Overview of Credit Card Payment Processing in Digital StoreFront...

© 2014 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved. / Doc v. 1.2 June 2014 Overview of Credit Card Payment Processing in Digital StoreFront Integrating credit card payment processing with your web storefront will streamline your e-commerce workflow from order placement through checkout. Digital StoreFront currently supports hosted payment gateways (CyberSource Secure Acceptance, PayPal Payflow Link) and non-hosted payment gateways (PayPal Payflow Pro, PayPal Payments Pro, Ogone, WPM, iPay 88, PX Pay, Braspag-Pagador). This document provides an overview of payment processing in Digital StoreFront and addresses frequently-asked questions (FAQs). General Overview of Credit Card Workflow for Hosted Payment Gateways (PayPal Payflow Link and CyberSource Secure Acceptance)

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Overview of Credit Card Payment Processing in Digital StoreFront

Integrating credit card payment processing with your web storefront will streamline your e-commerce workflow from order placement through checkout. Digital StoreFront currently supports hosted payment gateways (CyberSource Secure Acceptance, PayPal Payflow Link) and non-hosted payment gateways (PayPal Payflow Pro, PayPal Payments Pro, Ogone, WPM, iPay 88, PX Pay, Braspag-Pagador). This document provides an overview of payment processing in Digital StoreFront and addresses frequently-asked questions (FAQs).

General Overview of Credit Card Workflow for Hosted Payment Gateways (PayPal Payflow Link and CyberSource Secure Acceptance)

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General Overview of Credit Card Workflow for Non-Hosted Payment Gateways

Integrated Payment Gateways

Before setting up your merchant account in Digital StoreFront, you will need to establish an account with one of the payment gateways Digital StoreFront supports (if you have not already done so).

CyberSource Secure Acceptance For more information on CyberSource, contact CyberSource at: http://www.cybersource.com/contact_us/.

PayPal Payflow Link When Payflow Link is being used, all credit card and shipping address information will be entered on the Paypal web site. Digital StoreFront does not handle entering information and does not make the call to do the credit card authorization. Instead, Digital StoreFront redirects to the Paypal/Payflow Link URL and

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allows buyers to enter their information. Paypal then redirects the buyer back to the Digital StoreFront site to complete the order. For more information on PCI compliance with Payflow Link visit:


To establish your Payflow Link account, visit: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/payflow-compare-pricing.

PayPal Payflow Pro When you use Payflow Pro, all credit card information is entered on the Digital StoreFront site on a Digital StoreFront page. Digital StoreFront thus handles securing the page and makes the method calls to the PayPal API to do the authorization.

To establish your Payflow Payflow Pro account, visit: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/payflow-compare-pricing.

PayPal Payments Pro

Note PayPal Payments Pro is called Website Payments Pro in Digital StoreFront.

To establish your PayPal Payments Pro account, visit: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/paypal-payments-pro.


Note Ogone has changed its name to Ingenico.

To establish your Ogone e-commerce account, contact Ogone (via the contact information for your country on the Ogone Payment Services corporate web site at http://www.ogone.com.


For more information on WPM's complete line of payment products and services, visit the WPM corporate web site at http://www.wpmeducation.com or http://www.wpmsoftware.com.

For information on WPM's online payment systems and online store solutions tailored specifically for educational institutions, visit http://www.wpmeducation.com/ or contact WPM by phone at +44 (0) 844 264 1580.

PX Pay If you are interested in integrating a PxPay merchant account with Digital StoreFront, please contact EFI technical support by email at [email protected]. EFI Professional Services will assist you in setting up and configuring your site with a Px Pay merchant account. For more information on PxPay merchant services, please visit http://www.paymentexpress.com/technical_resources/ecommerce_hosted/pxpay.html.

iPay88 For more information on iPay88 gateway services, contact iPay at: http://www.ipay88.com/.

Braspag-Pagador For more information on Pagador gateways services, contact Braspag-Pagador at: http://www.braspag.com.br/pagador-braspag/.

