Oxford democrat. (Paris, Me.). 1862-08-29 [p ].

Cbc<Drfori) pcwocrat PAR1>. MAINE. Al'O. ». WM. ▲. PI DO IN ti Co., raorkiRTCi*. JOII* J. PR U M V. I .litor. TKHM* CW IV.lUr ami rtA, «M'| »«!»• »rr T»u ItnlUia, a I lb* *n<1 of ibr ClahKlMK. Mf» ».-uU mfiftWI; rail lb* lltMliu» uf h «rr it •(**.- .t In i) iS if •*>) la iS» rimhliuai'l itmMpH" lb* lollu« Kg «»^« t »iH »fiit 10r«ftN,(wM« **ar,f>r 1TAO 30 C<t>i«>.r«r liar jr«r, hi 3IMK) | A*JMar*pj (• lb* pMM »*«•••« "I* *** cbJk| Thr n>.w > mint irr'« |m»i I tMttrr. QT^ M »Vli»t.ti'( * cw.. 10 !**»" f*»rtt, I?2 \ i.«« ^ «i,Mf »l 4lllb<'il>r 1 !/»»«• ftjoll riil.M INC \«> mik|. FOR Vorilt.XOR ABNER COBURN. or KOWUibtX. V— K yrtm+t*ir» .V.Y.Y VIIlk C *. raMRM!t,*iM«a. #W i< .V.Y.Y VII ^ K (' »(»««. In Phi 1 \ QOOVWMirfMt ImM. li Din -miNII \ PI MUM. 1 i &1 !>■•<.—J \Ml ** (!. Id <ii \ntu« 4 fen Mm —r t nu, MN «T< U. H. SUSTCVCNS. ol (.«. II. H.\KKt»\V>. Krjrhurg. or 1*111>*. Ojf.r l Couniv—Al.l'KN I'll \>K. l'*r « H"Micro l»i»l Av \ < miUHi lr;* Col JTTT r.LI\> M CARTER. IktUI. n>i >tt t«la»I lit. WILLIAM A. rinr.lN. I'ar.i. IK (RATIO Al>riN. Unt o. jt ih*k or raoftttB. K. VS. noolHU KY. Oxford CooRty Convention and its Ncc- IBCCt Th« ConnnlhiD *i > uih Pan*.I .at a^k. *M •(!! kttrmli^l, in>i ill |f <r<liti£« h>tr aionfou*. A -.'Ot «*.t* I an mil | »nu tion in th« t * •« *•«•!» rtj r«**<nl*«l Ttr iru« n>'ii OH Oi.' rJ e»nja t^-tl.rr !•* »|>irt. ai. I t'.otr »>•: n «har*t't«rit*l tbr .t bj Lig an 1 ja- irtjiio k ti£». 1 uf »t» a tb i^ii..mm j». gtn«-rou> •• ntnurnt wt.ic tiu>J t |-en a Jo tba «1>u> mubliua. It* h»J tbtir Ut rit *. uid i <-v «<r»lou»lj »wrk ! to ft! i-» t:ic»r D< uiin4ii a but i.u Icro at.'i tb» «!•>!• «4«i «j iril o( c 1.1- u •! J baruui'j winch t'fv [ I^ioIt »h >»o«J tL*t •• jrim j. ai>J n t nirti," * ro the j>r« *a.ln>~ ntiiamU ul il.r-C nnm. n. Hrrtti Srtvt^a. ol Pan*. «a« tb« fir»t doiliii^ r if «r >• r»to. ll<- *•*•»>■ mini* 4 oo tb# fit*'. t>j a li»Otiw>Bio ituj r11▼ 31 r. St«Tfoa n-< l tli« ui *t Mikr|<riiih)* acti««, env rjC'ii"' liudix-w OMO iu tbaCount J Hi* relation* have mai* bin » 11 ac«|U4ii.tvJ with tt. want* at <1 wiabra ol the of t * District, an 1 iiu cw a<-<(uain*o] with t 'in can doubt l r a tn>u». kt f u' t! ir int*fr»*a will !«| r juj llj an 1 laithfullj altau U*>1 to l«r Inn. Tie K* I jMk it* | *riT rw*. r bad a t»»u*r or m faithful frimivl than Mr Strttfl«,oruiM tliat baa labtifnl tu-ir" r*rr»«»«t!jf to promote it* beat in:-rr«ta II h*« l>a 1 Irgulatifc ricjicv. ao ! * 11 inak" an escrlUnl Sn^t.r. i.i. |{. Baiuvi, u( KrjvUirg, wai lb« uihrr can li lati'>■' u-J f, r |U Sroilo. He l.aa N-» two ?-ar* a MftW of tl.f IJoute ia a K utlrnin of libtril tiluciti n, g«<xl (>ut>I»c »j-ak>r. an.l etert war <jualc 6«J for it r •pontibl* | »ition of >• u»t >r. Mr. ltarr<iw«' iDlmdnti ire »M», while tboae uf bia col!< »fii" uj n the ticket are d-oi^cratiC. riiM *»i.l bolb eiicti j. nnj «ill ablj nymml Oil Ojionl at tL« ti«lt fcoau LoarJ. Han. KuaS M I'tiiM, of IMhcl. *v •ununited t r County I .>n> r. an ! «n tb« Cr»: tallot r<^--1»-4 »!.« entire tdl« ol the Convent* n. T' w*a % r»ra cumpli* 8>ent, of whiob an; u«n ai^bl ju»tlr fe*l ff'ju i. Mr. Carur b»e Ne»o a ojcuit*r «. f the Kieruti** Council, atiJ I e! i other ;1 icr« of public tru»t. I!) K a £»>J financier, Will look out we I fjf tb-* County Ir -^ury, •r4 «il] u>«4« an elleht Coujuiieewner. II n E W Wvuburir wa« notniaaled by arcUiu tti n lorJuJ^oof Probata. I!« la so* holding tba offca by virtue of an i|>- jynotin 'tit fr m the Governor, un account vf the rcaignatim of Capt. Wioter. 1|.< mat* BO b»ll«r endowment titan the unanituoo* vote of the Conv-nti n. It ie tb« bvet Ml* deoc* in tb* world of tin entire »atiefaction kia official aiuiin t rati .n ba* gi*« n the peo- ple of thie County. It i* a nomination tui inenlly •• fit to be maJ«r," anJ will be cor- dially ratified at the polla. lloa«riu Antix, of Cantoo. wa» selected fur Sheriff. Mr. Autlm Im« Uwn formerly a Deputy Shoriff, *od baa had Urge n{»' fieoce aa an odU-er. llu •* a gentleman of rtauno'i inlt'triiy, go J ability, ani will undoubtedly ba a popular officer. Tbie, too, wu an eicallcnt nomination. Aldin I'll Ail, tb« privent incumbent, Wi< ■ooiiuAUil i .r Kf^nstr of 1W1». K»ery- body, both in and out uf the Courty, will Iwtily how w«|| and hoar faithfully Mr. Chaae baa acrved th« (*.Mio during the t.tnc baa held ti.« <>ffio». lie it tba ri^ht man is tba right place. The n«a < »n ba truly •ani of Am Cn.taLM, who w •• nominated for Kegiator in tba Waetern Pwtrict. Ilia •Mciiu hm nominati .n »e tbo U»t evidence •4 hi* Ximm for tba piat-e. I \\* A. Piuji* «M ro-Dominate 1 Lr I County TrrMurrr. M »- HoIibm of Pfni, I'arvooa of Hart- ford, ..n 1 WhiUot Buckfie I, t:.«* nnauct eee Jul candidate* fur the S mle. are *11 bijjli- minjrj, honarttU men, ioJ woul 1 l »«» br^o cheerfully wfiporMiJ had they '•'n nnniiiMtnl. It ie but joatic* to Col. Whit* to *ay that be made do aforU lor the pluoe, did out under th« cireuwatane*"# draire to he candidate, and the rntea he retired were c*»t by kmmof hit permm! fri n la Me»«r*. Woodhuf*. t'artW and Cbarlee had tioeunf pctitora in the OoafMlM. Mmti Spring of Hiram, tt'orntlJ ol /MM, and II tbb* of Norway, each received a handaomo veto in tb« Convention fjr Sheriff. Either, if ee> lected. would have been entirely acceptable to tl.e pople of the count;. Calrio Man- l-y. &*. ol Pivfield, received a large vote f >r Kfj ilrr of Detlt, and there i* not a Irlend ol the eucce»»ful candidate who would not have cheerfully enp| Tied him had »>•* l«ecn Don inat'd Alvirado llayford. of Cant<>n, received a han la.me vote f >r Trnuurer. Ilolli he and Mr. Stanley hate Img Iwen faithful worker* in the Kepubli* own party. aud are worthy citifna. Ttifw w one thin; connected with the n mia*<*e of tint Convention worthy ol not* They in all early pianeere in the K--j uhli- n»i» jwrty,— while Stevena, C !>*•», Carter, and Auatia, w. r*« all atiinij; the number who aa early a* 1 vVj c»m«- out boldly iit>*t i!ie ourrupliona of the old hunker druiMfMy. and took a aUnd in the •• IVople'e Convention,'' that year h olden at N may, agamat it* further encnach* menta u|«»n the righta of the p^iple. The K'puhlicana of Old Ojfml hare al> «ii« Iml, pri .r to each aucceaaive elrctun, a good and airmg ticket iu the field ; but •h«y never prrwnted a letter on# than thai U-ctf I at thia Contenti »n. Ilnthrra of t!>e " o'd battU ground."—aland by t!<e o'd £14; rally ar<*und it with a patriotic ecthuaiaam. an I give your worthy »Un 1 *rd t>ewrerv each a triumphant el«*ti in. Maine ia the Next Coa?re»i. Tli* K | uMican* in lb® fiva l)i«tri>'t* in M-tir«' bate fttch kWtrti Ih^ir candidate®. In tS® fir*t. lion. Jo' n N (Joodwin baa l*"®n rv-noa>iDated I lit* it a'l right Ml. <• bat, m lar a* «<• kn •«. »-r«®d h•• p atriot UithluIU. IK* i* a £®ntl»*m »n of ability, and hi* ro n >unn»ti »n wrll >!<• «*rt®d. In the I. Hon. Si lti»r Ptrham i* t!.* n inmiv. tl« vrll and » > (am:i «r 1T krv «*» to o<ir rr»1<*r*, that it n unnce*" irr f >r to nr raorr than to r^rotrk tint I.it it •n><nali'*n ^irM rs*<*ll<-nt »*ti»faotion, and will b* h»ariil* *npp«rt«»d it Ih® i>oll* In I';® llj, lion J4in><* (i. ItUine i* tb® randidti*. Mr Ham* on- I tin* a' «» men ul hit a*®, in thr Mate. II® i«ar •* i*. |«iw#rl'il dbatrr, an<l will r< rUiolj make |ii« mark in Colter*** lnth®4th, lion. John II. Uic* ba*iutl b»n n^O"Binated. Thi* r*It will t> ry cttiiliiiif to th* nutn'r frt»nd* of Mr. Itic* tt'rmjfSout tli* Mil* II® hat lakm an ri>vll»al «tanl in I'.® f rwtflt t'on gr»»«. and ha« ju»tl_? tw*n ranked aa a mm of iiladtl in th® II >uf. W * tti *t lieirt»* !? congratulate t nn on hi* rv :n n»t m. |i Um 5th. Um F. A Plki bM bfM N> n mihat®*! Mr. I'ik® i# a man of mark I •t ilitT. II® a ready d '•at«,r. in tu«*ri •.», p-rai *«*ri.T *. an J alwwj* at In* po*r. Such I* t.'i* tttkvt |r<"®rnt-d by th® Ite- puMiema of Main* for th* ,tb Ciw/r ••• It it one if wl ich tf;®y liar* wr» wia >t. t.» f««*l jr>u<!. 1 !i« car.Ji.lat. t *r® all m -n of jjmt moral w >rth, c><»l »btlity. »>und ami rcliab!* u| .n ail tf.®^rt4t <j<i®«ti >»»a of It ® J4T. ai> 1 wi'.l all t>® U'limphant!? elcct«l on lb* «1 M 'od*y of t*®pt®u»' r it Amu** Fimii At p< r app..'ntnKnt. a f. w d<-l®gat« app®*r®d at lb* Court II o«®, \\ cdn. »1 it to antwrr to the nam* ol Union Convention. S C. Amlrrwt »u mad® (.'hurtaan. and Aram H 5>wifl, Svrt'art. Mr, IP.irk mad.- a »p*»-ch, obaraclrrittio of th® «ntn. Il<» roun*«*lltsl a Cnion of lb® partf- Mr. H»n 1*11 tai'l bad attend^ ll.c Oana Con* t.-ntion. and w*a uu<-h |-le»»<d with it« •firit of hannontr. T^^n a rommittr* of fi*e wit cboarti, to niiti th* I>ina C itDmit- I •+, and ttjjrw upon nndidatca, if jo««i» !e, otbrrwi«» to nominal* tbrm*elvr«, a* follow*: Alrab lllack. Inir lUndall, Ri"f ard llutcb* in*»n. Out Iru'. O II Maton. Mr Illa«'k inlro^ucv*! the Mlawine n*- •olrc, whidiw.it »Joptr|ai the platform of tl «• Con vent tun : •• Tb® I'nton it wi*. tb® Con*titution a* it it, «nd lh« L»-jjro wU-r® it." Atl^iurodl. P»\* Committee. The Committee, tip- [>aini« I by the D«na Convention, i< nt fol- low* lUmiu una J»hn C. Gerry. Jgaeph Oearborn, lieo. K. (jibeon, K !w.,rd L. I'.»rri«. The Meeting tn celebrate the nuj tiala a* •etn'Ie* at l\»rn. Friday. The I) incite* adapted the I*ort'4ti(| pi it- form. It i* notiaurtki that in n'ith>r Convent.on «u there a tw^l* patriotic ut- terance ; or a »in :U word condemnatory ol rebellion, though both bodies were extreme-1 It Litter again*t the government. II >B BOW 110 C*si»imtd. It || tuggeated that the gr*«oni*man who are to ofijut* at the aJjourned council, intend to iutite MT- »al Republican* tonccupr their truckle- brj. h matter* little where thejr look lor rtndidatee ; hut we are of opinion that few toeo who hare em acted with ul will (IN to incur the ojiutu of defeat in auch cum- pany. Is it Duma^nc? By the proceeding* ol the Contention*. the democratic voter* ! arc t have no Toic« in the nomination ol | fan 11 la tee to be aopported in S-ptember All tbu bu»in.*e M left t> the hand* of a f.*w wire puller*. who put into the field *uch a ticket aa they chooao. When, in the hi* tory ol the democratic party, waa ever auch an u*urpati >n heard ul ? The Mnilary Commiwion aaknowlcdgea the receipt of $liO from S>uth Pane, and $171 from North I'aria. Perhaps the re cord would do juatice it it atood $321 for the town, aa aach eeetioo contributed lil*«- rally, without rivalry. F«w towns Late! doaa better I % "Six Hundred Thoniand More." M Wi a»e oim!