Transcript of OXFO D SOCIETY - OAHS






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1 That a Society be instituted, nnder the title of "The Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Archi­tecture."

II. That with a view of Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture, the Society collect Books, Prints, and Draw­ings; Models of the Forms of Arches, Vaults, &c.; Casts of Mouldings, and Details; and such other Architectural Specimens as the funds of the Society will permiL

III. That the attention of tbe Society be also directed to the Sepulchral Monuments of -the Middle Ages.

IV. That Historical Notices of Founders, Architects, Dates of Erection, and the like, be collected.

V. That the Chancellor and High-Steward of the Univer­silJ, and auy of their Lordships the Bishops who may sig­nify their desire to become Members of the Society, be added to the list of Patrons without ballot.

Vl The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Presi­dent, Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries, a Librarian, and a Treasurer. That of these the President shall be chosen annually from the Vice-Presidents j that the Vice-Presidents shall be appointed for life, and that all Heads of Houses, Canons of Christ Church, and the Archdeacons of the Diocese, on becoming Members of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice-Presidents ; and that the two Secretaries, the Librarian, and the Treasurer be elected annually by the Committee.

VIl That the business of the Society shall be transacted .\2

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by a Commi~tee, consisting of the President, the two Secre· taries, the Librarian, the Treasurer, and ten other mem­bers, to be chosen annually, and of whom six at least (exclusive of the Secretaries, the Librarian, and the Trea­surer) shall be above the degree of B.A., one half to retire annually by rotation; five to constitute a quorum. And that any vacancy in the Committee during the year be filled up by tl>e Committee subject to the provisions of this Rule.

VIII. That a list of names proposed to form the new portion of the Committee in each year be furnished by the existing Committee at the first General Meeting of the Society in Michaelmas Term, and shall be publicly read at that and the following meeting. During the interval be­tween the first and second publication, Members of the Society may add to this list (by notice in writing to

the Secretary) the names of any other persons qualified to sene; which additional names shall be read with the others at the second Meeting. The day of Meeting for the election of officers (to be fixed by the Committee) shall be within a week from the time of the second Meeting in Michaelmas Term. In voting for the Pre­sident, each Member shall place in the balloting-box • paper containing the name of one of the Vice-Presidents. In voting for the Committee, each Member shall place in the balloting-box a written list of as many names as are re­quired to fill up the vacancies, taken &om the list read at

the preceding Meeting. No list will be valid which con­tains any other names, or which is not drawn up in accord.­ance with the provisions of Rule VIL

IX. That new Members shall be proposed and seconded by Members of the Society at one of their Meetings, and balloted for at the next; one black ball in five to ex· clude; that all Vice-Presidents, except those mentioned

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in Rule VI.,. and Honorary Membera, shall be proposed through the Committee, and elected in the same manner as Ordinary Members.

X. On the election of a Member, the Secretaries shall send him notice of his Election, and with it the Rules of the Society, and a Catalogue of their Books, &c.

, XI. That an annual subscription of £1. I •. payable on the 1st January in each year, or a composition of £5. 5 •• in one sum be required from each Ordinary Member; but that non-resident Members (not having compounded) be exempt from such annual Subscription after ~aving paid to the amount of 1.7. 7 •• ; provided always that Members who having been elected previously to March 2.5tb, 1846, shall have paid Subscriptions to the amount oC £5.5 •. shall be considered Members for liCe.

xn. If any Member's subscription be in arrear for ODe year he may be removed from the Society, after three months' notice from the Treasurer, at the discretion of the Committee. No Member shall be considered entitled to his privileges as a Member whose subscription is in arrear.

XIII. That two Members, not being Members of the Committee, shall be chosen annually by the Society at the same time with the Committee, to audit the Society's accounts.

XIV. The Members of the Committee shall, at the be­ginning of each Term, fix the days of Meeting for that Term, which shall not ~ less than two; and that special Meetings not so fixed may be called by the Committee,

• due notice being given. XV. On each evening of the Meeting, the President, or

one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence some Mem­ber of the Committee, shall take the chair at Eight o'clock, and shall regulate the proceedings, which shall be in the following order:

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1. That the Minutes of the last Meeting be read, and any matters of busiuess, as Elections, Communi­cations of Presents, &c. &c. be brought forward.

2. That the Paper for the evening be read. S. That any Member having remarks to oft'er on

the Paper read, or any further communications to make, be then requested to bring them forward; after which the Chairman shall dissolve the Meeting by quitting the Chair.

XVI. Members shall be allowed to introduce Visitors to all Meetings of the Society, except those summoned for the transaction of private business.

XVII. When the Committee shall consider any Paper worthy of being printed at the expense of the Society, they shall request the Author to furnish a copy, and shall decide upon the number of copies to be printed; provided always that the number be sufficient to supply each Mem­ber with one copy, and the Author and Secretaries with twenty-five copies each gratis; the remaining copies to be sold ·at a price to be fixed on by the Committee. All other questions relating to publishing Papers, and illustrating them with Engravings, shall be decided by the Committee.

XVIII. That all Books, Drawings, and Papers, shall be for the present in the custody of the Librarian for the use of the Members; that Casts and Models shall be deposited in the Society'S Room; that no book, drawing, or paper, shall be removed from the Society's Room, until a fortnight shall have elapsed from its introductio~ and that the Com­mittee be authorized to impose a fine on any Member de­taining a work beyond the time specified by the Librarian.

XIX. It shall be lawful for any Member, conceiving it to be expedient to amend or omit any of the Rules of the Society, or to enact new Rules, to suggest such alterations in writing to the Committee.

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RULEI!'. 7

xx. That in case any such alteration shall appear to the Committee to be worthy of consideration, they shall signify their approbation of the same to the Member suggesting it, who shall propose it to the Society at their next meeting.

XXI. That any alterations proposed to the Society ac­cording to the provisions of the above Roles, shall be ac­cepted or rejected entire by the Society, without further amendment. ~L The Committee shall be empowered to nominate

Corresponding Secretaries in and for the several Dioceses of England and Wales, each of whom shall continue in OfIice during his own pleasure or until another person shall ha:ve been appointed in his room. Such Corresponding Secretaries shall, when in Oxford, be at liberty to attend the Meetings of Committee, and, if not Members, shall enjoy the privileges of Ordinary Members of the Society.

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Hia Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Hia Grace the Lord Archbishop of York The Bight Bey. the Lord Bishop of A.berdeen, Primus of Scotland The Bight BeY. the Lord Bishop of Bath and weUi -The Bight BeY. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury -The Bight BeY. the Lord Bishop ofOuord -The Bight Bey. the Lord Bishop of St. A.saph -The Bight BeY. the Lord Biahop of Guiana -The Bight Bey. the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland.



The BeY. the Kuter of UniYenity College.

The Bey. the President of Magdalene College The Bev. the Recwr of E18ter CoDege The BeY. the Principel of Brasenose College The Rey. the President of Trinity College The Bey. the Warden of All Souls College The Bey. the President of at. Jo1m's College The Bey. the Warden of New College The Very Rey. the Dean ofWestmmster BeY. Jo1m Bull, D.D. Canon of Christ Church Rey. E. B. Pusey, D.D. Canon ofChriat Church Rey. B. W. Jelf, D.D. Canon of Christ Church The Venerable the Archdeacon of Oxford, Canon of Ch. Ch. The Venerable the .Archdeacon of Berks Bey. William Sewell, B.D. Exeter College Sir Stephen B. Glynne, Bart., II.A. Chriat Church BeY. H. G. Liddell, II.A. Chriat Church.


E. A. Freeman, B.A. TriDity College E. C. Lowe, BoA. Lincoln College.

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• 10 COIUDft ...

h •. AlUD ..

8. W. Wayte, •• 4. Trinity College.

LIBaAau .•.

B. J. Coleridge, B.A. Oriel College.


The ADDoal Oflic'n W. B. JODeI, 8.4. Queen'. CoDege Bev.J.B.Mozley,B ••• M~ The VeD. the Archdeacon 01 Oxford BeY. W. B. Heathcote, B.C.L. New Col1ege HOD. G. F. Boyle, Christ Church Bev. H. P. Guillemal"ll, B D. Trinity College BeY. W. Sewell, B.D. Exeter Coll'l(e BeY. J. E. Millard, B.4. MagdaleDe College Bev. J. H. Wyane, B.C.L. All Soula Col1ege Herbert Hainel, Exeter Collep.


