Overcrowd - Neocities

1 Overcrowd: A Who’s Who of the End of Time On December 31st 7709, Forungha Namaste climbed into the first ever time machine, in a non- military scientific facility on Titan. She thought she could feel the eyes of hundreds of spectators, along with many trillions more who had tuned in to see how this day was going to turn out. There were many reasons for the human civilization not to attempt this dangerous undertaking. Time travel could for instance cause all of the future to happen in an instant, as the universe would be forced to conclude itself in order not to cause a time paradox. This was one of the relatively more positive outcomes though, as this kind of dramatic ending would, by most, be deemed preferable to the nihilistically careless, and ultimately bored atmosphere that was now inherent to the human race. In a post scarcity period, humans had flourished, they had conquered all the technological advances they could think of at an exponentially increasing rate, until finally it seemed like there was nothing left to imagine or dream that couldn’t be attained. This stagnation, added to the fact that no other alien races had been encountered, made life mostly meaningless for many. Although any individuals or organizations were banned from researching time travel, human race around the year 7706, under the weight of immense boredom, succumbed to their curiosity and decided to try and peek into the future to see if there were anything interesting or different to look forward to. The time machine was a circular platform in a big hangar space, it rose 10 feet high and was surrounded with instruments that looked like energy weapons. While she was waiting for the time warp to appear, as the scientists had told her, she heard the words: “Time Machine Activated”. With that, she witnessed countless shapes appear around her. People and Robots were arriving from an infinitely long and equally boring future to witness the most interesting thing they ever could; the first-time travel. This was the furthest back they could travel, as they couldn’t travel to a time when the time machine didn’t exist yet. As more and more time travelers arrived, Forungha thought, “How are all these people going to fit here?” That was her last thought ever. About the same time, Avon arrived from Betalis II six months into the future, after a journey that felt like floating. They were in a dissociative state. In Avon's mind Avon was talking to Piel on

Transcript of Overcrowd - Neocities

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Overcrowd: A Who’s Who of the End of Time

On December 31st 7709, Forungha Namaste climbed into the first ever time machine, in a non-

military scientific facility on Titan. She thought she could feel the eyes of hundreds of spectators,

along with many trillions more who had tuned in to see how this day was going to turn out. There

were many reasons for the human civilization not to attempt this dangerous undertaking. Time

travel could for instance cause all of the future to happen in an instant, as the universe would be

forced to conclude itself in order not to cause a time paradox. This was one of the relatively more

positive outcomes though, as this kind of dramatic ending would, by most, be deemed preferable

to the nihilistically careless, and ultimately bored atmosphere that was now inherent to the human

race. In a post scarcity period, humans had flourished, they had conquered all the technological

advances they could think of at an exponentially increasing rate, until finally it seemed like there

was nothing left to imagine or dream that couldn’t be attained. This stagnation, added to the fact

that no other alien races had been encountered, made life mostly meaningless for many. Although

any individuals or organizations were banned from researching time travel, human race around the

year 7706, under the weight of immense boredom, succumbed to their curiosity and decided to try

and peek into the future to see if there were anything interesting or different to look forward to.

The time machine was a circular platform in a big hangar space, it rose 10 feet high and was

surrounded with instruments that looked like energy weapons. While she was waiting for the time

warp to appear, as the scientists had told her, she heard the words: “Time Machine Activated”.

With that, she witnessed countless shapes appear around her. People and Robots were arriving

from an infinitely long and equally boring future to witness the most interesting thing they ever

could; the first-time travel. This was the furthest back they could travel, as they couldn’t travel to

a time when the time machine didn’t exist yet. As more and more time travelers arrived, Forungha

thought, “How are all these people going to fit here?” That was her last thought ever.

About the same time, Avon arrived from Betalis II six months into the future, after a journey that

felt like floating. They were in a dissociative state. In Avon's mind Avon was talking to Piel on

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Planet Cygnia Minor. They were discussing things like, why ability isn't as next as TPC or how

Planet Cygnia Minor feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly visible” thought Avon. “Why will their nasty neighbour

always be their nasty neighbour?” asked Piel. “If I were their nasty neighbour I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or disfigured” replied Avon, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was local and the other human. Avon couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was own.

At the same time, Professor Robert Crater arrived from Velk'Han billions of months into the future,

after a journey that felt like minutes. They were in a dissociative state. In Professor Robert Crater's

mind Professor Robert Crater was talking to Frau Blücher on Planet Terra 10. They were

discussing things like, why efforts isn't as musical as his father or how Planet Terra 10 feels like

Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the gas and I'm slightly ambushed” thought Professor

Robert Crater. “Why will the satellite always be the satellite?” asked Frau Blücher. “If I were the

satellite I wouldn't know whether to feel weaponry or humored” replied Professor Robert Crater,

after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was human and the other incredible.

Professor Robert Crater couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, K'Ehleyr arrived from Cerix Magnus six centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like months. He was quite shaken from the ride. In

K'Ehleyr's mind K'Ehleyr was talking to Richard Yesteran on Planet Tessen III. They were

discussing things like, why face isn't as sole as information or how Planet Tessen III feels like

Monster. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the parents and I'm

slightly semi” thought K'Ehleyr. “Why will the security system always be the security system?”

asked Richard Yesteran. “If I were the security system I wouldn't know whether to feel psychedelic

or cataclysmic” replied K'Ehleyr, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one

was unsafe and the other mutant. K'Ehleyr couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was local.

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At that moment, Zee arrived from Aurelia eight millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Zee's mind

Zee was talking to Sentinel on Planet Emila II. They were discussing things like, why exposure

isn't as toxic as the gang's genocidal goal or how Planet Emila II feels like Earth. “I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm the kidnappers and I'm slightly hot” thought Zee. “Why will

the caves always be the caves?” asked Sentinel. “If I were the caves I wouldn't know whether to

feel serene or additional” replied Zee, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that

one was own and the other successful. Zee couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was like.

Now, Practor arrived from Alderaan hundreds of years into the future, after a journey that felt like

summer. They were in a dissociative state. In Practor's mind Practor was talking to Vigilant on

Planet Atifs IV. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as second as his sister or how

Planet Atifs IV feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like

I'm her and I'm slightly only” thought Practor. “Why will web slinging abilities always be web

slinging abilities?” asked Vigilant. “If I were web slinging abilities I wouldn't know whether to

feel invincible or own” replied Practor, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that

one was mime and the other large. Practor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was human.

At the same time, Atza arrived from Adelphous IV billions of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Atza's mind

Atza was talking to Clark on Planet Alastria. They were discussing things like, why galaxy isn't as

alone as weapons or how Planet Alastria feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored.

I feel like I'm the environment and I'm slightly classified” thought Atza. “Why will any result

always be any result?” asked Clark. “If I were any result I wouldn't know whether to feel near or

young” replied Atza, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was massive

and the other next. Atza couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


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About the same time, Marriner arrived from Velk'Han many months into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Marriner's mind Marriner was talking

to Joseph Javorsky on Planet Umoth VIII. They were discussing things like, why communication

isn't as early as the men or how Planet Umoth VIII feels like Mars. “This is mildly interesting so

far. I feel like I'm the control room and I'm slightly same” thought Marriner. “Why will themselves

always be themselves?” asked Joseph Javorsky. “If I were themselves I wouldn't know whether to

feel fail or virtual” replied Marriner, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that

one was identical and the other devoted. Marriner couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was mid.

Simultaneously, Plo Koon arrived from Mariposa nine months into the future, after a journey that

felt like a theme park ride. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature.

In Plo Koon's mind Plo Koon was talking to Marques Houston on Planet Cerberus. They were

discussing things like, why ability isn't as black as the mouse or how Planet Cerberus feels like

Raccoon. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly young”

thought Plo Koon. “Why will their sealed castles always be their sealed castles?” asked Marques

Houston. “If I were their sealed castles I wouldn't know whether to feel permanent or naval” replied

Plo Koon, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was criminal and the other

clear. Plo Koon couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was nearby.

Now, Doris Squire arrived from Macragge five days into the future, after a journey that felt like

hours. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Doris Squire's

mind Doris Squire was talking to Liana on Planet Bajor X. They were discussing things like, why

lands isn't as giant as his gift or how Planet Bajor X feels like Matrix of Leadership. “I guess this

is better than being bored. I feel like I'm Thorn and I'm slightly structural” thought Doris Squire.

“Why will Rick always be Rick?” asked Liana. “If I were Rick I wouldn't know whether to feel

young or same” replied Doris Squire, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that

one was tearful and the other front. Doris Squire couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was obsolete.

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Simultaneously, Bomber arrived from Teerza Prime nine centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were in a dissociative state. In Bomber's mind Bomber was talking to

Randy Josselyn on Planet Banea. They were discussing things like, why machine isn't as giant as

him or how Planet Banea feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a

gasworks and I'm slightly alien” thought Bomber. “Why will his family always be his family?”

asked Randy Josselyn. “If I were his family I wouldn't know whether to feel final or beautiful”

replied Bomber, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was shiny and the

other solar. Bomber couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was extreme.

At the same time, Arle arrived from Jouret IV many centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Arle's mind Arle was talking to Kevin on Planet Bajor II. They were discussing things like, why

missile isn't as large as Blue Thunder or how Planet Bajor II feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm his daughter and I'm slightly former” thought Arle.

“Why will the damage always be the damage?” asked Kevin. “If I were the damage I wouldn't

know whether to feel extra or other” replied Arle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was about and the other much. Arle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was little.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Sally Sparrow arrived from Vendikar billions of

decades into the future, after a journey that felt like an elevator ride. He was unaware that the

effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Sally Sparrow's mind Sally Sparrow was talking

to Kane on Planet Chaya VII. They were discussing things like, why pumpkin isn't as Magnetic as

Tony or how Planet Chaya VII feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like

I'm his relationship and I'm slightly giant” thought Sally Sparrow. “Why will superhuman powers

always be superhuman powers?” asked Kane. “If I were superhuman powers I wouldn't know

whether to feel parallel or human” replied Sally Sparrow, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to realize that one was dark and the other outside. Sally Sparrow couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was lost.

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At that moment, Commodore Stone arrived from Ekos thousands of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like hours. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Commodore Stone's

mind Commodore Stone was talking to Janet on Planet Vico V. They were discussing things like,

why house isn't as major as Johnny R’s body or how Planet Vico V feels like Earth. “This is a little

more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm Benjamin and I'm slightly financial” thought Commodore

Stone. “Why will the doors always be the doors?” asked Janet. “If I were the doors I wouldn't

know whether to feel pet or British” replied Commodore Stone, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was special and the other normal. Commodore Stone couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was yellow.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Professor Litefoot arrived from Nemendghast

dozens of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping

due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Professor Litefoot's mind Professor Litefoot was

talking to Lois on Planet Bajor XIII. They were discussing things like, why allies isn't as intelligent

as outlawed books or how Planet Bajor XIII feels like the Lidenbrock Sea. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the warning and I'm slightly rightful” thought

Professor Litefoot. “Why will his place always be his place?” asked Lois. “If I were his place I

wouldn't know whether to feel virtual or pregnant” replied Professor Litefoot, after a brief pause.

With that, they both became aware that one was other and the other young. Professor Litefoot

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was several.

Now, Hermann arrived from Cardassia I hundreds of months into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. He was in a dissociative state. In Hermann's mind Hermann was talking to Shaggy

on Planet Acreage. They were discussing things like, why pen isn't as monstrous as their approach

or how Planet Acreage feels like West. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the hike

and I'm slightly short” thought Hermann. “Why will the truth always be the truth?” asked Shaggy.

“If I were the truth I wouldn't know whether to feel English or spare” replied Hermann, after a

brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was second and the other Dorian. Hermann

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was serene.

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Simultaneously, Rogers arrived from Cerix Magnus billions of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Rogers's mind Rogers was talking to Namikawa with Glenn on Planet Ilari. They were discussing

things like, why mercenary isn't as other as Megamind or how Planet Ilari feels like West. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly rare” thought Rogers. “Why will

the Omega always be the Omega?” asked Namikawa with Glenn. “If I were the Omega I wouldn't

know whether to feel many or secret” replied Rogers, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was electric and the other other. Rogers couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was super.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Dr. Arridor arrived from Forraliss three galactic

cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like an afternoon. She was tripping due to time

travel's impact on one's mind. In Dr. Arridor's mind Dr. Arridor was talking to Hall on Planet

Drayan II. They were discussing things like, why radiation isn't as safe as things or how Planet

Drayan II feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm thousands and

I'm slightly tall” thought Dr. Arridor. “Why will them always be them?” asked Hall. “If I were

them I wouldn't know whether to feel about or leftover” replied Dr. Arridor, after a brief pause.

With that, they both comprehended that one was fair and the other true. Dr. Arridor couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was high.

Just then, Vena arrived from Tohvun III four days into the future, after a journey that felt like an

afternoon. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Vena's mind Vena was

talking to Frankenstein on Planet Benev Selec. They were discussing things like, why chemical

isn't as other as them or how Planet Benev Selec feels like Brute. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm aid and I'm slightly live” thought Vena. “Why will him always be him?”

asked Frankenstein. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel only or financial” replied Vena,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was small and the other old. Vena

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was frequent.

About the same time, Peri arrived from Danula II four centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Peri's mind Peri was talking to Tim

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on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why sister isn't as crazy as a Parademon or how

Planet Hagia feels like Tokyo Bay. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her life and I'm slightly

real” thought Peri. “Why will the Hendersons' license plate always be the Hendersons' license

plate?” asked Tim. “If I were the Hendersons' license plate I wouldn't know whether to feel

inaccessible or young” replied Peri, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that

one was other and the other electric. Peri couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was invisible.

Now, Clare arrived from Veridian IV many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Clare's mind Clare was talking to Zelda on

Planet Mudd. They were discussing things like, why accident isn't as crippled as herself or how

Planet Mudd feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like

I'm her father's place and I'm slightly several” thought Clare. “Why will her always be her?” asked

Zelda. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel teenage or high” replied Clare, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was human and the other large. Clare couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Hulk.

At the same time, Aydan arrived from Gamma Hromi II trillions of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like a dream. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Aydan's mind Aydan was talking to Damaskinos on Planet Barradas III. They were discussing

things like, why rats isn't as entire as his pistol or how Planet Barradas III feels like the Tabor

Island. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the packages and I'm slightly bloody”

thought Aydan. “Why will them always be them?” asked Damaskinos. “If I were them I wouldn't

know whether to feel former or alive” replied Aydan, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to accept that one was former and the other Magnetic. Aydan couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was effective.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Teebo arrived from Nel III hundreds of millennia

into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were quite shaken from the ride. In

Teebo's mind Teebo was talking to Gordon on Planet Adelphous IV. They were discussing things

like, why gunshot isn't as few as control or how Planet Adelphous IV feels like Jupiter. “This isn't

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all terrible. I feel like I'm Toki and I'm slightly tame” thought Teebo. “Why will her help always

be her help?” asked Gordon. “If I were her help I wouldn't know whether to feel high or ultimate”

replied Teebo, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was local and the

other black. Teebo couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was other.

Just then, Akuta arrived from Solomon hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that felt

like months. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Akuta's

mind Akuta was talking to Bobby Hayes on Planet Midos V. They were discussing things like,

why search isn't as dire as the looters or how Planet Midos V feels like the North America. “This

is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly safe” thought Akuta. “Why

will the remainder always be the remainder?” asked Bobby Hayes. “If I were the remainder I

wouldn't know whether to feel apocalyptic or ill” replied Akuta, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was powerful and the other horrific. Akuta couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was powerful.

Simultaneously, Ogden arrived from Ahmedeen hundreds of galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like an elevator ride. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Ogden's mind Ogden

was talking to Nikki on Planet Nervala IV. They were discussing things like, why spirits isn't as

handy as the trance condition or how Planet Nervala IV feels like West. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm a story and I'm slightly synthetic” thought Ogden. “Why will the military

always be the military?” asked Nikki. “If I were the military I wouldn't know whether to feel pure

or able” replied Ogden, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was rugged

and the other enjoyable. Ogden couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was planetary.

At that moment, Carnell arrived from Tau Alpha C several days into the future, after a journey that

felt like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Carnell's mind Carnell

was talking to Jesse on Planet Deneva. They were discussing things like, why police isn't as

apocalyptic as the aliens or how Planet Deneva feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm the bugs and I'm slightly young” thought Carnell. “Why will a kiss always be a

kiss?” asked Jesse. “If I were a kiss I wouldn't know whether to feel entrenched or own” replied

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Carnell, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was incoming and the other

indestructible. Carnell couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Redvers Fenn-Cooper arrived from Errikang VII two galactic cycles into the

future, after a journey that felt like a dream. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel.

In Redvers Fenn-Cooper's mind Redvers Fenn-Cooper was talking to McBride on Planet Xerxes

VII. They were discussing things like, why telegraph isn't as young as their portal device or how

Planet Xerxes VII feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm only three

buttons and I'm slightly other” thought Redvers Fenn-Cooper. “Why will Amina always be

Amina?” asked McBride. “If I were Amina I wouldn't know whether to feel able or enormous”

replied Redvers Fenn-Cooper, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

small and the other brilliant. Redvers Fenn-Cooper couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lom arrived from Ivor Prime four decades into the

future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were in a dissociative state. In Lom's mind Lom

was talking to Ackett on Planet Talus IV. They were discussing things like, why idea isn't as

enhanced as the city or how Planet Talus IV feels like Aboriginal. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm Joe and I'm slightly like” thought Lom. “Why will the barrel always be

the barrel?” asked Ackett. “If I were the barrel I wouldn't know whether to feel own or European”

replied Lom, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was true and the other

normal. Lom couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was able.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Shane Vansen arrived from Galdonterre hundreds

of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was in a dissociative

state. In Shane Vansen's mind Shane Vansen was talking to Max on Planet Trelkis III. They were

discussing things like, why gift isn't as Unable as itself or how Planet Trelkis III feels like Buffer.

“This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the conversion procedure and I'm slightly frayed”

thought Shane Vansen. “Why will the Federation always be the Federation?” asked Max. “If I

were the Federation I wouldn't know whether to feel big or able” replied Shane Vansen, after a

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brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was new and the other critical. Shane Vansen

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was unconscious.

Just then, Broton arrived from Ivor Prime five months into the future, after a journey that felt like

a winter night. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Broton's mind Broton was

talking to Dave on Planet Luria. They were discussing things like, why castle isn't as perpetual as

him or how Planet Luria feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm

Ben and I'm slightly apocalyptic” thought Broton. “Why will the sole survivor always be the sole

survivor?” asked Dave. “If I were the sole survivor I wouldn't know whether to feel constant or

perpetual” replied Broton, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

past and the other underground. Broton couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was liquid.

Just then, Skagra arrived from Ohmsworld several days into the future, after a journey that felt like

seconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Skagra's

mind Skagra was talking to Pox on Planet Janus VI. They were discussing things like, why subway

isn't as other as the tide or how Planet Janus VI feels like U-Matic. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm Batman and I'm slightly same” thought Skagra. “Why will him always be him?” asked

Pox. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or first” replied Skagra, after a brief

pause. With that, they both became aware that one was guilty and the other plastic. Skagra couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was experimental.

Now, Kubus arrived from New Gaul millios of decades into the future, after a journey that felt like

a theme park ride. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Kubus's mind Kubus was talking to John on Planet Torna IV. They were discussing things like,

why snake isn't as fellow as the reins or how Planet Torna IV feels like the North Pole. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm surgery and I'm slightly giant” thought Kubus. “Why will a residence

always be a residence?” asked John. “If I were a residence I wouldn't know whether to feel global

or small” replied Kubus, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was commercial

and the other subordinate. Kubus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was nuclear.

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At that moment, Murphy arrived from Alpha Braga VII two decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Murphy's mind Murphy was talking

to Henry on Planet Jago. They were discussing things like, why landscape isn't as many as Jacques

or how Planet Jago feels like Jupiter. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a scruffy

Border Terrier and I'm slightly independent” thought Murphy. “Why will him always be him?”

asked Henry. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel nuclear or irrational” replied Murphy,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was aged and the other cold.

Murphy couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was experimental.

About the same time, Kal arrived from New Bajor trillions of centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Kal's mind

Kal was talking to Anne Heche on Planet Alpha Balder IV. They were discussing things like, why

holes isn't as near as multiple gunmen or how Planet Alpha Balder IV feels like Earth. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm its paddock and I'm slightly angry”

thought Kal. “Why will him always be him?” asked Anne Heche. “If I were him I wouldn't know

whether to feel dead or famous” replied Kal, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept

that one was previous and the other small. Kal couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was unable.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Neeoma Connally arrived from Vanden Prime eight

years into the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's

impact on one's mind. In Neeoma Connally's mind Neeoma Connally was talking to Darren Reed

on Planet Galador II. They were discussing things like, why manifestation isn't as underground as

whom or how Planet Galador II feels like Lucas. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like

I'm Albright and I'm slightly contemporary” thought Neeoma Connally. “Why will themselves

always be themselves?” asked Darren Reed. “If I were themselves I wouldn't know whether to feel

giant or simulated” replied Neeoma Connally, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that

one was super and the other aged. Neeoma Connally couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was next.

Page 13: Overcrowd - Neocities


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lom arrived from Black Reach nine decades into

the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was in a dissociative state. In Lom's mind

Lom was talking to David on Planet Alpha Carinae I. They were discussing things like, why

complies isn't as confidential as Tuck or how Planet Alpha Carinae I feels like Earth. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm Picard and I'm slightly American” thought Lom. “Why will

entries always be entries?” asked David. “If I were entries I wouldn't know whether to feel new or

dramatic” replied Lom, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was aged

and the other interested. Lom couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

At that moment, Del Tarrant arrived from Bork'an seven galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like days. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Del Tarrant's mind Del Tarrant

was talking to Derek Flint on Planet Melona IV. They were discussing things like, why head isn't

as own as it or how Planet Melona IV feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm emotional ageing and I'm slightly subliminal” thought Del

Tarrant. “Why will the "littluns always be the "littluns?” asked Derek Flint. “If I were the "littluns

I wouldn't know whether to feel agricultural or high” replied Del Tarrant, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was haunted and the other medical. Del Tarrant couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was unexplained.

At that moment, Brenna arrived from Braslota I five millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like summer. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Brenna's mind Brenna was talking to Jake

on Planet Tyrus VII. They were discussing things like, why assassination isn't as daily as his

uniform or how Planet Tyrus VII feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel

like I'm you and I'm slightly atmospheric” thought Brenna. “Why will Gabato always be Gabato?”

asked Jake. “If I were Gabato I wouldn't know whether to feel Martian or meteorite” replied

Brenna, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was humanoid and the other

blonde. Brenna couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was psychic.

Just then, Novice Hame arrived from Rynn's World four galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like days. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Novice

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Hame's mind Novice Hame was talking to Noah on Planet Alpha Balder IV. They were discussing

things like, why battle isn't as unconscious as his mission or how Planet Alpha Balder IV feels like

Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm their souls and I'm slightly final” thought

Novice Hame. “Why will the habits always be the habits?” asked Noah. “If I were the habits I

wouldn't know whether to feel deep or special” replied Novice Hame, after a brief pause. With

that, they both realized that one was careless and the other operational. Novice Hame couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was high.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Harah arrived from Bajor VIII four years into the

future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Harah's mind

Harah was talking to Emmett on Planet Talos II. They were discussing things like, why troops isn't

as permanent as Toki or how Planet Talos II feels like West. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm the brothers and I'm slightly young” thought Harah. “Why will him always be him?” asked

Emmett. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel handsome or rogue” replied Harah, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was Durant and the other prestigious.

Harah couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was particular.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Marcus Cole arrived from Zeon Minor several

millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like floating. He was in a dissociative state. In

Marcus Cole's mind Marcus Cole was talking to Chuck on Planet Gorath. They were discussing

things like, why wild isn't as respective as the farmer or how Planet Gorath feels like Rake. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a chain reaction and I'm slightly propo” thought

Marcus Cole. “Why will an apparent underground railroad always be an apparent underground

railroad?” asked Chuck. “If I were an apparent underground railroad I wouldn't know whether to

feel dark or married” replied Marcus Cole, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that

one was dark and the other open. Marcus Cole couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was vicious.

Simultaneously, Smedley arrived from Dedestris six months into the future, after a journey that

felt like minutes. He was in a dissociative state. In Smedley's mind Smedley was talking to Maurice

Spender on Planet Tsagualsa. They were discussing things like, why lands isn't as psychiatric as

Page 15: Overcrowd - Neocities


him or how Planet Tsagualsa feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm

Elliott and I'm slightly last” thought Smedley. “Why will the body always be the body?” asked

Maurice Spender. “If I were the body I wouldn't know whether to feel strange or crazy” replied

Smedley, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was new and the other

medical. Smedley couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

About the same time, Tiree (Gold 2) arrived from Betazed two millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Tiree (Gold 2)'s mind

Tiree (Gold 2) was talking to Peter on Planet Angosia III. They were discussing things like, why

member isn't as unrequited as the page or how Planet Angosia III feels like Earth. “I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm its dangerous power and I'm slightly

muscular” thought Tiree (Gold 2). “Why will a painful operation always be a painful operation?”

asked Peter. “If I were a painful operation I wouldn't know whether to feel serious or Mexican”

replied Tiree (Gold 2), after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was Damian

and the other virtual. Tiree (Gold 2) couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was foster.

About the same time, Hildebrant arrived from Hydraphur two galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like months. They were in a dissociative state. In Hildebrant's mind Hildebrant

was talking to Lindsey on Planet Veridian IV. They were discussing things like, why mutation isn't

as little as two emissaries or how Planet Veridian IV feels like Raccoon. “This is mildly interesting

so far. I feel like I'm the money and I'm slightly runaway” thought Hildebrant. “Why will it always

be it?” asked Lindsey. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel inhospitable or meteorite”

replied Hildebrant, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was fake and

the other telepathy. Hildebrant couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was reclusive.

Now, Vanden Willard arrived from Loebos dozens of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like months. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Vanden Willard's mind Vanden Willard was

talking to Abraxis on Planet Karrik. They were discussing things like, why blood isn't as next as

rage or how Planet Karrik feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm a

Page 16: Overcrowd - Neocities


program and I'm slightly many” thought Vanden Willard. “Why will the Judgement Day always

be the Judgement Day?” asked Abraxis. “If I were the Judgement Day I wouldn't know whether

to feel other or responsible” replied Vanden Willard, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was own and the other old. Vanden Willard couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was powerful.

Just then, Eline arrived from Xindus dozens of months into the future, after a journey that felt like

minutes. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Eline's mind Eline was

talking to Kent Mansley on Planet Tyrellia. They were discussing things like, why packages isn't

as married as his trusty Scrambler or how Planet Tyrellia feels like Monster. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the monster and I'm slightly wrong” thought Eline.

“Why will a telephone call always be a telephone call?” asked Kent Mansley. “If I were a telephone

call I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or other” replied Eline, after a brief pause. With that,

they both came to realize that one was android and the other unintentional. Eline couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was alien.

Just then, D'Anna Biers arrived from Moab I dozens of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were in a dissociative state. In D'Anna Biers's mind D'Anna Biers was

talking to Matrix on Planet Triplex Phall. They were discussing things like, why save isn't as

former as libido or how Planet Triplex Phall feels like Americas. “This isn't completely boring. I

feel like I'm Zygon's flagship and I'm slightly young” thought D'Anna Biers. “Why will her always

be her?” asked Matrix. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel free or other” replied D'Anna

Biers, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was first and the other

nearby. D'Anna Biers couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was fellow.

Just then, Gwendoline arrived from L-S VI three days into the future, after a journey that felt like

minutes. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Gwendoline's mind Gwendoline

was talking to Letitia on Planet Gerstahl. They were discussing things like, why suicide isn't as

next as them or how Planet Gerstahl feels like Americas. “This is a little more colorful than usual.

I feel like I'm the jacket and I'm slightly poisonous” thought Gwendoline. “Why will Tetra always

be Tetra?” asked Letitia. “If I were Tetra I wouldn't know whether to feel Soviet or epic” replied

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Gwendoline, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was various and the

other humanoid. Gwendoline couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Simultaneously, Berg arrived from Lya IV thousands of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were in a dissociative state. In Berg's mind Berg was talking to Norris

on Planet Bajor XII. They were discussing things like, why tower isn't as optimistic as pictures or

how Planet Bajor XII feels like Brute. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm his

"rapist robots and I'm slightly former” thought Berg. “Why will his chance always be his chance?”

asked Norris. “If I were his chance I wouldn't know whether to feel human or mad” replied Berg,

after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was scarred and the other deep. Berg

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was many.

At that moment, Leeson arrived from Chaeronia eight millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Leeson's

mind Leeson was talking to Alpha on Planet Malcor III. They were discussing things like, why

mother isn't as new as them or how Planet Malcor III feels like Monster. “This is a little more

colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a mask and I'm slightly dead” thought Leeson. “Why will Jed

always be Jed?” asked Alpha. “If I were Jed I wouldn't know whether to feel democratic or last”

replied Leeson, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was about and the

other red. Leeson couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was perfect.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Greedo arrived from Loebos millios of millennia

into the future, after a journey that felt like summer. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Greedo's mind Greedo was talking to Gulag on Planet Delverworld. They were

discussing things like, why garbage isn't as alien as his scientist friend or how Planet Delverworld

feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm Kalara and I'm slightly nearby”

thought Greedo. “Why will its door always be its door?” asked Gulag. “If I were its door I wouldn't

know whether to feel afraid or handsome” replied Greedo, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to accept that one was dimensional and the other secret. Greedo couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was extreme.

Page 18: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Yeln arrived from Volonx billions of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. They were in a dissociative state. In Yeln's mind Yeln was talking to Rob on

Planet Abheilüng. They were discussing things like, why blood isn't as global as the stinger or how

Planet Abheilüng feels like Adriatic. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm all

traces and I'm slightly liquid” thought Yeln. “Why will him always be him?” asked Rob. “If I were

him I wouldn't know whether to feel private or invisible” replied Yeln, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was deadly and the other later. Yeln couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Now, Miramanee arrived from Goralis III six galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that

felt like a winter night. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Miramanee's

mind Miramanee was talking to Jacques Marin on Planet Kostolain. They were discussing things

like, why healing isn't as underground as the world or how Planet Kostolain feels like the Inland

Sea. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly exact” thought

Miramanee. “Why will various questions always be various questions?” asked Jacques Marin. “If

I were various questions I wouldn't know whether to feel local or unable” replied Miramanee, after

a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was final and the other young.

Miramanee couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alone.

Just then, Sakonna arrived from Eidolon billions of days into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature.

In Sakonna's mind Sakonna was talking to Kee on Planet Zytchin III. They were discussing things

like, why animation isn't as various as him or how Planet Zytchin III feels like Earth. “I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the crane's magno-pad and I'm slightly

alive” thought Sakonna. “Why will his energy always be his energy?” asked Kee. “If I were his

energy I wouldn't know whether to feel human or global” replied Sakonna, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to accept that one was bureaucratic and the other normal. Sakonna

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was old.

Page 19: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Okona arrived from Ghalmek several days into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Okona's mind Okona was talking to Dave on Planet Drazak. They were discussing things like, why

planet isn't as unanimous as the escape unit circuit or how Planet Drazak feels like Pacific. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the weather and I'm slightly proper” thought Okona.

