Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on...

Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on what we hear, "balance" involves a number of particulars, but they are all juxtaposed as to be equal in some way, to the point to where they equally hold up each other. Some preachers spend much of their preaching attempting to satisfy what they and others think are the

Transcript of Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on...

Page 1: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on what we hear, "balance" involves a number of particulars, but they are all juxtaposed as to be equal in some way, to the point to where they equally hold up each other. Some preachers spend much of their preaching attempting to satisfy what they and others think are the requisites of so called balanced preaching.

Page 2: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

In the case of "balanced preaching," there are proposed matters that are so positioned or presented so as to have equal exposure and emphasis.  In an attempt to understand what is meant by "balanced preaching," research has been done as to various ones who use the expression.  Some who bind what they call “balanced preaching” do so with great fervor, never questioning their definition, so much so that some preachers are walking a tight rope.

Page 3: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.


Some say "balanced preaching" is equal presentation and emphasis on "grace and sin."  “There must be equal emphasis and balance between grace and sin or the preaching becomes unacceptable,” say the advocates of this definition and application.

Page 4: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Some have explained it as, "balanced preaching is equal consideration of the 'milk' and 'meat' of the word." 

Page 5: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Still others explain that "balanced preaching" is presenting the positive and the negative in a way that they balance out each other or have equal time given to them. 

Page 6: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Some brethren and churches stress "balanced preaching" to the extent that they will accuse a preacher of being a false teacher and fire any who does not present "balanced preaching."  I have asked churches, "On what grounds did you fire brother…," and have been told, "We fired him because his preaching was not balanced."

Page 7: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

We know that preaching is the declaration of the "whole counsel of God" (Acts 20: 27).  We believe in, "…reprove, rebuke, and exhort" (2 Tim. 4: 2).  We also believe in, "…speaking as the oracles of God" and "sound doctrine" (I Pet. 4: 11, Tit. 2: 1).  We know about all of this because such is clearly taught and found in the scriptures. 

Page 8: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

However, the expression "balanced preaching" is absent in the scriptures.  That is right, this matter that often takes priority over all other matters when it comes to preaching is not even mentioned in the scriptures as such!  I cannot even find the concept of "balanced preaching," at least, not as thus far defined.

Page 9: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

One attempted to define "balanced preaching" as "…preaching consisting of four elements," said he.  "There is exposition of truth; illustration of truth; application of truth; and invitation to truth."  Sounds pretty good and, no doubt, there is an "element" of truth in general to his definition.

Page 10: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Let's face it, those who so use the term "balanced preaching," have not given the concept consideration, for the most part.  They have ended up binding a man-made requirement and requiring a practice not observed in the scriptures.

Page 11: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

There are times when the preacher needs to be very focused and place particular emphasis on a certain subject, problem, or need.  Such is evident in I John.  Gnosticism was just beginning to exert its influence and from all indications, I John is dedicated to the refutation of Gnosticism.

Page 12: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Out of the total 105 verses in I John, about 64 appear to be designed and written to disprove tenets of the false doctrinal system of Gnosticism. Hence, it is well said that I John has the obvious emphasis of treating Gnosticism (some today would call this "hobby riding").  Was John wrong?  I ask this because John did not have "balanced preaching," as most use the term.  When studied in its milieu, I John certainly did not contain an equal amount of positive and negative, etc.

Page 13: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

I recently read an article that asserted over and over that, "…churches cannot and will not grow unless they have balanced preaching."  I find such an assertion both interesting and disturbing.

Page 14: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Those who clamor for "balanced preaching" often have a warped concept of preaching and often a personal problem.  Their problem sometimes is that they have a sensitivity that they do not want the preacher mentioning with any regularity.  It could be worldliness, social drinking, gambling, etc. 

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Some in unscriptural marriages say, "You preach on marriage and scriptural divorce too much; therefore, your preaching is not sound because it is not balanced!"  Such, in their mind, constitutes grounds for the removal of the preacher.

Sometimes there are those who want the preacher removed, but they know they have no real specific and scriptural reason. Thus, they say, "The preaching is no longer balanced; it is time for a charge."

Page 16: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Then, there are preachers who for whatever reason will not declare the whole applicable truth and their rationale is, “I know I should be addressing the problems within this local church, but my preaching must be balanced.” Hence, “balanced preaching” becomes something behind which for wolves in the pulpit to hide.

Page 17: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Speaking of preaching on marriage and divorcement, John the Baptist did just that.  "But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philip's wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done" (Luke 3: 19).  "Being reproved" in the original Greek grammar is, nominative case, singular in number, masculine in gender, participle in form and passive in voice. 

Page 18: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Hence, John literally "…kept on and did not stop reproving" Herod for his adulterous marriage.  I guess one could say, John did not have "balanced preaching," using the mentioned ideas as to what is "balanced preaching."  In dealing with Herod, John had an emphasis, based on the prevailing circumstances.

Page 19: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Some have defined "balanced preaching" as equally dealing with the Lord's church and denominationalism, the true plan of salvation and false plans; how to and not to live as a Christian.  Some preachers I know and of whom I have read maintain meticulous weekly and annual sermon planers in an effort to give equal time and emphasis to matters just mentioned. Some elderships have even kept such records.

Page 20: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

What preacher in the New Testament can be offered as an example of "balanced preaching," as so defined!  Can Paul, Peter, Stephen, James, John, or Jude? What preacher equally in time, emphasis, and coverage dealt with matters earlier seen to be said to be "balanced preaching?" Beloved, not a single preacher! 

Page 21: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

I submit that the phraseology and concept of "balanced preaching,“ as we are exploring, is a man-made concept.  The need of the audience or church and the judgment of the preacher are the determining factors and influences in arriving at subject matter. Binding so called “balanced preaching” is too often used to tie the hands of the preacher and manipulate his preaching!

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“…For the time will come when they will not endure

sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry"(2 Tim. 4: 3-5).

Page 23: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

May I kindly point out that no where in this instruction or any where else for this matter, do we read something to the effect:

"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the

word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  Be sure to equally treat all subjects, thus having balanced preaching."

Page 24: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

Having said the foregoing, I believe we should strive to mention the "whole counsel of God" with some degree of regularity (cp. Acts 20: 27).  If I find myself concentrating of man's duty over a period of time, I like to come back and focus on God's part (cp. Eph. 2: 8-10).  Do I provide equality in time and treatment?  It would be futile to seriously attempt to provide exact equality in time and treatment.

Page 25: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

We must have preachers who "preach the word" and who are "instant in season, out of season" (preach it when brethren want it and when they do not want it).  Men who will, "Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Tim. 4: 2). 

Page 26: Out of all the possible nuances and facets of preaching to be discussed, we often hear more on "balanced preaching" than any other particular. Based on.

We have too many hirelings in the pulpit who are looking for justification for their cowardice and too many members who want such soft peddling of "truth," just enough truth and just often enough to make them feel secure, but not "too much" truth and not "too often" to make them miserable. Besides, "balanced preaching" is an impossibility!