The Bev. E. BDl, •• 4. Christ Church The Rev. C. P. EdeD, •• 4. Oriel College.


J. H. Markland, Esq. Lansdowne Crescent, Bath BeY. N. Lightfoot, Cadbury, Crediton, Devon H. ClJampemowne, 111.1. Dartington House, Totne5S, Devon BeY. J. L Popham, lII.4. Chilton Rectory, Hllngerrord, Berb Rev. W. Grey, •• 1. AllingtoD, near Salisbury Rev. W. H. GUDner, 111.4. Winchester Bev. C. B. Pearson, 111."'. Knebworth, Stevenage, Herta Rev. C. GaUDt, 111.4. Iafield, Uckfield, SUISell. BeY. H. Thomp8Oll, lII.4. WringtoD, Bristol Very Rev. the Dean of HereCord, D.D.

BeY. I. M. Lowe, B • .&. Abba". Bromley, Dear Bugel87t BtaflOrdsbil'f'.

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Edward Blore, Esq. Hon. D.C.L. Architect, No.4, Manchester square His Excellency the Cheyalier BUllen, Ambassador from the King 01

Pruasia LN. Cottingham, Esq. Architect, Waterloo road, London Sir Henry Ellis, British Museum BeY. G. S. Faber, B.D. Master of Sherborne Hospital, Durham B. Ferrey, Esq. Architect, Great Ruaael-street, Bloomsbury, London James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. l'.a.8. 1' ••••• etc. I8lip, Oxon Richard Charles HU888Y, Esq. 1'."'. Architect, Birmingham The Bey. W. H. Mill, D.D. Trinity College, Cambridge; late Christian

Adyocate. Cambridge. and late Principal of Bishops College, Calcutta; Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury: Bl'lUlted Rectory, Seyen-Oab.

Sir Francis Palpay&, Deputy Keeper of the Records The Bey. G. A. Poole, II.£. Editorial Secretary to the Nortbamp&oD

Architectural Sooiet.y; Wellord, Northamptonshire .Anthony Salvin, Esq. '.8 ••• Architect, 2], &yile Bew, Londo. The Ven. Thomas Thorp, B.D. Trinity College, Cambridge; Archdeacon

01 Bristol; President of the EooleaiologiCll Sooiety; KelDerton Rectory, Tewkesbury

Dawson Turner, Esq. 1' .•• 8 ••••.•. Yarmouth, Norfolk Albert Way, II."'. Director of the Society of Antiquaries, 12, Rutland

Gate, Hyde Park, London BeY. W. Whewell, D.D. Muter of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor

of Moral Philosophy BeY. B. Willis, II."'. Jacbonian Professor, Cambridge; President of the

Cambridge Antiquarian Sooiety Thomu Wi11emeat, Esq. 1' ••• "" Green street, Grosyeaor square, London.

-Abraham, Rev. T. E. II.A. BaDiol College; Biokental; Ormakirk, Lan-cashire

Abucl, Rev. Henry, LA. Wadbam College, Cbaddeeclen, Derbylhirt -Acland, Henry W. II.Do All Souls College Adame, O. E. Ezeter College Adami, H. C. II.A. Magdalene College; Wincheeter -Adare, V~ant, Dunrayen Cutle, Co"bridge, Glamorpn,hiIe AddingtoD, Rev. Henry, B.A. Lincoln College; Harpenden, St. Alban', -Allies, Rev. T. W. II.A. Wadham College; LaODton, Dear Bi __

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12 OaD1lIABY ......... .

Allom, T. EIq. Architect, 18, Hart Street, London -.A.nderdon, Be •• W. H. II.A. UDinraity CoDege; Reigate, S1U'fe1 -.AnIon, BeY. A.. H. B.C.L • .AD Souls CoDege; Tachbrooke, Wanrickahin -AII8OD, BeY. G. H. M. .... Exeter CoDege; Leed. Aston, 1. M. Exeter College -Atkins, E. M. EIq. Kingston Li.le Hall, Berb -Audland, Ray. W. F ... D. Queen's College AUIten, BeY. W. E. C ... A. New College

Backbouae, I. BrueDOIe CoDege -Balaton, Bey. Charle., "D. Corpua Christi College; Stoke Charity,

Whitchurch Bampfield, BeY. R. L. II."'. Trinity College, MenheDiot, Lilkeard Bampfield, BeY. lohn W. L. B.A. TriDilJ College, Uppingham, Rutland-

.hire -Bampfield, G. F. L. Lincoln CoDep Barehud, Franci., Christ Church -Barker, BeY. F. Raymond, II ..... Oriel CoDege -Baron, RaY. 1. II. A. Qu_'. College; Vicar ofWater-pery, Oxon -Barr, lames, EIq • .Architect, Putney, near London -Barrow, BeY. lohn, ....... QUIeD'I CoDege Barter, B. Oriel College -Barton, H. N ....... Pembroke College Bastard, Edmund It. P ....... Balliol College Bateman, Rowland, Chrill Church Batee, 1. C. Queen'. CoDege Bathurst, .Algernon, LC.L. New College; Lincoln's Inn, London -~athunt, Bel'. Stuart Eyre, II."'. Merton College; Kibworth Beauchamp,

Leicester -Bathurst, Be •• W. A.. II."', Ludham, Norwich Baugh, Bey. Folliott, II."'. All Souls College; Charter House, London -Bayly, Ray. Francia T. 1. II."'. Brookthorpe, Gloucester Beckwith, BeY. H. W. B."'. UDinrsity College Bedford, W. K. It. Bruenoae CoDege Bellamy, Bel'.lamea, 11.&. St. lohn'. College -BeUaais, Edward, Esq. 17, Bedford Square, Londou -Bennett, F. B.A. Wadham College Beuaon, Richard M. Christ Cbun:h -Deren., the Venerable Edward, II.A. Oriel College, .Archdeacon of

Berka; Sbl'ivenham, Berka, r.o.-Preriderll -BeYan, B. BoA. Chriat Church; 16, Del'onahire Place, London Bicknell, C. B. Exeter College Bigge, Rev. H. 1. II."'. University College, East Haddon, Northampton­

shire -Blacker, M. 1 ....... Merton College -BlandJ, Charle., EIq. High Bridge, Reading

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om)llu.ar IUIII ..... 13

Blandy, Rev. Francia .Tackson, M.A. St. .Tohn'. College; Nether-Avon Vicarage, AmllBbury, Wilte

:Blllllck, A. G. Trinity College -Bliaa, Rev • .Tames, II.A. Oriel College; Marden, Derisea -Bli.., Rev. Philip, D.C.L. St. .Tohn'. Coll.; Regiatrar of the Univenity -Bloum, Rev • .T. R. LD. Magdalene College IBloum, Matthew Holbache, Esq. Rugby -Bourke, Thomu, Worcester College Boutell, Rev. Charles, II.A. Trinity College; Secretary of the St. AIban'.

Architectural Society I Sandridge Vicarage, St. AIban'. Bowden, T. A. B.A. Magdalene Hall -Bowdler, Rev. Thom .. , II.A. Searetary to the Incorporated Church

Building Society, No. 4, St. Martin'. Place, Traf'alpr square -Bowles, Rev. F. S. II.A. Exeter College Bowl .. ,S • .T. Queen'. College Bowyer, George, D.c.L. Old Square, Lincoln'a Inn, London IBowyer, Rev. H. II.A. SUDuingwe1l, Berb Boyle, Hon. Georgi F. Christ Church Brandram, S. T. B.A. Wadham College IBrewater, Rev. W. M.A. Trinity College I. Hawarden, Flintahirl

-Bridgea, Rev. B. E. M.A. Merton College; Hawnes, Bedford IBridgee, Sir Brook W. Bart. M.A. Oriel College; Goodneatone Park,

Kent Bright, W. BoA. Univenity College BrooD, Rev • .T. H. M.A. Bruenoae College Brook .. , Rev • .T. H. LA. BrueDOIe College; Whitehmch, Salop -Brymer, the Venerable W. T. P. II.A. Archdeacon of Bath. Rector of

Charlton Mackrell, Somerset Buckeridge, Rev. George, M.A. Worce.ter College 1 :t.Iutu of St. .Tohn'.

