OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13,...

VOLUME XX. BOZK\IA:\, 110NTA:-.iA, TUESDAY. :\OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 SS FOR GIRlS I I A DATE rnR mMS WIN "''' i,"'"' .. P" 1 m / ,,,'. Meetings Scheduled For No,em- her 21·2 1, Women's Cl ubs .\re Aiding ' 1 1 d b h ' 1 Be Presen led at Emerson I t I' ti d L" t I 0&. )lontana On Nove1nber 20 ll\1_,l Ill honct or b. U.1 Exposi tion ll\e chapte1 or 'lau Ut:la P1, hono1a!) t n·1r . ."\.:-.a c. conlUCtc y t (,,• .'''\.:"1:0.l>Clatc, \\;J, U:-li) 1111.iav a or an Ives oc ( :\.l.aLt l-'aka1a, of th.! a I come 'Vyoming Universitv Colle)!c \\'II ndd at the .\1on'"ana lloJi,rn,.:: 01 \\ •• ,.,hingtOJ :--tatl• Coliegt.', I (;ng'ln(.>ering leturncd la,.,l a l ings l{ \.ZEI '!ELLO:'\ CH \IR'I ''?\.T Po\\ u l.su1ld'ng- on rl'ICl'E1'S NO' " RE - \DY \\ht \\, t. te pltnl.:1pal p ar..l'I llll tnc \\ l'Ufles<lav altklnoon 11om St. Louis · , ' , ·' · · ·' =' 12!. and u ""'·k later. De< I. '' 1 ru '"'"· J 1<· .ncnL 11 '""'! 11 ,., been STHO:-IG (01\lPETITION "he1e the i.nnual con.cntwn of th" WYLIE SCORES TWICE -- .·hco1dmg to Be1111<.:t- p1t•s1- 1n c lillc at. \\', •. C. t L..<.:' lie c1g:am:utt.1011 hclJ. 1-.). i\ o Bop' \ ocational ( on1xress X ext <..ient. ot A. \r t.he obJe<.:t. oi tne Other Book in ,:.!s In City Conflict \\ 11 h i:-, ,...1.:H. it. 01 l mvu -.itv ut Uc::i;ular ( Ja ... :-. 1 00111 \\ or k ls Ch en '1 he de leg aw it.:.1101 t'> a \ 01 Y e:it- \\ II \It ;\J t" pUlJu:;c int.lam\ and ah-.o ,aken \\uii u .. 1 mg llip, lea\rng- B(Zl!HJltn, (Ji.:tobe1 Bobc.tt Lme \\ ea k \VhiJP 'ear. ' ' ernate i el' mi;s ot l;u:..mg- tu1nnu1e anJ fu1111sh111g:s Co ll ege l I rmb"' Uh \..:!) \\ r h \\hilc sub· Credit Fo1 Remarka bl e . .!, .mu :stayrnf.{ II\ Lv-l:s 101 .1ou1 Th.tt of Cowbo)s Sto vs ) early for He1111.:k Hali . The A. \\' s .ue Date Jt<t \hh that. o[ · 1• nu Jllg" the- H.uad", I Sho\\ mg d .. ;.:. lJu..;mc:s::> alld t:11tc1 ta1n s to a and to .1 tGJJli.:: ot nwl mt.1.:1c to L\l'l\' c:o.- ml.nt..1>) t.he . ..,ou11 t.amma. chaptt.:1 cnmmage 'I k Annual \ ,itwnul Con- 1mp1o\c tllL' h.ilb of t.he bmldmg- Due to tnt: "'uond. nunibe f the 11.!f..!e :-.tu1lcnt uf today . :\l t . . , ,l \\ a:shmgton On tnt: •:-....,.,, lll \\hlch the m .. .rnd and 111act:callv .di Com111u111ty ( elt.>bllt\· ltt:"a:-.t.11!-. 101 olll'gc :o r plou<l IC'LUl'll t:1p :\ir l'dkala fo1 a 1111ou14h :rnpenor heady,ork and at.i nal mec.•t \\JLh 1(·prc- Ill .... Lht;oJ ult: ·m L:n tne da) as the I I. 1 y, it fn•s dent Jlolland vutlincd t.hict: 11 ;'t ... 10 ''a C'm- and to foll<;>\\ ent.1:1\ e tr:; !rom lug-h ,.,(·hoob all by gn t.nmg-:; to be sold B\ ery-1 bee. n -.31:. 10 po::;tpone th\;: date p1i11t·i1 le L..:ason:, for Jn('n amt \\omen L1n·s.tod" .Expo.-:.1t10n held :.'\ oveml;e1 sand son1l! ol tr:. lI :;..:X:tal 1 ta· b.tll State. s ned \l'f ;\lontari.i to heliJ' tll<·m Ut1n}!' \\Jll bt: handmade or homlmade. l.f "1he En•ra).!;l•mtnt" to to (uliq;e· l• r:::.t to \\Ill and - 1 at POJlllll<l 01 , ·on l ni t t e .. p d \\>omm,..s Co\\bo>,:,, 11-t. A cro\Hl c atwn ' 'r \\ hl<-·h tht Y a1 l' fitted. 1 hL' ;.nits to be :sold rnnk all the \\ay 1 ::\ oH•mbt·l· 1 he tll:keL ht.-ld Ult• 11 ie:nll::..h1p nu' I e:spcct ol p.<.1 'the t £nee i At th f . o} fans took .advantagt· .111 meet. 1n Bozeman. :'\O\L'lllhl'l' 21- 110'11 1.:and) and Jelly to linen sets, .':iale \\111 ht.' in e-ha1·re oi J 11 11·1i1c 1cllG\\ :s;.uucnt.-,; mt, tu f11cp.110.. WI) of the snCJw with teHns ei tei 1 h. e <.:on,i.:!n.ton t ete were itt>- 0 t e ine \\eather to \\Ittness th!.! -t \\onan'd t\te will to\\d", and lamp:sliades. As the sale U.\ens.. \\hil t.111 be iuund ,lt. the .1rli.::quatc.) tor ::.on1e or }ito- liom (alitm.nia, l<Jah'-> "Blltis-lt .• a the tY.o nvals . , t11t111am:c "id l't' .l{l\l'n a nwnth befo1e Chi 1hnd, to be able to go out 1 1umbia \\·t:shmirt n 'o 1 '"(fl n<l odifa 11 •11\lC sixt)f e: b<:ormg fot the Bob<.:at-.. "as 11." t11p ma". it: ts a g-ood t.1111(' for Pia11,., tut the .r111ttmc- and ,Lllln.! tlo:u Lv.foge \\1n the: h1,;n1 r and ,.. u ' l'l-!' . a .lt.1\e::; o .pt-t.1t10n don .. t \\r)·ile, fullback, when he tu d'' <•f tkkd> fu1 the p1otluctio11 a1e ,:J\ I < rcdi1 Due (oaches 1 the 2 11 1Ml lO• 'l .. , m (' .m- \, in , :. \\ I j j'\ bGt "'l' 1 he "'ale. I' being ,c"mlut·,C'd h) lit kl h :s be e:rn a1 ded a 11 et t L«t.lt.. \\ 11 hm t' a bt t <'l' time •th<:'\' thl tta..n.s .ts u II done a c reat thP acccpku 1' ellowship Plan \\ h1ch '"CJ\\ hi,., only point"' ! .. " .. t :-., T"li ... \\ .ll •nt hL• num- ol tne A \\. :::;. ( -<.1unc1l .tnd 11c ,cts Le 1, r .... 1.:u1 "'11 t I\\ .. l "'Llll l ht rhet v. th tel tt;. 1 of , .. 111 ,.. lll 'd t'f Hl allun fUi· 11 estnts a 11 eam.; 01 t a1:>ing- money to \VJHm he c.:1 the P,obc:at g-oal 111 et int nd.:.m•:-; l L'\l·ial hund1ed d ioun (1t cii.rht. '-Oi homoie \\omen .. •u":-. l hubbu-..:k o1 d m..:mbc1 of 1c11- dent" u ti thl 1 grut it' l I J l<tmtc. t. undl'1 iwwy handic·qh 'i!') •bl! .l!i'-'en to !:>electcct student!> Who tk- the third qua1ter to tw .... cote ut 1trl"tot.i11.· on1) 1.nlls \\Cit' 111- \\h' hu\t lit-en appomted lapta11c;. 111ento1-"' . .\latg:aret Dewey \\as put Ill <.n .. c t;;i;Jt·L \cpt11( s ompa1t>d to the tc::a1;1:-; to <:ont.inue then· e<lucal1on. 7-7. Hart bootinK the lnl'l 101 t.hc tt•cl tu come , I he S\'l a1e ... ts tol- thalf!'c of for .the P_lay. 1 aH.· 1 \\ ith \\hic, 1 they \t,;.llq,eted. The 1 1 The delegate obtamed nC\\ ext1a point. a11onal \uthcntic' ;::, '." 1 The Botcat J111e to It• \,ill )(' sevt>ral nnt "lJlal a" ll:l rr.:. f ' R { n cl ii, F.lc.1nor Ll1al> ,lJ.., on tfle SLH).!C, and tht· .\Jake !.!OO<I 111 co.lege ctnu ,, l,. \\ill con-1 ha\ L aCflUll frc.m then l e2u!c1r da.<.: ..... I \\ h1.h wul effect program or the get \'.Oi king- m tm first period en- 11 ll us \\ t.•ll .. th .. mstruL at \\mg I.'. .\lu c !or. and L11lhll1 r <1y prom1:-.es to be 'et) trnuc to do ::>O m hfe., rot.:m I n:iiaI atwn, a fact wlm:h speaks lo .. al chaptc.r. He ga\ c a col...,rful pie- a bled tht W)ommg team to garn an 1. :-; ( tv gne \c: .ational g-uidan-e. Tulil, mte1e·tlllJ;;.' \e1y highly fvr tn<' mst11.lC'tion and tme of the trip at the Tau Reta Pt .td\antage of yardage for the penod he co•JJ. ren c ''ill hcg-1n the . ..\11 gt',., who ha\e not. \l't tmnecl Katht)n I\.elh.t rn the rait 0 .\. ro::-.h .\d\lcc of :-:tuch ofiered here banquet la.<.:t mght. \\h!ch \\as held at Shollly after. the Bobcat line beg-an f ohm e and \,, t 1ntinue three 111 the for this -.ail' are re Lall\ Rewenham the mdu.rnan'" god f · n lJUotation \\a:; l!l\cn 1 1 The Ha\ Giam TC'l 'l Huriek Hall. .'.\Ir. Pakala :statea that to funet1on an<l the team beg<1.n to a\ 1 ht• tin c w1l1 ilJ\ dcd be to 1!0 :-u b,- 1 hu1 <.:.da \. :-.:o\ mother of t .r 1 l'd lkt.rnion) I 1 ; l<::n ' \\l .tt!::l 1 1 \\ a.s 1.: nder the direction of Prof.'..\.. u-f the ditte1 ent :-.r.:.hools he v1s1ted ou1 follov. the tall hr ilhant head\\ ork addl'l"'"'C" to t:ie <'11tllc μ-roup, I i.-n 1 . .: tlw latest. · should ietciH! a good. nrnnv t .. iug:hs :\l h t cl 1 of the a.ir1 nnmv dep- .. uunent e:ngmermg department was not sur- Thi,., along- \.tth br1liant heaclwork nd gtoup meetrn .. -- Loia Brown a::; 7\lr:s. ... , j e en and mdudC'd the men.! m equ1prnent, or beauty pro\ed to be the detidmg- fa tor of :\liss liazel :\Ie!lon,. u: I PROF STONE STARTS the ever-sweet mother to \\111 ne1.·l.:'-st 1 . 111 iabu:!' 15 not ro: ley. Pmke1·, and l)honkhn. The I of a1ch1tecti.;11"e. the game A g-reat aerial that Hone 1:s tht.o L.·ha1nnan of ba.k her son bv matc..:hmg he1 ,lent..· E:l,..e.f' od a tlit) and team \\On hu:-hest hmi rs m both the - -- ---- \\US soon launched by the Bobcat. .. h(_• g ih con11n:ttee3 and \\Ill i.;1,e I agai.nst. th? ... t..' .of the flapJ er, Ethl'l and lOnte$:s. mak- STUDENTS TRY INfi I c'l to be the undoing- of the (.":ow- e n<ldre"-s of \\elcome. Iler ODonn(.11). g't'nius. Tht" idea is nut. that of heroil' fou1t!l time that \lont<.ina as 1 he gams wc1e made .. :\1elion, a ::-enior !1l R)- 11 .. s. r. DEBATE WORK _Dolly Tripp IS to \\tn the hC'arb d ath:-. but 1athE"r of .. r.e and s<>J\::-.· . ta:re has twon . hr.nor m g-ra111 along thts routE!. a't• ... ht.:ol, \\ iJ1 J.!'l\e tne lt'-."'Onse of IYl 1 (J OL the audwnc:e m ht..r rnle c:." the 1ble II\ es. v ..-hat CvUn.. n the r I Jud_m.r a. the Ta 1f1c lnternat10nal FO SCH The Lineup and Summar) e <lt-1L6atcs. . charmmg- ::\lc1btl Yenmng, who iun ts ""ch-.hush1p, sanP and 7i (1Ut of the six. m which she )1a!"'; R OLARSHIP 1 >0 . of the Exel·ut1ve Staff is.111 lo\e.w1th Tnt:' .He .. tor <aicful prcpat·atton for a rnre't:r. .. \ to. be p1oud of. I Kidd LE \\'orthmgton h1) \\Ill a sist. with the nrnna)!ement First Yarsity Contest Here (:\ed i:, ann;$mg- a sup- I rps.i.knt. Holland g-a\e the high man m the 1 T Early In December With bod). and I Four From Montana State Will Chez avlur, Jfozeman Idaho Debators (:\lane Dolczal1k) by hh suJ<len out- pornts. '] k B"d F Rh d Hns' RG f) , it) ::\1ary Tatten. F'o1t Ben· ot humor. Oi-Jand Oakland can - --- l Fint On Hor-..e... I l'T a re 1 or 0 es Du!lcan fC) RT n. Piofe-.sor H C. Stone. debattn;? be as an 1cteal butle1 M 4\ r ATUJ ETE The L1vcstcck Jud•"ing- \\OJ1 Allowance llaul!'hhn RE Hurd I"irr.:.mc 111 .... Rose Pete.-,.., \rind- coac..:h ahd member of the D(.- ).lar:r.nct De,\e} h a \d")' 1 lie t.J 1 ;:L: 1 fn·"'t on hor-.."s anc.1 fieh on ,\Il <•tho 1 _ Hart. Q-B Grady am. i.Mtment of )lontana <.:Ollege •1a<.t1\e 1rai<!. The of the part... rt"las .... e:; ..,f The tl'am \\as :\lontana Stat Collc,c:e is making a !larkms L-H Penfield .'.\Jusl<: Dol!y Tnp, Buth· that the ac.:;;h ities of cit bate, <- 11: tmder"'rn':dm1.dy p.oi h) I DIES ATURDAY unde-r the <h;e ti:>n oi R. (' .\r Chord, 1 "ucnc IJ.d for a Rho<les !::;cholai smp, rhomp,on R-H Ga1dner L-0mcnt:on . .\.nang-enwnt-.. E.iza- t!'(temi or1:: speaking and orat.ury have followm,:r: claudena Opdyke as ).Jr,., Profe.s-.or ot ·' ni•nal lry and 1 :lus )tar with four strong canJ.iuate.s. IT her F-B 'Vylte et.h (;ardrne-r. Anaconda Ot!tll thot·oui:;ly orgamzed and ac..:tual the \Ulgar mothu of Ethel; 111dude.d iollowmz le:.te1 Suther 1They are Fulter. Henry . . Score h) l}u.1ners - :\1a1y U'Lea11. \' 'aisity 1 __ l 1 g 6 )lontana State rep.iesenta- as the d1s.sipated :\1-ajor \\ ar- j Death Tak es Frank \Vorden Pro- The P_101!uct-.. Judging- tc ln, the hands of the comnuttee of Off1cial-.:-Bowman, Demer U, I t "e will I et th t: . t t' nngton minent FootbalJ and Basket- I plal:ed fifth tcmgsomewhat at a J.i'- .-.en 1 he cho1 c of the :\-lontana Referee; Dalyi,,.,. Montana U • Um- ECOND CONCERT Idaho heu: first oer I This .play 1s, no doubt, one 0 1.. the J a.<hantage due to the fact that thh i.:. Rhodes st·holar for is to be made I pi1e, Po:.eH, Otta\\a l: .. head , D",omber. Thi,,,, the f1r.t attempt at best product1on,, of the year .rnd the ball Player tne first wnr 'hat. 1fontana na' en· un December b, 192b. man; Detrich. (-0lorado College. HERE THIS WEEK l \ar::;1ty debatmg- before the !:itUdL'nt bo<-ly :;hould en ouragt an1! ltere<.! a team 111 this depa:tment .). Opportunities 1ur the study of eco- Tnner. i - t lt hd:; the advanta,l.!e of promot- I 1e.\\ ard these amb1ttou::.. actol.".'I by SCHOOL lHOt'RNS LOSS 1 ·\ prof<';;. OJ of .<lauy. "'a" Ill nu.mc:s and r.olttics at Ox.:Iord Um- mg an t'arly of the question. /one hund1e<l pe1 cent attendante of the team. w!ueh I \l.'l':slt)' opt:n to Ame11can Schl)la1s, MONTANAN WORK --- The 'Cnnens1ty of Idaho team i:; ------- ' -- 0 ? ed. or the nien· 1a1e unequal}cd at UllY Ame11can t.:m- !makmg a tu th10 gh th t d I I .\t km:-;on Eu log-1 zes Popular [ ittle. Fn"'I 'Rosl."ncau and ( :1I'l \ei:::ity, .. 1c .. Pniltp etty Booth Concert Company I an unu:::.ual is th: : nonorial sen ices lor Frank \\ or - Student. \\ i.h Pronrnung tl :\h·O ank a'ldr!s ... I\\. buck oi the department. or go\- to Present 1\.fusical Program they a1(? not interested Ill den will be held in the \thlcte e 1e t ul cr-.h e111ment at :\1111...., College, Califotn.u, IS PROGRESSING Th ur sday Night debates but m of a tomorrO\\ from L: C-0 to 1·10. Oean · · 1 't·ia ion a. 1 " ai:nua mg- el \\ho \\as Rhode:-. &hclar uom Ioaho, ___ J '!un:ber ot speaktr-- .. Coaeh Hamilton \\ill preside k"ti conne tion the I in 1U2.,-26 !·1ofe-...::;01 Buck. m his Stone J!j heartily m acco1d \\Ith this I Frank ''liJt'tnle' '\ordcn, 01w of · 0 " · statement g'l\t..11 below, make:.. it \t:ry The Bett} Booth Co_n ... ert I tendency. 1 :\lontana Slatt.. 's mo prom1s1ng- ath- j JU:st \\hat t 1e oi theh yll appear .:\J. S C 1hu1s.da), I Hean· Sche::lule I MANY SEE lete.-; and member of the 3Jbcat iuot- ART BAZAAR HE opportumttes ate 01embcr la, m the .':iecond enterta111- 1 } .. BLOCK t1all an<l basketbllll ams, died Sat- RE I 1t will l:.e !jomc. time yet befo1e Ox- 1ent numbt:r of the Co•11mumty I_ T le \\ mter and Sprm,..:- 'aI":iity I u1dav ufte1noon 2t th1• Deacone"' ho"- ford estab11..;hes an Honour:s School ot' eleb.:.1ty A real musical I will mclude with I pita.I m B .. neman of ganJ?reno:.s ap· DECEMSE ! Lusmt"$.S Adm1mstiation. Any Amen- vcnt 1s ofi:e1ed m the ne\\ and orig-, Sa_rnt U of \\ ypmmg 3:t PRINT EXHIBIT pt:nd1cit ... . 'fh0 fune1u will be: hl•ld 111 R 7 AND 8 1 can \\ho goe.-; there lit of tram- al operetta "fhe :\Iagic )lelod_y". Laianne, C of:\ . Dakot..a, N Dakota I Butte \\ ednesda, I 1nic m the Tei:nmqt:c 01 Ad\l:'rt1smg-, u:.cludt¢ ' .. numbers, Fai go, Jamestown \\'ordC'n \\a .. tukC'a sick with ut I or t.he of Retail Credit, .... :u11e song p1esent..at.1on from hgu- Ccilege of Jamestown, )\01th Dakota . aJren1liut:i m1meJ.iutC'J.V after hi<.: le- .1 I \ff . n ·· 1' . \\Ill !111<l no one to re<:ogruze those an11 othet \ocal numbei:s. tup:; fo1.· team will m-1 Prints By Higdin Read on Dis- tu1n fr m L:nloln on October J.l. fie .... nnua · air nl I Display ·ubJt::.b, mui.:h to tnem to llet.t\ Booth wczzo-so·.rano elude <l tour of the Ctah "chools, to I play Jn Art Gall 01 c:rated on and "'eeme<l to he 011 )Ian) Unique Christ· I hun Hut if an) .\me1kan !.?oe:s the1e nd O!'ganizcr, :'.)tud1ed m and Pu lman. ... h., ; 0 the <.hst 1 : 1 .-t n · . . . ery the- load to It· O\'N). Dmin{!' the I mas Gifts .. u slttd) the et·onollllt" and ,.oht1uu vel.:d \Hth the Imperial \tenna c?ruerencc of 11 .Kappa Delta, ::\a- ehc.:tte \Voik \\eek he has bctn g owrng st.t.adily I la red . .:s of th1s S()(:1et), he \\111 omp.my for two Her \'Otce --- wmse and hope ){iven up for his Th , ·t ('I b <l 0 , 1 ,_ Ph . h·. 1tmd those s_ubJed ... -. bcm.{? <lee-ply l:On- ic: h and v1lnant. ail.(j 1:s ha1dl)• su1- am 0 mee c u e L'WO OL it me:. . 1ec•l\'ety. \ e .-\.l i..: an €""' i a\e ls1dere<l, .1ct1nl), even tu11ous1v d1,.,- assea by any other oft.ht! day in B ... .tU: The exhibit ol pnnts b) P1e"-1dent of illon'una l . well ,.,. under \\ay l<.r :m Ar·t J, and .tblv taught. · he appear:, m <:o·tume:, of foreign .. C. to deba:e R:tg;un Re:;<i 111 the de- !-\tatt Coll<.'g-e ::;u\s oi the ath!Ne the !th .rnd th of .DelembttI. Tht· student \\ho \\l::>he:s to study ounn Jt:s. Hugo Btant 15 a Pohsh I Ba) 101 l.J. of \\ aco, fc:xa::;, y, h? aic par ... ment l"'alle1), betn attl.tctlll'..? "Frank \\'oi dt:n \ ,el'y promb- 1 his Bazaar 1s an annual nifall" wh1t·h 1 and μolitics for th ts put. iamst and comopser. Paul Clark, a team throug-h the :\orth- many ",s1tor,., the pa::<-i. .unung mg vounf!' man . Ile wa·,., endowed with '"""" to\vn people puse--namely. to tty tu under:-.tand a notable <:ontnbution to Then· 1une1<..1y ha..; not the arch1h-" ... tu1c1l clu:ises and a sn!endiil Lodv and had the morn! hkt unL1que g-1fts, n tht· JJOhtlea. <-tnd c .. onomic..: μhenomt'n:J. ht- ensemble ,howe,·er, if it. .is they \\lll tel. ulty members. \·uurcu.:.e and 1w1st• that marks .1 s.lronz <·,.an.t'e to .o tam. O\' .. o Je<'b :"-,t this world ha ... iano, .,.,ohn an<l vo1c:e are the out- rrcet ).1. S. C. representatin:s here.. The wav Ill \\h11.h t111:"'c J1lmt a1c Pt'J-,<naht:.. Thf• l'mh tern11na*;on of I •. .111d the Indian IJ',.!ent anJ 1undann•ntal med of at .and mg- piogram features, 1 At the art! madt b .,.ery interes.tmg-. The· art1"'t hH·s is a 1<•1.ll thmgs Librane_:s, 1_h.1t i,.,, The story- is of a ,·oung- pnma for then .... All must his and then 1·e· \\otden \\Ch one of the 11104 popu- .• .. s _. . , . mdle11nl to \\01k \\Ith, .is ... u- onna and he1 s\\eetheai't returmng r>omt to ,1 la1 Ke nu111be1 clul·e it to '' s1111plest planes of li,1tht, Jar men on tht• Th<' e1itln' \utnl .ts cl "'1 f . p1 in ts. hltuhan em- nat1on with l.'OlllpetenL nwn actl\Cl) omt from an opera Ile ask-.. her to 0 pai·t 1 u1iant:. color, and shadow Ear.:.h area of c·olor mourJ1" his pasc;inn- lit• c .. me >l'<'Jt(lty HI\( cet•oratn•c <: 1 mtcrC'sted Ill s .. d1 1mt.:st1g.ttion; and -arry him and she cannot becau:::e of F ... .xtempo re . and shadow i·et1u11e,., a :JJ•«ur.1te to Mont tnn Stak last ye7tr the /a :suffc1ent p1oxin11ty to thc.ndtm1. er so1row. Her father \\3S a great T<m.atJ\l' pla s have bten made: b'ct'k, uuefully nit out, su thut when wn of ht•mg- one of the stnte'"' I lJ ' h. tun t1omng- dlld ec:ononu<.: OmJ:O"t'r .rnd while m Ameru:a be- v.ita the Unhers1ty to hold a pnnt is icad\ to h< the ,u- ((' ntinttt:il 011 f'.i "l! Thl(·1.·l .e-is ct'f:> some of t eir O\\Il ltuLtUll wh:.: 1 1 he \\I hes to 111\c,.,t1- .J.l11e lo:-.l. Her mother nc-\el' ga\e up State c:xtcmpo aneous conte:-.t Tht::> tist ha . .; all the \\ay from th1ee to a Book \els<'"-, anti l!aTe The .\me11t·un Rhodt.•s Sch1llU1 1;pe of finding- hun. The $...'1tl !->l't out is to in.ohe the of three dozen blocks . JIC' thtn pnnt them l:cmg-mgt:, :ind thC' like \\tll be for finds all th1ee at Oxford. aie neu· ... sa1\ bt.- The l"o aH' planning- Class Pictures Are Being Taken. Snapshots For Feat ure Section Sent In Outing the week work on the 1 .Montanan has bel•n progressm.g- \el j iapuliy . Ovei half of the Senior and Jumor p1ctme:.-> haYe been taken b, •l infidd and. arc ready to be .HO- nte<l. A$ the 1.:ompleted paneb will be made up at th.c end of this \\eek. each member ol the Jumor or .St n10r t' 1 a:;s ha' e thell' pic- tun_ taken before that time. After the p.rnels are mounted 1t \Vlll be 1m- 1>0s,.,1hle to ha\e .l pitture placed m t•ith(_>r section. Get Snai:" hot' Editor Bl"O\\ n l t!lJU'-' tcd at rm.e th.it all \\no mten<l to takt• "'mlp"'ltJts for the leat.ute ::-ec.:tion o[ the- unnual ::shou!J to turn them mto the olitte ut once. Thl' fi1st. g"l'OUJ) or fe.tture ..;JlaD:::- :\t·nt. to the e1 on Inst Saturday .inti g-1oups will be :-.t.>nt 111 at mtenals (,r about h\-ll from nO\\ on. If thL•::<-c- snaps .. ue turned into the :\lon- t.anan <! .. rmg the entire \Cat, a mote tomplcte his.ton of the and l Continued on Pagoe Three) (Contmu(.><l on Page Two) cc 011 1 1 m.a·rl on Pag-<: T\\ o) I by han<l on a. spc- 1al quality ot μ.1per PAKALA REPORTS ON . (l ontmued on 1 .tgl' Three} <:aus-e the least slii> or O\er-laj.pmg to make this the bt•,.,t Bctzaar of lht• OBCA TS MEET ST. CHARLES ll'elin> a fnilute. TAU BETA Pl MEET \ear. LARGE ENROLLMENT IN M. s. c. The block on exhibit he1 e al c:: J JN SHER/DAN 29 Jsome of tho fmestone could see They ·'Too mnnv honor •o•ieties., i- the PHYS/CAL EDLJCA TJQN CLASSES .o.J are all oninnals and nre inte1cst1n1? 1 1 h :\1EE f!NG 'VEDNESDA Y j and rn subject and color c On :-\o\tmher the 2!J, the .Iontana l.l!OOd defensi\eh-. HENDRICKSON WILL \\'edpesdav from SL Louis \\ht·te the "'t'<.:<ntl mt•( of the )£>al' was .ate Bobcat:; \\ill meet ;\lount Samt Tnc BiJhcab, \\ith one of the b('st annual ('om·ent1on of Tau Beta Pt \Hts lll'i.l la-.t 'VH.ine ... da) at thC' Alplut har le:-i ati Shendan, \\ryominS?. A te:ams in the ::;t·holll's h1,lory. aie an- REPRESENT PHI SIGH.\ held. He <.;Late .. that the ex.Jsttng as- Omit-ion Pi llv1,:"'l'- A ven int{•test- •. TO\Hl of fans from \Vyommg t;tipatmg a. hard battle but arc t'on- 'lCiation of honor societies Jut,., for (Sting- t-alk \\a"' g-hen ·).I!:-.. Olga parts of )lontana are expected I f1c!Pnt of addm.g- anuthe1 to its goal the• elimination of t11e num- Ro:-;s Tlannn11 f•n the ('olleg<'s in .;:.ome fh e Samt"' are ieputtd lo ha\e a their long: Dyche's crtw has int- '.\lis<; Fnda l-lt'ndr1<kson h.1s bf'<'ll crou:-:; honor soc.1<?l1es wh1 h cx1--t 111 f tl1t• .\s1at1c t'ountnes \\hkh and tricky team and h:.t\C an en-1proved :.rreatly over the fitst of the b,· the local chapt.cr of Phi LhC" i::ame fields. \i,.,1teil on h£11 tt1p n1ound the- world. iable 1e1:ord. Thev won from the :;eason and the gan c should find 81g-ma hnno1ar\' biolog1.al goe1dy to In the l:ist. :m vcms the of 1 "R<'\'llations", n s.\10rl "'tunt, 1 >weiiul Ch<ldron X cbraska team b:r tr.em in the Lop of th(•Jr fo1 m. l c ;>re..;.<"nt C'hapte1· at lhe National :it C'all1n.[!' them,.,L·lves hono1 :ii y, \\ 1·1ttcn :incl pl t' c·ntC'd by th<' new in- 1:1.6 scoie. They bowed <lo\\n to de- Gardner who has reco\e1cd from an Coment1on of Ph i Sigma Thi' con- h:i,., be£'n (•nc:rmous. If a l!O\'C'rninl! tiate"' .\tte1 a sho1t ... s1on i--at to the GonzaJ:a but the injure.J. kille is m the !Je.-.t shape h(:; 'ention will he held at New Yo1k lily, hcd\· had beC:'n befo1e this Junth wc1s "f'nt>rl mi(l tht' meet1111! ad- )am{" \\as one of the best eve:· played e\'.Cr been 1n and his 1unn1n)!', Dece•11bcr and 2i. This iani1l PT,\\lh thC"l'CI \\o: ld 11ow he curned. Tht nl•xt meeLing- , .. ;11 be n the The fans in Helena arc and kickmtr has l>een the fea- honorar:.• S(){'tct:.· has a convPntion some d1-..c·ru111nat10n, hut 1t l'i the held at the <'hi Omei:n: Ilou""E' al i1ll playmg- the game over. tr.res of all the .itames he has been in even..- four year..; each chnptcr bcinl! cl1ffe1ent .is wtll a!'!; thC' \\hllh tinw ).1 s-: Sbilley Fabrick the In Co,1eh Eaton the Saints havL a Penfiehl, \\rylie, G1ady 1 and \Vdlm!.{- entitled tr> one lt i ... an 01- nuhlic 1s eonfu ... ed \\ith the )tClnt.rna Slate- ( dt'leg-nh'. will lan. to he nruud of. He H\ a g i aduat.e ton have been J)erformmg- well i11 the 1ra111zritkn which limits its me •1her- frate1mt1es and do not wh1rh '.!l\" the on\entwnal rt port. lf l'ame where he playC'd nnder last games . The interference of the "'hip onlv to t.ho"e who shO\\ a dcgoree ie.ty to b<' rallell lh0 honoran r><:knC', the master mind 0 f football ha kfielcl has bet.n perfect.. 1.'he line c.f exr<lle1u.·P 111 the fields of biology or1 ... anii"ltion or any part1cu l 111· field is \\ell \ersed lil fast spcedv and has beC>n holding and \'e1") few play$ and .ul :J11s:-. Hem t<"k- T au Beta Pi, honorary C"nginC'C'ring- 11<:ky _football and has coached the should ("Ollie throught it. "'Oil also "l'<.'letan· of the local tded to dt>ar the em.?'meerint!' Pam m thbe principles until they Thu-> is the la-.i game many of the c:haptC'r, . fielrl b\· fon11ing n merg-er with Sicrnia 13 H' earnC>d the reputation of "the can e'\Pr play for the Colleg-e. Tau. "hlt-h the only othPr soriety otre Dame of the 'Vest". The 11 en should e-iH C've1·,-thin!r to .J R. Patker v.as m Helena during <lnplk:dnur the C'rfoi-ts of Tau B 0 ta Th;1r looks like t..he "four this Game Chez, Grady, 'Yellington, the week and hns also a.ttencl('(t to Pi Howe\C•r. this nroposcd rn<.!rQ'el' 1 or,.,emen All the men Good Brae. \'ogt Gnrdner . Hun!. 'Kt:yes. and . not r 1 decl unon nt \f':11·'s con- )(lw. and Gtlhausen are ex.celle.nt open will faC'e the Saints in their Luo:::rne<.:s 111 ll annlton at the vent10n , h11t it ic:. c-x.vected. that the I ield runners hard hitters and very last game for the Blue an<l Gold. I Spotted Fever Tick laboratory. •merger will eventually ta ke place. XOTTCE There \\ill he a met"tmg of I he \l nth-l'h:o:--iC'"' lluh in th e Ph'.' si<·s lt>cl::..re 1 01 m in :\l<ntana Hall, Tue:-da\. 'o'. 13 .1 1 a:OO p. m. Pr oo'". l\if>fer \\ill eak on lhe · Rl•ceit '\Iodifications in :\lelhofl .. ff.1 1h e E,.td T ktc rn11n- .1tion <.f the Velocity of Light". The l (.•dutatlon ut :\loni:rn,l State Collegt:. rhoul!h 1t i ... as L'Olllpaiat1\t.:I)· m·w. has .1 larJ,!;e NU1,;llmlnl. and otters a \\Hlelv \ane<I t nent of .1L"'i' m \\ h1<:h not nl)· phys1eal edul·ntiun take 1 mt. but prncti..tlly e\ \.'l y studC'nt 11 the eolletrc Th1s eou1 se lub 1 C'en hu1lt up, throul!'h t:w 1hffercnt di\ :--ions, until it 111Llutll ... malt\' ud1\1tu;-,., heretofo1e {'lll\SJlil'l <.'d OU•t Of the SL'O} e ot the .11C'1agl" E\ ery stttdt>l!t b t cqu11 e<l to t.1k<' t \\ o ) ca1 of phy ... ieal ed !Jt•ahon, \•'hkh IMtkl fl)]' ,l!l'lll'lal \\l'll- l t"mg , and kcl'ps them m lw !.'Ide::. tea.nmg- them ho\\ to tahe ae1·e (. f t hems(..•h es. The n.>g-ulnr C'OUt""e mcludes cali"'- inmnastil's, '''1111mmQ', bas- ketball t·<·adnn\!. tra.ek and fieJ,J bo-xmg, and p1ac- t".c teaLhimr. To ioun<l out tht' couise, lhe1e nrc int'lmle-ri in the ::;tuchth Eni:d •sh, had-1.•11010:.:-y. histor:., c<.·o- '<x:iolo:n·. phys. 1 1cs 1 and accounting. From this it can be :-.t'L n that the lOUlS(' t·ouii men, not. only for m but. g-1\ e,.. thorough tiammg m the subJects which ordinartl:. tnuKht 111 l:On- ned1011 \\1th athletics. Ont• of lhe ma.m e\ and one wh1t·h l'll<ll.es muc-h each )car the sw1mmmg- tc-nm 'ear thC' S\\ 1mm111g- mc.·c-t '' 111 be hl'ld ;n Bozt>- 111an, of in l'tah, as i.:,,.,unI. During the la,.,t fe\\ )ears, the Bob- t·at lC'am has bt..-en qu1tt. sucl·essful. :_.;,everal of men <'arn - mg of hio-h hono1,., ltt t•ach meet. · As th an• up nO\\, th<' t<.:a•us Ill thl' \:ll'IUUs \\Ill l'X· L'l•dc: C-\ t'n thl'• l'l'l"Ords m Lhl" h1:-to1 Y of tht.• lo:Jeire. ,:\lul·h C"ood matcria b at hand to "ork "ith. and 1f \\:l" know an) thmt!' about it. the1 e m the 111.;;trudo1 ... t.he ah1litv to turn out something worth) of '.\t(mtana StatC' Coll<."gc-. l'n<ler the ht•adin.{ o!" uLtlon tome tht• intra-mUJal ::-.1>01t.s 1 (Continued on Page Three l