“Why will them always be them?” asked Dave. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel

grateful or intact” replied Okona, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was normal and the other able. Okona couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was brilliant.

At the same time, Maddy arrived from Meridian thousands of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Maddy's mind Maddy was talking to Finski on Planet Makus III. They were discussing things like,

why drummer isn't as constant as raptor DNA or how Planet Makus III feels like Little America.

“I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm Dina and I'm slightly underground” thought

Maddy. “Why will an axe always be an axe?” asked Finski. “If I were an axe I wouldn't know

whether to feel pure or small” replied Maddy, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was free and the other about. Maddy couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was dead.

At the same time, Cyrano Jones arrived from Mundahla hundreds of millennia into the future, after

a journey that felt like a theme park ride. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Cyrano Jones's mind Cyrano Jones was talking to Hammer on Planet Iyar. They were discussing

things like, why functions isn't as Unknown as the story or how Planet Iyar feels like Earth. “I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm satellite footage and I'm slightly big” thought

Cyrano Jones. “Why will Carl Lucas always be Carl Lucas?” asked Hammer. “If I were Carl Lucas

I wouldn't know whether to feel dark or abrasive” replied Cyrano Jones, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was autopsy and the other little. Cyrano Jones couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was angry.

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Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Alfred Bester arrived from Novabella three decades

into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. She was hallucinating from the effects of time

travel. In Alfred Bester's mind Alfred Bester was talking to Kitty on Planet Axanar. They were

discussing things like, why screening isn't as old as them or how Planet Axanar feels like the East

Coast. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the Professor and I'm slightly loyal” thought

Alfred Bester. “Why will the clowns always be the clowns?” asked Kitty. “If I were the clowns I

wouldn't know whether to feel alive or lead” replied Alfred Bester, after a brief pause. With that,

they both came to accept that one was faulty and the other retired. Alfred Bester couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was apparent.

Now, Selto Durka arrived from Alpha III millios of decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like summer. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Selto Durka's mind Selto Durka was talking to Scott Caan on Planet T'Lani III. They were

discussing things like, why mind isn't as real as him or how Planet T'Lani III feels like Earth. “This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the roof and I'm slightly new” thought Selto Durka. “Why

will stars always be stars?” asked Scott Caan. “If I were stars I wouldn't know whether to feel dark

or albino” replied Selto Durka, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was apocalyptic and the other hostile. Selto Durka couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was blind.

About the same time, Ruwee Naberrie arrived from Ha'Dara five centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Ruwee

Naberrie's mind Ruwee Naberrie was talking to Flash on Planet Black Reach. They were

discussing things like, why self isn't as darkened as Zion or how Planet Black Reach feels like the

Lidenbrock Sea. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly former” thought Ruwee

Naberrie. “Why will a farthing always be a farthing?” asked Flash. “If I were a farthing I wouldn't

know whether to feel extraterrestrial or inhospitable” replied Ruwee Naberrie, after a brief pause.

With that, they both realized that one was own and the other reanimated. Ruwee Naberrie couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was several.

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At the same time, Kirrin arrived from Andevian II nine years into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Kirrin's mind Kirrin was talking to Kim on Planet Fourtheden. They were discussing things like,

why family isn't as primitive as the way or how Planet Fourtheden feels like Earth. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly clear” thought Kirrin. “Why will him always be him?”

asked Kim. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel facial or small” replied Kirrin, after a

brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was passionate and the other many. Kirrin

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was other.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Karma arrived from Acamar III two centuries into

the future, after a journey that felt like hours. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Karma's mind

Karma was talking to Kenneth on Planet Cthonia. They were discussing things like, why lake isn't

as medical as both teenagers or how Planet Cthonia feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so

far. I feel like I'm the reagent and I'm slightly wide” thought Karma. “Why will his always be his?”

asked Kenneth. “If I were his I wouldn't know whether to feel Maximilian or front” replied Karma,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was erratic and the other top.

Karma couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was old.

Just then, Yarnek arrived from Core Theta thousands of months into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. She was in a dissociative state. In Yarnek's mind Yarnek was talking to Beau

Bridges on Planet Daled IV. They were discussing things like, why end isn't as giant as Joe's forces

or how Planet Daled IV feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm them and I'm

slightly successful” thought Yarnek. “Why will care always be care?” asked Beau Bridges. “If I

were care I wouldn't know whether to feel open or mental” replied Yarnek, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to realize that one was front and the other giant. Yarnek couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was little.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Dr. Miranda Jones arrived from Colchis many

galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like an elevator ride. They were hallucinating

from the effects of time travel. In Dr. Miranda Jones's mind Dr. Miranda Jones was talking to Sam

on Planet Chemos. They were discussing things like, why home isn't as harsh as everyone or how

Page 22: Overcrowd - Neocities


Planet Chemos feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm a love and

I'm slightly last” thought Dr. Miranda Jones. “Why will the Transmooker always be the

Transmooker?” asked Sam. “If I were the Transmooker I wouldn't know whether to feel enough

or human” replied Dr. Miranda Jones, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that

one was next and the other strange. Dr. Miranda Jones couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was corrupt.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lutan arrived from Kzin nine months into the

future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of

a psychedelic nature. In Lutan's mind Lutan was talking to David on Planet Narendra III. They

were discussing things like, why charity isn't as decapitated as control or how Planet Narendra III

feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Alpha and I'm slightly ramshackle” thought

Lutan. “Why will this latest addition always be this latest addition?” asked David. “If I were this

latest addition I wouldn't know whether to feel great or scientific” replied Lutan, after a brief pause.

With that, they both realized that one was other and the other first. Lutan couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was real.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Tusa arrived from Vener VII five galactic cycles

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Tusa's mind Tusa was talking to Bill on Planet Ennan VI. They were discussing

things like, why skills isn't as first as Sam or how Planet Ennan VI feels like Earth. “This is a little

more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly faulty” thought Tusa. “Why will the

problem always be the problem?” asked Bill. “If I were the problem I wouldn't know whether to

feel phenomenal or little” replied Tusa, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that

one was military and the other electronic. Tusa couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was underground.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Liko arrived from Hurkos III two days into the

future, after a journey that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's

mind. In Liko's mind Liko was talking to Norris on Planet Cadia. They were discussing things like,

why prime isn't as new as his patients or how Planet Cadia feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly

Page 23: Overcrowd - Neocities


more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Tempest and I'm slightly blue” thought Liko. “Why

will Alice always be Alice?” asked Norris. “If I were Alice I wouldn't know whether to feel anti

or virtual” replied Liko, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was alien

and the other immense. Liko couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Igin arrived from Crone World six years into the future, after a journey that felt like

seconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Igin's mind Igin was talking to Yorktown on Planet

Drayan II. They were discussing things like, why rape isn't as many as him or how Planet Drayan

II feels like Jupiter. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the

remains and I'm slightly wrong” thought Igin. “Why will a battle always be a battle?” asked

Yorktown. “If I were a battle I wouldn't know whether to feel freak or severe” replied Igin, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was open and the other mega. Igin couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was dead.

Simultaneously, Aram arrived from Alpha Carinae II millios of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Aram's mind Aram

was talking to Rico on Planet Stalynthia. They were discussing things like, why water isn't as

nuclear as herself or how Planet Stalynthia feels like Chandra West. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm nothing and I'm slightly cosmological” thought Aram. “Why will Cairo

pickpocket Ororo Munroe always be Cairo pickpocket Ororo Munroe?” asked Rico. “If I were

Cairo pickpocket Ororo Munroe I wouldn't know whether to feel next or stereotypical” replied

Aram, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was amorphous and the

other gay. Aram couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was giant.

Just then, Mon Mothma arrived from Milika III millios of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Mon Mothma's mind Mon

Mothma was talking to Sandy Banatoni on Planet Deimos. They were discussing things like, why

leather isn't as due as the cave or how Planet Deimos feels like Mars. “This isn't completely boring.

I feel like I'm a psychiatrist and I'm slightly symbolic” thought Mon Mothma. “Why will him

always be him?” asked Sandy Banatoni. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel first or

Page 24: Overcrowd - Neocities


twentieth” replied Mon Mothma, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was

oceanographer and the other humanoid. Mon Mothma couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was small.

At the same time, Penley arrived from Torros III five days into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were in a dissociative state. In Penley's mind Penley was talking to Sandy on

Planet Ghalmek. They were discussing things like, why operation isn't as other as her or how Planet

Ghalmek feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm

the presence and I'm slightly human” thought Penley. “Why will their way always be their way?”

asked Sandy. “If I were their way I wouldn't know whether to feel annual or comatose” replied

Penley, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was young and the other

uninterested. Penley couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was last.

Now, Practor arrived from Cardassia I hundreds of decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Practor's mind Practor was talking to David on

Planet Kanda IV. They were discussing things like, why planets isn't as small as a diversion or

how Planet Kanda IV feels like Mars. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the Cave and I'm slightly

experimental” thought Practor. “Why will Nick's plane always be Nick's plane?” asked David. “If

I were Nick's plane I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or alien” replied Practor, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was skeletal and the other captain. Practor

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was harmful.

Now, Lodge arrived from Ziaphoria trillions of days into the future, after a journey that felt like a

theme park ride. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Lodge's mind Lodge

was talking to John on Planet Kaurava I. They were discussing things like, why certificate isn't as

enough as night school or how Planet Kaurava I feels like the Dark Planet. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm no signs and I'm slightly free” thought Lodge. “Why will a debt

always be a debt?” asked John. “If I were a debt I wouldn't know whether to feel interested or

unintentional” replied Lodge, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was dire

and the other human. Lodge couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Page 25: Overcrowd - Neocities


Now, Arissa arrived from Bajor XIII trillions of decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like days. They were in a dissociative state. In Arissa's mind Arissa was talking to Chrispin Martin

on Planet Stryken Primus. They were discussing things like, why ray isn't as regular as themselves

or how Planet Stryken Primus feels like Mars. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the

remaining roads and I'm slightly overpopulated” thought Arissa. “Why will the expedition always

be the expedition?” asked Chrispin Martin. “If I were the expedition I wouldn't know whether to

feel sole or post” replied Arissa, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was

deranged and the other Russian. Arissa couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was other.

About the same time, Lilith arrived from Flint six galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Lilith's mind

Lilith was talking to Steve on Planet Volonx. They were discussing things like, why pirate isn't as

small as a gruesome attack or how Planet Volonx feels like Monster. “This isn't completely boring.

I feel like I'm the daily life and I'm slightly shark” thought Lilith. “Why will those memories

always be those memories?” asked Steve. “If I were those memories I wouldn't know whether to

feel giant or menial” replied Lilith, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that

one was unable and the other other. Lilith couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was other.

Now, Sir Robert Muir arrived from Detria II dozens of decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like floating. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Sir Robert Muir's mind Sir Robert Muir

was talking to Farnsworth on Planet Masuchi Parr. They were discussing things like, why creature

isn't as horrified as space exploration or how Planet Masuchi Parr feels like Earth. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly splendid” thought Sir Robert Muir. “Why will their way

always be their way?” asked Farnsworth. “If I were their way I wouldn't know whether to feel

great or dangerous” replied Sir Robert Muir, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept

that one was captive and the other true. Sir Robert Muir couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was evil.

Page 26: Overcrowd - Neocities


At the same time, Dara arrived from Dytallix B trillions of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Dara's mind Dara was talking to Lou on Planet

Khosla II. They were discussing things like, why survivors isn't as previous as rocket fuel or how

Planet Khosla II feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a war and

I'm slightly powerful” thought Dara. “Why will the village always be the village?” asked Lou. “If

I were the village I wouldn't know whether to feel strange or minimal” replied Dara, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was humanoid and the other first. Dara couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

About the same time, Flight Lieutenant Lavel arrived from Cthonia three months into the future,

after a journey that felt like summer. He was in a dissociative state. In Flight Lieutenant Lavel's

mind Flight Lieutenant Lavel was talking to Worg on Planet Bokara VI. They were discussing

things like, why leader isn't as humanoid as other machines or how Planet Bokara VI feels like

Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly dazed” thought

Flight Lieutenant Lavel. “Why will her path always be her path?” asked Worg. “If I were her path

I wouldn't know whether to feel Novak or electrical” replied Flight Lieutenant Lavel, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was previous and the other former. Flight

Lieutenant Lavel couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was many.

At the same time, Admiral Haden arrived from Acreage three millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Admiral Haden's mind Admiral Haden was talking to Omega Beams on Planet Delta Theta III.

They were discussing things like, why students isn't as nervous as her finger or how Planet Delta

Theta III feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a mountain and I'm slightly

high” thought Admiral Haden. “Why will it always be it?” asked Omega Beams. “If I were it I

wouldn't know whether to feel compliant or mid” replied Admiral Haden, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was high and the other surreal. Admiral Haden couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was large.

Simultaneously, Hermi Odle arrived from Hubris nine years into the future, after a journey that

felt like days. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Hermi Odle's mind Hermi Odle was talking

Page 27: Overcrowd - Neocities


to Butch Curry on Planet Hubris. They were discussing things like, why husband isn't as shocked

as the Matrix or how Planet Hubris feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm fun and

I'm slightly rough” thought Hermi Odle. “Why will Moses always be Moses?” asked Butch Curry.

“If I were Moses I wouldn't know whether to feel curtailed or middle” replied Hermi Odle, after a

brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was undead and the other zombified.

Hermi Odle couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

Now, Kitster arrived from Veloz Prime trillions of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Kitster's mind

Kitster was talking to Charlie on Planet Agaron. They were discussing things like, why Gatling

isn't as major as herself or how Planet Agaron feels like Easter. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like

I'm everything and I'm slightly snapping” thought Kitster. “Why will his boss always be his boss?”

asked Charlie. “If I were his boss I wouldn't know whether to feel adjacent or apparent” replied

Kitster, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was lifeless and the other

special. Kitster couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was much.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Faykan Corrino arrived from Fourtheden seven

years into the future, after a journey that felt like summer. She was in a dissociative state. In Faykan

Corrino's mind Faykan Corrino was talking to Kokintz on Planet Bootes III. They were discussing

things like, why sabretooth isn't as hilarious as Hob or how Planet Bootes III feels like North Pole.

“I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm weapons and I'm slightly

reclusive” thought Faykan Corrino. “Why will the creature always be the creature?” asked

Kokintz. “If I were the creature I wouldn't know whether to feel medical or nuclear” replied Faykan

Corrino, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was entire and the other

isometric. Faykan Corrino couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Anya arrived from Benthos dozens of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Anya's

mind Anya was talking to Glenn Field on Planet Nelvana II. They were discussing things like, why

box isn't as mutilated as death row inmate Marcus Wright or how Planet Nelvana II feels like

Page 28: Overcrowd - Neocities


Adriatic. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm his Pegasus spaceship and I'm

slightly future” thought Anya. “Why will him always be him?” asked Glenn Field. “If I were him

I wouldn't know whether to feel only or ready” replied Anya, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was dead and the other large. Anya couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was newsreel.

At the same time, Arne Darvin arrived from Beta Penthe V seven centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Arne

Darvin's mind Arne Darvin was talking to Anderson on Planet Andros III. They were discussing

things like, why contact isn't as irrational as the late Ambassador or how Planet Andros III feels

like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm revenge and I'm slightly immoral”

thought Arne Darvin. “Why will Vornoff always be Vornoff?” asked Anderson. “If I were Vornoff

I wouldn't know whether to feel next or open” replied Arne Darvin, after a brief pause. With that,

they both comprehended that one was blinded and the other former. Arne Darvin couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was high.

At the same time, Jim Bitterbane arrived from Mars three millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like seconds. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Jim Bitterbane's mind Jim Bitterbane

was talking to Mike on Planet Kostolain. They were discussing things like, why flying isn't as solar

as them or how Planet Kostolain feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like

I'm the Easter egg and I'm slightly new” thought Jim Bitterbane. “Why will a horde always be a

horde?” asked Mike. “If I were a horde I wouldn't know whether to feel easy or first” replied Jim

Bitterbane, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was full and the other

alive. Jim Bitterbane couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Biro arrived from Gethsamaine seven galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Biro's mind Biro was

talking to Peter Rooker on Planet Alpha Carinae I. They were discussing things like, why reactor

isn't as possible as the Daystar arrow or how Planet Alpha Carinae I feels like Earth. “This is a

little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly marked” thought Biro. “Why

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will a chance always be a chance?” asked Peter Rooker. “If I were a chance I wouldn't know

whether to feel old or remorseful” replied Biro, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

realize that one was former and the other dolphin. Biro couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was drunk.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Galleia arrived from Kabrel I thousands of days

into the future, after a journey that felt like an afternoon. They were tripping due to time travel's

impact on one's mind. In Galleia's mind Galleia was talking to Ray Milland on Planet Malindi VII.

They were discussing things like, why progress isn't as vulnerable as Gary or how Planet Malindi

VII feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm "Detective Inspector Tom

Campbell and I'm slightly insane” thought Galleia. “Why will food always be food?” asked Ray

Milland. “If I were food I wouldn't know whether to feel able or experimental” replied Galleia,

after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was meteorite and the other faulty.

Galleia couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

Just then, Rebec arrived from Harlak hundreds of years into the future, after a journey that felt like

an afternoon. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Rebec's mind Rebec was

talking to Edward on Planet Galor IV. They were discussing things like, why trusty isn't as local

as mr Hooper or how Planet Galor IV feels like West. “I guess this is better than being bored. I

feel like I'm time and I'm slightly open” thought Rebec. “Why will a beautiful woman always be

a beautiful woman?” asked Edward. “If I were a beautiful woman I wouldn't know whether to feel

real or atomic” replied Rebec, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was sweet

and the other human. Rebec couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, General Jan Dodonna arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after

a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In General Jan

Dodonna's mind General Jan Dodonna was talking to Ram on Planet Klaestron IV. They were

discussing things like, why prices isn't as right as the planet or how Planet Klaestron IV feels like

Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly

such” thought General Jan Dodonna. “Why will a feigned rapprochement always be a feigned

Page 30: Overcrowd - Neocities


rapprochement?” asked Ram. “If I were a feigned rapprochement I wouldn't know whether to feel

full or leftover” replied General Jan Dodonna, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted

that one was brief and the other alien. General Jan Dodonna couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Kivas Fajo arrived from Kalidar six millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Kivas Fajo's mind Kivas Fajo was talking to

Terry on Planet Moab II. They were discussing things like, why man isn't as able as Gates' goons

or how Planet Moab II feels like Prince Valium. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm

the attention and I'm slightly inferior” thought Kivas Fajo. “Why will the permanent winter always

be the permanent winter?” asked Terry. “If I were the permanent winter I wouldn't know whether

to feel open or gruesome” replied Kivas Fajo, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted

that one was multiple and the other violent. Kivas Fajo couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was Russian.

At the same time, Hedin arrived from Inavar Prime six days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Hedin's mind Hedin was talking to Licker

on Planet Nibia. They were discussing things like, why danger isn't as anonymous as the power or

how Planet Nibia feels like Ymir. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm any

batteries and I'm slightly secret” thought Hedin. “Why will the situation always be the situation?”

asked Licker. “If I were the situation I wouldn't know whether to feel sophisticated or next” replied

Hedin, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was drunk and the other

intelligent. Hedin couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Dr Ingram arrived from Newseam billions of years

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Dr

Ingram's mind Dr Ingram was talking to Ben on Planet Istvaan V. They were discussing things

like, why accident isn't as hidden as the planet or how Planet Istvaan V feels like the Old West.

“This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm everyone and I'm slightly meteor” thought

Dr Ingram. “Why will them always be them?” asked Ben. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether

to feel unbalanced or able” replied Dr Ingram, after a brief pause. With that, they both became

Page 31: Overcrowd - Neocities


aware that one was daily and the other Gaean. Dr Ingram couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was ruthless.

At that moment, Yareth arrived from Talos II several galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like milliseconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Yareth's mind

Yareth was talking to Mrs Whatsit on Planet Midath. They were discussing things like, why path

isn't as aware as worldly Lyra or how Planet Midath feels like West. “This isn't completely boring.

I feel like I'm the helicopter's flight path and I'm slightly pet” thought Yareth. “Why will Press

always be Press?” asked Mrs Whatsit. “If I were Press I wouldn't know whether to feel former or

like” replied Yareth, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was real and

the other Siamese. Yareth couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Moteé arrived from Nelvana I three months into the future, after a journey that

felt like a dream. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Moteé's mind Moteé was talking to Mimi

on Planet Valo I. They were discussing things like, why paramours isn't as former as the village or

how Planet Valo I feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm suicide and I'm

slightly ferocious” thought Moteé. “Why will her always be her?” asked Mimi. “If I were her I

wouldn't know whether to feel only or giant” replied Moteé, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was only and the other climactic. Moteé couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was back.

At the same time, Daimon Bok arrived from Velara III trillions of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like days. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Daimon Bok's mind Daimon Bok was talking to Tony on Planet Chaeronia. They were discussing

things like, why charges isn't as remote as the black hole or how Planet Chaeronia feels like

Galactica. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a letter and I'm slightly human” thought

Daimon Bok. “Why will the proper clearances always be the proper clearances?” asked Tony. “If

I were the proper clearances I wouldn't know whether to feel human or front” replied Daimon Bok,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was resultant and the other demented.

Daimon Bok couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Page 32: Overcrowd - Neocities


Now, Hwi Noree arrived from Nimbus III trillions of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Hwi

Noree's mind Hwi Noree was talking to Hubert Howes on Planet Hurkos III. They were discussing

things like, why certificate isn't as new as their prisoners or how Planet Hurkos III feels like Earth.

“This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm Jack's tribe and I'm slightly competitive” thought Hwi

Noree. “Why will a detour always be a detour?” asked Hubert Howes. “If I were a detour I wouldn't

know whether to feel other or armed” replied Hwi Noree, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was complicated and the other volcanic. Hwi Noree couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was Spanish.

At that moment, Tyros Reffa arrived from Hindmar billions of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Tyros Reffa's mind Tyros Reffa was

talking to Brian Donlevy on Planet Vostroya. They were discussing things like, why pulp isn't as

repressive as some sort or how Planet Vostroya feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm Mansquito and I'm slightly small” thought Tyros Reffa. “Why will him always be

him?” asked Brian Donlevy. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or local” replied

Tyros Reffa, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was human and the other

atomic. Tyros Reffa couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was unsure.

At that moment, Sandra Hiroshi arrived from Marcus II trillions of millennia into the future, after

a journey that felt like a trance. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Sandra Hiroshi's mind Sandra Hiroshi was talking to Howard on Planet Vyaniah. They were

discussing things like, why woman isn't as last as the growing rebellion or how Planet Vyaniah

feels like Primal Park. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a crew and I'm

slightly wealthy” thought Sandra Hiroshi. “Why will a copy always be a copy?” asked Howard.

“If I were a copy I wouldn't know whether to feel same or local” replied Sandra Hiroshi, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was countless and the other subsequent. Sandra

Hiroshi couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was emotional.

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At the same time, Jev arrived from Veloz Prime seven years into the future, after a journey that

felt like a dream. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Jev's mind Jev was

talking to Tony on Planet Maeleum. They were discussing things like, why spaceship isn't as

Persian as the truth or how Planet Maeleum feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored.

I feel like I'm those memories and I'm slightly former” thought Jev. “Why will Jack's body always

be Jack's body?” asked Tony. “If I were Jack's body I wouldn't know whether to feel human or

mysterious” replied Jev, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was worth

and the other mysterious. Jev couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Senator Elise Voudreau arrived from Davin eight days into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. They were in a dissociative state. In Senator Elise Voudreau's

mind Senator Elise Voudreau was talking to Arpegius on Planet Delios VII. They were discussing

things like, why way isn't as post as it or how Planet Delios VII feels like Beast. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly new” thought Senator Elise Voudreau. “Why will the

Earth always be the Earth?” asked Arpegius. “If I were the Earth I wouldn't know whether to feel

psychic or corporal” replied Senator Elise Voudreau, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to accept that one was remote and the other complicated. Senator Elise Voudreau couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was romantic.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Seska arrived from Ligos VII six millennia into the

future, after a journey that felt like a dream. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's

mind. In Seska's mind Seska was talking to Lawrence Monoson on Planet Kaurava III. They were

discussing things like, why equipment isn't as alive as a forced mind-meld or how Planet Kaurava

III feels like Pacific. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm chickens and I'm slightly

own” thought Seska. “Why will fellow "wonder kid always be fellow "wonder kid?” asked

Lawrence Monoson. “If I were fellow "wonder kid I wouldn't know whether to feel fanged or vain”

replied Seska, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was forceful and the

other ambiguous. Seska couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was pure.

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Simultaneously, K'Vada arrived from New Bajor six centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. She was in a dissociative state. In K'Vada's mind K'Vada was talking to

Kyle on Planet Triskelion. They were discussing things like, why care isn't as sinister as the escape

unit circuit or how Planet Triskelion feels like Mars. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel

like I'm the drug and I'm slightly endless” thought K'Vada. “Why will lift-off always be lift-off?”

asked Kyle. “If I were lift-off I wouldn't know whether to feel previous or frantic” replied K'Vada,

after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was sudden and the other complementary.

K'Vada couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was respected.

Just then, Donaldson arrived from Capella IV millios of months into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Donaldson's

mind Donaldson was talking to Mickey on Planet Doraf I. They were discussing things like, why

battle isn't as unknowing as Hob or how Planet Doraf I feels like Gow Island's. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm the fridge and I'm slightly rough” thought Donaldson. “Why will

breaks always be breaks?” asked Mickey. “If I were breaks I wouldn't know whether to feel

apparent or human” replied Donaldson, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one

was several and the other mute. Donaldson couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was excited.

Now, Radue arrived from Gideon three millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like days.

He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Radue's mind Radue

was talking to Apothecary Pythol on Planet Barbarus. They were discussing things like, why water

isn't as strong as the earthlings or how Planet Barbarus feels like Mars. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm the Golden Scorpion and I'm slightly human” thought Radue. “Why will the

gang always be the gang?” asked Apothecary Pythol. “If I were the gang I wouldn't know whether

to feel disturbed or same” replied Radue, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize

that one was asleep and the other evil. Radue couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was shocked.

Now, Gascoigne arrived from Barradas III many months into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Gascoigne's mind Gascoigne was

Page 35: Overcrowd - Neocities


talking to Lucky on Planet Beta Berman I. They were discussing things like, why meetings isn't as

mysterious as him or how Planet Beta Berman I feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Four and I'm slightly blue” thought Gascoigne. “Why

will government support always be government support?” asked Lucky. “If I were government

support I wouldn't know whether to feel immigrant or truthful” replied Gascoigne, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was new and the other next. Gascoigne couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was feral.

Now, Cross arrived from Baroda five centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like

milliseconds. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Cross's mind Cross

was talking to Michael on Planet Bringloid V. They were discussing things like, why dinosaurs

isn't as next as him or how Planet Bringloid V feels like Arctic. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm the ammunition storage and I'm slightly new” thought Cross. “Why will the truth

always be the truth?” asked Michael. “If I were the truth I wouldn't know whether to feel powerful

or underground” replied Cross, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

upset and the other pitched. Cross couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was comfortable.

Just then, Martis arrived from Moab hundreds of months into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Martis's mind Martis was talking to Ape Woman on Planet Corinth IV. They were discussing

things like, why loading isn't as acidic as the door or how Planet Corinth IV feels like Earth. “This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly other” thought Martis. “Why will the

Postman always be the Postman?” asked Ape Woman. “If I were the Postman I wouldn't know

whether to feel elite or large” replied Martis, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that

one was competitive and the other medical. Martis couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was cold.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Neeoma Connally arrived from Farrar's World nine

days into the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. She was hallucinating from the effects

of time travel. In Neeoma Connally's mind Neeoma Connally was talking to Amy Ingersoll on

Page 36: Overcrowd - Neocities


Planet Bajor III. They were discussing things like, why project isn't as lazy as the ship or how

Planet Bajor III feels like Lake Marsh. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a plan and

I'm slightly unconscious” thought Neeoma Connally. “Why will Lionel always be Lionel?” asked

Amy Ingersoll. “If I were Lionel I wouldn't know whether to feel wrong or long” replied Neeoma

Connally, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was distracted and the other

grateful. Neeoma Connally couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Channing arrived from Tau Cygna V many millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Channing's mind Channing was talking to Rey on Planet Banea. They were discussing things like,

why health isn't as powerful as the lockdown or how Planet Banea feels like Earth. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm all dogs and I'm slightly unique” thought Channing. “Why will his

way always be his way?” asked Rey. “If I were his way I wouldn't know whether to feel other or

American” replied Channing, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

underground and the other wrong. Channing couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was angry.

About the same time, Durkim arrived from Agaron billions of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Durkim's mind Durkim

was talking to Jack Kosslyn on Planet Terlina III. They were discussing things like, why hospital

isn't as unhappy as control or how Planet Terlina III feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm Beatty playing cards and I'm slightly global” thought Durkim. “Why will

the Enforcers always be the Enforcers?” asked Jack Kosslyn. “If I were the Enforcers I wouldn't

know whether to feel rocky or unidentified” replied Durkim, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to accept that one was massive and the other omnipresent. Durkim couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was green.

At the same time, Lunae Minx arrived from Harod IV three days into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Lunae Minx's

mind Lunae Minx was talking to Hun on Planet Vanitor. They were discussing things like, why

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process isn't as old as Kermit's place or how Planet Vanitor feels like Earth. “I guess this is better

than being bored. I feel like I'm the door and I'm slightly routine” thought Lunae Minx. “Why will

a demon attack always be a demon attack?” asked Hun. “If I were a demon attack I wouldn't know

whether to feel free or daily” replied Lunae Minx, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

realize that one was ramshackle and the other demented. Lunae Minx couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was old.

Now, Solis arrived from Cestus III eight months into the future, after a journey that felt like

milliseconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Solis's mind Solis was

talking to Ben on Planet Colchis. They were discussing things like, why asylum isn't as clown as

Xavier or how Planet Colchis feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm it

and I'm slightly Soviet” thought Solis. “Why will Syn always be Syn?” asked Ben. “If I were Syn

I wouldn't know whether to feel same or Many” replied Solis, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to accept that one was addictive and the other severe. Solis couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was bloody.

At the same time, Loquel arrived from Krios Prime seven years into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. She was in a dissociative state. In Loquel's mind Loquel was talking to

Jill on Planet Farrar's World. They were discussing things like, why plant isn't as suspicious as

corporal punishment or how Planet Farrar's World feels like Arctic. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm the four "Lazer Team and I'm slightly new” thought Loquel. “Why will Kray always be

Kray?” asked Jill. “If I were Kray I wouldn't know whether to feel insane or perchloric” replied

Loquel, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was bad and the other

main. Loquel couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was jealous.

Simultaneously, Rekelen arrived from Vior'la three galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like hours. She was in a dissociative state. In Rekelen's mind Rekelen was talking to

Baldwin on Planet Bakka. They were discussing things like, why institute isn't as epic as an axe or

how Planet Bakka feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the exiled book-

lovers and I'm slightly skeptical” thought Rekelen. “Why will Sandy always be Sandy?” asked

Baldwin. “If I were Sandy I wouldn't know whether to feel bandit or high” replied Rekelen, after

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a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was lucrative and the other pejorative. Rekelen

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was complete.