Hospital, IDd Prebendary of LichJleld IBuckllDd, the Very Rev. William, D.D. DeID of WeatmiDIter; Reader

in Geology IDd MineralOl1, Y'lel-Pruidftl -Buckle, W. LA. Oriel College Buckle, Rev. George, II.A. Oriel College Buckley, W. E. II.A. Bruen.oae College, Prof_ of Anglo-Suon IBull, Rev. John, D.D. ClDon of Christ Church, ClDOn of Euter,

Yke-PruidftI IBulley, Rev. F. B.D. Magdalene College Bullock, W. T. Magdalene Hall IBurge.., B. Exeter College Burgon,.T. W. LA. Oriel College -Burney, the Venerable Chari .. Parr, D.D. Merton College, Archdeacon

of Colcheater; Rector of Sible Hedinsham, E_ -Burr, Rev. H. Scudamore, II.A. Christ Church, a, Colleton Creacent,

Exeter Burrowa, E. B. BaDiol College; 18, Bruton Street, Berkeley sq_,


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14 ollDurUY ......... .

-B_, Rev. H. W .... A. St. John'. College; Alyentoke, GOIJIOft Butler, ReT. Thomu, •• D. Magdalene Coil .. Butler, ReT. W. ".A. Qu_'. Coil .. I Head Muter or the G_

School, Nottingham Butler. ReT. W. J .... A. Triuit)' ColletP, CambricIae; Watap

-Capea, BeY. John Moore ...... Combe Down, Bath Capper, John L. Wadham College -Carline, John, EICJ.. Architect, Shrn"lbmy Carpenter. Cromwell, EICJ.. Guildford-ltIeet, R_Il-ICJ._, LoDcIoa Carter. Owen B. EICJ.. Architect, Wincheater C.., Bey. G •• LA. Bruenoae CoB.; Crick, DaTeDtrJ. Northamptou­

Ihire -Cha88n, Bey. T. II..&. B'-'DOIe College -Chamben. Rev. Oawald Z. "A. Univerait)' College; 10, Eut Parade,

Leeda ChamberWn, Be,. Thamu, ... A. Chriat Church Champemowne, Heury .... A. TriD.ity College; DartiDgton, DenD. Cor-~ s.cr.,.,.,

-ChampemOWDe, Bey. R. ... A. Chrilt Church; OakricIae. Stroud Chaudler, ReT. L ... A. Corpua Cbriati College; Witl!)', Surrey Chaudler, The Very Bey. G. D.C.L. New Collep I Deau of Chich.ter -Chretien, Be,.. c. P. II.A. Oriel Collep -Chriatie. A. J .... A.

-Church. ReT. R. W. II.A. Oriel College -Churton, Be,.. H. B. W. "'A. B...uoae College. Prebeudary of Chi.

cheater, V'lCU' of Ickte.ham. Suftblk -Churtou. Bey. T. T. II.A. B_DOIe Coli .. -Clark, G. T. EICJ.. Cla,brook Hall. Lutterworth Clarke, BeY. C. L. S. "C.L. New College; Lodaworth, Petworth Clarke, H. M. Esq. Union Club, LondoD .Clarke, Joaeph, Esq. Architect, 1. LincolD'. Iun Fielcb, London -Clayton, BeY. Edward, II.A. Ch. Ch.; Withyam, TubricIae Wella -Clayton, BeY. G .... A. Wal'lDincham Rectory. Middlewich. Chelhire -Clementa, ReT. J. LA. Oriel College; Uptou St. Leonarda, Glouoeater -Clerke, the Venerable CharI. Carr, "D. ArchdeacoD of 0U'0rd, Cauon

or Chriat Church. ne.PraWnI Cl-. Muwell C. Cwt Church -Clough, BeY. A. B ... D. J_ Collep I Bralllllton, Northamptoaahift .Co •• ReT. R. A. II.A.

Coker, BeY. John, LA. New College I Cheltenham ColdricJge, S. P. Cbriat Church -Coleridge, John Dub, II.A. :hater College Coleridge. Bel'. Edward, II.A. Eton College -ColericIae. H. J. LA. Oriel College, L .......... Colliu, JUDII, LA. Balliol Collep

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OBDllu.av JUlII.Ea •• 16

-com., BeY. 1. D. ileA. Worcuter Coli., Head Muter 01 BroDIIpOY. School, Worcutenhire

-Coll)'lll, ReY. C. H. II.A. -Combe, Mr. T. University Printing Office, Oxford -CODy~, BeY. C. R. .. A. Christ Church -Conybeare, Very ReY. W. D. 1f.A. Christ Church, DeaD 01 LlaDda8' -Cook, 1. E ... ~. Bruen_ College Cooke, Reor. Samuel Hay, II.A. Christ Church, Cubbiugton, Deer Lea-

mington, Warwkuhire -Cooper, Re.,. John, II.A. Wadham Coli.; Dorchuter, Ozon Copeland, Rev. W.l ... n. Trinity College .Corniah, Rev. C. L. II.A. Exeter College, Littlemore, _ Oxford -Cornish, Rev. H. K. II.A. Euter College, Bakewell, Derbyahire Cornish, R. K. Corpua Chri.ti College -Coruthwaite, ReY. Tullie, II.A. Walthamatow -Cotton, ReY. W. C. II.A. Christ Church, New Zealand Cotton, Henry, II.A. Christ Church -Coulthard, Rev. R. II.A. Queen'. College, Sulhampateed Abba-, Berb -Courtenay, Lord, D.C.I.. All Soula College, Powderham Cutl., Devon C01U'tellay, Rev. F. II.A. E:.:eter College, Euter Co:.:, o. W. Trinity Co)]ege Crmatoun, lames, Eeq. Architect, High Street, Oxford -Cn., J. E. .. A. Christ Church Croue, T. F. BAL. E:.:eter College Cundy, Thomu,jun. Eeq. Architect, 13, Cheater .quare, London

-DaDd, Rev. Thomu, II.A. Queen'a College, BletchiDgton Dane1I, Rey. J. S. Peckham, London Duent, O. W ... ~. Magdalene Hall -Dawnay, HoD. W. H.II.~. Christ Church -Dawaon, Rev. George,M.A. Euter College, Woodleigh Rectory, DevOll -DaWlOll, Rev. JonathaD, II.A. Exeter College, Leamington -Dayman, BeY. E. A. M.A. Exeter College; Shillinptone Beetory.

Donet -Dean, Rev. E. B. D.O.L. All Soula College; Lewbor, Tetaworth Deane, W. 1. Oriel College -Derick, 1. M. Eeq. Architect, Com-market, Oxford -D. HavilaDd, ReY. C. R. .. A. Oriel College De Sauamares, Rev. B. M.A. Pembroke College -De Teluiw, ReY. O. F. II.~. Corpua Christi Coli .. -Digby, Rev. W. II.~. C_ of WOlOelter, Oft'enham, Evesham -DobaoD, E. Eeq. .Architect, 2, Bnmawick Place, Baruabury Roed,

laliDgton Dodd, ReY. 1. II..&. Queen'. College I Vicar of Hampton POJle, Oxon DOIIIIU; S. Oriel College Dowaon, C. M.palene Hall Drury, B.l. E. Lincoln Colllp

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16 OItDDAaT .........

-Dry, ReY. W. LA. Bruenoee CoD .. eDryden, Sir Henry E. L. Bart. M.A. TriDif.J eolJllp, Cambriclp;

Cmon's Alhby, Northampton.bire Dukea, Rev. Eo B. .I.A. Christ Church eDungannon, VUC01IIlt, .1oA. Ch. Ch.; BrynkyDalt, Chirk, North Wal_ Dunraven, the Eul of, Adue Manor, Ireland DJDlock, T. Bidd1llph, St. Mary Hall

. Dy.ou, Rev. F. M.A. Merton College, Chaplain to hE ~eaty, Ticlworth. Ludgerahall

Dy_, Henry J. B.A. Merton CoDege eEdclrup, Edward Paroiuien, LA. Wadham Collep eEden, Rev. C. P. M.A. Oriel CoDege, Awl'I«" eEdwarcla, Rev. A.. LD.1fIsdalene Coil.,. eEdwarda, Rev. E. LA. Magdalene Hall Eliot, B. Alpmon, St. Mary Hall eEllacombe, H. N •• .A. Oriel CoDege; Kin,.. BlOJIl1ey Manor, LicUeId Elliaon, Rev. H. M.A. University College Elwea, Dudley C. C. Esq. Brigg, Lincolnahire Eapin, T. E. ..... Lincoln College eEstcourt, T. G. B. D.C.L. COrpUi Chriati con.,.; M.P. for the Uaivenif.J.

