Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia: HK, China

Overview of cultur al “mécénat” in As ia: HK, China Desmond Hui Royaumont Abbey, Paris February 4, 2006 nthropy and Sponsorship as agents for artistic and cultural develop


Philanthropy and Sponsorship as agents for artistic and cultural development. Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia: HK, China. Desmond Hui Royaumont Abbey, Paris February 4, 2006. Theses. Tendency of “small government” “big society” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia: HK, China

Page 1: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Overview of cultural “mécénat” in Asia: HK, China

Desmond HuiRoyaumont Abbey, Paris

February 4, 2006

Philanthropy and Sponsorship as agents for artistic and cultural development

Page 2: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China


• Tendency of “small government” “big society”• Economic model of non-intervention for Welfar

e and Culture• Civil Society Organizations as bridge between

Public and State for policy development• Partnership among CSO, State and Market (W

est Kowloon Cultural District – a new form of mécénat?)

Page 3: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Sectoral Interactions The Public


Private Sector(Market)

Civil Society Organizations


provide servicesprovide direct services

pay taxes

pay for services

provide funding

Page 4: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China




Advisory committees

Statutory bodies

Public authorities


provides funding

The public sphere



Page 5: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

The Number of HK’s Major NPOsSource: Hua Qiao Ri Bao







48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92

2002 – 16,662 (source: CPU Study)

Page 6: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Categories Number PercentageIndustry and business 266 17

Labor 165 10

Professional 75 5

Cultural 57 (1,900 in 2002)* 4 (11% in 2002)*

Sports 68 4

Recreational 105 7

Welfare 87 5

Kaifong 76 5

Clan 237 15

Religious 473 29

Total 1609 (16,662 in 2002)* 100

HK’s Major NPOs (1992 & 2002), by Primary ActivitySource: Hua Qiao Ri Bao

*source: CPU Third Sector Study 2002

Page 7: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Government Structure of Arts and Culture (since 1.1.2000)

HAB民政事務局Works Bureau工務局




APA演藝學院 ADC藝術發展局

Legend (圖例 )

Central Gov. Bodies ( 中央政府架構 ) ___

Advisory Bodies ( 咨詢組織 ) ___

Subvented Statutory Bodies ( 直資法定組織 ) ___

Services / Functions Provided ( 服務或功能 ) ----




Government Secretariat 行政署


Cultural /Arts TV


Radio 4



Subventionto ArtsGroups


Museums博物館 Libraries圖書館Civic Centres

/ Venues文娛中心 /表演場館4 Arts Groups管弦樂團 / 中樂團話劇團 / 舞蹈團



Page 8: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Major Statistics 2001-02• Government expenditure on culture and the arts totals

HK$2.6 billion (US$333 million) a year (excluding capital works expenditure), representing approx. 1 % of total govt. expenditure.

• Education 19%, health 13%, social welfare 11%.• LCSD takes 2.2 billion of which 31% spent on staff

salary, 43% on departmental expenses, 9% on subvention and only 17% on programming (LCSD total budget 5.2 billion)

• Academy of Performing Arts $180 million, ADC $140 million (half for grant allocation)

• $1.3 billion (half of total) spent on performing arts

Page 9: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

LCSD Expenditure in 2002-03

Items HK$(Million)• Recreation and Sports 2,260.5• Horticulture and Amenities 565.2• Heritage and Museums605.2• Performing Arts 1,077.4• Public Libraries 734.6


Page 10: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Hong Kong Arts Development CouncilGrants Allocation

Item Total Grant (Project, 1-3 Year)Dance 25.1 (HK$ Million)Drama 16.1Music 13.6Film and Media Arts 5.1Visual Arts 6.1Xiqu 2.4Literary 2.6Multi-Discipline 1.5


Page 11: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

HK Government Subvention to Professional Arts Organizations in 01/02

Arts Organization Year of Establishment Subvention (HK$ M)

Percentage (%)

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 1895(1974 professionalized)

68.00000 29.28

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 1977 56.77000 24.45

Hong Kong Dance Company 1981 30.94000 13.02

Hong Kong Repertory Theatre 1977 30.23000 13.02

Hong Kong Ballet 1979 15.13000 6.52

Hong Kong Sinfonietta 1990 12.10600 5.21

City Contemporary Dance Company 1979 9.35200 4.03

Chung Ying Theatre Company 1979(1982 professionalized)

5.94000 2.56

Zuni Icosahedron 1982 2.17800 0.94

Ming Ri Theatre Company 1995 1.56816 0.68

Grant Total   232.21416 100%

Page 12: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Corporate Giving in HK

• HK home to 300,000 firms• Employing 3.4 million• 1016 approved charitable organizations (IRD, 2004)