Transcript of OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13,...

Page 1: OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13, 1928 :-!umber 8 g~nbrf ss for girls nf~ring i a n~v;;;;!~ ~4 i date rnr pl~y s~ub~:n~~~::r

on~nt VOLUME XX. BOZK\IA:\, 110NTA:-.iA, TUESDAY. :\OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8


I I A N~v;;;;!~ ~4 DATE rnR Pl~Y S~ub~:n~~~::r! JUOGING mMS Repc~~v~~ioJOBGATS WIN "''' :,~;;;~;:.~~;,;: i,"'"' "Th•~~ .. "~ ~~!~m~•~ ~v~1 P" ;;h~~ ,~,;f ~i:n;~:·;;'"' · "'"'~I'~" ~! "~•HH~"~ 1 "'.'!,:.:~;:,~!~~~~_!,;,~ m / ,,,'. ~~ ~"~~ ~.~ ~!.~ Meetings Sched uled For No,em­

her 21·2 1, Women's Clubs .\re Aiding

' 1 1 d b h ' 1 Be Presen led at Emerson I t I' ti d L" t I Wonum~· ~tuden:.~ 0&. )lontana ~tCJtt! On Nove1nber 20 ll\1_,l ~.n~ Ill honct or ll'~Idcmt b. U.1 Exposition ll\e chapte1 or 'lau Ut:la P1, hono1a!) t n·1r .

