Overview of ELECTRA IRP - The ERIGrid Project · 2017. 9. 14. · 3 L. Martini – Overview of...

www.ElectraIRP.eu The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreement n° 609687 IGridooo 6 th Sept. 2017, Kassel Designing and Validating the Future Intelligent, Electric Power SystemsOverview of ELECTRA IRP Luciano Martini Project coordinator

Transcript of Overview of ELECTRA IRP - The ERIGrid Project · 2017. 9. 14. · 3 L. Martini – Overview of...

  • www.ElectraIRP.eu

    The research leading to these results has

    received funding from the European Union

    Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-

    2013) under grant agreement n° 609687

    IGridooo 6th Sept. 2017, Kassel

    “Designing and Validating the Future Intelligent, Electric Power Systems”

    Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    Luciano Martini

    Project coordinator

  • 2 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA Partnership

    Joint booth with ERIGrid

  • 3 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    Project full title: "European Liaison on Electricity grid Committed

    Towards long-term Research Activities"

    Project acronym: ELECTRA

    Coordinator: RSE, Italy

    Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.8 - Integrated Research Programme on Smart Grids

    Type of Funding scheme: Combination of Collaborative Project and CSA

    Starting Date: 01/12/2013 Ending Date: 28/02/2018

    ELECTRA IRP in figures:



    13.1 M€

    Total Budget




    EU Countries



    Packages 48


    10.0 M€

    EU Funds

    1 + 1

    AB + ICB

  • 4 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    Introduction ELECTRA IRP Participants

  • 5 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    ELECTRA IRP Participants

    no. Participant Country name Country

    1 Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE) IT

    2 Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) AT

    3 Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) BE


    5 Technical University of Denmark (DTU) DK

    6 Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) FI

    7 Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA) FR

    8 Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik (IWES) DE

    9 Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) GR

    10 Italian National Agency for New Techn., Energy and Sust. Economic Development (ENEA) IT

    11 Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE) LV

    12 SINTEF Energi AS (SINTEF) NO

    13 Institute of Power Engineering (IEN) PL

    14 INESC Porto (INESC_P) PT


    16 Joint Research Centre – Institute of Energy and Transport (JRC) NL/BE

    17 The Netherland’s Organisation of Applied Scientific Research (TNO) NL

    18 Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) TR

    19 University of Strathclyde (USTRATH) UK

    20 European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories (DERlab) DE

    21 Institute for Information Technology at University of Oldenburg (OFFIS) DE

  • 6 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    The ELECTRA IRP Work Packages


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    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    The ELECTRA IRP Work Packages









  • 8 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    • WP3: Scenarios

    • WP4: Interoperability

    • WP5: Observability

    • WP6: Flexibility

    • WP7: Experimental LAB

    validation (HW, SW and ICT)

    • WP8: Utilities’ Control rooms

    “Web-of-Cells” (WoC)

    • WP1: Coordination and


    • WP2 : Joint Research


    • WP9 : Researchers Exchange

    • WP10: INCO activities

    • WP12: Dissemination

    Mission Innovation

    R & D


    ELECTRA IRP R&D activity

  • 9 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    ELECTRA IRP Scope and Approach

    • ELECTRA focuses on real-time voltage

    and frequency control for the future

    2035+ power system - new concepts

    for network observability and robust

    controllers that act across different

    control boundaries

    • The Web-of-Cells (WoC) is a

    decentralized control concept aiming at

    solving local problems locally

    • Increased distribution grid level


    • Dispatching decisions are made locally

    within the cells

    • Cells are smaller than today control

    areas and are responsible for detecting

    imbalances and for reserves activation

  • 10 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    The ELECTRA IRP Session

  • 11 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    Contact information:

    [email protected]


    Thank you for your participation ...

  • 12 L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    L. Martini – Overview of ELECTRA IRP

    ERIGrid – ELECTRA workshop, 6 Sept. 2017, Kassel

    Four WPs dedicated to Coordination & Support Actions

    CSA activities:

    • WP1 - Coordination and Networking

    Coordination with the EERA JP SG, with other IRPs

    and JPs, with Advisory Board and EU grid stakeholders

    • WP2 – Development of Joint Research Facilities

    Database of EU smart grid research infrastructure,

    its improvement, collaboration with ISGAN

    • WP9 – Researchers Exchange

    Training of young researchers, increase cooperation and share

    knowledge in smart grid controls

    • WP10 – INCO activities

    Foster collaboration with extra-EU countries, establishment of

    International Coordination Board, share information and knowledge

    Coordination activities in the ELECTRA IRP