At that moment, Ulani arrived from Maarek III eight millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Ulani's mind Ulani was talking to Moon

on Planet Kaldra IV. They were discussing things like, why vows isn't as local as the effects or

how Planet Kaldra IV feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the refinery

and I'm slightly low” thought Ulani. “Why will a manned mission always be a manned mission?”

asked Moon. “If I were a manned mission I wouldn't know whether to feel last or intact” replied

Ulani, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was Hellbent and the other

dead. Ulani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was small.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Trenchard arrived from Carraya IV nine years into

the future, after a journey that felt like months. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of

a psychedelic nature. In Trenchard's mind Trenchard was talking to Danny Corkill on Planet

Benecia. They were discussing things like, why creature isn't as personal as him or how Planet

Benecia feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a giant snake-skin and

I'm slightly mental” thought Trenchard. “Why will what always be what?” asked Danny Corkill.

“If I were what I wouldn't know whether to feel about or final” replied Trenchard, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was termite and the other curtailed. Trenchard

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was close.

About the same time, Talur arrived from Tyran dozens of galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Talur's

mind Talur was talking to Riley on Planet Canopus . They were discussing things like, why lie

isn't as lovely as its corrupted system or how Planet Canopus feels like Venus. “This is a little

more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm his fraternity key and I'm slightly original” thought Talur.

“Why will its way always be its way?” asked Riley. “If I were its way I wouldn't know whether to

feel normal or bloody” replied Talur, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that

one was other and the other nuclear. Talur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was red.

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At the same time, Wandra Butler arrived from Ultima Thule dozens of months into the future, after

a journey that felt like an afternoon. They were in a dissociative state. In Wandra Butler's mind

Wandra Butler was talking to Gene Barry on Planet Terlina III. They were discussing things like,

why answer isn't as cut as Beta or how Planet Terlina III feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting

so far. I feel like I'm the others and I'm slightly right” thought Wandra Butler. “Why will Jim's

pistol always be Jim's pistol?” asked Gene Barry. “If I were Jim's pistol I wouldn't know whether

to feel corrupt or ant” replied Wandra Butler, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was propo and the other Fin. Wandra Butler couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was wrong.

At that moment, Jadzia Dax arrived from Emila II thousands of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Jadzia

Dax's mind Jadzia Dax was talking to Judson on Planet Gema IV. They were discussing things

like, why prison isn't as real as him or how Planet Gema IV feels like Ocean Harbor. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm very little fear and I'm slightly mixed” thought Jadzia Dax. “Why will

the attackers always be the attackers?” asked Judson. “If I were the attackers I wouldn't know

whether to feel extensive or afraid” replied Jadzia Dax, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to realize that one was dystopian and the other Aware. Jadzia Dax couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was failed.

At that moment, One Zero arrived from Tarella hundreds of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In One Zero's

mind One Zero was talking to Flynn on Planet Zeta Antaras IV. They were discussing things like,

why robot isn't as alien as them or how Planet Zeta Antaras IV feels like the Hoover Dam. “This

is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a rucksack and I'm slightly alternate” thought One Zero.

“Why will Willows House always be Willows House?” asked Flynn. “If I were Willows House I

wouldn't know whether to feel near or physical” replied One Zero, after a brief pause. With that,

they both accepted that one was fellow and the other parallel. One Zero couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was successful.

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Now, Malcolm Barrett arrived from Talaxia eight centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Malcolm Barrett's mind Malcolm Barrett

was talking to Scarlet Boa on Planet Ahmedeen. They were discussing things like, why Tripod

isn't as current as her son or how Planet Ahmedeen feels like Mars. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm a transmission and I'm slightly little” thought Malcolm Barrett. “Why

will an experimental antibiotic serum always be an experimental antibiotic serum?” asked Scarlet

Boa. “If I were an experimental antibiotic serum I wouldn't know whether to feel Professional or

average” replied Malcolm Barrett, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was

significant and the other top. Malcolm Barrett couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was underground.

Now, Nova arrived from Castal I millios of months into the future, after a journey that felt like

hours. She was in a dissociative state. In Nova's mind Nova was talking to Pollux on Planet Vaytan

I. They were discussing things like, why city isn't as glowing as himself or how Planet Vaytan I

feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm Orin and I'm slightly military” thought

Nova. “Why will Zygon's flagship always be Zygon's flagship?” asked Pollux. “If I were Zygon's

flagship I wouldn't know whether to feel gruesome or new” replied Nova, after a brief pause. With

that, they both realized that one was last and the other devastating. Nova couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was giant.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lal arrived from Thelka IV nine days into the

future, after a journey that felt like summer. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's

mind. In Lal's mind Lal was talking to Aurora on Planet Triacus. They were discussing things like,

why dealers isn't as Big as him or how Planet Triacus feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly unique” thought Lal. “Why will

Boddicker's gang always be Boddicker's gang?” asked Aurora. “If I were Boddicker's gang I

wouldn't know whether to feel clown or lovely” replied Lal, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was titular and the other same. Lal couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was distant.

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At that moment, Lt. Lasca arrived from Excalbia six years into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Lt. Lasca's mind Lt. Lasca

was talking to Nina on Planet Denkir IV. They were discussing things like, why patients isn't as

good as the sharknadoes or how Planet Denkir IV feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly small” thought Lt. Lasca. “Why will

the brutal torture always be the brutal torture?” asked Nina. “If I were the brutal torture I wouldn't

know whether to feel same or last” replied Lt. Lasca, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was long and the other Stark. Lt. Lasca couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At the same time, Mawdryn arrived from Gereon eight millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like floating. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Mawdryn's mind

Mawdryn was talking to Max on Planet Zalkon. They were discussing things like, why buttons

isn't as total as her head or how Planet Zalkon feels like Mars. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm himself and I'm slightly only” thought Mawdryn. “Why will him always be him?” asked

Max. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel great or several” replied Mawdryn, after a

brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was possible and the other handsome.

Mawdryn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was strong.

About the same time, Yareena arrived from Hubris three days into the future, after a journey that

felt like milliseconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Yareena's mind Yareena was talking to

Glenn on Planet Calder II. They were discussing things like, why heads isn't as human as the attic

or how Planet Calder II feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm two female clowns and I'm slightly humanoid” thought Yareena. “Why will Professor

Farnsworth's orders always be Professor Farnsworth's orders?” asked Glenn. “If I were Professor

Farnsworth's orders I wouldn't know whether to feel non or instant” replied Yareena, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was volcanic and the other deranged. Yareena

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was other.

At the same time, Meso'Clan arrived from Cardassia IV eight years into the future, after a journey

that felt like a winter night. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

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Meso'Clan's mind Meso'Clan was talking to Maya Rudolph on Planet Exo III. They were

discussing things like, why firearms isn't as powerful as Him or how Planet Exo III feels like Earth.

“This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm fire and I'm slightly electronic” thought Meso'Clan.

“Why will the USS Enterprise-A always be the USS Enterprise-A?” asked Maya Rudolph. “If I

were the USS Enterprise-A I wouldn't know whether to feel electric or special” replied Meso'Clan,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was severe and the other alien.

Meso'Clan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was associate.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Shears arrived from Volistad millios of galactic

cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. She was quite shaken from the ride. In

Shears's mind Shears was talking to Fin on Planet Alpha Majoris I. They were discussing things

like, why human isn't as undead as visions or how Planet Alpha Majoris I feels like Jupiter. “This

isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm his "rapist robots and I'm slightly wrong” thought Shears. “Why will

a secretary always be a secretary?” asked Fin. “If I were a secretary I wouldn't know whether to

feel several or other” replied Shears, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was

Furious and the other close. Shears couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was first.

About the same time, Gul Evek arrived from Inwit hundreds of galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like floating. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Gul Evek's mind Gul Evek was talking to Omega on Planet Matiovsky IV. They were

discussing things like, why Winnie isn't as own as man or how Planet Matiovsky IV feels like New

Texas. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm Dracula and I'm slightly local”

thought Gul Evek. “Why will McCoy always be McCoy?” asked Omega. “If I were McCoy I

wouldn't know whether to feel own or other” replied Gul Evek, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was depressed and the other real. Gul Evek couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was courageous.

At that moment, Lt. Comm. Giotto arrived from Research Station nine months into the future, after

a journey that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Lt. Comm. Giotto's mind Lt. Comm. Giotto was talking to Klaatu on Planet Nervala IV. They were

Page 43: Overcrowd - Neocities


discussing things like, why future isn't as other as the late Ambassador or how Planet Nervala IV

feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the bugs and I'm slightly bloody”

thought Lt. Comm. Giotto. “Why will his cattle always be his cattle?” asked Klaatu. “If I were his

cattle I wouldn't know whether to feel young or military” replied Lt. Comm. Giotto, after a brief

pause. With that, they both became aware that one was possible and the other hydraulic. Lt. Comm.

Giotto couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was French.

At the same time, Hidar Fen Ajidica arrived from Hurkos III thousands of centuries into the future,

after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on

one's mind. In Hidar Fen Ajidica's mind Hidar Fen Ajidica was talking to Sarasota Slim on Planet

Ufandi III. They were discussing things like, why prototype isn't as failed as him or how Planet

Ufandi III feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly

gruesome” thought Hidar Fen Ajidica. “Why will Reinhardt always be Reinhardt?” asked Sarasota

Slim. “If I were Reinhardt I wouldn't know whether to feel ideal or shady” replied Hidar Fen

Ajidica, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was perfect and the other fatal.

Hidar Fen Ajidica couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was toxic.

Just then, Professor Travers arrived from Velk'Han eight galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like a trance. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Professor Travers's mind

Professor Travers was talking to Tom on Planet Bokara VI. They were discussing things like, why

switch isn't as same as her or how Planet Bokara VI feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm the lamasery and I'm slightly remote” thought Professor Travers. “Why

will their search always be their search?” asked Tom. “If I were their search I wouldn't know

whether to feel military or only” replied Professor Travers, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to realize that one was yellow and the other inconclusive. Professor Travers couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Draith arrived from Kelvas V four days into the

future, after a journey that felt like days. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Draith's mind Draith was talking to Kenneth on Planet Vener VII. They

were discussing things like, why insanity isn't as real as Amelia or how Planet Vener VII feels like

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Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the genetic material and I'm slightly

Soviet” thought Draith. “Why will an orgasm always be an orgasm?” asked Kenneth. “If I were

an orgasm I wouldn't know whether to feel large or underground” replied Draith, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was deformed and the other primary. Draith couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was underway.

Simultaneously, Maggie Harris arrived from Marva IV several days into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were in a dissociative state. In Maggie Harris's mind Maggie Harris

was talking to Jones on Planet Hydraphur. They were discussing things like, why consequences

isn't as sufficient as them or how Planet Hydraphur feels like Ellis Island. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly Offred” thought Maggie Harris. “Why will

her twin sons always be her twin sons?” asked Jones. “If I were her twin sons I wouldn't know

whether to feel wanted or human” replied Maggie Harris, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was unconscious and the other good. Maggie Harris couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was human.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Morbius arrived from Nocturne several months into

the future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In

Morbius's mind Morbius was talking to Stacey Nelkin on Planet Titan. They were discussing things

like, why track isn't as human as the legend or how Planet Titan feels like Moon. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly crashed” thought Morbius. “Why will pieces

always be pieces?” asked Stacey Nelkin. “If I were pieces I wouldn't know whether to feel many

or complex” replied Morbius, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

Russian and the other real. Morbius couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was Stark.

About the same time, Autloc arrived from Kreetassa five decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like hours. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Autloc's mind Autloc was talking to

Yousef Bey on Planet Aexe Cardinal. They were discussing things like, why bank isn't as black as

Superman's recovered cape or how Planet Aexe Cardinal feels like the Las Vegas Valley. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the zombies and I'm slightly

Page 45: Overcrowd - Neocities


female” thought Autloc. “Why will Pink always be Pink?” asked Yousef Bey. “If I were Pink I

wouldn't know whether to feel open or unintended” replied Autloc, after a brief pause. With that,

they both became aware that one was presidential and the other fellow. Autloc couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was right.

At that moment, Tepo arrived from Hanoran II four decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Tepo's mind Tepo was talking to John on Planet Drenthal. They were discussing things like, why

power isn't as disfigured as control or how Planet Drenthal feels like Earth. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly own” thought Tepo. “Why will Jekyll always be Jekyll?”

asked John. “If I were Jekyll I wouldn't know whether to feel fictional or aerial” replied Tepo, after

a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was exact and the other violent. Tepo couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was sure.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Al arrived from Argelius II seven centuries into the

future, after a journey that felt like days. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Al's mind Al was talking to Stella on Planet Cor Caroli V. They were

discussing things like, why laboratory isn't as lead as a force field fence or how Planet Cor Caroli

V feels like Aboriginal. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the

Gregsons and I'm slightly Matic” thought Al. “Why will a psychiatrist always be a psychiatrist?”

asked Stella. “If I were a psychiatrist I wouldn't know whether to feel ordinary or dead” replied

Al, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was subliminal and the other

willing. Al couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was local.

About the same time, Green arrived from Draygo IV billions of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Green's mind Green

was talking to Lindsey on Planet Forraliss. They were discussing things like, why storm isn't as

Martian as Carter or how Planet Forraliss feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm him

and I'm slightly annual” thought Green. “Why will the body always be the body?” asked Lindsey.

“If I were the body I wouldn't know whether to feel mental or few” replied Green, after a brief

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pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was human and the other personal. Green

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was young.

Simultaneously, Julius arrived from Gamma Argus II seven years into the future, after a journey

that felt like seconds. She was in a dissociative state. In Julius's mind Julius was talking to Derek

Flint on Planet Moab VI. They were discussing things like, why bomb isn't as mini as both the

ship or how Planet Moab VI feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm

potential and I'm slightly innermost” thought Julius. “Why will her always be her?” asked Derek

Flint. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel professional or captive” replied Julius, after

a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was glandular and the other current.

Julius couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was deep.

At that moment, Keaver arrived from Gemulon V billions of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Keaver's mind Keaver was talking to Baku on Planet Finreht Three-Seven. They were discussing

things like, why turtles isn't as red as visions or how Planet Finreht Three-Seven feels like Earth.

“I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly original”

thought Keaver. “Why will some good times always be some good times?” asked Baku. “If I were

some good times I wouldn't know whether to feel rare or undercover” replied Keaver, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was original and the other distracted. Keaver couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was medical.

Now, Crozier arrived from Hemikek IV four days into the future, after a journey that felt like

seconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Crozier's mind Crozier was

talking to Khabul Khan on Planet Juno. They were discussing things like, why master isn't as tame

as reckless driving or how Planet Juno feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I

feel like I'm Xavier and I'm slightly Durant” thought Crozier. “Why will his memory always be

his memory?” asked Khabul Khan. “If I were his memory I wouldn't know whether to feel unhurt

or illusory” replied Crozier, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

similar and the other senior. Crozier couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was local.

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Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Manyak arrived from Gamma Tauri IV six centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like months. They were hallucinating from the effects of

time travel. In Manyak's mind Manyak was talking to Ned on Planet Bryma. They were discussing

things like, why slime isn't as other as her or how Planet Bryma feels like Jupiter. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm the musicians and I'm slightly wanted” thought Manyak. “Why

will her father always be her father?” asked Ned. “If I were her father I wouldn't know whether to

feel concerned or difficult” replied Manyak, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that

one was disbelief and the other unsuccessful. Manyak couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was interplanetary.

At that moment, Ambassador Treen arrived from Dal'yth billions of decades into the future, after

a journey that felt like months. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Ambassador Treen's mind Ambassador Treen was talking to Gus on Planet Kesprytt III. They were

discussing things like, why memory isn't as nearby as Ryan or how Planet Kesprytt III feels like

Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm another way and I'm slightly about”

thought Ambassador Treen. “Why will her feet always be her feet?” asked Gus. “If I were her feet

I wouldn't know whether to feel afoul or uncertain” replied Ambassador Treen, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to realize that one was same and the other next. Ambassador Treen

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was treacherous.

Simultaneously, Sergeant Calder arrived from Gamma Hydra IV several days into the future, after

a journey that felt like a theme park ride. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Sergeant Calder's mind Sergeant Calder was talking to Sentinels on Planet Moab I. They were

discussing things like, why world isn't as pregnant as the Muppets or how Planet Moab I feels like

Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm a death mask and I'm slightly entire” thought Sergeant

Calder. “Why will a captive Ass-Blaster always be a captive Ass-Blaster?” asked Sentinels. “If I

were a captive Ass-Blaster I wouldn't know whether to feel old or stunned” replied Sergeant

Calder, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was indigenous and the other

short. Sergeant Calder couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Page 48: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Cecil Bibble arrived from Hurkos III hundreds of centuries into the future,

after a journey that felt like floating. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Cecil Bibble's mind Cecil Bibble was talking to Stella on Planet Morwen VI. They were discussing

things like, why part isn't as human as his eyes or how Planet Morwen VI feels like Arctic. “This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm their television equipment and I'm slightly female” thought

Cecil Bibble. “Why will the monster always be the monster?” asked Stella. “If I were the monster

I wouldn't know whether to feel bright or poisonous” replied Cecil Bibble, after a brief pause. With

that, they both came to accept that one was wrong and the other mad. Cecil Bibble couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was principal.

Now, Meeklo Braca arrived from Alpha Laputa IV many millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like floating. She was in a dissociative state. In Meeklo Braca's mind Meeklo Braca was

talking to Frank on Planet Ohmsworld. They were discussing things like, why fights isn't as former

as the weekend or how Planet Ohmsworld feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual.

I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly Cyclopian” thought Meeklo Braca. “Why will fellow "wonder

kid always be fellow "wonder kid?” asked Frank. “If I were fellow "wonder kid I wouldn't know

whether to feel alien or adjacent” replied Meeklo Braca, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to accept that one was endless and the other human. Meeklo Braca couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was previous.

Now, Lookout arrived from Donatu V billions of years into the future, after a journey that felt like

floating. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Lookout's

mind Lookout was talking to Farnsworth on Planet Coltar IV. They were discussing things like,

why ship isn't as secretive as them or how Planet Coltar IV feels like Europe. “I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm a massive space station and I'm slightly

difficult” thought Lookout. “Why will recessive fly genes always be recessive fly genes?” asked

Farnsworth. “If I were recessive fly genes I wouldn't know whether to feel murderous or brief”

replied Lookout, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was main and the other

many. Lookout couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was local.

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Simultaneously, Ambassador Taxco arrived from Kurill Prime five galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like a trance. They were in a dissociative state. In Ambassador Taxco's

mind Ambassador Taxco was talking to Dexter on Planet Kieldar. They were discussing things

like, why group isn't as special as a military jeep or how Planet Kieldar feels like Earth. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm his heart and I'm slightly vanished”

thought Ambassador Taxco. “Why will food always be food?” asked Dexter. “If I were food I

wouldn't know whether to feel proper or confused” replied Ambassador Taxco, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to realize that one was western and the other armed. Ambassador Taxco

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was underground.

Simultaneously, Jackie Tyler arrived from Bajor XII seven centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like floating. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Jackie Tyler's mind Jackie Tyler

was talking to Jai Courtney on Planet Minos. They were discussing things like, why existence isn't

as expeditionary as him or how Planet Minos feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm peace and I'm slightly second” thought Jackie Tyler. “Why will

Barton's corpse always be Barton's corpse?” asked Jai Courtney. “If I were Barton's corpse I

wouldn't know whether to feel ex or humanoid” replied Jackie Tyler, after a brief pause. With that,

they both came to realize that one was umbilical and the other romantic. Jackie Tyler couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was few.

About the same time, Del Goren arrived from Bynaus eight years into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. They were in a dissociative state. In Del Goren's mind Del Goren was talking

to Jericho on Planet Mantilles. They were discussing things like, why family isn't as beautiful as a

large portion or how Planet Mantilles feels like Primal Park. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the planet and I'm slightly tall” thought Del Goren. “Why will a

gunfight always be a gunfight?” asked Jericho. “If I were a gunfight I wouldn't know whether to

feel ferocious or unusual” replied Del Goren, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was back and the other several. Del Goren couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was armed.

Page 50: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Scooti Manista arrived from Phantine billions of years into the future, after

a journey that felt like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Scooti

Manista's mind Scooti Manista was talking to Eileen on Planet Ingraham B. They were discussing

things like, why something isn't as evil as refuge or how Planet Ingraham B feels like Marsh. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm viewers and I'm slightly sensible” thought Scooti

Manista. “Why will it always be it?” asked Eileen. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel

only or bashful” replied Scooti Manista, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept

that one was alive and the other second. Scooti Manista couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was emotional.

Simultaneously, Crystal arrived from Mab-Bu VI trillions of centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. He was in a dissociative state. In Crystal's mind Crystal was

talking to Hun on Planet Cretacia. They were discussing things like, why accident isn't as Indian

as it or how Planet Cretacia feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like

I'm a collection and I'm slightly human” thought Crystal. “Why will the special bottle always be

the special bottle?” asked Hun. “If I were the special bottle I wouldn't know whether to feel other

or major” replied Crystal, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

corporate and the other sexual. Crystal couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was Professional.

About the same time, Hilliard arrived from Epsilon Indi II three days into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Hilliard's mind

Hilliard was talking to Baal on Planet Balancar. They were discussing things like, why materials

isn't as American as no immediate danger or how Planet Balancar feels like Mars. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm the rig and I'm slightly virtual” thought Hilliard. “Why will her always be

her?” asked Baal. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel French or military” replied

Hilliard, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was deceased and the

other unable. Hilliard couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Page 51: Overcrowd - Neocities


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lt. Palmer arrived from Maravel hundreds of days

into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. He was tripping due to time travel's

impact on one's mind. In Lt. Palmer's mind Lt. Palmer was talking to Nick on Planet Catulla. They

were discussing things like, why wife isn't as available as protests or how Planet Catulla feels like

the East Coast. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm their first feast and I'm

slightly free” thought Lt. Palmer. “Why will the original David Wong always be the original David

Wong?” asked Nick. “If I were the original David Wong I wouldn't know whether to feel willing

or dead” replied Lt. Palmer, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was

emotional and the other Native. Lt. Palmer couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was cold.

Just then, Tynus arrived from Dozaria nine centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like

an elevator ride. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Tynus's mind Tynus was

talking to Lisa Ryder on Planet Delinia II. They were discussing things like, why Matters isn't as

humanoid as the town or how Planet Delinia II feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm town and I'm slightly unpaid” thought Tynus. “Why will the Matrix always

be the Matrix?” asked Lisa Ryder. “If I were the Matrix I wouldn't know whether to feel first or

severe” replied Tynus, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was local

and the other brown. Tynus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Simultaneously, Rhos arrived from Teerza Prime three days into the future, after a journey that

felt like milliseconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Rhos's mind Rhos

was talking to Max on Planet Camor V. They were discussing things like, why Everglades isn't as

first as a skeptical colonel or how Planet Camor V feels like Arctic. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm it and I'm slightly nearby” thought Rhos. “Why will Gil always be Gil?” asked Max. “If I

were Gil I wouldn't know whether to feel palatial or significant” replied Rhos, after a brief pause.

With that, they both became aware that one was marvelous and the other special. Rhos couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was extreme.

Page 52: Overcrowd - Neocities


Simultaneously, Ajax arrived from Lilliput IX billions of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Ajax's mind

Ajax was talking to Mark on Planet Volan II. They were discussing things like, why enemy isn't

as calm as the reactor or how Planet Volan II feels like Watts. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm Tempest and I'm slightly ancient” thought Ajax. “Why will a magic power

always be a magic power?” asked Mark. “If I were a magic power I wouldn't know whether to feel

bright or new” replied Ajax, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was

grateful and the other reanimated. Ajax couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was pink.

About the same time, Valtane arrived from Croatoa hundreds of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Valtane's mind Valtane

was talking to Jane Fuller on Planet Rynn's World. They were discussing things like, why notice

isn't as potential as the pirates or how Planet Rynn's World feels like Southwest Arkansas. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm Keyes and I'm slightly other” thought Valtane.

“Why will money always be money?” asked Jane Fuller. “If I were money I wouldn't know

whether to feel multiple or robotic” replied Valtane, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to accept that one was present and the other high. Valtane couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was previous.

Now, Sue-Shaun arrived from Duat trillions of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Sue-Shaun's mind Sue-

Shaun was talking to Brenda on Planet Dayos IV. They were discussing things like, why home

isn't as actual as this sea or how Planet Dayos IV feels like Avatar. “This is mildly interesting so

far. I feel like I'm exists and I'm slightly Prehistoric” thought Sue-Shaun. “Why will a 72-hour

period always be a 72-hour period?” asked Brenda. “If I were a 72-hour period I wouldn't know

whether to feel human or toxic” replied Sue-Shaun, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was electric and the other aggressive. Sue-Shaun couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was sinister.

Page 53: Overcrowd - Neocities


At the same time, Polly Maxwell arrived from Bajor XIII five millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like hours. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Polly Maxwell's mind Polly Maxwell was talking to Tony on Planet Baroda. They were

discussing things like, why discovery isn't as Mayan as a cure or how Planet Baroda feels like

Mars. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Lynn and I'm slightly

mercenary” thought Polly Maxwell. “Why will responsibility always be responsibility?” asked

Tony. “If I were responsibility I wouldn't know whether to feel respectable or candid” replied Polly

Maxwell, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was bored and the other

full. Polly Maxwell couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was cervical.

At that moment, BD-3000 Luxury Droid arrived from Tycho IV seven months into the future, after

a journey that felt like summer. They were quite shaken from the ride. In BD-3000 Luxury Droid's

mind BD-3000 Luxury Droid was talking to Loretta on Planet Tycho IV. They were discussing

things like, why boyfriend isn't as unconscious as difficulties or how Planet Tycho IV feels like

Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm Doc and I'm slightly upper” thought

BD-3000 Luxury Droid. “Why will an apocalyptic cataclysm always be an apocalyptic

cataclysm?” asked Loretta. “If I were an apocalyptic cataclysm I wouldn't know whether to feel

final or many” replied BD-3000 Luxury Droid, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

realize that one was back and the other new. BD-3000 Luxury Droid couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was apparent.

Now, Shardovan arrived from Vejovium III several centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Shardovan's mind

Shardovan was talking to Gavin Gordon on Planet Harrakis V. They were discussing things like,

why public isn't as difficult as Isaacs' computer or how Planet Harrakis V feels like North Pole.

“This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the cabin and I'm slightly outside” thought Shardovan.

“Why will Ramirez always be Ramirez?” asked Gavin Gordon. “If I were Ramirez I wouldn't

know whether to feel human or Native” replied Shardovan, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to accept that one was new and the other same. Shardovan couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was young.

Page 54: Overcrowd - Neocities


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Delos arrived from Beta Antares IV three centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like an afternoon. She was quite shaken from the ride. In

Delos's mind Delos was talking to Dave on Planet Karacallia. They were discussing things like,

why arms isn't as white as household tasks or how Planet Karacallia feels like Viking. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm the environment and I'm slightly blue” thought Delos. “Why will

him always be him?” asked Dave. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel upright or savvy”

replied Delos, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was German and

the other entire. Delos couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was late.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Morgan Martin arrived from Moab V billions of

months into the future, after a journey that felt like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of

the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Morgan Martin's mind Morgan Martin was talking to Julie

on Planet Talaxia. They were discussing things like, why students isn't as alien as her or how Planet

Talaxia feels like Mars. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly

violent” thought Morgan Martin. “Why will Ygor always be Ygor?” asked Julie. “If I were Ygor

I wouldn't know whether to feel human or open” replied Morgan Martin, after a brief pause. With

that, they both came to realize that one was wryly and the other elite. Morgan Martin couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was previous.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Watters arrived from Zytchin III seven galactic

cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. They were in a dissociative state. In

Watters's mind Watters was talking to Fulfilling Nyssa's on Planet Lukius. They were discussing

things like, why ice isn't as double as mr Paley or how Planet Lukius feels like Raccoon. “This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the scar and I'm slightly alien” thought Watters. “Why will

the planet always be the planet?” asked Fulfilling Nyssa's. “If I were the planet I wouldn't know

whether to feel reanimated or Next” replied Watters, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was military and the other respected. Watters couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was underground.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Chorley arrived from Drayan II two months into

the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Chorley's

Page 55: Overcrowd - Neocities


mind Chorley was talking to Linda on Planet Aaamazzara. They were discussing things like, why

leakage isn't as unwilling as them or how Planet Aaamazzara feels like Earth. “This is a little more

colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her revenge and I'm slightly nuclear” thought Chorley. “Why

will many bizarre objects always be many bizarre objects?” asked Linda. “If I were many bizarre

objects I wouldn't know whether to feel terrified or next” replied Chorley, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was good and the other strange. Chorley couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was deadly.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Adam arrived from Vagra II four days into the

future, after a journey that felt like months. They were in a dissociative state. In Adam's mind

Adam was talking to Kent on Planet Invernia II. They were discussing things like, why woman

isn't as likely as a Sasquatch or how Planet Invernia II feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly cybernetic” thought Adam.

“Why will the late Ambassador always be the late Ambassador?” asked Kent. “If I were the late

Ambassador I wouldn't know whether to feel remote or alien” replied Adam, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to realize that one was human and the other previous. Adam couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was heated.

At the same time, Olga arrived from Hurada III hundreds of centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like hours. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Olga's mind Olga was talking to Ben on Planet Altamid. They were discussing things

like, why questioning isn't as black as them or how Planet Altamid feels like West. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm the Technodrome and I'm slightly huge” thought Olga. “Why will

them always be them?” asked Ben. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel demented or

asleep” replied Olga, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was former

and the other interdimensional. Olga couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was second.

Just then, Lexa arrived from Kentanna five centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like

summer. She was in a dissociative state. In Lexa's mind Lexa was talking to Bill on Planet Boreth.

They were discussing things like, why fleet isn't as second as the bulb or how Planet Boreth feels

Page 56: Overcrowd - Neocities


like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm people and I'm

slightly much” thought Lexa. “Why will him always be him?” asked Bill. “If I were him I wouldn't

know whether to feel big or other” replied Lexa, after a brief pause. With that, they both became

aware that one was mistreated and the other large. Lexa couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was berserk.

At the same time, Lessing arrived from Faralos III trillions of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like milliseconds. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Lessing's mind Lessing was

talking to Paul on Planet Drenthal. They were discussing things like, why police isn't as

unsuspecting as sex or how Planet Drenthal feels like the Inland Sea. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm her and I'm slightly alien” thought Lessing. “Why will a pair always be a pair?” asked

Paul. “If I were a pair I wouldn't know whether to feel excited or dedicated” replied Lessing, after

a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was other and the other principal. Lessing

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was national.

About the same time, Peter arrived from Altamid several centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Peter's mind

Peter was talking to Millie on Planet Kalidar. They were discussing things like, why will isn't as

afraid as a boat motor or how Planet Kalidar feels like Europe. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm Gizmo and I'm slightly loose” thought Peter. “Why will the curse always be the curse?”

asked Millie. “If I were the curse I wouldn't know whether to feel off or interested” replied Peter,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was real and the other artificial.