Employment in Hong Kong by size of companySize of Company No of

CompaniesNo of

Employees1 – 99 staff 304,000 1,636,000

100 – 999 staff 2,100 453,000

1,000 + staff 86 251,000

Approximate total working in companies 2,340,000

Self-employed, part-time, etc… 1,060,000

Total in employment 3,400,000

* HK Monthly Digest of Statistics, Jan 2001

Page 13: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

The Registering Date of Foundations in Hong Kong Period No. of Newly Incorporated

FoundationsTotal No. at the End of the


Before 1968 26 26

1968-1977 57 83

1978-1987 144 227

1988-1997 353 580

1997-2004.7 436 1016(43% were founded in the last 7 years)

(International Grant Making Foundations: http://www.asianphilanthropy.org/grant/local/hongkong/hksar.html, 25 Jan 2006)

Page 14: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Organizations 資助機構

Year Founded成立年期

Funding Type資助形式

Funding Scope資助範圍

Funding Amount (unit: HK$100

0)資助款項 ( 千港元 )


AEON Education and Environment Fund AEON 教育及環保基金

1998 Grant Making

環保教育: 2005 年資助香港電台「小伙子.大攪作 II 」;資助沙田青年商會「大地恩情 2005 」;資助綠的歡欣「香港植樹日」。 約 100 ( 每年 )

AT&T FoundationAT&T 基金

1984 Grant Making

教育、音樂、舞蹈及歌劇的培訓及演出。 153 (1998-1999)

BOCHK Charitable Foundation中銀香港慈善基金

1994 Grant Making

於8所大學及專上學院設立獎助學金;捐贈香港大學教研發生基金及香港理工大學教研基金;       贊助興建「香港保護兒童會中銀幻兒園」; 2002 年主霽辦為期兩個月的青少年暑期活動「中銀愛心活力 Team 」。


Chan Yuk Ceung National and Cultural Education Fundation陳毓祥民族文化教育基金

1993 Grant Making

認識中國近代歷史之活動及教材製作;認識國家民族之體驗計劃;鼓勵及傳播以提高國家民族社會意識為題材之創作;民族文化專題探討及有關活動。 不詳

Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

1993 Grant Making

康樂及文化:資助亞洲協會香港分會在正義道軍營軍火庫舊址興建一座藝術、文化及時事中心的部分經費; 資助在香港科學館內設立賽馬會環保廊 ; 資助香港藝術中心中心的翻修工程;資助 2005 年香港藝術節; 資助香港青年藝術節協會有限公司 2003 年「賽馬會幻彩都會」計劃; 資助香港青年藝術節協會有限公司 舉辦「賽馬會社區模式計劃」,為期一年;資助香港園藝學會出版一本介紹香港珍稀古樹的書籍。

139, 232 (2003-2004)

Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund 香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金

1980 Grant Making

音樂及舞蹈方面的教育和訓練。 17,000( 1980 - 2000)

Hong Kong Jockey Club Summer Youth Programme香港賽馬會青少年暑期活動

1969 Grant Making

文化藝術活動 : 2005 「兒童金口獎比賽」 , 2005 年青少年暑期交流計劃; 舉辦「光速.漫遊 科技.藝術營」及「創意無限 Cyber Web 」。 1296 (2004)( 部份資助不屬於文化藝術用途 )

Jackie Chan Charities Foundation 成龍慈善基金 1988 Grant

Making演藝及科藝課程獎學金。 500 (2004)

贊助六十位演藝學院學生Lee Shau Kee Foundation              李兆基基金

不詳 Grant Making

2003 年捐助香港理工大學的長遠教學發展; 2005 年€捐助香港浸會大學作突研發展,其中包括全港首家視覺藝術院。 42,500 (2003)           5,000 (2005)

Some Funding Organizations in HK for Arts and Culture, 2006

Page 15: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Organizations 資助機構

Year Founded成立年期

Funding Type資助形式

Funding Scope 資助範圍

Funding Amount (unit: HK$1000)

資助款項 ( 千港元 )


Li Ka Shing Foundation 李嘉誠基金會

1988 Grant Making 資助香港管弦樂團 (1983,1997,1998) ;資助香港各界文化促進會 (2001); 香港文物古蹟的重建修復工作 :重建荃灣西方寺 (1999-2003) ;香港大學佛學研究中心「李莊月明佛學研究基金」 (2005) 。

約 532,000 (截至 2005-8-31)

Philippe Charriol oundation 夏利豪基金會

1985 Operation Grant

1985 年至 2005 年,每年一度的藝術比賽。 約 50 ( 每年 )

Qin Jia Yuan Foundation 勤 +緣慈善基金

1990 Grant Making 文藝活動,資助沙田培英中學的教學活動。 不詳

Sovereignart Foundation 傑出亞洲藝術獎

2003 Operation Grant


( The prestigious first prize 2005)