*!, father Alr»h*rii,— tfii kmklrnl ik'MiMml l>oa of tba bo*i proofs that tha L'nion will ba presarvod, is found in Iht alacrity with which the paoplj in tho loyal States have rMpnmW to tha various ealla t.f tba President for mora troops. Tha 300 000 called for only a fsw weeks since, have hwo raised without a draft in any of ths States, and have j»one lo tlia field of operations or ara on th«*ir way. Ths last quota ol 300,. (100 nina tuonths' mm sro bein* promptly raited, and in tnoat cases tha sevsral town <|iiotaa will ba filled by volunteers. thus die- pausing with Ibe neoo«s»ly for a draft. Town* and individuals have contributed lib. erally to etcoura^e volunteering. In many of our towns our detii xrratic friends have cums nobly op to the work and prorerf tbsir loyaltj by enlisting eido by sids with tha Republicans This ia right and equitable. In rni«in* ni n aa well «• means, party die* tinctiuns ought not t stand in tlia way. !>• tn<*'r*ta as well aa Republican*, and Re- publicans a* well as democrat* have ona r >iutn in coun»»y to sav—one great tital interest at staks. We are xirrjr t » aay that in a lew of our towna lite democrat* have not abown a dis p'.iti..n to furni*h their p»*>|*>rtion of :uen. For in*tance, one t «ian in Oiford County, un ler tl.<« lir*t call f »r 300.000, sent ui ire than its <|.i ita—1?7 volunteer#— and only t\rti ol this n'imber were democrat*; and in lliia town | oliti<*al parti* *tand nearly rquallv divid-1. A di*p »«ition like tliia to •Sirk r *|oii.i'>ility, will, in tha end, '<•* »ery I krly to Irad to the nec-*«ity of draft* ing, for it i* neither equitable or ju*t that tha whole I >a l ol puttint* d >wn this war up »n a common country should l»e thrown u|»in a single political organization, which h«* no iu»re at *tak« than its political nj~ ponetits. Our democratic Iriends csnnot complain that the « fli « in th- * ■lunWr militia have not gvnt-roualy baatowed upon mem^r* ol their p»rty In this tiling President l.itiColn ha* been very uiagnanimou*, and * ba* <• iv. W«*hburn. til tl >s g'.-at cri»ia. wh»re the vert life and ev *tene« ,.} tbe (iovernment i* ut »take, party distini t-.»ns ought not t *tartd in tl e way Men <»f all partis should stand »'• >uld'T to »'i■•old. r 11 »* tl rir country. To in«oke the *| iril < f party a gen* rr ni*. w h i!.* t'^ irt. I *nj p .rt of tbe govern, merit at tbi* M'n f < tir me j rril, i* doan- r gl t treason. en I a* such it will *taod e.if if I Uir»ugh all ejniirg tnus. Mr. Perhatn't Spcfch of Acceptance. rs- Mlowmg rrj. ri of th* rem irk* of Mr I'crluut. »t lh« Auburn Confmtnw, il.ool I !i4T" l-een |>oMi*h< 1 with the other |r<-«edinj;«, f>ut w not rritnH in *-a»'n On In* introduction, In- »»ij— Mr. < i</irr..jn anJ gmlhrnr* of ih» ('<»*• */n><i I'* rout u>e to I 'll Irr Jou iiit *in yff 1'iank* an I | r f um 1 acknowledgment* lor thi* «»*f >n of yur eonfijenee and r^*rJ. When I consider the important r> •|>m*it>ilitica that ilrtnh* up in |uMir » r»»nt in tb»a cri«ia of ih« rounirj liltlu* ry. I inn **11 ahrink from thaw rwponn- bilitie*. Neier »n v were * n iti >n h»« * rri»i« ir.«> n r quiring tl«* e>n«id< rition at q*i«»- t >na big wlift t* lil» <»t tcountry, l> »» «»!.»<•!» ni'i»t o>me l»*for* Jnrin* tl » |'M« -oti n of tint war, mi I at il» dote. I't»- in m win holdt a *'tt in the nnug C'jngr-«a must ( n »t on It »a*ac> i*y to c >mj r>-'-n I the cIT'fti •nil reaulta ..| iu»a»ure», but he in **t i >••«»* uural eour- %£<' Sil l mcral will t.» deal flT^tii* Ma*« *^4ii •» anything an I cicrylhing that rear Hand in the kit of tha mti >n'« mcfM. limtletnati, I woi» f<ebir« you with hut l<*w | rotniaea I1 mak" Th« tiiat >ry i>f the [w«t two year« adtn<>ni«hea u* that can- ii it mark out a line of ap-viCo pilicy with any d»-|jr<tj «.f »*fety for the nett three ye.ira. We are making hiatorr fa*t. The iTtnla tif ^mn ar» being crowde 1 into month*. We ilo not know wli.it t > ui rrow maj bring forth. I rin only pledge mv*"li to gotieral |>rm.iplee which will g>rern im whether in pohlie ««r prifate lif«. I ahatl d«*eui it hit Juty for the purp.i*<« of carrying out ami »u*Uming tfie principle" upon wiieh the £ •T'-rnnn-nt wu» found- J, In jjiTe my undi- t l I, unwavering aupport to the govern* m-iit of our country, and iii that way and l( .it way only, can our national life bu pr*- kriMl, In cnni*luti<m, I »ec«M the n itnination which tou hitit* i'i (••■iicroutly loniirr«^J me. \\ bile I r«*<ret that I am not able to bring uioro of c*|<nence and <|ualincation» for the poaition, I will endrttfor, by faithful and untiring d«totion to your intereata and the country'a welfare, to merit in aome degree the liinor which this tiomiualion coolvra uf>ou uie. Ia ho Honcat T !.«»t Winter, Ition Hradbury introduced into tt.e l/*£t»lature tlio following reaolve: /«'• *<>/i«'/."»tut ilir people of Maine rv|<oee un unwavering confidence in the ability, in* tegrii v, and j ot A' raham Lincoln, l'r»iictit o( tti» United >141«•; and while fullj npprotm ot the | »!icjr which he hae ttiu» l»r l*>n jjuiJ d by, in th« conductol tin* rn«ting war. llnjr |ilrd(« tliem»f!vre to rally around and •uttaiii hi» aduiiuiairation in ilir prompt an I vignroua vmploymmt of all lrgitimat« tneana and measure* now de- manded, or which may hervjltcr be demand- ed by the exigenelee i»f the hour, l*or the »|»*rdy and thorough «uppre»»ion ol thia V" ix'iliuo, and the com pi* to vindication of the authority ul tha constitution and lawa. X >w we find hiiu nominated fur the of Gee of Governor, on a platform, condemning tha government, la he honeat in ihua laUi- lying himaelf before the people? Imtcsvemtion. The (Jucen, in her recent ipeech to the I'arlianvnt, declared that »he had eevn no reaaon to depart from the prin- ciple* of neutrality Mt forth in her procla- mation. in the beginning of the American trouhlea. Unt of her Miniatera declared, In Parliament, that tho government bad not received communication relating to in- tervention from any other power. The offi- cial organ at St. 1'eteraburg dcniee that any ate pa in thia direction bave bean taken by the 11 uMian government. Theea official ut< teranoee diepoaa of the oft repeated boaate ol intervention paraded before tb« public by rebal ejmpatbieera. Fryeburc Items* A new end highly MtUfactorr organ, oi $G00 value, hM juvt been purchased from the manufactory of M*e*r«. Sterene k Jew- •It. Boston, and placet! in the Congregation- al ehurcli at this place. To the energetic la lice of the tillage,—who alone took the initiative an J by their untirag pereeteranee in three penny " orgnn circlet," etc f.>r three year* pa»t, have collected, eo toon, the ncccaeiry amount to purchaac.—it it mainly due lor it* timely appearance; an J lung may it speak in dwp tonee of their efficient prgan isation. A conoert waa given on the occasion of lU introduction, Thursday evening, 'J 1st init., by Mr. John W. Odlin of Concord. N II., organiat, Mis* II. N. Cammett of Portland, *(**ali«t, aasi*t«d by Mise Ellen A. IUrr»we, formerly of Fryehurg, now teach- er of Muaio in Freehold, (N. J.) Seminary, etch of whom sustained their well earn*d reputation, nnd mado the evening a pleeeant •ticceaa. Had it not U*en alormy, the audi* ence would have been much larger. The proceed* were added to the aum already col* Icctcd for the payment for the instrument, leaving only a atnall margin to ho filial. The church, under the acceptable and popular teiching of Itev. I>. It. Sewall, ia united and prospermia, the larg* house fie. ing nearly filled each Sihhath. Five prr- ione will f»e admitted, on profeeeion, at the neit communion. A meeting of the voter* of tf>e town wa* held on Stturday, to »ee what action mold t>e uken to encourage volunteering in lieu of a draft. The following vote wa* paseed, Wis : •' That * honnty «l I* piid lo eaeh tnlunlNT «lirn muttered into th* United State*' »rriice, and th* •um of each. lo their inditilual families or lieir*; aivl that the Tre»««ir»r hire the amount lo meet !!»• prariiinM r«| the »itte." MiDJ iff J aniinun to wipoa I; hut ptrh*p« not from any jnrticuhr hue of country Iber eheri*l«ed, but their cowardly hatred of lighting for it. TV A«tdemy in thia pher, e >n»ldering if.* unwiilr<l »tateof th« country, ill repeat* ed call* for young f«»n« ami muirlf, and constant l*s«lK>n, i* in it fty Mti*laetnry coiljii.n, Mr Snow Itjrorcd hunxll mi irf<'iu|<liih«i teacher •*n«l |rincip.il, an<t one who h»« a cmatant cte fur the go>«l of li•• pupil*, t 'lh In and out of •chool. The netl trrm tx'cin* on I!»*» 3d of S-pten»'»»r, and nnt parent or gnardian wl »ee.jng n tchool for In* chili] or »»r I, will <11 no better than con*id r tha runny inducement* w!iii*h I'ryrbur.' o(T r«. Ju«t f-ef.ire leatmg the I.tki rfgiin, we 111 4 I ir I i»n I *d trip, with .Mr. Itirh, I »' t a ?»• *r trap in a " black gr nwth," <>n Rapid r«» r Thi* * vli |,<i write* m f <1 low» •• I f .r," t * » t-H *ou that I e»u ;ht t y uing hear in th« trap you helprd in- •* t, the fir*t time it wa* apriing, miking TO m ail that I bate kill* <1 We ha l a !••»* >n in the art, though unat'le to V in at, lha death. A •mill nuro'^r of detu H-r»t*,—a'«out 'Jt> reported,—iNcntildl at <Jr»y, la*t wc« I, m d 0 •initiated C. 11 cor I of Auhurn, f^r I'ongn •*. At Mr U con Id n »l l>e induced rer<-i«e * nomination for th« long t«frm, apprehci. I that thia oMmn wm taken without In* knowlelg-. and he will not ae« c«j t the honor »»<jght to c- nfcrr' f. Mr. II ohji'ct* to ing " run into the (•round." A Com rMiit«t«r\T. A letter (roni a nnvutwr ol th« 10th llegiinent, pu'Inhed in /.ion A'lr>c.it>\ el<»*e* na f iIIjw* •• I h ugh n >t given to r»onal adulation, I with, 111 juatian to t'ol Ileal and M»jir Walker, to »»* of theae olfiorr* that they have 1 thihitrd tha highest »oldierly quail* lie* Ihor oighlj ai juainte.) wuli their r « j ei-tite dullt*. *inc* r^-ly j»»triotic, tx-|.itii| and r'*|-eet,-l of their men. without tita^ or i«ttOt*tion, they tucct eterr duly with proiuptn*** »nd »kill To *ueh men the cjuntry ahuuld *«y. <io tr iiioukk.'" A r frotn I, n ! >ri announce# tlut the vitamer M r>'.» lotte u<l»rrti« 1 to Ink [/.tilth on the 15th. Hie w »'4 to he a rebel ibip, in which nx another *< rv ac- cept kbt« |nr will pr oahlj Ull int«» the Ii.mi1» of our blockading licet. Glum Corn. Ilj accident, U«t week, an item m-know lodging the reewipt, from Jo*. Churchill of llrvuiit'i Pond, of a nte-n of grt-t-n corn, w.»» not |i>ni«il. It wai the fir«t wo had »een. and if a »ampla of In* crop. ha haa littlo rea*on to dread rurlj lro«t« this araaun. Tli« Oifonl Aaaociation will meet with the church at K*«t .suruner, on l'uewLjr. Sept. 