."\.:-.a c. conlUCtc y t (,,• .'''\.:"1:0.l>Clatc, .\~"-lmbi~ \\;J, ~dlcl ~1., U:-li) 1111.iav a or a n Ives oc ( :\.l.aLt l-'aka1a, l>lbltl~nt. of th.! a I come 'Vyoming Universitv Colle)!c \\'II (,!.~ ndd at the .\1on'"ana lloJi,rn,.:: 01 \\ •• ,.,hingtOJ :--tatl• Coliegt.', I (;ng'ln(.>ering :-;ou(.~t:r, leturncd la,.,l a l ings

l{ \.ZEI '!ELLO:'\ CH \IR'I ''?\.T Po\\ u l.su1ld'ng- on :::>anirda~. ~o\- rl'ICl'E1'S NO'" RE -\DY \\ht \\, ~ t. te pltnl.:1pal p ar..l'I llll tnc \\ l'Ufles<lav altklnoon 11om St. Louis · , ' , ·' · · ·' =' 12!. and u ""'·k later. De< I. • '' • 1 ru '"'"· J 1<· .ncnL 11 '""'! 11,., been STHO:-IG (01\lPETITION "he1e the i.nnual con.cntwn of th" WYLIE SCORES TWICE -- .·hco1dmg to Be1111<.:t- t'1~1n<:'. p1t•s1- 1n c lillc at. \\', ~ •. C. t L..<.:' l~Jili. lie c1g:am:utt.1011 \\~\s hclJ. ~O\e.nbu 1-.).

i\ o Bop' \ ocational ( on1xress X ext <..ient. ot A. \r ~- t.he obJe<.:t. oi tne Other Bookin ,:.!s In City Conflict \\ 11 h i:-, • ,...1.:H. it. t· 01 th~ l mvu -.itv ut Uc::i;ular ( Ja ... :-. 1 00111 \\ ork ls Ch en '1 he de leg aw it.:.1101 t'> a \ 01 Y m~c1 e:it-\\ II \It ;\J t" -..au:~1sto1ai..,ct.nd:s1orth1.. pUlJu:;c int.lam\ and na~ ah-.o ,aken \\uii u ..


mg llip, lea\rng- B(Zl!HJltn, (Ji.:tobe1 Bobc.tt Lme .\ppea r~ \\ eak \VhiJP 'ear. ' ' ernate i el' mi;s ot l;u:..mg- tu1nnu1e anJ fu1111sh111g:s l~orm er Co llege l I rmb"' Uh \..:!) \\ r h \\hilc sub· Credit Fo1 Remarka ble :.!~ . .!, .mu :stayrnf.{ II\ ~t Lv-l:s 101 .1ou1 Th.tt of Cowbo)s Stovs ) early for He1111.:k Hali . The A. \\' s .ue Date Jt<t \hh that. o[ · 1• nu Jllg" the- H.uad", I Sho\\ mg d .. ;.:. lJu..;mc:s::> 1111.:~llllK:; alld t:11tc1 ta1n s plannm~ to turm~h a re~t1oom and to .1 tGJJli.:: ot nwl mt.1.:1c to L\l'l\' c:o.- ml.nt..1>) t.he .\l1~ . ..,ou11 t.amma. chaptt.:1 cnmmage

'I k Annual (,ul'~ \ ,itwnul Con- 1mp1o\c tllL' h.ilb of t.he bmldmg- Due to tnt: "'uond. nunibe f the 11.!f..!e :-.tu1lcnt uf today . :\l t . . , ,l \\ a:shmgton Llll\c1·~1ty. On tnt: •:-....,.,, lll \\hlch the m .. uu1to1~ .rnd Aluntn~h.• and 111act:callv .di ~it!~ Com111u111ty ( elt.>bllt\· C..:OUl~~ ~Olll'n~ ltt:"a:-.t.11!-. 101 olll'gc :o "t~; tl:Jn~l ~l"~ ,'~la~ d'~II r plou<l IC'LUl'll t:1p :\ir l'dkala :-:.tCJpfH:~d. fo1 a 1111ou14h :rnpenor heady,ork and at.i nal expe11~ mec.•t \\JLh 1(·prc- Ill .... Lht;oJ ult: L:Oopetat111~ ·m tlll~ --~de L:n tne ~ainl.· da) as the I I.1y, it ha~,., fn•s dent Jlolland vutlincd t.hict: 11;'t lean~:;, 3~ ~he ... ~I~~:.f~c r:tei~~{1l~~1;j ~l•::,., 1~L 10

''a llt~· vi~itH.lg' 10~\~ C'm- h~.t<l\\ork and ~? 1 h~y to foll<;>\\ t..h~ ent.1:1\ e tr:; !rom lug-h ,.,(·hoob all by gn n~ t.nmg-:; to be sold B\ ery-1 bee. n ,nl'(·e~ -.31:. 10 po::;tpone th\;: date p1i11t·i1 le L..:ason:, for Jn('n amt \\omen L1n·s.tod" .Expo.-:.1t10n held :.'\ oveml;e1 t~t ~id sand son1l! ol tr:. lI :;..:X:tal 1 ta· b.tll :\I.o~;;ana. State. s Bob~ab. ao~ ned \l'f ;\lontari.i to heliJ' tll<·m ""l'll~7 th~ Ut1n}!' \\Jll bt: handmade or homlmade. l.f "1he ta,,.,1lc'~ En•ra).!;l•mtnt" to c..:o.wn~ to (uliq;e· l• r:::.t to \\Ill and -1 at POJlllll<l 01 , ·on l ni t t e .. p d \\>omm,..s Co\\bo>,:,, 11-t. A cro\Hl c atwn ' 'r \\ hl<-·h tht Y a1 l' fitted. 1 hL' ;.nits to be :sold rnnk all the \\ay 1 ue~da:. • ::\ oH•mbt·l· :!OV~. 1 he tll:keL ht.-ld Ult• 11 ie:nll::..h1p nu' I e:spcct ol ~\'as p.<.1 ndp~ 'the kl~1 II~ t i'~ £nee i h~~~ At th ro~(.~C '1~rger f . o} 1~·e ft.hous~nd fans took .advantagt· .111 meet. 1n Bozeman. :'\O\L'lllhl'l' 21- 110'11 1.:and) and Jelly to linen sets, .':iale \\111 ht.' in e-ha1·re oi J 1111·1i1c 1cllG\\ :s;.uucnt.-,; ~o.. mt, tu f11cp.110.. WI) of the snCJw with teHns ei tei 1 h. e <.:on,i.:!n.ton t ete were itt>-

0 t e ine \\eather to \\Ittness th!.! -t \\onan'd t\te u1~:uuzatluns will to\\d", and lamp:sliades. As the sale U.\ens.. \\hil t.111 be iuund ,lt. the .1rli.::quatc.) tor ::.on1e lu:-;mc~:-\ or }ito- liom (alitm.nia, l<Jah'-> "Blltis-lt c~;- ~ ~~c <:~t.!p~er~ .• itpit':-.ente~\l.r~;t a stiT:~le.bc_twcen the tY.o nvals . , elpth~gi :-.a~p1e-v10u5l) t11t111am:c "id l't' .l{l\l'n a nwnth befo1e C:it1~t· S1gm<~ Chi hou~e lc~swn; 1hnd, to be able to go out 1 1umbia \\·t:shmirt n 'o1 '"(fl n<l odifa

11 •11\lC ~l sixt)f cc~ates e: b<:ormg fot the Bob<.:at-.. "as 11." t11p ma". it: ts ton~icle-1ed a g-ood t.1111(' for Pia11,., tut the .r111ttmc- and ,Lllln.! tlo:u Lv.foge an~t \\1n the: h1,;n1 r and ;\lonta.~a. • ,.. u ' l'l-!' . a ~~\. ~;·e jep11.h~ .lt.1\e::; o .pt-t.1t10n don .. ~ t \\r)·ile, fullback, when he