The Gateway Supported Payment Types

Gateway Visa MasterCard PayPal

Braspag-Pagador X

CyberSource Secure Acceptance X



PayPal Payflow Link

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Gateway Visa MasterCard PayPal

PayPal Payflow Pro X

PayPal Payments Pro

PX Pay X


Setting Up Merchant Accounts in Digital StoreFront

After establishing an account with your preferred payment gateway provider, you will set up the merchant account (to integrate with it) in Digital StoreFront. Credit card transactions and merchant accounts are managed on the Credit Card Management and Configuration page (accessed by selecting Administration > Credit Card Management and Configuration from the Administration home page) shown below:

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The administrator sets up the merchant account details on the administration side of Digital StoreFront. The image below shows the screen where the administrator defines Merchant Account details:

Buyer Order Workflow

1. The buyer enters credit card details in the browser when ordering a product from a Digital StoreFront site.

2. The credit card details are sent from the buyer’s browser to Digital StoreFront via an SSL-encrypted connection.

3. The payment manager in Digital StoreFront retrieves the credit card details from the sent from the buyer’s browser and transmits them to the credit card gateway (e.g., Cybersource, Payflow Pro) for authorization of the order amount.

4. If the authorization is successful, the buyer is permitted to complete placing the order.

5. Digital StoreFront then stores the transaction ID (that does not contain any of the credit card details) in the database for future reference.

6. The diagram below illustrates at a high level the interactions between the buyer, Digital StoreFront, and the credit card gateway:

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Technical Notes on Data Exchange between Digital StoreFront and the Credit Card Gateway

The credit card details provided by the buyer are processed in the Digital StoreFront application

domain and are not persisted either in the database or file system.

The transaction ID returned by the credit card gateway is the only reference between the order, the

buyer, and the merchant account, and this reference cannot be retrieved by Digital StoreFront at

any time.

The data exchange between Digital StoreFront and the credit card gateway is on an SSL-encrypted


The payload is defined as a strongly-typed XML document.

The delivery mechanism is XML-based.

Operator Workflow

1. When the order is ready to be shipped, the operator changes the order status in Digital StoreFront to “Shipped.”

2. The payment manager in Digital StoreFront retrieves the transaction ID for the order and contacts the credit card gateway for capturing the order total from the buyer’s credit card.

3. The credit card gateway returns a status (success or failure), which changes the order status to “Shipped.”

4. The diagram below illustrates at a high level the interactions between the operator, Digital StoreFront, and the credit card gateway.

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Operator Workflow

During the order status update Digital StoreFront performs the following steps:

1. Updates the order status.

2. Retrieves the payment transaction object to process the payment.

3. Retrieves information on the merchant account the order is using.

4. Completes the order payment.

What You Need to Implement Credit Card Payments in Digital StoreFront

What you need Where to get it

Merchant Bank Account The bank or other financial institution of your


Note: PayPal (Website) Payments Pro serves as its

own merchant bank account and thus does not

require that you have a separate merchant account for processing through its gateway.

Credit Card Processing Module Licensable option available from your Digital

StoreFront vendor

SSL Certificate

(digital server certificates required for transmitting credit card information)

You can purchase SSL certificates from many vendors, such as:

www.versign.com/ssl/index.html 1-866-893-6565



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Major Credit Card Payment Processing Tasks in Digital StoreFront

Task What it means and how it works in Digital StoreFront

Authorization Authorization is the process by which Digital StoreFront routes a request through the

payment gateway to ensure that the buyer’s credit card has sufficient funds to pay for

the order. Your gateway/merchant account holder sends a request to the bank that

issued the buyer’s credit card to verify that funds are available. Authorization typically

takes less than three seconds. If a charge is authorized, the authorization remains valid

for a period set by your payment processor (i.e., CyberSource or PayPal) and places a

hold on the buyer’s credit limit for the authorized amount (i.e., the order amount plus $15 or 10% percent of the order amount—whichever is greater).

Note: Contact your payment processor for information on how long (1) the hold remains on the buyer’s account, and (2) the authorization remains valid.

Note: If an order is marked “Shipped” after the hold period expires, the order will fail

with an error message (check the Event Log for details) and capture will not occur. You will then have to contact the buyer to resolve the order.

In Digital StoreFront, Authorization is triggered (1) when the buyer clicks the Place My

Order button for a priced item that the buyer has opted to pay for via credit card, or (2)

when the buyer approves the price quoted for a manual quote that the buyer has opted

to pay for via credit card. Digital StoreFront always request authorization for the Order

Amount + additional amount of $15 or 10% of order amount (whichever is higher). If

changed amount is within this authorized amount limit we can always capture that

amount. This “buffer” amount covers taxes, shipping, and various other incidental charges that can cause the actual order charge to exceed the order amount.

