Outdoor interactive gaming

Interactive outside gaming Trend Research


trend research into the world of interactive outdoor gaming in the netherlands

Transcript of Outdoor interactive gaming

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Interactive outsidegaming

Trend Research

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This is a trend report about interactive outside games. It is a short overview on how tech-nology is implemented in outside gaming these days.

Trend report Interactive outside gaming

Loes Wagter21 february 2012

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There are several examples on inside games, which try to make children active. Nevertheless these games are inside and only simu-late the real world on a screen.

The most resent examples are the wii and the kinect

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The Wiggle

The wiggle is a product created by TU/e students to let girls for 12 till 16 be actively launching. The tool in the middle activates the lights on the benches and these benches corners can change color while using and touching them.

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The Sona is a design of Yalp. It is a play tool for all kids older than 2 years. With move-PHQW�VHQVRUV�WKH�ERZ�GHWHFWV�WKH�FKLOGUHQ·V�movements and gives them exercises to go from spot to spot. Sona has about 8 differ-ent games to play. The experience is posi-tive, even parents like to play along.

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The icon is an interactive design of playground designer Kompan. The play tool has four versions. Two include a climbing space and a game starter the two others only have the game starter. Within these four versions a lot of different games for different amount of children are created.

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Sutu is a design of the com-pany Yalp. This interactive soccer wall triggers children to play different games within the game of soccer. It helps them to become more sportive.

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NEOS360 is a game circle in which

children can play different games.

There are touch objects on several

heights, which need to be hit during

the game. The NEOS360 has about

8 different games. The company

designed two more playground

objects with the same outside

gaming philosophy and looks.

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The Audionetic is an interactive talking object, which is designed for informative and gaming purposes. Adults can speak information on a USB stick, which goes into the audionetic. When children activate the audi-onatic they hear the exercise or information the adult gave.

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