Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became...

Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Community Care Community Care Community Care Community Care Over the Fence Newsletter Over the Fence Newsletter Over the Fence Newsletter Over the Fence Newsletter February / March 2015 February / March 2015 February / March 2015 February / March 2015

Transcript of Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became...

Page 1: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Tamborine Mountain Community Care Community Care Community Care Community Care

Over the Fence NewsletterOver the Fence NewsletterOver the Fence NewsletterOver the Fence Newsletter February / March 2015February / March 2015February / March 2015February / March 2015

Page 2: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Dear Clients,

Ah, the 70’s I remember them well! My schooling years (I left school in 1979), great times were had growing

up and getting into mischief, but I should not digress.

There are a number of changes that we, as a service provider, will see over the next couple of years due to the way that the government is addressing the issues associated with an ageing population and the services that they may need in the future. 1st July 2015 will see the first of those changes being implemented where ser-vice providers will no longer be responsible for or be able to provide assessment of potential new clients or review the needs of existing clients. This will be conducted by a centralised office through ‘My Aged Care’ for

more information please visit the government website http://www.myagedcare.gov.au/

Further detail, that has been provided to service providers, is included elsewhere in this edition of ‘Over the

Fence’ and as we gather more information this will be passed on to you the client as necessary.

Stay Happy, Stay Healthy.

Geoff Marshall—Manager

AutumnKeep Fair Keep this Date …….Keep this Date …….Keep this Date …….Keep this Date …….

Saturday 18th April 2015Saturday 18th April 2015Saturday 18th April 2015Saturday 18th April 2015

10 am 10 am 10 am 10 am ---- 3 pm3 pm3 pm3 pm

We will be holding our …. First Ever …….

Autumn FairAutumn FairAutumn FairAutumn Fair

Here at Community Care 42 Southport Ave

Page 3: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Tamborine Mountain Community Care P O Box 45

42 Southport Avenue EAGLE HEIGHTS

Tamborine Mountain QLD 4271

QLD 4272

Tel: 07 5545 4968 [email protected]

Kootenai War 1974

On September 20th 1974 the sixty-seven members of the Native American Kootenai tribe, headed by Amy Trice, declares war on the United States government as a final

effort to gain attention to the tribe's loss of land and subsequent troubles. The war was peaceful and mainly involved charging tolls to pass through tribal lands near Bonners Ferry, Idaho along US

Highway 95. They also distributed

information to those passing through

detailing the problems of the tribe. The war gained a lot of publicity for the Kootenai tribe and the US government gave the Kootenai 12.5 acres of land to end the war.

Do you have an iPad and struggle to use it?

These devices are a great product which can be

very useful providing you know how to use it.

We are now offering a weekly group lesson to

help you learn how to use an iPad. Group

learning will allow you to become familiar with the product amongst your peers. You can learn from the tutor and you can also learn from each


9.00am—10.00am weekly from

Thursday 12th February 2015.

Donations Needed Please……..Donations Needed Please……..Donations Needed Please……..Donations Needed Please……..

For our Autumn Fair in April

Do you have any books or bric-a-brac that you would like to donate

to TMCCA for the fair?

Do you have time to bake for our ‘Bake Stall’ ?

Please contact Jo - 5545 4968 for further information

All donations will be received with lots of thanks!!!

Page 4: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

1970’s World Timeline


Paul McCartney announces that the Beatles have disbanded

Boeing 747 makes its first commercial passenger trip to London

100,000 people demonstrate in Washington DC against the Vietnam War

Simon and Garfunkel release their final album together, Bridge Over Troubled Water. The Title Track won the Grammy for song of the year.

The first New York marathon is run in New York


Decimalisation in United Kingdom and Ireland both switch to decimal currency.

IRA Bomb Post Office Tower in London

The Voting Age in the United States is lowered to 18 yrs old when the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified

Women are granted the right to vote in Switzerland

Greenpeace formally comes into existence

Australia and New Zealand Announce Pull Out Of Troops from Vietnam


This year is marked as a black year in history due to the use of terrorism entering sport with the massacre of 11 Israel Athletes by Arab Gunman. Also this is the beginning of the biggest political scandal in modern times and the start of the Watergate Scandal. On the other side of the Atlantic a worsening of the problems between the IRA and the British government see wrongs from both sides and innocent lives are lost.


