Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150...

Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins, CHCH 8022 Phone: 332 6923 Fax: 332 6922 Web: www.hillview.school.nz Office email: [email protected] Principal’s email: [email protected] Our Vision: To grow young people who love God and impact others through service and leadership. Our Mission: To provide a quality education in a Christian environment where children can develop their God-given abilities. Prepping for PrEP Our Year 9 pupils attending job interviews in preparation for our annual Primary Enterprise Programme market day. The Year 9’s are responsible for providing services such as Banking, Real Estate, Marketing. Pupils who applied to head up the various areas of responsibility were required to prepare a CV and attend an interview with Mr Frost.

Transcript of Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150...

Page 1: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,

Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd

Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins, CHCH 8022

Phone: 332 6923 Fax: 332 6922 Web: www.hillview.school.nz

Office email: [email protected] Principal’s email: [email protected]

Our Vision: To grow young people who love God and impact others

through service and leadership.

Our Mission: To provide a quality education in a Christian environment

where children can develop their God-given abilities.

Prepping for PrEP

Our Year 9 pupils

attending job

interviews in

preparation for our

annual Primary

Enterprise Programme

market day. The Year

9’s are responsible for

providing services

such as Banking, Real

Estate, Marketing.

Pupils who applied to

head up the

various areas of

responsibility were

required to prepare a

CV and attend an

interview with Mr Frost.

Page 2: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,

Humility- Our successes are due to God “But, ‘Let him who boasts boast in the Lord”. 2 Corinthians 10:17 16 August 2018

Kia ora Parents. Two things came to mind when I saw today’s front page. Firstly, it reminded me of the day the Year 9s were interviewed for PrEP government agencies and how much I enjoyed meeting 18 well-presented young people. It was an opportunity for them to experience a real interview applying for a real position. The pupils had to submit a detailed CV along with a covering letter explaining why they wished to be awarded the CEO position of a particular agency. I think it was one of the best groups I have ever interviewed. They communicated clearly and articulated their thoughts in a mature manner. When the 5-10 minute interview was finished, there was time for a quick debrief on how the interview went – giving direct feedback on the

highlights and mentioning one area to strengthen. I wish something like this had been set up when I was at school. I think I would have approached my first job interview feeling more confident and equipped having had an opportunity to participate in an event such as this. Even though I am aware that businesses are using more than interviews to select the right person for the job, meeting a person face-to-face and spending time in discussion remains a very useful experience. I am pleased we offer pupils the opportunity to experience an interview and grow through it. Some of you may not be aware that PrEP was introduced to Hillview in 2003. It only involved classes in Year 5-8 as we had no Year 9 or Year 10 pupils at that stage. The programme was run over 10 weeks and it had TWO market days. The first day was held in Week 5 and the idea was for pupils to test out how their products sold then spend the remaining 5 weeks to improve them for the second market day. Suffice to say that we only ran the programme like that once and realised very quickly that one market day was more than enough! However, we had found something that seemed to fit so well within our mission and vision statements. We were able to develop and strengthen the gifts of pupils in order to create a resource that people would purchase (and enjoy – some of the product made over the years has been amazing!) and the ensuing profit would be used to bless others. PrEP provides the infrastructure for innovative entrepreneurship driven by the ultimate desire to further God’s kingdom. If it were just about working through budgets, brainstorming marketing initiatives, and ordering supplies then we would have missed our overall purpose. It is a special privilege for our Year 10s to contribute ideas on how we can use the money raised and assist someone else in need. As someone reminded me earlier this week, “we are blessed to be a blessing.” Nga mihi nui, Steve Frost [Tumuaki]

Give thanks for: The progress of pupils who have been in recently in

hospital for treatment.

The life and energy our pupils bring to the school.