'JI, at 10 o'clock, A M. We learn that the .Ml. Zircon llouae, at thu Milton MinertI Spring*. recming a Ho«»d thart of company, the prevent *«a»on.1 I. i*t we. k th« hou»« WM completely filled. Snri Oi rictus. The following oSerr*! huTe Jktii appointed Aid* to MajoMieneral Virgin: E F Pilehurv, Farmlngt'in, Division In- •p«*ct»r. Willi the rnnk ol Lieut. Colonel W. P. Frte, Auhurn, Ihvuiun l^unrtrr | tSMter. Charles E. Sltaw, Portland, Orderly Aid- de-Camp. A. II. Walker, Lovell, Aid bo-l'trap. W. \V. Uoliter, Disficld. Division Advo- cate. All tli« latter have been corumiMioned with the rank of M »j»r. The lirrnad* Appeal designate* ValUn- di^ham, Wood, 1'icree, and Sejruiour of Connecticut, and a few others the onljr true friend* the South can count upon at the North. The Danaitea art circulating Yallandi* (ham'* epcecliee in this State, ae partieao document*. Their reader* will doubtleo* Im plia»d to know thai stand* well in liixia. The New Bedford Standard *aj* that fire hundred choice Mamtn hare reoentlj been picked from lh« wbole navj, for aomc se- cret eipeditioo. Ret, Z'na* Thooipton, lata chaplain of the Cth Maine regiment, will preaeb in the Universalis! church at Drjant 1'ood, next Sabbtlb, August 31st. F-.r the Oxluid llratorril. Ai.imut, Aug. 1H, 1802. In anawer to circulars r*ceircd from the U. 8. Sanitary Comroteaion, through tba rffjrU of a lew ladiea, a box of nrticln for the tick and wounded aoldiera in the h«»#pi- J tola haa h**n obtained and lorainM io f!#orge K. Davie, State Ag-nt, at Portland. Il contained 4 abeela, I blanket, tan pure pillow pa«m, 5 large pillowe, 0 ei%all ptl» lima ant] ca«#a, .1 cuihiune, 20 towel*, 4 hamlkerehiefe, 10 abirtt. 1 pair drawere, 1 thin f>«l, 22 paire freting, 2 pair* alip- |M>ra, 2 lana, ■tationrry, aewing utenail*, magatine* and tract*, l.lOrolle ol handagee, 7 large Mil* «f cotton an.I lin«*n cloth for UnJagfa, dried h|tirh«rriea, ra*pb*rri<a. and currant*. 22 Iba drird apple, herb*, hot- tlr* rn«pberry j»lly, 2 bottl e currant pre* aerrrs, ] bottle currant jelly, 2 bottlca ru«p- ln-rry and cherry j*lly, 1 bottle n»pberry ahrub, I bottla ait I I large jar of rharry jelly, Ac., la. Lowest eatimatc, $13 AWo, £7 in money hate b«*n aent Win. II lladley ol the U, S. Sanitary Con minion. We are happy to contribute our mite, and tliua ahow that wo art not unmindful of tboee who are iu the ecrvica of our tooted country. More than 50 mm Iron thia town have enlitted. Nuno have hctn die- charged hnt we have 3! aoMicra in the e*mcw, tunica the thirteen who hate rn- lutvd eiuc* the I k»t r.ill for volunteer*. Nine of thean, our quota, receive a bounty of £100 from tbe town, N M. I*. t'bf Th) II1I141I I Win,> « (l. The Itdie* of Siulli Waterford hate for. warded a l(oi, lor ho«pital iw, containing the following nrlicl*)* —1.1 II pil- low*, |."» pair* mIIow *!ip«, h ahirta, cotton I | nr* »lipj>er*, 1 |r dnwm, 2towrla. h*n«lk»rclne(*. «l roll* l(4tijagr*, 7 piee*» f»r handag***. <>t>A l»l of lint, one Ikjx pin*, 1? Trat'l Journal*, 1 Iteligioua Mi*cr||any, | Young Man'* It Nik, | Tamp* eranc* Journala, I U.til* win#, I bottle jelly, « bottle* currant*. 2 bottlf* bloeber* n.-e, 1 bottle atrawl*rry | rraertc. Aa man? ricuae themaclraa from citing, that tb« article* N*nt not receited, or not j r ij «-rlT appropriated. of, at leaet. not nwW,—l«r tin l-*n> fit of other* aolicitiug ail for our auflrring »tidier*, I endo « a letter rectitad from »(mtli>nanol IbaCotn* nn*«ion, on the receipt of our *roall liui. II 'ping in luture, auch an e»cu»e will not t»x i.ff-rc«l, and th.it all will I* ready d > all they can lor our n Ale *->ldier*. no mat* It ol wl.ut Main or nation, I feel tliat :t ma* incite m to greater endear r* In their behalf A i MILLIE, WainiMiiToM. |i, I'., Aug. 9, Hrt2 L'. S >»mt air ('« f Adam* |lou*c, I'll K M \ Mimm —I hat tho honor to a< kn >w« lr'lg*' the receipt of one hoi of h it tl *up pliee, •• nlao |our I ttor, addre***! to t'i« Agent of the Smitirji C'tuini**ion, I'ort land, Maine. In un*wi r jr .ur inquire*, J <ul I atlle tl at tho ejigenciee of M»rtice« |«rlormed I>y the Cutiiuiwiun r»<j«jir * that all (toree •hould be thrown into thee iiunioo at < k, afiJ fie j-*n to the r> (Uiaition* of nil the eurgeona in the army. Of cuuraj the •urgnona of the Main* regiment* have the aamo privilege, and their ord> r* upon our •n>ck will tw honored. The rumor* which )on haie heard regarding the enlo of arti- cle* »nt by )ou, cannot be true, if ihtjr were rnt'uate-l to thia Cimmiaalun, for wo hato i'i <-r had »• many aoppliei on hand tli-at Me hate U-en oblige] to ae|| the j,ifta ol the j ■•.»ple tor want of room to *torc them; Dor woul I wv do aucb it thing on any account. It aomctiiuee happen* that aoldier* do not rvceifc nrticlc* •'•nt to them, b*cituM tln-T change their location, and there i* no mean* ol transporting the pack- age* after them; and olten it occur* tie- cauae the package arc improperly an I lm- |^rf--ctly addr«a*vd. There are many other na*»n* that will undoubtedly euggeet thciu- •eltea to you. Very re*pe, tfully, IIIOWAKI) A MAIHIX, for Com. The I'rwi »aje : *' In hit hriel »pe*ch at Washington, on We>lnr*.Uy l»»t, (iencrul Mn j/l.-v Mi>l tin* rebellion ha I been thirty je«n» in pnjtrcea. Hi* remark* throughout wi*ro rcc'ifcd with the hi >#t cnthumitic etinn." There will lie no I'm'hI'1 Court at Pari#, in S.-|>trm'*r. The court* at ItotKcl. Kutn* lord, Puflflil uri'l Canton, will lie held in that month, in place of the regular term. The Republican Contention, confuting of the Countiee of IVnol>#eot, IWataquia and Ar KMtouk, ha»e nominated lion John II. ltico candid»te lor llfjre*entahto to Congreee, India* OirKAcu. Aci-viunt* from Min* nr»)U shuw that in oat of !ho 1 it<l>«n« in the Weal have orgauneJ a campaign in the bordm of Minnesota. The u>o*t horrible rrrort* are made of peraona butchered in the moat cruel minner. Mcuurre hare Urn taken to put a atop to tho outrage*. The attack* have protxthlj !*•« n initiated Ij •eceaaiobiita. Nine Month*' Mrv Arrangement* have been mtde at Portland and Iloston. to tMl hurack*, for the mint month*' tuen. Tbia look* it* though the inliniation that govern inrni intended this body of troop* a re- serve corp* might bo correct. Tlio author!- tie* would not !k> likely to erect barrack* fur temporary use, when tent* would ke«p men comfortable in the ploaainl autumn aeaaon. Town Muting. At a loan mating, on Saturday, it wu voted to pay $100 bounty to each man who ahall volunteer, to fill the quota of the town, under the call for tin# month* men. Aa this action eonflicte with the order* of the Adjutant General, and the instructions to lb« Selectmen, efforte were made to eo modify the vote aa to give £20 bounty, and give |80 to tha family of the eoldier; but were voted down in every eaae by a clique led bjr Virgil D. Parrie. An- other meeting i< called for nest Monday, to •ee wbat action the town will lake in rela- tion to paying euhetltutee for drafted men. Caeaiue M. Clay haa none to Lexington Ky., where be U to have an important com* mand. STATE OF MAINE. Ilr.il> Ql'AfcTKM, «\ujitint iitxKAL'* Orrin. AunuiU, Aug. 10, 186tl. (itMiiL Oanra No. 32. A requlailioo bavins been taada upon the (Jofemor an<l Common ler-m Chief by th* I'rtaidrnt of the Unit*«l bi«t« f«»r nine Ihouaand «ii hundred and nine {'JOrj) abU m'ri. lo be drafted from the enrolled Militia <>f the Slate, for the Mtmof lit* United Stair*, to a*rve for sn* •oxtna. un- l«<w aooncr ditcharged: It la hereby ordered m folio* •; FIRST: 1—Th<» Orderly .Vt^mbU of lha r»»pe<*. tive Com pan of Kurollrd Mililia »><all rich appoint a mnnlwr cf their Company to l*« Clerk, whithall be aworn below mhm' Juatice of the l'e*c*of the County, to make true and fat'hlul reivrd of the |iro«*cedir>fc« of tha C at •nch for mak- ing the draft, are h< rrioafter provided:' blatika for which appointment, and certifi- cate .if oath a|or»**id. will eeaaonahly lurtn*Hrd Iron iln» office. 2—Tim tinio of n»<-«(tnj* of Companiee of Militia f ir Ihe purpieeof miking »iich dralt ahall be WrdnfNUy the tltird <! *T <d Sap- leuhcr noil, at am* o'clock 'n the forenoon, and notice ol Iho tinia and place of mating, (the Utter lo lot d**«ignaled hy the Orderly N>rj»**nt»,) I>a 11 jji in manner and torm, »• l»r the eh-elicn of officer*. hut thrr* ahall tx> at lea*t twenty f mf hour* notice given. At nich meetingof »4i I Companies, the Orderly Sergeant will i»u*e 4 draft lo be inad» therefrom, in manner loll wing Fir»t— II* will ranee a bo« of auitahl* »ii.« | .r lite |nir|- *e 10 r- prepare.!, tm win plae* therein, in the t.reeenc* ol the Com- pany, n many *li|w of p4j r a* there are Hum <>n the roll of lu« <' uipn.y, exclusive ol officer* elect, und upon the »lipa *11*11 bo written in Mtrn, ami n t figure#, the num r* from ono to that which eipre«oee the entire number of men in th* Company, r:»ch •tip hating one number written thcr««»n Tha b«n shall then cl •*«,d ari l the pap. ra therein thoroughly shaken up, when adrift •hall »«• made therefrom, under hie direction, in Ilia mod* hero prescribed. Svond—'Tha nar?»<* on the Comp-my Ilnll •hall then fe »lliil in alphabetical order hy the tird rljr Vrgeant, ami each man a* hi* n.wiHj i* culled, shall draw one *lip of pa|<rr Ir. in th<» tun, which ho •hall pi«* to the Clerk, who •hall p.id aloud the num'«r therein, and rceord tli* mm up ma roll previously prepared by him f.»r that purpose, upon a h' ink furnished from thi« i.fTirr, op. po*ite Hi" nam* f the p«r*tn drawing the una. until ever? dip •hall have •♦•n drawn from the U»i, mi l m ra*o« where an enroll* ••d nuiuVr ol the Company shall not Ui present, or shall ne*|i>ot.»r r-lu»" lo draw upon hi* name Iwinj; called, t!.e iird rly S*r£«ai.t »hall .|f*i£r ate some uiriuhrrol th« Coiupmy l>* draw [ if him. Third—When there I* more thun una piny in a fit? or T iwn, the Mayor and A Id' rmefi ol ih" 1'itv, und tha Seleetwn ol tlie town, uro authorized an I required nn* mfii.it'. y upon receiving inform iti <ri of their quota*, to ipiiurlltin the •ain* equally liatm n Die ••••raj o. infam-*. lining r>«- 1«k'. 11 the nun Iter* rne upon the roll*, f•uch mum ipul ofi>rs shall n< |»!