Eatcourt, Gloueeaterahire eEatcourt, Rev. E. E. II.A. -Estcourt, ReY. M. B. M.A. NewntOIl Rectory, near Tetbury -EvlDl, ReY. Lewis, II.A. Wadham Coil.,.; Hendon, Middleau EVIllll, WUliam Sloane, LA. Trinity College, Cambridge eEvlllll, H. N. Esq. Hampstead, London -Eve"" Rev. Thomas, II.A. COrpUi Christi Coil .. ; Clifton ReJDft,

Olney, Bucb

Faber, Captain, Madras Engineera eFaber, Rev. F. A. LD. Magdalene College; Sa1lDclarton, WmdovE eFaber, Rev. F. W. II.A. eFalkner, T. A.. II.A. St. John', College eFeetham, W. St. John'. College eFirth, ReY. M. X. S. Exeter College eFleming, Rev. F., Rydal,Ambleaide, Weatmoreland Fletcher, Jacob R. Worcester College eFletcher, T. W.Esq. F.Il." F."A. eFletcher, Rev. W •• .D. Braaenoae College; SouthweU, Not .. Forbea, Rev. A. P. II.A. Braeenoae College; Aberdeen Forbel, Hon. Horace Courtenay, Oriel College Forbes, John, LA. Exeter College eForteacue, Rev. W. F. LA. New College Foster, F. W. Trinity College Fowle, Rev. W. H ••• A. Trinity College Fowler, Rev. C. A.. LA. Oriel College Fox, Edward, New College

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OaDl."R1' llaMaa •••

Pftab, C. W. Cbriat Church -FreemaD, E. A. LA. TriDity College, Stcr,14rt/ Fripp, Charlet S. Oriel College


-Fytche, J. L. II.A. Lincoln College; Thorpe Hall, near Louth, Lin­coluldn

-Gamett, 'W. J. II.&. Ch. Ch.; 7, New Palaoe Yard, W .. tmiDl&er -Gaunt. Rev. C. II.A. Isfleld, Ucldleld. Suaez. ~ tIM:n_, -Gawthem. Rev. P. S. II.A. Exeter Co11ep Geerp, Philip A. TriDity College -Gibbons, B. J. Wadham Coil. Gt'bbona, Sir Jo1m, Bart. LA. Balliol CoJ1ep -Gibbs, Rev. J.II.A. CUftoD Hampden, Abiasdoa -Gibbs, H. H. II.A. Exetllr ColIClJO Gibeon, Rev. William Groome, B.A. Woro.ter CoIlCIJO; Kirk"y YiIpertoD,

Pickering, Yorbbire Gilderdale, J. S. Oriel College -Gill, W. Eaq. Ca1atock. Taviltook, D .. oa -Gladatone. The Right Hon. W. E. II.A. Chrilt Chveh I Whi&ehaU

Place, London -Glynne, Sir Stephen, Bart. II.A. Chrilt Church; 11. •• for FliDtahire,

18 Carlton Terrace. LoDcIoD, Hawardea Caatle, Flintahire, Yic,. Pr,ridft'

Goclfray, Rev. F ... A. Wadham CollClJOI St. Heli .... Jrney Gordon, BeT. O.lIome, II.A. Christ CbUNb Gray. RP. R. H. II,,\, ChrIA ChuroJa Gray. R. Exeter College Greeo, F. W. Oriel College -Green, Rn. K. J. II.A. LIDcoJn Cou. -Greenhall. Rev. R. II.A. B_OM Collegel Stretton. Dear Warrington -Gregory, Y. W ... A. Waclham Coil. . -Gregory, BeT. Robert, II ••• Corpua Chrilli CoIlep; Bial.,.. Stroud -Gley. Rev. William, Jl.A. JIagdaleDe Ball; Allington. SaIi.bury, ~s.-,..,

-GrifIlth, Rev. John, II.A. Wadham College -Gri81thl ...... Jo1m, BoA. Chrilt Church -G1dll..-d, BeT. B. P ... Do TriDity Coil.,. -Guile. F. E. .. A. Balliol College Guuner, Rev. Edward, .. A. Trinity 00Ilep1 Biahop'. Waltham, Win.-

cheater 0.,-. F. Barlow, LincoID Cellep

-Haines, Berbert, Exeter College Hab, Robert, .... 8t. Ecbn1Uld Hall B.le, W. P. ChriIt Church Ball, Rev. Henry, II.A. Chrilt Chnroh -Ball, Robert, II.A. Chrilt Chnroh I Dean' .. yarcJ, Westminster


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18 oaDllI.a" ..... B ....

-Bumah, Ru. J ...... Lincoln College -Bamwn. Benry J-.,I. EIIl. Barcot, Dorcbester. 0-BardiDg. Rev. Joeeph L. "C.r.. Ne .... Inn Ball; MoDkleigh. Bidelord,

Devon -UaringtoD. Rev. Richanl, D.D. PriDcipal of Bruen_ College, r_

p,.,...., Barris, ReT. Char1ea. B.A. W Idham College; Clo. Biahop" Cut1e Barrie, S. G. Exeter College -BarrIaon, the Venerable Benjamin, ".A. Christ Church; A.IdaclMcoI1 of

MaicbtoDe. Canon of Canterbury; Domestic ChaplaiD to the Archbiahop of Canterbury. Lambeth Palaee

-HamlOn. J. P."A. Christ Church; 11. Chancery Lane -Hartley. T. L. Esq. Middleton Lodge, Richmonc1, Yorbbin H ..... kins. ReT. E ...... Pembroke College; Jamaica H ..... kim, H. S ... A. Jena College H.yne. B.. J. "A. Ezeter College Beath.W'lDiam M ... A. Eater College -Heathcote. Rev. W. B. B.c.L. N ..... College BeaTen. H. G. Trinity College Belmore. Prederick. Magdalene Hall Bepburn. Prancis Robert, Christ Church -BMNJ. Rev. J. A. J).C.L. St. John'. Collese; Head Muter or MerchaDt

Tailors' Scbool. London -HID. Rev. E .... A. Chri .. Church, AfIIliW IBm, Rev. George, ..... St. Edmod Hall; Shrinuam. Berka -Hill. Rev. B.. ..... BalHol College; Timabury Rectory, Somene& HID, R. H ..... Magdalene College aIDyl!', W. Bruen_ College B_, Rev. E. H ... A. St. Mary Hall ; RiDIIeacI, Alton, Baata Hobhouae, ReT. E. "'A. Merton College -Hodp, Rev. P. Parry, D.C.r.. Ne .... College; Lyme Regia, Doraetahin . Bolden, Rev. Henry ...... Balliol College; UppiDrham, Rutland IBolditch, RIT. T. P .... A. BaIliol College; DiDg1ey Rectory, Market

Hl!'borougb Bolm.., Rev. P .... A. GrammI!' School. Plymonth -Bope, A.. J. B. ".A.. Trinity College, Cambridge, ... P.; ChairmaD of the

Eccleeiological Society; 1. Connaught Place; LondOll; Bedgeb1ll7 Pl!'k, Burat Green. S_x

-Botham. ReT. William Francie, ..... All Soule College Ho .... 1l'cl, E. J. Lincoln Collese IBowell, Rev. William Chl!'lee, B ••• B_ CoUep; TJowell, He&­

tiugham Bowman, G. A. L Balliol College IBowmua, ReT. G. E. ILA. Rural Dean; Bem. Caaoa of BriItol .....

ofBama1ey. near Cirenceller Hup, Thomu, BoA. W_ter Co11eIe -aul.., Ed".Id, ..... All SOIlI. Collese

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ORDINARY l1li11 .. 880 19

Bunter, Clauc1iu, S. P. E'q. -Buuey,BeY. Robert, B.D. Chrilt Chureh; Regiu. Profeaor of Bccle-

IIiutical Hiltory -Huuey, Rev. W. L. II..&. Chlilt Church; Witham, E_ Butchinga, BeY. Robert Sparke, B.A. Christ Chureh Button, R. R. Trinity College

-1Dpm, Rev.Jamea, D.D. President of Trinity College, Yb-l'rl1idaI

Jachon, Rev. Thom .. , II • .&. St. Mary Hall . -Jame., Rev; Edward, II.A. Chrilt Chureh I CanoD ofWincheBter, Alton,