Our BOT and Proprietors. Please pray for:

Those struggling with their health. Who would have believed what we now report? Who could have seen the Lord's hand in this? 2 It was the will of the Lord that his servant grow like a plant taking root in dry ground. He had no dignity or beauty to make us take notice of him. There was nothing attractive about him, nothing that would draw us to him.3 We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at him— we ignored him as if he were nothing.4 “But he endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that his suffering was punishment sent by God.5 But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by

the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.6 All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the Lord made the punishment fall on him, the

punishment all of us deserved. Isaiah 53: 1-6

By Miriam Fisher, Teacher - learning support, The Arts and Te Reo Māori As Christians we understand God loves diversity. Each of us are different from each other and the world is filled with a wild and colourful array of creatures and creation. How can we encourage our children to live confidently and creatively when often at times we associate learning and doing as correct or incorrect? Here are some simple ideas for developing divergent thinking and growing talents in your tamariki. Years 3-6

Prop stories: grab a box or bag and throw in some random items or cut some pictures out of a magazine. Or give your child a bag and ask them to walk around the house looking for 10 interesting little things and to put them in the bag. Take the items out and have a look at them, then create a scenario. eg These items were found inside a strange bag at the beach. Who do you think they belong to? Tell me the story of how they got there.

Write or type the story for them as they tell it. Encourage wild vocab and the odd made up word. Do one yourself first - show them creativity is fun. Get them to illustrate it and take it to school to share if they want to or skype a grandparent and read it to them.

Year 0-2 -Tuesday 21 August 2.30 in the Junior staffroom Year 3-6 – Wednesday 22 August 2.30 in the gymnasium Year 7-10- Wednesday 22 August 1.30 in the gymnasium

[This week’s flag is The Netherlands. Next week’s flag will be India]

Parents who pray make all the difference! Please join us on Wednesdays at 2.40pm in Room 4 to pray for our school community.

Everyone welcome!

Assemblies Next Week

Verses to Learn Term 2

Tips for Learning

PrEP provides the infrastructure for

innovative entrepreneurship driven by

the ultimate desire to further God’s


Page 3: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,

Wednesday 22 August- Y7-10 Cantamath Competition

Thursday 23 August – Y5-8 PSC Winter Tournament Friday 24 August – Last day for New Entrant applications Tuesday 28 August – Year 6 Parent Information Evening Tuesday 4 September - Year 8 Parents Technology Info

evening. Thursday 6 –Friday 7 September – Year 7-10 Middle School

Leadership Conference Tuesday 18 September- Koru Games Tuesday 18 September – Y0-2 Dairy Farm excursion Wednesday 19 September – Get2Go Challenge Friday 21 September – PReP Market Day

Friday 21 September – Tuhono Kapa Haka Festival

Sibling New Entrants for 2019 If you have a younger child due to start school sometime in 2019, and their name does not appear on the list below, then you must complete an application form and return to the office. Please note applications close Friday 24 August for all new entrants starting in 2019. Sibling applications

received; Malachi Pattinson, Ezra Poi, Zeke Poi, Gavin Andrew, Kiana Ross, Joel Graham, Lydia McIntosh, Stella Wilkinson, Matilda Beck, Nate Burridge, Nova Clark, Laura-Jane Gee, Luke Thrupp, Yoshua de Groot, Oliver Dewar, Maximo Manzano Bastias, Golda Dickson, Alex-Miles Lorgelly, Jasper Englefield Riley Sarjeant.

Lost Property We have a pile of lovely polar fleeces, jackets, gumboots, shoes and lunchboxes lying unclaimed in the Junior and Senior lost property boxes. Please look there. If you have lost something and

you can't find it in lost property email David ([email protected]) He will keep an eye out for it. The Lost Property bins are emptied when they start to overflow, unnamed uniform or uniform named with pupils no longer at Hillview, or senior pupil names on junior items, or names that cannot be read will go to the uniform shop for resale or redistribution, unnamed items such as lunch boxes, drink bottles, non-uniform clothing will be disposed of in charity bins or dumped at the end of each term or when they have been in the bin for several weeks, and expensive items such as spectacles, phones, jewellery, and cash, are kept at the Office.

Friday Pie Day! Orders and payment ($2.50 each) taken every Wednesday

outside the library (Junior Campus) and outside the old

staffroom (Senior Campus) between 8.15am and 8.40am. Pies

will be delivered to classrooms on Friday lunchtime.

Y0-2 Trip to a Dairy Farm

On Tuesday September 18, all Y0-2 children will be

visiting a dairy farm. More details will be emailed to parents.