« ct or re* fu»" to perform the « j\im in making tho afir> «-i I »| {►iti nment. the draft wdl nei Tlhel»* f«- | r -rd"! with in the man* nor tl«iii< ilwriif^, and nolle* of the fadi •houId l** imwsdiitely forwarded lo thii of* lice hy the Ord>rly Srgeant. Fourth—If the a'- veduty cannot Im» per- formed l«-for« oYlu'k I'. M., It will ha continued on tho n-it day lietween the hour* ol '.I o'cl xk A M. arid 5 o'clock. I*. M., and fr«ia day to day, b-tween the ■una sumo hour*, until the dr 1 ft completed. Fifth—Th« men win •hall not l>e exempt fr 111 such n ihility t nrollment. iueh »x empdori to he det'-rmnc-d a* hereinafter pro tided. a/ iin*t upon tha retjrl th ti mid; hy the t'lerk, •hall h»» f >un<l tiia I iw>»t numf^r commencing atono (l),und, goin^ upward* until the •joita of the Com* piny bu* 'ren obtained, *'1111 c»n*titute tha 'iraited qilota of en ! I'.mipaiiT, and •tiall lie held accordingly, and 1 ho- the quota i* to fiecumplotod from tho I >wi»t nmuVrt drawn hy non-et 'ispl>) men. ,sijth— The f blowing per«»n*, tit.; Tho V I'r« •i.fei,r ol lh« United Statea The oflk- r*. judicial and rxetfulifc, of the 1'nife.J Jit ilea I ijr in* w ^r» «*i an l their respective nffi.vn custom house officers ainj their clerks. liistftore of rj- I >rts ; |'il« t*. and mirim employed in ih« s>«t service ol any eiiiirii or merchant with- in the t'nited Mat< * I'oetmasicrs, u»istant jo«tma«ter», and their clerks, j«*t ofluvrs, i.nt ruler*, an 1 »t n* driver*, in tbn ear* 4ti I conveyance of tlio mail ol (lie United M«Im; ferrymen empl iyd at any ferrr on the post road ; unifiers an I workman in the l oitol >tat»-e arsenals ; |>«*r*.»n<» of the denomination* of i^uak>r* and Shaker*, justir-a til the »u- preme judici al court; minister* of the g |>e| regularly ordained according to lh« usag<* of their denommati >ns, an long a* their relation continu-* ; ami offi cer* ol the iinlitu w ho hrive '»*en honorably iliKliirjul, ar>> exempt from liability to enrollment and draft, and upon evidence furnished the < 'r- d^rly N-rgcant that lliey coma within thi* exemption. he will cau*e the Clerk to draw a lin« acr>M their namea uj> >n the record, hot nut rendering the nam<*« illegible, slat ing op|Himte the ground of exemption. A line will al«o t*» drawn a<*r>»* the namea of |M>r*<>iia claiming exemption from liability, on grounds ol physical disability, who shall establish the vali iity of such claim* before the Orderly Sergeant bf Ihi certificate of any Surgeon within the County, appointed by the Governor for the purpueo of making •uch examination*, which certificate* shall c<>nt*in a statement of th« particular ground of aueh disability. T'»e decisionsof the Or- derly Sergeant* in thia regard will aUnd good uulees reversed by tho Adjutant Genar- •I. Seventh—Three daT« from the draft, ex elusive o| that day, •hall he allowed partis* claiming exemption to furnish evidence **• tahlishing their claim hefor* the Orderly Sergeant, and no decision in favor of •uch exemption shall bu given unless within four d.na of such draft. Immediately upon the expiration of <aid period, the namea of the person* drafted, iimI n certified oopy of th« record made by the Clerk •forwatid, *1 all he transmitted to tho Adjutant General. The Orderly Sergeant will notify tho drafted mon comprising Ida corapiny'* <|<iota, to Ap- pear at the plat* where the draft waa made, on the tilth day suceteding •uch draft, at it o'clock A. M.i »tid Irom thence he will procecd with them hr public conveyance, if! •uch can t>« bad, ami if not, by the moat ex petiiiioua and economical method, to the place of rendexvoua, of which notice will be given hereafter. In cam of the resignation, absence, or neglect of the Orderly Sergeant to perform the dutiea herein required, the, rnptain elect, or either of the lieutenant*. In default ol hi* superior officer, will officiate I in hi* etead, Eighth—Kea*onaMe compensation will be I made for the performance of the** dutiea,' and neceaaary *spenww reimbursed. Ninth—One or mor* competent Surgeon* in each County will be designated by the1 Governor, of whose appointment notice will tie given, tod whoee certificate* of disability 1 (and of none other) will be respected by Orderly Sergeant*, or other* in tulbority.1 When any per*on enrolled ae aforesaid is sick tnd unable to preeent himaeif personal- ( ly before a Surgeon appointed m afoweaid, •uch Surgeon may, if he shall deem the 1 cause sufficient, issue a certiieate of exemp I won, upon tbe production before bin of the t, sworn aUteatnt of the perty in reference to the nature aad extent of hi* disability or diietat, and* tworn sUtemoot id ronrcminji tbt nmo hj a Pity*lei4« <r s<jr« g»on of ttanding tn th* r >uiiif l>nth—Tha dralted turn from tha i*nt companiea, uftrr arriving at Hie p! t ,,( r«*n<lri*'Ut, will !<• f .mn-d ir»l«> r j *ni«« »nd rtjtlwnU, which mil nfS^rM m rrotidad by th« law* of lint SuUtui u( H oiled Stan* Kiwvaulh—Drafted m*n may fumUh aoh. Uiuii't, but ranii'tt I •« li 'i> l (r j r* al wriiM upon paying * fine under thu 11w• of Una Stat<*. 8KC<>ND. I Citiea, Tuwna ami PUnUliona, fnr. niihing their quota of abla Volan* Icwra entitling fur nine tnuniha' arrvH-a, up- on blank* to Im lurmth»d from thla olln t, the municipal authoritf* or mditi* ffi-vrt, and who ahull he aaaemMt<l at aome plant within iheir city. town and plantation, ar, I on their way to th« r*ndr«*oua. on or Wednesday tha third day o| Sepfemt.ar nnt, will tw relief rd from ilfir liability It % draft, Mid Volunt.^ra he.ng accept d In In* of draft"! man, and no drift Ir nu tuch ft. n-a and town*. under thit rail, will U mala. Any nomlwr of Volanlirr* lurnit'i.-.| aloreaaid. I>wa tlian tba quota, will I* r*» miH in part thereof. j r ented tier ar* r^identa of Iht Oily, Town or I'lanun• .r» lurnitliinj tliriu, and tba draft will b* iu.lt for tha rraidup, II -—Volunteer* when in eimp will hi formed into coolant** and regiment*, and a* far at may continent with tlx* inter- rata of iht arrrlrt, in ancordane* with tf.« wiabrs nl tha different <|u >t t«, an l rimpt. nnw will ebct their own uffi•• fa, auhpet it tha confirmation of lha t'jtain«nd*r m- Chief. III —in i»«r. rt-unmjt i: , n- tii« and Town*. tha regulation* tha VV «r I)'|-irtii)> (it *ill ba •!. * hicb «r» m fjllow* 1" Additional rfguUtiooa f>rlba rnrollwrnt am! dralt of tailitia. Orkrrd —MUi. That in filling all ivqaMti IN lac niililu, the quota* ol th<» at*eraI Stat «i I be apportions! hj tho iwnor* am >n,j r»« •fVtTal Countira, and wh'li practicable, among thu tub di*i«i »»• of Courtie*. *■> I «t allowance ahall f-* m «<!■• to •u-h Couniie* atui aohvliriaion* f >r ali Volunt tt r •« »• f»ro furnithe | by ih»m. and iauater>-d into tha ar'fira of tha United >utea. at. 1 * -• •tipuUted term ol r«r»irn »h«ll tut litic ft. piled." IV —No Statu or l'nited Statin bounty will b* [>aid to aucb Voluntewa. an I it n hoped that t'lti-a an I r»wn* lnrni»liu^ theif quota* by volunt try enlistment, will not ili»r>I the anhM ••{ the (inrrtl <i)*rrnmriit. that nine in null*' volunteer* vhould r.«i»-l without hninin N > ?<>!• unt^r* will fx} r*C(ifai in lieu if draft-1 turn Iruiii any City or l' iwn til it ahall | «» a bounty of tuoro than twenty dollar* to rich volunteer. THIRD. The protwona of the art of Mareh |*th, 1*02. in reference to furnishing ai l to tV» Iimllo-a of »oldier*. will esten I t > th" fawi* li-a ol dralled tuilitu and tun.i month*' vol* un terra. FOURTH. V«i iUa <<f Citiea. Towns, ami I'tantati ma for three jran' tolunlNn, uim'. r the rail •■f ih« Tr*•• Ital "f Ju'v'JI. 11 fill up the oi l Regiment*. will be received »»nl pail Hil >Ulo and I'nited Stat- a bounty and »dT*n*« [■it. Anil town hiiuntii* aa |ri*i l-l r voice ol town*, unlit tk• firit f'-iy of Srptim' Kr nnt,anJni*t allrru->n4t, ami in th <»» pUrea whirh vtiall not hav-* fortii*h«-l their quota at that line und r*orh call, a •( >1 dralt will lw ord«red imuu-ImMv thcrcati r fur the deficiency. Finn. Tie Citiee of lUngnr. AuguaU and I'nrt. Ian I are >• |>|«>mC**>t a* tha placee of icod-f> *oua lor tha drafted turn and nine month*' volunteer*. II* order of tha t'ooin»and*r-i«Wfcief. JOHN' I.. llol>HM)N. Al'Jt T»XT liUllll, State of Maine. 111!.\ I > gl'AKTKKS, % Anil t»nt liisinti'" Orrn r. f Aoguata, Aiicu«t 'J-i. I S CiENKHAI. OK D Kit No. 3*. The lime for th# nnlin( ol compan<»« I enrolled militia. lor making a draft, •' >11 l*» Wednesday, t'"1 t«nth d<* ol .September, ImVJ, »t nine nVIxk in tlio f >r«*f» «n, in- ol DM 31 lVre will t»* •« corresponding eitrnai >n ol lima lor ruraplelin^ the dmfc. anl I r Iurmahin2 «•*! lence ul »*i i»pti »n ih^r^fr >iu, and I ir noiiftinj th« i!nli«d nrn uf company'a quota, lo apj» »r at ll •' pla<«e f t»ii» <lr*lt t » pro*"I t lh« rrnl-ifou#, I rov<1 in liener*! i>rd*r No 3'J By order of the Command*r-in*Chief. JOHN I.. Hv)|)>|iON, Aw't iioUAl. llfT. ilirrfj llrrry l b"*n appoint'1 CbapUin <>l ttie ITlh IUgim«-nt. The Portland rap-re Mti#ln^tory prifffH upon fort <• 'rgt*. in that hir*> r Hon. l-^n-ul Andrew* in charge of It# work. The engine of a freight train on the A .V K. road, ran of! the track, mar Wiuthr.jp, Ia*t week, in con#»-«p"®<vof th« tireakm; t a (large. Four or fire c»r« wrr* emaahed, but no pereonal injury wn auatained. Th* Aro wt>xik Tnnre u»« II >ult in I furnished three hundred an I l*»nlj fm men for the war. 120 ol theeo are In l'•«* regular army. Mr. !P*nj Richmond, ajed fiT yara, member of tha Swifljr of Friend#, an! a r«eident of (Jreene.wM iniUntlf killed, Au« go»t l'.»th, by being ihrown from hi« wag"0 n>>*r the railroad cro«»in^ at the loot ol J «r Hill. The Tranacnpt My# lliat owing to the high price of cotton the I'ortUn I m!i grind* »r# are now (uitlin^ up fioo UbU*»lt inboici in#tea<l of bag*. Dartmouth Colleg« ha« b-«#towed the I*- jree ol LL. I). upon Hon Nathin Cliff»r' Aaaocta'e Juvtice of the Suprruie I our the United Statu. Judge Clifford iea t> of the county in which old Dartmo liiuatcd. The camp# of rendeitoua in thia Sta' r the new quota of troop# will be d«igni' i "Camp Abraham Lincoln," "Camp t Key*," "Camp John Pope". Tha Hangar Time* la informed that Mr. l<conard, formerly chaplain ol the ."W Mr. regiment, will be tendered tbo chip* taincy ol the 18th regiment. Till Mai*« StrfcXTtsMH. Thia rvgim»nt which paaaed through our city yreterd'y. *«* cited tha admiration of all apcctator* in an unueual Jegree. Such aiatwart fillowa, with euch aiw and at.-ngih ol body—thry teemed complete reprc#entati*e*of the back* lone of Maine. None, either, could fail to tote the manly bearing and the intelligent nuntcnancee ol the rank. We Irarn that hey were recruited from tha licet claaeca of be community, the well to do, well in* armed and moral portion ol trad<* and por- uita. They evidently know what tf ay go o war for, and we ehall eipoct lo hear a food account ol them. fBoaton Journal.

