Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images


Transcript of Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

Page 1: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images
Page 2: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

I like this image as it is very practical and fun. I also like how the tree the model is stood in is very colourful and bright where as the trees in the background all look like shadows as they are all black. This image shows off the denim jacket and makes is look very practical and comfortable to where and the model make the image very happy and positive smiling with direct address down the camera.

Page 3: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

This image is good as there is a range of different colours within the picture. Where the model is lay on the tree it makes the image look very relaxed which makes the denim jacket seem comfortable to where. Also the angle of the show is low and the model is looking down to the camera which also makes her look big and powerful being up in the tree.

Page 4: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

This image is a long shot as the image was taken from a distance. Like the other images this images looks effective with the tree and the model in full bright colours and the background being all dark and looking like shadows. The denim jacket in this image is open and makes the outfit look very casual and cool. Again this image is a long shot as it was taken from a distance and also a low angle ad the model is higher up in the tree and had to look down to make direct address with the camera.

Page 5: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

This image is good but you can’t really see the whole outfit as she is hiding behind the tree which lets the image down. I also like how the lighting is very bright and the background is dark like the other photographs. However, I think the houses in the background let the images down as it takes away from the setting of the woods so I wouldn’t use this image as on my fashion shoot page.

Page 6: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

I like this image as it looks very serious and professional. I like the way the model isn’t smiling and is posing down the camera. The dark background I think is effective as it makes the audience focus on the models outfit. The image was taken at a high angle to get the model looking up towards the camera so the camera was above the models head when it was being taken which I think makes the image look more effective. Although the images in this outfit do look a lot better next to the tree which make this image look a bit dull and empty.

Page 7: Outfit 4 - Denim Jacket, 5 images

This is my favourite image out of the 5 I have chosen because of the way the model looks really relaxed and the image also shows off the denim jacket and it looks good as it is a completely different colour to the scenery. This image looks effective with the tree and the model in full bright colours showing off the blue denim and the green leave on the tree and then the background trees being all dark and looking like shadows. Which I think makes the image look effective and clever.