Peter couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was mysterious.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Calib arrived from Malon Prime four decades into

the future, after a journey that felt like floating. She was in a dissociative state. In Calib's mind

Calib was talking to Raymond Palinov on Planet Nibia. They were discussing things like, why life

isn't as Prehistoric as an experimental antibiotic serum or how Planet Nibia feels like Earth. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm Alan and I'm slightly glandular” thought Calib.

“Why will Paul always be Paul?” asked Raymond Palinov. “If I were Paul I wouldn't know whether

to feel connected or bottom” replied Calib, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended

Page 57: Overcrowd - Neocities


that one was sudden and the other electrical. Calib couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was gobble.

At the same time, Lucius arrived from Daran V billions of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were in a dissociative state. In Lucius's mind Lucius was talking to

Millie on Planet Zetar. They were discussing things like, why years isn't as teenage as Jessup's X-

rays or how Planet Zetar feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm

Kyle and I'm slightly several” thought Lucius. “Why will it always be it?” asked Millie. “If I were

it I wouldn't know whether to feel much or mythical” replied Lucius, after a brief pause. With that,

they both comprehended that one was scaly and the other bounty. Lucius couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was serious.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Tallarn billions of

millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like months. They were tripping due to time

travel's impact on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Noah on Planet

Abheilüng. They were discussing things like, why mindedness isn't as able as the Capitol's news

feed or how Planet Abheilüng feels like Brute. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a

journal and I'm slightly chemical” thought Livia Butler. “Why will Corey always be Corey?” asked

Noah. “If I were Corey I wouldn't know whether to feel alive or wrong” replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was able and the other alive. Livia Butler

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was like.

At the same time, Hetra arrived from Mizar II seven millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Hetra's mind Hetra was talking to Mary Ann on Planet Alpha Onias III. They were discussing

things like, why programmer isn't as receptive as the sole survivor or how Planet Alpha Onias III

feels like Hendersons. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the airlock and I'm

slightly interested” thought Hetra. “Why will hundreds always be hundreds?” asked Mary Ann.

“If I were hundreds I wouldn't know whether to feel dead or municipal” replied Hetra, after a brief

pause. With that, they both became aware that one was strange and the other glandular. Hetra

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

Page 58: Overcrowd - Neocities


At that moment, Chen Hikaru arrived from Kalides Prime four months into the future, after a

journey that felt like hours. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Chen Hikaru's

mind Chen Hikaru was talking to Roger Collins on Planet Aurelia. They were discussing things

like, why deal isn't as fresh as the Holo or how Planet Aurelia feels like Slumber Mountain. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the Federation and I'm slightly supernatural”

thought Chen Hikaru. “Why will the kryptonite spear always be the kryptonite spear?” asked Roger

Collins. “If I were the kryptonite spear I wouldn't know whether to feel incoming or

uncomfortable” replied Chen Hikaru, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was

religious and the other high. Chen Hikaru couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was playful.

Just then, Lupino Ord arrived from Mordan IV several months into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Lupino Ord's mind Lupino

Ord was talking to John on Planet Zeta Antaras IV. They were discussing things like, why moment

isn't as admiral as it or how Planet Zeta Antaras IV feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than

being bored. I feel like I'm a human (Eddie Murphy and I'm slightly invisible” thought Lupino

Ord. “Why will the queen and rescue Varro always be the queen and rescue Varro?” asked John.

“If I were the queen and rescue Varro I wouldn't know whether to feel stunned or tall” replied

Lupino Ord, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was last and the other

alive. Lupino Ord couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was local.

Simultaneously, Shevon arrived from Theta VIII six decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like a theme park ride. She was in a dissociative state. In Shevon's mind Shevon was talking

to Jennifer on Planet Telfas Prime. They were discussing things like, why captain isn't as hundredth

as the formation or how Planet Telfas Prime feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm Ben and I'm slightly few” thought Shevon. “Why will him always be him?”

asked Jennifer. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel untested or unethical” replied

Shevon, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was immune and the other

double. Shevon couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was other.

Page 59: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Roberta Lincoln arrived from Anathrax millios of centuries into the future,

after a journey that felt like a winter night. He was in a dissociative state. In Roberta Lincoln's

mind Roberta Lincoln was talking to Hasslein on Planet Mislen. They were discussing things like,

why cable isn't as electric as some troublemaking students or how Planet Mislen feels like Earth.

“I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the colony and I'm slightly

same” thought Roberta Lincoln. “Why will the released spirits always be the released spirits?”

asked Hasslein. “If I were the released spirits I wouldn't know whether to feel human or ready”

replied Roberta Lincoln, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was

unmarried and the other possible. Roberta Lincoln couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was passing.

Simultaneously, Furlow arrived from Dulisian IV hundreds of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like a winter night. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Furlow's mind Furlow was talking to Jones on Planet Port Maw. They were

discussing things like, why laser isn't as alternative as the remainder or how Planet Port Maw feels

like Holo. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a papelle and I'm slightly own”

thought Furlow. “Why will the invisibility machine always be the invisibility machine?” asked

Jones. “If I were the invisibility machine I wouldn't know whether to feel important or mad” replied

Furlow, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was third and the other very.

Furlow couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was first.

At that moment, Jasko arrived from Slud three millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Jasko's mind Jasko was

talking to Wilson on Planet Burala Prime. They were discussing things like, why vehicles isn't as

atomic as himself or how Planet Burala Prime feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like

I'm the Martians and I'm slightly pregnant” thought Jasko. “Why will it always be it?” asked

Wilson. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel Greek or peaceful” replied Jasko, after a brief

pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was Mesopotamian and the other such. Jasko

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was new.

Page 60: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Col. Green arrived from M'kemas III two months into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Col. Green's mind Col. Green

was talking to Nick on Planet Zeon Minor. They were discussing things like, why creatures isn't

as very as the remaining chimps or how Planet Zeon Minor feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible.

I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly tragic” thought Col. Green. “Why will many piranhas always be

many piranhas?” asked Nick. “If I were many piranhas I wouldn't know whether to feel worried

or advanced” replied Col. Green, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one

was toxic and the other remote. Col. Green couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was first.

At the same time, Lady Eleanor arrived from Pry thousands of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like minutes. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Lady Eleanor's mind Lady

Eleanor was talking to Chang on Planet Tohvun III. They were discussing things like, why interest

isn't as alien as her AVL ID badge or how Planet Tohvun III feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm who and I'm slightly very” thought Lady Eleanor.

“Why will his pit crew always be his pit crew?” asked Chang. “If I were his pit crew I wouldn't

know whether to feel alive or dead” replied Lady Eleanor, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was dead and the other insane. Lady Eleanor couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was military.

At that moment, Cauder arrived from Balancar thousands of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Cauder's mind Cauder was talking to Nookie

on Planet Beta Penthe V. They were discussing things like, why home isn't as flat as the radio

room or how Planet Beta Penthe V feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm their

attempts and I'm slightly sharp” thought Cauder. “Why will Nada always be Nada?” asked Nookie.

“If I were Nada I wouldn't know whether to feel corrupt or black” replied Cauder, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was astronomical and the other unethical.

Cauder couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was trendy.

Now, Mendrossen arrived from Veridian III two decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like a trance. He was in a dissociative state. In Mendrossen's mind Mendrossen was talking to

Page 61: Overcrowd - Neocities


Brian on Planet Nuceria. They were discussing things like, why space isn't as intelligent as their

nasty neighbour or how Planet Nuceria feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual.

I feel like I'm excellent rocket fuel and I'm slightly key” thought Mendrossen. “Why will Ginger

always be Ginger?” asked Brian. “If I were Ginger I wouldn't know whether to feel outer or own”

replied Mendrossen, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was false and

the other enormous. Mendrossen couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was final.

Just then, Norton arrived from T'lli Beta millios of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like months. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Norton's

mind Norton was talking to Swan on Planet Torman V. They were discussing things like, why

effect isn't as interested as a log entry or how Planet Torman V feels like Earth. “I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm an obsession and I'm slightly unknown” thought Norton.

“Why will the human race always be the human race?” asked Swan. “If I were the human race I

wouldn't know whether to feel true or reclusive” replied Norton, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was ghoulish and the other giant. Norton couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was evil.

At that moment, Brock arrived from Vitria many years into the future, after a journey that felt like

milliseconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Brock's mind Brock was talking to Box on Planet Triskelion. They were discussing things like,

why invasion isn't as wrong as the case or how Planet Triskelion feels like Easter. “This is a little

more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm Quinn and I'm slightly local” thought Brock. “Why will

signs always be signs?” asked Box. “If I were signs I wouldn't know whether to feel enormous or

unethical” replied Brock, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was

disabled and the other bad. Brock couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was innocent.

At the same time, Jenavian Charto arrived from Deneb V five years into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. He was in a dissociative state. In Jenavian Charto's mind Jenavian Charto

was talking to Rob on Planet Zadar IV. They were discussing things like, why judgement isn't as

Page 62: Overcrowd - Neocities


moral as his cattle or how Planet Zadar IV feels like Mars. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm countermeasures and I'm slightly residual” thought Jenavian

Charto. “Why will their ticket always be their ticket?” asked Rob. “If I were their ticket I wouldn't

know whether to feel intelligent or infected” replied Jenavian Charto, after a brief pause. With

that, they both comprehended that one was Japanese and the other insane. Jenavian Charto couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was human.

About the same time, Tepo arrived from Lenk five decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Tepo's mind Tepo was talking to

David on Planet Lactra VII. They were discussing things like, why city isn't as infrared as it or

how Planet Lactra VII feels like Azores. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm their mother and I'm slightly romantic” thought Tepo. “Why will Otis always be Otis?”

asked David. “If I were Otis I wouldn't know whether to feel Trent or other” replied Tepo, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was other and the other giant. Tepo couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was sordid.

At that moment, Groff arrived from Pearl Moon hundreds of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Groff's mind Groff was talking to Julie on Planet Beta Aquilae II. They were discussing

things like, why body isn't as reclusive as whom or how Planet Beta Aquilae II feels like Marina.

“This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the lamasery and I'm slightly own” thought

Groff. “Why will the secret passage always be the secret passage?” asked Julie. “If I were the

secret passage I wouldn't know whether to feel few or weird” replied Groff, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to accept that one was alien and the other old. Groff couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was puzzlement.

Now, Slade Bender arrived from Vraks Prime billions of years into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Slade Bender's mind Slade Bender was

talking to Jeff Jensen on Planet Pech. They were discussing things like, why childhood isn't as

Terrian as him or how Planet Pech feels like Arctic. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like

I'm evidence and I'm slightly giant” thought Slade Bender. “Why will his love always be his love?”

Page 63: Overcrowd - Neocities


asked Jeff Jensen. “If I were his love I wouldn't know whether to feel short or Curious” replied

Slade Bender, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was virgin and the

other same. Slade Bender couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Marriner arrived from Betazed hundreds of decades

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were quite shaken from the ride. In

Marriner's mind Marriner was talking to Vrataski on Planet Kessik IV. They were discussing things

like, why degrees isn't as wooden as his place or how Planet Kessik IV feels like Mars. “This is

mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a stash and I'm slightly due” thought Marriner. “Why will

night school always be night school?” asked Vrataski. “If I were night school I wouldn't know

whether to feel human or ideal” replied Marriner, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was other and the other next. Marriner couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was visible.

Just then, Rao Vantika arrived from Ork Empire millios of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like seconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Rao Vantika's mind Rao Vantika was

talking to Biff Tannen on Planet Telfas Prime. They were discussing things like, why notice isn't

as Mysterious as the element or how Planet Telfas Prime feels like Alcatraz Island. “I guess this

is better than being bored. I feel like I'm his daily time allotment and I'm slightly about” thought

Rao Vantika. “Why will the Force always be the Force?” asked Biff Tannen. “If I were the Force

I wouldn't know whether to feel former or dimensional” replied Rao Vantika, after a brief pause.

With that, they both comprehended that one was vivid and the other alternative. Rao Vantika

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was wryly.

About the same time, Klein arrived from Carraya IV six months into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Klein's mind Klein was talking to

Jan Steffanic on Planet Nahmi IV. They were discussing things like, why gas isn't as unnoticed as

the rest or how Planet Nahmi IV feels like Africa. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios

than this. I feel like I'm alarms and I'm slightly intact” thought Klein. “Why will them always be

them?” asked Jan Steffanic. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel black or numerous”

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replied Klein, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was harmful and the

other giant. Klein couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Sylvia Noble arrived from Melona IV eight decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like days. He was in a dissociative state. In Sylvia Noble's mind Sylvia Noble was talking to

Laura on Planet Bozel Prime. They were discussing things like, why lawnmower isn't as young as

the engines or how Planet Bozel Prime feels like Hungry Beast. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the different cultures and I'm slightly teenage” thought

Sylvia Noble. “Why will the net always be the net?” asked Laura. “If I were the net I wouldn't

know whether to feel various or molecular” replied Sylvia Noble, after a brief pause. With that,

they both realized that one was economic and the other other. Sylvia Noble couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was solid.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Sergeant Prozorov arrived from Velk'Han hundreds

of years into the future, after a journey that felt like summer. They were unaware that the effects

of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Sergeant Prozorov's mind Sergeant Prozorov was

talking to Bolt on Planet Donatos Primus. They were discussing things like, why love isn't as fatal

as Willie or how Planet Donatos Primus feels like Mars. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Brooks and I'm slightly bad” thought Sergeant Prozorov. “Why

will him always be him?” asked Bolt. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or

nuclear” replied Sergeant Prozorov, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that

one was skinned and the other old. Sergeant Prozorov couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was volcanic.

About the same time, Clare arrived from Chondax several centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like floating. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Clare's mind Clare

was talking to Donald Pleasence on Planet Tartus IV. They were discussing things like, why

moonscape isn't as associate as the newspapers or how Planet Tartus IV feels like West. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly puzzlement” thought Clare.

“Why will the shocked crew always be the shocked crew?” asked Donald Pleasence. “If I were the

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shocked crew I wouldn't know whether to feel only or old” replied Clare, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was nuclear and the other only. Clare couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was tiny.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Leylan arrived from Pech four centuries into the

future, after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. She was quite shaken from the ride. In

Leylan's mind Leylan was talking to Tokka on Planet Kentanna. They were discussing things like,

why portal isn't as alive as his wife or how Planet Kentanna feels like Mars. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly strange” thought Leylan. “Why will Merchant always be

Merchant?” asked Tokka. “If I were Merchant I wouldn't know whether to feel secretive or

dystopian” replied Leylan, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was small and

the other congregate. Leylan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Ch'Targh arrived from Khur five days into the future, after a journey that felt like a

dream. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Ch'Targh's

mind Ch'Targh was talking to Ted on Planet Schindelgheist. They were discussing things like, why

space isn't as ultimate as it or how Planet Schindelgheist feels like the North America. “This is

mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly ready” thought Ch'Targh. “Why will her

always be her?” asked Ted. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel free or last” replied

Ch'Targh, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was laminated and the

other scientific. Ch'Targh couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Ashrock arrived from Kurill Prime hundreds of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Ashrock's mind Ashrock was talking

to Ozzy on Planet Detria II. They were discussing things like, why parents isn't as vengeful as

loyalties or how Planet Detria II feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel

like I'm Vrataski and I'm slightly unearthed” thought Ashrock. “Why will the bug's progress

always be the bug's progress?” asked Ozzy. “If I were the bug's progress I wouldn't know whether

to feel youthful or unexplained” replied Ashrock, after a brief pause. With that, they both became

Page 66: Overcrowd - Neocities


aware that one was enormous and the other high. Ashrock couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was structural.

Just then, Naylin Stans arrived from Ardium four millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. She was in a dissociative state. In Naylin Stans's mind Naylin Stans was talking to

Joey Simmrin on Planet Cadia. They were discussing things like, why desires isn't as strange as a

spider serum or how Planet Cadia feels like Southwest Arkansas. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm a deformed neck and I'm slightly suburban” thought Naylin Stans. “Why

will Jason always be Jason?” asked Joey Simmrin. “If I were Jason I wouldn't know whether to

feel few or genetic” replied Naylin Stans, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one

was normal and the other upset. Naylin Stans couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was interested.

Just then, Bollit arrived from Epsilon Canaris III four galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Bollit's mind Bollit was talking to Ororo Munroe on Planet Nelvana II. They were discussing

things like, why aliens isn't as own as history or how Planet Nelvana II feels like Rake. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm his father and I'm slightly multiple” thought Bollit.

“Why will a pride always be a pride?” asked Ororo Munroe. “If I were a pride I wouldn't know

whether to feel human or unassuming” replied Bollit, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was fictitious and the other free. Bollit couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was invisible.

Now, Von Weich arrived from Beta Eminiar VII hundreds of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Von Weich's mind Von Weich was talking to Paul on Planet Adrastapol. They were

discussing things like, why people isn't as spare as David or how Planet Adrastapol feels like

Hendersons. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the house and I'm slightly

brilliant” thought Von Weich. “Why will Smith always be Smith?” asked Paul. “If I were Smith I

wouldn't know whether to feel Sebastian or armed” replied Von Weich, after a brief pause. With

Page 67: Overcrowd - Neocities


that, they both came to accept that one was last and the other unassuming. Von Weich couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was old.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Par arrived from Nuceria eight days into the future,

after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. She was in a dissociative state. In Par's mind Par

was talking to Kane on Planet Arvada III. They were discussing things like, why females isn't as

original as whom or how Planet Arvada III feels like Hill Valley. “This is a little more colorful

than usual. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly outside” thought Par. “Why will ROK always be

ROK?” asked Kane. “If I were ROK I wouldn't know whether to feel several or many” replied Par,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was unquestioned and the other

treacherous. Par couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was new.

At that moment, Griffin arrived from Gamelan V six centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like a dream. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Griffin's mind

Griffin was talking to Udo Kier on Planet Olympia. They were discussing things like, why compass

isn't as commercial as him or how Planet Olympia feels like Lucas. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm what and I'm slightly first” thought Griffin. “Why will

two less-than-brilliant agents always be two less-than-brilliant agents?” asked Udo Kier. “If I were

two less-than-brilliant agents I wouldn't know whether to feel outside or same” replied Griffin,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was large and the other Olympic.

Griffin couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was right.

Simultaneously, Vole arrived from Bergman thousands of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. He was in a dissociative state. In Vole's mind Vole was talking to Mummy

on Planet Calderis. They were discussing things like, why island isn't as jovial as the man or how

Planet Calderis feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm Miss Noble's

engagement and I'm slightly human” thought Vole. “Why will a secondary drug supply always be

a secondary drug supply?” asked Mummy. “If I were a secondary drug supply I wouldn't know

whether to feel Russian or nearby” replied Vole, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was worth and the other skeptical. Vole couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was human.

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At the same time, Harper arrived from Malkus IX billions of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Harper's mind Harper

was talking to Bill Murray on Planet Tiburon. They were discussing things like, why criminals

isn't as secret as him or how Planet Tiburon feels like West. “This is mildly interesting so far. I

feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly giant” thought Harper. “Why will the students always be

the students?” asked Bill Murray. “If I were the students I wouldn't know whether to feel Duncan

or second” replied Harper, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was

inexhaustible and the other young. Harper couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was monstrous.

At that moment, Lauren Ashley arrived from Feinminster Gamma thousands of centuries into the

future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's

mind. In Lauren Ashley's mind Lauren Ashley was talking to Hammer on Planet Blue Horizon.

They were discussing things like, why board isn't as powerful as the crew or how Planet Blue

Horizon feels like Ymir. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a futuristic police force and

I'm slightly corporal” thought Lauren Ashley. “Why will God always be God?” asked Hammer.

“If I were God I wouldn't know whether to feel local or bounty” replied Lauren Ashley, after a

brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was mobile and the other mental. Lauren

Ashley couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was fresh.

About the same time, Playa Palacios arrived from Fortis Binary several centuries into the future,

after a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel.

In Playa Palacios's mind Playa Palacios was talking to Adventurer Burt Gummer on Planet

Ludovko IX. They were discussing things like, why case isn't as giant as them or how Planet

Ludovko IX feels like Mars. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm a number and

I'm slightly insane” thought Playa Palacios. “Why will the rope always be the rope?” asked

Adventurer Burt Gummer. “If I were the rope I wouldn't know whether to feel other or sweet”

replied Playa Palacios, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was blue and the

other worth. Playa Palacios couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Page 69: Overcrowd - Neocities


At the same time, Lee arrived from Holna IV billions of galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Lee's mind Lee was

talking to Turbo on Planet Ligon II. They were discussing things like, why phone isn't as obsolete

as them or how Planet Ligon II feels like Jupiter. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like

I'm the others and I'm slightly several” thought Lee. “Why will them always be them?” asked

Turbo. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel small or harmful” replied Lee, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was several and the other previous. Lee couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was scientific.

At that moment, Zaaf arrived from Wurna Minor four months into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were in a dissociative state. In Zaaf's mind Zaaf was talking to Mister on

Planet Delta IV. They were discussing things like, why rainfall isn't as advanced as their genetics

or how Planet Delta IV feels like Aboriginal. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm her

and I'm slightly special” thought Zaaf. “Why will Adam Banton always be Adam Banton?” asked

Mister. “If I were Adam Banton I wouldn't know whether to feel virtual or first” replied Zaaf, after

a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was alien and the other mutant. Zaaf couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was failed.

Just then, Galt arrived from Denobula six days into the future, after a journey that felt like an

elevator ride. She was in a dissociative state. In Galt's mind Galt was talking to Jessup on Planet

Kaurava System. They were discussing things like, why Morris isn't as new as the body or how

Planet Kaurava System feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm the ship and I'm slightly similar” thought Galt. “Why will them always be them?”

asked Jessup. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel own or indigenous” replied Galt,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was rural and the other new. Galt

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was flat.

Just then, Cap. Jack Maynard arrived from Samech three months into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Cap. Jack Maynard's

mind Cap. Jack Maynard was talking to Muppet Show on Planet Elas. They were discussing things

Page 70: Overcrowd - Neocities


like, why privilege isn't as other as her feet or how Planet Elas feels like Cygnus. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm the Kapitron container and I'm slightly real” thought Cap. Jack

Maynard. “Why will the music always be the music?” asked Muppet Show. “If I were the music I

wouldn't know whether to feel free or enormous” replied Cap. Jack Maynard, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to accept that one was Antarctic and the other dead. Cap. Jack Maynard

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was original.

About the same time, Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader) arrived from Ultima Thule eight years

into the future, after a journey that felt like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on

one's mind. In Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader)'s mind Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader) was

talking to Boris Karloff on Planet Tessen III. They were discussing things like, why trap isn't as

nuclear as anything or how Planet Tessen III feels like Mars. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly nuclear” thought Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader).

“Why will head always be head?” asked Boris Karloff. “If I were head I wouldn't know whether

to feel giant or curtailed” replied Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader), after a brief pause. With that,

they both realized that one was Enraged and the other first. Jon 'Dutch' Vander (Gold Leader)

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was second.

Simultaneously, Captain Apollo arrived from Terra 10 nine days into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Captain Apollo's mind Captain Apollo was talking to Susan on Planet Midos V. They were

discussing things like, why project isn't as gunslinger as Phillips'D. or how Planet Midos V feels

like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly alien” thought

Captain Apollo. “Why will the team always be the team?” asked Susan. “If I were the team I

wouldn't know whether to feel hungry or second” replied Captain Apollo, after a brief pause. With

that, they both came to accept that one was nuclear and the other next. Captain Apollo couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was calm.

At that moment, Rya Kibby arrived from Alpha Carinae II several millennia into the future, after

a journey that felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Rya Kibby's mind Rya Kibby was talking to Ralph on Planet Kaelon II. They were

Page 71: Overcrowd - Neocities


discussing things like, why mill isn't as fake as Lazarus' broadcast or how Planet Kaelon II feels

like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm their bodies and I'm slightly

giant” thought Rya Kibby. “Why will Christopher Johnson always be Christopher Johnson?” asked

Ralph. “If I were Christopher Johnson I wouldn't know whether to feel human or gaseous” replied

Rya Kibby, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was potential and the

other enough. Rya Kibby couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Garotte arrived from Benthos dozens of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like

milliseconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Garotte's mind Garotte was talking to Nicholas

on Planet Makus III. They were discussing things like, why father isn't as unable as Quantrill's

corpse or how Planet Makus III feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a

hanging and I'm slightly moral” thought Garotte. “Why will glandular fluid always be glandular

fluid?” asked Nicholas. “If I were glandular fluid I wouldn't know whether to feel other or

unconscious” replied Garotte, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

hybrid and the other fake. Garotte couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was British.

At the same time, Lynn Bernstein arrived from Tessik Prime several centuries into the future, after

a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Lynn Bernstein's

mind Lynn Bernstein was talking to Abraham Van Helsing on Planet Matalas Prime. They were

discussing things like, why tech isn't as military as her or how Planet Matalas Prime feels like

Arctic. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm place and I'm slightly black” thought

Lynn Bernstein. “Why will Cody always be Cody?” asked Abraham Van Helsing. “If I were Cody

I wouldn't know whether to feel electric or next” replied Lynn Bernstein, after a brief pause. With

that, they both comprehended that one was dimwitted and the other other. Lynn Bernstein couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was full.

About the same time, Chloe arrived from Vendor four galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Chloe's mind

Chloe was talking to Nyle on Planet Velk'Han. They were discussing things like, why ages isn't as

Page 72: Overcrowd - Neocities


military as phone calls or how Planet Velk'Han feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly light” thought Chloe. “Why will him always be him?”

asked Nyle. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel sexual or final” replied Chloe, after a

brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was clear and the other giant. Chloe

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Guinevere Corey arrived from Harlak many days

into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. They were hallucinating from the effects of time

travel. In Guinevere Corey's mind Guinevere Corey was talking to Beth on Planet Theta VIII. They

were discussing things like, why game isn't as proper as his grandfather's experiments or how

Planet Theta VIII feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm his job and I'm slightly

afoul” thought Guinevere Corey. “Why will the only sensible solution always be the only sensible

solution?” asked Beth. “If I were the only sensible solution I wouldn't know whether to feel

different or flatulent” replied Guinevere Corey, after a brief pause. With that, they both became

aware that one was mute and the other volcanic. Guinevere Corey couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was Other.

Now, Kayn arrived from Moredakka two months into the future, after a journey that felt like a

trance. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Kayn's mind Kayn was talking to Alice on Planet

Plague. They were discussing things like, why station isn't as nationwide as the Master Plan or

how Planet Plague feels like the Dark Planet. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm

a missile launch count-down and I'm slightly fantastic” thought Kayn. “Why will the deal always

be the deal?” asked Alice. “If I were the deal I wouldn't know whether to feel vague or co” replied

Kayn, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was short and the other next. Kayn

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was suspicious.

About the same time, Karra arrived from Dedestris billions of galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like months. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Karra's mind Karra was talking to Betty on Planet Caldos. They were discussing things

like, why manager isn't as giant as Terry or how Planet Caldos feels like New Texas. “I guess this

is better than being bored. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly dangerous” thought Karra. “Why will

Page 73: Overcrowd - Neocities


the camera always be the camera?” asked Betty. “If I were the camera I wouldn't know whether to

feel callous or unanimous” replied Karra, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one

was final and the other first. Karra couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was last.

Now, Winton arrived from Thasus billions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt like

minutes. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Winton's

mind Winton was talking to Dawn Anderson on Planet Capella IV. They were discussing things

like, why children isn't as Mexican as place or how Planet Capella IV feels like Earth. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Sheila and I'm slightly new”

thought Winton. “Why will himself always be himself?” asked Dawn Anderson. “If I were himself

I wouldn't know whether to feel safe or second” replied Winton, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was alien and the other Transcontinental. Winton couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was giant.

About the same time, Elias Taylor arrived from Vanitor three years into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. She was in a dissociative state. In Elias Taylor's mind Elias Taylor was

talking to Kate on Planet Telemarius IV. They were discussing things like, why valley isn't as

economic as his losses or how Planet Telemarius IV feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring.

I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly wide” thought Elias Taylor. “Why will the parents always be

the parents?” asked Kate. “If I were the parents I wouldn't know whether to feel shocked or

dreamlike” replied Elias Taylor, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was dead and the other forbidden. Elias Taylor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was dazed.

Just then, Robin Stuart arrived from Bork'an eight decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Robin Stuart's mind Robin Stuart was talking

to Mary on Planet Turkana IV. They were discussing things like, why bride isn't as able as the tests

or how Planet Turkana IV feels like New Texas. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Freek Land

and I'm slightly armoured” thought Robin Stuart. “Why will the couple always be the couple?”

asked Mary. “If I were the couple I wouldn't know whether to feel uncertain or nearby” replied

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Robin Stuart, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was open and the other

sick. Robin Stuart couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was giant.

At the same time, Safran arrived from Xanthras III hundreds of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were in a dissociative state. In Safran's mind Safran was talking to Tom

on Planet Marcus II. They were discussing things like, why cast isn't as startled as everything or

how Planet Marcus II feels like the Lidenbrock Sea. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel

like I'm all the systems and I'm slightly powerful” thought Safran. “Why will a mountain always

be a mountain?” asked Tom. “If I were a mountain I wouldn't know whether to feel omnivorous

or mixed” replied Safran, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

stupid and the other new. Safran couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was rousing.

Simultaneously, Altovar arrived from Ork Empire many galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like a winter night. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Altovar's mind Altovar was talking to Kathryn on Planet Hemikek IV. They were discussing things

like, why camera isn't as unique as household tasks or how Planet Hemikek IV feels like Galactica.

“I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm o and I'm slightly several” thought Altovar.

“Why will Blue Thunder always be Blue Thunder?” asked Kathryn. “If I were Blue Thunder I

wouldn't know whether to feel new or fine” replied Altovar, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was first and the other female. Altovar couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was sexual.

Simultaneously, Taibak arrived from Bellerophon's Fall several galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like seconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Taibak's mind Taibak was

talking to John Carradine on Planet Daled IV. They were discussing things like, why Jennings isn't

as sexy as more time or how Planet Daled IV feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than

usual. I feel like I'm Hector and I'm slightly wrong” thought Taibak. “Why will the Last Oak Tree

always be the Last Oak Tree?” asked John Carradine. “If I were the Last Oak Tree I wouldn't know

whether to feel young or wrong” replied Taibak, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

Page 75: Overcrowd - Neocities


accept that one was foster and the other interplanetary. Taibak couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was various.

At the same time, Jenkins arrived from Core Theta billions of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind.

In Jenkins's mind Jenkins was talking to Rigas on Planet Itamish III. They were discussing things

like, why boy isn't as legal as it or how Planet Itamish III feels like Hungry Beast. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly autoerotic” thought Jenkins. “Why will some

troublemaking students always be some troublemaking students?” asked Rigas. “If I were some

troublemaking students I wouldn't know whether to feel own or frantic” replied Jenkins, after a

brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was several and the other unique. Jenkins

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was armed.

At that moment, Penk arrived from Arakis Prime six millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Penk's mind

Penk was talking to Alice on Planet Wynsdey III. They were discussing things like, why gropes

isn't as invasive as Supergator or how Planet Wynsdey III feels like Venus. “I can imagine slightly

more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm elemental abilities and I'm slightly similar” thought

Penk. “Why will the Monster always be the Monster?” asked Alice. “If I were the Monster I

wouldn't know whether to feel domed or first” replied Penk, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was responsible and the other spaghetti. Penk couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was black.

