stop,” shake

it off, or pain Cognitive Restructuring – Used to identify and

dispute automatic thoughts Affirmations – Positive self statements

Peak Performance Dialogue“If it’s not working, change it…”

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Cognitive Restructuring

Peak Performance Dialogue“If it’s not working, change it…”

Activating Event (A) “The


Belief (B) “Automatic Thoughts”

Consequence (C)“Behavior, Reaction”

Dispute (D)“Rational Response”

“I missed the shot” “I always choke under pressure”


Tense muscles, not centered, & miss another


“Other times while under pressure I performed


“I missed the target” “I never shoot well in the heat”


Tense muscles, not centered, & miss another


“It was just one shot, all the others landed”

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Peak Performance Dialogue“Create your dialogue for success…”

Maximize CR activationActivate “Overdrive” Red Zone

“I am strong” “I can take him”“I am ready” “I’m stronger than this”

Disengage CR systemActivate “Parked” Green Zone

“I have control of my body”“I can relax without effort”

Experiencing loss “I learn from setbacks” “I’ll be back stronger”

Facing the unknown “I trained hard ““I am strong and prepared for anything”

Facing adversity “I welcome challenges”“What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”

Maintain self esteem “I am smart”“I am worthy”

Facing multiple “I am focused”“I am balanced and in control”

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Internal Image Filter“ Past Experience = Image Filter”

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Visualization and Imagery“ See your success…”

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Pain tolerance Controlling physical

resources Recuperation and

healing Learning of skilled

functional movements Break through

perceived limitations

Visualization and Imagery

“See your success…”

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Visualization and Imagery

“Play out your success…”

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Break Time

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Brain has a difficult time distinguishing between real & highly vivid imagined images

The body responds as if real. For instance:

• CR activation = goose bumps

Visualization and Imagery

“CONTROL your BODY’s resources…”

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The Lemon Test

Visualization and Imagery

“CONTROLS your BODY’s resources…”

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“Red Zone (Overdrive) Green Zone (Idle)”

Visualization and Imagery“CONTROL your CR system…”

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Performance Based Images Disengaging CR Running stream, burning

candle, puppies, etc. Increasing Energy Animals, machines, forces

of nature, etc. Increase Strength Machine, explosion, nitro,

etc. Pain Tolerance Ice, sand, stairs, movie screen,


Visualization and Imagery“ Create your own images for success…”

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Visualization and Imagery“ Increase PAIN TOLERENCE…”

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Visualization and Imagery“ Control your images…don’t let it control

you”Self-Defeating Images (Similar to dialogue) First – Awareness – “Negligent Discharge” ID Distorted Images

Catastrophizing , Personalization, Polarized Thinking, One-trial Generalizations, Mind Reading, Picturing Failure, Science Fiction, etc. Counter Strategies

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(CR Module)

Internal Biofeedback Filter“ Past Experience = Biofeedback Filter”

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I’m starting

to shake…

I’m coming apart!!!

My heart’s racing…

I’m having a

heart attack…

My breathing is getting

faster…I’m having an asthma attack

My breathing is getting

faster…I’m shifting

into overdrive…

My heart’s racing…

I’m ready!!!

I’m starting to

shake…Octane yah!!!

Internal Biofeedback Filter“ Past Experience = Biofeedback Filter”

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Biofeedback“Get the edge – mind/body


Breathing (location and rate)

Muscle state (tense vs. relaxed)

Skin conductance Temperature – blood

circulation Heart rate Brain waves Etc.

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Biofeedback“Recalibrate…Reconnect your MIND

and BODY”

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Biofeedback“Recalibrate…Reconnect your MIND

and BODY”

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Training***See Controlled Response (CR) Module***

Autogenic Training (AT)Important: Only after connection re-established


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Biofeedback“Recalibrate…Reconnect your MIND

and BODY”

Practical ExercisePMR w/Belly Band =

Biofeedback(Controlled Breathing + PMR + Mind



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Mind Tactics Additional Strategies

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Suppression & Distraction Tactics

“CR Processing must be accomplished daily…”



“See also CR Module”

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Garrison vs. Deployed

“See also CR Module”

Daily CR Processing“CR Processing gets you in the

Green/White Zone …”

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CR Processing = Meditation“Lessons from the Samurai”

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Cued ResponseA stimulus, whether consciously or unconsciously perceived, that elicits or signals a type of behavior

Cued Response“Repetition = Automatic (Muscle Memory)”




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Mind Tactics: Goals Setting

“It’s their secret weapon”

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Question: Where are you going and do

you have a plan?

Goals Setting“The secret weapon of success…

reach your dreams”

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Stop procrastinating Realistic and achievable Daily momentum Set weekly targets Get a support system Find a mentor Keep motivated

Set and Pursue Goals

“Don’t stop…keep moving”

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Factors that Compromise Mental Acuity

“Fix it…” Sleep issues (see Recharge Module) Excessive caffeine (stimulants) Uncontrolled CR System (See CR

Module) Poor nutrition (See PB Nutrition

Module) Poor physical conditioning (See

Primal Fitness Module) Fatigue Emotions

P-B Nutrition


Purpose “Y”


Controlled Response“The Zone”

Primal Fitness

Mind Tactics

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Module Mastery Assessment (MMA)