US Troops withdrawn from Vietnam and U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends with the signing of peace

World Trade Center in New York becomes the tallest building in the world

Sydney Opera House is opened

Princess Anne, marries Captain Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey

The Mississippi River reaches its peak level in St. Louis during a record 77-day flood


IRA begins bombing campaign on mainland Britain and bombs The Tower of London on July 17th and the Houses of parliament and pubs in Birmingham

Following impeachment hearings started on May 9th Richard Nixon becomes the first US president forced to resign after the Watergate Scandal on August 9th

The Kootenai Native American Tribe in Idaho declares war on the United States

Cyclone Tracy strikes on 25th December almost completely destroys Darwin, Australia


The British Conservative Party chooses it's first women leader, Margaret Thatcher

The Vietnam War ends as Communist forces take Saigon and South Vietnam surrenders uncondi-tionally

Motorolla obtains patent for the first portable mobile phone The name "Micro-soft" (for microcomputer software) and Microsoft becomes a registered


Page 5: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like


The First Commercial Concorde Flights take off

Worst Drought on record hits Britain forcing the use of Standpipes

The world’s first recorded Ebola virus epidemic begins in Sudan

Apple Computer Company is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

Landing Vehicles from the US Spacecraft Viking I and Viking II set down safely on Mars


Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Amnesty International

Jubilee celebrations are held 7th June in the United Kingdom to celebrate twenty-five years

of Elizabeth II's reign

The first MRI Scanner is tested

The King " Elvis Presley" Dies at the age of 42 from a heart attack

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System GPS Inaugurated by US Department of defense


After nearly 30 years The Volkswagen Beetle stops production having manufactured 20 million cars.

Britain launches the Motability scheme to provide cars for disabled people.

3 American balloonists make the first crossing of the Atlantic by hot air balloon in Double Eagle II

Sweden becomes the first nation to ban aerosol sprays that are thought to damage earth's

protective ozone layer.

Worldwide Unemployment rises after several decades of near full employment.


Margaret Thatcher elected on May 3rd as the Prime minister in UK.

The Sahara Desert experiences snow for 30 minutes.

Lord Mountbatten and three others assassinated by the I.R.A. on August 27th . He was a British

admiral, statesman and an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

China institutes the one child per family rule to help control it's exploding population.

Voyager I photo reveals Jupiter's rings

Page 6: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Anti-Vietnam War protesters through

the Adelaide

CBD in 1971

Tammy Biela, 4, rides a Galapogos

tortoise at Adelaide Zoo in 1972. Pretty

sure this was stopped for OHS


Johnny Farnham has

remained one of

Australia's best-known

performers with a

career spanning over 45 years, and he is the only Australian artist to

have a number one

record in five

consecutive decades

Australian television

series created by

Australian actor John

McCallum, about the

adventures of a young boy and his intelligent pet kangaroo, and the

various visitors to the

fictional Waratah

National Park in Duffys Forest,near Sydney, New

South Wales.

Page 7: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

FOOD 8. How has it changed?

When I was growing up, Mum had two dinner-party show stoppers. For pre-dinner nibbles it was the

hedgehog – a halved pineapple for the body, and toothpicks decorated with glacé cherries, cheese cubes and mint to signify spikes. Post-dinner, out came a sophisticated concoction of brandy snaps, fruit salad and Chantilly cream.

These dishes seem quaint and sweetly humorous in an age of Jamie Oliver, MasterChef and

Artisanal produce, but it’s surprising how quickly food trends change. Each decade is characterised by food fads that quickly date.

From flamingo tongues to Spam loaf, food fads throughout history encompass some weird and

wonderful ingredients.

Medieval Food Fads

You would have needed stamina as a guest of England’s King Henry V, whose feasts lasted days and featured “illusion foods” – the trick being on the eye and the palate. Live blackbirds really were baked into pies, flying out to amaze the guests, while swans and peacocks were roasted, then dressed again in their plumage. Think that can’t be topped? Those clever medieval chefs dreamed up a creature called a “cockentrice”, made by combining half a pig and half a capon (castrated rooster)K simply construct, bake and serve.

1970’s Food Fads

Processed food became symbolic of the evils of industrial civilisation, says American food writer and author Michael Pollen. “Brown food of any kind was deemed morally superior.” Muesli and funky Granola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like tuna casserole, quiche lorraine, steak diane or chicken kiev – garnished with a sprig of curly parsley if they were feeling fancy. No dinner party was complete without cubed cheese and pickled cocktail onions on sticks, a prawn cocktail or after-dinner mints.

And Next ??