Bang eJanniD, Rev. JaJDeI R. II.A. Oriel College -Je1f, BeY. Richard William, D.D. CanoD of Christ Chureh, Principal

of XiDg'a College, LondoD, rllle-haide,,, -Jell, Rev. W. E. II.A. Chrilt Chureh -Jenkin., BeY. W. J. II.A. Ba11iol College Jewiu, llr. OrIaDdo, Engraver, Beadington -JOhDlloD, M. J. II.A. MapaIene Hall, Raclclifte Obaerver Jolmaton, William, B..&. Trinity College, Vicar', CIOI8, Wella eJODea, W. Buil, B.'&' Queen', College Joaeph, A.1exander, B.A. BraaeDOI8 College Jowett, Rev. B. II.'&' Ba1liol College -Joy, Mr. William, Parlr..etreet, (bford eJoyce, J. G. B..&. MapaI_ Hall

-Keen, Rev. Eo SwiDcombe BoUII, (bOD Xeen, W. Worcester College X_way, G. G. B..&. Chrilt Church Xey, Rev. Benry Cooper, B.A. Chrilt Chureb; Tidenbam, Chepatow . -Xing, Aluander, Oriel College ltiDg, R. J. B.A. Exeter College ltiDg, W. Oriel College -KitloD,l. F. B..&. Exeter College Knolli., BeY. F. M:. II.A. Magdalene College; BrllldeatoD, Norfbllr. XDott, Rev. lohn W. II • .&. BruenOl8 College Knowlea, Edw. B. II.A. Queen', College I St. Beea, Cumberland • .ltDowlea, T. L. Pembroke College

-Lancutar,ReY. T. W. II.A. Magdalene College 8LandoD, Rev. 1. T. B. II.'&' Magdalene College Lan~ Rev. S. II • .&. F!ome Vauchurch, West Batcomb, Donet Laprimauc1ay~ Rev. C.l. II.A. St. JOhD', College I Leyton, E_ -Latimer, Digby. II • .&. Lincoln College; HeadiDgtoD, (bOD La_ce, W. Worcester College Lea, A. A.. Wadham College ~,E.ChristChureb

8LeithtOD, BeY. F. It. II.A. All Soule ColI .. I HUJ*len, (bOD


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ODDI .... y ...... ...

-Le Menrier, BeY. J ... A. Chriat Church Lempriere, B4w. WiDiAm, II.A. Ezeter CoD .. Le Strange, Henry L. Styleman, .. A. Chrilt Churcla J H1Iu __ HaD,

Lynn, Nodlik -Lewthwaite, BeY. G ... A. UDhuailJ Col1ep; Ac1e1, LeeU LewU, Heary, Pembrob College -Ley, BeY. John, "D. Exeter CoDege Ley, R. II.A. Bruenoae College eLiddell, Rev. H. G. ".A. 011. Cho, ChaplaiD to His Ro,..t mp.ae.

PrinOi Albert, Head M.,ter of Wea&miIIBter ScbooJ, r.-PruitlMC Lingud, R. R. Bruenose Co])ege Lock, C.:a. F. U nivenilJ College eLoDH&Je, BeY. J. G. M.A. Balliol College Lou, W. B. B.A. Balliol College Lowe, E. C. B.A. Lincoln College, a.cr.,." -Lucas, William H. " • .1.. B __ Oou.p eLumsdaine, E. L. S. "A. Oriel College; Upper Hann..-m-StelJiDc,

near Canterblll')' Lyall, W. H. Cbria Church

Macb:m_, Rev. G. R. B.A. Merton CoD. i Chilton Follio", Hunprford Mackenzie, A. C. "A. St. JOhn'1 CoD .. i 12, Soutlnrick CrelCtDt, Hyde

Park, London llackenzie, L. M. B.A. Exeter College, Do. - Mackie, Rev. J. II.A. Christ Cburch I Siddon" Houe, Regent', Park llllC1llu)]en, Rev. R. G. "D. Maitland, John F.II.A. St. Mary Hall - Major, J. R. B.A. Exeter College e MllllDiDg, The Venerable H •• I')' Eo 11..1.. llertoll College. Archd_

of Chichester; LeviJurton, Petworth llanclarb, R. PalgrIve, Wadblm College Margetts, Mr. St. John's-street, O:a:ford eMarkland, James Heywood, Esq. F ..... '."A. LIudown. CNlllllDt, Dada, c.rn...-, 8.,..,.." eMarriott, Rev. C. 11 • .1.. Oriel CoD .. eMarriott, BeY. J. II.A. OrIel CoUep, BIadielcl, Reading Marriott, Wharton B. Exeter College -Marshall, Rev. Edward, II.A. Corpus Chrilti CoDege eMarshall, Rev. Jenner, II.A. Worcester CoDege I CblpJaln of RM.S.

Vincent eMartelli, Rev. T. C ... A. Bruenose CoDege; Marchwooc1, Ealhtg, HutB Muke., H. E. Magdalene Hall Muter, Rev. George S. "A. Bruenole Co]]ege; E]]ellDere, Salop -Maude, Rev. J. B. II.A. Queen'l College -Melville, Rev. D. II.A. BruenO&e College; Durham Univeraity eMereweatber, Rev. John D. B.A. St. Edmund Hall eMerewether, Vel')' Rev. John, D.D. Queen', College, Dean of Heret.rd

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oaDIBA&T lUI .......

Kerrimao, H. G. L&. New College -Merriman, Rev. W. B. R. B.&. B __ CoD ... Pzoae Mepick, Frederick, Trinity eou.p--MrJriek, 'l'h0JllU, M.&.

-Michell, Rev. Richard, 8011. LiDcoln College, Pr.lector oC Losio Millard. Rev.lamee E. L&. M""", eeu.p Miller, Edwll'll, N.w CoUep MilDlUlo W. B. Chs ChlllCla Mitchell, Rev. H. II.A. Lincoln College, BoaIIam, Su.uex


Keberl" Bev. G. D.c.r.. BalL CoIL; Belli. Kuter oC WiAcheet.er CoU. MOIIl'O, Perc'!, Exeter College -Moor, Rev. Flnen, L&. Oriel CoUep -Moor, Rev. 1. F. M.&. Bradfield, naK ReldiDg -Morrell, F. 1. Esq. St. Gilee' .. Ozford Morrell, Rev. G. K. II.C.'" St.lohn'. Co11ep; Ac1cIerbury. Ozem -Morris, Rev. T. E. II.A. Christ Church -Monon, Rev. M. C. lloA. Euler CollAp; St. CDluIDba Coll.,..

Stacbllao, Irelaod Xoat, Eo New Collep Mountain, Armine, W. LA. UDiverm1 Coll .. -Mosl." Rev. 1. B. LD. Magdalene College -Mulel, Rev. P .... &. Eseta College; Chaplain to tile Biahop oC Gibral_ .MurleJ, C. B. BoA. WadUm College e)(1I1'1'I1, C. R. S. B.&. Northfield, Hiles OWeD Murray, Rev, F. B .... &. Chriat CIMuoh

-Neeld, 10npb, Esq. II.P. Grittleton HoUle, ChippeDham, Wilts -NeJ.oD, Bev. G. K. M.A. Magdalene College; Boddicot Graop, Baoh., Nelson, John, "C.L.

eNevile, Rev. C. II.A. Trinity College; Wictenb,1l8U Wrasbl Nerille, W. P. Trinity College -Newman, Rev. W.l. LA. Oriel College; Tauken1ey, Yorkshire NewtoD, C. T. M.A. Christ Church I British M_. LOI1CIoJ& Nichol1, C.l. W_ter CoUege Norrie, W. FoJ:1ey, Trinity College -Northampton, the Marqoil oC, Cude Ashby, NorthamptOAlhire Northcot.e, Rev. 1. Speooer, M.A.