Transcript of Oxford democrat. (Paris, Me.). 1862-08-29 [p ].

Page 1: Oxford democrat. (Paris, Me.). 1862-08-29 [p ].

Cbc<Drfori) pcwocrat PAR1>. MAINE. Al'O. ».

WM. ▲. PI DO IN ti Co., raorkiRTCi*.

JOII* J. PR U M V. I .litor.

TKHM* CW IV.lUr ami rtA, «M'| »«!»• »rr T»u ItnlUia, a I lb* *n<1 of ibr

ClahKlMK. Mf» ».-uU mfiftWI; rail lb* lltMliu» uf h «rr it •(**.- .t In i) iS if •*>)

la iS» rimhliuai'l itmMpH" lb* lollu« Kg «»^« t

w» »iH »fiit

10r«ftN,(wM« **ar,f>r 1TAO 30 C<t>i«>.r«r liar jr«r, hi 3IMK) |

A*JMar*pj (• lb* pMM »*«•••« "I* *** cbJk| Thr n>.w > mint irr'« |m»i I K» tMttrr.

QT^ M »Vli»t.ti'( * cw.. 10 !**»" f*»rtt, I?2 \ i.«« ^ «i,Mf

• »l 4lllb<'il>r 1 !/»»«•

ftjoll riil.M INC \«> mik|.

FOR Vorilt.XOR


V— K yrtm+t*ir» t» .V.Y.Y VIIlk C

!« *. I» raMRM!t,*iM«a.

#W i< .V.Y.Y VII ̂ K (' »(»««.

In Phi 1 \ QOOVWMirfMt ImM. li Din -miNII \ PI MUM. 1 i

&1 !>■•<.—J \Ml ** (!. Id <ii \ntu« 4

fen Mm —r t nu,

MN «T< U.

H. SUSTCVCNS. ol (.«. II. H.\KKt»\V>. Krjrhurg.

or 1*111>*.

Ojf.r l Couniv—Al.l'KN I'll \>K. l'*r «

H"Micro l»i»l — Av \ < miUHi lr;* Col JTTT


n>i >tt t«la»I lit.

WILLIAM A. rinr.lN. I'ar.i.

IK (RATIO Al>riN. Unt o.

jt ih*k or raoftttB. K. VS. noolHU KY.

Oxford CooRty Convention and its Ncc- IBCCt

Th« ConnnlhiD *i > uih Pan*.I .at a^k. *M •(!! kttrmli^l, in>i ill |f <r<liti£« h>tr

aionfou*. A -.'Ot «*.t* I an mil | »nu

tion in th« t * •« *•«•!» rtj r«**<nl*«l

Ttr iru« n>'ii OH Oi.' rJ e»nja t^-tl.rr !•* »|>irt. ai. I t'.otr »>•: n n«

«har*t't«rit*l tbr .t bj Lig an 1 ja- irtjiio k ti£». 1 uf »t» a tb i^ii..mm j».

gtn«-rou> •• ntnurnt wt.ic tiu>J t • |-en a Jo

tba «1>u> mubliua. It* h»J

tbtir Ut rit *. uid i <-v «<r»lou»lj »wrk !

to ft! i-» t:ic»r D< uiin4ii a but i.u Icro at.'i

tb» «!•>!• «4«i «j iril o( c 1.1- u •! J

baruui'j winch t'fv [ I^ioIt »h >»o«J tL*t •• jrim j. • ai>J n t nirti," * ro the j>r« *a.ln>~ • ntiiamU ul il.r-C nnm. n.

Hrrtti Srtvt^a. ol Pan*. «a« tb« fir»t doiliii^ r if «r >• r»to. ll<- *•*•»>■ mini* 4 oo tb# fit*'. t>j a li»Otiw>Bio ituj r11▼

31 r. St«Tfoa i» n-< l tli« ui *t Mikr|<riiih)* acti««, env rjC'ii"' liudix-w OMO iu tbaCount J Hi* relation* have mai* bin » 11 ac«|U4ii.tvJ with tt. want* at <1

wiabra ol the of t * District, an 1 iiu

cw a<-<(uain*o] with t 'in can doubt l r a

tn>u». kt f u' t! ir int*fr»*a will !«| r juj llj an 1 laithfullj altau U*>1 to l«r Inn. Tie K* I jMk it* | *riT rw*. r bad a t»»u*r or m r«

faithful frimivl than Mr Strttfl«,oruiM tliat baa labtifnl tu-ir" r*rr»«»«t!jf to promote it*

beat in:-rr«ta II • h*« l>a 1 Irgulatifc ricjicv. ao ! * 11 inak" an escrlUnl Sn^t.r. i.i. |{. Baiuvi, u( KrjvUirg, wai

lb« uihrr can li lati'>■' u-J f, r |U Sroilo. He l.aa N-» two ?-ar* a MftW of tl.f IJoute ia a K utlrnin of libtril tiluciti n,

• g«<xl (>ut>I»c »j-ak>r. an.l etert war <jualc 6«J for it r •pontibl* | »ition of >• u»t >r.

Mr. ltarr<iw«' iDlmdnti ire »M», while tboae uf bia col!< »fii" uj n the ticket are

d-oi^cratiC. riiM *»i.l bolb eiicti j. nnj

«ill ablj nymml Oil Ojionl at tL« ti«lt

fcoau LoarJ.

Han. KuaS M I'tiiM, of IMhcl. *v

•ununited t r County I .>n> r. an !

«n tb« Cr»: tallot r<^--1»-4 »!.« entire tdl« ol

the Convent* n. T' i« w*a % r»ra cumpli* 8>ent, of whiob an; u«n ai^bl ju»tlr fe*l

ff'ju i. Mr. Carur b»e Ne»o a ojcuit*r «. f

the Kieruti** Council, atiJ I e! i other ;1 icr«

of public tru»t. I!) K a £»>J financier, Will look out we I fjf tb-* County Ir -^ury, •r4 «il] u>«4« an elleht Coujuiieewner.

II n E W Wvuburir wa« notniaaled by arcUiu tti n lorJuJ^oof Probata. I!« la so* holding tba offca by virtue of an i|>- jynotin 'tit fr m the Governor, un account vf the rcaignatim of Capt. Wioter. 1|.< mat* BO b»ll«r endowment titan the unanituoo*

vote of the Conv-nti n. It ie tb« bvet Ml*

deoc* in tb* world of tin entire »atiefaction kia official aiuiin t rati .n ba* gi*« n the peo- ple of thie County. It i* a nomination tui

inenlly •• fit to be maJ«r," anJ will be cor-

dially ratified at the polla. lloa«riu Antix, of Cantoo. wa» selected

fur Sheriff. Mr. Autlm Im« Uwn formerly a Deputy Shoriff, *od baa had Urge n{»' fieoce aa an odU-er. llu •* a gentleman of

rtauno'i inlt'triiy, go J ability, ani will undoubtedly ba a popular officer. Tbie, too, wu an eicallcnt nomination.

Aldin I'll Ail, tb« privent incumbent, Wi<

■ooiiuAUil i .r Kf^nstr of 1W1». K»ery- body, both in and out uf the Courty, will

Iwtily how w«|| and hoar faithfully Mr. Chaae baa acrved th« (*.Mio during the t.tnc

b« baa held ti.« <>ffio». lie it tba ri^ht man

is tba right place. The n«a < »n ba truly •ani of Am Cn.taLM, who w •• nominated for Kegiator in tba Waetern Pwtrict. Ilia •Mciiu hm nominati .n »e tbo U»t evidence •4 hi* Ximm for tba piat-e.

I \\* A. Piuji* «M ro-Dominate 1 Lr

I County TrrMurrr. M »- • HoIibm of Pfni, I'arvooa of Hart-

ford, ..n 1 WhiUot Buckfie I, t:.«* nnauct eee

Jul candidate* fur the S mle. are *11 bijjli- minjrj, honarttU men, ioJ woul 1 l »«»

br^o cheerfully wfiporMiJ had they '•'n

• nnniiiMtnl. It ie but joatic* to Col. Whit*

to *ay that be made do aforU lor the pluoe, did out under th« cireuwatane*"# draire to he

• candidate, and the rntea he retired were

c*»t by kmmof hit permm! fri n la Me»«r*. Woodhuf*. t'artW and Cbarlee had tioeunf

pctitora in the OoafMlM. Mmti Spring of Hiram, tt'orntlJ ol /MM, and II tbb* of

Norway, each received a handaomo veto in

tb« Convention fjr Sheriff. Either, if ee>

lected. would have been entirely acceptable to tl.e pople of the count;. Calrio Man-

l-y. &*. ol Pivfield, received a large vote

f >r Kfj ilrr of Detlt, and there i* not a

Irlend ol the eucce»»ful candidate who would not have cheerfully enp| Tied him had »>•*

l«ecn Don inat'd Alvirado llayford. of Cant<>n, received a han la.me vote f >r

Trnuurer. Ilolli he and Mr. Stanley hate

Img Iwen faithful worker* in the Kepubli* own party. aud are worthy citifna.

Ttifw w one thin; connected with the

n mia*<*e of tint Convention worthy ol not*

They in all early pianeere in the K--j uhli-

n»i» jwrty,— while Stevena, C !>*•»,

Carter, and Auatia, w. r*« all atiinij; the

number who aa early a* 1 vVj c»m«- out

boldly iit>*t i!ie ourrupliona of the old

hunker druiMfMy. and took a aUnd in the

•• IVople'e Convention,'' that year h olden

at N may, agamat it* further encnach*

menta u|«»n the righta of the p^iple. The K'puhlicana of Old Ojfml hare al>

«ii« Iml, pri .r to each aucceaaive elrctun, a good and airmg ticket iu the field ; but

•h«y never prrwnted a letter on# than thai U-ctf I at thia Contenti »n. Ilnthrra of

t!>e " o'd battU ground."—aland by t!<e

o'd £14; rally ar<*und it with a patriotic ecthuaiaam. an I give your worthy »Un 1 *rd

t>ewrerv each a triumphant el«*ti in.

Maine ia the Next Coa?re»i. Tli* K | uMican* in lb® fiva l)i«tri>'t* in

M-tir«' bate fttch kWtrti Ih^ir candidate®. In tS® fir*t. lion. Jo' n N (Joodwin baa

l*"®n rv-noa>iDated I lit* it a'l right Ml. <• ► bat, m lar a* «<• kn •«. »-r«®d h••

p atriot UithluIU. IK* i* a £®ntl»*m »n of

ability, and hi* ro n >unn»ti »n i« wrll >!<•

«*rt®d. In the I. Hon. Si lti»r Ptrham i* t!.*

n inmiv. tl« vrll and » > (am:i «r 1T

krv «*» to o<ir rr»1<*r*, that it n unnce*" irr

f >r u« to nr raorr than to r^rotrk tint I.it

it •n><nali'*n ^irM rs*<*ll<-nt »*ti»faotion, and

will b* h»ariil* *npp«rt«»d it Ih® i>oll* In I';® llj, lion J4in><* (i. ItUine i* tb®

randidti*. Mr Ham* t« on- I tin* a' «»

men ul hit a*®, in thr Mate. II® i«ar •* i*.

|«iw#rl'il dbatrr, an<l will r< rUiolj make

|ii« mark in Colter*** lnth®4th, lion. John II. Uic* ba*iutl

b»n n^O"Binated. Thi* r*It will t> ry cttiiliiiif to th* nutn'r u« frt»nd* of

Mr. Itic* tt'rmjfSout tli* Mil* II® hat

lakm an ri>vll»al «tanl in I'.® f rwtflt t'on

gr»»«. and ha« ju»tl_? tw*n ranked aa a mm

of iiladtl in th® II >uf. W * tti *t lieirt»*

!? congratulate t nn on hi* r® rv :n n»t m.

|i Um 5th. Um F. A Plki bM bfM N>

n mihat®*! Mr. I'ik® i# a man of mark I

•t ilitT. II® i« a ready d '•at«,r. in tu«*ri •.»,

p-rai *«*ri.T *. an J alwwj* at In* po*r. Such I* t.'i* tttkvt |r<"®rnt-d by th® Ite-

puMiema of Main* for th* ,tb Ciw/r •••

It it one if wl ich tf;®y liar* wr» wia >t. t.»

f««*l jr>u<!. 1 !i« car.Ji.lat. t *r® all m -n of

jjmt moral w >rth, c><»l »btlity. »>und ami rcliab!* u| .n ail tf.®^rt4t <j<i®«ti >»»a of It ®

J4T. ai> 1 wi'.l all t>® U'limphant!? elcct«l

on lb* «1 M 'od*y of t*®pt®u»' r n« it

Amu** Fimii At p< r app..'ntnKnt. a

f. w d<-l®gat« app®*r®d at lb* Court II o«®,

\\ cdn. »1 it to antwrr to the nam* ol Union Convention.

S C. Amlrrwt »u mad® (.'hurtaan. and Aram H 5>wifl, Svrt'art. Mr, IP.irk mad.- a »p*»-ch, obaraclrrittio of th® «ntn.

Il<» roun*«*lltsl a Cnion of lb® partf- Mr. H»n 1*11 tai'l b« bad attend^ ll.c Oana Con*

t.-ntion. and w*a uu<-h |-le»»<d with it«

•firit of hannontr. T^^n a rommittr* of fi*e wit cboarti, to niiti th* I>ina C itDmit- I •+, and ttjjrw upon nndidatca, if jo««i» !e, otbrrwi«» to nominal* tbrm*elvr«, a* follow*: Alrab lllack. Inir lUndall, Ri"f ard llutcb* in*»n. Out Iru'. O II Maton.

Mr Illa«'k inlro^ucv*! the Mlawine n*-

•olrc, whidiw.it »Joptr|ai the platform of tl «• Con vent tun :

•• Tb® I'nton a« it wi*. tb® Con*titution a* it it, «nd lh« L»-jjro wU-r® it."


P»\* Committee. The Committee, tip- [>aini« I by the D«na Convention, i< nt fol- low* lUmiu una J»hn C. Gerry. Jgaeph Oearborn, lieo. K. (jibeon, K !w.,rd L. I'.»rri«.

