Our Town October 5, 1944

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Transcript of Our Town October 5, 1944

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1944


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1944


    Open Dills& SundaYC I ~ dMondan



    BrooknteadGuerllseyDair ies21 Years Young!


    Brookmead wishes toacknowledge t he m anyremembrances fr o mFirms and Individuals onits 21st Birthday-Over a decade, producingan d distr ibuting the fines t Qual i ty Milk, Creaman d Dairy Products basedon World Renowned"Golden Guernsey"."Are you ready forVDay?"

    SELF-DOCTORING RISES ''1'he limited availability of civilian medical service In wartimeaccounts for the 25 per c en t In crease noted recently In publicself-medication.,

    -- -..- - - -

    "A Iri end ly place to worlcn

    Bring birth certificate or other proof.of citizenship

    1631 Arch Street, Philadelphiaor Room 315, McClatchy Building.,69th and Market Sts., Upper Darby

    1::LEPHONE SERVICE is vi ta l t o the wareffort. When you learn a teleph

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1944



    - -_...-- -


    Any Date

    Students Qualify to ' .Rec,eive Diplomas. The followlnlf studellta at Low-'er Merion Senlor. High SChool recently completed t he r eq ui re d.course of studY and received theh:.diplomas:Inez Cavaliere, W11llam Coopersm ith , Wmlam Cuff, Marie Devine, James Doyle. Ralph Hoyle.Ernest Hutchinson. Charles JamIeson, Frances Muriel Martin.LoUis :Rafetto. Alexander Stewart,Alfred H. Jones and Howard Mc,.Klmley.

    N ~ l M I t O t . C@' IIIAItINeAID$ 4 0 ~, WIthNetmwl..(o/erI.. .,.,...,. _4c .NI- .....J.PAULSHEAPharmacyAt Narberth StationNarbertb 2838283.

    Jap Prisoners MaySend CablegramsThe International Committee ofthe Red Cr084 has aqvlsed thatthe Japanese authorities will permi t American prisoners of warand clv1Jlan internees held In theFar East t o s end . once a Y ea r, a ID-word cable message collec t totheir famlJles i n t h e United States.


    freshman fashion-wise allLittle won de r t he se gaybe ing rushed on every date.

    -oC t h e -DANCE



    Open Fri. & Sat. EVeR.


    Montgomery Court Apts.NarberthPRIVATE DRIVEWAYPRICE AVE.

    Phone NARBERTH 3939-W

    510.95 to 51885TOWN andCOUNTRY SHOP

    New as aa

    Shown in Pastel Colors in SuaveGabardine , Wool and Crepe. 9- to 2 0.

    juniors are

    A Credit on

    from eight Republican governor. In-to1938 t o 26 In the U. S. now..,_That is why three out of every

    fourAmericansnowlive understate Republican administrations.

    That is why we say tl1at the Nation is Republican, and why the Republican Party, with the sturdy leadershipof DEWEY and BRICKER, will winon Election Day November.

    In Washington, where bureaucratic activities thrive, a New Dealerstill lives i n t he White House. But ou tin the states where the people live, Republicans are directing our affairs.

    ' ! ' ~ e people in 26 Republicanstates-including the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania-already have electedthe kind of government-Republicangovernment-that should lead usin thetumultuous years ahead.

    This is the year of determination- t o have more of that sturdy Republicanleadership in local government, inthe states, in Congress, and especiallyin t he White House.

    Mrs. Wharton B. Carroll , wifeof Lt . Col . Wharton B. Carroll of'Gypsy Lane, Wynnewood. isspending two weeks with her P9.1ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gray,at thei r home in' Coshocton, Ohio. Mr. R a ~ o n d Cabrey of 2 Narbrook Park was on a bus in es s tripto Chlcall'o this past week. . Cpl. Bud Cabrey. stationed 'lotCamp A tt er b ur y, ' I nd ., m et hisfather In Chicago, Where theyspent last weekend together. Another son, Pete Cabrey.'is takingpre-fiight in Texas. Mr. and Mrs . Chas . B . S tOUdtof 213 Woodside Ave., spen t lastweek vi si t ing Mrs . S tOUdt' s n iec ei n Re ad in g, P a. T hi s week theyare visit ing Mr. StOUdt's re la tivesin New York.