Oldham, R. B.A. Wadham College -Ormerod, G. D.C.'" BrueDCIR College; Sed.b1ll'J Park, Chepetow Orr, lamee, Oriel College Dswen, Rev. E. W. LA. Chrilt Church 0tt1." F. Oriel College Ouael." Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, LA. Bart., Christ Cham -Owen, E. R. Ell!. Padley, C. BoA. E~r Co11 .. • p .... Rev. F. Eo II.A. CbdIt Charclll Elford, Lichlield

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P ..... E4wiD, .. A. B.niol Co1Jep P ..... R. J. UDi'enitJ CoDege ePUm.. BeY. W. 11. .. K.p.1_ College P_YiciDi, BeY. '!'be Buvn de ... A. W __ CoUep; Soada Seade,

Newark eparter.Mr. Joha HIIII'1. TurI, Odml eparter. BeY. Jolm, II.A. Oriel College; 8-, HaD, 0neIIzy eputiDa, W. T. LCor.. Merton Collep; 79. Cadapa PJa., ow­~C.BrueII_College

eParltium, R.n. J. P. D.Cor.. Kagdaleue CoDep I Louth, l.jaool...Jrin

Parry. Eo 8t. JohD, BaUioI CoIlep ep~ Herbert, II.A. Balliol College ePu.u, Jolm, Esq. Old Baak, Ozford .P.uer-, BeY. 1. L ... A. TriDity College ePatdloD, R.n. K. II..&. Lillcoln Colep Paul, C. K. Exeter College 'Paul. :Ref. G. W. II.A. Mapaleu.e College Payue, R. .. A. Magdalene Ball ep-. BeY. C. B. PrebeacIarJ of S-; Bector of ~

BtIrd'ordahUe, ~ a-e,." Peanon, G. Worc.ter College epeanon. R.n. Hugh.II.A. BaDioI CeUege; SUJIIIiIlg. ReadiDr ePelly. BeY. T. II.A. CorpUi Christi College; GutoD Houe, DR&' Biabop

8tortrord ep_. BeY. J. II.A. Lincoln College; Rugby Perry. BeY. Gemge G. II.A. LiIlcoln College; Coupeabnry. Dear W"JOl.

Somenetlhbe epetit, :Ref. Joha Loais, II..&. 8ecntary or the Lioh6eld .AJebiCIIetanl

Soaiety; the Uplanda. Shilhal PhiliJI-, G. H ... A. Brueaoee College PlWUppe. Sir Thomu. Bart. II.A. UDivenity Collep; lIWcIle Bill,

Broadway. Worce.terIhire ePhillipa, Robert Biddnlph. Esq. Longworth, Ledbary, Henfordabin ePbillott, BeY. H. W. II.A. Chrilt Church; Charter Boue, Lonclaa Pierpoint. K. A. St. Joha·. College Pigot, Hugh. "A. Bruellole Coll .. ePigott, BeY. G. II.A. Trinity College; Chaplain to the HOIl. But I !&

Company. Bombay Pigott, R.n. W. "C.r.. New College Pigott, G. S. EEater College eplowman, 1. EIq. Architeot, Kerton-.treet, Odord ePlnmptn, R.n. Freduick CharI., D.D. Kuter of Univtni&J CoIl ...

PrwitIft' epocock. CharI. Jame .. Esq. epocock, BeY. N. II.A. Qneen'. College Pollen, J. D. B. .. A. CorpUi Christi College epopham, BeY. John. II.A. Chilten. B1IJIIVford. ~ .,....,

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ODIII .... ., ........

PoItaI, Melrille, Jl.A. Christ Church; PIeefolk Prlon, O,II1oD, Bat.. Portal, O. R. Chrilt Cburch Powen, T. E. B.A. Oriel con.; LauptoD, ~ -Po", BeY. Alfred, B.A.lIapalene con.., Cuclclnclea - Poyncler, E. S. B_oae Conege .Poynder, T. B. A. JI. •• B __ Conege

Price, Rev. B. II.A. Pembroke College Prior, H. L. II.A. Trinity Conege PulliDg, Rev. W. II.A. B __ ColI.

-Puaey, Pbilip, Esq. II.P. Puey Fune, Berk. -Puaey, BeY. Edward BouYerie, D.D. Caoa or Christ Church, Regia

ProfeAor or Hebrew, Y'tfIf/.Pr.....,

Ranc1all, R. W. B.A. Cbri.t Cburcb Randolph, J. J. II.A. Merton con. RaDkeD. O. E. UDinnity Conege Raableigb, J. BoA. Balliol College RaWBt.ome, R. A. Bruenoae Conege -Reay, BeY. S. B.D. St. Alban Ball, Lauc1iao Pnr.- or Arabie, and

Sub-Librarian ortbe Bodleian Libnry -Rhodn, Matthew John, II ••• Cambridge and Oxford; Cam, Dunley Rich, J. Cbri.It Cburcb Richarda, BeY. E. T. II.A. eorpu. Chrlati College, ParliDgton ReatoIy,

Dear Havant, Banta -Richarda, Rev. Henry, B.D. Horftelc1, Dear Briatol -Ricbarcle, JOhD, jun. Esq. Reading -Ricbarda, Rev. Joaeph Loecombe, D.D. Rector of Exeter College;

Chaplain to Hla Royal HigbnClI PriDoe Albert, Yic,.~ -Ridley, BeY. W. B. II.A. Ch. Cb.; Hambledoa, Henley, Ozoa -Rigauc1, BeY. 8. J. II.A. Exeter Collep; WeetmiDiter School Risley, BeY. W. C. JI. •• New College; Decldington, OxOD RobiDa, C. M. Oriel College RobiDlOD, J. Oriel Col. RobiDlCm, BeY. R. B. Jl.A. Queen'. College; Lytbam, Dear PnatOD .RobaOD, BeY. J. U. II.A. Magdalene Hall; W'matoD, Su!blk Rodwell, BeY. R. Manderille, BoA. Exeter College; Witham, Ella: -Bogen, 1'. B.c .... Oriel College . Rolph, J. M. Rooke, S. P. Oriel College RoUle, W. O. Cbrist Cburob -Routh, BeY. MutiD Jo.pb, D.D. PrealdeDt or II .... Colleg .. Y'_~

Rumsey,.A. Exeter College Rumsey, L. H. B_oae College -RuatiD, J. II.A. Cbrilt Church -Ru..n, D. W. Watta, Eeq. BIgiD Rall, Oundle, Northamptouldn -lI.uaeell, J. Waua,D.c .... Dam Rall, Aabboume, Derbyabin

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OIUIIIIUY ........

&..U, 1. P. Wa ... CoUep Ryder, J. O. Pembroke College -Ryder, T. D. ".A. Oriel Co11ep

Sackrille-Wilt, Hoa. and BeY. R. ".A. BalJiol CoUege; Withyam, S ..... -Sandford, BeY. 101m, "D. Baillol Collegel Hoa. c- of WCIl'CIIIer,

Dlmchurch, W uwicbhire S&UDden, Jamea, Esq. St. Gi1ea'., ODbrd S&UDden, BeY. C. D ...... WadIwa Collepl T_t IIiDtoD, BIaaIlW,

Donet -Scott, George Gilbert, EICJ. Alohiteot, 20, Sprior GuIeDa, LoIlda8. Scott, Rey. 10hn 1-. Jl.A. EDter College; Bishop's Tawton, Bam-

staple, Doyon Scott, Re .... William, Jl.A. Quaen'. College; Chriat Church, HoDoft

Scott, W. H. ".A. Braaen_ College; Eton COU •• -Sewell, Re .... l. E. ...... New Co1lege -Sewell, ReY. W. "D. EDter College, Pb-PraitlnI Se)'IDoar, HIIDlJ Danby, "A.lIagda1ene CoDege Sharp, Mr. Martin R. Mt, Strand, London Sharpe, 1. C. ~ 18, FIeet-IIb:eet, Londo. Sibthorpe, BeY. R. Waldo, B.D. :Magdalene Colleg. 8immou, Tbomu Frederick, W01'Mlter College Simpaon, 1. C ..... Worcester College Simpson, B. Jl.A.

-Slatter, Rev. 10hn, ...... Lincoln College I ROM Hill, I1Iq Smith, H. Percy, Balliol eoD.,. Smith, BeT. T. F. B.A. KIfJdaleae CoD •• Smith, Rev. J. F .... A. BfU.IIIOM College; llfracom be. Del'01l

Smith, I. G. TrinitJ College Smith, Rev. B. P. Jl.A. Pembroke CoUege Smythe, Roy. G. TriIlity College; Aldwiclt Lodge..ear Bojplor, S_ Snell, Charles, Trinity College -Sneyd, Rey. Lawi., ...... Warden ot All SoWa ColI., y;.-",..., Sotheron, T. H. S. B. E. Jl.A. Oriel Canege, ... p. tor Den... Bo __

Park, ChippeDha m Spencer, C. V. Christ Church Spicer, Charles W. EICJ. the Mansion, Leathemead, Surrey Spillbury, F. M. Trinity College -Spranger, Rey. R. J. II.A. Exeter College - $ta8bnl, B ..... J. B.D. Mapalene College; DiDton, Salisbury Stainton,l. Wadbam College Stanton, R. B.A.

