Overview on Corporate Governance

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  • 8/12/2019 Overview on Corporate Governance




  • 8/12/2019 Overview on Corporate Governance


    1.0 Corporate Governance


    Corporate Governance is a system of

    structures and processes to direct and control

    companies It specifies the distribution of responsibilities

    among companies stakeholders including

    shareowners, directors, and managers

    It articulates the rules and procedures formaking decisions on corporate affairs

  • 8/12/2019 Overview on Corporate Governance


    Corporate Governance Definition


    It provides the structure for defining,

    implementing, and monitoring a company s /

    an institutions or an organisations goals andobjectives, and ensuring accountability to

    appropriate stakeholders

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    Corporate Governance Definition


    Corporate Governance as defined by Sir Adrian

    Cadbury, UK 1992:

    The system by which companies / institutions are

    directed and controlled

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    2.0. Hence Corporate Governance

    Means Leadership

    For efficiency

    For probity(complete honesty)

    Withresponsibility Both transparent and accountable

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    3.0. The 4 Pillars Corporate


    Transparency: Directors shouldclarify to shareowners and other

    key stakeholders why everymaterial decision has been made

    Accountability: Directors should be held accountable for theirdecisions and actions to shareholders (private or public / govt)

    and, in certain cases, key stakeholders (management, staff etc),

    submitting themselves to rigorous scrutiny

    Fairness:All share owners should receive equal, just and unbiasedconsideration by the directors and management

    Responsibility: Directors should carry out their duties with honesty

    and integrity

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    4.0. Agency And Stewardship

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    5.0. Competing Tensions

    If managementisabout running business,

    governanceis about

    seeing that it is runproperly. All companiesneed governing as well

    as managing.

    Prof. Bob Tricker, 1984

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    5.1. Corporate Governance Tensions

    An effective system of corporate governance must strive to

    channel the self-interestof managers, directors and the advisors

    upon whom they rely into alignment with the corporate, shareholderand public interest.

    Ira Millstein

    Senior Partner, Weil Gotshal & Menges, LLP

    Senior Associate Dean, Corporate Governance,

    Yale School of ManagementChair Emeritus, the Forums Private Sector Advisory Group

  • 8/12/2019 Overview on Corporate Governance


    6.0. Five Key Examples of Good

    Corporate Governance Practice

    Board Commitment

    The board discusses corporate governance issues and has created corporate governance committee

    The company has a corporate governance champion

    A corporate governance improvement plan has been created

    Appropriate resources are committed

    Policies and procedures have been formalized and distributed to relevant staff

    A corporate governance code has been developed

    The company is publicly recognized as a corporate governance leader

    Good Board Practices

    Clearly defined roles and authorities

    Duties and responsibilities of directors


    Board is well structured

    Appropriate composition and mix of skills

    Appropriate board procedures

    Director remuneration in-line with best practice

    Board self-evaluation and training conducted

    Transparent Disclosure

    Financial information disclosed

    Non-financial information disclosed

    Financials prepared according to IFRS

    High-quality annual report published

    Web-based disclosure

    Well Defined Shareowner rights

    Minority shareowner rights are formalized

    Well-organized general assembly conducted

    Policy on related-party transactions

    Policy on extraordinary transactions

    Clearly defined and explicit dividend policy

    Control Environment

    Independent audit committee established

    Risk-management framework present

    Internal control procedures

    Internal audit function

    Independent external auditor conducts audits

    Management information systems established

    Compliance function established

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    6.1. Good (Sound) Corporate

    Governance Practice Attracts

    Investors Sound Corporate Governance practices inspire

    investor and lender confidence, spur domestic

    and foreign investment, and improve corporatecompetitiveness. Key to this are well informed

    Boards and Directors fully aware of their

    responsibilities and functions

    Philip Armstrong, Head, Global CorporateGovernance Forum, Washington

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    7.0. Boards Over Riding Role

    The Boards role is to provide entrepreneurial

    leadership of the company / organisation within

    a framework of prudent and effective controls.

    United Kingdom Combined Code (2006)

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    8.0 Board Responsibilities

    Develop the companys / institutionspurpose,

    vision, values

    Guidestrategy Overseemanagement

    Monitorcorporate governance

    Ensurethat controls are in place Overseedisclosure, communications

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    9.0 Differences Between Directing

    And Managing

    Collective decision-making

    Duties and responsibilities to

    shareowners, company

    Directors report regularly to


    Leadership vision, strategy

    Approve, abide by ethics code Signoff of financial statements,


    Joint and several liability

    Individual decision-making

    Specific to department

    Report to board

    Implement vision, strategy

    Abide by ethics code

    Preparation of financial

    statements, etc. Several liabilities

    Directing Managing

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    10.0 Chairman, CEO Role Separation

    Board Chairman

    Provide overall leadership to the Board

    Responsible for Board Agenda, Work Plan

    Work with Chairmen of Board Committees

    Informal link between Board and CEO/Management

    Participate in selection, induction of NEDs

    Counselindividual Directors, Performance Evaluation Relations with Shareowners, Investors, Key


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    Chairman, CEO Role Separation


    Chief Executive Officer (Managing Director)

    Work closely with Board / Council Chairman

    Formulatestrategy, business plan, gain board budget


    Responsiblefor financial, corporate objectives

    Formulatemajor corporate policies, supervise management

    Ensureeffective management succession planning

    Ensure continuous improvement in services, products

    Relations with investors, major customers, business partners

    Ensurecompanys long-term sustainability

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    11.0 Directors Role




    Reflective Listener

    Process Manager

    Knowledge Provider

    Company Representative Status Provider



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    12.0 Directors Duties

    12.1 Duty to Act Within Powers

    Act only within their powers as defined by the

    constitution or approved by shareowners

    12.2 Duty of Care

    Legal obligation imposed on directors requiring that theyadhere to a reasonable standard of carewhileperforming any acts that could potentially harm others

    Directors are normally expected to discharge their dutiesin: Companys best interests

    Compliance with companys code of conduct

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    Directors Duties (cont.)

    12.3 Fiduciary Duties

    Directors must act in a faithful, trustful manner

    towards or on the companys behalf,putting

    their duty before personal interests. Considerations include:

    Good faith

    Proper purpose Not to make secret profits

    Avoiding conflicts of interest


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    13.0 Directors Rights

    Access to information

    Reimbursement for expenses incurred

    Discharge their duties withoutinterferencefrom co-Directors

    Attend andparticipate in Board Meetings

    Notice of Meetings



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    14.0 Corporate Governance: Local


    The Good

    The Bad

    The Ugly

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    15.0. Conclusion: Action Ideas

    I plan to take the following actions upon my

    return to my company:

    Obstacles that may prevent me fromimplementing CG in my Company:

    Actions to overcome such anticipated problems


  • 8/12/2019 Overview on Corporate Governance
