OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER PROGRAM - · PDF fileLeadership at work above and below the surface...

Leadership at work above and below the surface OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER® PROGRAM Leadership of Sustainable Organisational Change

Transcript of OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER PROGRAM - · PDF fileLeadership at work above and below the surface...

Leadership at work above and below the surface



Leadership of Sustainable Organisational Change


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

"The truth is that no one factor makes a company admirable, but if you were

forced to pick the one that makes the most difference, you'd pick Leadership."

– Fortune's Most Admired Companies, 1998


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

"Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated,

building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action" Warren Bennis


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

A leaders character is shaped by a commitment to values

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge."

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

In which direction will the ice-berg move?


WINDWind =Vision

Strategic Plans



Currents =Culture





Management can create the winds of change, but the only the leader can influence the currents.


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

Research* into successful leadership reveals….

In Service ofPeoples Need for:

Effective Leaders Provide: To Help Create:

Meaning and direction A sense of purpose Focus, Goals and Objectives

Inclusiveness and Importance

A sense of belonging High Performing teams

Motivation Energy and recognition Motivation and commitment

Trust Authentic relationships Reliability and consistency

Hope and optimism Sense of security (confidence that things will work out)

A willingness to take risks

Results Bias toward action, clear roles, creativity and learning

Responsibility and Accountability

1. 100 Best Workplaces in USA, Brazil, UK, Italy, Portugal and Denmark - Great Place to Work® Trust Index©

2. 100,000 alumni of the Self Managing Leadership (SML) Executive Development conducted in 46 countries since 1994 * Research Base :


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

What is required to become a MASTER in Leadership?

MEANING How to focus people with a common purpose vision and values . The ability to attract the right people to the right position and keep them focussed.

AFFILIATION How to develop a sense of belonging and feeling included. The ability to make others feel included and important. A balance between work and home life

SECURITY How to inspire confidence in others. The ability get people past their fear and take calculated risks.

TRUST How to inspire trust in people. Knowledge of how to build and sustain trust. A commitment to being trustworthy at all times.

ENTHUSIASM How to build and sustain the energy and enthusiasm of people. The ability to motivate, reward and recognise people.

RESULTS How to generate results. A sense a urgency. A bias towards action. Clarity in roles and goals. The skills needed to do the job. Commitment to learning, quality and continuous improvement


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

MeaningA sense of


ResultsAccountable for achieving


AffiliationA sense of belonging

TrustTrusted & Trusting

SecurityConfidence to take risks

EnergyZeal &


Leadership MASTER


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

The Connection between Meaning and ResultsWithout a sense of purpose and direction that translates into clear personal goals, people will not be accountable

for results. When people achieve results work becomes more meaningful.

Mastery of MeaningAre your people focused?

Is there a clear vision and goals people can relate to?

Do your people have work that is meaningful and fulfilling?

Do you know where you’re going and what you want?

Are you focussed? Is your own purpose and vision clear?

Are the right people playing in the right position?

Mastery of RESULTSAre your people clear on their roles and goals and know

what is expected of them?

Do your people have the necessary competencies to do the job expected of them ?

Do have a bias towards action and a sense of urgency?

Do you regularly communicate and follow-up on what you expect of your people?

Do you hold people accountable for results, quality improvement, continuous learning and innovation?

MeaningA sense of


ResultsAccountable for achieving


AffiliationA sense of belonging

TrustTrusted & Trusting

SecurityConfidence to take risks

EnergyZeal &


Leadership MASTER

"Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues and taking effective action" Warren Bennis - Distinguished professor of business administration. University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." Ralph Nadar


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

The Connection between Affiliation and EnergyA sense of belonging and feeling ‘part of the team’ is necessary to generate enthusiasm and energy. Unless there

is positive energy and enthusiasm, it is hard for people to bond together into a team

Mastery of AffiliationDo you feel a sense of belonging, acceptance and

respect in your work?

Do you feel informed and included in important issues and decisions ?

Do your people feel part of a team in which they are respected and accepted ?