So the star dinner party ingredients of the future? Produce either grown in your backyard or on the nature strip across the street. According to Forbes.com, by the year 2018, around 20% of all foods eaten will have been grown in gardens. Residents in cities are already keeping bees on their roof or in their gardens and using the honey in their kitchens.

Page 8: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Perfect for active older adults who love to dance. The Zumba Gold Perfect for active older adults who love to dance. The Zumba Gold Perfect for active older adults who love to dance. The Zumba Gold Perfect for active older adults who love to dance. The Zumba Gold

class features original dance moves at lower intensity.class features original dance moves at lower intensity.class features original dance moves at lower intensity.class features original dance moves at lower intensity.

The design of the class introduces easyThe design of the class introduces easyThe design of the class introduces easyThe design of the class introduces easy----totototo----follow Zumba choreog-follow Zumba choreog-follow Zumba choreog-follow Zumba choreog-raphy that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. raphy that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. raphy that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. raphy that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered, energized Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered, energized Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered, energized Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered, energized

and feeling strong.and feeling strong.and feeling strong.and feeling strong.

The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, mus-The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, mus-The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, mus-The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, mus-

cular conditioning, flexibility and balance !!cular conditioning, flexibility and balance !!cular conditioning, flexibility and balance !!cular conditioning, flexibility and balance !!

ZUMBA Gold classes held atZUMBA Gold classes held atZUMBA Gold classes held atZUMBA Gold classes held at

Tamborine Mountain Community CareTamborine Mountain Community CareTamborine Mountain Community CareTamborine Mountain Community Care

Tuesdays 10 am Tuesdays 10 am Tuesdays 10 am Tuesdays 10 am

Starting Tuesday 3rd February 2015Starting Tuesday 3rd February 2015Starting Tuesday 3rd February 2015Starting Tuesday 3rd February 2015

Please call office if you would like to attendPlease call office if you would like to attendPlease call office if you would like to attendPlease call office if you would like to attend

5545 49685545 49685545 49685545 4968

$5 per class$5 per class$5 per class$5 per class

Page 9: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Transition to new Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP ) (Over 65 age group (over 50 if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander)

The Australian Government recently announced further details of the new Commonwealth Home

Support Programme (CHSP), which will begin from 1 July 2015.

The CHSP consolidates four Commonwealth-funded home support programmes into one stream-

lined and simplified programme:

• Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program;

• National Respite for Carer Program (NRCP);

• Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program; and the

• Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program.

The Government announced that two years of funding will be offered to the majority of service pro-

viders with contracts under existing programmes that will form the CHSP.

This will provide a degree of continuity and certainty to providers and their clients as we transition to

the new programme.

The overwhelming majority of providers funded through the current programmes will continue to de-

liver services under the new CHSP, while people receiving services under the existing programmes

will continue to receive the same level of support now and when the CHSP begins.

The CHSP is one of several changes being made to help older people stay independent and in their

own homes for longer. It will continue to support around 550,000 older people and their carers as

the entry level of Australia’s aged care system.

Providers will benefit from significantly streamlined funding arrangements, with less red tape, simpli-

fied grant agreements and more time to deliver important services for older Australians.

And older people and their carers will benefit from a standardised national assessment process and

single entry point for services through the My Aged Care Gateway. From 1sy July 2015, TMCCA

will no longer be in a position to conduct initial assessments or ongoing reviews these will be com-

pleted by centralised national assessment team.

CHSP funding will be around $1.7 billion in 2015-16, which will continue to grow over the coming

years, resulting in more services for more people. It will continue to provide services such as

planned respite, delivered meals and domestic assistance.

A more equitable and sustainable national fees policy will be introduced to address the variations

that currently exist, with protections remaining for people who can’t afford services.

As more detail is released in regard to the change over to CHSP, TMCCA will advise further

through the pages of this bi-monthly publication.