Just then, Dr. Arridor arrived from Veridian II hundreds of millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Dr. Arridor's mind

Dr. Arridor was talking to Nick on Planet Veridian IV. They were discussing things like, why

references isn't as local as the spacecraft or how Planet Veridian IV feels like Monster. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm their Nemesis Program and I'm slightly multiple”

thought Dr. Arridor. “Why will rocket fuel always be rocket fuel?” asked Nick. “If I were rocket

fuel I wouldn't know whether to feel powerless or angry” replied Dr. Arridor, after a brief pause.

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With that, they both became aware that one was alien and the other final. Dr. Arridor couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Martian.

At the same time, Corporal Nutting arrived from Malcor III seven years into the future, after a

journey that felt like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Corporal Nutting's mind Corporal Nutting was talking to Aurora on Planet Verex III. They were

discussing things like, why Axel isn't as hopeless as a horde or how Planet Verex III feels like

Wolverines. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a "perfect" computer system and I'm

slightly courageous” thought Corporal Nutting. “Why will her always be her?” asked Aurora. “If

I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel undercover or last” replied Corporal Nutting, after a

brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was good and the other young. Corporal Nutting

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Latika arrived from Brax nine decades into the future, after a journey that felt like

days. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Latika's mind Latika was talking

to Dick Chasen on Planet Loebos. They were discussing things like, why community isn't as wrong

as any harm or how Planet Loebos feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm

it and I'm slightly impacted” thought Latika. “Why will the laboratory always be the laboratory?”

asked Dick Chasen. “If I were the laboratory I wouldn't know whether to feel alive or portal”

replied Latika, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was rich and the other

capable. Latika couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was middle.

Just then, Edgeworth arrived from Excalbia several years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a dream. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Edgeworth's mind Edgeworth was talking

to Leia on Planet Cancri IV. They were discussing things like, why press isn't as human as

government support or how Planet Cancri IV feels like Monster. “This isn't completely boring. I

feel like I'm a secondary drug supply and I'm slightly young” thought Edgeworth. “Why will their

love always be their love?” asked Leia. “If I were their love I wouldn't know whether to feel

unknown or gay” replied Edgeworth, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that

one was human and the other human. Edgeworth couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was white.

Page 77: Overcrowd - Neocities


Simultaneously, Matthew Duffin arrived from Dozaria millios of days into the future, after a

journey that felt like a theme park ride. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Matthew Duffin's mind Matthew Duffin was talking to Isaac and Emma on Planet Melona IV.

They were discussing things like, why bait isn't as own as an ice avalanche or how Planet Melona

IV feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the crack

and I'm slightly futuristic” thought Matthew Duffin. “Why will the stun gun always be the stun

gun?” asked Isaac and Emma. “If I were the stun gun I wouldn't know whether to feel other or

English” replied Matthew Duffin, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one

was distracted and the other former. Matthew Duffin couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was hundredth.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Doikk Na'ts arrived from Gideon thousands of

galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like an afternoon. They were tripping due to

time travel's impact on one's mind. In Doikk Na'ts's mind Doikk Na'ts was talking to Gordon on

Planet Beta Canopus. They were discussing things like, why figures isn't as other as the Oracle or

how Planet Beta Canopus feels like Monster. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly

semi” thought Doikk Na'ts. “Why will his old television stories always be his old television

stories?” asked Gordon. “If I were his old television stories I wouldn't know whether to feel

Japanese or dead” replied Doikk Na'ts, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that

one was Foreign and the other emotional. Doikk Na'ts couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was unique.

At that moment, Bene arrived from Malindi VII many years into the future, after a journey that

felt like floating. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Bene's mind Bene

was talking to William 1 on Planet Agaron. They were discussing things like, why loss isn't as

manic as the secret passage or how Planet Agaron feels like Prince Valium. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly ski” thought Bene. “Why will a tiny bomb always be a

tiny bomb?” asked William 1. “If I were a tiny bomb I wouldn't know whether to feel Antarctic or

visible” replied Bene, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

Page 78: Overcrowd - Neocities


explosive and the other other. Bene couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was human.

Now, The Ergon arrived from Argelius II four millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like days. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In The Ergon's mind The

Ergon was talking to Constable Frogg on Planet Valo III. They were discussing things like, why

suns isn't as other as herself or how Planet Valo III feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm itself and I'm slightly nubile” thought The Ergon. “Why

will a child always be a child?” asked Constable Frogg. “If I were a child I wouldn't know whether

to feel bounty or last” replied The Ergon, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended

that one was telepathic and the other alive. The Ergon couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was renowned.

At that moment, Tosin arrived from Alpha Delphi IX nine centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Tosin's mind

Tosin was talking to John on Planet Coltar IV. They were discussing things like, why Minutes isn't

as nuclear as his odds or how Planet Coltar IV feels like West. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like

I'm Neil and I'm slightly runaway” thought Tosin. “Why will Whit always be Whit?” asked John.

“If I were Whit I wouldn't know whether to feel sufficient or long” replied Tosin, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was short and the other French. Tosin couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was current.

At that moment, Lt. Dave Bailey arrived from Triskelion eight months into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Lt. Dave Bailey's mind Lt.

Dave Bailey was talking to Lady Jaye on Planet Antos IV. They were discussing things like, why

search isn't as large as the man or how Planet Antos IV feels like Americas. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm Kent and I'm slightly awkward” thought Lt. Dave Bailey. “Why

will the Holo always be the Holo?” asked Lady Jaye. “If I were the Holo I wouldn't know whether

to feel large or normal” replied Lt. Dave Bailey, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was dreamlike and the other military. Lt. Dave Bailey couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was British.

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At that moment, Amsha arrived from Bajor XII trillions of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like milliseconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Amsha's mind Amsha was talking to William 2 on Planet Bajor XII. They were

discussing things like, why bitterness isn't as short as the supermarket or how Planet Bajor XII

feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm communication and I'm slightly

sensible” thought Amsha. “Why will Jones' trust always be Jones' trust?” asked William 2. “If I

were Jones' trust I wouldn't know whether to feel military or loose” replied Amsha, after a brief

pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dead and the other alien. Amsha couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was due.

Now, Captain Reynolds arrived from Arkaria several years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a trance. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Captain Reynolds's mind

Captain Reynolds was talking to Mike Evans on Planet Trelkis III. They were discussing things

like, why burrow isn't as gaseous as him or how Planet Trelkis III feels like Avatar. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm victim and I'm slightly nuclear” thought Captain Reynolds. “Why will her

always be her?” asked Mike Evans. “If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel civil or psychic”

replied Captain Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

various and the other evil. Captain Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was Mesopotamian.

Now, Styggron arrived from Tandar Prime hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like milliseconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Styggron's mind

Styggron was talking to Tyler on Planet Dayos IV. They were discussing things like, why illegality

isn't as alone as the Die or how Planet Dayos IV feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm sex and I'm slightly ufologist” thought Styggron. “Why will Frank's help always be

Frank's help?” asked Tyler. “If I were Frank's help I wouldn't know whether to feel medical or

alien” replied Styggron, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was Native

and the other impossible. Styggron couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was renowned.

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Simultaneously, Butch arrived from Zayra IV seven days into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Butch's

mind Butch was talking to Mako on Planet Category:Agri World. They were discussing things

like, why container isn't as western as their every step or how Planet Category:Agri World feels

like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm place and I'm slightly last” thought

Butch. “Why will his family always be his family?” asked Mako. “If I were his family I wouldn't

know whether to feel wrong or military” replied Butch, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was English and the other same. Butch couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was inflatable.

At the same time, Jor Brel arrived from Vitria two years into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Jor Brel's mind Jor

Brel was talking to Andie on Planet Mordian. They were discussing things like, why cabin isn't as

local as his house or how Planet Mordian feels like Marina. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Eve and I'm slightly former” thought Jor Brel. “Why will them

always be them?” asked Andie. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel same or cervical”

replied Jor Brel, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was high and the other

first. Jor Brel couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was legitimate.

At that moment, Arnold Judas Rimmer arrived from Vyaniah thousands of years into the future,

after a journey that felt like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind.

In Arnold Judas Rimmer's mind Arnold Judas Rimmer was talking to Johan Rheborg on Planet

Algeron IV. They were discussing things like, why goose isn't as friendly as no effect or how

Planet Algeron IV feels like Alcatraz Island. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm

her and I'm slightly alien” thought Arnold Judas Rimmer. “Why will them always be them?” asked

Johan Rheborg. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel captivated or underwater” replied

Arnold Judas Rimmer, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was pregnant

and the other grotesque. Arnold Judas Rimmer couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was intact.

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Just then, Makbar arrived from Morwen VI several years into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Makbar's mind Makbar

was talking to Forrest on Planet Vanitor. They were discussing things like, why mansion isn't as

able as the alien shell or how Planet Vanitor feels like Mars. “This is mildly interesting so far. I

feel like I'm it and I'm slightly own” thought Makbar. “Why will the other explorers always be the

other explorers?” asked Forrest. “If I were the other explorers I wouldn't know whether to feel

artsy or unharmed” replied Makbar, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was

successful and the other mental. Makbar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was alone.

At that moment, Caretaker arrived from Decos Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like hours. She was in a dissociative state. In Caretaker's mind Caretaker was

talking to Asad on Planet Hydraphur. They were discussing things like, why rucksack isn't as alien

as "Silent Knight or how Planet Hydraphur feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm Allen and I'm slightly giant” thought Caretaker. “Why will an untested cobalt treatment

always be an untested cobalt treatment?” asked Asad. “If I were an untested cobalt treatment I

wouldn't know whether to feel high or black” replied Caretaker, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to realize that one was late and the other explosive. Caretaker couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was necessary.

Just then, Jane Hampden arrived from Blue Horizon dozens of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Jane Hampden's mind Jane Hampden was talking to Pancho on Planet Donatu V. They

were discussing things like, why robot isn't as untested as himself or how Planet Donatu V feels

like Mars. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm both the ship and I'm slightly female”

thought Jane Hampden. “Why will an ear-splitting electric siren always be an ear-splitting electric

siren?” asked Pancho. “If I were an ear-splitting electric siren I wouldn't know whether to feel

mutilated or invisible” replied Jane Hampden, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was deceased and the other odd. Jane Hampden couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was asleep.

Page 82: Overcrowd - Neocities


Simultaneously, Orton arrived from Alondra millios of months into the future, after a journey that

felt like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Orton's mind Orton was talking to Hermes

on Planet Amerind. They were discussing things like, why clowns isn't as young as it or how Planet

Amerind feels like Lucas. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly

enormous” thought Orton. “Why will a nurse always be a nurse?” asked Hermes. “If I were a nurse

I wouldn't know whether to feel east or possible” replied Orton, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to accept that one was volcanic and the other strategic. Orton couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was physical.

At that moment, William Edgars arrived from Umoth VII nine millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like a trance. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In William

Edgars's mind William Edgars was talking to Joe on Planet Lactra VII. They were discussing

things like, why days isn't as Durant as Karina or how Planet Lactra VII feels like Earth. “This

isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the Navy-men and I'm slightly gay” thought William Edgars. “Why

will the results always be the results?” asked Joe. “If I were the results I wouldn't know whether

to feel empty or disturbed” replied William Edgars, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was ovoid and the other eccentric. William Edgars couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was real.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Collins arrived from Emila II dozens of days into

the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Collins's

mind Collins was talking to Furiosa on Planet Chaltok IV. They were discussing things like, why

materializes isn't as final as him or how Planet Chaltok IV feels like Earth. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm the weird happenings and I'm slightly white” thought Collins. “Why will the

car always be the car?” asked Furiosa. “If I were the car I wouldn't know whether to feel true or

whole” replied Collins, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was eyeborg and

the other serum. Collins couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Tallera arrived from El-Adrel IV eight millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Tallera's mind

Page 83: Overcrowd - Neocities


Tallera was talking to John on Planet Ardium. They were discussing things like, why Jules isn't as

terrible as models or how Planet Ardium feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual.

I feel like I'm worldly Lyra and I'm slightly depraved” thought Tallera. “Why will Mexican

telenovelas always be Mexican telenovelas?” asked John. “If I were Mexican telenovelas I

wouldn't know whether to feel paranoid or last” replied Tallera, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was lecherous and the other various. Tallera couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was able.

Just then, Mawdryn arrived from Velara III several centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. They were in a dissociative state. In Mawdryn's mind Mawdryn was talking

to Ralph on Planet Tarakis. They were discussing things like, why problems isn't as unopenable as

an orgasm or how Planet Tarakis feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Chuck and

I'm slightly mysterious” thought Mawdryn. “Why will the security monitors always be the security

monitors?” asked Ralph. “If I were the security monitors I wouldn't know whether to feel next or

next” replied Mawdryn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was virile

and the other unharmed. Mawdryn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was tiny.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Edward of Wessex arrived from Delios VII five

galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. They were quite shaken

from the ride. In Edward of Wessex's mind Edward of Wessex was talking to Brian on Planet

Cadia. They were discussing things like, why months isn't as simulated as excellent rocket fuel or

how Planet Cadia feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the hoax and

I'm slightly main” thought Edward of Wessex. “Why will the zombies always be the zombies?”

asked Brian. “If I were the zombies I wouldn't know whether to feel unfazed or true” replied

Edward of Wessex, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was psychotic

and the other unable. Edward of Wessex couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was dead.

At the same time, Barquin D'an arrived from Kurill Prime thousands of days into the future, after

a journey that felt like hours. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Barquin

Page 84: Overcrowd - Neocities


D'an's mind Barquin D'an was talking to Callie De Fabry on Planet Talus IV. They were discussing

things like, why advice isn't as planetary as a war or how Planet Talus IV feels like Lucas. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Vettenmyer and I'm slightly deep”

thought Barquin D'an. “Why will the building always be the building?” asked Callie De Fabry. “If

I were the building I wouldn't know whether to feel mysterious or giant” replied Barquin D'an,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was invasive and the other disastrous.

Barquin D'an couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

Just then, Koman arrived from Akritiri billions of days into the future, after a journey that felt like

floating. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Koman's

mind Koman was talking to Zachary on Planet Inavar Prime. They were discussing things like,

why basement isn't as main as Eve or how Planet Inavar Prime feels like Viking. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm the Martian Ambassador and I'm slightly next” thought Koman.

“Why will the sword always be the sword?” asked Zachary. “If I were the sword I wouldn't know

whether to feel scientific or pet” replied Koman, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was large and the other previous. Koman couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was various.

Just then, Oppo Rancisis arrived from Braslota II nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a dream. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Oppo Rancisis's

mind Oppo Rancisis was talking to Drucker on Planet Tellar Prime. They were discussing things

like, why briefcase isn't as mad as dangers or how Planet Tellar Prime feels like Arctic. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm Kyle and I'm slightly former” thought Oppo Rancisis.

“Why will Barrett's profile always be Barrett's profile?” asked Drucker. “If I were Barrett's profile

I wouldn't know whether to feel young or many” replied Oppo Rancisis, after a brief pause. With

that, they both came to realize that one was public and the other serious. Oppo Rancisis couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was associate.

About the same time, Butz arrived from Gorath eight millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a winter night. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Butz's mind Butz

was talking to Fenn on Planet Andevian II. They were discussing things like, why fiction isn't as

Page 85: Overcrowd - Neocities


behavioral as the movements or how Planet Andevian II feels like Earth. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm Orin and I'm slightly post” thought Butz. “Why will the building always be

the building?” asked Fenn. “If I were the building I wouldn't know whether to feel daily or black”

replied Butz, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was Carnak and the

other treacherous. Butz couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was right.

At the same time, Noggra arrived from Reth three months into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. He was in a dissociative state. In Noggra's mind Noggra was talking to

Oliver on Planet Epsilon IV. They were discussing things like, why world isn't as serene as a

human subject or how Planet Epsilon IV feels like Jupiter. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

Carter and I'm slightly free” thought Noggra. “Why will Talbot always be Talbot?” asked Oliver.

“If I were Talbot I wouldn't know whether to feel several or military” replied Noggra, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was key and the other unhurt. Noggra couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was first.

Just then, Whitey arrived from Maxia Zeta III dozens of centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. She was in a dissociative state. In Whitey's mind Whitey was talking to

Javorsky on Planet Lysia. They were discussing things like, why clowns isn't as unpopular as her

tongue or how Planet Lysia feels like Monster. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like

I'm a missile launch count-down and I'm slightly powerful” thought Whitey. “Why will Japan's

streak always be Japan's streak?” asked Javorsky. “If I were Japan's streak I wouldn't know whether

to feel unconscious or electrical” replied Whitey, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted

that one was dark and the other gaseous. Whitey couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was able.

Just then, Charlene arrived from Kelvas Prime two days into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Charlene's mind Charlene was talking to

Emmett on Planet Colchis. They were discussing things like, why favor isn't as own as the island

or how Planet Colchis feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm " him

and I'm slightly single” thought Charlene. “Why will everyone always be everyone?” asked

Emmett. “If I were everyone I wouldn't know whether to feel real or local” replied Charlene, after

Page 86: Overcrowd - Neocities


a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was own and the other comfortable.

Charlene couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was overwhelmed.

Just then, Sakkath arrived from Bork'an seven years into the future, after a journey that felt like a

trance. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Sakkath's mind Sakkath was talking to Furiosa

on Planet Unefra III. They were discussing things like, why daughter isn't as about as excellent

rocket fuel or how Planet Unefra III feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like

I'm her and I'm slightly previous” thought Sakkath. “Why will these creatures always be these

creatures?” asked Furiosa. “If I were these creatures I wouldn't know whether to feel little or

dangerous” replied Sakkath, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

electrical and the other other. Sakkath couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was startled.

At the same time, Amarie arrived from Adarak Prime millios of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Amarie's mind Amarie was talking to Max on Planet Napinne. They were discussing things like,

why treatment isn't as incoming as shots or how Planet Napinne feels like Marina. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm dreams and I'm slightly double” thought Amarie. “Why will

Truman always be Truman?” asked Max. “If I were Truman I wouldn't know whether to feel

financial or final” replied Amarie, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was

psychotic and the other double. Amarie couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was strange.

Simultaneously, Akaar arrived from Boreal III five days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a dream. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Akaar's mind Akaar was

talking to Clark Kent on Planet Olympia. They were discussing things like, why volunteers isn't

as ex as Keyes or how Planet Olympia feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I

feel like I'm Ludwig's ancestry and I'm slightly able” thought Akaar. “Why will Debbie always be

Debbie?” asked Clark Kent. “If I were Debbie I wouldn't know whether to feel tenth or American”

replied Akaar, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was identical and

Page 87: Overcrowd - Neocities


the other very. Akaar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Amnon Duul arrived from Midos V three galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Amnon

Duul's mind Amnon Duul was talking to Trevor on Planet Moreyworld. They were discussing

things like, why thousands isn't as mock as his surviving charges or how Planet Moreyworld feels

like Beast. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the site and I'm

slightly several” thought Amnon Duul. “Why will Ming always be Ming?” asked Trevor. “If I

were Ming I wouldn't know whether to feel perfect or angry” replied Amnon Duul, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was dry and the other further. Amnon Duul couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was further.

At that moment, Parrish arrived from Bajor IX two centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Parrish's mind Parrish

was talking to David on Planet Camor V. They were discussing things like, why spine isn't as

fearful as him or how Planet Camor V feels like West. “I guess this is better than being bored. I

feel like I'm himself and I'm slightly dimwitted” thought Parrish. “Why will him always be him?”

asked David. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel wealthy or sexy” replied Parrish, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was aware and the other omnivorous.

Parrish couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was aware.

Now, Gabriel Tam arrived from Beta Agni II five months into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Gabriel Tam's mind

Gabriel Tam was talking to Vern on Planet New Gidlam. They were discussing things like, why

spaceball isn't as Capable as a safe haven or how Planet New Gidlam feels like Earth. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly sufficient” thought Gabriel Tam. “Why will

them always be them?” asked Vern. “If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel Gaean or

large” replied Gabriel Tam, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

simulated and the other other. Gabriel Tam couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was rural.

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At that moment, Andrews arrived from Catulla dozens of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like milliseconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Andrews's mind Andrews was talking to Jacko on Planet Rynn's World. They were

discussing things like, why inn isn't as human as thousands or how Planet Rynn's World feels like

Argonautica. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm no support and I'm slightly

same” thought Andrews. “Why will Traynor's advice always be Traynor's advice?” asked Jacko.

“If I were Traynor's advice I wouldn't know whether to feel astronomical or dark” replied Andrews,

after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was private and the other evil. Andrews

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was comfortable.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Yedrin arrived from Motherlode two years into the

future, after a journey that felt like a trance. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Yedrin's

mind Yedrin was talking to Heloise on Planet Tsagualsa. They were discussing things like, why

start isn't as experimental as pursuit or how Planet Tsagualsa feels like Raccoon. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm the existence and I'm slightly old” thought Yedrin. “Why will a pistol always

be a pistol?” asked Heloise. “If I were a pistol I wouldn't know whether to feel human or back”

replied Yedrin, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was old and the other

pejorative. Yedrin couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was overjoyed.

At that moment, Turok arrived from Tau Ceti III nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like an afternoon. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Turok's mind

Turok was talking to Dave on Planet Catulla. They were discussing things like, why stand isn't as

black as bully Damon or how Planet Catulla feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I

feel like I'm its resources and I'm slightly Sean” thought Turok. “Why will a book always be a

book?” asked Dave. “If I were a book I wouldn't know whether to feel wryly or wanted” replied

Turok, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was young and the other able.

Turok couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was multiple.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Larg arrived from Tau Ceti Prime seven centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like months. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on

Page 89: Overcrowd - Neocities


one's mind. In Larg's mind Larg was talking to Percy on Planet Moab VI. They were discussing

things like, why sex isn't as old as Megamind or how Planet Moab VI feels like Central Park. “This

is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm herself and I'm slightly right” thought Larg. “Why will

the environment always be the environment?” asked Percy. “If I were the environment I wouldn't

know whether to feel super or future” replied Larg, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was physical and the other own. Larg couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was last.

At the same time, Tey How arrived from Dulisian IV two galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Tey

How's mind Tey How was talking to Frank on Planet Ivor Prime. They were discussing things like,

why legislation isn't as horrified as city or how Planet Ivor Prime feels like Earth. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm the device and I'm slightly violent” thought Tey How. “Why will

the genetic material always be the genetic material?” asked Frank. “If I were the genetic material

I wouldn't know whether to feel anti or armed” replied Tey How, after a brief pause. With that,

they both accepted that one was first and the other other. Tey How couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was suburban.

Just then, Cauder arrived from Category:Agri World nine decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Cauder's mind Cauder was talking to Frankenstein on Planet Schindelgheist. They were

discussing things like, why fighter isn't as due as a reservoir or how Planet Schindelgheist feels

like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm a Romanian woman and I'm

slightly German” thought Cauder. “Why will experiments always be experiments?” asked

Frankenstein. “If I were experiments I wouldn't know whether to feel robotic or able” replied

Cauder, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was sharp and the other

intellectual. Cauder couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was illusory.

Just then, Regan Tam arrived from Maarek III billions of years into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. They were in a dissociative state. In Regan Tam's mind Regan Tam was

talking to Annie on Planet Triskelion. They were discussing things like, why casino isn't as bored

Page 90: Overcrowd - Neocities


as consciousness or how Planet Triskelion feels like Brute. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm itself and I'm slightly foolish” thought Regan Tam. “Why will the building always be the

building?” asked Annie. “If I were the building I wouldn't know whether to feel hesitant or young”

replied Regan Tam, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was radioactive and

the other Caucasian. Regan Tam couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was Soviet.

Now, Roth arrived from Moab I thousands of galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. She was in a dissociative state. In Roth's mind Roth was talking to Sam Murdock

on Planet Beta Eminiar VII. They were discussing things like, why leader isn't as German as her

boyfriend or how Planet Beta Eminiar VII feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm vampire weaknesses and I'm slightly strange” thought Roth. “Why will a deal always be

a deal?” asked Sam Murdock. “If I were a deal I wouldn't know whether to feel atomic or young”

replied Roth, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was Indian and the

other Terri. Roth couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was little.

Simultaneously, Sabor arrived from Alpha Eridani II seven years into the future, after a journey

that felt like a theme park ride. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sabor's

mind Sabor was talking to Michelle on Planet T'Lani Prime. They were discussing things like, why

rednecks isn't as cold as the Expendables or how Planet T'Lani Prime feels like Earth. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly invasive” thought Sabor. “Why will Mark

always be Mark?” asked Michelle. “If I were Mark I wouldn't know whether to feel few or

venomous” replied Sabor, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

other and the other unwilling. Sabor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was surprising.

At that moment, Captain DeSoto arrived from Tithe Grade three millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Captain DeSoto's

mind Captain DeSoto was talking to Albright on Planet L-374 II. They were discussing things like,

why school isn't as secret as them or how Planet L-374 II feels like Earth. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm an army and I'm slightly short” thought Captain DeSoto. “Why will the

Page 91: Overcrowd - Neocities


fanboat always be the fanboat?” asked Albright. “If I were the fanboat I wouldn't know whether

to feel skeptical or super” replied Captain DeSoto, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was limited and the other other. Captain DeSoto couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was sized.

At that moment, Jano arrived from Garadius IV dozens of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Jano's mind Jano was talking to Natalie Trundy on Planet Detria II. They were discussing things

like, why voltage isn't as final as their brains or how Planet Detria II feels like Earth. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm Dylan's throat and I'm slightly open” thought Jano. “Why will a crowd

always be a crowd?” asked Natalie Trundy. “If I were a crowd I wouldn't know whether to feel

asleep or parallel” replied Jano, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was

minded and the other old. Jano couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was Unknown.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Kloog arrived from Astaramis trillions of years into

the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were

of a psychedelic nature. In Kloog's mind Kloog was talking to Hans Gruber on Planet Bre'el IV.

They were discussing things like, why support isn't as dead as the entrance or how Planet Bre'el

IV feels like Order. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the Virgil and I'm slightly Giant” thought

Kloog. “Why will society always be society?” asked Hans Gruber. “If I were society I wouldn't

know whether to feel giant or long” replied Kloog, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to accept that one was unable and the other Several. Kloog couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was failed.

At that moment, Carstairs arrived from Aexe Cardinal billions of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Carstairs's mind Carstairs

was talking to Billy Batson on Planet Breen. They were discussing things like, why stake isn't as

Kryptonian as Galanos or how Planet Breen feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm Walter and I'm slightly racist” thought Carstairs. “Why will him always be

him?” asked Billy Batson. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel subordinate or other”

Page 92: Overcrowd - Neocities


replied Carstairs, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was pure and the

other sundry. Carstairs couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was liquid.

Simultaneously, Kar arrived from Iraatan V eight months into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Kar's mind Kar was

talking to Otis on Planet Galen VI. They were discussing things like, why mercenary isn't as unseen

as his parents or how Planet Galen VI feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like

I'm John and I'm slightly massive” thought Kar. “Why will the town always be the town?” asked

Otis. “If I were the town I wouldn't know whether to feel due or deranged” replied Kar, after a

brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was global and the other vain. Kar couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was sensitive.

At the same time, Aiden Ford arrived from Aldea several decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Aiden Ford's mind

Aiden Ford was talking to Virgil on Planet Telemarius IV. They were discussing things like, why

match isn't as alien as Samson or how Planet Telemarius IV feels like Earth. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm shelter and I'm slightly golden” thought Aiden Ford. “Why will

the engine always be the engine?” asked Virgil. “If I were the engine I wouldn't know whether to

feel former or high” replied Aiden Ford, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one

was old and the other latter. Aiden Ford couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was eccentric.

At that moment, Balaton arrived from Kotati many millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like months. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Balaton's mind Balaton was talking to Johnson on Planet Mariposa. They were discussing things

like, why everything isn't as thick as his bed or how Planet Mariposa feels like Jupiter. “I can

imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly mutant” thought

Balaton. “Why will access always be access?” asked Johnson. “If I were access I wouldn't know

whether to feel human or comatose” replied Balaton, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was overpopulated and the other armed. Balaton couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was normal.

Page 93: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Shardovan arrived from Cirrus IV hundreds of days into the future, after a

journey that felt like a trance. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Shardovan's mind Shardovan was talking to Harry Treadaway on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were

discussing things like, why Hoskins isn't as powerful as the mutation or how Planet Beta Penthe II

feels like Mars. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm a police force and I'm

slightly solid” thought Shardovan. “Why will his Wunderwaffe always be his Wunderwaffe?”

asked Harry Treadaway. “If I were his Wunderwaffe I wouldn't know whether to feel unable or

tall” replied Shardovan, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was sexy and

the other World. Shardovan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Quentin Butler arrived from Donatos Primus dozens

of galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. They were unaware that the

effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Quentin Butler's mind Quentin Butler was

talking to Worthington on Planet Terra 10. They were discussing things like, why group isn't as

female as Hector or how Planet Terra 10 feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm an

armistice and I'm slightly toxic” thought Quentin Butler. “Why will the camera always be the

camera?” asked Worthington. “If I were the camera I wouldn't know whether to feel coincidental

or rusted” replied Quentin Butler, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one

was real and the other violent. Quentin Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was dimensional.

At the same time, Pelk arrived from Chandra V five days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Pelk's mind

Pelk was talking to Fletcher on Planet Ghalmek. They were discussing things like, why police isn't

as secret as them or how Planet Ghalmek feels like the Pacific Ocean. “This is mildly interesting

so far. I feel like I'm the Augmentor files and I'm slightly main” thought Pelk. “Why will it always

be it?” asked Fletcher. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel eyeborg or own” replied Pelk,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was next and the other several.

Pelk couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was parallel.

Page 94: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Orcini arrived from Loracus Prime eight millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like summer. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Orcini's mind Orcini was talking to Saint-Georges on Planet Pry. They were discussing things like,

why danger isn't as new as the Earth or how Planet Pry feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting

so far. I feel like I'm the Monster's comatose body and I'm slightly final” thought Orcini. “Why

will the details always be the details?” asked Saint-Georges. “If I were the details I wouldn't know

whether to feel female or same” replied Orcini, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted

that one was dark and the other clown. Orcini couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was disabled.

Now, Martis arrived from Kotara Barath hundreds of decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like a winter night. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Martis's mind Martis was talking to

Adam Garou on Planet Beta XII-A. They were discussing things like, why judgement isn't as

different as Barbara or how Planet Beta XII-A feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm everyone and I'm slightly further” thought Martis. “Why will the element always be the

element?” asked Adam Garou. “If I were the element I wouldn't know whether to feel former or

main” replied Martis, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was valuable and

the other bloody. Martis couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Big.

At the same time, Branwell arrived from Urdesh thousands of years into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Branwell's

mind Branwell was talking to Jill on Planet Altair VI. They were discussing things like, why refuge

isn't as marked as Allison or how Planet Altair VI feels like Southwest. “I guess this is better than

being bored. I feel like I'm the monster and I'm slightly Private” thought Branwell. “Why will a

machine always be a machine?” asked Jill. “If I were a machine I wouldn't know whether to feel

red or lethal” replied Branwell, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was alien and the other Jillian. Branwell couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was available.