1Ti~~.'~~;:,-, th:·~~i~''.;n;le~.:,~·.' ,'.'~- ~~~.11~. ~ .:,·;~~1;. ,~n~. 1~~~111~~eoplc tu d'' <•f tkkd> fu1 the p1otluctio11 a1e [~~1 ;\:,~nt11 ;.1r 11!~ 0~ ";~~"~;'0i,"'.I ,:J\ I < rcdi1 Due (oaches 1 u':.swn1

~~~~ the 'l"~~~~ec1°g:~n~! ·~~~ ~:;'am ;~ ethl~n~hi:S 1 .~~~o.1.,";:~S\.~~·; 2 11 1Ml lO• T~~ 'l .. , m (' ~1t~1t;•,., .m- \, o~("n in (h.tr~e , ~n1;~~~~~t:~·11:1~gha~t:'~c:.~3oii~~~ 1 ~~~c'l t.~h:~ ~;;~~~ ~:.t: ~:~c\ ~~~tl~hc-. :. ~:~~o~~lict·~c,. \\ ~:iu:~ :.\:~; ~~il~~::Ct~;lc 1~~;\~J1:;; ~'~ I ~111~:g~:·n~\:~~~1~:ail~~n~~h~~ a:~~~e<!\:~ j ,~·~i ~~~~~' ~~<.:e~\~k:~ 1H5arl~1~ ~t~1~: ~~~ j'\ ~ili..tf n,~~a..t bGt "'l' t'~ ~tng- .~~~~i; 1 he "'ale. I' being ,c"mlut·,C'd h) lit kl h :s ~ollllt be e:rn a1 ded a 11 et t ~- ~ L«t.lt.. \\ 11 hm t' a bt t <'l' time •th<:'\' thl tta..n.s .ts u II h~nc done a c reat thP acccpku 1' ellowship Plan \\ h1ch '"CJ\\ bu~~ ~cored hi,., tta:n~ only point"' ! .. " .. t :-., T"li ... \\ .ll •nt t.'iJ~.: hL• num- tnL''.l~ It"~ ol tne A \\. :::;. ( -<.1unc1l .tnd ~ t.~t. 11c ,cts ma~ Le 1, r .... 1.:u1 "'11 t •.01~1 I\\ .. l "'Llll l ht rhet v. th tel lo\~ tt;.

1 de:~l of , .. 111 ,.. lll 'd t'f Hl allun fUi· thi~ 11 estnts a 11 eam.; 01 t a1:>ing- money to \VJHm he c.:1 o"'"'~·<I the P,obc:at g-oal 111

et int nd.:.m•:-; l L'\l·ial hund1ed d ~ ioun (1t cii.rht. '-Oi homoie \\omen .. •u":-. l hubbu-..:k o1 d m..:mbc1 of 1c11- dent" u ti thl 1 grut it' l I ~ J l<tmtc. t. undl'1 iwwy handic·qh 'i!') •bl! .l!i'-'en to !:>electcct student!> Who tk- the third qua1ter to tw t~1c .... cote ut 1trl"tot.i11.· on1) ~emo1 1.nlls \\Cit' 111- \\h' hu\t lit-en appomted lapta11c;. 111ento1-"' . .\latg:aret Dewey \\as put Ill <.n s··,1~!~ .. c 'nb1h~r t;;i;Jt·L \cpt11( s ompa1t>d to ~t1me ~r_ the o•·.~1: tc::a1;1:-; ~11e to <:ont.inue then· e<lucal1on. 7-7. Hart bootinK the lnl'l 101 t.hc tt•cl tu come , I he S\'l '1,~l'l?~~ c.:aptam~ a1e ... ts tol- thalf!'c of publlc1t~ for .the P_lay. 1 },,~ll1ect the~~·li~lt'l. "\.\.'~ aH.· i~k:•lh ~~ 1

\\ ith \\hic,1 they \t,;.llq,eted. The team~ 1 1 The delegate obtamed man~· nC\\ ext1a point. a11onal \uthcntic' ~?~~~~hh1~. '\',"~,·~lh~·0"4:~·:':~t1.1' 1 '.;;~~:1~~ I'.'~;'\',''.~~ 1\~~.~"'j;~11t~ 11 ~~~;.~11 ~11~;::,~~ ;::, '." ,'.,~." ,:~t~~~ ~·,l~~t u~\~, ''.:~ 1~1~!,'tf 1 ;,';~~~ :.~:,n•t:·' 1~;,~','.~,:J:;'.tle"~h1~h· ~h,;;: ~'.:~:':1 :ir.,;~ "\",\~•"a\ th~tl~~~h~r~n";'. The 111ab1ht~i~~ ~~~" Botcat J111e to

It• \,ill )(' sevt>ral nnt "lJlal a" ~i ll:l rr.:. f ' R { n cl ~\,;O\ ii, F.lc.1nor Ll1al> the~ ,lJ.., on tfle SLH).!C, and tht· .\Jake !.!OO<I 111 co.lege ctnu ,, l,. \\ill con-1 ha\ L aCflUll ~d frc.m then l e2u!c1r da.<.: ..... I \\ h1.h wul effect lh~ program or the get \'.Oi king- m tm first period en-!\~ 11 ll us \\ t.•ll .. ~ th .. mstruL tur~ at \\mg I.'. .\lu c T.1~ !or. and L11lhll1 r <1y prom1:-.es to be 'et) amusm~ an~1 trnuc to do ::>O m hfe., rot.:m I n:iiaI atwn, a fact wlm:h speaks lo .. al chaptc.r. He ga\ c a col...,rful pie- a bled tht W)ommg team to garn an 1. :-; ( tv gne \c: .ational g-uidan-e. Tulil, mte1e·tlllJ;;.' 1 ~ • \e1y highly fvr tn<' mst11.lC'tion and tme of the trip at the Tau Reta Pt .td\antage of yardage for the penod he co•JJ. ren c ''ill hcg-1n the L'\en.n~ . ..\11 gt',., who ha\e not. \l't tmnecl Katht)n I\.elh.t rn the rait 0 .\. ro::-.h .\d\lcc lcour~e of :-:tuch ofiered here banquet la.<.:t mght. \\h!ch \\as held at Shollly after. the Bobcat line beg-an f ohm e and \,, t 1ntinue three 111 the J.dt:~ for this -.ail' are re Lall\ Rewenham the mdu.rnan'" god f · n 11~~te::-.trng- lJUotation \\a:; l!l\cn 1

1 The Ha\ ~m~t Giam JudP"I~~ TC'l 'l Huriek Hall. .'.\Ir. Pakala :statea that to funet1on an<l the team beg<1.n to a\ • 1 ht• tin c w1l1 b~· ilJ\ dcd be qm.,.,~l'd to 1!0 :-u b,- 1 hu1 <.:.da \. :-.:o\ mother of Gc<>it~ l:~ t .r 1 l'd lkt.rnion) I b:ui~ 1; t.:~~~n~rtoat.11 ~h~r l<::n ' \\l .tt!::l1

1 \\ a.s 1.: nder the direction of Prof.'..\.. u-f the ditte1 ent :-.r.:.hools he v1s1ted ou1 follov. the tall hr ilhant head\\ ork \\~•t-n addl'l"'"'C" to t:ie <'11tllc µ-roup, I i.-n 1 . .: tlw latest. · should ietciH! a good. nrnnv t .. iug:hs :\l h • t h~ cl • 1

!11\CI~.t~ o~ Po~t of the a.ir1 nnmv dep-.. uunent e:ngmermg department was not sur- Thi,., along- \.tth br1liant heaclwork nd ~m.all gtoup meetrn .. ~ -- Loia Brown a::; 7\lr:s. Ca.-..:i~ie ... , play~ j ~~s 11:~,'\\·~t ~ e en .0~,.1 1 j fn,::;t.~t·ar. and mdudC'd the followm~ men.! ras.~~ m equ1prnent, ~pa<.:e or beauty pro\ed to be the detidmg- fa tor of :\liss liazel :\Ie!lon,. ~ ~~ ~<>mor u: I PROF STONE STARTS the ever-sweet mother ~tr1\ln:! to \\111 ne1.·l.:'-st 1 . 111 c.~ii8~;s · C 0~ 1

iabu:!' 15

not ro: ley. Pmke1·, and l)honkhn. The I of a1ch1tecti.;11"e. the game A g-reat aerial at~k that Hone r.:~onum1<:_s 1:s tht.o L.·ha1nnan of ba.k her son bv matc..:hmg he1 btam~ ,lent..· ~f E:l,..e.f' od a tlit) and team \\On hu:-hest hmi rs m both the - -- ---- \\US soon launched by the Bobcat. .. h(_• g ih con11n:ttee3 and \\Ill i.;1,e I agai.nst. th? ... t..' .of the flapJ er, Ethl'l ~han ~ht· ~r<-~:~~~~1~ ~~1~b~c~~" l~:·t~l~~ h:::.~· and J;.~am JU~g-ma;- lOnte$:s. mak- STUDENTS TRY INfi I c'l to be the undoing- of the (.":ow-e n<ldre"-s of \\elcome. Iler ~i~t1.r, (Te1e~ ODonn(.11). g't'nius. Tht" idea is nut. that of heroil' ~n~+thc fou1t!l time that \lont<.ina \O~~ as


he bt-~t gams wc1e made t•anc~t .. :\1elion, a ::-enior !1l th~ R)- 11 .. s. r. DEBATE WORK _Dolly Tripp IS ~Ule to \\tn the hC'arb d ath:-. but 1athE"r of ~ .. r.e and s<>J\::-.· . ta:re has twon th~-- . hr.nor m g-ra111 along thts routE!. a't• ... ht.:ol, \\ iJ1 J.!'l\e tne lt'-."'Onse of IYl 1 (J OL the audwnc:e m ht..r rnle c:." the 1ble II\ es. v • ..-hat CvUn.. n the l~n r I Jud_m.r a. the Ta 1f1c lnternat10nal FO SCH The Lineup and Summar) e <lt-1L6atcs. . charmmg- L<.HI~~ ::\lc1btl Yenmng, who iun ts ""ch-.hush1p, sanP lJ\m~ and 7i (1Ut of the six. ye~r~ m which she )1a!"'; R OLARSHIP \\''.'omm~ 1>0 . ~I.SC. )JembL~t~ of the Exel·ut1ve Staff is.111 lo\e.w1th Geoff~ey . Tnt:' .He .. tor <aicful prcpat·atton for a rnre't:r. li~omr-e~ed .. \ ~c>co1d to. be p1oud of. I Kidd LE \\'orthmgton h1) \\Ill a sist. with the nrnna)!ement First Yarsity Contest Here (:\ed ~ltlhs) i:, ann;$mg- a~ a sup- I rps.i.knt. Holland g-a\e the tmc~-.t ~ple~ '~~s high man m the lOn~e:;t ~te\\art 1 T Semin~en flj~~~'~'~~~~:~:i;~ "1!1'~;1o;:;~j ~Jar) Early In December With ;~~~~~~}"1,~=nd ;~~~1p-'i~"~~1Lu:~·~¥~: ~~~~a~fh~gthl1; !~~1~>el;~~~11t bod). and ~,·;.h ~:~;" ,;0•;1~•,.t }~~,,t\~'.I!~· d.fi'"~ I Four From Montana State Will g~~~urne ~G Chez b~1\ avlur, Jfozeman Idaho Debators (:\lane Dolczal1k) by hh suJ<len out- pornts. '] k B"d F Rh d Hns' RG Be~: f) , it) ::\1ary Tatten. F'o1t Ben· bur~t... ot humor. Oi-Jand Oakland can - --- l Fint On Hor-..e... I l'T a re 1 or 0 es Du!lcan fC) RT :\fare~~ n. Piofe-.sor H C. Stone. debattn;? be Hcomm~nd('<l as an 1cteal butle1 M 4\ r ATUJ ETE The L1vcstcck Jud•"ing- Tt'~lll \\OJ1 Allowance llaul!'hhn RE Hurd I"irr.:.mc 111 .... Rose Pete.-,.., \rind- coac..:h ahd member of the Jli~torv D(.- ,-..h~le ).lar:r.nct De,\e} h a \d")' 1 lie t.J1 ;:L: 1 fn·"'t on hor-.."s anc.1 fieh on ,\Il <•tho 1 _ Hart. Q-B Grady am. i.Mtment of )lontana ~tat.i_-.. <.:Ollege •1a<.t1\e 1rai<!. The H~::-t of the part... rt"las .... e:; ..,f ~J\l'Stock The tl'am \\as :\lontana Stat Collc,c:e is making a !larkms L-H Penfield .'.\Jusl<: Dol!y Tnp, Buth· .s:..ate~ that the ac.:;;h ities of cit bate, <- 11: tmder"'rn':dm1.dy p.oi ~ra:.ed h) th1~ I DIES ATURDAY unde-r the <h;e ti:>n oi R. (' .\r Chord, 1 "ucnc IJ.d for a Rho<les !::;cholai smp, rhomp,on R-H Ga1dner L-0mcnt:on . .\.nang-enwnt-.. E.iza- t!'(temi or1:: speaking and orat.ury have followm,:r: claudena Opdyke as ).Jr,., Profe.s-.or ot ·' ni•nal llusl'.~n lry and 1 :lus )tar with four strong canJ.iuate.s. IT her F-B 'Vylte et.h (;ardrne-r. Anaconda Ot!tll thot·oui:;ly orgamzed and ac..:tual Bo1I1d~e, the \Ulgar mothu of Ethel; 111dude.d t~e iollowmz le:.te1 Suther 1They are E<l\\~lld Fulter. Henry . . Score h) l}u.1ners

Bu~:~~erta11rn1('nt - :\1a1y U'Lea11. \' 0~~ ~~:7m~~;.u~n~~~~!~e 1 ~ e:{~ 'aisity ~}1c~~ct~de)~~~~~;n~~~; rl:~J t~.~.~~1~!; 1 __ ~~~I. ~~b~~~o~~t~~c~t~1~,:,~~l1frel;;ceall, l ~:~·~:~.e1~~h~~!li~1n~1 i;1~~!~s1~n~1~n~0~a1~; 1

~i~;~~~~~ g ~ 6 ~=1 ~ ~ehe<lule. )lontana State rep.iesenta- ~Innes as the d1s.sipated :\1-ajor \\ ar- j Death Takes Frank \Vorden Pro- The Da1I~ P_101!uct-.. Judging- tc ln, the hands of the comnuttee of ~elcc~ Off1cial-.:-Bowman, Demer U,

It "e will I et th t: . t t' nngton minent FootbalJ and Basket- I plal:ed fifth tcmgsomewhat at a J.i'- .-.en 1 he cho1 c of the :\-lontana Referee; Dalyi,,.,. Montana U • Um-

ECOND CONCERT Idaho heu: t~~ first oer sec~~de\!~i'k ~1; I This .play 1s, no doubt, one 01.. the J a.<hantage due to the fact that thh i.:. Rhodes st·holar for 192~1 is to be made I pi1e, Po:.eH, Otta\\a l: .. head lme~-, D",omber. Thi,,,, the f1r.t attempt at best product1on,, of the year .rnd the ball Player tne first wnr 'hat. 1fontana na' en· un December b, 192b. man; Detrich. (-0lorado College.

HERE THIS WEEK l\ar::;1ty debatmg- before the hohJei.y~ !:itUdL'nt bo<-ly :;hould en ouragt an1! ltere<.! a team 111 this depa:tment .). Opportunities 1ur the study of eco- Tnner. i - t lt hd:; the advanta,l.!e of promot- I 1e.\\ ard these amb1ttou::.. actol.".'I by SCHOOL lHOt'RNS LOSS 1 ·\ ~cbon. prof<';;. OJ of .<lauy. "'a" Ill nu.mc:s and r.olttics at Ox.:Iord Um-mg an t'arly stud~ of the question. /one hund1e<l pe1 cent attendante ch~11:re of the team. w!ueh w~'-.. t?m~ I \l.'l':slt)' opt:n to Ame11can Schl)la1s, MONTANAN WORK --- The 'Cnnens1ty of Idaho team i:; ------- ' -- •

0? ed. or the follO\\ll1~ nien· \\ill~am 1a1e unequal}cd at UllY Ame11can t.:m-!makmg a tu th10 gh th t d I I rc~1dent .\tkm:-;on Eu log-1zes Popular [ ittle. Fn"'I 'Rosl."ncau and ( :1I'l \ei:::ity, .. 1c .. 01cl1m.~ to.P1ofe~::.or Pniltp etty Booth Concert Company I an unu:::.ual f~atu;eu is th: ;~~ th~l :nonorial sen ices lor Frank \\ or- Student. \\ i.h Pronrnung ~I~ase tl :\h·O ~elsonB g-~t'e ank a'ldr!s ... I\\. buck oi the department. or go\-to Present 1\.fusical Program they a1(? not interested Ill de~1:;1on den will be held in the g)mnc1~ium \thlcte e ~n; 1e t :~;.:-on ul {nn~ cr-.h ~j e111ment at :\1111...., College, Califotn.u, IS PROGRESSING Th ursday Night debates but m t~e developm~nt of a tomorrO\\ from L: C-0 to 1·10. Oean · ·

1't·ia ion a.

1 " ai:nua me~ mg- el \\ho \\as Rhode:-. &hclar uom Ioaho,

___ J '!un:ber ot ca1~ab1e speaktr--. . Coaeh Hamilton \\ill preside k"ti conne tion \\It~ the Ln-est\><·~ I in 1U2.,-26 !·1ofe-...::;01 Buck. m his Stone J!j heartily m acco1d \\Ith this I Frank ''liJt'tnle' '\ordcn, 01w of · 0

" · statement g'l\t..11 below, make:.. it \t:ry The Bett} Booth Co_n ... ert ~omµany I tendency. 1 :\lontana Slatt.. 's mo prom1s1ng- ath- j cle~tr JU:st \\hat t 1e na~ure oi theh yll appear ~at .:\J. S C 1hu1s.da), I Hean· Sche::lule I MANY SEE lete.-; and member of the 3Jbcat iuot- ART BAZAAR HE opportumttes ate 01embcr la, m the .':iecond enterta111- 1 } .. • BLOCK t1all an<l basketbllll ams, died Sat- RE I 1t will l:.e !jomc. time yet befo1e Ox-1ent numbt:r of the Co•11mumty I_ T le \\ mter and Sprm,..:- 'aI":iity I u1dav ufte1noon 2t th1• Deacone"' ho"- ford estab11..;hes an Honour:s School ot' eleb.:.1ty Co\.Or~e A real musical I :.~her.l,ule will mclude de~att:; with I pita.I m B .. neman of ganJ?reno:.s ap· DECEMSE ! Lusmt"$.S Adm1mstiation. Any Amen-vcnt 1s ofi:e1ed m the ne\\ and orig-, ~\it. Sa_rnt ~ haile~, U of \\ ypmmg 3:t PRINT EXHIBIT pt:nd1cit ... . 'fh0 fune1u will be: hl•ld 111 R 7 AND 81

can \\ho goe.-; there lit ~an:h of tram-al operetta "fhe :\Iagic )lelod_y". Laianne, C of:\ . Dakot..a, N Dakota I Butte \\ ednesda, af~en10on I 1nic m the Tei:nmqt:c 01 Ad\l:'rt1smg-, ~ u:.cludt¢ ' .. emi-c:las~J<:al numbers, .~gi;:::.cs ~t Fai go, an~l Jamestown \\'ordC'n \\a .. tukC'a sick with a~ ut I or t.he ~la.nag-emene- of Retail Credit, .... :u11e song p1esent..at.1on from hgu- Ccilege of Jamestown, )\01th Dakota . aJren1liut:i m1meJ.iutC'J.V after hi<.: le- .1 I \ff . n ··1' . \\Ill !111<l no one to re<:ogruze those pcra~ an11 othet \ocal numbei:s. fl~timte tup:; fo1.· t~e team will m-1 Prints By Higdin Read on Dis- tu1n fr m L:nloln on October J.l. fie .... nnua · air nl I Display ·ubJt::.b, mui.:h le~~ to tea~h tnem to ~h::.:::. llet.t\ Booth wczzo-so·.rano elude <l tour of the Ctah "chools, to I play Jn Art Gall '"'~ 01 c:rated on and "'eeme<l to he 011 )Ian) Unique Christ· I hun Hut if an) .\me1kan !.?oe:s the1e nd O!'ganizcr, :'.)tud1ed m Euro~ and Pu lman. ~'\a ... h., ; 0 a~tteni.l the <.hst1:1.-t n· . . . ery the- load to It· O\'N). Dmin{!' the 1n.~t I mas Gifts .. u slttd) the et·onollllt" and ,.oht1uu vel.:d \Hth the Imperial \tenna c?ruerencc of 11 .Kappa Delta, ::\a- ehc.:tte \Voik \\eek he has bctn g owrng st.t.adily I la red . .:s of th1s nu-11~1n S()(:1et), he \\111

omp.my for two ~ear:;. Her \'Otce i:::.ltlL{c~l hon~tt{yBdel~at3mf f1ra~~·1~tty, --- wmse and hope \la~ ){iven up for his Th , ·t ('I b <l 0 ,1,_ Ph . h·. 1tmd those s_ubJed ... -. bcm.{? <lee-ply l:On-ic: h and v1lnant. ail.(j 1:s ha1dl)• su1- am 0 mee c u e L'WO OL it me:. . 1ec•l\'ety. \ e .-\.l i..: an €""' i a\e ls1dere<l, .1ct1nl), even tu11ous1v d1,.,-assea by any other ~m;::-er oft.ht! day in B ... .tU: The exhibit ol ~lo~k pnnts b) P1e"-1dent Atk11.~>n of illon'una l 1.3.~:-; . well ,.,. under \\ay l<.r :m Ar·t J, us~ed. and .tblv taught. · he appear:, m <:o·tume:, of foreign )-~ .. s·~ C. h~ a;n~e.~d to deba:e R:tg;un Re:;<i ~'~.1ch.1~ 111 the ~~t de- !-\tatt Coll<.'g-e ::;u\s oi the ath!Ne 1ra~.ia1 the !th .rnd th of .DelembttI. Tht· student \\ho \\l::>he:s to study ounn Jt:s. Hugo Btant

15 a Pohsh I Ba) 101 l.J. of \\ aco, fc:xa::;, y, h? aic par ... ment l"'alle1), h.1~ betn attl.tctlll'..? "Frank \\'oi dt:n ~'a..; \ ,el'y promb- 1 his Bazaar 1s an annual nifall" wh1t·h 1 ~~onomi<~ and µolitics for th ts put.

iamst and comopser. Paul Clark, scndm~ a team throug-h the :\orth- many ",s1tor,., the pa::<-i. \'<t~ek, .unung mg vounf!' man . Ile wa·,., endowed with ~ '"""" .1~~ -..t~1dents. an~l to\vn people puse--namely. to tty tu under:-.tand iolim~t 1~ a notable <:ontnbution to \\e~t. Then· 1une1<..1y ha..; not be~n l~hem the arch1h-" ... tu1c1l clu:ises and a sn!endiil Lodv and had the morn! ~lo hkt unL1que 1Cl11 110:.tn1ba~ g-1fts, n tht· JJOhtlea. <-tnd c .. onomic..: µhenomt'n:J. ht- 1r~gram ensemble numbcr~-1f1mshed, ,howe,·er, if it. .is they \\lll tel. ulty members. \·uurcu.:.e and 1w1st• that marks .1 s.lronz <·,.an.t'e to .o tam. O\' .. • ,~ o Je<'b fr~m :"-,t this pn.·~enL l011fu-..n~ world ha ... iano, .,.,ohn an<l vo1c:e are the out- rrcet ).1. S . C. representatin:s here.. The wav Ill \\h11.h t111:"'c J1lmt a1c Pt'J-,<naht:.. Thf• l'mh tern11na*;on of I ;1~ •. th~ 011~11t, .111d the Indian IJ',.!ent anJ 1undann•ntal med of at .andmg- piogram features, 1 At p1~~e1~~ the 11·?~h art! p1~11u1mg madt b .,.ery interes.tmg-. The· art1"'t ucl~ hH·s is a 1<•1.ll lo~s.'' ;\;i~t: 1~[ hat~r~;~\-ktht~~<i 11~1~~dtf;.ra:l1 11.11bist. thre~ thmgs Librane_:s, 1_h.1t i,.,, The story- is of a ,·oung- pnma for then hln~1t.. .... ~O\'.ember J~ All must c:hoo~tA his ~ubJel:t and then 1·e· \\otden \\Ch one of the 11104 popu- .• • ~ .. s _. . , . H1l1~1,d mdle11nl to \\01k \\Ith, .is ... u-onna and he1 s\\eetheai't returmng 11~c!J<:aL1?H!<. r>omt to ,1 la1 Ke nu111be1 clul·e it to '' s1111plest planes of li,1tht, Jar men on tht• t·ampu~. Th<' e1itln' \utnl .ts cl "'1 f . p1 in ts. hltuhan em- nat1on with l.'OlllpetenL nwn actl\Cl) omt from an opera Ile ask-.. her to 0 pai·t 1u1iant:. color, and shadow Ear.:.h area of c·olor ~<hool mourJ1" his pasc;inn- lit• c .. me >l'<'Jt(lty HI\( cet•oratn•c <: JJ~a 1mtcrC'sted Ill s .. d1 1mt.:st1g.ttion; and -arry him and she cannot becau:::e of F ... .xtempore . and shadow i·et1u11e,., a :JJ•«ur.1te to Mont tnn Stak last ye7tr \\"Jth~ the hn~\rl~ ~'~d~;~~:~~I t~~~at~!:Tt.a\\;~~11bC'111e\~~~ /a :suffc1ent p1oxin11ty to thc.ndtm1. er so1row. Her father \\3S a great T<m.atJ\l' pla s have bten made: b'ct'k, uuefully nit out, su thut when it~irnt~ wn of ht•mg- one of the stnte'"' I lJ ' • h. tun t1omng- pohtic~ll dlld ec:ononu<.: OmJ:O"t'r .rnd while m Ameru:a be- v.ita the ~t,itt:' Unhers1ty to hold a t~e pnnt is icad\ to h< m~l<le, the ,u- ((' ntinttt:il 011 f'.i "l! Thl(·1.·l .e-is ct'f:> ~ Ill~ some of t eir O\\Il ltuLtUll wh:.:

11 he \\I hes to 111\c,.,t1-.J.l11e lo:-.l. Her mother nc-\el' ga\e up State c:xtcmpo aneous conte:-.t Tht::> tist ha . .; all the \\ay from th1ee to a hand~<taft Book ('n~b. \els<'"-, anti l!aTe The .\me11t·un Rhodt.•s Sch1llU1

1;pe of finding- hun. The $...'1tl !->l't out is to in.ohe the ~eledmg of three dozen blocks. JIC' mu~t thtn pnnt them l:cmg-mgt:, :ind thC' like \\tll be for finds all th1ee at Oxford.