Page 10: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Client Activity AfternoonsClient Activity AfternoonsClient Activity AfternoonsClient Activity Afternoons

Fed up with paying for all these expensive beauty products ? Come to our Creative Afternoon ……

Natural & EssentialNatural & EssentialNatural & EssentialNatural & Essential

Learn how to make your own NaturalLearn how to make your own NaturalLearn how to make your own NaturalLearn how to make your own Natural Face Masks and Hand Creams ……with JoFace Masks and Hand Creams ……with JoFace Masks and Hand Creams ……with JoFace Masks and Hand Creams ……with Jo


Wednesday 11th February 2015

1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

“Easter Themed” Craft Workshop“Easter Themed” Craft Workshop“Easter Themed” Craft Workshop“Easter Themed” Craft Workshop With Aunty Sandra

Wednesday 11th March 2015Wednesday 11th March 2015Wednesday 11th March 2015Wednesday 11th March 2015

1.00 pm 1.00 pm 1.00 pm 1.00 pm ---- 3.00 pm3.00 pm3.00 pm3.00 pm


Afternoon Tea Provided

Page 11: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

TMCCA recognises your right toTMCCA recognises your right toTMCCA recognises your right toTMCCA recognises your right to:

Have your comments valued and to make a complaint if you are not happy with the

services you receive.

As a TMCCA Client, to have the right to give honest feedback about the services you are receiving without fear of losing the service or having it reduced. HACC standards require TMCCA to have clear policies, in writing, for handling complaints from service users, and to make sure that

our clients understand how those policies are applied.

Phone if you have any questions or concerns about this policy,

please contact the TMCCA Manager, Geoff Marshall

5545 4968

We can provide transport to our Client Activity Afternoons

Please call Jo

5545 4968

Movie Afternoon

Wednesday 8th April 2015 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

(Movie Title will be released in February )(Movie Title will be released in February )(Movie Title will be released in February )(Movie Title will be released in February )

Afternoon Tea Provided

To all Our Wonderful

Clients and Volunteers ….

Page 12: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

The Memoirs of Wart Hog

Wart Hog is one of our

valued Volunteers here at


Yes it’s David Warton

Whilst working in the Lachlan Catchment I also became involved in the Murray-Darling Basin Wetlands. This was a most frustrating time as I and others recognised the need for national management of this area which received run off from many rivers and affected lands from Queensland, NSW, Victoria and South Australia.

We could have had a federal organisation controlling the management of the Murray Darling. Instead we had this natural asset being run separately by different states with different needs. This did not work although it satisfied the bureaucrats.

I went from there to Kempsey on the North Coast of NSW. There I was Coordinator for the Macleay and Bellingen catchments. Once again it was a pleasure working with the community to achieve common goals for the good of the environment.

From there I was approached to join a private movement due to some of my previous experi-ence. It was extremely interesting hearing lots of hidden secrets that people carried around with them. Of course they remained secret but they did help when analyzing a case. It was a very enlightening experience and gave me the chance to help people who had these hidden secrets.

I had a great boss. He was a much decorated policeman and the wildest sense of humour. Once when we were driving along through a town, we saw a man with one arm. My old mate chirped up and said “He must be looking for a second hand shop”. Sadly, my old mate and boss passed away.

Later I was called back to environmental work on the North Coast. Once again I was to go through a learning process. Of course I had learnt that the biggest foes of the environment were land developers. But in practice I had more trouble with the “greens”. To describe this, I retell the story when the Forestry Commission requested our people to advise them about a sloping vehicle track running through their forest and it was eroding with the silt washing into the river. Before our man could inspect the problem, a complaint came in from the “greens” that the road shouldn't be touched as they ‘suspect’ it is the habitat of the Speckle Green Frog. These people had their heart in the right place but wore blinkers where the environment was con-cerned. Very frustrating when you are endeavoring to achieve conservation goals.

After some years of fighting for the environment, I retired from paid work but kept up my volun-teering. I made lots of friends with my volunteering including one who attended Hawkesbury College some years before me. He lived in Coffs Harbour and I helped him move to a retire-ment village. His eyesight went so I would tape the messages from the Hawkesbury Journal so he could listen to the words of his favourite journal. His name was David ‘Blue’ Hobbs. When he passed I was honoured to be made his ‘next of kin’.

Page 13: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

TMCCA Office will be CLOSED TMCCA Office will be CLOSED TMCCA Office will be CLOSED TMCCA Office will be CLOSED

Friday 3rd April 2015 - Public Holiday (Good Friday)

Monday 6th April 2015 - Public Holiday (Easter Monday)

Hire EquipmentHire EquipmentHire EquipmentHire Equipment Hire equipment is available from TMCCA. We have Wheelchairs, Walkers, Walking sticks, Toilet chairs, Shower chairs, Walking

frames and crutches

Refundable Deposit Fees:

$20.00 for wheelchairs

$10.00 for all other equipment

Monthly Fees:

$30.00 for wheelchairs

$20.00 for all other equipment.