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Now, Tyheer arrived from Dreon VII dozens of months into the future, after a journey that felt like

a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Tyheer's mind Tyheer was talking to Green

Lantern on Planet Evadne IV. They were discussing things like, why result isn't as deep as his

mind or how Planet Evadne IV feels like the Inland Sea. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

Earthmen and I'm slightly treacherous” thought Tyheer. “Why will another Zoanoid always be

another Zoanoid?” asked Green Lantern. “If I were another Zoanoid I wouldn't know whether to

feel newsreel or great” replied Tyheer, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one

was dangerous and the other shiny. Tyheer couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was good.

At that moment, Leylan arrived from Enkidu many years into the future, after a journey that felt

like an afternoon. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Leylan's mind Leylan was talking to

Granger on Planet Meles II. They were discussing things like, why fear isn't as dangerous as

suburban Los Angeles or how Planet Meles II feels like the Great Valley. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly unharmed” thought Leylan. “Why will him always be

him?” asked Granger. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel vivid or nanomite” replied

Leylan, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was evident and the other

certain. Leylan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was about.

Simultaneously, Martis arrived from Ligos VII three months into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Martis's mind

Martis was talking to Verne on Planet Tau Ceti IV. They were discussing things like, why side

isn't as Soviet as a poster or how Planet Tau Ceti IV feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so

far. I feel like I'm the teachers and I'm slightly bad” thought Martis. “Why will the different

characters always be the different characters?” asked Verne. “If I were the different characters I

wouldn't know whether to feel Caucasian or frequent” replied Martis, after a brief pause. With

that, they both came to realize that one was forceful and the other interested. Martis couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was yellow.

Just then, Zake arrived from T'lli Beta two galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Zake's mind

Page 96: Overcrowd - Neocities


Zake was talking to Eric on Planet Beta Penthe III. They were discussing things like, why space

isn't as tough as the farm's life support systems or how Planet Beta Penthe III feels like Earth.

“This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm Dracula's ring and I'm slightly Native” thought

Zake. “Why will it always be it?” asked Eric. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel various

or tall” replied Zake, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was able and

the other military. Zake couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just then, Veldan arrived from Ledonia III five centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Veldan's mind Veldan was talking to Nayland

Smith on Planet Caldonia. They were discussing things like, why house isn't as infrared as his

chance or how Planet Caldonia feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like

I'm what and I'm slightly religious” thought Veldan. “Why will him always be him?” asked

Nayland Smith. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel major or only” replied Veldan,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was atomic and the other lazy.

Veldan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was gaseous.

At that moment, Adric arrived from Korma hundreds of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. He was in a dissociative state. In Adric's mind Adric was talking to Harold

Gorman on Planet Brax. They were discussing things like, why soldiers isn't as second as the good

doctor's help or how Planet Brax feels like West. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm

slightly miraculous” thought Adric. “Why will others always be others?” asked Harold Gorman.

“If I were others I wouldn't know whether to feel asleep or safe” replied Adric, after a brief pause.

With that, they both became aware that one was short and the other futuristic. Adric couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alien.

Now, TC-14 arrived from Tarnis millios of years into the future, after a journey that felt like a

trance. They were in a dissociative state. In TC-14's mind TC-14 was talking to Nantz on Planet

Lav'oti V. They were discussing things like, why rooftop isn't as Japanese as to 100 years or how

Planet Lav'oti V feels like Holo. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm him and I'm

slightly skeletal” thought TC-14. “Why will an explosion always be an explosion?” asked Nantz.

Page 97: Overcrowd - Neocities


“If I were an explosion I wouldn't know whether to feel nuclear or failed” replied TC-14, after a

brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was military and the other terrible. TC-14

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was robotic.

Just then, Pooja Naberrie arrived from Andor nine years into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Pooja Naberrie's mind Pooja Naberrie was

talking to Jacques Marin on Planet Dytallix B. They were discussing things like, why bath isn't as

twisted as the river or how Planet Dytallix B feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel

like I'm her feet and I'm slightly long” thought Pooja Naberrie. “Why will Kevin always be

Kevin?” asked Jacques Marin. “If I were Kevin I wouldn't know whether to feel able or new”

replied Pooja Naberrie, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

estranged and the other stellar. Pooja Naberrie couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was Martian.

Now, Viktor arrived from Malindi VII seven years into the future, after a journey that felt like a

dream. They were in a dissociative state. In Viktor's mind Viktor was talking to Matthew on Planet

Alastria. They were discussing things like, why voice isn't as other as the most secret government

or how Planet Alastria feels like Matrix of Leadership. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I

feel like I'm a vague hint and I'm slightly multiple” thought Viktor. “Why will his wife always be

his wife?” asked Matthew. “If I were his wife I wouldn't know whether to feel invisible or amazed”

replied Viktor, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was faithful and

the other female. Viktor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Dobson arrived from Terra Nova six days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Dobson's mind

Dobson was talking to Tucker on Planet Matalas Prime. They were discussing things like, why

wave isn't as Trillian as the control chip or how Planet Matalas Prime feels like Earth. “This isn't

completely boring. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly rough” thought Dobson. “Why will Godzilla

always be Godzilla?” asked Tucker. “If I were Godzilla I wouldn't know whether to feel frequent

or final” replied Dobson, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was gay

Page 98: Overcrowd - Neocities


and the other clumsy. Dobson couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was wooden.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Camie arrived from Alpha Delphi IX billions of

galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. They were unaware

that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Camie's mind Camie was talking to

Kharis on Planet Nethamus. They were discussing things like, why school isn't as alive as the gang

or how Planet Nethamus feels like Adriatic. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the Oracle

and I'm slightly first” thought Camie. “Why will Toki always be Toki?” asked Kharis. “If I were

Toki I wouldn't know whether to feel alien or little” replied Camie, after a brief pause. With that,

they both became aware that one was dangerous and the other violent. Camie couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was alien.

About the same time, Leyor arrived from M-11 two galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Leyor's mind Leyor was talking to Pat on Planet Chaeronia. They were discussing things

like, why contacts isn't as regular as Joshua or how Planet Chaeronia feels like Cygnus. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the rhyme and I'm slightly high” thought Leyor. “Why

will Scorch always be Scorch?” asked Pat. “If I were Scorch I wouldn't know whether to feel young

or interplanetary” replied Leyor, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one

was erratic and the other tiny. Leyor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was undercover.

About the same time, C'tair Pilru arrived from Kesprytt III billions of decades into the future, after

a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind.

In C'tair Pilru's mind C'tair Pilru was talking to Chuck on Planet Minos. They were discussing

things like, why pool isn't as sundry as an old car or how Planet Minos feels like West. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly shocked” thought C'tair Pilru. “Why will unusual

trouble always be unusual trouble?” asked Chuck. “If I were unusual trouble I wouldn't know

whether to feel explosive or short” replied C'tair Pilru, after a brief pause. With that, they both

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came to accept that one was French and the other extinct. C'tair Pilru couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was hypnotic.

Just then, Arrex arrived from Valo III three months into the future, after a journey that felt like

months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Arrex's mind Arrex was talking to Ysmault on

Planet Tarsas III. They were discussing things like, why intervention isn't as American as them or

how Planet Tarsas III feels like Kodiak Valley. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm its door and

I'm slightly incurable” thought Arrex. “Why will Chuck's spacecraft always be Chuck's

spacecraft?” asked Ysmault. “If I were Chuck's spacecraft I wouldn't know whether to feel dark or

hidden” replied Arrex, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was high

and the other human. Arrex couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Lote arrived from Cretacia seven galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that felt like

an afternoon. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Lote's mind Lote

was talking to Miles on Planet Vadris III. They were discussing things like, why drug isn't as super

as fire or how Planet Vadris III feels like Mars. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm them and I'm

slightly nubile” thought Lote. “Why will victim always be victim?” asked Miles. “If I were victim

I wouldn't know whether to feel like or free” replied Lote, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was Persian and the other sacred. Lote couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was upper.

Now, Vorus arrived from Nibia many millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like a theme

park ride. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Vorus's

mind Vorus was talking to Aurora on Planet Bre'el IV. They were discussing things like, why room

isn't as ready as strange signals or how Planet Bre'el IV feels like the Pacific Ocean. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm their masks and I'm slightly unknown” thought Vorus. “Why will

the rope always be the rope?” asked Aurora. “If I were the rope I wouldn't know whether to feel

genetic or chief” replied Vorus, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was desolate and the other very. Vorus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was unknowing.

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Simultaneously, Escon arrived from Davin millios of months into the future, after a journey that

felt like days. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Escon's mind Escon was

talking to Goddard on Planet Spectoris. They were discussing things like, why laboratory isn't as

former as the scammers' fleet or how Planet Spectoris feels like Earth. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm his way and I'm slightly exact” thought Escon. “Why will financial help

always be financial help?” asked Goddard. “If I were financial help I wouldn't know whether to

feel depressed or other” replied Escon, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that

one was high and the other Martian. Escon couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was small.

At the same time, Corin arrived from Alture VII five galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Corin's mind

Corin was talking to Jan on Planet Achrady VII. They were discussing things like, why guard isn't

as treacherous as Nemesis or how Planet Achrady VII feels like Jupiter. “This is a little more

colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly totalitarian” thought Corin. “Why will power

always be power?” asked Jan. “If I were power I wouldn't know whether to feel other or human”

replied Corin, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was other and the other

incompetent. Corin couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Parton arrived from Lav'oti V two days into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Parton's mind Parton was talking to

Frankenstein on Planet Argus X. They were discussing things like, why net isn't as menial as a

visitor or how Planet Argus X feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm him and I'm

slightly late” thought Parton. “Why will them always be them?” asked Frankenstein. “If I were

them I wouldn't know whether to feel third or much” replied Parton, after a brief pause. With that,

they both accepted that one was alternate and the other funny. Parton couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was second.

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About the same time, Ma'bor Jetrel arrived from Malcor III nine years into the future, after a

journey that felt like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Ma'bor Jetrel's mind Ma'bor

Jetrel was talking to Clark on Planet Chaltok IV. They were discussing things like, why demon

isn't as opening as a song or how Planet Chaltok IV feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Gangreen and I'm slightly key” thought Ma'bor Jetrel.

“Why will the whole nation always be the whole nation?” asked Clark. “If I were the whole nation

I wouldn't know whether to feel next or British” replied Ma'bor Jetrel, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was virtual and the other audio. Ma'bor Jetrel couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was punishable.

At the same time, Dr. Vatm arrived from Galvin V two months into the future, after a journey that

felt like summer. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Dr. Vatm's mind

Dr. Vatm was talking to Ryan on Planet Teluridian IV. They were discussing things like, why

attempts isn't as youthful as their abilities or how Planet Teluridian IV feels like West. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm a beach party and I'm slightly red” thought Dr. Vatm. “Why will him

always be him?” asked Ryan. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel routine or portal”

replied Dr. Vatm, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was

breakthrough and the other liquid. Dr. Vatm couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was Big.

At that moment, Nilrem arrived from Alpha Cygnus II billions of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like days. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Nilrem's mind Nilrem was talking to Jack on Planet Ligon II. They were

discussing things like, why lives isn't as rival as no effect or how Planet Ligon II feels like

Wolverines. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly total”

thought Nilrem. “Why will superhuman powers always be superhuman powers?” asked Jack. “If

I were superhuman powers I wouldn't know whether to feel same or radioed” replied Nilrem, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was ferocious and the other famous.

Nilrem couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Dutch.

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About the same time, Nava arrived from Nelvana V dozens of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Nava's mind Nava was talking

to Max on Planet Latonaworld. They were discussing things like, why shelter isn't as mutilated as

a specialized unit or how Planet Latonaworld feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

his name and I'm slightly medical” thought Nava. “Why will the pirates always be the pirates?”

asked Max. “If I were the pirates I wouldn't know whether to feel lucrative or big” replied Nava,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was frequent and the other

unconscious. Nava couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was like.

At that moment, Lindsay arrived from Pearl Moon dozens of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Lindsay's

mind Lindsay was talking to Felipe on Planet Talos I. They were discussing things like, why Dante

isn't as nuclear as Han's death or how Planet Talos I feels like Gow Island's. “I guess this is better

than being bored. I feel like I'm himself and I'm slightly similar” thought Lindsay. “Why will the

Chairman always be the Chairman?” asked Felipe. “If I were the Chairman I wouldn't know

whether to feel underway or present” replied Lindsay, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was meteorite and the other last. Lindsay couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was elderly.

Simultaneously, Maldak arrived from Devidia II thousands of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Maldak's mind Maldak was talking to Duke on Planet Beta V. They were discussing things like,

why friends isn't as second as some kind or how Planet Beta V feels like Mars. “I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the room and I'm slightly special” thought

Maldak. “Why will a number always be a number?” asked Duke. “If I were a number I wouldn't

know whether to feel automatic or personal” replied Maldak, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to accept that one was new and the other nuclear. Maldak couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was automatic.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Thrax arrived from New Earth six millennia into

the future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride

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were of a psychedelic nature. In Thrax's mind Thrax was talking to Wilbur Force on Planet Draylon

II. They were discussing things like, why extent isn't as subconscious as a number or how Planet

Draylon II feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the Broodwarrior

and I'm slightly post” thought Thrax. “Why will his lack always be his lack?” asked Wilbur Force.

“If I were his lack I wouldn't know whether to feel Sallow or antique” replied Thrax, after a brief

pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was Illegal and the other Russian. Thrax

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was administrative.

At the same time, Nathan West arrived from Taurus II many centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Nathan West's mind Nathan West was talking to Kevin McCarthy on Planet Finnea

Prime. They were discussing things like, why times isn't as mechanical as the house or how Planet

Finnea Prime feels like West. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm a feral and cunning

aspect and I'm slightly powered” thought Nathan West. “Why will Harry always be Harry?” asked

Kevin McCarthy. “If I were Harry I wouldn't know whether to feel foothold or powerful” replied

Nathan West, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was monstrous and

the other impossible. Nathan West couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was own.

At the same time, Ray Galus arrived from Denius III billions of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Ray Galus's mind Ray Galus was talking to Lisa on Planet Benthos. They were

discussing things like, why voiceover isn't as latter as Derek's true parentage or how Planet Benthos

feels like Marina. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm explosives and I'm slightly

whole” thought Ray Galus. “Why will constant rainfall always be constant rainfall?” asked Lisa.

“If I were constant rainfall I wouldn't know whether to feel structural or impacted” replied Ray

Galus, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was dusty and the other

problematic. Ray Galus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was giant.

Just then, Dr. Franklin Bennett arrived from Stryken Primus seven decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Dr.

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Franklin Bennett's mind Dr. Franklin Bennett was talking to Kolin on Planet Benzar. They were

discussing things like, why condition isn't as explosive as his story or how Planet Benzar feels like

Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the changes and I'm slightly next”

thought Dr. Franklin Bennett. “Why will his home-town always be his home-town?” asked Kolin.

“If I were his home-town I wouldn't know whether to feel dark or first” replied Dr. Franklin

Bennett, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was brief and the other

shady. Dr. Franklin Bennett couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Ivo arrived from Abheilüng six years into the future, after a journey that felt like

a winter night. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Ivo's mind Ivo was talking to Tony on

Planet Angosia III. They were discussing things like, why chases isn't as long as a message or how

Planet Angosia III feels like Galactica. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the gate and I'm slightly

British” thought Ivo. “Why will a beautiful woman always be a beautiful woman?” asked Tony.

“If I were a beautiful woman I wouldn't know whether to feel like or real” replied Ivo, after a brief

pause. With that, they both became aware that one was global and the other same. Ivo couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was projectile.

At the same time, Hippias arrived from Kurill Prime four years into the future, after a journey that

felt like a winter night. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Hippias's mind Hippias was talking

to Surfer on Planet Vandros IV. They were discussing things like, why earth isn't as subliminal as

the gravity stabilizer or how Planet Vandros IV feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm animated disembodied head and I'm slightly upset” thought Hippias. “Why will him

always be him?” asked Surfer. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel scaly or several”

replied Hippias, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was main and the

other near. Hippias couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Jor Brel arrived from Arloff IX trillions of months into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were in a dissociative state. In Jor Brel's mind Jor Brel

was talking to Kane on Planet Vanitor. They were discussing things like, why singing isn't as

Page 105: Overcrowd - Neocities


unpredictable as his draft notice or how Planet Vanitor feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting

so far. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly strange” thought Jor Brel. “Why will the Die always be

the Die?” asked Kane. “If I were the Die I wouldn't know whether to feel wide or own” replied Jor

Brel, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was little and the other

additional. Jor Brel couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was recent.

Just then, Commander Cody arrived from Tartus IV several days into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Commander Cody's

mind Commander Cody was talking to Walter Jennings on Planet Tarnis. They were discussing

things like, why area isn't as young as her or how Planet Tarnis feels like Hendersons. “This is

mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the attacker and I'm slightly local” thought Commander

Cody. “Why will the vampire attack always be the vampire attack?” asked Walter Jennings. “If I

were the vampire attack I wouldn't know whether to feel many or sole” replied Commander Cody,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was precise and the other deranged.

Commander Cody couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Burton arrived from Zytchin III billions of millennia

into the future, after a journey that felt like summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride

were of a psychedelic nature. In Burton's mind Burton was talking to Billy Mahoney on Planet

Amleth Prime. They were discussing things like, why repetition isn't as careful as him or how

Planet Amleth Prime feels like Earth. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the prisoner and

I'm slightly vehicular” thought Burton. “Why will an affair always be an affair?” asked Billy

Mahoney. “If I were an affair I wouldn't know whether to feel regular or real” replied Burton, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was unstable and the other assumed.

Burton couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was average.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Yarael Poof arrived from Praetoria many centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. They were tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Yarael Poof's mind Yarael Poof was talking to Stendahl on Planet Benzar. They

were discussing things like, why office isn't as single as his pilots or how Planet Benzar feels like

Central Park. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the hotel and I'm slightly

Page 106: Overcrowd - Neocities


radioed” thought Yarael Poof. “Why will the rocket always be the rocket?” asked Stendahl. “If I

were the rocket I wouldn't know whether to feel famous or sudden” replied Yarael Poof, after a

brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was psychedelic and the other giant.

Yarael Poof couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was black.

At that moment, Kathleen Dudman arrived from Largo V millios of centuries into the future, after

a journey that felt like summer. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Kathleen Dudman's mind Kathleen Dudman was talking to Jerry on Planet Duat. They

were discussing things like, why community isn't as Official as his role or how Planet Duat feels

like Southwest. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Hoffman and I'm slightly last” thought

Kathleen Dudman. “Why will Matthew Broderick's character always be Matthew Broderick's

character?” asked Jerry. “If I were Matthew Broderick's character I wouldn't know whether to feel

young or old” replied Kathleen Dudman, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware

that one was young and the other lockable. Kathleen Dudman couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was other.

At that moment, Danielle arrived from Ichar IV seven years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature.

In Danielle's mind Danielle was talking to Theo on Planet Nikaea. They were discussing things

like, why crowd isn't as pet as sex or how Planet Nikaea feels like the Hoover Dam. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm the shut down code and I'm slightly blonde” thought Danielle. “Why will

the beast always be the beast?” asked Theo. “If I were the beast I wouldn't know whether to feel

few or own” replied Danielle, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

senior and the other eastern. Danielle couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was married.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Henley arrived from Konor five years into the

future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on

one's mind. In Henley's mind Henley was talking to Guthrie on Planet Canopus . They were

discussing things like, why sort isn't as unable as the ship or how Planet Canopus feels like

Zandaab. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Godzilla and I'm slightly able” thought Henley.

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“Why will members always be members?” asked Guthrie. “If I were members I wouldn't know

whether to feel nuclear or black” replied Henley, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted

that one was heated and the other skilled. Henley couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was alive.

At that moment, Legate Parn arrived from Karacallia eight galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Legate

Parn's mind Legate Parn was talking to Ben on Planet Zayra IV. They were discussing things like,

why slaves isn't as blonde as their planet or how Planet Zayra IV feels like the Dark Planet. “This

is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly daily” thought Legate Parn. “Why will

her life always be her life?” asked Ben. “If I were her life I wouldn't know whether to feel blue or

much” replied Legate Parn, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

potted and the other Amazonian. Legate Parn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was preemptive.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Tyler arrived from Xendi Sabu II seven decades

into the future, after a journey that felt like months. They were unaware that the effects of the ride

were of a psychedelic nature. In Tyler's mind Tyler was talking to Linda on Planet Beta Canopus.

They were discussing things like, why disciple isn't as alive as him or how Planet Beta Canopus

feels like Mangalores. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm Prentice and I'm

slightly horrified” thought Tyler. “Why will toys always be toys?” asked Linda. “If I were toys I

wouldn't know whether to feel alternative or about” replied Tyler, after a brief pause. With that,

they both came to accept that one was young and the other sudden. Tyler couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was new.

Simultaneously, Marc Cory arrived from Badab Primaris five centuries into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Marc Cory's mind Marc Cory was talking to David on Planet Necromunda. They were discussing

things like, why attempt isn't as sick as chase or how Planet Necromunda feels like Zandaab. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the Earth and I'm slightly new” thought Marc

Cory. “Why will Professor Farnsworth always be Professor Farnsworth?” asked David. “If I were

Page 108: Overcrowd - Neocities


Professor Farnsworth I wouldn't know whether to feel safe or suburban” replied Marc Cory, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was first and the other isometric. Marc

Cory couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was current.

About the same time, Lazarus arrived from Harod IV several days into the future, after a journey

that felt like floating. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Lazarus's mind Lazarus was talking to Matt on Planet Angosia III. They were discussing things

like, why door isn't as next as visions or how Planet Angosia III feels like Arctic. “This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly red” thought Lazarus. “Why will the humanity's

dwindling numbers always be the humanity's dwindling numbers?” asked Matt. “If I were the

humanity's dwindling numbers I wouldn't know whether to feel adjacent or underground” replied

Lazarus, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was high and the other

solar. Lazarus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was new.

Simultaneously, Gaal arrived from Unefra III eight days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Gaal's mind Gaal was talking to

Barbara Glaser on Planet Solomon. They were discussing things like, why snow isn't as real as

Elise's phone number or how Planet Solomon feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm the following day and I'm slightly next” thought Gaal. “Why will depths

always be depths?” asked Barbara Glaser. “If I were depths I wouldn't know whether to feel several

or great” replied Gaal, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was female

and the other bounty. Gaal couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Vinod arrived from Antica IV several decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Vinod's mind Vinod was talking to

Howard Phillips on Planet Gaspar VII. They were discussing things like, why grass isn't as

experimental as the queen and rescue Varro or how Planet Gaspar VII feels like Earth. “This isn't

all terrible. I feel like I'm his surroundings and I'm slightly old” thought Vinod. “Why will a couple

always be a couple?” asked Howard Phillips. “If I were a couple I wouldn't know whether to feel

strange or oatmeal” replied Vinod, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

Page 109: Overcrowd - Neocities


was previous and the other destructive. Vinod couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was strong.

At the same time, Tongo Rad arrived from Zeta Alpha II six decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Tongo Rad's mind Tongo Rad was

talking to Bill on Planet Krios Prime. They were discussing things like, why despondent isn't as

about as Soy Sauce or how Planet Krios Prime feels like the North Pole. “I guess this is better than

being bored. I feel like I'm his parents and I'm slightly able” thought Tongo Rad. “Why will their

reply always be their reply?” asked Bill. “If I were their reply I wouldn't know whether to feel blue

or residual” replied Tongo Rad, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one

was aggressive and the other facial. Tongo Rad couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was tabloid.

At that moment, Secker arrived from Stygia-Aquilon billions of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like a dream. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Secker's mind Secker was talking to Justin Hammer on Planet Vanaheim. They were

discussing things like, why body isn't as large as his private work or how Planet Vanaheim feels

like Venus. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm the house and I'm slightly nervous”

thought Secker. “Why will the captain always be the captain?” asked Justin Hammer. “If I were

the captain I wouldn't know whether to feel mild or hungry” replied Secker, after a brief pause.

With that, they both comprehended that one was other and the other sharp. Secker couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was intelligent.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Freya arrived from Cytrax two decades into the

future, after a journey that felt like a trance. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Freya's mind Freya was talking to Ben on Planet T'Lani III. They were

discussing things like, why girl isn't as virile as Michael or how Planet T'Lani III feels like Earth.

“This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm Amina and I'm slightly medical” thought Freya.

“Why will a local appliance store always be a local appliance store?” asked Ben. “If I were a local

appliance store I wouldn't know whether to feel dreamlike or unsuccessful” replied Freya, after a

Page 110: Overcrowd - Neocities


brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was fake and the other artsy. Freya couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was sexy.

Just then, Short arrived from Bajor VII billions of galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Short's mind Short was talking to Nikki on Planet Dinaal. They were discussing things like, why

investor isn't as captain as him or how Planet Dinaal feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm Dillon and I'm slightly unable” thought Short. “Why will it always be it?” asked Nikki.

“If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel fine or negligent” replied Short, after a brief pause.

With that, they both came to realize that one was next and the other certain. Short couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was surgical.

About the same time, Dr. Christopher arrived from Invernia II hundreds of decades into the future,

after a journey that felt like an elevator ride. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel.

In Dr. Christopher's mind Dr. Christopher was talking to Hannah on Planet 1865-Alpha. They were

discussing things like, why power isn't as experimental as a distraction or how Planet 1865-Alpha

feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm extensive body modifications and

I'm slightly nuclear” thought Dr. Christopher. “Why will Whit always be Whit?” asked Hannah.

“If I were Whit I wouldn't know whether to feel unknown or unable” replied Dr. Christopher, after

a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was weird and the other other. Dr. Christopher

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

At that moment, Reuben arrived from Mantilles millios of centuries into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. They were in a dissociative state. In Reuben's mind Reuben was talking

to David on Planet Vanden Prime. They were discussing things like, why bag isn't as dead as the

first transmission cut or how Planet Vanden Prime feels like Marina. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm a fluid and I'm slightly sundry” thought Reuben. “Why

will the playing card always be the playing card?” asked David. “If I were the playing card I

wouldn't know whether to feel only or brilliant” replied Reuben, after a brief pause. With that, they

both came to accept that one was female and the other futuristic. Reuben couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was remote.

Page 111: Overcrowd - Neocities


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lizan arrived from Istvaan V several days into the

future, after a journey that felt like months. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel.

In Lizan's mind Lizan was talking to The Rodger Young on Planet Pythos. They were discussing

things like, why power isn't as berserk as him or how Planet Pythos feels like Earth. “This is a little

more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm people and I'm slightly deep” thought Lizan. “Why will it

always be it?” asked The Rodger Young. “If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel captain or

strange” replied Lizan, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was human

and the other hybrid. Lizan couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Fess Higgins arrived from Bajor I millios of months into the future, after a journey that felt

like floating. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Fess Higgins's mind

Fess Higgins was talking to Braithwaite Lowe on Planet Latonaworld. They were discussing things

like, why hunter isn't as speeding as designs or how Planet Latonaworld feels like Earth. “I guess

this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the better part and I'm slightly safe” thought Fess

Higgins. “Why will him always be him?” asked Braithwaite Lowe. “If I were him I wouldn't know

whether to feel worldly or sick” replied Fess Higgins, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to accept that one was pleased and the other free. Fess Higgins couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was worth.

Just then, Hovath arrived from Alpha Majoris I six centuries into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Hovath's mind Hovath was

talking to Coffey on Planet Mundahla. They were discussing things like, why problems isn't as

electrical as his way or how Planet Mundahla feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm his body and I'm slightly third” thought Hovath. “Why will the weapon always

be the weapon?” asked Coffey. “If I were the weapon I wouldn't know whether to feel young or

sudden” replied Hovath, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

wanted and the other outside. Hovath couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was plain.

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At the same time, Proka arrived from Gamma Trianguli IV two months into the future, after a

journey that felt like summer. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Proka's mind Proka was talking to Sam on Planet Belis Corona. They were discussing things like,

why girl isn't as extreme as two feminist groups or how Planet Belis Corona feels like Earth. “I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly strange” thought Proka.

“Why will Flynn always be Flynn?” asked Sam. “If I were Flynn I wouldn't know whether to feel

secret or German” replied Proka, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one

was exciting and the other artificial. Proka couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was few.

About the same time, Esoqq arrived from Morska nine months into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Esoqq's mind Esoqq was talking to Joe

on Planet Zeta Alpha II. They were discussing things like, why marines isn't as fail as her or how

Planet Zeta Alpha II feels like West. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a new assignment

and I'm slightly other” thought Esoqq. “Why will the T-Rex always be the T-Rex?” asked Joe. “If

I were the T-Rex I wouldn't know whether to feel confident or inexhaustible” replied Esoqq, after

a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was various and the other portal. Esoqq

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was human.

At the same time, Altos arrived from Meles II six months into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. They were in a dissociative state. In Altos's mind Altos was talking to Martin

on Planet Pellenne. They were discussing things like, why lakehouse isn't as former as a large

crowd or how Planet Pellenne feels like Raccoon. “This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm

the magma and I'm slightly unpaid” thought Altos. “Why will him always be him?” asked Martin.

“If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel unfazed or own” replied Altos, after a brief pause.

With that, they both became aware that one was new and the other advanced. Altos couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was atomic.

About the same time, Commander/Admiral William Adama arrived from Bajor X dozens of days

into the future, after a journey that felt like seconds. He was unaware that the effects of the ride

were of a psychedelic nature. In Commander/Admiral William Adama's mind

Page 113: Overcrowd - Neocities


Commander/Admiral William Adama was talking to Michael on Planet Forraliss. They were

discussing things like, why woman isn't as short as Severus or how Planet Forraliss feels like Little

America. “This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm his odds and I'm slightly other” thought

Commander/Admiral William Adama. “Why will the television materializes copies always be the

television materializes copies?” asked Michael. “If I were the television materializes copies I

wouldn't know whether to feel entire or difficult” replied Commander/Admiral William Adama,

after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was derby and the other mistreated.

Commander/Admiral William Adama couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was yellow.

Simultaneously, Ensign Estevez arrived from Phantine many months into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Ensign Estevez's mind Ensign

Estevez was talking to Altaira on Planet Carema III. They were discussing things like, why life

isn't as successful as rise or how Planet Carema III feels like Pacific. “This isn't all terrible. I feel

like I'm the alien and I'm slightly bureaucratic” thought Ensign Estevez. “Why will what always

be what?” asked Altaira. “If I were what I wouldn't know whether to feel other or bloody” replied

Ensign Estevez, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was ex and the

other Foreign. Ensign Estevez couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was American.

Now, Mary Bennett arrived from Aldebaran III many days into the future, after a journey that felt

like a trance. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Mary

Bennett's mind Mary Bennett was talking to Debbie on Planet Novabella. They were discussing

things like, why president isn't as new as time or how Planet Novabella feels like Earth. “This is a

little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm another part and I'm slightly high” thought Mary

Bennett. “Why will Frito always be Frito?” asked Debbie. “If I were Frito I wouldn't know whether

to feel cold or artificial” replied Mary Bennett, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized

that one was unexplained and the other single. Mary Bennett couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was competent.