~ume1ous tread~ aie neu· ... sa1\ bt.- The l"o or)!'n111:zat1on~ aH' planning-

Class Pictures Are Being Taken. Snapshots For Feature

Section Sent In

Outing the pa~t. week work on the 1 ~2~ .Montanan has bel•n progressm.g­\el j iapuliy. Ovei half of the Senior and Jumor p1ctme:.-> haYe been taken b, •l infidd and. arc ready to be .HO- nte<l. A$ the 1.:ompleted paneb will be made up at th.c end of this \\eek. each member ol the Jumor or .St n10r t'1a:;s ~hould ha' e thell' pic­tun_ taken before that time. After the p.rnels are mounted 1t \Vlll be 1m-1>0s,.,1hle to ha\e .l pitture placed m t•ith(_>r section.

Get Snai:" hot' Editor Bl"O\\ n l t!lJU'-' tcd at tlu~

rm.e th.it all tho~e \\no mten<l to takt• "'mlp"'ltJts for the leat.ute ::-ec.:tion o[ the- unnual ::shou!J be~m to turn them mto the ~lont~man olitte ut once. Thl' fi1st. g"l'OUJ) or fe.tture ..;JlaD:::- \\Plt~ :\t·nt. to the en~ra\ e1 on Inst Saturday .inti g-1oups will be :-.t.>nt 111 at mtenals (,r about h\-ll \Hek~ from nO\\ on. If thL•::<-c- snaps .. ue turned into the :\lon­t.anan <! .. rmg the entire \Cat, a mote tomplcte his.ton of the :~ctivit1e,., and

l Continued on Pagoe Three) (Contmu(.><l on Page Two) cc 011 1 1m.a·rl on Pag-<: T\\ o) I by han<l on a. spc- 1al quality ot µ.1per PAKALA REPORTS ON ~«le . (l ontmued on 1 .tgl' Three} <:aus-e the least slii> or O\er-laj.pmg to make this the bt•,.,t Bctzaar of lht• OBCA TS MEET ST. CHARLES ll'elin> a fnilute. TAU BETA Pl MEET \ear. LARGE ENROLLMENT IN M. s. c. The block pnnt~ on exhibit he1 e al c:: J JN SHER/DAN NQVEMBf.~R 29 Jsome of tho fmestone could see They ·'Too mnnv honor •o•ieties., i- the EURODE~PH.L\N HOLD~ PHYS/CAL EDLJCA TJQN CLASSES

.o.J are all oninnals and nre inte1cst1n1? 1 1 h :\1EE f!NG 'VEDNESDA Y j and pleasin~ rn subject and color ~~·<'n~;~tt st~~k:l!'l~t. 1 ~,.~0 c 1 ~~~~eill!\~1\~

On :-\o\tmher the 2!J, the .Iontana l.l!OOd defensi\eh-. HENDRICKSON WILL \\'edpesdav from SL Louis \\ht·te the Th~· "'t'<.:<ntl mt•( m~ of the )£>al' was .ate Bobcat:; \\ill meet ;\lount Samt Tnc BiJhcab, \\ith one of the b('st annual ('om·ent1on of Tau Beta Pt \Hts lll'i.l la-.t 'VH.ine ... da) at thC' Alplut harle:-i ati Shendan, \\ryominS?. A te:ams in the ::;t·holll's h1,lory. aie an- REPRESENT PHI SIGH.\ held. He <.;Late .. that the ex.Jsttng as- Omit-ion Pi llv1,:"'l'- A ven int{•test-

•. r~e TO\Hl of fans from \Vyommg t;tipatmg a. hard battle but arc t'on- 'lCiation of honor societies Jut,., for (Sting- t-alk \\a"' g-hen b~· ·).I!:-. . Olga n~ parts of )lontana are expected I f1c!Pnt of addm.g- anuthe1 ~<.:.dp to its goal the• elimination of t11e num- Ro:-;s Tlannn11 f•n the ('olleg<'s in .;:.ome

fhe Samt"' are ieputtd lo ha\e a their long: l1~t. Dyche's crtw has int- '.\lis<; Fnda l-lt'ndr1<kson h.1s bf'<'ll crou:-:; honor soc.1<?l1es wh1 h cx1--t 111 f tl1t• .\s1at1c t'ountnes \\hkh shl~ ~1st and tricky team and h:.t\C an en-1proved :.rreatly over the fitst of the eho~en b,· the local chapt.cr of Phi LhC" i::ame fields. \i,.,1teil on h£11 tt1p n1ound the- world. iable 1e1:ord. Thev won from the :;eason and the la~t gan c should find 81g-ma hnno1ar\' biolog1.al goe1dy to In the l:ist. :m vcms the ~·rowth of

1"R<'\'llations", n s.\10rl "'tunt, wa~

1>weiiul Ch<ldron X cbraska team b:r tr.em in the Lop of th(•Jr fo1 m. l c ;>re..;.<"nt tin~ C'hapte1· at lhe National ~1 :it ti('~, C'all1n.[!' them,.,L·lves hono1 :ii y, \\ 1·1ttcn :incl pl t' c·ntC'd by th<' new in-1:1.6 scoie. They bowed <lo\\n to de- Gardner who has reco\e1cd from an Coment1on of Ph i Sigma Thi' con- h:i,., be£'n (•nc:rmous. If a l!O\'C'rninl! tiate"' .\tte1 a sho1t bu-;ine~ ~e ... s1on

i--at to the GonzaJ:a Bulldog~, but the injure.J. kille is m the !Je.-.t shape h(:; 'ention will he held at New Yo1k lily, hcd\· had beC:'n or~:uzcd befo1e this Junth wc1s "f'nt>rl mi(l tht' meet1111! ad­)am{" \\as one of the best eve:· played ha~ e\'.Cr been 1n and his 1unn1n)!', Dece•11bcr 2:~ and 2i. This na~ional iani1l PT,\\lh thC"l'CI \\o: ld 11ow he curned. Tht nl•xt meeLing- , .. ;11 be n the ~tale. The fans in Helena arc pJ.::::-.m~ and kickmtr has l>een the fea- honorar:.• S(){'tct:.· has a convPntion some d1-..c·ru111nat10n, hut a~ 1t l'i the held at the <'hi Omei:n: Ilou""E' al i1ll playmg- the game over. tr.res of all the .itames he has been in even..- four year..; each chnptcr bcinl! cl1ffe1ent profess1~ns .is wtll a!'!; thC' \\hllh tinw ).1 s-: Sbilley Fabrick the

In Co,1eh Eaton the Saints havL a Penfiehl, \\rylie, G1ady1

and \Vdlm!.{- entitled tr> one de1e~ate lt i ... an 01- nuhlic 1s eonfu ... ed \\ith the nnmrrou~ )tClnt.rna Slate- ( <~ll(·~e dt'leg-nh'. will lan. to he nruud of. He H\ a g i aduat.e ton have been J)erformmg- well i11 the 1ra111zritkn which limits its me •1her- frate1mt1es and do not ~now wh1rh '.!l\" the on\entwnal rt port.

lf ~obc l'ame where he playC'd nnder last games . The interference of the "'hip onlv to t.ho"e who shO\\ a dcgoree ~o ie.ty •~ to b<' rallell lh0 honoran r><:knC', the master mind 0f football ha kfielcl has bet.n perfect.. 1.'he line c.f exr<lle1u.·P 111 the fields of biology or1 ... anii"ltion or any part1cul111· field I~ is \\ell \ersed lil fast spcedv and has beC>n holding and \'e1") few play$ and biolo~1 .ul rc~c·art•h. :J11s:-. Hem t<"k- T au Beta Pi, honorary C"nginC'C'ring-11<:ky _football and has coached the should ("Ollie throught it. "'Oil i~ also "l'<.'letan· of the local ~oei•tv. tded to dt>ar the em.?'meerint!' Pam m thbe principles until they Thu-> is the la-.i game many of the c:haptC'r, . fielrl b\· fon11ing n merg-er with Sicrnia

13H' earnC>d the reputation of "the n~en can e'\Pr play for the Colleg-e. Tau. "hlt-h i~ the only othPr soriety otre Dame of the 'Vest". The 11 en should e-iH C've1·,-thin!r to .J R. Patker v.as m Helena during <lnplk:dnur the C'rfoi-ts of Tau B 0 ta Th;1r b,~('kfield looks like t..he "four this Game Chez, Grady, 'Yellington, the week and hns also a.ttencl('(t to Pi Howe\C•r. this nroposcd rn<.!rQ'el'

1or,.,emen All the men Good Brae. \'ogt Gnrdner. Hun!. 'Kt:yes. and . wa~ not r1decl unon nt thi~ \f':11·'s con-)(lw. and Gtlhausen are ex.celle.nt open Bree~len will faC'e the Saints in their Luo:::rne<.:s malter~ 111 ll annlton at the vent10n , h11t it ic:. c-x.vected. that the I ield runners hard hitters and very last game for the Blue an<l Gold . I Spotted Fever Tick laboratory. •merger will eventually take place.


There \\ill he a met"tmg of I he \l nth-l'h:o:--iC'"' lluh in the Ph'.' si<·s lt>cl::..re 1 01 m in :\l<ntana Hall, Tue:-da\. 'o' . 13 .1 1 a:OO p. m. Proo'". l\if>fer \\ill ~1 eak on lhe ~ uhi ed · Rl•ceit '\Iodifications in :\lelhofl .. ff.1 1he E,.td Tktc rn11n­.1tion <.f the Velocity of Light".

The l h)~Jl,il (.•dutatlon cout~·t..· ut :\loni:rn,l State Collegt:. rhoul!h 1t i ... as ~L't. L'Olllpaiat1\t.:I)· m·w. has .1 larJ,!;e NU1,;llmlnl. and otters a \\Hlelv \ane<I ._~soi t nent of .1L"'i' 1tn~:-. m \\ h1<:h not

nl)· phys1eal edul·ntiun :.;tud~nts take 1 mt. but prncti..tlly e\ \.'l y studC'nt 11 the eolletrc Th1s eou1 se lub 1 C'en hu1lt up, throul!'h t:w 1hffercnt di\ t· :--ions, until it 111Llutll ... malt\' ud1\1tu;-,., heretofo1e {'lll\SJlil'l <.'d OU•t Of the SL'O} e ot the .11C'1agl" ~tudem

E\ ery stttdt>l!t b t cqu11 e<l to t.1k<' t \\ o ) ca1 ~ of phy ... ieal ed !Jt•ahon, \•'hkh IMtkl fl)]' ,l!l'lll'lal rhy~iLHl \\l'll­l t"mg , and kcl'ps them m ~h.tre. lw !.'Ide::. tea.nmg- them ho\\ to tahe ae1·e (. f t hems(..•h es.

The n.>g-ulnr C'OUt""e mcludes cali"'­thc.nir~. inmnastil's, '''1111mmQ', bas­ketball t·<·adnn\!. tra.ek and fieJ,J tc~1ehing bo-xmg, \\rt•~tlmtr. and p1ac­t".c teaLhimr. To ioun<l out tht' couise, lhe1e nrc int'lmle-ri in the ::;tuchth Eni:d •sh, had-1.•11010:.:-y. histor:., c<.·o­nom1c~. '<x:iolo:n·. m~1themat1(·~ 1 phys.

1 1cs1 and accounting. From this it can

be :-.t'L n that the ph~ ~1t·al edu~a.tion lOUlS(' t·ouii ~ men, not. only for cr-at·hm~ m athletic~. but. g-1\ e,.. tht~m thorough tiammg m the subJects which an~ ordinartl:. tnuKht 111 l:On­ned1011 \\1th athletics.

Ont• of lhe ma.m e\ ent~. and one wh1t·h l'll<ll.es muc-h tntl'l"l"'~t each )car 1~ the sw1mmmg- tc-nm Thi~ 'ear thC' S\\ 1mm111g- mc.·c-t '' 111 be hl'ld ;n Bozt>-111an, in~tead of in l'tah, as i.:,,.,unI. During the la,.,t fe\\ )ears, the Bob­t·at ~wimnung- lC'am has bt..-en qu1tt. sucl·essful. :_.;,everal of tht~ men <'arn -mg of hio-h hono1,., ltt t•ach meet. ·

As th mg~ an• ~hapmg- up nO\\, th<' t<.:a•us Ill thl' \:ll'IUUs '<'.)Ol't~ \\Ill l'X· L'l•dc: C-\ t'n thl'• l'l'l"Ords m Lhl" h1:-to1 Y of tht.• lo:Jeire. ,:\lul·h C"ood matcria b at hand to "ork "ith. and 1f \\:l" know an) thmt!' about it. the1 e 1~ m the 111.;;trudo1 ... t.he ah1litv to turn out something worth) of '.\t(mtana StatC' Coll<."gc-.

l'n<ler the ht•adin.{ o!" nh~s~ ~il t<lu~ uLtlon tome tht• intra-mUJal ::-.1>01t.s 1

(Continued on Page Three l

Page 2: OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13, 1928 :-!umber 8 g~nbrf ss for girls nf~ring i a n~v;;;;!~ ~4 i date rnr pl~y s~ub~:n~~~::r


kl E -- t I PROF . ::>TONE STARTS Cb¢ W¢¢ y xpon¢n M. s. c. DEBATE WORK

Established 1910 (Continued from Page One) lnt:'ll L~h.:h tu mt..>cl in final contest.

Continuance of the )lonthly Exponent, Established 1895 There i~ 3 rw~.sibility of its being held in Butte.

J'ubli!<hcd every Tue...:day of the college year by the staff chosen from the . .\ssodate<l Students of ~Iont.ana 8tate College nt Bozeman, ~Iontaua

S ub.i;:.c ription Hate: $2.00 t>er school yea r

Oratory .:n. S . ..._~. t.nkt>~ part in tJirL•e orator- 'lhc follo"ving is a b1ie( extracL from for thC'ir ::-al ~ $L:l5on·:; .,..L'lL~.wati•' 11 of

it:al ~ontt>sk t.bb vear: Rockv :.\loun- a t.>1eation (. ntm.ed ··c;oldl.!n Rul~ a football win. Anrl tht•n thq:'tl' n.H tam Orato1ii.:a! eo.ntest in F't." ('ollin~, 1....-i.:1nposeU tor Grizzlies and Bobcat~" so bHd in ba:;ketb:dl. l' i.lllt.'r. !hmcn­Coln.; Annual St:1tl~ 01atoricn.l l'Oll- puOlt.. ... hed in u a•i.:e-nt i~uc of the Uni- bcr when TtH)lllp~rnn nllllll M'O l\:d le;i.t; District meet in Pullman. \\'ash. versity paper, the Kaimin: envuh poinls t.o l:e.n thc1l1 in tl ci.:r-

Acccptance for maiJiug at special rate of posrngc provided for in Section 1103, \\"ith this unusually hca' y st.:hedule "i\.i.)thmg work::c; quite so \\ell v.'ith t..ain game. and lhe Sl'\'rekfl'J l' ~. i:! 11

Langohr' s Flower Shop 19 Ea.st l\Iain Phone 95

-----' Act of October ~. J927, authorized Februnry l'i, 1919 for Ue!Jalt.'. extempore ::;peaking ~rnd the fa.r-iamed Grizzly tight. a::. h~ll- w1it(>r's eru.mps and sore ~i1h:. hdo <'

vr.at.u1·y tht'l'C i~ 1ll.~1..~d for a il11·A"c· nu111- ing t.he Bozeman Funnci"S1 murnin,g', it wa.:; OV<:r: also t.he trnlll('. or t'!•ll~et. ~ I ber tl> take pml. 1'he tkhHte tu1111 noon, and mght. Pinch yourself! Sit here, wh~11 th<' Bob<:at.:-. t.o:"l.k a ln~ lt t:::K:H:t·t:8ltHl-O-O-Q-na-O!HlQ.il-PO-tl:Ot:K:FO·¢J:;~;;t;.XHl~t;:~-a4l·l:::u;t·tXKH)-i:;:t-Q-0-

Tele phone 117-.\ s k for E :-. poncnt. 0 11 J' l ondays .\ fter 12:00 noo n--80 nn.t~t nen·~~ril:-.- be Luilt. fr1.)m the on a ta.ck! _ nJ Lhing Lo n.~·gnwatc a worl.rnut on t.hc g-reat Cinzzh~s. ~tinn:- ~

.... Frank Hlln•,•Jcei·, ,29

bottom tJ1is ye:tr :sin<:c the two able gtantl and cop1oi.;..-:; quantity of Good thing like 17-2li '? l\Iont.anst $tHt1.. to .. - N " ' h e n '\ o ur • ~ w eet Toot h Craves Sweet~ Busin~s·~ .. luanager . ······-···· .. ·····-· ...... Hardy 'l'harp

1 Jr., '29 Gaidincr. \\·c-re to~t by g-u1cluatlon ·hou r daily and g-t.•nerate our hate for the $(. .. nrintt rate of a11nust a ba:->kc-t ~1

Edito. .,. .. ~ tcpresent.:-itho...~~. ,Joe Un.'r~ aml llern·y uld Aggie 11 atc. :::;.u lel ~ lt\.ke an cd ·with the "hatC't'."\" from t..he "l1

'· :.tl I " la:s.t. sprint!'. Jlo,\l~,er, pro::;.p<•ct.s for It.he Blue and Gvld of Ho:tr.cm~rn. l~st minuttJ. But it nil tlt)(>sn't amount 1.t) Try a Box o f Our \':tr . ..!ity .. i-:i..·cordin.e t-v .\lr. Stunt.', look our tt.>ding::> might. abate. " nrnch,-ju~l th1..~ v.onie~ and horrible

News St.a.ff et'\· !.!OOd. anli~inntil)!ls of what the Un: .. ersity Associate Editors......... .. .. ~fargaret Dewey, ':!9, E~ther Stockton, '30 Ch~rles Rce,es, who nH1.de Pi h:appa t;ri zz ll tl piri t (oe>tbUll team~ mu,,t f~h'C f(•J" th1 next HE LE T AR DELLIS CHOCOLATES

:l \Ym. McCall, Jr. '31 Odta and the deb.1t111g i~ams of. )lut:h us 1t 1::; to our <l_bapprov~tl to iew years. lt $hoult1 lw nolhing- new .Managing Ecitor ···· ............. ---~ -·· .... Leonard Wing Haml1111..~ P. ~1( St Paul 1::- \nth~[. S [de,ot.c s1n1.Lt: to dll) item 1elut1ve to- on the i\li::;'.'o; la c·:lmpti~. tt•i fhey ~ssisb.nt ~ditor ...... .. (' ... nd "tll be a 'ah: ... 1hle ,1s:set. llt.:!nt~ ille l tu\'Cl'Slty at .\l1~::;ouU1., \\e must h.a-;-e \\¥O n _but i1nC' l'onfen•ncf' :r:1'~1•: 1:1 T H E B u N G A L 0 w Sports Editor ·-·- · ····- -·.Frank Heikkila Helland who di1l his first debating i..;cmnHmt upon the 1 ecent .. crying' the- p.ast fwc 'e~r~. 311 '1 tl~a; .:-1 ~qu~ l Feature Editor . . . .... -·. . ..... · - James .Mo1 rison wo1.;:: \\l lh the :::;ehool of i.\1ine" and the pill-pusher::; ha\<' bet>n do1n,i; v\;e-1 out oYe1· h':th<' 20-l 1 111 l.Lh ~ Societv Editor . . Frances Folger nMt'e tlw ,·nr::;1t\ I.1st \•t.lar rn rlL'bate Lhe t1c game \\llh the Bobcats Ill And Lhe boys and g-nb mu"-t Jll~I 6-Excha~.,.c Editor . ·-····· ·- . Ruth Plattlw1th ~lt S.t.. ("'hmle:s \\Ill be a :::t1oni.r butte. 'J h~ gentJtJ ::.tyle-plates, Jh :s.IL on Urnt ta1.:k and ~:t nwf~1l mad ~tH)O-O-O·O<Hlil<1-nn-n-nn·tB::f-(8lil-(Hl(r~

g . . I member thc.11· :so<la. fountam le-a. hom 01s1..:u:s- and hate the Bob(·Hh ""n nuH h thal Spo r t~. Geo. Hart, Wallace l~an1t~-, Pat \f:ld~l1t;1t \ \omf'ns \ t h leltc5i. , ·. . . 1 .), ,. on;:;ist- sion::i, m ... ..:;t umicubl1..•l!ly b1..· scnsrng then Llds \\Ill l·onw nut \\tth · 111:.• of

Schultz, Agnl•::; Nugent, :\lane D0Jezal1k. Katluyn Kellett, thc1111;;;t1y, Atlone ]1"', 0+ e~n~' .. i~Thl ' itr""' -.e·-L· t.~uzz1y football i::.- suf1ei111g u s.tu1ay I Oh, ho\\ thev h~1lc.• us:, nnd ho\\''~ ::::.:.:.:m::::un:.::::m:-:::::::::.:r-+:m::::::::1:.:r.n.:iu.::;:::t:.::.::.r.: itn:::n~.n:::i::m:.:n:nn Dorothy Ganett; Mu sic Ted (haddock, l\ largarel_Choale pra n~atics, l~elen . : 1 j llu 1 ~:"0 Pholn~I~ Lc.\1~1 1 t 1 ·u~ldjt'~ weadful ltallz.atwn vt tu~ts t.hnt those tu1e wms fo1 1 k~11 old I\l011Urn,1

l'nm~; En 1!, lll N~i n !'.!;" . ~~rl .RudbNg . .Agru;u l tur~ll D<"1pL., I~01,ac1..·. Bol~te1:~ ~~e is tJ'~1~~~ '}f~Li~"\ :sos~~io.r.0 \')~.~~::;l ~t: Uc-elm~ . 'lhc wu1uo1s ot the )H'''CllP- hko ll 1



i•h':.·:.;: DAN c E !I ll amilton Hall. \ e1·n 0 Neil, Svc1ct). Judith Belden. T\\ nndl~ C he11 Y' t h:u p r D H. ' 1 :\I s L' _ ti on bolt le must be sln 1 ed to a cru~1tcr lotte Sm1th .. ll~·lcn Cro('kt'lt, LOUJ~~ ~:;i~ntlc1·s . r~~1~1~:l<.:\? lla111~~. s~oo_l. llle~j«'fr · s~nt~~1~:~·' in ~!)j'j a~ .Roci;Y :\l·o~~r~in :ic~i a :;upcrnu man ht\.tel for th; ::;tale Geo. Pl'ltcm. l a l t1-1~~:1~ . _p'lor~~ D~\l.s, .1 e;'ltu~e .. i\~,1:). Hale.' .l. mB, .}~b1~1~ '. :r·o·1~ Orati'I'ical ('OnllJ::;t. Others inti tide l olluge. .So iL "ould appu1r Irom a Houston~ ll!'.le1~ <;llne1 .• ~1larc1.a Smith; Nt\\~ \\ :,•t~r::;, N.01n~a. tc.: ~· F~tg~Jl~ Fos~('l' Buek ,JI' .. Fr::inh Stcrmitz, who 1 po~tital whimper. publisnc<l in 1:1 Jatt g Bowman., '\ll"gmi.a .:U1lls. Loi:; Coble1gh, ~d~ .Fl~nn .. Lha~h:~ Ille, Ct.anll·m ha~ sho-:\'ll ubililv as a puLlfr speaker. l\.a11nin. urging the iah nth c.:n:.10rts - To the \\'ond erful Orthophonic Record 1\lus ic ~ DL•wey, Esther R1d<lc.:ll! Haz~I. l\Je_llon, Bett)_ Beul~), Do,1 ?~h) _Hannah. r ~1 ro 1~e anJ .:\farg:.arC't. ti(\wey. tlJ pnuse tor a n hour cad1 day, s1L on ~ ~ Delm.1ey. ~lm~se D1..' ~V1t . _Alice 'c11~<l1;;:.nhook. Hat <?id ~'' cme-1 ~ _Ru.t~ .'' oocl~t ~, Benbmin Ra,koff. rcpre~cntat in.? a lHdi., and pinch them~eh'es m order +; ::: Bernice Norr1cc, Lois \\~lb, ~~~rJ?~-1~ Foot~ .. ~111.:h~:al Dee'J.·.·~\~c:e T~)lor, of :\I. .. $. C. ln ... t \'Cflr in ~tate orn1ori- to sti1.nulate that hale !or Bozt-m~Ul. fi H E.\R THIS " 'E EI\•S RELE~\SEH E :.\I~rg·aret 9~ry, "!\1ar~· 0 Leai~, 1)pltlg. )l..Htha l lYlrn, :.\L11ga1et B1own, cal l."Vntcst i" w"orking- on an oration \Ve mJght add that a pert glntle sla1> ' I --~- i: .. : il E11zabl'th Seitz, l\lar:r Hakala. f(~J· this veUr. vn the wri::;t by one another o( U1t _ t: i:

· bolhoom batalhun wouhJ probably be ~.~=41',,,,L' t::: QRTQN BROS. fi.,·. ~u siness Staff 1 01 benetit. in pushing iheir football . -....... ---.. .. Ji Advertising ~la1111.~n.•r ... . ... ··--·-··-···-·--· --- _ . .. .Jo_e Delnn~y TAU BETA PI TAKES team to g1c.ntt.'r act:omplishmt..'nts. Assist:rnt~ ...... _ _ Len Robbins, Ed :i\laxty, Geo Gruenft:!kkr, Jim Gnbnel I '!hat. g11..ai JOurnali~tk monument., the :::::::::::.!:::.::.::::.:::::u::::::n::::--.::.:::.::.:::::t:t::::::::::::.::.::::::=::-:::---::uu:..~