The Meeting tn celebrate the nuj tiala a*

•etn'Ie* at l\»rn. Friday. The I) incite* adapted the I*ort'4ti(| pi it-

form. It i* notiaurtki that in n'ith>r Convent.on «u there a tw^l* patriotic ut-

terance ; or a »in :U word condemnatory ol

rebellion, though both bodies were extreme-1 It Litter again*t the government.

II >B BOW 110 C*si»imtd. It || tuggeated that the gr*«oni*man who are to ofijut* at

the aJjourned council, intend to iutite MT-

• »al Republican* tonccupr their truckle- brj. h matter* little where thejr look lor

rtndidatee ; hut we are of opinion that few

toeo who hare em acted with ul will (IN

to incur the ojiutu of defeat in auch cum-


Is it Duma^nc? By the proceeding* ol the Contention*. the democratic voter* !

arc t • have no Toic« in the nomination ol | fan 11 la tee to be aopported in S-ptember All tbu bu»in.*e M left t> the hand* of a

f.*w wire puller*. who put into the field *uch a ticket aa they chooao. When, in the hi*

tory ol the democratic party, waa ever auch an u*urpati >n heard ul ?

The Mnilary Commiwion aaknowlcdgea the receipt of $liO from S>uth Pane, and

$171 from North I'aria. Perhaps the re

cord would do juatice it it atood $321 for the town, aa aach eeetioo contributed lil*«- rally, without rivalry. F«w towns Late! doaa better I

% •

"Six Hundred Thoniand More." M Wi a»e oim!*!, father Alr»h*rii,— tfii kmklrnl ik'MiMml

l>oa of tba bo*i proofs that tha L'nion will ba presarvod, is found in Iht alacrity with which the paoplj in tho loyal States have rMpnmW to tha various ealla t.f tba President for mora troops. Tha 300 000

called for only a fsw weeks since, have hwo

raised without a draft in any of ths States, and have j»one lo tlia field of operations or

ara on th«*ir way. Ths last quota ol 300,. (100 nina tuonths' mm sro bein* promptly raited, and in tnoat cases tha sevsral town

<|iiotaa will ba filled by volunteers. thus die-

pausing with Ibe neoo«s»ly for a draft. Town* and individuals have contributed lib.

erally to etcoura^e volunteering. In many of our towns our detii xrratic friends have cums nobly op to the work and prorerf tbsir

loyaltj by enlisting eido by sids with tha

Republicans This ia right and equitable. In rni«in* ni n aa well «• means, party die*

tinctiuns ought not t • stand in tlia way. !>• tn<*'r*ta as well aa Republican*, and Re-

publicans a* well as democrat* have ona

r >iutn in coun»»y to sav—one great tital interest at staks.

We are xirrjr t » aay that in a lew of our

towna lite democrat* have not abown a dis

p'.iti..n to furni*h their p»*>|*>rtion of :uen.

For in*tance, one t «ian in Oiford County, un ler tl.<« lir*t call f »r 300.000, sent ui ire

than its <|.i ita—1?7 volunteer#— and only t\rti ol this n'imber were democrat*; and in

lliia town | oliti<*al parti* *tand nearly rquallv divid-1. A di*p »«ition like tliia to

•Sirk r *|oii.i'>ility, will, in tha end, '<•*

»ery I krly to Irad to the nec-*«ity of draft*

ing, for it i* neither equitable or ju*t that

tha whole I >a l ol puttint* d >wn this war

up »n a common country should l»e thrown

u|»in a single political organization, which h«* no iu»re at *tak« than its political nj~

ponetits. Our democratic Iriends csnnot complain

that the « fli « in th- * ■lunWr militia have

not gvnt-roualy baatowed upon mem^r*

ol their p»rty In this tiling President l.itiColn ha* been very uiagnanimou*, and

* ba* <• iv. W«*hburn. til tl >s g'.-at cri»ia. wh»re the vert life

and ev *tene« ,.} tbe (iovernment i* ut »take,

party distini t-.»ns ought not t ■ *tartd in tl e

way Men <»f all partis should stand »'• >uld'T to »'i■•old. r 11 • »* tl rir country. To in«oke the *| iril < f party a gen* rr ni*. w h i!.* t'^ irt. I *nj p .rt of tbe govern, merit at tbi* M'n f < tir me j rril, i* doan-

r gl t treason. en I a* such it will *taod r»

e.if if I Uir»ugh all ejniirg tnus.

Mr. Perhatn't Spcfch of Acceptance. rs- Mlowmg rrj. ri of th* rem irk* of

Mr I'crluut. »t lh« Auburn Confmtnw, il.ool I !i4T" l-een |>oMi*h< 1 with the other

|r<-«edinj;«, f>ut w i» not rritnH in *-a»'n

On In* introduction, In- »»ij— Mr. < i</irr..jn anJ gmlhrnr* of ih» ('<»*•

*/n><i I'* rout u>e to I 'll Irr l» Jou iiit *in

yff 1'iank* an I | r f um 1 acknowledgment* lor thi* «»*f >n of yur eonfijenee and

r^*rJ. When I consider the important r> •|>m*it>ilitica that ilrtnh* up in |uMir » r»»nt in tb»a cri«ia of ih« rounirj liltlu*

ry. I inn **11 ahrink from thaw rwponn- bilitie*.

Neier »n v were * n iti >n h»« * rri»i« ir.«> n r quiring tl«* e>n«id< rition at q*i«»- t >na • big wlift t* • lil» <»t tcountry, u«

l> »» «»!.»<•!» ni'i»t o>me l»*for* Jnrin* tl » |'M« -oti n of tint war, mi I at

il» dote. I't»- in m win holdt a *'tt in the

nnug C'jngr-«a must ( n »t on It »a*ac>

i*y to c >mj r>-'-n I the cIT'fti •nil reaulta ..|

iu»a»ure», but he in **t i >••«»* uural eour-

%£<' Sil l mcral will t.» deal flT^tii* Ma*« *^4ii •» anything an I cicrylhing that rear

Hand in the kit of tha mti >n'« mcfM.

limtletnati, I woi» f<ebir« you with hut l<*w | rotniaea I1 mak" Th« tiiat >ry i>f the

[w«t two year« adtn<>ni«hea u* that w« can-

ii it mark out a line of ap-viCo pilicy with any d»-|jr<tj «.f »*fety for the nett three ye.ira. We are making hiatorr fa*t. The iTtnla tif

^mn ar» being crowde 1 into month*. We ilo not know wli.it t > ui rrow maj bring forth. I rin only pledge mv*"li to gotieral |>rm.iplee which will g>rern im whether in

pohlie ««r prifate lif«. I ahatl d«*eui it hit

Juty for the purp.i*<« of carrying out ami

»u*Uming tfie principle" upon wiieh the

£ •T'-rnnn-nt wu» found- J, In jjiTe my undi- t l I, unwavering aupport to the govern* m-iit of our country, and iii that way and l( .it way only, can our national life bu pr*- kriMl,

In cnni*luti<m, I »ec«M the n itnination which tou hitit* i'i (••■iicroutly loniirr«^J me.

\\ bile I r«*<ret that I am not able to bring uioro of c*|<nence and <|ualincation» for the

poaition, I will endrttfor, by faithful and

untiring d«totion to your intereata and the

country'a welfare, to merit in aome degree the liinor which this tiomiualion coolvra

uf>ou uie.

Ia ho Honcat T !.«»t Winter, Ition Hradbury introduced

into tt.e l/*£t»lature tlio following reaolve: /«'• *<>/i«'/."»tut ilir people of Maine rv|<oee

un unwavering confidence in the ability, in* tegrii v, and j ot A' raham Lincoln, l'r»iictit o( tti» United >141«•; and while fullj npprotm ♦ ot the | »!icjr which he hae ttiu» l»r l*>n jjuiJ d by, in th« conductol tin* rn«ting war. llnjr |ilrd(« tliem»f!vre to

rally around and •uttaiii hi» aduiiuiairation in ilir prompt an I vignroua vmploymmt of all lrgitimat« tneana and measure* now de- manded, or which may hervjltcr be demand- ed by the exigenelee i»f the hour, l*or the »|»*rdy and thorough «uppre»»ion ol thia V" ix'iliuo, and the com pi* to vindication of the authority ul tha constitution and lawa.

X >w we find hiiu nominated fur the of Gee of Governor, on a platform, condemning tha government, la he honeat in ihua laUi-

lying himaelf before the people?

Imtcsvemtion. The (Jucen, in her recent

ipeech to the I'arlianvnt, declared that »he

had eevn no reaaon to depart from the prin- ciple* of neutrality Mt forth in her procla- mation. in the beginning of the American trouhlea. Unt of her Miniatera declared, In

Parliament, that tho government bad not received communication relating to in- tervention from any other power. The offi- cial organ at St. 1'eteraburg dcniee that any ate pa in thia direction bave bean taken by the 11 uMian government. Theea official ut<

teranoee diepoaa of the oft repeated boaate ol intervention paraded before tb« public by rebal ejmpatbieera.

Fryeburc Items* A new end highly MtUfactorr organ, oi

$G00 value, hM juvt been purchased from

the manufactory of M*e*r«. Sterene k Jew-

•It. Boston, and placet! in the Congregation- al ehurcli at this place. To the energetic la lice of the tillage,—who alone took the

initiative an J by their untirag pereeteranee in three penny " orgnn circlet," etc f.>r three year* pa»t, have collected, eo toon, the

ncccaeiry amount to purchaac.—it it mainly due lor it* timely appearance; an J lung may

it speak in dwp tonee of their efficient prgan isation.

A conoert waa given on the occasion of lU introduction, Thursday evening, 'J 1st

init., by Mr. John W. Odlin of Concord. N II., organiat, Mis* II. N. Cammett of

Portland, *(**ali«t, aasi*t«d by Mise Ellen A.

IUrr»we, formerly of Fryehurg, now teach- er of Muaio in Freehold, (N. J.) Seminary, etch of whom sustained their well earn*d

reputation, nnd mado the evening a pleeeant •ticceaa. Had it not U*en alormy, the audi* ence would have been much larger. The

proceed* were added to the aum already col*

Icctcd for the payment for the instrument, leaving only a atnall margin to ho filial.

The church, under the acceptable and

popular teiching of Itev. I>. It. Sewall, ia

united and prospermia, the larg* house fie.

ing nearly filled each Sihhath. Five prr- ione will f»e admitted, on profeeeion, at the

neit communion.

A meeting of the voter* of tf>e town wa*

held on Stturday, to »ee what action mold t>e uken to encourage volunteering in lieu of a draft. The following vote wa* paseed, Wis :

•' That * honnty «l I* piid lo eaeh tnlunlNT «lirn muttered into th* United State*' »rriice, and th* •um of each. lo

their inditilual families or lieir*; aivl that the Tre»««ir»r hire the amount lo meet !!»•

prariiinM r«| the »itte."

MiDJ iff J aniinun to wipoa I; hut ptrh*p« not from any jnrticuhr

hue of country Iber eheri*l«ed, but their

cowardly hatred of lighting for it.

TV A«tdemy in thia pher, e >n»ldering if.* unwiilr<l »tateof th« country, ill repeat* ed call* for young f«»n« ami muirlf, and constant l*s«lK>n, i* in it fty Mti*laetnry coiljii.n, Mr Snow Itjrorcd hunxll

mi irf<'iu|<liih«i teacher •*n«l |rincip.il, an<t

one who h»« a cmatant cte fur the go>«l of

li•• pupil*, t 'lh In and out of •chool. The netl trrm tx'cin* on I!»*» 3d of S-pten»'»»r, and nnt parent or gnardian wl • i« »ee.jng n tchool for In* chili] or »»r I, will <11 no

better than con*id r tha runny inducement* w!iii*h I'ryrbur.' o(T r«.

Ju«t f-ef.ire leatmg the I.tki rfgiin, we

111 4 I ir I i»n I *d trip, with .Mr. Itirh, I »'

• t a ?»• *r trap in a " black gr nwth," <>n

Rapid r«» r Thi* * vli |,<i write* m f <1 low» •• I f .r," t * » t-H *ou that I e»u ;ht t

y uing hear in th« trap you helprd in- •* t, the fir*t time it wa* apriing, miking TO m

ail that I bate kill* <1 We ha l a

!••»* >n in the art, though unat'le to V in at, lha death.

A •mill nuro'^r of detu H-r»t*,—a'«out 'Jt>

reported,—iNcntildl at <Jr»y, la*t wc« I, m d 0 •initiated C. 11 cor I of Auhurn, f^r

I'ongn •*. At Mr U con Id n »l l>e induced t» rer<-i«e * nomination for th« long t«frm, n» apprehci. I that thia oMmn wm taken without In* knowlelg-. and he will not ae«

c«j t the honor »»<jght to c- nfcrr' f. Mr. II ohji'ct* to h« ing " run into the (•round."

A Com rMiit«t«r\T. A letter (roni a

nnvutwr ol th« 10th llegiinent, pu'Inhed in

/.ion • A'lr>c.it>\ el<»*e* na f iIIjw* •• I h ugh n >t given to |« r»onal adulation,

I with, 111 juatian to t'ol Ileal and M»jir Walker, to »»* of theae olfiorr* that they have 1 thihitrd tha highest »oldierly quail* lie* Ihor oighlj ai juainte.) wuli their r «

• j ei-tite dullt*. *inc* r^-ly j»»triotic, tx-|.itii| and r'*|-eet,-l of their men. without tita^ or i«ttOt*tion, they tucct eterr duly with

proiuptn*** »nd »kill To *ueh men the

cjuntry ahuuld *«y. <io tr iiioukk.'"