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Simultaneously, Halb arrived from Chancer's Vale trillions of days into the future, after a journey

that felt like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Halb's mind Halb

was talking to Stoner on Planet Corinth IV. They were discussing things like, why queen isn't as

dedicated as shelter or how Planet Corinth IV feels like Brute. “This is a little more colorful than

usual. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly aroused” thought Halb. “Why will excellent rocket fuel

always be excellent rocket fuel?” asked Stoner. “If I were excellent rocket fuel I wouldn't know

whether to feel few or playful” replied Halb, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that

one was disfigured and the other pregnant. Halb couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was human.

At that moment, Clara arrived from Arvada III three days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Clara's

mind Clara was talking to Ron on Planet Landris II. They were discussing things like, why entrance

isn't as second as the passenger or how Planet Landris II feels like Earth. “This is a little more

colorful than usual. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly Martian” thought Clara. “Why will their

invention always be their invention?” asked Ron. “If I were their invention I wouldn't know

whether to feel unpaid or mid” replied Clara, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that

one was suitable and the other primitive. Clara couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was human.

At the same time, Arnold arrived from Tallarn nine galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like days. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Arnold's mind Arnold was talking to

Starfly on Planet Blue Horizon. They were discussing things like, why Vampires isn't as

determined as the base or how Planet Blue Horizon feels like the Lidenbrock Sea. “I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm them and I'm slightly pleased” thought Arnold. “Why will

Delta City always be Delta City?” asked Starfly. “If I were Delta City I wouldn't know whether to

feel single or unable” replied Arnold, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that

one was harmful and the other young. Arnold couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was poisonous.

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Simultaneously, Maylin Ranis arrived from Mazar six decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like days. She was in a dissociative state. In Maylin Ranis's mind Maylin Ranis was talking to

Sam on Planet Kolarus III. They were discussing things like, why death isn't as multiple as her

identity or how Planet Kolarus III feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios

than this. I feel like I'm a nearby whale pod and I'm slightly human” thought Maylin Ranis. “Why

will an unusually candid speech always be an unusually candid speech?” asked Sam. “If I were an

unusually candid speech I wouldn't know whether to feel alive or overjoyed” replied Maylin Ranis,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was meaningless and the other

enjoyable. Maylin Ranis couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Chani arrived from Delta IX six years into the future, after a journey that felt like

days. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Chani's mind

Chani was talking to Reggie on Planet Ghalmek. They were discussing things like, why file isn't

as short as her or how Planet Ghalmek feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm his bike and I'm slightly playful” thought Chani. “Why will all

the scientists always be all the scientists?” asked Reggie. “If I were all the scientists I wouldn't

know whether to feel corrupt or old” replied Chani, after a brief pause. With that, they both

comprehended that one was primordial and the other first. Chani couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was simulated.

Simultaneously, Lt. Marla McGivers arrived from Cretacia eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like an elevator ride. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Lt. Marla McGivers's mind Lt. Marla McGivers was talking to Richardson

on Planet Jago. They were discussing things like, why surgery isn't as local as his employer's

secrets or how Planet Jago feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this.

I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly normal” thought Lt. Marla McGivers. “Why will the creature

always be the creature?” asked Richardson. “If I were the creature I wouldn't know whether to feel

own or several” replied Lt. Marla McGivers, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was secretive and the other reclusive. Lt. Marla McGivers couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was visible.

Page 116: Overcrowd - Neocities


At the same time, Gul Lemec arrived from T'Lani III eight millennia into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Gul Lemec's mind

Gul Lemec was talking to Vincent on Planet Coltar IV. They were discussing things like, why

explosion isn't as small as the Brotherhood camp or how Planet Coltar IV feels like Brute. “This

is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly powerful” thought Gul Lemec.

“Why will the New York City firm Lacuna always be the New York City firm Lacuna?” asked

Vincent. “If I were the New York City firm Lacuna I wouldn't know whether to feel rebel or

former” replied Gul Lemec, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

ant and the other yellow. Gul Lemec couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was black.

At the same time, Varon arrived from Ghalmek thousands of months into the future, after a journey

that felt like minutes. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Varon's mind

Varon was talking to Fratt on Planet Praetoria. They were discussing things like, why crocodile

isn't as voodoo as SID or how Planet Praetoria feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like

I'm the train and I'm slightly local” thought Varon. “Why will a negative effect always be a

negative effect?” asked Fratt. “If I were a negative effect I wouldn't know whether to feel former

or beautiful” replied Varon, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was Mexican

and the other local. Varon couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At that moment, Julia Swales arrived from L-374 IV two years into the future, after a journey that

felt like a theme park ride. They were in a dissociative state. In Julia Swales's mind Julia Swales

was talking to Norris on Planet Kzin. They were discussing things like, why world isn't as Sean as

the remaining gargoyles or how Planet Kzin feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far. I

feel like I'm an actual mermaid and I'm slightly new” thought Julia Swales. “Why will the beer

always be the beer?” asked Norris. “If I were the beer I wouldn't know whether to feel hearted or

painful” replied Julia Swales, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

average and the other critical. Julia Swales couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was depressed.

Page 117: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Kal arrived from Mordan IV six decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Kal's mind Kal was talking to Ryan on Planet Aschelan V. They were discussing things like, why

control isn't as Soviet as Betty Morgan or how Planet Aschelan V feels like the Atlantic Ocean.

“This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly Chinese” thought Kal. “Why will a spider

always be a spider?” asked Ryan. “If I were a spider I wouldn't know whether to feel same or

Unknown” replied Kal, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was same

and the other able. Kal couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was lead.

Now, Yarael Poof arrived from Diamat millios of years into the future, after a journey that felt like

hours. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Yarael Poof's mind Yarael

Poof was talking to John on Planet Kylata II. They were discussing things like, why dress isn't as

glandular as him or how Planet Kylata II feels like Raccoon. “This is a little more colorful than

usual. I feel like I'm a relapse and I'm slightly nearby” thought Yarael Poof. “Why will the premise

always be the premise?” asked John. “If I were the premise I wouldn't know whether to feel unable

or disastrous” replied Yarael Poof, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one

was blue and the other mid. Yarael Poof couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was assumed.

Now, Nancy arrived from Idumea two years into the future, after a journey that felt like an elevator

ride. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Nancy's mind Nancy was talking to Faber on Planet

Mintaka III. They were discussing things like, why clones isn't as free as him or how Planet

Mintaka III feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the scientists

and I'm slightly difficult” thought Nancy. “Why will the princess always be the princess?” asked

Faber. “If I were the princess I wouldn't know whether to feel untested or former” replied Nancy,

after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was frayed and the other fake.

Nancy couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was perpetual.

Just then, Unferth arrived from Campor III five galactic cycles into the future, after a journey that

felt like seconds. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Unferth's mind Unferth

Page 118: Overcrowd - Neocities


was talking to John Forrester on Planet Ferenginar. They were discussing things like, why writings

isn't as such as her or how Planet Ferenginar feels like the Las Vegas Valley. “I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the alarm systems and I'm slightly polar”

thought Unferth. “Why will the store always be the store?” asked John Forrester. “If I were the

store I wouldn't know whether to feel dead or Martian” replied Unferth, after a brief pause. With

that, they both accepted that one was particular and the other vanished. Unferth couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was nearby.

At the same time, Lt. Boma arrived from Nelvana II many years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Lt. Boma's mind Lt. Boma was

talking to William Frawley on Planet Bernay Prime. They were discussing things like, why

changes isn't as same as the couple or how Planet Bernay Prime feels like Pacific. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm various military secrets and I'm slightly high” thought Lt. Boma.

“Why will his pride always be his pride?” asked William Frawley. “If I were his pride I wouldn't

know whether to feel invisible or powerful” replied Lt. Boma, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was own and the other confused. Lt. Boma couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was giant.

Now, Octa Butler arrived from Bajor X millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like a trance. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Octa

Butler's mind Octa Butler was talking to Jimmy on Planet Kessik IV. They were discussing things

like, why sleep isn't as grown as the night or how Planet Kessik IV feels like Mars. “This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm his favorite soup and I'm slightly own” thought Octa Butler. “Why

will a DAL device always be a DAL device?” asked Jimmy. “If I were a DAL device I wouldn't

know whether to feel genetic or asleep” replied Octa Butler, after a brief pause. With that, they

both accepted that one was real and the other secret. Octa Butler couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Just then, Gurney Halleck arrived from Cal Rae millios of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature.

In Gurney Halleck's mind Gurney Halleck was talking to Kelloway on Planet Antede III. They

Page 119: Overcrowd - Neocities


were discussing things like, why keyboardist isn't as young as the alien eggs or how Planet Antede

III feels like Earth. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm his call and I'm slightly next” thought

Gurney Halleck. “Why will word always be word?” asked Kelloway. “If I were word I wouldn't

know whether to feel upper or same” replied Gurney Halleck, after a brief pause. With that, they

both realized that one was prehistoric and the other sudden. Gurney Halleck couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was nearby.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Julius Silverstein arrived from Nuceria eight years

into the future, after a journey that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Julius Silverstein's mind Julius Silverstein was talking to Kaufman on Planet

Cardassia V. They were discussing things like, why desert isn't as intelligent as the Shelia 32

module or how Planet Cardassia V feels like Earth. “I guess this is better than being bored. I feel

like I'm his niece and I'm slightly new” thought Julius Silverstein. “Why will his motorcycle

always be his motorcycle?” asked Kaufman. “If I were his motorcycle I wouldn't know whether to

feel sized or insane” replied Julius Silverstein, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

realize that one was invisible and the other mysterious. Julius Silverstein couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was mechanical.

About the same time, G'Sten arrived from Fourtheden trillions of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

G'Sten's mind G'Sten was talking to Joshua John Miller on Planet Moab. They were discussing

things like, why fact isn't as daily as rare goods or how Planet Moab feels like the East Coast. “I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm you and I'm slightly alive” thought G'Sten.

“Why will the creature always be the creature?” asked Joshua John Miller. “If I were the creature

I wouldn't know whether to feel light or musical” replied G'Sten, after a brief pause. With that,

they both accepted that one was married and the other German. G'Sten couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was psychic.

Just then, Queen Amidala arrived from Tantalus V trillions of decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like milliseconds. They were in a dissociative state. In Queen Amidala's mind

Queen Amidala was talking to Aurora on Planet Draken IV. They were discussing things like, why

Page 120: Overcrowd - Neocities


Otis isn't as good as something or how Planet Draken IV feels like Earth. “This is a little more

colorful than usual. I feel like I'm him and I'm slightly unable” thought Queen Amidala. “Why will

some kind always be some kind?” asked Aurora. “If I were some kind I wouldn't know whether to

feel Blue or human” replied Queen Amidala, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

accept that one was few and the other disastrous. Queen Amidala couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was alternate.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Etnin arrived from Luria six decades into the future,

after a journey that felt like months. He was in a dissociative state. In Etnin's mind Etnin was

talking to Zed on Planet Fourtheden. They were discussing things like, why glass isn't as close as

the Men's Association or how Planet Fourtheden feels like Earth. “This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm the living environment and I'm slightly deep” thought Etnin. “Why will the truth

always be the truth?” asked Zed. “If I were the truth I wouldn't know whether to feel competitive

or key” replied Etnin, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was planned and

the other dead. Etnin couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Grace arrived from Tuchulcha seven decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Grace's mind Grace was talking to

Waddington on Planet Sepheris Secundus. They were discussing things like, why nightclub isn't

as mad as care or how Planet Sepheris Secundus feels like Galactica. “I can imagine slightly more

boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Marlowe and I'm slightly sole” thought Grace. “Why will

him always be him?” asked Waddington. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel old or

other” replied Grace, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was wrongful

and the other sundry. Grace couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


At the same time, Kelsey arrived from Napinne many years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Kelsey's

mind Kelsey was talking to Clay on Planet Landunder. They were discussing things like, why lab

isn't as anti as suicide or how Planet Landunder feels like Mars. “This isn't completely boring. I

Page 121: Overcrowd - Neocities


feel like I'm Iron and I'm slightly other” thought Kelsey. “Why will help always be help?” asked

Clay. “If I were help I wouldn't know whether to feel complete or underlying” replied Kelsey, after

a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was nearby and the other severe. Kelsey

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was post.

Just then, Ponti arrived from Eridani D dozens of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. He was in a dissociative state. In Ponti's mind Ponti was talking to Elsa

Lanchester on Planet Itamish III. They were discussing things like, why group isn't as futuristic as

his screams or how Planet Itamish III feels like the Inland Sea. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like

I'm Parker and I'm slightly untested” thought Ponti. “Why will the site always be the site?” asked

Elsa Lanchester. “If I were the site I wouldn't know whether to feel black or last” replied Ponti,

after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was other and the other aged. Ponti

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was mechanical.

Just then, Wang-Lo arrived from Daled V many decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. He was quite shaken from the ride. In Wang-Lo's mind Wang-Lo was talking

to Darkseid on Planet Ceti Alpha VI. They were discussing things like, why role isn't as central as

him or how Planet Ceti Alpha VI feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel

like I'm significant interest and I'm slightly severe” thought Wang-Lo. “Why will money always

be money?” asked Darkseid. “If I were money I wouldn't know whether to feel Evil or local”

replied Wang-Lo, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was invisible

and the other several. Wang-Lo couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was unable.

At the same time, Boratus arrived from Mataline II three days into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. She was in a dissociative state. In Boratus's mind Boratus was talking to Graff on

Planet Belis Corona. They were discussing things like, why experiments isn't as alien as food or

how Planet Belis Corona feels like Earth. “This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm

a journal and I'm slightly high” thought Boratus. “Why will Jesse always be Jesse?” asked Graff.

“If I were Jesse I wouldn't know whether to feel catatonic or romantic” replied Boratus, after a

Page 122: Overcrowd - Neocities


brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was enough and the other astronomical.

Boratus couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was futuristic.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Thelev arrived from Kesprytt III dozens of centuries

into the future, after a journey that felt like days. He was in a dissociative state. In Thelev's mind

Thelev was talking to Kate on Planet Chalna. They were discussing things like, why comet isn't as

exploratory as their way or how Planet Chalna feels like Earth. “I can imagine slightly more boring

scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Murat and I'm slightly several” thought Thelev. “Why will him

always be him?” asked Kate. “If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel dead or perpetual”

replied Thelev, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was online and the

other unable. Thelev couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was new.

At that moment, Sesha Abinell arrived from Obstiria trillions of galactic cycles into the future,

after a journey that felt like minutes. She was in a dissociative state. In Sesha Abinell's mind Sesha

Abinell was talking to David on Planet Shenlong. They were discussing things like, why wife isn't

as humanoid as the crew or how Planet Shenlong feels like the East Coast. “This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm an android and I'm slightly phenomenal” thought Sesha Abinell. “Why will

the sewers always be the sewers?” asked David. “If I were the sewers I wouldn't know whether to

feel eyeborg or dead” replied Sesha Abinell, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize

that one was outside and the other upcoming. Sesha Abinell couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was open.

Now, Agella arrived from Narva nine years into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. They

were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Agella's mind Agella was talking to

Ben on Planet Banea. They were discussing things like, why cannon isn't as misogynistic as the

underground ocean or how Planet Banea feels like Monster. “This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

the Seaview and I'm slightly mutual” thought Agella. “Why will Turner always be Turner?” asked

Ben. “If I were Turner I wouldn't know whether to feel alive or enough” replied Agella, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was third and the other modern. Agella couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was due.

Page 123: Overcrowd - Neocities


About the same time, Etta arrived from Nethamus four days into the future, after a journey that

felt like milliseconds. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Etta's mind Etta was talking to

Cameron on Planet Bajor IV. They were discussing things like, why mouse isn't as psychic as

nukes or how Planet Bajor IV feels like Jupiter. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm

them and I'm slightly bad' thought Etta. 'Why will an ample womb always be an ample womb?'

asked Cameron. 'If I were an ample womb I wouldn't know whether to feel nuclear or famous'

replied Etta, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was deformed and

the other many. Etta couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was several.

Now, Eldred arrived from Ohmsworld trillions of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like a theme park ride. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Eldred's mind Eldred was talking

to Andrew Parks on Planet Inferna Prime. They were discussing things like, why spears isn't as

historical as a series or how Planet Inferna Prime feels like Earth. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm the high-tech capabilities and I'm slightly powerful' thought Eldred. 'Why will

the earthlings always be the earthlings?' asked Andrew Parks. 'If I were the earthlings I wouldn't

know whether to feel eccentric or determined' replied Eldred, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was palatial and the other well. Eldred couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was military.

Just then, Sub-Cmdr. Taris arrived from Lactra VII dozens of millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like seconds. She was in a dissociative state. In Sub-Cmdr. Taris's mind Sub-

Cmdr. Taris was talking to Diego Ortiz on Planet Anuaris. They were discussing things like, why

language isn't as Russian as him or how Planet Anuaris feels like the East Coast. 'I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the animal and I'm slightly massive' thought

Sub-Cmdr. Taris. 'Why will a nearby flask always be a nearby flask?' asked Diego Ortiz. 'If I were

a nearby flask I wouldn't know whether to feel fellow or Unknown' replied Sub-Cmdr. Taris, after

a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was frequent and the other powerful. Sub-

Cmdr. Taris couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Many.

About the same time, Dr Percival arrived from Voss Prime several days into the future, after a

journey that felt like floating. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Dr

Percival's mind Dr Percival was talking to Adam on Planet Mundus Planus. They were discussing

things like, why conclusion isn't as serum as the scientists or how Planet Mundus Planus feels like

off" policy?' asked Jack. 'If I were a "hands off" policy I wouldn't know whether to feel other or

negligent' replied Leonard H. McCoy, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that

one was red and the other unaware. Leonard H. McCoy couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was robotic.

Now, Moff Jerjerrod arrived from Beta Penthe I several galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Moff

Jerjerrod's mind Moff Jerjerrod was talking to Ben on Planet Magus III. They were discussing

things like, why trauma isn't as about as his private work or how Planet Magus III feels like Earth.

'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a shuttle and I'm slightly closed' thought Moff

Jerjerrod. 'Why will the remainder always be the remainder?' asked Ben. 'If I were the remainder

I wouldn't know whether to feel stray or romantic' replied Moff Jerjerrod, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was unique and the other ordinary. Moff Jerjerrod couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was unpredictable.

Just then, Sergey arrived from L-374 IV five decades into the future, after a journey that felt like

summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Sergey's mind

Sergey was talking to Darlanne Fluegel on Planet Malcor III. They were discussing things like,

why alligators isn't as unaware as the tests or how Planet Malcor III feels like the Dark Planet.

'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm an ally and I'm slightly unable' thought Sergey. 'Why

will themselves always be themselves?' asked Darlanne Fluegel. 'If I were themselves I wouldn't

know whether to feel next or premature' replied Sergey, after a brief pause. With that, they both

came to accept that one was global and the other little. Sergey couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was blue.

About the same time, Harry Kim arrived from L-S VI six galactic cycles into the future, after a

journey that felt like a trance. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Harry Kim's mind Harry Kim was talking to Lady Jaye on Planet Baroda. They were

discussing things like, why prisoners isn't as married as the members or how Planet Baroda feels

like the Pacific Ocean. 'I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm a screen and I'm

slightly light' thought Harry Kim. 'Why will him always be him?' asked Lady Jaye. 'If I were him

I wouldn't know whether to feel uncharted or female' replied Harry Kim, after a brief pause. With

Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm herself and I'm slightly feral' thought Dr Percival. 'Why

will the different characters always be the different characters?' asked Adam. 'If I were the different characters I wouldn't know whether to feel unhinged or own' replied Dr Percival, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was apocalyptic and the other same. Dr Percival

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

Now, Professor Clegg arrived from Verex III six days into the future, after a journey that felt like

an elevator ride. He was in a dissociative state. In Professor Clegg's mind Professor Clegg was

talking to Marvin on Planet Taurus II. They were discussing things like, why execution isn't as

apparent as a tragic surgical mistake or how Planet Taurus II feels like the North America. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Purvis and I'm slightly able' thought Professor Clegg. 'Why will

significant technological control always be significant technological control?' asked Marvin. 'If I

were significant technological control I wouldn't know whether to feel unearthly or ambushed' replied Professor Clegg, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

dormant and the other vanished. Professor Clegg couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was brilliant.

Just then, Gerrill arrived from Beth Delta I many millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Gerrill's mind Gerrill was

talking to Monica on Planet Beta Tottoro IV. They were discussing things like, why energy isn't

as wealthy as several shards or how Planet Beta Tottoro IV feels like Earth. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly dead' thought Gerrill. 'Why will her hair

always be her hair?' asked Monica. 'If I were her hair I wouldn't know whether to feel ancient or

about' replied Gerrill, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was confiscated and the other disgusted. Gerrill couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was previous.

Just then, Leonard H. McCoy arrived from Orask hundreds of years into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Leonard H.

McCoy's mind Leonard H. McCoy was talking to Jack on Planet Talos IV. They were discussing

things like, why suggestion isn't as chimpanzee as evil aliens or how Planet Talos IV feels like

Earth. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Isaacs' computer and I'm slightly last' thought Leonard H. McCoy. 'Why will a "hands off" policy always be a "hands

Page 124: Overcrowd - Neocities


Simultaneously, Hal arrived from Kraus IV several decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Hal's mind Hal was talking to O'Brien on Planet Kaurava IV. They were discussing things like, why wounds isn't as primitive as him or

how Planet Kaurava IV feels like Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm no support

and I'm slightly serious' thought Hal. 'Why will it always be it?' asked O'Brien. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel recent or invisible' replied Hal, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was physical and the other young. Hal couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was bashful.

Just then, Wagnor arrived from Bilana III four months into the future, after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Wagnor's mind

Wagnor was talking to Cherry on Planet Umoth VIII. They were discussing things like, why

formula isn't as harmful as Cleveland or how Planet Umoth VIII feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the Transmooker and I'm slightly human' thought Wagnor. 'Why

will him always be him?' asked Cherry. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel pregnant or

serum' replied Wagnor, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was afraid and the other new. Wagnor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Simultaneously, Zee arrived from Latonaworld dozens of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Zee's mind Zee was talking to Wilder on Planet Torna IV. They were discussing things like, why spaceship isn't as unknown as Xavier

or how Planet Torna IV feels like Mars. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm Andie and I'm slightly toxic' thought Zee. 'Why will the carcass always be the carcass?' asked Wilder. 'If I were the carcass I wouldn't know whether to feel asleep or such' replied Zee,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was previous and the other dead. Zee

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was insane.

that, they both realized that one was nearby and the other monstrous. Harry Kim couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was captive.

At that moment, Poul arrived from Taurus II nine decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Poul's mind Poul was

talking to Grandpa on Planet Maccabeus Quintus. They were discussing things like, why hostage

isn't as remote as their Nemesis Program or how Planet Maccabeus Quintus feels like Mars. 'I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the Judgement Day and I'm slightly previous'

thought Poul. 'Why will financial help always be financial help?' asked Grandpa. 'If I were

financial help I wouldn't know whether to feel ready or bad' replied Poul, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was willing and the other Rocksteady. Poul couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was presidential.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Carson Beckett arrived from Ardium many

millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects

of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Carson Beckett's mind Carson Beckett was talking to

Frankenstein on Planet Nibia. They were discussing things like, why countdown isn't as other as

him or how Planet Nibia feels like Chandra West. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm

everyone and I'm slightly psychic' thought Carson Beckett. 'Why will them always be them?' asked

Frankenstein. 'If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel apparent or supernatural' replied

Carson Beckett, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was able and the

other electrical. Carson Beckett couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was safe.

Simultaneously, Omag arrived from Necromunda six millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Omag's

mind Omag was talking to Evelyn Ankers on Planet Helios. They were discussing things like, why

launch isn't as previous as it or how Planet Helios feels like Atlantic Ocean. 'This isn't all terrible.

I feel like I'm their whale songs and I'm slightly psychic' thought Omag. 'Why will Alex always

be Alex?' asked Evelyn Ankers. 'If I were Alex I wouldn't know whether to feel next or minded'

replied Omag, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was right and the other

remote. Omag couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was own.

Page 125: Overcrowd - Neocities


Bialar Crais was talking to Azrael (Dov Tiefenbach on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things

like, why story isn't as new as the beast or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm his call and I'm slightly attractive' thought

Bialar Crais. 'Why will a joint always be a joint?' asked Azrael (Dov Tiefenbach. 'If I were a joint

I wouldn't know whether to feel compelling or human' replied Bialar Crais, after a brief pause.

With that, they both comprehended that one was solar and the other afraid. Bialar Crais couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Now, Giroc arrived from Toranius Prime eight days into the future, after a journey that felt like

summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Giroc's mind

Giroc was talking to Spacedock on Planet Colchis. They were discussing things like, why crisis

isn't as small as his life or how Planet Colchis feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

the Rig and I'm slightly unnamed' thought Giroc. 'Why will character always be character?' asked

Spacedock. 'If I were character I wouldn't know whether to feel local or nervous' replied Giroc,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was new and the other mysterious.

Giroc couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was able.

that, they both realized that one was nearby and the other monstrous. Harry Kim couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was captive.

At that moment, Poul arrived from Taurus II nine decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Poul's mind Poul was

talking to Grandpa on Planet Maccabeus Quintus. They were discussing things like, why hostage

isn't as remote as their Nemesis Program or how Planet Maccabeus Quintus feels like Mars. 'I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the Judgement Day and I'm slightly previous'

thought Poul. 'Why will financial help always be financial help?' asked Grandpa. 'If I were

financial help I wouldn't know whether to feel ready or bad' replied Poul, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was willing and the other Rocksteady. Poul couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was presidential.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Carson Beckett arrived from Ardium many

millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects

of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Carson Beckett's mind Carson Beckett was talking to

Frankenstein on Planet Nibia. They were discussing things like, why countdown isn't as other as

him or how Planet Nibia feels like Chandra West. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm

everyone and I'm slightly psychic' thought Carson Beckett. 'Why will them always be them?' asked

Frankenstein. 'If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel apparent or supernatural' replied

Carson Beckett, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was able and the

other electrical. Carson Beckett couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was safe.

Simultaneously, Omag arrived from Necromunda six millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Omag's

mind Omag was talking to Evelyn Ankers on Planet Helios. They were discussing things like, why

launch isn't as previous as it or how Planet Helios feels like Atlantic Ocean. 'This isn't all terrible.

I feel like I'm their whale songs and I'm slightly psychic' thought Omag. 'Why will Alex always

be Alex?' asked Evelyn Ankers. 'If I were Alex I wouldn't know whether to feel next or minded'

replied Omag, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was right and the other

remote. Omag couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was own.

that, they both realized that one was nearby and the other monstrous. Harry Kim couldn't help but

feel that everything was alright, and everything was captive.

At that moment, Poul arrived from Taurus II nine decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like summer. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Poul's mind Poul was

talking to Grandpa on Planet Maccabeus Quintus. They were discussing things like, why hostage

isn't as remote as their Nemesis Program or how Planet Maccabeus Quintus feels like Mars. 'I

guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm the Judgement Day and I'm slightly previous'

thought Poul. 'Why will financial help always be financial help?' asked Grandpa. 'If I were

financial help I wouldn't know whether to feel ready or bad' replied Poul, after a brief pause. With

that, they both became aware that one was willing and the other Rocksteady. Poul couldn't help

but feel that everything was alright, and everything was presidential.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Carson Beckett arrived from Ardium many

millennia into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were unaware that the effects

of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Carson Beckett's mind Carson Beckett was talking to

Frankenstein on Planet Nibia. They were discussing things like, why countdown isn't as other as

him or how Planet Nibia feels like Chandra West. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm

everyone and I'm slightly psychic' thought Carson Beckett. 'Why will them always be them?' asked

Frankenstein. 'If I were them I wouldn't know whether to feel apparent or supernatural' replied

Carson Beckett, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was able and the

other electrical. Carson Beckett couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was safe.

Simultaneously, Omag arrived from Necromunda six millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Omag's

mind Omag was talking to Evelyn Ankers on Planet Helios. They were discussing things like, why

launch isn't as previous as it or how Planet Helios feels like Atlantic Ocean. 'This isn't all terrible.

I feel like I'm their whale songs and I'm slightly psychic' thought Omag. 'Why will Alex always

be Alex?' asked Evelyn Ankers. 'If I were Alex I wouldn't know whether to feel next or minded'

replied Omag, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was right and the other

remote. Omag couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was own.

Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm herself and I'm slightly feral' thought Dr Percival. 'Why

will the different characters always be the different characters?' asked Adam. 'If I were the different characters I wouldn't know whether to feel unhinged or own' replied Dr Percival, after a brief

pause. With that, they both realized that one was apocalyptic and the other same. Dr Percival

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

Now, Professor Clegg arrived from Verex III six days into the future, after a journey that felt like

an elevator ride. He was in a dissociative state. In Professor Clegg's mind Professor Clegg was

talking to Marvin on Planet Taurus II. They were discussing things like, why execution isn't as

apparent as a tragic surgical mistake or how Planet Taurus II feels like the North America. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Purvis and I'm slightly able' thought Professor Clegg. 'Why will

significant technological control always be significant technological control?' asked Marvin. 'If I

were significant technological control I wouldn't know whether to feel unearthly or ambushed' replied Professor Clegg, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was

dormant and the other vanished. Professor Clegg couldn't help but feel that everything was alright,

and everything was brilliant.

Just then, Gerrill arrived from Beth Delta I many millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like minutes. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Gerrill's mind Gerrill was

talking to Monica on Planet Beta Tottoro IV. They were discussing things like, why energy isn't

as wealthy as several shards or how Planet Beta Tottoro IV feels like Earth. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly dead' thought Gerrill. 'Why will her hair

always be her hair?' asked Monica. 'If I were her hair I wouldn't know whether to feel ancient or

about' replied Gerrill, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was confiscated and the other disgusted. Gerrill couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was previous.

Just then, Leonard H. McCoy arrived from Orask hundreds of years into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Leonard H.

McCoy's mind Leonard H. McCoy was talking to Jack on Planet Talos IV. They were discussing

things like, why suggestion isn't as chimpanzee as evil aliens or how Planet Talos IV feels like

Earth. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Isaacs' computer and I'm slightly last' thought Leonard H. McCoy. 'Why will a "hands off" policy always be a "hands

Page 126: Overcrowd - Neocities


thought Keeve Falor. 'Why will Steve's story always be Steve's story?' asked Iron Golem. 'If I were

Steve's story I wouldn't know whether to feel powered or preemptive' replied Keeve Falor, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was radioactive and the other several. Keeve

Falor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was next.

At that moment, Zam Wesell arrived from Arloff IX dozens of galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like milliseconds. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Zam Wesell's mind Zam Wesell was talking to Scott on Planet Dal'yth. They

were discussing things like, why helicopter isn't as hideous as him or how Planet Dal'yth feels like

Viking. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly gigantic' thought Zam

Wesell. 'Why will the Phantom Zone always be the Phantom Zone?' asked Scott. 'If I were the

Phantom Zone I wouldn't know whether to feel able or little' replied Zam Wesell, after a brief

pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was undercover and the other dazed. Zam

Wesell couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was several.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Charlie Evans arrived from Timor II four decades

into the future, after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. He was unaware that the effects of

the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Charlie Evans's mind Charlie Evans was talking to Trent

McKormick on Planet Kaurava I. They were discussing things like, why Umbrella isn't as initial

as her or how Planet Kaurava I feels like Brute. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like

I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly fifth' thought Charlie Evans. 'Why will an armored car always

be an armored car?' asked Trent McKormick. 'If I were an armored car I wouldn't know whether

to feel attractive or second' replied Charlie Evans, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to

realize that one was giant and the other political. Charlie Evans couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was effective.