~~~i~11~~~o~epartment .......................... _ ... ·.·Oj"~~k"'E;:~·k"kii'~-.-·'B';.~-~~···G~-~i~1g~~~l~= FOUR NEW MEMBERS i !~1.~~1~b~~· th~s~d~~~~~1i1;;:' .~-~w~e~~~t ( ~~ ~ --·1 nmg Lo become dis;ati.<1ed wit.h t.ho ~- P " ~"'-"'-'-'-''~'-~'-'..SS...,.__'-.'-.'-~'-'-'-'-'-"''"'~"-''~'''-'-'''-~

_________ c_o_u_ri_e_r _P_i_·in_t_ •_'ll> __ B_o_z_e_n_rn_n_,_A_l_on_t_._______ . . --.- ~'~~11k·]~~J~~it\~~~~~!·e~1 ~~w 1!:~\l:~f1~~ \l;~~~~ (_~ ~ ~ 1· ~'JNTER IS HERE' ~ "GR EEN1E'' " 'OR DEN . lm1 .Bew 1'1, n~1t10nal hon?ra_ry ~n- th~ Grizzlies, and ::;. ... 1!:ge~L tha.l lhl' ;;,, f / ;.-

• " gmeering- Initcnuty held their fall in- i\lissoula school withcJrnw [rum the //'ti.~/, / , Ti·y• Oui· Sotips , ~.~~ itia~ion durin_g· thL• h~st w~ek for_ t.'\:o Conference. "Take my dolls and go ~ .., Semors aml two JunlllrS. rhosc !Jtlll- home.' You know. Uut. Co~1t'h ~iilburn

The death of ''Greenie' ' "rorden 1a~t Saturday came as a se\·ere ated w~rc Alb~rt ~··onl. a senior in :says they han• a prctt.v good t.rack shock Lo the entire college community. and as a loss that is greatly }lechamrnl Engmee11ng-; Robert Dull, trnm >Uld had b< Ltcr slav where thev j ~ t

1 f . d h. a junior in Industrial Engineering, are because tlie' wouldn"t have an,:. ~~;:::::::~_ lj:/n,~~-(~;;:· ·=~5©1 ~a· s TAR CHHIAiLI~OtlBJRESPRECU'JAELTRY s H 0 p ~1

lamented by the school. He was a young man w 10se nen 8 IP and Henry Eag-le, a junior L'fril En- one~ to play footl;all "ith but Gonzaiia, . ~ ~ was cherished by all who kne\v hin1 . and his acquaintances \\'ere g•1wenng !'tudcnt. 1he two se.mors St. Chaile:i, t.he :\Jine:;. and the Bob-

d d I A. , thl t . - t' , ·t" . . t . ele.:ied \\'tre ftom the sec:ornl e1£!~1th ,,_at.'. And in another re-ar or two they wi e au peasant. .. S ai. a e e. an energe 1C pal ICtpan 111 o~ their da~~. the upper fourth bemg will probably h:n t• the .Mines \ ictorV ac•idties, and ru1 unselfish companion he could not be su1 passed. 1 chgitle to membcr;hip in Tau Beta · - ~ • His admirable disposition and sterling character firmly estab- {:g;~~?n!"~r e~f,~ll 11~./~t:11e~~~1~",;,. t~f SECON D CO::\ CERT (''-'-~''-'-'-'-'''-'-~~'-~~"'-'-~'-'-~'--'-'-'-~"'-'-'-~'-~~ li:;hed him in the hearts of us all. ~\'.:'~·~ l~;1~~ry~\~-~ iJ;l:.:t'~~u~r~,~~ H ERE THIS WEEK I T ,SAYS. :;.-.--;;:.--;m_c;:._am_E:::m•:::i;:as:::;:,.;;z::;::;;.:::::;::ag::::;,..:;:::;;!IE::;::-,

thefallqunrteruftheirjunioryear. 1 -- IHE'MODER""SHO~T "' -~-.....::: 1 TYPIC .. :\L 1 !tis year only· two were cle .. tcd those (Continued from Page One) n "

loei1t!! Rl1bert Dnll and licnry Engle. to America to find her fml1er. Both SK IR T MAKE 5 THE Th~ basi:s for election to membership she un<l her S\\'1..•ethcart are hunting MC'M t •/ L

The necessity for cooperation of the nnifa of the Greater Uni- in Tau Beta Pi ;,, not only sd1olnrship for a pian.ist to holp them on their ,_" 1-00"' ON Ci E ~ Yersit)~ of l\Iontana is vit.al. bu~ of course there i8 that .ine\·itable ~~;s~~ai~t~~, 111 ~1i~~tio~a~fic~~~~L~~~hi{~~ ~~~~nt;he~~ fi~l~1 i~~ ~1\~n~)i~~~J\\~~~~ You'JI Look Longer at the rh·alr~' deYeloping from athletics, harmless to a cerlarn extent, rnmp1s <t<ihiti<·s. calic<I Lo rehear>al is .louml sat1sla,. Double Breas ted

l · h Tl · b · f l l niti-lti1..n :\loncl·t,· wrv. ·when he li:-icl finished plaviny:,

that must be dea t wit . 1ere ls no etter tune or rnrrnony The four nc~ mei;ibcrs' irere !oi 111 _ the g-irl g-ave him a melody composed \\'OOL YESTS between l\Iontana State and the .i\I.iS$OtJla .chool than the lapse Jal;- t•ken int<>. Tau Beta Pi, i\londay 1 by her fathc« in Europe. llt· ylny• f . . lhl t· t t fl th t b l ti U . ·t e\·ening at "' b·rnqLN which w·1s hel'I and stops; he ""m~ ag1Latcd. Fmallv Tan. Grey, Camel o h~e fron1_ one a e IC. con es un I ... e nex . u. 1e n1vers1 Y in He-tt<<..·l.;: Hail. The speaker. of th~ he rec?veis .. hb lo~t i:i1t:mory _and ex·-

~entiment will not have 1t that way. Now that the football game evening- was Dr .. \rnolu John,on of rla_nat1011s 1ulluw. It is ,·er)' mterest­is over there should be an endeaYor lo "get along," or bury the the Chemfatry Dqmrtment. who told eslt~ and ~' ery o'.1e ,hould ~t·a1 . . . . . I about h1~ expene1wes rn res('ar('h at ~ett~ Booth_ ~md he.1 ( omp,\n) on

$4.95 hatchet, until f1Ltmg occas10n to renew the feud. But people the cnrlsbure: Lnbornttoric, at Copen- :\o,·ember lo at :00 m the b'J"m. oYer the hill apparently do not see it this way and continue with hagen, Denm:irk. "hcH• he s1x;m las I J

increased zeal to further the ill will and untimely hatred of the ;;~::;· :,na;-c~e~1~!;0 :'~~rktu ~~~t\~,~~~~l SO TlllS IS I:\ OL\ Wagner Bros. one institution for the other. It is said to be typical. meeting- of T:tu Beta Pi gave n re1>ort The hnlleli n hoards bore the

of his lnp and the wink that was following un ique <ll1d amu s ing Bozema n·s Big l\1en's a.nd Boys' S tore


It i~ a trnth that athletics eclipse all other acti\'ities in Amer­ican colleges and universities at the present time. The fact is not at all astounding, for under this head are all those branches which stimulate human interest, physical excellence. excilement, and enthusiasm to the greatest extent. The other extracurricular actiYities, howe\•er, draw their quota from the student ranks, and, though not as popular generally, they are probably of greater Yalue to their enthusiasts in later life than athletics. Such is

d()ne at the t:o1wention. noik e lns1 woe- Ii.: "Sc-niors---'\ ear

BAR BER OF S EVILLE t'!Ye ni11.g 'clot hes '". \\' e didn ' t k.now 1hc- mt n w ere p:o in~ in for scan t ) dress.

