OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider

10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider Webinar

Transcript of OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider

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10 questions you should ask yourCloud Service Provider Webinar

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?Slides Recording Questions

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Jean-Guillaume BurletPublic Cloud Product Manager


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1) Questions which we are no longer asking2) The 10 key questions to ask 3) The take-home messages to consider before you act 4) Q&A session


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«The cloud is synonymous with scalable and on-demand resources for

sysadmins and devops.

The pricing structure makes cost-killing easier for


Anna W.

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Some drawbacks of physical servers

CONTRACTprior commitment

SET UP several hours to set up

MAINTENANCE service interruption

UPGRADEserver replacement

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The benefits of a cloud server

CONTRACT pay-per-use, no commitment

INSTALLATION IaaS + bootable images

MAINTENANCE planned and automated

UPGRADESadd resources to a running system

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1) Questions which we are no longer asking2) The 10 key questions to ask 3) The take-home messages to consider before you act 4) Q&A session


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Business model

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Your own infrastructure Cost transparency Regulatory strategy

Business questions 10

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Infrastructure cost to date

Estimated costs Resource usage alert

Billing questions 12

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Significant size Free I/O traffic Hybrid connection

Network questions 14

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Data security

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Controls in place for staff

Triple replication SSH control panel

Data security questions 16

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Log reports PaaS monitoring Web monitoring

Monitoring questions 18

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Native anti-DDoS Ability to assign permissions

API mitigation

Security questions 20

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More than one datacentre Geographic isolation Native replication

Datacentre questions 22

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Guaranteed resources Removable disks Snapshots

Storage questions 24

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Customer support

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Local support 24/7 support Maximum SLA

Support questions 26

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Open and modern VMs Multi-format images Complete scalability

Computing questions 28

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1) Questions which we are no longer asking2) The 10 key questions to ask 3) The take-home messages to consider before you act 4) Q&A session


Page 30: OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider

«A cloud provider should not be afraid to answer

legitimate questions which come up frequently.

You must be aware of all the factors related to your

choice of cloud service provider.»

Anna W.

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N°1 Cloudscreener N°2 JournalDuNet N°1 VPSbenchmarks

Messages from OVH 31

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«The need for scalability, that changes everything.»

Pierre O.

«Simplify access to the cloud for everyone.»

Max H.

«Test, adopt, expand, adapt.»


Messages from OVH 32

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1) Questions which we are no longer asking2) The 10 key questions to ask 3) The take-home messages to consider before you act 4) Q&A session


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Q&A session

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Questions1) What is the difference between Dedicated Cloud and Public Cloud?

- OVH Public Cloud offers guaranteed and constant resources on high-performance shared infrastructures. Customers are billed for their usage (hourly or monthly) to cater for sporadic and highly variable activity.

- OVH Dedicated Cloud offers customers dedicated virtual resources on fully dedicated infrastructures, providing an additional layer of security. OVH Dedicated Cloud can be used to create a hybrid cloud architecture and can be adapted to a wider range of professional uses.

2) How can I set up a Public Cloud environment?

You can do so via the OVH Control Panel. You don't need to do anything on our website; you just need a username and password to activate your Public Cloud servers straight away. You will be billed at a later date for your usage.


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Questions3) What payment methods are available and how is the service billed? Can the billing be automated?

You can choose from the payment methods available at OVH: automatic payment, bank card, PayPal, bank transfer. You will need to register your payment method when you activate your first instance. You will soon be able to pay by cheque, postal order or via a prepaid account.

You will be billed for resources used during the previous month between day 1 and 5 of every month. If you choose to pay monthly, you will be billed for the month that has just begun and any additional, unpaid resources carried over from the previous month, such as instances and object storage. If you switch to monthly billing throughout the course of the month, you will be billed immediately for the amount due for the current month, calculated on a pro-rata basis. You will be billed for instances until you delete them in the OVH Control Panel.

4) What disk performance do you offer with the OVH Public Cloud?

OVH guarantees up to 500 IOPS for VPS instances and up to 1000 IOPS for CPU and RAM instances. As for additional drives, their performance level goes up to 250 IOPS for Classic drives and up to 3,000 IOPS for High Speed drives


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Questions5) When are you planning to have the vRack available in the OVH control panel?

As you know the vRack is now available via the API. It will be fully available in the control panel in a matter of weeks. You will also have the opportunity to deploy the vRack through the different OVH compatible products (Dedicated Servers and Dedicated Cloud).

4) Will Plesk become a deployable distribution on Public Cloud?

Yes Plesk will be available in our Public Cloud offers, you can expect to have it available during the summer.

5) What security controls are available in Public Cloud? (besides host-based security options in VM)?

Each instance’s network interface could be filtered by a firewall, this system is called security groups. You can manage classic firewall rules for your servers.

6) What deployment options are there for IDS/IPS systems for Public Cloud VMs?

Their is no built-in IDS/IPS available, you can implement it on your instances as you could do on dedicated servers.


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Questions7) What are the options for subnetting within Public Cloud, or is it a flat infrastructure?

A classic instance has a public IP as the primary network interface, then you can have many private networks linked to different network interfaces. You can manage the address range of each private network as you want, with or without DHCP.

8) What if the current bill is not covered? Is data deleted?

Billing cycle occurs the first days of each month. Failure to cover a bill results in project suspension 10 days after. If bill remains unpaid after 10 more days, then involved project will be deleted.

9) On your public cloud, is uptime affected if the VM is upgraded using your packages model?

The instances in public cloud work like all other servers, most of the time you can upgrade your system without rebooting. A reboot is needed when the kernel is upgraded on a Linux system for example.


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Questions10) On your VPS, a snapshot restore usually takes six hours, is this the same on your Public Cloud?

A snapshot restore works like a classic image, it’s as quick as the size of the image/snapshot is small. In other words, if you snapshot an instance with 800 GB of root disk space, the restore task will transfer 800 GB of data from a server to another and it will take time.

11) OVH - when you mention SLAs, which ones are the most important?

Several types of performance indicators may be monitored – by us, or by external institutions – however at any rate the QoS indicator remains the most important for our customers. Therefore the availability SLA is the one we strive to keep as high as possible. We may even choose to pause our innovation roadmap for a couple of weeks in order to enhance QoS to meet expected levels on our end. That’s how committed we are to excellent service.


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