Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images


Transcript of Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

Page 1: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images
Page 2: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

I chose this image to be in the top 5 because it really shows off the denim shirt which is the theme. I also like the stance of the model and I think the models facial expressions makes it a very happy and good picture. The image is a bit dark though and there is a shadow surrounding the model which also makes the image darker as well as there being a dark spot where the models face is so I wont be using this to go on my fashion spread or the image will be very dark.

Page 3: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

I like this image, because the angle of the shot is low, which makes the model look very big and powerful. The model is also using direct address down the camera lens which make the shot look good as the model is looking down right at the camera. The lighting on this image is bright and clear and it is good as there is no light shining on or reflecting off the models face. The model pulling the collar up on the shirt also makes the image show off the denim shirt, particularly making the top part of the model look interesting.

Page 4: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

This image I think is good because of the lighting, it makes the model look very bright and the outfit works well with the green scenery. The facial expressions on the model makes the image very positive and the pose shows off the outfit on the model. I also like the image as there is no shadow around the model which makes the image look more professional.

Page 5: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

This image is also good, again like the other image the model is holding up the collar to show off the different styles of the image. The lighting is also good as the model looks very bright and positive. However, on this image there is a shadow around the model which I think makes the image look bad, so I wouldn’t be using this image for my fashion spread.

Page 6: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

This image is good as the denim shirt is on full view here which shows off the fashion side of the shoot. Also the smile on the models face make the image look as though she is happy to be wearing the outfit for the shoot. The scenery looks and works well with the outfit as they are all completely different colours which makes them look good. However, the image is quite dark because it was taken under a tree so the image doesn’t look very professional and makes the image look bad.

Page 7: Outfit 1- denim shirt, 5 images

I chose this image as my best photograph as the model pulling the collar up on the shirt also makes the image show off the denim shirt, particularly making the top part of the model look interesting. Also the angle of the show is a low angle which makes the model look big and powerful compared to the camera and the direct address makes the image look very positive and happy and the colours of the scenery with the outfit work well together and make the model stand out.