Kapa Haka Festival Hillview Christian School Gymnasium. Friday 21 September Year 5/6s: 4:30pm – 5:30pm Year 7/8s: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Senior (Years 7-10): 8pm – 9pm Tickets available at Hillview Office $10 adults, $2 children (5-17 years).

Year 8 Parents Technology Options Information Evening for 2019 Hillview Year 9 and 10 pupils do their Technology at Middleton

Grange on a Monday afternoon. On Tuesday 4th September

there is an information evening at Middleton Grange. It starts at

7:00pm in the Grange Theatre.

This is to provide details of all the Technology options available to

help you make a more informed choice for next year. If you would

like any more information please contact Mr Dean Stanton at

[email protected]

Last chance to fill your freezer

and help your friends!

Hillview AIMS games team are selling delicious frozen

pasta from Pasta Vera. 20% of the purchase price goes towards

fundraising for the competition in Tauranga. Click on the link to



AIMSGamesTeam Delivery to the school gym next Thursday 3pm

- 4pm (or contact Al Cook 0211789829 for alternative

arrangements) Please order by the end of today -Thurs 16th!

Garden Fertiliser Fundraiser for St Albans Cadets & Gems

Club. Lime $10 per 10kg bag, Bio Blend 40 ltr, Bio Vermis

20ltr, Multicrop 10kg all $15 each. Free delivery in Chch area.

Enquiries & orders phone Anna: (03) 980 8428 or Email:

[email protected] Orders close: Tuesday 28


Youth Conference for 13- 30 year

olds. Jam-packed with worship,

insights, games, and giveaways - with an epic line up that will

equip young people with answers to some of our culture’s

biggest challenges and questions. 14 and 15 September,

South City C3 Church, Colombo St Christchurch. $30

earlybird, $40 full price.


House for Rent- Spacious 4 bedroom home in Ottawa Road,

Wainoni. $400p/w. Ph Mariska 022 3209 037.

Hillview Uniform Shop The shop is open Mondays from 2.30pm until 3.30pm.

Orders can be placed online at

http://www.hillview.school.nz/?page_id=855214 and collected from

the office

There is a large amount of unnamed lost property in the uniform

shop. Please contact Emma [email protected].

Around Our School

Sports Notices Year 9-10 Winter Sport

Year 9-10 Winter Sport continues to Wednesday 22 or 29 August. Charges for sport and Gym will be added to activity fees. Year 0-8 SMART Touch - Term 4 Thursdays at Waltham

Park 4pm-6.30pm. Registrations will be out soon. Primary Sports Canterbury Winter Tournament: The A

Year 5/6 Hockey and Rugby Teams and the A Year 7/8 Rugby, Hockey and Football teams will play in this tournament on Thursday 23 August at South Hagley Park from 11am-3pm. The teams will travel by bus and

the charge will be added to activity fees. Draws will be confirmed when they are sent to us.

In Our Community

Page 4: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,

Please mention to these businesses when using their services that you saw them in our newsletter.

Hillview’s Values: •Whanau •Excellence •Humility •Respect •Compassion •Innovation


Venue Hire 285 Wilsons Road


Weddings Meetings

Conferences Funerals

Church services Outdoor area

Catering facilities

Enquiries: Emma Richardson 027 201 4568

Page 5: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,


Item Description

Session with a fully qualified personal trainer

2 hours of IT support as a spring computer cleanup

50% discount on commission for selling your home

Removal company to help you move house/office valued at $300

Voucher for natural health supplements (not sure of the


Two hours worth of house cleaning

Romantic nights accommodation at the Rendezvous Hotel

including breakfast.

Golf coaching

Two hours of professional dog grooming

Professional hairdressing,

A second hairdressing voucher from a colour specialist

Basket of Hair products,

Tattoo Removal appointment to help someone remove their tattoo professional

Page 6: Our Vision: To grow love God impact service leadership. · 2018. 8. 20. · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins,

Dog walking,

2 x nights Hanmer Holiday Home

Badminton Set (new)

Kathmandu Beach Shelter (new)

$50 Thermatech Clothing Voucher

Christian Superstore Voucher

Catered Dinner Party for Four at your place

5 tickets for Clip n Climb

Aqua Blue Ombre Flannel Throw (new)

Game Zone - Badminton and Volleyball set (new)