Stanton, W. H. B.A. Exeter College -Stavordale. Lord, B.A. Cbo Cbo; 81, Old Barlia,ton-1II:reet, Londo. -Stey8lll, ROY. Tbomas, Jl.A. Oriel CoUage I Bradlleld, ReMiIll S&ilJinclleet, A. B_ Calle,.

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o .. l1f&ar ........

StraDp, R. A. BoA. ChrlIt Church Sutton, A. Univenity College Sutton, Rev. Robert S. ILA. &uta College; WiJtaa, ~ SwainloD, Rev. Eo C. II.A. Worceetar CcIDep -Swayne, Rev. R. G.ILA. Waclham Col1ep

-Tate, Rev. Frank, ILA. University College; XidUrmia.ter eTi1orp, The Venerable CharI., D.D. Univenity College; Arcbde&_

and PreblacWy orDurbem, aad. Warden or Durham Univerait7 Thomas, B. Godug, ChriIt Churoh Tidmao, A. Lincoln College Tolfrey, S. Oriel College Tome, H. W. BoA. Townend, J. BoA. Oriel College; Anlwick. Mancbester -Traheme, Rey. John M. II.A. Oriel College; Chaooellor of LlandaIl'

Cathedral; Coedric1aa, CardifF, Glamorganahire -Tudor, TholDUt Esq. WyNham, HODIDODtbahire Tudor, T. O. Exeter College Tupper, W. G. BoA. Trinity College; 10, Rutland. Gate, Loo.dOD Turbutt, Gladwin, Cbriat Cburch Turner, E. T ..... B_OI8 Coil. Tweed, B. W. BoA. Exeter College

URClerwood, W. J. Esq. Arcbitect, Beaumont-street, OxCord Utterton, Rev. 1. S. ILA. Oriel College; Bolmwoocl, near Dorkiug,


Vanaittart, G. H. .... Balliol College -VaUlt, W. S. W.ILA. Balliol College; Bridala X ...... LodOll Verity, Charles FeUx, Linooln College Vincent, B. BraIftGeI College, 18, Linool.'. 10 Fielda, LGacIon

Waleot, Rev. Mackeuie E. C. II.A. Exeter Collep, Edeld, lliddle_ Waldegrave, Rev. Samuel, II.A. All Sow. College; Barrord SL Marti ..

Wilts -Walter, J. BoA. Exeter College; PriDting-h01M4l-aquare, London Walten, A. V. Esq. Architect, Commarket-atreet, OxCord -Walters, Rev. C. II.A. Magdalene Hall; Wincbetlter -Warburton. B. E. E. Esq. Arley Hall, Northwich, Cheshire -Ward, Rev. Henry, II.A. Exeter CoDege; Milton LiIIlebon, Wilts -Ward, Rev. John, ILA. Rural Dean, Great Bedwyn, W'lltahire Warriner, Rev. Goorp, II.A. St. Edmund Ball; Bloxham Grove, uear

Banbury Wataon, Goorp W. II ... Merton College Wataon, Rev. John, II.A. BraaeJlOIe College -Watson, Rev. J. D. Trill. CoiL Cambridge; Guilaboro\llb, Northampton -Wayle, S. W. II.A. Trinity College, Trsa,.,..,. Weare, Rev. T. W. II.A. Cbriat Church; Westminster

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OUUlA.av ........

Webber, C. CIuiIt ChIllUh -Weaham, BeY. I. G ..... Whateley, BeY. HeDr1 T. L .. Chlilt Chanla -Whalmm, W. G ..... Cbria& Cbuch -White, BeY. H. M. ..... New Col", -White, an. R. M. D.D. Kagdalene College; SlJ1llbridae, Danl.,. Whitling, H. C. EIC}. Architect, ShrewabllrJ -Wickham, ReT. E. II ... New College; Hammenmitb -Wicklwn, BeY. Robert, ..... Chriat Church; Twyford, W"1IlChear WDbraham, R. jUD. EIq. Rode Heath, Lawton, Cheebin Wildboze, R. B __ College

-Williama, R.y. Da1id, D.C.L. Warden of New CoJ1eae, C_ eI W"mc __ , YIce-PrwidaI

-W"JlliuDI, BeY. George, ..... lOng'a College, Cambriclp -W"IlUama, ReT. H. B. II.A. New College -W"JlliamI, BeY • .John, II ..... lema College; Wininton, OxoD -Williama, Robert,jUD. ..... Oriel Coil..,; Brideheacl, Donet Williama, P. New College Wibon, ReT. H ..... Exeter College -WilBon, R. .... Magdalene Hall WiDg8elc1, H. L. New College Wooc1, A. Chriat Chuch -Wooll_be, ReT. W. W. II.A. Exeter College Woolley, Rev. lohn, DoC.I.. Uninnity College; Head Muter of the

Northern Church of Euglud School -W cmimaD, S. EIC} • .A.rehitect, Winchelter WorthiDgtoD, G. st. 101m'. College -Wright, HIl'1'1, Mapalene Hall Wrottealey, Rev. C. B.D. All Soul. College; But Kaoy1e, W"1ltBhin -Wyatt, BeY. C. 1'. M.A. Chriat Church; Broughton, _ BaabllrJ -Wynne, Rev • .J. H. LC.L. All Soula College -WJDDe, W. W. E. EIC}. Ruyton Hall, SluewabllrJ -WYDter, ReT. Philip, DoD. Preaident of St. John', Collep, r ...


ThOle marked - are Membera for life.1ICCCIIdiDc to Rule XL

The SecreWiea will be obligecl by aDy erron of degreM, re.id_, Ike. being pointed Oqt to them.

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THE YEAR 1846.

'-Browne's Principlee of Practical Pel'lpective •• to. London, 1885.

Camden's Britannia. fol. London, 16. Cloee, (Rev. F.) on Architecture. London, 184:4. Coney's, (1.) Eccleaiaati.cal Edificea of the Olden Time. 2 vole. foL

London, 1843. Cotman's, (J. S.) Specimene of Architectural Remains in various

Counties in EngEd. 2 vole. fo1. London, 1838. Freeman, (E. A.) on the Architecture of the Church and Hospital of

,the Holy Crou, near Winchester. 8vo. London, 1846. GIOll&l'J' of Architecture, Compamon to. 8vo. Oxford, 1846. Greeley's, (Rev. W.) Colton Green. 12mo. 1843. muatratione of the Royal Hospital and Priory of St. Bartholomew,

London, by W. A. Delamotte, Librarian to the Hospital. .to. London, 1846.

I1luetratione of Skelton Church, Y orbhire, by E. Christian, folio, Londou, 1846.

Markland, (J. H.) On the Reverence due to Holy PIacee. 8vo. London, 1846.

Moyen-Age Pittoreeque. 2 vole. fol. Paris. Petit's, (Rev. J. L.) Remarks on Architectural Character. fol.

Oxford, 1846. Ragen, (Rev. H.) The Calendars of AI-Hallowen, Bryetowe. avo.

Bristol, 1846. Smith, (Bev. J. J.) Nnmi.mata CoUegii de GonviUe et Caiua. 1846.

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28 LIBua ....



ArcbIeologia CambreD8ia: A Record of the .Antiquities of Wales ml ita Members, NOB. I, 2. 8vo. London, 1846.

Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society, Joumal of, No.9. 1845. Brown'. History of the MetropoJitan Church of Y m. Puts 27--31. Churches of Cambridgeshire, NOB. 1-7. ---in the Archdeaconry of Nortbampton, NOB. 1--6. ---in Wanricbhire, NOB. 4-6. ---ofYorbbire,"No.18. Drummond'. Noble British Families. Parte 7, 8, folio. IMJ.'. Ecclesiological (late CambricJ.se Camden) Society. mlJltnllica 01

Monumental Bl'UIeII. Part 6.

---Tranaactione of. Part 8. Ecc1eeiologiet, Nos. 7-18. Freeman, E. A., Principles of Church. ReetoratiOD. 184fi. GaDhabaud's Ancient and M.odem A.rchiteeture. Parts 37--6t. Reideloff'. Architectural Ornamenta of the Middle Agee. IWte

9-:-15. Hierargia Auglicana, edited by members of the BecleIIiolopel

Society. Parts 10, 11. Luteyrie, 1'. de, Histoire de ]a Peintare lar Vem. Peril, Livr.

