Outcome E Review (Skeletal System)

Outcome E Review (Skeletal System) PEHS Anatomy & Physiology

Transcript of Outcome E Review (Skeletal System)

Outcome E Review(Skeletal System)

PEHS Anatomy & Physiology

Station 1 - (Questions #1-6)Identify the following bones and classify them as a long, short,

flat, or irregular bone:

1. Bone #12-

2. Bone #14-

3. Bone #16-

4. Bone #28-

5. Bone #29-

6. Bone #30-

Station 2 - (Questions #7-11)

Identify the following bones and classify them as a long,

short, flat, or irregular bone:

7. Bone #1-

8. Bone #20 (17-19)

9. Bone #21

10. Bone #31

11. Bone #36

Station 3 - (Questions #12-13)

12. List the bones that are part of the axial skeleton

13. List the bones that are part of the appendicular skeleton

Station 4 (Questions #14-19)

Identify the following skull bones:

14. Bone #2 15. Bone #4

16. Bone #7 17. Bone #9

18. Bone #10 19. Bone #11

Station 5 (Questions #20-24)

Define/describe the following types of fractures:

20. Simple Fracture

21. Compound Fracture

22. Greenstick Fracture

23. Spiral Fracture

24. Comminuted Fracture

Station 6 - (Questions #25-26

25. List the 3 different types of functional joints and give an

example for each.

26. List the 3 different types of structural joints and give an

example for each.

Station 7 - (Questions #27-30)

Identify the structures of a synovial joint:

27. Arrows #1

28. Arrow #2

29. Arrow #3

30. Arrow #4

Station 8 - (Questions #31-32)31. Place the following steps of the (endochondral) ossification process in order:

A. Vascular invasion B. Epiphyseal ossification

C. Bone collar formation D. Elongation (medullary cavity formation)

E. Cavity formation (primary ossification centers)

32. Place the following steps of the fracture repair process in order:

F. Bony callus formation G. Fibrocartilaginous callus formation

H. Hematoma formation I. Bone remodeling

Station 9 - (Questions #33-37)

Define the following types of bone markings:

33. Tuberosity

34. Facet

35. Ramus

36. Sinus

37. Foramen

Station 10 - (Questions #38-45)

Identify the fracture type based on the following x-rays...

Question #38

Question #39

Question #40

Question #41

Question #42

Question #43

Question #44

Question #45

Station 1 - (Questions #1-6)

Identify the following bones and classify them as a long,

short, flat, or irregular bone:

1. Bone #12 Sternum (flat)

2. Bone #14 Humerus (long)

3. Bone #16 Lumbar Vertebrae (irregular)

4. Bone #28 Femur (long)

5. Bone #29 Patella (short, sessamoid)

6. Bone #30 Tibia (long)

Station 2 - (Questions #7-11)

Identify the following bones and classify them as a long,

short, flat, or irregular bone:

7. Bone #1 Parietal (flat)

8. Bone #20 (17-19) Coxal (irregular)

9. Bone #21 Radius (long)

10. Bone #31 Fibula (long)

11. Bone #36 Metatarsals (short)

Station 3 - (Questions #12-13)

12. List the bones that are part of the axial skeleton

Bones of the head and trunk. Skull, Ribs, Vertebrae

13. List the bones that are part of the appendicular skeleton

Bones of the appendages (limbs). Arm/hand bones,

leg/foot bones, pectoral girdle (clavicle & scapula) and

pelvic girdle (hip bones)

Station 4 (Questions #14-19)

Identify the following skull bones:

14. Bone #2 15. Bone #4

Mandible Frontal

16. Bone #7 17. Bone #9

Sphenoid Zygomatic

18. Bone #10 19. Bone #11

Vomer Maxilla

Station 5 (Questions #20-24)Define/describe the following types of fractures:

20. Simple Fracture = bone breaks cleanly and doesn’t penetrate skin - (closed break)

21. Compound Fracture = broken ends of the bone protrude through soft tissues & skin - (open


22. Greenstick Fracture = incomplete break of a bone - (common in children)

23. Spiral Fracture = ragged break from excessive twisting forces - (common sports fracture)

24. Comminuted Fracture = bone breaks into many fragments - (common in old people)

Station 6 - (Questions #25-26 25. List the 3 different types of functional joints and give an example for each.

1) Synarthroses (immovable) - (ex: skull sutures), 2) Amphiarthroses (slightly movable) - (ex:

intervertebral joints, pubic symphysis), 3) Diarthroses (freely movable) - (ex: lots…; a.k.a.

synovial joints…)

26. List the 3 different types of structural joints and give an example for each.

1) (Collagenic) Fibrous Joints - (ex: skull sutures), 2) Cartilaginous - (ex: intervertebral joints

& pubic symphysis (amphiarthrotic), epiphyseal plates & rib-sternum joints (synarthrotic)),

3) Synovial - (ex: lots…; plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball-and-socket…)

Station 7 - (Questions #27-30)

Identify the structures of a synovial joint:

27. Arrows #1 Articular Cartilage

28. Arrow #2 Articular Capsule

29. Arrow #3 Synovial Membrane

30. Arrow #4 Joint Cavity (containing synovial fluid)

Station 8 - (Questions #31-32)31. Place the following steps of the (endochondral) ossification process in order:

A. Vascular invasion B. Epiphyseal ossification

C. Bone collar formation D. Elongation (medullary cavity formation)

E. Cavity formation (primary ossification centers) C, E, A, D, B (see pictures)

32. Place the following steps of the fracture repair process in order:

F. Bony callus formation G. Fibrocartilaginous callus formation

H. Hematoma formation I. Bone remodeling H, G, F, I (see picture)

Station 9 - (Questions #33-37

Define the following types of bone markings:

33. Tuberosity - large, rounded projection

34. Facet - smooth, nearly flat articular surface

35. Process - any bony prominence

36. Sinus - cavity within a bone, filled with air and lined with

mucous membrane

37. Foramen - round or oval opening through a bone

Question #38


Question #39


Question #40


Question #41


Question #42


Question #43


Question #44


Question #45