Capture Capture releases the actual order amount (may not be equal to the authorized amount)

so you get paid at Settlement. In Digital StoreFront changing the status of an order paid

by credit card to “Shipped” in the Order View or Operator View. This settles the order

and transfers the funds to your merchant account. In order for capture to occur, all line items in a multi-line order must be marked “Shipped.”

Note: If your site is integrated with an MIS, credit card capture works the same way:

When the order status is changed to “Shipped,” the credit card is charged for the order amount.


Settlement occurs when a transaction is processed between a merchant account

provider and the bank that issued the buyer’s credit card. When capture occurs

(payment is made for a sale), funds are transferred from the issuing bank/card association to your merchant account or PayPal account.


Voids a credit card payment transaction. The entire amount of an order may be voided

by bringing up the transaction detail and pressing the Credit This Order button. You

cannot re-void an order. When you cancel an order in Digital StoreFront, Digital StoreFront will attempt canceling the authorization as well.

Issue Credit Credits customer balance after a credit card payment transaction has been settled. If

you need to issue credit to a customer after a transaction has been settled (i.e., funds

have been posted to your merchant bank account), there are two ways to do this in

Digital StoreFront. Both apply to Payflow Pro and PayPal Payments Pro transactions whereas only one applies to CyberSource transactions.

Issue manual credit (for Payflow Pro, PayPal Payments Pro, or CyberSource)

Credit this order (for Payflow Pro or PayPal Payments Pro only)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer

What is the difference between the functions

Digital StoreFront administrators/operators can

perform on transactions made through PayPal

(Website) Payments Pro vs. Payflow Pro vs.


All three payment gateways that Digital StoreFront

supports (PayPal Payments Pro, PayPal Payflow Pro,

and CyberSource) have similar functionality:

Authorization, Capture, Void, and Issue Manual

Credit. Digital StoreFront does not provide adjustment or delete functionality.

Can I accept PayPal payments on my Digital StoreFront site?

PayPal (Website) Payments Pro and Payflow Link

can accept PayPal transactions if the account is

configured to do so. (You can accept PayPal

payments in Payflow Pro only if your account is

enabled with the Express Checkout option; contact

PayPal customer support for help enabling Express

Checkout with your Payflow Pro account). Digital

StoreFront itself does not support PayPal as a

payment method, however, and does not support Bill Me Later.

How much do payment gateways charge for processing credit card transactions?

Each gateway has its own pricing schedule, with

account set-up charges, transaction fees, monthly

maintenance, etc. Contact the supported payment

gateways at the contact listed in this guide for pricing information.

What is the difference between PayPal

(Website) Payments Pro and Payflow Pro Gateway?

PayPal (Website) Payments Pro is an Internet

merchant account and payment gateway in one;

Payflow Pro is a payment gateway if you already

have an Internet merchant account (i.e., with another bank or vendor).

Can I set up more than one merchant account in

Digital StoreFront?

You can set up multiple merchant accounts in

Digital StoreFront for your Print Shops. For instance,

you could set up separate merchant accounts for

two or more Print Shops. Let’s say your account has

two production facilities (Print Shops) one in

Baltimore and one in Sacramento. The Baltimore

print shop accepts customer payments via VISA and

MasterCard (as specified on the “Print Shops”

page); the Sacramento print shop accepts all major

cards (i.e., American Express Corporate, Australian

BankCard, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard,

Visa). You can set up a separate merchant account

in the system for each print shop that will present

customers only with the payment options accepted

at that print shop. You can also share merchant accounts between print shops.

Is credit card information stored in Digital StoreFront?

No. Credit card information is never stored in Digital StoreFront.

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Contact Information

Digital StoreFront Support

US Phone: 888.334.8650 (select option 4 then option 1)

Hours: 8 a.m.–8 p.m. EST

US E-mail: [email protected]



+31 20 658 8080 (NL)

+49 2102 745 4500 (DE)

+44 12462 98085 (UK)

Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CET

EU E-Mail: [email protected]

Outside of these hours, you may leave a voice mail message and an on-call support representative will be paged. Response time is based on the severity of the issue.

Note For problems involving infrastructure (i.e., computers, networks, operating systems, backup software, printers, third-party software, etc.), contact the appropriate vendor. EFI cannot support these types of issues.

EFI Professional Services

US Phone: 651.365.5321

US Fax: 651.365.5334

E-Mail: [email protected]

EFI Professional Services can help you perform EFI software installations, upgrades, and updates. This group can also help you implement, customize, and optimize your EFI software plus offer a range of training options.