Annie Wong Foundation 梁潔華藝術基金會

1969 Grant Making 鼓 勵 和 支 持 有 助 於 提 高 當 代 華 人 藝 術 及 華 裔 藝 術 家 的 世 界 性 地 位 , 促 進 東 西 方 藝 術 創 作 及 研 究 的 交 流 活 動 , 包 括 舉 辦 展 覽 、 研 討 會 、 學 術 考 察 等 。不詳

Asian Cultural Counci 亞洲文化協會

1980 Grant Making 資助文化及演藝人士作戲劇、舞蹈、電影等發展。 不詳


HO Hung San, Stanley                何鴻燊先生

1969 2004 年贊肋弘民基金計劃,以推廣文化藝術、康樂體育及社區建設。政府為答謝何氏,更將香港太空館天象廳正式命名為何鴻燊天象廳,為期十五年。20000 (2004)


Li Ka Shing                 李嘉誠先生2005 Naming of the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 1,000,000

(HK$ 1 billion)

2003 Directory of Social Service Funding in HK covers 102 foundations, including 70 private foundations.

Page 16: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Measure Corporate GivingAll figures in HK$ bn

1997 1998 1999 2000

Total assessable profits

346 282 234 261

Profits tax paid (financial years)

55 45 38 43

Approved charitable donations

0.803 0.631 0.850 n.a.

Reported giving as % of assessable profits

0.23 0.22 0.36 n.a.

Source: HK IRD (from Golin & Harris, 2001)

Page 17: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Charitable Contributions as % of GDP

Location Total donation(local currency)

GDP(local currency)

Donation as % of


Hong Kong (1998) HK$2.6bn HK$1,267bn 0.21

United States (1999) US$143.5bn US$8,110bn 1.77

Canada (1998) C$4.6bn C$896bn 0.52

Source: Various National Statistics

Page 18: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Sources of Charitable Contributions(latest available years)

Source of giving HK US Canada UK

Individuals 69 75.6 57 66

Foundations * 10.4 4 13

Bequests * 8.2 * 13

Corporations 31 5.8 9 4

Government sources * - 30 4

Total 100 100 100 100

Sources: AAFRC, Canadian Centre for Philanthropy, Charities Aid Foundation, HK Inland Revenue Department* Not separately identified

Page 19: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Philanthropic Giving: Preferred Targets (%) Corporate Giving All Giving

HK* US Canada US Canada ChinaReligion 3 - - 43 51 -

Education/Scholarships 58 34.8 26 14.4 4 34

Environment 39 - - 3.1 2 1

Poverty/disabled/aged/children 35407

23 9.1 1130

Health/medical 27 15 9.4 17

Arts, Culture, Sport, Heritage 11 11.5 14 11.6 3 23

International 5 - - 1.4 2 -

Other - 13 22 8 10 12

Total * 100 100 100 100 100

* Corporate Giving only. HK respondents allowed multiple responses, so responses do not equal 100%Sources: Golin/Harris Survey, January 2001, AAFRC, Conference Board, Canadian Centre for Philanthropy and China

Association of Sciences Foundations

Page 20: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Priority Targets for Corporate Giving %

Education/Scholarships 58

Environment 39

Poverty/disabled/aged 35

Children 30

Health/medical 27

Promoting Hong Kong 17

Sports 11

Culture 11

Disaster Appeals 9

Research 6

China 5

International 5

Religion 3

Animals 3

Heritage 1

Source: Golin/Harris Survey,

January 2001

Page 21: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Percentage of Population that had Volunteer Experience

US 56

Canada 31

Japan 25

HK 14

Singapore 9

Survey by Lingnan University, HK, 2001

Page 22: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Individual Volunteering

• Survey on 2,032 citizens aged 15 or above – 45.5% have participated in one form or another in the past year

• Average 60 hours• each gave on average HK$827 (or

approx. USD110)• Tax reduction not a significant incentive

Source: HK Federation of Youth Groups Survey 2001

Page 23: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

The Role of Companies in the Development of a Vibrant Third Sector in HK Golin/Forrest 2001

Major Findings:

• Corporate giving – accounts for 10% of total giving• Big companies give more (so do companies with large numbers of

local staff)• SMEs give little in cash, but potentially valuable in terms of staff v

olunteers• Most companies family owned and not channel for philanthropic gi

ving• IRD – approved charitable donations by companies of HK$850 mil

lion in 1999, 0.36% of total assessable profits of HK$234 billion (actual figures at least HK$1.4 b with upper bound at 2.6 b)

• Successful business leaders give discretely• Broadening awareness by reliable academic research that strong

community commitment coincides with strong profits performance• Forecast corporate giving will grow

Page 24: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Charitable Donations in HK (HK$m)









92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04



$ (m


n) Amount of approved charitable donations allowed

under Profits Tax (Company)

Amount of approved charitable donations allowed

under Salaries Tax (Individual)

Page 25: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China
Page 26: Overview of cultural “m é c é nat” in Asia:  HK, China

Source: The Swire Group, HK