Overcoming Cost Intransparency of Cloud Computing

OVERCOMING EX ANTE COST INTRANSPARENCY OF CLOUDS Nane Kratzke 1 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems


Presentation hold during Cloud Computing Conference 2011 in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands 2011. This is presentation is about missing cost estimation models in cloud computing and presents firsts considerations how to overcome this.

Transcript of Overcoming Cost Intransparency of Cloud Computing

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Nane Kratzke

1 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems

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Analyzing Impacts of Clouds

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 2






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Analyzing Impacts of Clouds to COBIT

Reduced efforts for

•  Continuous Service •  Manageability of Performance and Capacity •  Procure IT-Resources and Identify and allocate costs •  Monitor and evaluate IT-performance

Additional efforts for

•  Assess and manage IT-Risks •  Ensure compliancy with external requirements •  More complex Configuration management and IT-


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 3

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Analyzing Impacts of Clouds to TOGAF

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 4

Reduced efforts for

•  Use billable SaaS or PaaS items as building blocks for information systems architecture •  Data architecture •  Application architecture

•  Use billable IaaS items as building blocks for technology architecture

•  Use scalability and cost associativity as well as pay-as-you-go to generate new oportunities and solutions •  100 processing units for one hour •  100 hours of one processing unit •  Produce (almost) the same costs •  Experimentation is cheap

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Analyzing Impacts of Clouds to ITIL

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 5

• Service Design • Capacity Management • Availability Managemet • Continuity Management

• Service Operation • Event Management •  Incident Management • Problem Management

Reduced efforts for

• Service Design • Service Level Management •  Information Security

Management • Service Transition

• Asset and Configuration Management

Additional efforts for

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Qualitative Weaknesses and Strengths of Clouds

Strength Weakness

Inherent scalability, continuousity and


Cost transparency (ex post)

Provision of automated functional


Physical infrastructure and low level

service free (customer perspective)

More complex service, process and

configuration management

More complex security management

More complex compliancy


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 6

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So – everthing is beautifull? No substantial show stoppers?

•  Higher order showstoppers for cloud approaches •  Security and Compliance Management •  Incompatible SLAs •  Especially national laws, privacy, data ownership,

confidentiality, data location, forensic evidence, auditing, etc.

•  Decision making showstoppers for cloud approaches •  Ex post but no ex ante cost transparency •  Relevant costs of cloud approaches must be known before a

system enters operation •  Otherwise IT investment decisions pro or contra cloud based

approaches can not been made

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 7

Hard to handle

Could be solved

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Costs are influenced by

Your System Usage

XaaS Usage Your System Architecture

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Costs are influenced by ... To be validated by ongoing research

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nane Kratzke Computer Science and Business Information Systems 9

User accounts

Amount of unique visitors/users

Amounts of user/system requests


Loadbalancing and autoscaling asset groups

Structure of processing tier (network)

Structure of storage and backup tier (network)

Data transfer

Data storage

Data processing

Monitoring efforts (e.g. events, IaaS)

Amount of sub-service requests (PaaS, SaaS)

Your System Usage

Your System Architecture

Generated XaaS Usage

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Finding nearest neighbors to exploit comparable ex-post costs of other systems

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operated systems with ex post costs planned system

cost estimations

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Select comparable systems and collected data by similarity

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Selection of the most comparable operated system

System Architecture

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Conclusion or: Vision for ongoing research

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CLOUDLAB Cost, Usage, and Architecture Analytics for Cloud-based Information Systems

•  Collect and Provide Data •  Your System Usage, Provided Service Usage •  Your System Architecture, Costs (Billing)

•  of real world cloud-based applications/services in order to estimate costs for planned cloud-based costs/services