20-22. Moyen-Age Monumental, par Cbapuy. Nos. 51--69. Paget, Rev. F. E., Tract upon Tombstones. Third Report of the Licbfie1d Architectural Society. Report of the British and West of England A.rchitecturel Society

for 1846. Report of the Northampton ArcMteel1n1 Society, 1; 2. SIwpe'. Architectural ParalleJa. Parts 4-7. - Decorated Wlndcnn. ~ 5, 6. Waller, J. G. aad L. A. Series of MonWDental BI'IIMeI, NO. US. A TabaJar View of the Dates ad Styles of IJns'liah ~.

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1. 'A CoDection of etchlngs, by the Rev. J. L. Petit, •• A. (chiefly the illultratiODll to the ElIIIlyon Arcbitectural Clwact:er.)

2. mustratiODll of a Paper read by E. A. Freeman, •• A., on tile Churches of Parton and neighbouring places in Wiltshire.

I. Purton Church. • 1. S. E. view. 2. West end.

II. Highworth Church. 1. N. W. view. 2. South aide.

8. N. E. view. 4. Detaill.

III. St. Sampson's Church, Cricklade. S. aide. IV. Wanborough Church. 8. aide. V. Broad BlUDIClOD Church. S. 'Ji. view.

VI. Details of the above Churchea. 8 IrthliDgborough Church, Northamptone1Pre.

1. Campanile from N. W. 2. The IllUDe 1'eItond (accontiDg to Mr. Freeman'.

conjecture.) 8. East Window. 4. West of N. AWe.

4. A set of drawings. in illustration of a Paper on .the worb of William ofWykeham, read at the.Annual Meeting, by the Rev. W. Grey.' .


(The reflll"ellOM .... to the Soclety'll'ortfoUoe.)

1. 11cildiItg ••


I. B b 5. Norman door. Meredith Chapel. PreIItbary. eheehiN. I.B d 8. - Pont. Preetbury. I. B flO. Various Ornamental Mouldings. st. Davic1's Cathedral. J. B g 9. Rich Corinthian;zing Caplbl, St. David's CathediaL

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I. C e 8 •. DrawiDga of a aiche at St. Bartholomew's, W"mcbaler. I. C e 4. Niche in at. DaWl's ShriDe, at. David's Cathedral. I. C f 1 •. Moa1diDge and Secticme, Cwldeedm Cbwch, Oxma. I. C g 7. Capitale and Bracket. St. Da-rid's Cathedral I. C z 7. Carving, EutringtoD, Yorbhire.

I. D a 9. Chapel on Wakefield Bridge. I. D a 10. Interior of ditto. I. D a 11. Howden Church, West end. I. D a 12. Interior' of ditto. I. D a 13. Gueeten HaD, Worcester. I. D a 14. Decorated Remains, St. Thomas'., W"JDCheater •. I. D b 1. S. door of Transept, Howden Church. I. D c 13. Clerestory W"mdoWl, Howdeo Church.


I. E a 18. Chapter House, Howden. I. E a 19. N. side of ditto. I. E a 20. Stratford OIl Avon Church. I. E a 21. IBterior of ditto. I. E a 22. Oriel College, 0D0rd. (Talbotype.) I. E b 3. Gateway, Bishop's Palace, Howden.

2. BcclHiatical~, "'"' JI'~.

II. A 8. Paten and Chalice, St. Keas, Cornwall. . II. C 2, 3. Eagle in St. Mary RedclifFe Church, BriBtol. II. E 1. Mieererea, St. David's Cathedral. II. F 18. Bench ends, Alford, Somenet. II. G 4. Image of the Bleued Virgin, in the BoocJloft,. HowdID. U. I 12. Stone Coffin, Shafteebnry, Donet, (diIcoYaecll840.) II. I 13. Stone Slab, EutriDgton, Yorkshire. II. I 14. Stone Slab, Howden Church.

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LI.U ..... 31

D. I 15. Tomb of Owen ap Tudor. Choir. St. David'. CathedraL II. I 16. Tomb of Bishop Morgan. ibid. II. I 17. Tomb of the Morgan Family. ibid. U. Z 6. Candlestick on the Skreen, Gooderstone. Norfolk. m. K 2. Gateway to the freciDctl, St. David'. Cathedral.

Lithograph of Font and Cover. St. Edmund'. Church. Cambridge.

---of the Holy Sepulchre Church. Cambridge. EngraviDg of the High Altar. Blallbeuren. Germany. Lithograph (co101D"eCl) of the remain. of a Sepulchral Chapel.

(probably of Abbot Wallingford) lately diecovered in the Abbey Church of St. Alban' •.

Engraving of the New Church. Wilton.

---- three new Churchel deeigDed by Mr. J. Clarke. The East Window. Rotherfie1d Peppard. MODumetlte formerly in St. Mary' •• Leiceeter. Drawings of Sainte from the panelling of the Boodakreeo, Howden.

N .B. The above Catalog1le, together with that contained in the lut Annual Report. will. it is hoped. be found correct aa far aa it goeB. that is, aa a list of the Booke. Drawings. and ~viDge of the Soci~. The Catalope of Bl'88IIeI forma a separate work.. No complete Catalog1le of CaetI. Seals, &c.. haa yet been made. These deficiencies will an. it is hoped. be remedied in the present year; and no e&'ort Ihall be .pared to make the next Catalog1le

complete in every respect.

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. -

1::!ITIII"TEMEJ::'lT OF'THE ,1!!I,CC0U1~' OII:!" 1'HE AltC.'HJI.TEC.'TlJRA.L soc.ml:II"Y ':II:"HE VEAl, 1646.

~ ... ~ mubiieripiiona and C'ompoaiu.na recelved in 1&W 3'110,11; 1m 0 li'ly ,:'1',1, Ie 'lid' Rll]lllIdlll ) 'ii 3 Of w. A. Dick., «me Quanu>. Ret _ Boo. &om

Michaelmas to Christma 1841 _ U )6 .6

36:m 1 76 Deduct amount of 3 Donations to the Removal timd

pllllliled 'by ellll'l)r 1IIIIIIIOIIIIiJ: tb,1I lullllllmllldiJlOIIlI of :1I1!11~ - o

3M 076

Balance due to the 'l"reaslnr, Dec. ')at, IMII - 279 1 1

1;I!~'6:II:II1 :i' Iij TheH acooanta were aaIIIiDea ad aHit.d F.b. lath, 1841 •

CharI. p .. ~ EiIllD,} , 'I "I I Auattcm. EI:i';lIuiil,H:IId"

lliIIlati'lIlIlI d'lle to the 'I'~II', h.lbt, 11'1'11,111 -

lEI:lllnt Illf B,dllllDl


~ . ~ 121!1 I'll

&,111 I II I • 0

:l1'1,IJJOl"'IIi&kill' 'Iii 8 0 R,lIlIt. anll Taxilllll{ RiIlIYilllilh Um:htlll,Jir" elMDa,\1Il1 Ia 7 l 111' "lil.

via. Land and A __ Tax. I 9 9 , ll"'IIID}I'IIII"I:y ~1I:'IIIJt 16 at "

Gu Fittbtp II 0 0 Ezpeue of Remoyal beJond the Iptelal ftllld - II • II

'11Ii"1II11, 1111'm,'lllIlr ,iii J I I Mr. Prentice, lronmGII" 14 0 11

Shllll'Jl, the Illite (i'lierill, Gw.tutt" • III! 4 0 CI!erlt"1I Sallll,lr}' to 0 0 llr. SIIarp'a W1Ilor lunclrin • 1 8 0 Cl,illrlt"lIl bIlll lI'or :!!llDIdil'Jift 0 110 Fllle} t • 8 Mr. J. H. p.ner, baluoe 01 IlClOOSn& tor Guld" Pus II. 118 , 0 M:III, CII'IiiDliI'IIIIIII, 11I,1I'lllhHlliot 7 7 0 Mr" I" Shrlmpt!!ll, p.tll' to 10 I Mr. 1. Sbrimptoa, IIUIUmbl, RulIbllIjp 01 Bra... I 8 IS SIIIII,tiGIIIII''1 ,lulIlIl 1IIIOItlI1II'1. q 17 :110

elvlu at tbe OIel B.k - 1 J 0

r l!Iill




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