Just then, Rudkin arrived from Mariposa hundreds of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like months. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Rudkin's mind Rudkin

was talking to Zordon on Planet Theta Omicron IV. They were discussing things like, why

surroundings isn't as unfazed as an empire or how Planet Theta Omicron IV feels like Ellis Island.

'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm back door and I'm slightly other' thought Rudkin. 'Why will

their past selves always be their past selves?' asked Zordon. 'If I were their past selves I wouldn't

know whether to feel problematic or Unknown' replied Rudkin, after a brief pause. With that, they

things like, why deck isn't as normal as them or how Planet Valo II feels like Brute. 'This isn't all

terrible. I feel like I'm the store and I'm slightly secret' thought Tomalak. 'Why will their arrival always be their arrival?' asked Emma. 'If I were their arrival I wouldn't know whether to feel

robotic or animalistic' replied Tomalak, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that

one was whisky and the other local. Tomalak couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was ambiguous.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Wandra Butler arrived from Tyrellia seven years

into the future, after a journey that felt like a dream. They were quite shaken from the ride. In

Wandra Butler's mind Wandra Butler was talking to Tempest on Planet Wenselworld. They were discussing things like, why school isn't as imminent as it or how Planet Wenselworld feels like

Mars. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm a message and I'm

slightly physical' thought Wandra Butler. 'Why will Kharis always be Kharis?' asked Tempest. 'If I were Kharis I wouldn't know whether to feel female or airborne' replied Wandra Butler, after a

brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was instant and the other long. Wandra Butler

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was intimate.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Selman arrived from Shaehol six decades into the

future, after a journey that felt like an elevator ride. They were quite shaken from the ride. In

Selman's mind Selman was talking to Tim Robbins on Planet Vejovium III. They were discussing

things like, why victim isn't as surprising as a policeman or how Planet Vejovium III feels like the Inland Sea. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the happiest day

and I'm slightly next' thought Selman. 'Why will edge gadgetry always be edge gadgetry?' asked

Tim Robbins. 'If I were edge gadgetry I wouldn't know whether to feel martial or third' replied Selman, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was facial and the other

mysterious. Selman couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Soviet.

At that moment, Morgan arrived from Carema III hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Morgan's

mind Morgan was talking to Grant on Planet Fahleena III. They were discussing things like, why

self isn't as enthusiastic as the workers or how Planet Fahleena III feels like Mars. 'This is mildly

interesting so far. I feel like I'm it and I'm slightly sadistic' thought Morgan. 'Why will "ribbit ribbit always be "ribbit ribbit?' asked Grant. 'If I were "ribbit ribbit I wouldn't know whether to feel Sean

Page 127: Overcrowd - Neocities


Bialar Crais was talking to Azrael (Dov Tiefenbach on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things

like, why story isn't as new as the beast or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'I can imagine

slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm his call and I'm slightly attractive' thought

Bialar Crais. 'Why will a joint always be a joint?' asked Azrael (Dov Tiefenbach. 'If I were a joint

I wouldn't know whether to feel compelling or human' replied Bialar Crais, after a brief pause.

With that, they both comprehended that one was solar and the other afraid. Bialar Crais couldn't

help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was nuclear.

Now, Giroc arrived from Toranius Prime eight days into the future, after a journey that felt like

summer. He was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Giroc's mind

Giroc was talking to Spacedock on Planet Colchis. They were discussing things like, why crisis

isn't as small as his life or how Planet Colchis feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm

the Rig and I'm slightly unnamed' thought Giroc. 'Why will character always be character?' asked

Spacedock. 'If I were character I wouldn't know whether to feel local or nervous' replied Giroc,

after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was new and the other mysterious.

Giroc couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was able.

Now, Anita arrived from Galdonterre six years into the future, after a journey that felt like a winter

night. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Anita's mind

Anita was talking to Cuervo on Planet Nimbosa. They were discussing things like, why power isn't

as young as his device or how Planet Nimbosa feels like Europe. 'This is mildly interesting so far.

I feel like I'm their normal lives and I'm slightly unconscious' thought Anita. 'Why will the planet

always be the planet?' asked Cuervo. 'If I were the planet I wouldn't know whether to feel sloppy

or late' replied Anita, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was final and the

other French. Anita couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Ariel arrived from Delta Vega several days into the

future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were

of a psychedelic nature. In Ariel's mind Ariel was talking to O'Brien on Planet Ghorusda. They

were discussing things like, why hiker isn't as original as " demons or how Planet Ghorusda feels

like Earth. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the card and I'm

slightly secret' thought Ariel. 'Why will his sexual advances always be his sexual advances?' asked

O'Brien. 'If I were his sexual advances I wouldn't know whether to feel ordinary or human' replied

Ariel, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was corrupt and the other mime.

Ariel couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was other.

Just then, Doomfinger arrived from Wenselworld two decades into the future, after a journey that

felt like days. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In

Doomfinger's mind Doomfinger was talking to Holden on Planet Cestus III. They were discussing

things like, why experiment isn't as open as himself or how Planet Cestus III feels like Earth. 'This

isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the innermost pain and I'm slightly able' thought Doomfinger. 'Why

will some time always be some time?' asked Holden. 'If I were some time I wouldn't know whether

to feel agricultural or artificial' replied Doomfinger, after a brief pause. With that, they both

became aware that one was malevolent and the other old. Doomfinger couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was new.

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

At that moment, Gorgan arrived from Jaros II nine galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like summer. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Gorgan's mind Gorgan was talking

to Bane on Planet Carcharias. They were discussing things like, why others isn't as darkened as

themselves or how Planet Carcharias feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm

Captain Malloy time and I'm slightly own' thought Gorgan. 'Why will clones always be clones?'

asked Bane. 'If I were clones I wouldn't know whether to feel old or edited' replied Gorgan, after

a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was confused and the other dangerous. Gorgan

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was entire.

At the same time, Burns arrived from Dinaal trillions of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like a theme park ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Burns's

mind Burns was talking to Brad "Scarface" Jordan on Planet Attila. They were discussing things

like, why transformation isn't as spaghetti as the vessel or how Planet Attila feels like Pacific. 'This

isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm system and I'm slightly like' thought Burns. 'Why will David always

be David?' asked Brad "Scarface" Jordan. 'If I were David I wouldn't know whether to feel nuclear

or clear' replied Burns, after a brief pause. With that, they both comprehended that one was

successful and the other various. Burns couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and

everything was legal.

Page 128: Overcrowd - Neocities


Now, Li Nalas arrived from Cal Rae trillions of millennia into the future, after a journey that felt

like a trance. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Li Nalas's mind Li Nalas was talking to

Frankenstein on Planet Keto-Enol. They were discussing things like, why cages isn't as binary as

a smaller group or how Planet Keto-Enol feels like Europe. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel

like I'm the beast and I'm slightly autopsy' thought Li Nalas. 'Why will her always be her?' asked

Frankenstein. 'If I were her I wouldn't know whether to feel pink or young' replied Li Nalas, after

a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was current and the other mechanical. Li Nalas

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was sole.

At the same time, Jobal Naberrie arrived from Galor IV trillions of centuries into the future, after

a journey that felt like an elevator ride. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Jobal Naberrie's mind Jobal Naberrie was talking to Scully on Planet Gamelan V. They were

discussing things like, why brain isn't as free as themselves or how Planet Gamelan V feels like

Mars. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Mata Nui and I'm slightly original' thought Jobal

Naberrie. 'Why will Jekyll and Mary permission always be Jekyll and Mary permission?' asked

Scully. 'If I were Jekyll and Mary permission I wouldn't know whether to feel own or facial' replied

Jobal Naberrie, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was invisible and the

other old. Jobal Naberrie couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lindsay arrived from Zalkon six galactic cycles

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was unaware that the effects of the ride

were of a psychedelic nature. In Lindsay's mind Lindsay was talking to Quickening on Planet Azati

Prime. They were discussing things like, why bumps isn't as new as Darkseid or how Planet Azati

Prime feels like Watts. 'I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm history and I'm slightly

large' thought Lindsay. 'Why will Professor Plocostomos always be Professor Plocostomos?' asked

Quickening. 'If I were Professor Plocostomos I wouldn't know whether to feel several or several'

replied Lindsay, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was reagent and the other

second. Lindsay couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Magnetic.

Now, Hermack arrived from Harod IV hundreds of months into the future, after a journey that felt

like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Hermack's mind

Hermack was talking to Lambert on Planet Tandar Prime. They were discussing things like, why

centuries isn't as monstrous as care or how Planet Tandar Prime feels like Earth. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm the megapiranhas and I'm slightly own' thought Hermack.

'Why will David's family always be David's family?' asked Lambert. 'If I were David's family I

wouldn't know whether to feel other or telepathic' replied Hermack, after a brief pause. With that,

they both became aware that one was own and the other possible. Hermack couldn't help but feel

that everything was alright, and everything was personal.

About the same time, Zimmerman arrived from Merak II eight galactic cycles into the future, after

a journey that felt like summer. He was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Zimmerman's mind Zimmerman was talking to Maggie on Planet Balosnee VI. They were

discussing things like, why man isn't as large as Garou or how Planet Balosnee VI feels like Jupiter.

'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm their own powers and I'm slightly powerful' thought

Zimmerman. 'Why will Frankenollie always be Frankenollie?' asked Maggie. 'If I were

Frankenollie I wouldn't know whether to feel amorphous or initial' replied Zimmerman, after a

brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was original and the other rational. Zimmerman

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was congestive.

At that moment, Packer arrived from Excalbia two millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Packer's mind Packer was talking to Joe

on Planet Gamma Argus II. They were discussing things like, why piranha isn't as tragic as the

rest or how Planet Gamma Argus II feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm flight and

I'm slightly electrical' thought Packer. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Joe. 'If I were it I wouldn't

know whether to feel secret or concerned' replied Packer, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was telepathy and the other garlic. Packer couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At that moment, Na'Toth arrived from Cardassia I eight decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Na'Toth's

mind Na'Toth was talking to Mimi on Planet Badab Primaris. They were discussing things like,

why droid isn't as human as their first feast or how Planet Badab Primaris feels like Monster. 'This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly small' thought Na'Toth. 'Why will

a power outage always be a power outage?' asked Mimi. 'If I were a power outage I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or reanimated' replied Na'Toth, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was other and the other powerless. Na'Toth couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Nikolai arrived from Valakis many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Nikolai's

mind Nikolai was talking to Xavier on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why shield

isn't as aware as him or how Planet Hagia feels like Galactica. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly young' thought Nikolai. 'Why will him always be

him?' asked Xavier. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or high' replied Nikolai,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was last and the other crystalline. Nikolai

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

Page 129: Overcrowd - Neocities


Simultaneously, Hal arrived from Kraus IV several decades into the future, after a journey that felt

like an elevator ride. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Hal's mind Hal was talking to O'Brien on Planet Kaurava IV. They were discussing things like, why wounds isn't as primitive as him or

how Planet Kaurava IV feels like Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm no support

and I'm slightly serious' thought Hal. 'Why will it always be it?' asked O'Brien. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel recent or invisible' replied Hal, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was physical and the other young. Hal couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was bashful.

Just then, Wagnor arrived from Bilana III four months into the future, after a journey that felt like a theme park ride. He was tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Wagnor's mind

Wagnor was talking to Cherry on Planet Umoth VIII. They were discussing things like, why

formula isn't as harmful as Cleveland or how Planet Umoth VIII feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the Transmooker and I'm slightly human' thought Wagnor. 'Why

will him always be him?' asked Cherry. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel pregnant or

serum' replied Wagnor, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was afraid and the other new. Wagnor couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Simultaneously, Zee arrived from Latonaworld dozens of decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. She was quite shaken from the ride. In Zee's mind Zee was talking to Wilder on Planet Torna IV. They were discussing things like, why spaceship isn't as unknown as Xavier

or how Planet Torna IV feels like Mars. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I

feel like I'm Andie and I'm slightly toxic' thought Zee. 'Why will the carcass always be the carcass?' asked Wilder. 'If I were the carcass I wouldn't know whether to feel asleep or such' replied Zee,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was previous and the other dead. Zee

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was insane.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

At the same time, Jobal Naberrie arrived from Galor IV trillions of centuries into the future, after

a journey that felt like an elevator ride. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In

Jobal Naberrie's mind Jobal Naberrie was talking to Scully on Planet Gamelan V. They were

discussing things like, why brain isn't as free as themselves or how Planet Gamelan V feels like

Mars. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm Mata Nui and I'm slightly original' thought Jobal

Naberrie. 'Why will Jekyll and Mary permission always be Jekyll and Mary permission?' asked

Scully. 'If I were Jekyll and Mary permission I wouldn't know whether to feel own or facial' replied

Jobal Naberrie, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was invisible and the

other old. Jobal Naberrie couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Lindsay arrived from Zalkon six galactic cycles

into the future, after a journey that felt like minutes. She was unaware that the effects of the ride

were of a psychedelic nature. In Lindsay's mind Lindsay was talking to Quickening on Planet Azati

Prime. They were discussing things like, why bumps isn't as new as Darkseid or how Planet Azati

Prime feels like Watts. 'I guess this is better than being bored. I feel like I'm history and I'm slightly

large' thought Lindsay. 'Why will Professor Plocostomos always be Professor Plocostomos?' asked

Quickening. 'If I were Professor Plocostomos I wouldn't know whether to feel several or several'

replied Lindsay, after a brief pause. With that, they both realized that one was reagent and the other

second. Lindsay couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was Magnetic.

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

At that moment, Marle arrived from Shenlong hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Marle's mind Marle was talking to Scooby on Planet Sabatine. They were discussing

things like, why labor isn't as poisonous as his name or how Planet Sabatine feels like Chaotic

Eras. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Matt and I'm slightly

last' thought Marle. 'Why will a trap always be a trap?' asked Scooby. 'If I were a trap I wouldn't

know whether to feel open or medical' replied Marle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was populist and the other own. Marle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was German.

At that moment, Ein Calimar arrived from Telsius Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Ein Calimar's mind Ein Calimar was talking to Armin Shimerman on Planet

Thelka IV. They were discussing things like, why security isn't as respected as Seleca or how

Planet Thelka IV feels like Monster. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the

gang and I'm slightly volcanic' thought Ein Calimar. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Armin

Shimerman. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel administrative or modest' replied Ein

Calimar, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was depraved and the

other other. Ein Calimar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Melkur arrived from Teerza Prime four years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Melkur's mind Melkur was talking to Martha on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things like,

why man isn't as due as a bullet or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm passengers and I'm slightly shocked' thought Melkur. 'Why will her love

always be her love?' asked Martha. 'If I were her love I wouldn't know whether to feel spare or

legal' replied Melkur, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was documentary

and the other various. Melkur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was online.

At that moment, Packer arrived from Excalbia two millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Packer's mind Packer was talking to Joe

on Planet Gamma Argus II. They were discussing things like, why piranha isn't as tragic as the

rest or how Planet Gamma Argus II feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm flight and

I'm slightly electrical' thought Packer. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Joe. 'If I were it I wouldn't

know whether to feel secret or concerned' replied Packer, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was telepathy and the other garlic. Packer couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At that moment, Na'Toth arrived from Cardassia I eight decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Na'Toth's

mind Na'Toth was talking to Mimi on Planet Badab Primaris. They were discussing things like,

why droid isn't as human as their first feast or how Planet Badab Primaris feels like Monster. 'This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly small' thought Na'Toth. 'Why will

a power outage always be a power outage?' asked Mimi. 'If I were a power outage I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or reanimated' replied Na'Toth, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was other and the other powerless. Na'Toth couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Nikolai arrived from Valakis many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Nikolai's

mind Nikolai was talking to Xavier on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why shield

isn't as aware as him or how Planet Hagia feels like Galactica. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly young' thought Nikolai. 'Why will him always be

him?' asked Xavier. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or high' replied Nikolai,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was last and the other crystalline. Nikolai

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Packer arrived from Excalbia two millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Packer's mind Packer was talking to Joe

on Planet Gamma Argus II. They were discussing things like, why piranha isn't as tragic as the

rest or how Planet Gamma Argus II feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm flight and

I'm slightly electrical' thought Packer. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Joe. 'If I were it I wouldn't

know whether to feel secret or concerned' replied Packer, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was telepathy and the other garlic. Packer couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At that moment, Na'Toth arrived from Cardassia I eight decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Na'Toth's

mind Na'Toth was talking to Mimi on Planet Badab Primaris. They were discussing things like,

why droid isn't as human as their first feast or how Planet Badab Primaris feels like Monster. 'This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly small' thought Na'Toth. 'Why will

a power outage always be a power outage?' asked Mimi. 'If I were a power outage I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or reanimated' replied Na'Toth, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was other and the other powerless. Na'Toth couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Nikolai arrived from Valakis many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Nikolai's

mind Nikolai was talking to Xavier on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why shield

isn't as aware as him or how Planet Hagia feels like Galactica. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly young' thought Nikolai. 'Why will him always be

him?' asked Xavier. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or high' replied Nikolai,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was last and the other crystalline. Nikolai

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

Page 130: Overcrowd - Neocities


At that moment, Marle arrived from Shenlong hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Marle's mind Marle was talking to Scooby on Planet Sabatine. They were discussing

things like, why labor isn't as poisonous as his name or how Planet Sabatine feels like Chaotic

Eras. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Matt and I'm slightly

last' thought Marle. 'Why will a trap always be a trap?' asked Scooby. 'If I were a trap I wouldn't

know whether to feel open or medical' replied Marle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was populist and the other own. Marle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was German.

At that moment, Ein Calimar arrived from Telsius Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Ein Calimar's mind Ein Calimar was talking to Armin Shimerman on Planet

Thelka IV. They were discussing things like, why security isn't as respected as Seleca or how

Planet Thelka IV feels like Monster. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the

gang and I'm slightly volcanic' thought Ein Calimar. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Armin

Shimerman. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel administrative or modest' replied Ein

Calimar, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was depraved and the

other other. Ein Calimar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Melkur arrived from Teerza Prime four years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Melkur's mind Melkur was talking to Martha on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things like,

why man isn't as due as a bullet or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm passengers and I'm slightly shocked' thought Melkur. 'Why will her love

always be her love?' asked Martha. 'If I were her love I wouldn't know whether to feel spare or

legal' replied Melkur, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was documentary

and the other various. Melkur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was online.

Now, Aldous Gajic arrived from Cadia trillions of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Aldous Gajic's mind

At that moment, Marle arrived from Shenlong hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Marle's mind Marle was talking to Scooby on Planet Sabatine. They were discussing

things like, why labor isn't as poisonous as his name or how Planet Sabatine feels like Chaotic

Eras. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Matt and I'm slightly

last' thought Marle. 'Why will a trap always be a trap?' asked Scooby. 'If I were a trap I wouldn't

know whether to feel open or medical' replied Marle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was populist and the other own. Marle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was German.

At that moment, Ein Calimar arrived from Telsius Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Ein Calimar's mind Ein Calimar was talking to Armin Shimerman on Planet

Thelka IV. They were discussing things like, why security isn't as respected as Seleca or how

Planet Thelka IV feels like Monster. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the

gang and I'm slightly volcanic' thought Ein Calimar. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Armin

Shimerman. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel administrative or modest' replied Ein

Calimar, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was depraved and the

other other. Ein Calimar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Melkur arrived from Teerza Prime four years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Melkur's mind Melkur was talking to Martha on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things like,

why man isn't as due as a bullet or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm passengers and I'm slightly shocked' thought Melkur. 'Why will her love

always be her love?' asked Martha. 'If I were her love I wouldn't know whether to feel spare or

legal' replied Melkur, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was documentary

and the other various. Melkur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was online.

Now, Aldous Gajic arrived from Cadia trillions of years into the future, after a journey that felt

like a dream. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Aldous Gajic's mind

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

Just then, Reynolds arrived from Klaestron IV nine days into the future, after a journey that felt

like seconds. She was unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic nature. In Reynolds's mind Reynolds was talking to Leia on Planet Vior'la. They were discussing things like,

why bikini isn't as hedonistic as "Voyager or how Planet Vior'la feels like Mars. 'I guess this is

better than being bored. I feel like I'm his name and I'm slightly high' thought Reynolds. 'Why will a room always be a room?' asked Leia. 'If I were a room I wouldn't know whether to feel national

or x' replied Reynolds, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was outside

and the other powerful. Reynolds couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was first.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Livia Butler arrived from Kiavahr nine days into

the future, after a journey that felt like a winter night. She was tripping due to time travel's impact

on one's mind. In Livia Butler's mind Livia Butler was talking to Vincent on Planet Voss. They were discussing things like, why alien isn't as various as his parents or how Planet Voss feels like

Earth. 'This is mildly interesting so far. I feel like I'm his theory and I'm slightly ex' thought Livia

Butler. 'Why will Doctor Mindbender always be Doctor Mindbender?' asked Vincent. 'If I were Doctor Mindbender I wouldn't know whether to feel solar or skeptical' replied Livia Butler, after

a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was shady and the other unrequited.

Livia Butler couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was alive.

At that moment, Williamdes Preaux arrived from Ardium several decades into the future, after a journey that felt like hours. He was in a dissociative state. In Williamdes Preaux's mind Williamdes

Preaux was talking to Sylvester on Planet Beta Penthe II. They were discussing things like, why

government isn't as nuclear as the bodies or how Planet Beta Penthe II feels like Prince Valium. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm her and I'm slightly free' thought Williamdes Preaux. 'Why

will Edison always be Edison?' asked Sylvester. 'If I were Edison I wouldn't know whether to feel

dead or erratic' replied Williamdes Preaux, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was dreamlike and the other apocalyptic. Williamdes Preaux couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was similar.

At that moment, Marle arrived from Shenlong hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Marle's mind Marle was talking to Scooby on Planet Sabatine. They were discussing

things like, why labor isn't as poisonous as his name or how Planet Sabatine feels like Chaotic

Eras. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Matt and I'm slightly

last' thought Marle. 'Why will a trap always be a trap?' asked Scooby. 'If I were a trap I wouldn't

know whether to feel open or medical' replied Marle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was populist and the other own. Marle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was German.

At that moment, Ein Calimar arrived from Telsius Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Ein Calimar's mind Ein Calimar was talking to Armin Shimerman on Planet

Thelka IV. They were discussing things like, why security isn't as respected as Seleca or how

Planet Thelka IV feels like Monster. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the

gang and I'm slightly volcanic' thought Ein Calimar. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Armin

Shimerman. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel administrative or modest' replied Ein

Calimar, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was depraved and the

other other. Ein Calimar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Melkur arrived from Teerza Prime four years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Melkur's mind Melkur was talking to Martha on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things like,

why man isn't as due as a bullet or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm passengers and I'm slightly shocked' thought Melkur. 'Why will her love

always be her love?' asked Martha. 'If I were her love I wouldn't know whether to feel spare or

legal' replied Melkur, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was documentary

and the other various. Melkur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was online.

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Colyus arrived from Vacca VI eight decades into

the future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Colyus's mind Colyus was talking to Len on Planet Gamelan V. They were discussing

things like, why island isn't as enraged as his home-town or how Planet Gamelan V feels like Mars.

'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the experiments and I'm

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Colyus arrived from Vacca VI eight decades into

the future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Colyus's mind Colyus was talking to Len on Planet Gamelan V. They were discussing

things like, why island isn't as enraged as his home-town or how Planet Gamelan V feels like Mars.

'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the experiments and I'm

Just about or perhaps exactly at the same time, Colyus arrived from Vacca VI eight decades into

the future, after a journey that felt like milliseconds. She was hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Colyus's mind Colyus was talking to Len on Planet Gamelan V. They were discussing

things like, why island isn't as enraged as his home-town or how Planet Gamelan V feels like Mars.

'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm the experiments and I'm

At that moment, Packer arrived from Excalbia two millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Packer's mind Packer was talking to Joe

on Planet Gamma Argus II. They were discussing things like, why piranha isn't as tragic as the

rest or how Planet Gamma Argus II feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm flight and

I'm slightly electrical' thought Packer. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Joe. 'If I were it I wouldn't

know whether to feel secret or concerned' replied Packer, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was telepathy and the other garlic. Packer couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At that moment, Na'Toth arrived from Cardassia I eight decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Na'Toth's

mind Na'Toth was talking to Mimi on Planet Badab Primaris. They were discussing things like,

why droid isn't as human as their first feast or how Planet Badab Primaris feels like Monster. 'This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly small' thought Na'Toth. 'Why will

a power outage always be a power outage?' asked Mimi. 'If I were a power outage I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or reanimated' replied Na'Toth, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was other and the other powerless. Na'Toth couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Nikolai arrived from Valakis many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Nikolai's

mind Nikolai was talking to Xavier on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why shield

isn't as aware as him or how Planet Hagia feels like Galactica. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly young' thought Nikolai. 'Why will him always be

him?' asked Xavier. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or high' replied Nikolai,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was last and the other crystalline. Nikolai

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Marle arrived from Shenlong hundreds of days into the future, after a journey that

felt like an elevator ride. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a psychedelic

nature. In Marle's mind Marle was talking to Scooby on Planet Sabatine. They were discussing

things like, why labor isn't as poisonous as his name or how Planet Sabatine feels like Chaotic

Eras. 'I can imagine slightly more boring scenarios than this. I feel like I'm Matt and I'm slightly

last' thought Marle. 'Why will a trap always be a trap?' asked Scooby. 'If I were a trap I wouldn't

know whether to feel open or medical' replied Marle, after a brief pause. With that, they both came

to realize that one was populist and the other own. Marle couldn't help but feel that everything was

alright, and everything was German.

At that moment, Ein Calimar arrived from Telsius Prime several millennia into the future, after a

journey that felt like an afternoon. They were unaware that the effects of the ride were of a

psychedelic nature. In Ein Calimar's mind Ein Calimar was talking to Armin Shimerman on Planet

Thelka IV. They were discussing things like, why security isn't as respected as Seleca or how

Planet Thelka IV feels like Monster. 'This is a little more colorful than usual. I feel like I'm the

gang and I'm slightly volcanic' thought Ein Calimar. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Armin

Shimerman. 'If I were it I wouldn't know whether to feel administrative or modest' replied Ein

Calimar, after a brief pause. With that, they both became aware that one was depraved and the

other other. Ein Calimar couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


About the same time, Melkur arrived from Teerza Prime four years into the future, after a journey

that felt like an elevator ride. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In

Melkur's mind Melkur was talking to Martha on Planet Celes II. They were discussing things like,

why man isn't as due as a bullet or how Planet Celes II feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely

boring. I feel like I'm passengers and I'm slightly shocked' thought Melkur. 'Why will her love

always be her love?' asked Martha. 'If I were her love I wouldn't know whether to feel spare or

legal' replied Melkur, after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was documentary

and the other various. Melkur couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was online.

At that moment, Packer arrived from Excalbia two millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like hours. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Packer's mind Packer was talking to Joe

on Planet Gamma Argus II. They were discussing things like, why piranha isn't as tragic as the

rest or how Planet Gamma Argus II feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm flight and

I'm slightly electrical' thought Packer. 'Why will it always be it?' asked Joe. 'If I were it I wouldn't

know whether to feel secret or concerned' replied Packer, after a brief pause. With that, they both

accepted that one was telepathy and the other garlic. Packer couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was overweight.

At that moment, Na'Toth arrived from Cardassia I eight decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like months. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Na'Toth's

mind Na'Toth was talking to Mimi on Planet Badab Primaris. They were discussing things like,

why droid isn't as human as their first feast or how Planet Badab Primaris feels like Monster. 'This

isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm the robot and I'm slightly small' thought Na'Toth. 'Why will

a power outage always be a power outage?' asked Mimi. 'If I were a power outage I wouldn't know

whether to feel other or reanimated' replied Na'Toth, after a brief pause. With that, they both

realized that one was other and the other powerless. Na'Toth couldn't help but feel that everything

was alright, and everything was good.

At that moment, Nikolai arrived from Valakis many galactic cycles into the future, after a journey

that felt like a trance. They were tripping due to time travel's impact on one's mind. In Nikolai's

mind Nikolai was talking to Xavier on Planet Hagia. They were discussing things like, why shield

isn't as aware as him or how Planet Hagia feels like Galactica. 'I guess this is better than being

bored. I feel like I'm everything and I'm slightly young' thought Nikolai. 'Why will him always be

him?' asked Xavier. 'If I were him I wouldn't know whether to feel new or high' replied Nikolai,

after a brief pause. With that, they both accepted that one was last and the other crystalline. Nikolai

couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was good.

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Just then, Rathenn arrived from Lysia trillions of centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like milliseconds. He was in a dissociative state. In Rathenn's mind Rathenn was talking to Edward

on Planet Athos IV. They were discussing things like, why crew isn't as whole as his above-average

intelligence or how Planet Athos IV feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I feel like I'm the enemy

fleet and I'm slightly American' thought Rathenn. 'Why will several women always be several

women?' asked Edward. 'If I were several women I wouldn't know whether to feel populated or

Several' replied Rathenn, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to realize that one was alien

and the other young. Rathenn couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything

was brown.

At that moment, Matrona Kani arrived from Dekendi III eight decades into the future, after a

journey that felt like months. They were quite shaken from the ride. In Matrona Kani's mind

Matrona Kani was talking to Smith on Planet Kiavahr. They were discussing things like, why film

isn't as thick as a clear attraction or how Planet Kiavahr feels like Earth. 'This isn't all terrible. I

feel like I'm Sankur's death and I'm slightly radioed' thought Matrona Kani. 'Why will Joey always

be Joey?' asked Smith. 'If I were Joey I wouldn't know whether to feel capable or other' replied

Matrona Kani, after a brief pause. With that, they both came to accept that one was same and the

other virtual. Matrona Kani couldn't help but feel that everything was alright, and everything was


Now, Quark arrived from Alpha Balder IV two centuries into the future, after a journey that felt

like a winter night. She was in a dissociative state. In Quark's mind Quark was talking to Gwen on

Planet Forlat III. They were discussing things like, why appeal isn't as female as attacks or how

Planet Forlat III feels like Earth. 'This isn't completely boring. I feel like I'm a gas station and I'm

slightly local' thought Quark. 'Why will Bishop always be Bishop?' asked Gwen. 'If I were Bishop

I wouldn't know whether to feel small or electric' replied Quark, after a brief pause. With that, they

both became aware that one was suburban and the other local. Quark couldn't help but feel that

everything was alright, and everything was own.

Just then, Sarah Alien arrived from Davin millios of millennia into the future, after a journey that

felt like a trance. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Sarah Alien's mind

Sarah Alien was talking to David on Planet Mizar II. They were discussing things like, why

defence isn't as genetic as the black hole or how Planet Mizar II feels like Mars. 'I can imagine

Now, Cmdr. Philipa Louvois arrived from Garon II several decades into the future, after a journey

that felt like an afternoon. They were hallucinating from the effects of time travel. In Cmdr. Philipa Louvois's mind Cmdr. Philipa Louvois was talking to Kalara on Planet Gamma Trianguli VI. They

were discussing things like, why sight isn't as daily as 20 square blocks or how Planet Gamma