OWBC: Chapter Two: The Mess Gets Messier

Welcome back everyone. In the previous chapter the two kids Belle and Olivia were taken away by the social worker after suffering from heatstrokes (totally all Tom's fault). As you can see, I put his spare time without kids to good use. He has no excuse now to miss the noon times to repair continuously the breaking items.

Transcript of OWBC: Chapter Two: The Mess Gets Messier

Welcome back everyone. In the previous chapter the two kids Belle and Olivia were taken away by the social worker after suffering from

heatstrokes (totally all Tom's fault). As you can see, I put his spare time without kids to good use. He has no excuse now to miss the noon times to

repair continuously the breaking items.

And YES, Steffi is on her third pregnancy, and the final one for this

generation thankfully.

Poor Tom. Unlike Steffi, he actually misses his two daughters. He just stares at the extra flamingos now

(still with the gnome missing...) in utter despair.

Steffi however, being a Wealth sim (6/5/8/3/3) decided to renter the workforce in the business career track. Seems suitable for

her, she is self centred.

Poor Tom even set out extra plates for if his daughters were there. Steffi couldn't care less, it's more food for

her (I can see where she's coming from nomnom).

It's the final birth yaaas.

AND it's ANOTHER girl. Her name is Opal. She DOES have the elf ears,

whoop whoop.

Tom is finally climbing the ranks in the intelligence career track. Maybe my tough love (or blame game,

hm) I gave him in the last chapter helped.

“What do you mean a social worker will have to assess Opal's enviornment?! It wasn't /MY/ fault my baby

daddy forgot to put a roof over our heads! I'm a busy business women chickie.”

Tom continued to improve the living enviornment however, refurnishing various rooms, and taking extra

good care of baby Opal.

Loving Opal's wide eyes.

AHH I hate that striped outfit Opal looks like a little boy.

After baby Opal did not die before age four, the social worker allowed Belle and Olivia to move back into the Com household (which to the social worker's surprise, no longer looked like a

trap house).

Olivia's face is still red from the heatstroke.

Tom was DELIGHTED to have his daughters home again.

Olivia's outfit is so high fashion.

While Steffi has to be prodded to dance with Olivia, Tom autonomously danced with Belle on

his own.


She's baaacckk, the dead pedo townie.

“No more baby formula?!”

“I was shunned from this family but I'm back to capture my Belle.”

Tom clearly is not concerned. After staring the pedo into oblivion she hopped back into her urn

in the shed.

Olivia took cue from Belle. Hopefully the muffins are healthier than the cookies/juice/ice cream snack options.

I made Opal bald because why not. Her and Belle actually bond which I find


“Who wins the award for being your favorite daughter?” Olivia asked Steffi wide eyed.

“You and Opal are my only daughters, this bitch next to me is an alien. Do I look deformed like that? No honey boo boo, I do not,”

Steffi shot back as she sipped her tea.Belle dipped to the shed afterwards.

She then used her father's spy equipment to listen in on people. Such a

peeping tom.

Opal, to no one's surprise, grew up badly.

The muffin tradition lives on.

Told you so, such a peeping Tom.

Tom grew into an elder, but since he's boring, I didn't catch it.

Oh yeah, and Tom invited the headmaster. As soon as he saw those

Flamingoes his stomach probs dropped.

The family put on the best show they could to impress the headmaster.

Tom then came out in his PJ'S. The headmaster looks like 'WTF..'

I tried to have Steffi schmooze to fix it but of course she was no use.

Thankfully once he changed into his formal wear with the flick of a spin, the headmaster admitted all three

girls into the private school.

Tom is smitten with his daughter Belle, he even autonomously reads her to

sleep sometimes. So cute.

Belle's childhood flew by, and she soon aged into a Teen. She rolled the Knowlege aspiration. Her

personaltiy is 4/1/10/6/10, such a shy but sweet girl.

Then the pedo ghost returned, and was very disapointed to see her love Belle

becoming a women.

'My family is /LEAVING ME/!” the pedo ghost wailed to the unsympathetic


“Oh hell no bitch you better not of just woke me up with your cry baby


“I was in your bed with you my love!”“W-W-What?!”

Despite the rude awakening Steffi was still able to conquer her day as an iron

fisted business women.

Hey Grandpa, we can see you.

And boring old Tom of course does nothing to stop him.“Why did you steal my prized gnome?!”

“You're going senile gramps. I didn't take jack shit.”

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got...

The sassy thief grandpa then stripped down and sunk his deflated wrinkly balls into the hot-tub.

“So uh, you two chocolate ladies sisters? Think I could get a peek at your flowers?”

“You fool you better get your pasty ass out of my hot tub!”

The grind to the top. #intense

TOM got the gnome back, whoot.

Olivia then grew into a teen and proceeded to fart on Opal. She rolled Wealth (5/3/8/6/3).“Gosh Olivia that is so uncouth!”

Then a thunderstorm occured and Belle rolled the want to get struck by lightening. I figured why not get a

willfull lightning death if I could.

But of course, the storm stopped so I let suicidal Belle out.

I'm glad she did too because she met a guy named David Ottomas.

The two hit it off really well and are pretty cute together.

Of course father dearest Tom rolls up just as Belle is swapping spit with


And he made it to the top of the Intelligence career, yay. So glad my

stern talks with him worked. ;)

“Olivia took my Belle away from me!”

“I know I'm not the only one my Belle.”“What are you t-talking about?”


“You losa's didn't pay yous bills on times, nows I comma get yous stuffs!”

“Imma take dis mirror maw maw, job well donso.”

Opal grew into a teen as she was playing on her baby grand piano.

I gave her a makeover that better suited her personality. She rolled Popularity


“Ohhh, hey Opal, I see you've matured lots...”

She's moon bathing Belle, duh.

We have another pedo in da house yall.

Opal basically looks like Meadow Thayer V.2.

All eyes on me I'm the centre of the ring just like a circus.

(I love B.Spears songs, bite me.)

'Does this bitch think she's Meadow Thayer or something?!?!?!


“H-Hey, David, you want to erm-... sneak out?”

That car must be stolen, David Ottamas' family are the poorest people on the


“I'm going to break a hip Steffi-pooh!”“Oh I hope-.. I mean bend a little more forward my neck can't


The morning jog got so intense Opal even took her weave out.

And heatstroke striked again.

Are aliens more susceptible to heatstroke or something? Wtf

Steffi reached the top of her career path, no surprise there, the chick is iron lady v.2.

In the next chapter:StiffI take the family on a trip to fulfill 1/3 of the BonVoyage goals. As you all probs

know it will be a mess.Thank you guys for reading and have a great day/night! :) xo