Monthly hire fees are due in advance.Monthly hire fees are due in advance.Monthly hire fees are due in advance.Monthly hire fees are due in advance.

Page 14: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Destinations for Tuesday Shopping Trips

Gold Coast shopping bus destinations are:

3rd February Runaway Bay

10th February Harbourtown

17th February Robina

24th February Helensvale Westfield

3rd March Burleigh

10th March Robina

17th March Runaway Bay

24th March Harbourtown

31st March Robina

7th April Helensvale Westfield

14th April Burleigh

21st April Robina

28th April Runaway Bay


First Monday of each month

(except Bank Holidays)



Please be advised that transport to medical appointments

should be booked with one of our volunteer drivers.

Please call our Office for assistance.


Equipment available from TMCCA

☺ Walking sticks

☺ Quad sticks

☺ Folding walking frame

☺ Quad walkers

☺ Canadian crutches

☺ Toilet chairs

☺ Shower chairs

☺ Wheelchairs

Monthly hire fees are due in


☺ Refundable Deposit

$20.00 for wheelchairs

$10.00 for other equipment

☺ Monthly Fees

$30.00 for wheelchairs

$20.00 for other equipment


For all Tuesday buses remember to ring one week before if you would like

to book a seat.

Calls for bookings will be accepted

from 08.30am on the Tuesday.

Confirmation is also needed for the

Thursday local bus.

Thank you for your Thank you for your Thank you for your Thank you for your


Groceries & More Direct to your Door ?

Are you struggling to get your weekly shop ?

Unable to get to the shops ?

Want to save time ?

All your groceries will then be delivered directly to your home. The delivery person even brings the shopping

in for you and puts it on the kitchen work top K no bending!




Please be ready for the Tuesday Please be ready for the Tuesday Please be ready for the Tuesday Please be ready for the Tuesday Shopping Bus by 8.30 am so that Shopping Bus by 8.30 am so that Shopping Bus by 8.30 am so that Shopping Bus by 8.30 am so that

there are no delays in pick upsthere are no delays in pick upsthere are no delays in pick upsthere are no delays in pick ups

Many ThanksMany ThanksMany ThanksMany Thanks

Page 15: Over the Fence Feb-March2015tmcca.com.au/.../2015/02/Over-the-Fence-Feb-March2015.pdfGranola became the breakfast of champions, and for dinner mums churned out classic dinners like

Rights and Responsibilities of Rights and Responsibilities of Rights and Responsibilities of Rights and Responsibilities of

TMCCA ClientsTMCCA ClientsTMCCA ClientsTMCCA Clients

TMCCA recognises your right to:TMCCA recognises your right to:TMCCA recognises your right to:TMCCA recognises your right to:

The right to be informed and

to be consulted

As a TMCCA client you have

the right to be informed

about the service available to

you, and about

your rights as a



Each Monday at TMCCA

$5.00 per session


As per schedule

$20.00 per hour


As per schedule

$12.00 per hour


As arranged with TMCCA

$7.00 per hour


Each Friday at St John’s, Beacon Rd

$20.00 per day


Twice per month at St John’s, Beacon Rd

$20.00 per day

NOTE: If your trip includes the cost of parking or

toll fees, you are requested to pay the fees


Bus TransportBus TransportBus TransportBus Transport

DestinationDestinationDestinationDestination FeeFeeFeeFee

Local Thursday Shopping Bus $6

Beaudesert $12

Coast Shopping $12

Volunteer TransportVolunteer TransportVolunteer TransportVolunteer Transport

DestinationDestinationDestinationDestination FeeFeeFeeFee

Alamanda Hospital, Southport $30

Ashmore Medical Centre, Benowa $32

Australian Hearing Centre, Southport $30

Beaudesert $28

Biggera Waters $27

Brisbane Royal Hospital, Brisbane $60

Bundall $35

Browns Plains $40

Canungra $13

Carrara $30

GC Hospital, Southport $30

Helensvale $20

Hope Island $22

Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich $72

John Flynn Hospital, Tugun $52

Local Tamborine Mountain, Eagle Heights $8

Logan Hospital, Logan $40

Mater Hospital, Brisbane $60

Mermaid Beach $38

Oxenford $18

Pacific Private Hospital, Southport $30

Pindara Hospital, Benowa


Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane $60

Robina Hospital, Robina $36

Runaway Bay


Upper Coomera


Wesley Hospital, Brisbane


Sunnybank Hospital, Sunnybank $56