Before n. Yt'l'y large and appreria· tise audience, "The Barber of SevilleJ• was ,,·ell 1·tcei,·ed. The Co111mu11lty ~~~?-9-C.uuise was \€ry forlunate in se- g THE STUDE NTS' SHOP AND BE \ UTY P \RLOR i curing sud1 high class entertainment g ' ' ' ' r · for the first number of their musical

~~~~~:\n ~~o~ta~;·~elisl~;:'1~c~hic;;~ I H A T H A W A V H~l B A R B E R S H 0 P g~ Civic Op...:ra s~ll':-> and ~ee a century I t) .,.. old orera.

l\leh·ena Pas~mare un;lle<l he1· ~ tJ.:0-0-t}(H)-O-t)<'rO

ai:<lit:mc:e wit.h sulos. Henri Scott g-ave \ -====:-----------====:-------====== debate and it companion actiYities. Admittedly, there is a grow- ample proof of his ahility in the musi- -ing need for persons with an abilit~' to speak and think logically. cal world. Although the actiun was

splendid. '!'he. act01s were at a dis- A All phases of debate, oratory ru1d extempore speaking are excel- adYantage b<eause of the stage ,el· HE KOPP co ¥ lent training for this trait, which is a most desirable possession cine:s. They were unable to use their T ~ :rnd sen·e a~ an outlet for students more particularly adapted to :,~~i~~~: ~~.j'.f,~ B~et~~'.nirB~~~~hCo~~~t ' ~ them than other types of campus actiYities. This \\'Ork serves Company" will appear next Thursday, CHOICE MEATS OF ,\LL ¥

Nov~rnber lf> at R:OO o'clock in lhc I ~ practically as a fine means of de\'eloping leadership, and con - gymnasium. ~ seqnent opportunity of gaining college offices and distinction in KINDS ~ the business world . Besides these theoretical benefits, there are wh~~-~? ll•"·en'J seen you some- J t I numerous other important inducements for student participation Student ~o. l»t1cn't been any- Fresh Eas tern and Olympia Oysters : in forensics. The debate trips around the state and to adjoining


where. l'. of \\"ash. Columns I Crabs. Shrimp a nd Fre~h Fish

and render a definite asset in the form of valuable persona] con- we~!~~~· !if" is gi-. .. it ii you uon'l t --.-- t slates compare fa rnrably with those 1.aken br athletic teams, I f tacts. This trm·el al~o enables one to see and know other chools Our :\ell 'a"s "'You ma,, be a A 6 and colleges and their work. Representatives who partici1rnte in tlumuell. hut . you'ro not th.e whole V PHONE 23 Y

g-ymnRsium. ' A c·ontests are eligible to membership in Pi Kappa Della , a national C. c. II. s. Signal. Bnito. ' Bozeman Montana t' honorar~· debating fratemitr which ranks irn a leader in honor t :-:ocietief'. The honors attainable in this work are worthy, and . , , , , , • , , , • , ,,. , • , ,,, , ,1 11 ,11 11 1 111111 111 " -.~~c:i:. ..... ~~ .... ~~ ....... 41>- Q9' ..-.4!A>~~~ benefits nwny, so that consideration of supporting lhe call for ~ ~ debaters ~hould not be slighted . ;:_~,- PA UL WHITEMAN i

1· ..... ~ ~·~ ~~;~~t~~~~f ~~~,~.·~ ·~ ..... ·i· I * Phone 468 I I I l I • , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' f [ I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I

• I .1 I I I I I I .1 I • I I I ·~ I I I I I I I f I I I ' I I I I I I I I f I I 11 I I I I I I I 11 I I I J I I

~ ~ Place Your Order On

and His Concert Orches tra Playing


Coupled with J ,\SMINE. I DREAM



}/ -


Something to shou t abo11t is Sty le 30 H u mm ing Bird Full Fasl-.ioned H os iery. I t's a win­n er for wear with i ts im ·isiblc reinforcements an d narro w lisle hem, Unusually long. ln all colors - approved by P :u:is for Auruni.n wear. PERSONAL XMAS CARDS

Most Excellent Line Low Priced

Engnl\ ing, Printing or GrapicosP Work Done Neatly

this is the mosL beautiful record we hm·e e\'er heard, and our stock wi ll go qnick­ly. ~ I -1 6TY!.E 30. Sei'Vice Weight

. ·. Roecher Drug Co. ~-: $1 ~

'· ............ ~~.1~~~~.s .8.~~~. ~~~~E .............. ; t .. ~'.'.'.::;:'.~~: .. '.:.:::~'.: .. ...!! ~l:1}~~~~.:tf ~e tl ~R ©

Montana State College Bozema!1, l\Ion tan a

A school t hat h as bui!L and m aintained standards of sc holarship. Offering courses in the following diYisions:

College of Eng ineering

Colleg e of Agricnllure

Colleg e of Applied Science

College of Household and Industrial Arts

Each course lends to the degree Bachelor of Science

For Information Write to


less burning of tlze 1nidnignt

oi1 I HERE'S a good busi­

ness proposition! Invest in a Remin gton P ortable and reap dividends in the form of bigger and better rest at night.

Much faster than wntmg by hand, this little R em­ington enables you to fin ­ish your long reports or theses-not fall asleep try­ing to finish them. Not only that, but think how


much nea ter and more bus iness- l ike they look w hen typewritten I E xamine the R emington P ortable. It is the smallest, lightest, most compact and most dependa ble portable with standard keyboard. (C a rry in g c a s e only 4 inches high. Weighs 81 2

pounds. net .) Mon thly payments. The Recogn i~ed Lcc:1deT- in Sales

a nd Popu lor it)'·

emington Portable

Gullatin Drug Comptrny, I l E. ) fa in St., Bozemnn, Mont.

R t!minglon Rand Business Sen~ke, fnc. 42 N. Main t ., Butte, Mont.

Page 3: OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13, 1928 :-!umber 8 g~nbrf ss for girls nf~ring i a n~v;;;;!~ ~4 i date rnr pl~y s~ub~:n~~~::r


H l (.:an s1,:a 1cely he dissa.L.:.tied w1t.1 the way hl:i sc-.ond need i.; mt:t;- thl men he i:-;. ;..:-~iatetl \\lt.h m hi:-. I stuoies1 bolh ta1:ulty aivl tudl'nt~, 1 ate not. merL'lv <:o!.lpelent .. but. slimu-1 la ting. 'l utl•b 111 e1.onom1c-.; and 11 •- I

! litk:; at. Oxford 1.:ollegl atL· u.i;ua l!) I ~·o .. llJ.( tlt.:cau::.e tnc ::Xhool of ··.\trnl­etn Gtt:'ats ' h;. a ucw om.:), in1.1.•resLNI a nd-what- i~ more imponant. stlll­acquainlt:d w i th othc:r tield:-; of knowledge t.han i..heir o\\ 11 Jiarti ul:tr

1 S{Xcialt~, phil1Jso1.l1:>·, hh.tory, elhic:s. j l• u1 ther. th.:!' slUt!l'nl 1 cad mg th<:

I Ho11ol:lr School of l.·nilo.-.ophy, J>olltH:s, I -- a nd ~c.cnomu_· :-1, i:; at. pi e~ent. sent to

))c. Ila Tau ('c rrf.'ds Error. , Davison and daughter from t1 l'Cl' I a nu m~er'. O! lllt'Il in \'a.1 IOU~ l'ulkl(L">, · (;t>orgt· _\larken of Hc1zf·nu111 nn<l!Lod~c. Or. (;reg-g from Butte, and ~ ~1~ th_i ~ 1 ~ :bl. real adv~.ntabl.{l'; t.e lll~l?. I

s· I • \IL \rt!h:r u 1 Sicim·y \\'(•re . ..·. . . . . I· . a\c ~c;m1.: .uJ tutot ... , ut he ma.1 • <1: ~1<·~l1y ·m;tiatt·d in-;.tc-tul ot' f •>nnallv . Johnn~ :\lo111son at. <lmne1 Sunl ~l) a.hw t:~lUnt <JI! hanng somt \'Cly good

,l l~e I a \':a .... a"U1ow t· I J:, \n k. aftcn1oon. - - j o~.'~~af '~.~~1~~~~.~~r:0~1~e h1~=1~11:~' ~l'n'.n7t'. -- Pi Peta Phi Entertain~ . .\ l acglt;,..tn·, \. l>. Lim1sa~ (:\htstei I

' '~1.~~)':~ ~or and :\Ir. :\luray wen~ :\11s. Franh: II. Dou_1.das. Pronncc lof lsal_liolJ, G. D .. 11. Coie, .\\ . G. S. I hu.r .Ja) night ,Jinnc J.!lil'":." at the I I'H!sl<ll:n~ of l'i Uc.a Yhi, ~,·a:-. the in-1 ;~1~.m:.:., 1·.. :\I. upsun-w1ll aC ll'lll

:\1~~;;:1:~\ou~"~; .. .,ts at thl' .\migo house 1~p~1a it)n for u number ~f :-;~,ial. af- l•inaJly. he has lhc. op po~unity ol t'I''- ·;\larn~J.a St,;hmider, )lary tam•. at th<: l'hapter hou:-.c th1:s \\et•k .... omini,; into t·ontact wit..n the at·Lual

lakn!a and !Jean .1nu .\JJ .... Jlamilt••n . F1iday e\cning a "cookie :shint•'' "a:-. imen(>tllena nc is. l c-~rning about. U\.-, i.:in..'n in ht.:-r honor, tho:-.c pre::-tnt le- oni it:--clt· 1~ 1.·,bmO}hl:twn--ht• ma~

rn,r act1\·c~. alumni, pled.~c:--, und pi- ha\e tirst. hand ac:c.ounts of 13rni. n u- .. n, t B zcman. was tlL.IH>· ....... of Pi Beta Phi. Jndt~n ac.m11\lstt n.L10n, French 1w•itit:s,

d nmT ,.,1.•t' f a.t t.• ('}• Omc_:...u lnit.att(,n \\as llt-ld SatuidcH aftl'l"· m~e1nut.onal tir.ann-. industrial lL•ch-lnu :'at 1wa:; nii .... ht HObll tor Jo~l"pllint.• Conno1·~·. \'eima niq ... c, Hom stuuents an .. ! tuu 1~ 11t'

\\ imhul lit;.H·kct... of ]{ lcn.i. wa Ed\\anl,;;, Ehzabtth Gary, Uorothy has t.n<:• good tortunc to l\H.et. ill!' b I Sunda\' dinn~r 1:,..rut:' .... a. th1.· l h. (j1:,...h), anll :\largarct Howe. Tht. in - withrn ieat:h 01 · I he Jkart uf th ...

{nit• 11 lfoli~<.'. itiari~.n was ll>llowed b:.· a banqul'L at Empire ' in Lon<lon, the l• 1t·1wn an_u Gilk<:rson's. German I ar h aments, lhc P~u·1:-.

..;i .,.,.m;a chi })inne r (;ue..;t:--. ::-en.ml informal tca:s were also Bourse, or l...omba1d :'->trcct. 'lhl·s1.; J ': 11 c_ i l'llt• 1airu I \Ir. and )frs. !!'iYcn in hlinor llf .J!r:--. Dou_l!'las. ~hing::; inl;"\ itably m1ping'l upon !nm 1



l 11 c tl-i .. • <I= ol :\11 • lhu. b· \ lhL~ l'Ollc~c- .._horus will appear for uc h\O 01e-a t pla:. .. a1e bcini;. \.!•C tn!'t tnne at the ~l~~tmbly on

1 t.•d up o, t e l 1av .1.,to<1ul"t1t,11 I Dcu.~ uher .l .. Tht; cho1us at. r.re.:--cnt Ia~. !he


ir:--t le 1r. I iocc:<s oi na ... tbcut thlrt)-!i\'e memo~r~, all OI OUl!Ctl n, ")lat) .\1e:ms \I hnt ~he mu~1.a, abilH,5- .

\\Jll lJl' plc:->t•n J 101 the .-\ux- 1n ptcv:t•US yca1 g 1,euple lH1\'l.' cdt-Jll.'ar) 0 · t .t 1'Ai'Ll' n s1 r. T 1e..:day, ki,.,c t the t·t1orus. b .. ca1;1se it ha~ pre-

o\('mhC>r 1~. t:ntui num1.:br-., that 111 rnan~ ca--es, 1 .JC t a;-.t indudes: \\'t1 l' 0\ er tJH:ir hcau:s.. 1 ill~ pN lOI 111-

~ 1ari:rn John:'Oll Jani1.2 anu.· l f ttie .:horus w1ll be one that tdtn Bo\.~n )lamma entJ·bod\ ~an enJo:.· as a g-ti.:'at. \a..r-iar e .a L'tt tf11.:IJ. Gran<l.mc.1 iety of nunilJe1s w11l be ptc,ent d. I_n 11.araJ \\ad Pa "ther \"-'Orils t e tho1u.s this yt-ur is kt.'<' l!in·· :-. l 1a) ,.ying- to l;\'e up to the c.rvccry ~tore , il iam J)l)h~rt Frunl\. ad l 1t'nt- -Y\ e .\irn to l'Jt-a:-:e".

n rn.e•r Al' \\1Jl bt• pt vn. -·--he '"t m~h, o I• ca o.i..1 l nO'rc» I '.II. S. ( .. \ THLETE

1 ;~, t ~.~1~!.lu\\ n!! <"'-t. Lady DIES SATURDAY , thel<la h.t nq, nar ~hi\ e gn I , -. --n·ic t be:::. ~ian lCont:nucd 1rom Pag-e One)

Gili'-e lc.rar.nn t Pedlc1 grcat .. st hiJ..!.ll st.:hool athlete:s. l n 1~ 12;; nc was awr~rdL'·o.1 the Bobcat. .\ward tor

E:\ (,I. '1'.ERL 'G PI-n:St CS he;1w the mo>t \atuable mun to hi>

CLUB ~.~a:~~n~~~'~h n~=~c 1~~ ;1a~~:k11~~t: 1~i;1~~;~; m tootball and when tht ba.s~:ctOl<d

A nk mg or th1.· En,(:'illl·_cring ~c;tsvn came he secuted a place on h)~ic: ..... l hit \\ils ne.d on :\c •mol.'r 7 the ~quad. He played a g1eat game at

t he ~peaKt•l' o_ the oc ·a:..1on was .lr ~ua10.

m Lhc 1 a1 l'ls he rcal1s; he nwc.­.'.'.'<ociali:-.ts. Anarchists. Syndi. ahst~. j

i lie nl'Cd r~G: hl' ub~e1 Yant tu kat n ~hin.::i.::.; or t'\t•n mtl'IL~ent it i:-.1

ncuJ,!n if ht~ is 1..·011~. ious'. "Sut thi:-. i!:\ nd n•1 y a;1~tral'L", :-.ay ....

the J1rosp.&tive :student, H h o tie~ Sthoiar ur othen.,·isc, .. ,, hat llo l U0 exaetly. when 1 geL t.he1e'!'' 'J he an­,,;w~r t11 1hut question inn:.lvt . .;, a brit.f lko.;.eri1.t10n of the at•ndemk ot,. · ortunitie_..; t.:at a 1e ope:1 to him . llt• may ' ' read for'' -- •·regi;:,.Ler in" b .._ reasonahly a,curate translation-· the 'I llonour:l School of Philo."ophy, l'olJ. tics. and Economics which has ahC'ad) been 11 1entiont•d . Here ht work 101 two or t hree years 0n suth :-;.ui,je-('t:-, as the~e : Hi~tory of Philosoph). ;\loral and P olitiea l Phi l o.~uphy. 1•;l:'o r.omic ~md Political 01 ganiz:tth111 British C-oru;titu tional and P">liti ;1 II story, Britbh 8ocial and Et 01~om ·t· H istoi·y, Economic Thc:o1y. Ltllain classics of economic and 1 lit ..:;;.11

writi n~. t wo forei 00 n Jangual?t.::-\. Thi is noL a. -.c.ompl<:•t<. list; but i: sho\~ the sort of thing- he does. Further, he a r rang-es these ~.:bjecb in tlw unit" cf his intne,;,t ; he OHl\' r:onc.·t•ntrat on eithfl· Economics, Pditic:s, c.1' Pnll­osophy, and do a s1xxial ~~1bjec:t 111 that field. But 1",e mu:-.. learn ~on.(• thing- of all of them, and ,. tatr the relations.hirs between them . 1i. the second 1 lace h<. may ~pt·nd u yN~l or two in taking- a Diploma in F.co­nomi." and Politkal $c~enn" a int· ilar _t·ourse , nHn-C' limited in extcn!. I In e1U·l·r tase the degTe~ or lhc

" Iii rather hove o Chesterfield!"


It is conside1·ed the height of bad form, they say, to carry your own sandwiches to a tea-or to pack your own blanket for the wcek-end­but luckily, no such outlandish conventions surround the smoking ot your own cigarette.

"I'd rather have a Chesterfield," fortunately, is a phrase which not only remain$ "good cricket" in polite circles-bur at the same time bra1'.ds the smoker as a person of rare

discernment and excellent discrimin'ltion. And small wonder, considering all the re­

mark implies. Good taste, top quality, the rare sparkle of tobacco goodness--all these combine to justify the choice of that man who thus shows bis keen judgment.

"I'd rather have a Chesterfield"-a neat line, that-the mark of a real connoisseur and the password of six million smokers.

1-l ESTERFI ELD MILD enouglifor anybody .. and yet •• THEY SATISFY

U OGSTr a: M.Yl!U TOBACCO CO. ta1tilng .. \!1. l--la1Jmg: g~-4\'l" u. \'l'l',Y m- l· rank 1,layed a wond~r.!"J..I gnml' cte:o>tll•.!' talk , n tht a4ha11c~m1mt ~- against ~cb1aska and Coa.h D:-,e.ie elc\'i"'1 n anl the t lcv:,ion t.:xrc11- 1,; ns1dtl'l.' i h1111 as one o..: tht• main-

11 n ~ t arrwd on by the lh·ll 1'<='1~- sta:ys of the Bobcat team. He was a .J.< .. d~l'.' ~ JUP<·ny. Th1..· mectinc- \H.~ at- I member of t.hc Lanwda Phi traterniLy. cnucd ~ :\. new n1t'111be1 ~ ol th_. 1· iank \ ro1den was bon1 in Hot st.',

(f;plcma is u1ant<<l after what we>· ------------------------·-----------Awcri<.·an-' call a cmnprehen~·\(> c>xa•l.-1--- - -- - --ina~ion-a t?Tllelling- nnd \<llualilc ex- -~---· ... -..-.-~..-.. -......r..-........................ ...-....... _ .. _.._....,,._.._._.._..._.._ .. _ .. _.._ ............ _ .. _._._ ........ _ .. _ .. _ .. ,.,..._ .. ~ ' ·.I I I. I I I I I 1 I ••• I It I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I •• I •• I I I nen en<"e. • • !: ~

If he already has )!raduatc s'and { Ql'ALIT\ SERVICE ~ :! QUALITY SEEKERS BUY FROl\1 THE ~ n.!inu; : J n~.:~;<.·s liub. and b.:. )ir. lmdli>, Duc.nbcr 2:), l~UU . I:Ie nw,e<l .J ... K\\dl, a new meml...l:r 01 tht.• \\ith hL-> natents.. :\lr. and :\h ~ . J. H. ill!? in his home uni;~ndty, lw ma\' do \ .. ~ •

'""arch work. and su.ppli<:ate. fo• ~ ~ ~ WEST SIDE GROCERY' J'h\ it.: iiltUl,Y lle~attn:t·nt. \\ct<len tv tjutte WhC.lC he attendeU · ----- the 1.:ity st.hools tmtil ente1·ing the

( \ LE:\ D.\li V A I E~ collegt• tusL ) """' At the ti mo of hi>

l Ii, h. a p1.a Ddta p lt:.'dU: l'' · 16. B. E . P ledge i-.-arl) . Ii, .\~ ( lub danc:t' .

m:ath he \\a~ a ::.ophomore and takin.4 tne 1.:0U1s~ in pnys1c:al e<lu1.·ation. li b n1othu· was with him at the time ot his. death.

e:1her the deQ"ree or B. Litt. 01' D. .. " B .... G &y -P h il. ~ • • l'H G ~ I ~

T o come back, at la"-t to \vhal wa:: > H \RD'V :\R}r~ '. • 'aid at fi1»t: if a man 'wish" lo ac- ~ ' • • \ " quire a spc ializc(I ~kill in sf)mt· \ > · tcchncal field of bu,in<>>s or puhlic > ST.\RRETT TOOLS •: -

Staple and Fancy Groceries

PRICES RIGHT ~ l.\. 1 "i. S .• \ . E. !)led~<" .. mohcr. ~ t .. a • .!O, lc .. r mc..:IH~,r~ !'let) at t h<: LARGE ENROLLMENT

administration. Oxfi;rd has little to ~ ~ offer him; but if his ubjc t is. l•· ~ •: - Phone 266 410 W. Curtiss 1uote frcm the Statute of •h<· l'ni· > Com plete ('ata logue and Price Li ·t Free \ : • Emc..rson.

. o \·. :?.!, 22, 2:J. L irl':-. \ u<'a ti~>na l, JN ;\1. S. C. PHYSICAL ED UCATION CLASSES

\Ol"'lt\, " lht• ... 1ud\• of the "-lllH'l TC'. \ ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111. 1 ;,1

and lh<' 1 h~lo,.,onhual. 1 oliti(";1l. and : _... ..... "" ..... .,,.. ........... ..._.. ........ _. ... _ .. _ .. _...,.._ ... _ .. _ .. _._._ .... ..._.._..__._. .... -.-.-.-.-..-..-...-.-..-.. -.. -.-....,........-..-..• .. •.J_ ( ong-re;s. 7\cn·. :U, !:~Ha T a.:1 part). \ <a. 2.i . La mbda P hi.

e-conomw 1HUH1pll•s . • nf :\lo1lt-1 n1--------=====-----===-----====--Soc1e-t\" o,Jord ofters him tr uh" --- ----c.-i·ea t .<'l't"tO?"tllnit1('~. ~~~·IXH)-(HXl·O<HJ·(f-Jl-0-(H)-(Hl·O·Oili)tl-0-0-(f(H)tH:H:KH:Hl-

~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I • I I I I It I I I ll- I I t I I f I I I I I I I I I

-. o\. :n, Pi Beta Phi 1>l c..•d ges. :'.\ ..,L :?.;), \ li:ha 0 . Hecept ion t <.>a. :;.... t;\. 2~. Junior da nce. :'.\ o' . 29. l han h.~giYing. :'.\ 1, . :ill, l'i k.api:-a .. \l yha ple <l '.! t' .:-. :'.\o,. »0. \ m ig-o ph.d~e da!lce.

t Cnntinued from page one ) b~ketball. l,asetall, \'Olli.:~-, ball, inter­l:'h.1-..s s.win1ming. cross-countt·y, and tI aek. These :-)port::. at fi1:-.t \H·ie not

I \'e1 ~- pt.1pular among the student::-, but I dL.rin~ the las:.. fl\\' yea ts t.hl:y ha \-C J

uevt'lope .. l l ar.u..lly, an~t keen ccm1 .. cti­t1on among 11 aternities and cias:-.es I

-- I" " FOU;;A~E~;;--1 § GAL LATIN LA u ND RY co I I:

I ·y~~ ~~~.~~·~~: ;-TUX'S

Lates t Styles-All New

:MO ~ ' TA~ .\:\ 'VORI\:. has glO\\ll, until nov; they are among IS PROGRESSING the oulstandin!! events of the yea1, 1

All inditation~ point toward klener (Continued fro m Pag e O ne) c.·c.:mpt.:liticm and !!realer enthusiasm I

l'Vent, ol ,hes '10ul will be given. In this year in the intla4mu1al :-.p01t::.


N ice u~eful presents (fdeal Water man kind) from $ l up.

Skinner Satin Faced Guaranteed Two Piece 525.00 - Three Piece $29.50

JACOBS COSTUME SHOP 101mr r :-,e<srs tr.e i<:atu1c ."l ·lion has than c\e~t>fore. ____ I t n le!. uncompleted until almos.t STCDE:\'TS TRYI.NG LESLIE E. GAGE Getting Better Phone 77 ('leaning and Pressing 10 W. Main the t me tor put.1Icat1on and c11ly a I ve1y .1111>k 1 number of 1•ictu1es could FOR CHOLARSHIP Jeweler and Optician <J-!Xl<HX)~!HXH><HX>(>~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii

be .... l ured. Tht' .. <: also only ~ave a I -- I Broken Lenses R eplaced the 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I e 1 I I 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I (.. f1ce 'I O\ Cd I Ile i .. m st likeb· to .. ,. tli ·~ti ·fied I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Tht: ::i.~unt<;nan .odicE.' has . IJ~r, I J belie~c . ~\~·it h th: firsl.:ite1~-thc Ii~ 20 S. Blnck Ave. Phone 425-'V COLLEGE STATIONERY . I \ <'lY rief res~r.ne of the c:dleAe life. {Continued from Pa!!e One) Same Day I ""vet f1"m the Agrku.lture Cutldm~ o.rarics Accuotomed to the inhuman to !.lonta1:a Jlall. Tnis hx.atwn 1 ~ pe1 fcction of lib1a1y techn:que in hi:-. m' re faH iablt' btl·au~e it places the. t;\\n university, where he olten had ofJit:E in a ccn~ral buildin~ un(l make!' 'men:ly to present t.he ma. gic: :-:.ymbols ~' i ' • • • ' • • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' '=I it mun: acc..:ss1t..le to th .. ~ n.i~mbers .or i of a card a~alogue ind~~ numbc r lo : Stereopticon Lectu re On ~ You'll Like Our Selection the s al f. All of the of dee e-qu1p-1 ha' e the Look come :.hdmg down a .. ~ m~nt has. been mnnd. an.I anan!.{e~ . <.:nute to h1m \\~th almos.t incr~dible .. Japan • · A bul!ctm board w1l be placed .111 rromrtncs.,, he r inds that fumbl ing in - ('HJUSTl\1AS BOXES NO"' ON DISPL.\ Y the offiC'C' for a!'.'i!~nments and in.: a cclleg-e or university libra ry al Ox- I : By strudion~ to memben- of the s!afr. foal is fearfully annoying. Bu t t he • V. T. Armstrong Editor Btown has. not anno nc:e<l the Ox1or<l Librarie:->, to od,:-;et th1;1r in- • 1ecrular offke hour:-. but will clo it in l t:iciency . J,-Os:--ess the Yery g-rcat ad- : Pictures ill ustrating J a panese -thP nC'ar future ~~~,~~1;,\h~>fBc~r:i~1~11:~~i~h-eeftaeJc:tl,iff! • life. religious custom s. m iss ion -

l a:1.eia. In the Brand Library of lht "' ork, the great earthquake of HAUSEMAN & McCALL



with Marion Da,·ies

and William Haines

Wednesday . fhursrlay "DRY MARTINf"

Loddngton in Ail So.ls College, in "" 1923 and gene ral scener) of the ·_-: I ra.• pl!!a ant rooms t'f the Ba1nett ... country will he given Tuesday Hvu~e L ibra1y. in th~ librn 1y a t t h e • t'\enin r, , 'NO\'. 13 th, in the Boze­l'nir'ln, in his. own olle~e libiary. ht .. man lligh School Auditorium at .. ~ East Main


PHONE 407 ha. . ..; the t•xperienct~ whic,1 has fre -quently lit·£>n (ltnied him. of fin<lintr 8 :00 P. :\I. Proceeds will be : ,~I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"' the Looh· himself on the shelve::-; ; and g i,cn to the )IL Ellis Academy


though h~ frequently t'oe;on 1t. finll .. for seat!'; for the school auditor-

pr(:'<"isel)- wrat he wanl:-; , he o(U>n in- : ium . : t~~~~ ....... ~~~ ..... ~~ ..... ----~ ..... ~~ adYertentl)~ finds things he would ' ne\'el' ha.\e disco\ 1ed otheiwis('. IJ, - Adults 35 c - 3 0 v E M B E R t 3ny case, tl'ese l ibrari(·s ~lre not : Children in grad es Vic • i

. me1ely adequately, but wf.•IJ , :-;.to<"ked ;. .. A' !with hooks and 1,eri0tlicaJs he nee<ls. '"'"""' '""'' '"'""'''''''"''''~ ! , Sp EC I AL S ;

~ t

Home Cooked Food

Tuxedos for your forn1al parties

$27.50 No 1wecl to borrow one now. \Ye'l'e

matle t he price so e1·ery college man can

afford to own a Tux . Beautifully made-

silk lining.


Friday . Saturday "EXCESS BAGGAGE"


Coming Sunday "THE STREET ANGEL"

I 11


! UNI~~g~~::~.LS.~~~;~~~?R $$57 •• 9550 1' : l 'NIVERS.\ L WAFFLE IRO

WE w:::~~~ ?~:;:~:::;~::,~:::HOME 1 l UN/~~;~,~~~;:;~ A p 0 w ER $~~~5 1 1 Holloway's

..... ~~~~~~~ ......... 4El>~-- - ...-..~~~ I 111111111111·1111111111'1111111111111111111111111111 If

Page 4: OVE.IBER 13, 1928 :-!UMBER 8 · on~nt volume xx. bozk\ia:\, 110nta:-.ia, tuesday. :\ove.iber 13, 1928 :-!umber 8 g~nbrf ss for girls nf~ring i a n~v;;;;!~ ~4 i date rnr pl~y s~ub~:n~~~::r

• • ~ •


CO. TERE1 'CE ST.\::-iDL G 1 '"-~'-"-"-'-"-'-~'-'-~'-'-'-'-''-'-'-'-'-'-~ ~'-'-'-''-'-~~'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~'-" ~ a

~;~:·:,~;;,College iJg~: ~ WHO COULD ENJOY ~ , .11. ,,;. l'. :;sr ~ .\ Nice :,;oft Dannport .\ny i\lore Than a ~

y I. :! 0 ~

Colorado C. .';:1l' ~ C "" • ~ ., nnh Ao<s. .c'H~ j ~ ollege Studenl'. ~ !'olornclo Ao:s. .titll• ~ WE H.\ YE THE Kl:>:D YOlT LIKE ~

•' I := =~ :! =·= == == :-: == == :·; :: :: :: :-: :: :: i:~1~~~·1"L~. :ggri ; a ~ I Thi• 'ollL~Ol~111,IEl:"~~~ I ;:~, gone off CUBS REVENGE LINE /::.'.:. ;-: l'.olc>rado ~line~ ·:~(·,'.·;"~,' ~, E. A R L S , M A R S H A L L ~~' on schl·dul~ the pasL wL'ek with th WO:\LEX"S .\Tll LETJCS :·: B. Y · U. ~ r

FOR UTAH AGGIES ~~~:TL~.L~a 11 :il·~~m:~:n~~lu~~~; ,~1:\~ Of DEFEATS BY KITS 1 ;; :: :·: :: :: :·: :: :1 :·: :: :·: :: :: ::· ~ ~~:~~~11

k~;tc ~ .GO() ~'"~'-~'"'-"-''-'"-~'-''"-'-'~~'~'-'-~~'-'-'-'-"'-"-"'-'"-'-'-"-'-~"-'-~~ BOBCATS PREPARE

II'. A. "\ . :\OT!CES ,\>I E!{( C.\:\ CllE.lllC'.\I, SOCIEl\

I (~ame:-. Pht) c.>cl La~I \\"efth All \Y • ..\ . A nH-lnclKCls .mt! tho"!..' ~ext ~at..i.ada~. )\o\ember 17, T~n .• ~ov. ~· ·'\mi¥"o dt.;_'."cakd D. 1:· Thl" Slat1.· l"111\t'l::-1l\ <'l!?:,; \\~t\ .. 1.utiup:ilmC" in the paµ-cant fo 1 Gui"::- The :\!onl,rn:-\ Se tion of th1..• AnHr-

l <Mch Jhcl'le "ill i.aKl.' his Bolxats to I \\ t.•d .. ~oY. ~· ~. \· de~eated B. ~- 'L· e".. ... tul 111 de1e .. 1tm_g- th~. ~t,!lt.e ~ ol-1 \ ol:ulHm.11 C'on:..'1"1·t.~ will mt.: el at t.hl' ! ican Chemicnl Sol'it. t ,. nnn:ninct:'s it:" Logan Lt· h ,,ncrc the~ \\lll tangfo \\t.d .. :\ov. '· '-!· R. de.cated L. I. h.•l!"t.' h .. 1tt1...•n::- for the 111~t hill<-" m fl\C g~.n t'\ClT \\ cdm;o:,;Ja) noon and on !"C'1.."'( nd nwetlll !r of ihe ):€'di" Tiw \\it.h t.he .. a rg1e:-." one Oi t:he strong- \Ycd .. ~o,·. 7. h .. S. JefcawdA.G.R. years. . ~.nurda~s: at om• o'dock £yen·o1w ge.l·tion will meet in the Chemi~tl·y t·st conten<l1..~s !~r tht.? title m tnc \\:t.xl.. :\oY. 7. :--:. A. h. defoutecl I "1 he l.'ub back~ pro,· ... ·d lu bt.: t.vo I must be present. I Bmld11ur :l.t 7 .:{0 p m, of next .:\lon-Retck~· )fountain C'onfor(!m:c ral."e. SI.) Amigo. . nn:1.:h for the KitLl'll:' to hold and they ---- --- <l::w evenin!.! >-:ov. l!I. u12~. Tlw far -lhu Ctah ,:\.g-g'ic:'- h~ne dropped I . \ chunc<' ~chedult.• . co11~::..Lantly r1...·1...·lcd ofl uains through II OCl\:E Y ~pi:-aker will bi.: Dr. A. JI. .John:::.on utll) one ~ame thl\t to_ Color:.1tl.o . .\gri: :\Jon .. :\o\. l:!. 7:,)0 p. 111 .. S. <'. ,:-:... t~t• li1,e ~1.~d u!·o~~1d t.~c.e~(.I. '!'h!-~ l'ub:; The following L:. the onlc_r in which "who ,~ill acldr1..~.;-..s the secti.on on ·· ~t:r rultural Collcg-C', and if they g~t OH~r 0. B. pi.hi up 2~ porn,!-; to~ fot the h.It.tcns. the hockey tournament will be run I Expenen(•t•;:: a... a Che:mst at lht• Lt.ah C. 011 1hunk~g-hing da:-; then>/ .Mon .. :\'ov. I:!. :0-.:00 p. m., D. T. v:-;. In dnin.tt. th!s th_(')' brol•e. a four.yc11.r oft: · <.'arl:~il;crg l :ibcratory." :'.iUlt m.ay t!l~d in.a tic for the t.·onfcr-IB. E. • ·~ . str.'.1_:r ol ~·1l'lune.s of h1t~cn--... _ 'l\icsday. at 4:00 p. m .. l'pper .... hl~. nr. A. lL John:::.nn ~r('nt the l_ust I t.·mo chnmp1on.sh1p. T.ul's., )\o\·. l..i. 5.00 P· m., L. P . \'S. 1m• s.-.·onng was st.arh:d m the fir:.tltca.m \s. ~ophomorc.s. . yt·.:.1r in the L'-al'l~ht~rg- L:tb~ralonP~ . . (\~t('h lJ1<:k Rt11nney_ ha!' an l'XC'ep- Ann.go. . _, quurtt.•r wht•_n the- h.1ttcns hroke Tuc-sday at. :,:oo p. m .. \\'rnner ot C'O!JLnhag-en. Dt.>nmark. workmi:r und-

t10nally stt·ong- .squa<l tlu~ yt.•ar but they / \\ t>tl.. :'\tn·. J-J. • :.W p. m .. B. E. '°5· throui,.d1 thl' line to down Babcock be- .vamc l an<l 2 v:--. Frosh tc:tm ?\o. 1 er Dr. Soren~on of \vorld fame as n have ~c~n .~t.'\'t.'H'•Y huntli~apl~l ~)-·.ser-

1 .\. <?· R. _ . - . ., .., .., hin-~ hh. own g-oal line. Th~ tide o_f Thm~~lay at. .5:00 p. m .. ~ophonHHl~ ~cfr·ntbt., Dr .. John~~1n will. brinl!'. t<•


i\l.\LTED i\IJLK 01\IE TO


THE SUGAR BOWL The Hom e of Homemade Candies

Jc,us lllJUrte.;. on the p.:.ut ot se\cral \\l•1L. :\o,. l-l. .... o I'· m., S.A. E. baLk tlwn turned and the Lub:,; cm- Y:s. All ~tai· Frosh tt.am. the :-;edion mam- mtcrt.•stmg- ~hie­star:". mduding- Captain 'l_hcio1.1 :-)m.:.lrt, YS. ~ - C. . ried the ball insidu of the Kitten·~ :!O l 1id:1y at ;);1,)1) p. ni .. l'ppercla:-..,; v:-;. \i'.!'llLs 011 the wol"l·~ in Copenhagen and .f(•('dy huUba,k and Ellis ~\alle an-, \~ed .. '\m·. 1-1, ~:00 · m ... 0. B. \·s. )a1·l line. twin~ only to lot-e tht~ bal! .\II ~tar lrosh tL•am. /also ('Ill so~ial l'Onditions thLrc in

will be back in the lmeup and wtll be ,, t'd .. '\m·. 1 _I, :-:.:00 ,~. m .. n. T. \'5. ~u.ond qLarter Doonc- t'l'05h(d lWC-r for Stcw<lrt. Yirginin o·~eil, Erma !\Ion- ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

other ba.ck.fil'ld man: But tncs~. mt.n 1.:-\m~go. . \\ ht:n they fumbled. Howe\.<'T. in the Those officiating are .\li::;:-; !\lary $?:cneral.

danj!cl'OU!". thrL~aL..; to :\li>:ntnn.:i .Stall" K. S. . a tom·hdow11 :\fter a long- ma1l'h down roe . ..\.larjl.>rie l\yl. Lila Fairburn, Fro:-;h: \\'ill you hold thL':-;1. hook~ • Ut.her men on the Aggie ~quad are :\ton .. :\m rn, 7;30 P· m., L. P. vs. thl' field. l•~lorenl'O Jol1n::.on. and Amy Belle- for me'? ti!en _\\-orthi!1gton . C::~ll. Remu~1<l, · D. T. . l\.itlC"n:; Hold :\forkm. Tho tounttlmt.~nt be._!!"an Xo- Pre:xy: I am Pn.-.~idcni of thi-" G1lH.sp1t.•, all tlel't ba kf1eld matenal. .\lon., ::\l~\". 1~ 1 • ~ 00 'l. m .. 0. B. \'!'. \'ember the 12th. ..:;hC'ool. On tht.• linr. Jen~~n and Dahle, ends; B. E. . Twice on their fi,e \'anl line thl· I Fro$h: That's all right. Y,:m look .. Clnrk nnd Day t.at'kles.. ~nxer ~md T~:es., :\cw. :?O, 5:00 p. m., D. F:. \'!'. Kittens ::-tifft-"ne<l to hol<l for d~:yns S . .:\ Vl.i~IG OUH HIDE honest. Bergt.•son g-unrd~ and Gart:T for the L. I . and bllOt the ball bat:k down the fH~ld.



~ I

cC"nt1...·r po:-:.ition. The team as a whoh" \Yt.'d .. ~1 1 v. :!I. 7"W p. m .. K. S. ,.~.In the third qtwrter Dubbin~ ran' -- ~-------------0 • H' cra!!t.s ~bout 1 y1 poumb. per 1_11an ~- A. E. for ~ t.c.>m·~down and , t'On-\ erted the The Uni\'er s1tj of \\~~yoming ai~ain and, <·ombmed with speed. make a Handball tr;- !or !lOlnt. .hho1·t lune later Bab- p:oe' do"·n under the streng-th ol n NO. WE DON'T SING i\IUCII 1 _=:: P rompl. Hcliable Sen ice - Careful. Courteous Drivers ·-~- : \cry smooth working m:ichine to/ Th._ fi1-sl nnrnd ol thl' handl,nll co1..k blo h•d .a n(.1bkittcn punt and a powerful Bobcat H(!'J:!re)!ntion. B~ face. I :-;eries i:-;. nc-arly l·omplete-d. The win- saf•.>ly W;L-; i:-t.'ored when the Kittens trounl"in2: the Cowboys in a 1-1-7 PHONE 3 ;y

Play£>rs that the Hobc.aL" ."'ill. be ners of the fir~t plrty1iff:-:. \\ill mct~t rl~Ci)\"t'Tl'd tht: hall behind their own \·ict.ory the Bobcat pre!:ienc:s hi!'> hide l -1 -·I-\ forced to wat.(.'h are J~ CaJI. t'W t:i~~ t".'adt otheT in an dimin·1tion tourna- ::!:ual line. for orn.: more year. Fvr the l>L"nt.>fit hall totl'r of the Aug:(':-;. and ('Jh ot n-1cnt for the> title. ~ho1t.y nfter t.hc la:]:innin_g of tlw uf the new .student. alst) in \)fder that ~ . I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I , •• I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I ;' ;

lht• 01 btanding- opPn field l1mncrs in .. ourth qtuu·t1.•r tlw Cub-:_;. lU.l\·anl·t'd tht~ iw mny know thl~ l'OlTc1.:t intt.-1 p1 l'la-thz. t·o.nfo1ente, and B":_rc.s.on :~nd l~~rk Sma1i: no you kn11w tht.> Gn11lb !:all to the fot:r vard line from where tivn oi the tt'rm p1...rtaining- tt) th~~ twc) linesmen not<•d tor thei.r.abihty :-;On'.!"'? Burn .. c:lt·:-i< I ·it (\'~'r with a run presl'r\'alio!l of thL· hide we must go in :-:..meadn!! plays htaded their way. I X· t'~ ~·1 ar! · Xnhunh. \\'hat.':-; it? nround ri!.!ht t nd. The point after Oal·k to the orig-in oi thl' trophic,., ~ .. ......_ ....... -... .............................................. -... ......... -... ................... -............ -.-...·.-.. -..................................... -.. .... ·..-.. .......... ..-(

-- ~nunt; Corin l n.y Dr('nnts i LO\"' touchdown wa-.. awardl~d when the "Tht.• Chap;" and thl· "Bohcut liidt:'." ~ -.; :

"Yoar partner has n con plot« I You. Kitl<lh Wl're offside. ,H. vwo.'.wr, one may sc~' the>e• trc>phi"s \ II HOWARD' s II \' P<lu<'!ttion .. hnsn't he'!" .. :\1. S. X. Montonomnl. lla\·i~. Jaccard. and Breen tlf Butt~. 1 on d1~pla~~ 1~1 the nlllldl-;.~'-'c.twn. o~ But we'll fix you up with i\Jusic '• \ • ''\o. hes a bachelor. ~ and :\T.farthy of Anal'On<la were the th1...• uoph) l .. 1.::e l\ll the fn:--l I1001 vt ~ ~ 1

B. Y. U. );ew~. . .\n ol1l ~:mt.•i· i~ OIH' y.,}rn • ~i~, r<>· stars. of the gam1.- for the Cubs.. The I our g-ymna~ium . . for~ our parties and dances . ~ \~ : --------------- lnw1Plwr the first time th1..· 1·:.i::;_,Ji t'ul;~ mad(' 2.1_ fir~t downs and 420 As you nil kno\' the lowboys wu·e '.

rlepa1 tnwnt a~~i.!.!ne,! "\Ylly I \;; ~1.~ t" rnrd~ from scrimma~c while the . ~lt..'feated la~t sprin~ b:.~ the B~OCl\t..s, ~.

i""~s T u D E N T s lfC'o1le"e" "'a fro1s,111111s10ub_·!'i'·~·t1.,n.iLil . Kittens 111:ule ~ fii'<t downs and 8; m the Rocky ~lounta111 C'ontercncc PEGRAi\l'S DANCE BAND •' ~ ' ~ _ va1ds lwm scrimmag·c. I ( humpionshi1> serw>. l'pon ""nninir FOR TH .\N KSGl\' lNG SOCIAL E\' E'.\1TS · I thb series ~!. I;. l. was presented by PH ONE 188 \

-----------~---------------====== the GvYernor of )lontana, with a pair ~

!of Chap~. Tl11.::se Lhap.::; 1-ep1·e~e11t the ~ >

;:------------·------------------ l'niversity of \\'yominir. Relati,·e to " Complete showing of new styles in ~ See us for all your needs in I the Cha1•s the Bobcat hide represents \

i the electrical line. Reading FR .\ TERNJTY ~\ND SORORITY DIRECTORY ~lontana State, it bein!!' i>reseniod J \\ "Y \ DRESS TOGS, T'lTX SHIRTS .\ND \.E ,.~ lan1ps1 .l\Iazda lamps, irons, g tu the l 1ninrsity o.: Wyoming by the !. ' • • • ' • ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '

I warming pads, heaters, per- g FHA TERN I TIES ~;",':i'.'.:~~rofr v~~','.:,;._:' ~~e.th;,~ri~id~~'~ : BANKERS SPECIAL : ~. Tuxedo Suits 525.00 to ~50.00 ~ colator~, toasters, waffle battle uf these ,,;. 0 school>. I . • \ ~ irons, etc. ·.!f l'\.\~IE \ddress Phone For the past two years :\I. s. c. · For i\Iild Smokers • \

Sigma Chi. . ...... -··-···· _722 S. \\il1son .:-be .................. ·- .. 219 has won out o'e1· "·Yomin!?' in Foot- .. ~ D. H. BUDD CO. Sigma \lpha Epsilon... Sil S. Willson Ave. . .. 188 ball. This year •h~ Bobcat went • lOC ~ --- ---

30 \Y. l\Iain Phone 300 tl<m11 to Billing-s with a fig-hting- • , . ...\Jpha Gamma Hho .... 31H S. \Yillson An~ .. --······- .960 spidt whieh sper d 14-7 accn.:<liting \ Kappa Sig-ma .. ·······. 11 20 s. Sixth A, ............................ 816 the 14 points to )I >ntana State. The each •• ~. ~he H u B l'i I\appa Al pha . . ...... 201 S. Third Ave ........................... 193 1 hidt.• remains w i i1 us ond another


U J Omeµ-a Beta .. 302 S. Will>on A,·e. 26 :11. S. C. vi<tory will be printed on ED and LOC IIO\YARD Beta Ep•ilon ... ;01 s. Grand .\ve. .. 11s the trophr. Kleinschmidt Co. <

DOKKEN • · Cl L "0 1 s 1'h. d \ 596 • \ \\'alk-0Yer Shoes .~ m1go "" - , . ir . w .. ...... \\ e have a Int of war wterans on 12 EAST MAIN \ Stet.on Hats :Nobby Caps FUNERAL HOME Delta Tau ... ;16 S. " ·illson .\Ye. .._ .. 706 tht. ea mpus. YL·h-thc\· w1.;rc in the !!! = >

B:1ttle of Sedan. · - 11• 1 , 1 • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , , 1 1 , , 1 , , ';

1 .......... ,... .......... -.. .... -.. ........... -.. ... -.. .... • ..................... -..-..· .. - .. -..-.· .. • .. -...... -..-..-...-..-...-..-..-..-..-.. .... ....-..·.• .. -.. .... -.-.-. ... •

SOROHITIES Funeral Directors and .\ lpha Omicron Pi ···-· .119 S. Sixth .A' e. ..... 769

. .. .485

. ... 304 Embalmers Chi Omega ..... .. ·········-······· ..... 921 S. \Vi1lson A,e.

Pi Beta Phi ......... il2 S. \\"illson AYe . .... .

Phone 122-W Alpha Gamma Delta ......... _ ...... 720 S. \\' illson . \\"€~. . .......... 119 happa Delta ·········-·· ········· ···-··-··· 111 " "Olive t . . .... 355

H. H. Dokken, Phone 122-J Hamilton Hall .... ............ (Gi rl"s Dorm) Ca mpus .. -····· ......... 500


Fashion Sponsors

Velvets And Willsons offer them at very

adnmtageous new luw

PRICES Dre smakers will instantly recognize their possibilities when examining the fine qualities

Sl.50 CHIFFO:-\ YELYET $3.89 .JO inches wide, black only

!'l.00 CHlFFO:>: VEL\'ET $3.49 86 inches wide, besl substitute for high priced

geargette ,·elvet

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~10.00 TIL\, ·::-; p _\RE~T YELYET $8.49 black only-40 inche~ wide

$2.39 t'hoic:P nf 7 l·o1or-.;





The Willson Co.


~ 'l he Gr ii;zli cs didn"t get beat

last Saturd~1y. i\o, thci didn't ha' e a game.

8cming.-:en ste1 pcd into t.he lime­lig-ht a.gainst. "\ryoming Saturday with nis masterful line work, reco\'crcd fumble and :111 inl.-crcepted pass.

The Jfobcats now rat e "ith the I he:-.L of lh(•m in the Conference.

l'tah Ag-ig-es hu~ eas\· time tak-1 ing \\t·:;.tern State- l'ollc.tre· 33-0 while Utt R.01mwy':_.., team took the same, team mto camp ·13-0. The AgJ.ries took

• .« B. Y. L. 10-0 unt.l Dyche's ml'n took

tht.• ~ame team H)-7, by tomparat.i\'c l ,;cores the Bob ats rank on almost ,

• <.qual .tt·rms wilh the Utah Aggies , but Dick RomnL'Y will be out. for re- 1 n:>nf!e for the hl'ating last year und 'hL·ir team hns impro\·ed <luring the

I.. last few g-nmes ma.king- them one of 'f thl' r.11tlt:s. luuns l{I play with in th<'

J o.if:·:~I:0

~ni' e roit) is lhe only 1 undefeated tt•a m lef t in the Rock) 1 \I t untain Confere nce antl stand fi fair to heal lhcir onl) dangerous

ri,al kH, the l'tah Aggies \\hom th~y meet On Thanh~giYin~ d <t~ in thfir annua l brawl. l"ta h lit'd l'reig-hton 7-7 la:-.l Sa turda).

:\fount St. ('ha.1·les eontinue<l theil' fust pacl' piling· up a 71-0 \•ictoi-y over tlu· Intt.-rmountain de\'en whom our Kittens df'fC:'ated Ul-7. Tht.• Saints ~ul~ df'll'l"lnined to take the st.ale .. :hampiuns.hiu when thL'\' me<.t llw B1 bents al Sherid~ui espt.: inlh- after i..hl1 Crizzlie:-;. and flobcats went a 0-0 tie at Butt.o st.·\'clal \\'t~k.:'> ag-o. Tlw S:1ints han.• lht 1'1.'putatinn of hcin~ a lu~t. und shifty tcnm :imong- whom arc ineluci(>d ... omc of the l·ountrie'l bl.'~t secondary l:'ingers.

Ont.' of t h t.• hiugc:-.t up.-;t'.' ls of tht• \\t•ck end w:.h Xotrt.• Dnmc'i-. lriumph U\<'r thl• \rm) "hom thl':. t.ram1llerl 12-6. il nd 'lidtigan anti :'\"11' :.· 1; fayed n 6-6 Lie, u1> sllling !he tlo1>e \\hich was in fin or of the \'a\y.

~Jlhen a Feller Needs a Friend _______ _ - ---- ~y BRl~





NOT " ccu.; H ~~ IN A CAl'>.l.OAD • . I E•THER HE.

4ARRY \,VH'y' ( .5weARS HE'LL Drn·.J ·,! You l=°oR GooDNESS 5'TAr~T GE.I V...ttSE ( .SAKE, G1vr:: :SMOKING I: T E ?, H•IV' A N OLD GcLDS

o H "" o:...u GOLD OR. HE STAYS CUT or­


7he Smoother and Better Cigarette

.... not a cough 1n a carload