Do you communicate well and include people in issues and decisions that affect them ?

Is there a sense of fun and enjoyment in your work environment? Meaning

A sense of purpose

ResultsAccountable for achieving


AffiliationA sense of belonging

TrustTrusted & Trusting

SecurityConfidence to take risks

EnergyZeal &


Leadership MASTER

Mastery of ENERGYDo you actively motivate and sustain the energy of

your people?

Are your people effectively recognised and acknowledged for their efforts?

Do you feel motivated? Do you know what builds (and depletes) your enthusiasm ?

Can you give critical feedback without de-motivating your people?

Do your people receive regular feedback on their work and behaviour?

"As we look further ahead in this century, leaders will be those who

can empower and enthuse others." Bill Gates

"Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one, be without the strategy.“ Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf


Copyright © Brian Bacon 2002 All Rights Reserved OXFORD LEADERSHIP MASTER™ PROGRAM

The Connection between Security and TrustPeople need to feel confident and safe in order to generate trust. Trust creates an atmosphere of security.

Mastery of SecurityDo your people feel supported and ‘backed up’ by


Are your people encouraged to take responsible risks?

Do you create a work climate that is free from fear and intimidation?

Are you aware of your fears, but don’t allow them to dictate your behaviour?

Do you feel secure enough to take calculated risks?

Do your people have a sense of confidence about their future, in spite of uncertainty?

Mastery of TrustDo your actions indicate that you trust your people and

that they trust you?

Is there clarity and consistency in your directions and decisions?

Do you trust your people, seniors and peers?

Are you always clear and consistent in your directions, decisions and behaviour?

Do you demonstrate fairness, honesty and integrity in dealing with others?

Do you create a climate of transparency and openness in work environment?

MeaningA sense of


ResultsAccountable for achieving


AffiliationA sense of belonging

TrustTrusted & Trusting

SecurityConfidence to take risks

EnergyZeal &


Leadership MASTER

"A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity."

Baltasar Gracian

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in

which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you

think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Self Assessment Chart


Do you have the right people playing in the right position? Are you in the right place & playing in the right position?

Are your people clearly focused in their task/s? Are you focussed on something that provides meaning in your life?

Is there a clear vision and goals that people can relate to? Do you know where you’re going and what you want?

Sub total Sub total

Sub total Sub total

Sub total Sub total

Sub total Sub total

Sub total Sub total

Sub total Sub total

Do you celebrate success or take corrective action? Do you readily accept responsibility for results?

Do you communicate well and include people in issues/decisions ? Do you feel informed and included in important issues and decisions ?

Is there a sense of fun and enjoyment in your work environment? Do you make work fun and look forward to coming to work?

Are your people encouraged to take responsible risks? Are you aware of your fears without them dictating your behaviour?

Do your people have a sense of confidence about their future? Do you feel secure enough to take calculated risks?

Is there clarity and consistency in your directions and decisions? Do you feel trusted by them?

Do you create a climate of transparency and openness in work environment? Do you demonstrate fairness, honesty and integrity with others?

Do you effectively recognise and acknowledge others for their efforts? Can you give critical feedback without de-motivating your people

Do you give people regular feedback on their performance and behaviour? Do you maintain your enthusiasm after receiving negative feedback?

Do you clearly communicate and regularly follow-up on what you expect? Do you remain focused on fewer things with bigger impact?

Do your people feel part of a team in which they are respected and accepted? Do you feel a sense of belonging and respect in your work?

Do your people feel supported and ‘backed up’ by you? Do you create a work climate that is free from fear and intimidation?

Do your actions indicate that you trust your people and that they trust you? Do you trust your people, seniors and peers?

Do you actively motivate and sustain the energy of your people? Do you feel motivated and enthusiastic in your work ?

Do have a bias towards action and a sense of urgency? Do you have clear goals and priorities for yourself?








Copyright © Brian Bacon 2004. All Rights ReservedRating Scale 1- 5: Not true = 1 Rarely ever true = 2 True some of the time / in some cases = 3 True most of the time / in most cases = 4 Definitely True = 5