A r frotn I, n ! >ri announce# tlut the vitamer M r>'.» lotte u<l»rrti« 1 to Ink [/.tilth on the 15th. Hie w »'4 to he

a rebel ibip, in which nx another *< rv ac-

cept kbt« |nr will pr oahlj Ull int«» the

Ii.mi1» of our blockading licet.

Glum Corn. Ilj accident, U«t week, an

item m-know lodging the reewipt, from Jo*. Churchill of llrvuiit'i Pond, of a nte-n of

grt-t-n corn, w.»» not |i>ni«il. It wai the

fir«t wo had »een. and if a »ampla of In*

crop. ha haa littlo rea*on to dread rurlj lro«t« this araaun.

Tli« Oifonl Aaaociation will meet with the

church at K*«t .suruner, on l'uewLjr. Sept. 'JI, at 10 o'clock, A M.

We learn that the .Ml. Zircon llouae, at

thu Milton MinertI Spring*. i« recming a

Ho«»d thart of company, the prevent *«a»on.1

I. i*t we. k th« hou»« WM completely filled.

Snri Oi rictus. The following oSerr*! huTe Jktii appointed Aid* to MajoMieneral Virgin:

E F Pilehurv, Farmlngt'in, Division In-

•p«*ct»r. Willi the rnnk ol Lieut. Colonel W. P. Frte, Auhurn, Ihvuiun l^unrtrr |

tSMter. Charles E. Sltaw, Portland, Orderly Aid-

de-Camp. A. II. Walker, Lovell, Aid bo-l'trap. W. \V. Uoliter, Disficld. Division Advo-


All tli« latter have been corumiMioned with the rank of M »j»r.

The lirrnad* Appeal designate* ValUn-

di^ham, Wood, 1'icree, and Sejruiour of

Connecticut, and a few others a« the onljr true friend* the South can count upon at

the North. The Danaitea art circulating Yallandi*

(ham'* epcecliee in this State, ae partieao document*. Their reader* will doubtleo* Im

plia»d to know thai t» stand* well in liixia.

The New Bedford Standard *aj* that fire

hundred choice Mamtn hare reoentlj been

picked from lh« wbole navj, for aomc se-

cret eipeditioo.

Ret, Z'na* Thooipton, lata chaplain of

the Cth Maine regiment, will preaeb in the

Universalis! church at Drjant 1'ood, next

Sabbtlb, August 31st.

F-.r the Oxluid llratorril.

Ai.imut, Aug. 1H, 1802.

In anawer to circulars r*ceircd from the

U. 8. Sanitary Comroteaion, through tba

rffjrU of a lew ladiea, a box of nrticln for

the tick and wounded aoldiera in the h«»#pi- J tola haa h**n obtained and lorainM io

f!#orge K. Davie, State Ag-nt, at Portland. Il contained 4 abeela, I blanket, tan pure pillow pa«m, 5 large pillowe, 0 ei%all ptl» lima ant] ca«#a, .1 cuihiune, 20 towel*, 4

hamlkerehiefe, 10 abirtt. 1 pair drawere, 1 thin f>«l, 22 paire freting, 2 pair* alip- |M>ra, 2 lana, ■tationrry, aewing utenail*,

magatine* and tract*, l.lOrolle ol handagee, 7 large Mil* «f cotton an.I lin«*n cloth for

UnJagfa, dried h|tirh«rriea, ra*pb*rri<a. and

currant*. 22 Iba drird apple, herb*, <» hot-

tlr* rn«pberry j»lly, 2 bottl e currant pre* aerrrs, ] bottle currant jelly, 2 bottlca ru«p- ln-rry and cherry j*lly, 1 bottle n»pberry ahrub, I bottla ait I I large jar of rharry jelly, Ac., la. Lowest eatimatc, $13 AWo, £7 in money hate b«*n aent t» Win. II

lladley ol the U, S. Sanitary Con minion. We are happy to contribute our mite, and

tliua ahow that wo art not unmindful of tboee who are iu the ecrvica of our tooted country. More than 50 mm Iron thia

town have enlitted. Nuno have hctn die-

charged hnt we have 3! aoMicra in the

e*mcw, tunica the thirteen who hate rn-

lutvd eiuc* the I k»t r.ill for volunteer*. Nine of thean, our quota, receive a bounty of £100 from tbe town, N M. I*.

t'bf Th) II1I141I I Win,> « (l.

The Itdie* of Siulli Waterford hate for.

warded a l(oi, lor ho«pital iw, containing the following nrlicl*)* —1.1 II pil- low*, |."» pair* mIIow *!ip«, h ahirta, cotton I | nr* »lipj>er*, 1 |r dnwm, 2towrla. h*n«lk»rclne(*. «l roll* l(4tijagr*, 7 piee*» f»r handag***. <>t>A l»l of lint, one

Ikjx pin*, 1? Trat'l Journal*, 1 Iteligioua Mi*cr||any, | Young Man'* It Nik, | Tamp* eranc* Journala, I U.til* win#, I bottle

jelly, « bottle* currant*. 2 bottlf* bloeber*

n.-e, 1 bottle atrawl*rry | rraertc.

Aa man? ricuae themaclraa from citing, that tb« article* N*nt not receited, or

not j r ij «-rlT appropriated. of, at leaet. not

nwW,—l«r tin l-*n> fit of other* aolicitiug ail for our auflrring »tidier*, I endo « a

letter rectitad from »(mtli>nanol IbaCotn* nn*«ion, on the receipt of our *roall liui.

II 'ping in luture, auch an e»cu»e will not

t»x i.ff-rc«l, and th.it all will I* ready t« d >

all they can lor our n Ale *->ldier*. no mat*

It ol wl.ut Main or nation, I feel tliat :t

ma* incite m to greater endear r* In their

behalf A i MILLIE,

WainiMiiToM. |i, I'., Aug. 9, Hrt2 L'. S >»mt air ('« f

Adam* |lou*c, I'll K M \ Mimm —I hat tho honor to a< kn >w«

lr'lg*' the receipt of one hoi of h it tl *up

pliee, •• nlao |our I ttor, addre***! to t'i«

Agent of the Smitirji C'tuini**ion, I'ort

land, Maine. In un*wi r jr .ur inquire*, J v» <ul I atlle tl at tho ejigenciee of M»rtice«

|«rlormed I>y the Cutiiuiwiun r»<j«jir * that

all (toree •hould be thrown into thee iiunioo

at < k, afiJ fie j-*n to the r> (Uiaition* of nil

the eurgeona in the army. Of cuuraj the

•urgnona of the Main* regiment* have the

aamo privilege, and their ord> r* upon our

•n>ck will tw honored. The rumor* which

)on haie heard regarding the enlo of arti- cle* »nt by )ou, cannot be true, if ihtjr were rnt'uate-l to thia Cimmiaalun, for wo

hato i'i <-r had »• many aoppliei on hand

tli-at Me hate U-en oblige] to ae|| the j,ifta ol the j ■•.»ple tor want of room to *torc

them; Dor woul I wv do aucb it thing on

any account. It aomctiiuee happen* that

aoldier* do not rvceifc nrticlc* •'•nt to them, b*cituM tln-T change their location, and there i* no mean* ol transporting the pack- age* after them; and olten it occur* tie-

cauae the package arc improperly an I lm-

|^rf--ctly addr«a*vd. There are many other

na*»n* that will undoubtedly euggeet thciu- •eltea to you.

Very re*pe, tfully, IIIOWAKI) A MAIHIX, for Com.

The I'rwi »aje : *' In hit hriel »pe*ch at

Washington, on We>lnr*.Uy l»»t, (iencrul Mn j/l.-v Mi>l tin* rebellion ha I been thirty je«n» in pnjtrcea. Hi* remark* throughout wi*ro rcc'ifcd with the hi >#t cnthumitic etinn."

There will lie no I'm'hI'1 Court at Pari#, in S.-|>trm'*r. The court* at ItotKcl. Kutn*

lord, Puflflil uri'l Canton, will lie held in

that month, in place of the regular term.

The Republican Contention, confuting of the Countiee of IVnol>#eot, IWataquia and Ar KMtouk, ha»e nominated lion John II. ltico a» candid»te lor llfjre*entahto to

Congreee, India* OirKAcu. Aci-viunt* from Min*

nr»)U shuw that in oat of !ho 1 it<l>«n« in the Weal have orgauneJ a campaign in the bordm of Minnesota. The u>o*t horrible rrrort* are made of peraona butchered in the

moat cruel minner. Mcuurre hare Urn

taken to put a atop to tho outrage*. The attack* have protxthlj !*•« n initiated Ij •eceaaiobiita.

Nine Month*' Mrv Arrangement* have been mtde at Portland and Iloston. to tMl

hurack*, for the mint month*' tuen. Tbia look* it* though the inliniation that govern inrni intended this body of troop* a« a re-

serve corp* might bo correct. Tlio author!- tie* would not !k> likely to erect barrack* fur temporary use, when tent* would ke«p men comfortable in the ploaainl autumn


Town Muting. At a loan mating, on

Saturday, it wu voted to pay $100 bounty

to each man who ahall volunteer, to fill the

quota of the town, under the call for tin#

month* men. Aa this action eonflicte with the order* of the Adjutant General, and the instructions to lb« Selectmen, efforte were

made to eo modify the vote aa to give £20 bounty, and give |80 to tha family of the eoldier; but were voted down in every eaae

by a clique led bjr Virgil D. Parrie. An- other meeting i< called for nest Monday, to

•ee wbat action the town will lake in rela- tion to paying euhetltutee for drafted men.

Caeaiue M. Clay haa none to Lexington Ky., where be U to have an important com*



«\ujitint iitxKAL'* Orrin. AunuiU, Aug. 10, 186tl.

(itMiiL Oanra No. 32.

A requlailioo bavins been taada upon the (Jofemor an<l Common ler-m Chief by th* I'rtaidrnt of the Unit*«l bi«t« f«»r nine

Ihouaand «ii hundred and nine {'JOrj) abU m'ri. lo be drafted from the enrolled

Militia <>f the Slate, for the Mtmof lit*

United Stair*, to a*rve for sn* •oxtna. un-

l«<w aooncr ditcharged: It la hereby ordered m folio* •;

FIRST: 1—Th<» Orderly .Vt^mbU of lha r»»pe<*.

tive Com pan • of Kurollrd Mililia »><all rich appoint a mnnlwr cf their Company to

l*« Clerk, whithall be aworn below mhm' Juatice of the l'e*c*of the County, to make • true and fat'hlul reivrd of the |iro«*cedir>fc« of tha C at •nch for mak-

ing the draft, a» are h< rrioafter provided:' blatika for which appointment, and certifi- cate .if oath a|or»**id. will b« eeaaonahly lurtn*Hrd Iron iln» office.

2—Tim tinio of n»<-«(tnj* of Companiee of Militia f ir Ihe purpieeof miking »iich dralt ahall be WrdnfNUy the tltird <! *T <d Sap- leuhcr noil, at am* o'clock 'n the forenoon, and notice ol Iho tinia and place of mating, (the Utter lo lot d**«ignaled hy the Orderly N>rj»**nt»,) • I>a 11 l« jji in manner and torm, »• l»r the eh-elicn of officer*. hut thrr* ahall tx> at lea*t twenty f mf hour* notice

given. At nich meetingof »4i I Companies, the Orderly Sergeant will i»u*e 4 draft lo

be inad» therefrom, in manner loll wing —

Fir»t— II* will ranee a bo« of auitahl* »ii.« | .r lite |nir|- *e 10 r- prepare.!, tm win

plae* therein, in the t.reeenc* ol the Com-

pany, n many *li|w of p4j r a* there are

Hum ■ <>n the roll of lu« <' uipn.y, exclusive ol officer* elect, und upon the »lipa *11*11 bo written in Mtrn, ami n t figure#, the num

f» r* from ono to that which eipre«oee the entire number of men in th* Company, r:»ch

•tip hating one number written thcr««»n Tha b«n shall then cl •*«,d ari l the pap. ra

therein thoroughly shaken up, when adrift •hall »«• made therefrom, under hie direction, in Ilia mod* hero prescribed.

Svond—'Tha nar?»<* on the Comp-my Ilnll •hall then fe »lliil in alphabetical order hy the tird rljr Vrgeant, ami each man a* hi* n.wiHj i* culled, shall draw one *lip of pa|<rr Ir. in th<» tun, which ho •hall pi«* to the Clerk, who •hall p.id aloud the num'«r therein, and rceord tli* mm up ma roll previously prepared by him f.»r that purpose, upon a h' ink furnished from thi« i.fTirr, op. po*ite Hi" nam* f the p«r*tn drawing the • una. until ever? dip •hall have •♦•n drawn from the U»i, mi l m ra*o« where an enroll* ••d nuiuVr ol the Company shall not Ui

present, or shall ne*|i>ot.»r r-lu»" lo draw

upon hi* name Iwinj; called, t!.e iird rly S*r£«ai.t »hall .|f*i£r ate some uiriuhrrol th« Coiupmy l>* draw [ if him.

Third—When there I* more thun una

piny in a fit? or T iwn, the Mayor and A Id' rmefi ol ih" 1'itv, und tha Seleetwn ol tlie town, uro authorized an I required nn*

mfii.it'. y upon receiving inform iti <ri of their quota*, to ipiiurlltin the •ain* equally liatm n Die ••••raj o. infam-*. lining r>«-

1«k'. 11 the nun Iter* l« rne upon the roll*, f•uch mum ipul ofi>rs shall n< |»!« ct or re*

fu»" to perform the « j\im in making tho afir> «-i I »| {►iti nment. the draft wdl nei Tlhel»* f«- | r -rd"! with in the man*

nor tl«iii< ilwriif^, and nolle* of the fadi •houId l** imwsdiitely forwarded lo thii of* lice hy the Ord>rly Srgeant.

Fourth—If the a'- veduty cannot Im» per- formed l«-for« oYlu'k I'. M., It will ha continued on tho n-it day lietween the hour* ol '.I o'cl xk A M. arid 5 o'clock. I*. M., and fr«ia day to day, b-tween the ■una

sumo hour*, until the dr 1 ft i« completed. Fifth—Th« men win •hall not l>e exempt

fr 111 such n ihility t • • nrollment. iueh »x

empdori to he det'-rmnc-d a* hereinafter pro tided. a/ iin*t upon tha retjrl th ti mid; hy the t'lerk, •hall h»» f >un<l tiia I iw>»t numf^r commencing atono (l),und, goin^ upward* until the •joita of the Com*

piny bu* 'ren obtained, *'1111 c»n*titute tha 'iraited qilota of en ! I'.mipaiiT, and •tiall lie held accordingly, and 1 ho- the quota i* to

fiecumplotod from tho I >wi»t nmuVrt drawn

hy non-et 'ispl>) men.

,sijth— The f blowing per«»n*, tit.; Tho V c« I'r« •i.fei,r ol lh« United Statea The oflk- r*. judicial and rxetfulifc, of the

1'nife.J Jit ilea I ijr in* w ^r» «*i

an l their respective nffi.vn custom house officers ainj their clerks. liistftore of rj-

I >rts ; |'il« t*. and mirim r» employed in ih« s>«t service ol any eiiiirii or merchant with- in the t'nited Mat< *

I'oetmasicrs, u»istant jo«tma«ter», and their clerks, j«*t ofluvrs, i.nt ruler*, an 1 »t n* driver*, in tbn ear* 4ti I conveyance of tlio mail ol (lie United M«Im; ferrymen empl iyd at any ferrr on the post road ;

unifiers an I workman in the l oitol >tat»-e

arsenals ; |>«*r*.»n<» of the denomination* of

i^uak>r* and Shaker*, justir-a til the »u-

preme judici al court; minister* of the g >«

|>e| regularly ordained according to lh«

usag<* of their denommati >ns, an long a*

their relation continu-* ; ami offi cer* ol the iinlitu w ho hrive '»*en honorably iliKliirjul, ar>> exempt from liability to enrollment and

draft, and upon evidence furnished the < 'r-

d^rly N-rgcant that lliey coma within thi*

exemption. he will cau*e the Clerk to draw a lin« acr>M their namea uj> >n the record, hot nut rendering the nam<*« illegible, slat

ing op|Himte the ground of exemption. A line will al«o t*» drawn a<*r>»* the namea of |M>r*<>iia claiming exemption from liability, on grounds ol physical disability, who shall establish the vali iity of such claim* before the Orderly Sergeant bf Ihi certificate of

any Surgeon within the County, appointed by the Governor for the purpueo of making •uch examination*, which certificate* shall c<>nt*in a statement of th« particular ground of aueh disability. T'»e decisionsof the Or-

derly Sergeant* in thia regard will aUnd good uulees reversed by tho Adjutant Genar- •I.

Seventh—Three daT« from the draft, ex

elusive o| that day, •hall he allowed partis* claiming exemption to furnish evidence **• tahlishing their claim hefor* the Orderly Sergeant, and no decision in favor of •uch

exemption shall bu given unless within four

d.na of such draft. Immediately upon the

expiration of <aid period, the namea of the

person* drafted, iimI n certified oopy of th« record made by the Clerk •forwatid, *1 all he

transmitted to tho Adjutant General. The Orderly Sergeant will notify tho drafted mon comprising Ida corapiny'* <|<iota, to Ap- pear at the plat* where the draft waa made, on the tilth day suceteding •uch draft, at

it o'clock A. M.i »tid Irom thence he will procecd with them hr public conveyance, if! •uch can t>« bad, ami if not, by the moat ex

petiiiioua and economical method, to the

place of rendexvoua, of which notice will be

given hereafter. In cam of the resignation, absence, or neglect of the Orderly Sergeant to perform the dutiea herein required, the, rnptain elect, or either of the lieutenant*. In

default ol hi* superior officer, will officiate I in hi* etead,

Eighth—Kea*onaMe compensation will be I made for the performance of the** dutiea,' and neceaaary *spenww reimbursed.

Ninth—One or mor* competent Surgeon* in each County will be designated by the1 Governor, of whose appointment notice will tie given, tod whoee certificate* of disability 1

(and of none other) will be respected by Orderly Sergeant*, or other* in tulbority.1 When any per*on enrolled ae aforesaid is

sick tnd unable to preeent himaeif personal- (

ly before a Surgeon appointed m afoweaid, •uch Surgeon may, if he shall deem the 1

cause sufficient, issue a certiieate of exemp I

won, upon tbe production before bin of the t, sworn aUteatnt of the perty in reference to

the nature aad extent of hi* disability or

diietat, and* tworn sUtemoot id

ronrcminji tbt nmo hj a Pity*lei4« <r s<jr« g»on of ttanding tn th* r >uiiif

l>nth—Tha dralted turn from tha i*nt companiea, uftrr arriving at Hie p! t ,,( r«*n<lri*'Ut, will !<• f .mn-d ir»l«> r j *ni«« »nd rtjtlwnU, which mil nfS^rM m

rrotidad by th« law* of lint SuUtui u( H

oiled Stan* Kiwvaulh—Drafted m*n may fumUh aoh.

• Uiuii't, but ranii'tt I •« r« li 'i> l (r j r*

al wriiM upon paying * fine under thu 11w• of Una Stat<*.

8KC<>ND. I — Citiea, Tuwna ami PUnUliona, fnr.

niihing their quota of abla Volan* Icwra entitling fur nine tnuniha' arrvH-a, up- on blank* to Im lurmth»d from thla olln t, the municipal authoritf* or mditi* • ffi-vrt, and who ahull he aaaemMt<l at aome plant within iheir city. town and plantation, ar, I on their way to th« r*ndr«*oua. on or

Wednesday tha third day o| Sepfemt.ar nnt, will tw relief rd from ilfir liability It %

draft, Mid Volunt.^ra he.ng accept d In In* of draft"! man, and no drift Ir nu tuch ft. n-a and town*. under thit rail, will U mala.

Any nomlwr of Volanlirr* lurnit'i.-.| >«

aloreaaid. I>wa tlian tba quota, will I* r*»

miH in part thereof. j r ented tier ar*

r^identa of Iht Oily, Town or I'lanun• .r»

lurnitliinj tliriu, and tba draft will b* iu.lt for tha rraidup,

II -—Volunteer* when in eimp will hi formed into coolant** and regiment*, and a* far at may b« continent with tlx* inter-

rata of iht arrrlrt, in ancordane* with tf.« wiabrs nl tha different <|u >t t«, an l rimpt. nnw will ebct their own uffi•• fa, auhpet it tha confirmation of lha t'jtain«nd*r m-

Chief. III —in i»«r. rt-unmjt i: , n-

tii« and Town*. tha regulation* tha VV «r

I)'|-irtii)> (it *ill ba •!. * hicb «r» m

fjllow* 1" Additional rfguUtiooa f>rlba rnrollwrnt am! dralt of tailitia. Orkrrd —MUi. That in filling all ivqaMti IN lac niililu, the quota* ol th<» at*eraI Stat • «i I be apportions! hj tho t» iwnor* am >n,j r»« •fVtTal Countira, and wh'li practicable, among thu tub di*i«i »»• of Courtie*. *■> I «t

allowance ahall f-* m «<!■• to •u-h Couniie* atui aohvliriaion* f >r ali Volunt r« tt r •« »•

f»ro furnithe | by ih»m. and iauater>-d into

tha ar'fira of tha United >utea. at. 1 * -•

•tipuUted term ol r«r»irn »h«ll tut litic ft.

piled." IV —No Statu or l'nited Statin bounty

will b* [>aid to aucb Voluntewa. an I it n

hoped that t'lti-a an I r»wn* lnrni»liu^ theif quota* by volunt try enlistment, will not ili»r>I the anhM ••{ the (inrrtl <i)*rrnmriit. that nine in null*' volunteer* vhould r.«i»-l without hninin • N > ?<>!• unt^r* will fx} r*C(ifai in lieu if draft-1 turn Iruiii any City or l' iwn til it ahall | «»

a bounty of tuoro than twenty dollar* to

rich volunteer. THIRD.

The protwona of the art of Mareh |*th, 1*02. in reference to furnishing ai l to tV» Iimllo-a of »oldier*. will esten I t > th" fawi* li-a ol dralled tuilitu and tun.i month*' vol* un terra.

FOURTH. V«i iUa <<f Citiea. Towns, ami I'tantati ma

for three jran' tolunlNn, uim'. r the rail •■f ih« Tr*•• Ital "f Ju'v'JI. 11 fill up the oi l Regiment*. will be received »»nl pail Hil >Ulo and I'nited Stat- a bounty and »dT*n*«

[■it. Anil town hiiuntii* aa |ri*i l-l r

voice ol town*, unlit tk• firit f'-iy of Srptim' Kr nnt,anJni*t allrru->n4t, ami in th <»»

pUrea whirh vtiall not hav-* fortii*h«-l their

quota at that line und r*orh call, a •( >1 dralt will lw ord«red imuu-ImMv thcrcati r

fur the deficiency. Finn.

Tie Citiee of lUngnr. AuguaU and I'nrt. Ian I are >• |>|«>mC**>t a* tha placee of icod-f> *oua lor tha drafted turn and nine month*' volunteer*. •

II* order of tha t'ooin»and*r-i«Wfcief. JOHN' I.. llol>HM)N.

Al'Jt T»XT liUllll,

State of Maine. 111!.\ I > gl'AKTKKS, %

Anil t»nt liisinti'" Orrn r. f Aoguata, Aiicu«t 'J-i. I S

CiENKHAI. OK D Kit No. 3*.

The lime for th# nnlin( ol compan<»« I enrolled militia. lor making a draft, •' >11 l*» Wednesday, t'"1 t«nth d<* ol .September, ImVJ, »t nine nVIxk in tlio f >r«*f» «n, in-

ol DM 31 lVre will t»* •« corresponding eitrnai >n

ol lima lor ruraplelin^ the dmfc. anl I r

Iurmahin2 «•*! lence ul »*i i»pti »n ih^r^fr >iu,

and I ir noiiftinj th« i!nli«d nrn uf

company'a quota, lo apj» »r at ll •' pla<«e f t»ii» <lr*lt t » pro*"I t • lh« rrnl-ifou#, k«

I rov<1 in liener*! i>rd*r No 3'J

By order of the Command*r-in*Chief. JOHN I.. Hv)|)>|iON,

Aw't iioUAl.

llfT. ilirrfj llrrry l t« b"*n appoint'1 CbapUin <>l ttie ITlh IUgim«-nt.

The Portland rap-re Mti#ln^tory prifffH upon fort <• 'rgt*. in that hir*> r

Hon. l-^n-ul Andrew* in charge of It#


The engine of a freight train on the A .V

K. road, ran of! the track, mar Wiuthr.jp, Ia*t week, in con#»-«p"®<vof th« tireakm; t

a (large. Four or fire c»r« wrr* emaahed, but no pereonal injury wn auatained.

Th* Aro wt>xik Tnnre u»« II >ult in I a«

furnished three hundred an I l*»nlj fm

men for the war. 120 ol theeo are In l'•«*

regular army.

Mr. !P*nj Richmond, ajed fiT yara, member of tha Swifljr of Friend#, an! a

r«eident of (Jreene.wM iniUntlf killed, Au«

go»t l'.»th, by being ihrown from hi« wag"0 n>>*r the railroad cro«»in^ at the loot ol J «r

Hill. The Tranacnpt My# lliat owing to the

high price of cotton the I'ortUn I m!i grind* »r# are now (uitlin^ up fioo UbU*»lt inboici in#tea<l of bag*.

Dartmouth Colleg« ha« b-«#towed the I*-

jree ol LL. I). upon Hon Nathin Cliff»r' Aaaocta'e Juvtice of the Suprruie I our

the United Statu. Judge Clifford iea t>

of the county in which old Dartmo • •

liiuatcd. The camp# of rendeitoua in thia Sta' r

the new quota of troop# will be d«igni' i

"Camp Abraham Lincoln," "Camp t Key*," "Camp John Pope".

Tha Hangar Time* la informed that Mr. l<conard, formerly chaplain ol the ."W

Mr. regiment, will be tendered tbo chip* taincy ol the 18th regiment.

Till Mai*« StrfcXTtsMH. Thia rvgim»nt which paaaed through our city yreterd'y. *«*

cited tha admiration of all apcctator* in an

unueual Jegree. Such aiatwart fillowa,

with euch aiw and at.-ngih ol body—thry teemed complete reprc#entati*e*of the back*

lone of Maine. None, either, could fail to

tote the manly bearing and the intelligent nuntcnancee ol the rank. We Irarn that

hey were recruited from tha licet claaeca of

be community, the well to do, well in*

armed and moral portion ol trad<* and por- uita. They evidently know what tf ay go

o war for, and we ehall eipoct lo hear a

food account ol them. fBoaton Journal.