    ---------.--------VEGETABLE ORNAMENTS ICarrot leaves on ce were be- Ilieved to be s o d ec or at iv e that IE ng li sh l ad le s o f Queen Eliza- Ibeth's t im e wor e them in their Ihall ' In.place of feathers.

    Ruth Seifert, eight year s o ld , -------daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ARCADIA CHI ISG. Seifert of Wel l ing ton Road.Penn Valley, who some week.'l ago RESTAURANTwas stricken with pallo, has madeI Budget Dinner, 60'"a rapid recovery. Served DailJl .. Sea Food a Speel&1tJ'Mrs. William A. Wafe r , of 212 I NIRBERTti PISabine Ave., who has been con- , - f ined to her home for severnll ' : : : = = = = = ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = ~ ~ ~weeks on a cc ount of Illness. isshowing improvement.

    ' - ~ . ~ -

    LLOYD H. WOOD, Chairman

    New Course to Start

    -Photo N. Y. Dr... In.titut.jumper in many t rue vel"s lo ns a nd in number otguises is one ot the roost popularstyles ot Fall a nd W in te r. I t' sshown, by one New York designer,In blackand ~ h l t e wool checks withblack wool jersey sleeves, as pictured. Another house presents thedoublepurpose jumper i n r ic h pUrIlle wool jersey With ti ny capsleeves. You wear it with a shirt forday . a nd dres s' It up With jewelryanda frlvololls li t t le hat for nlght-:t ime. Even dressier I II a . plnatore!jllmtter In black velveteen, Its full!skir t s ti tched to &. bodice strapped'ove r the shoulder s, to show oft atrilly white blouse.

    H ~ a d q u a r t e r s : 545 Swede S tree t, Nor ris town, Pa .

    In election after election, thepeople have restored Republican leadership t o t he Congress of the UnitedStates. The trend everywhereistowardVictory in the National Election. Thereis confidence in theability of th e Republican Party to direct and lead a forward, progressive America.

    Voters aregrowing more criticalof t he way s in which t )' te ir Nat iona lGovernmental affairs ar e beingdirected; they are looking askance atthe strange policies, questionable practices, bureaucratic handling, a nd t heconfusion in h igh places. That is whythere have been changes:

    Victory after victory in electionsthroughout the Country have restoredleadership to the Republican Par ty the people have returned to Republicangovernment in thec i ty halls, the courthouses, and s tate cap itols whe re government is c lo se st t o the averageAmerican.

    This Nation IS Republican

    from 16 Republicans in t he Senate In1937 to 37 In 1944,

    from 88 Republican. In the House ofRepresentative. to 212,

    MONTGOMERY COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEEThill advertisemelJt1,IIIPtlDlltlred bp the Republica Committeem.1Jad Committeewome 01 70ru eleetJolJ dlm/ef




    Announce Winners. .Of Harvest ShowExhibits Judged At.Narberth PublicSchool Sept. 25


    No Tipping


    The MAIN LINESRANOFinest and Most Modern

    HIGHBy DAVID MALICKSONClass of 1945, Lower Merion High School

    Cusmetics Beau ty SalonNARBERTH AND HAVERFORD AVES.


    AnnouncingFuIl Line Of


    Narberth 4270

    To S'-lpervise Red Cross 1945 Drive. . ,

    There are 185,000 telephone operators in the Bell Systemt he la rge st numbe r in history. As t el ephone c al ls haveincreased, more people have.been added to handle them.Service generally is good but some Long Distance lines towar-busy centers getcrowded. Then the operatormay say"Pleaslil Iimiryour call to 5 minutes."Weappreciate the way you'regoingalongwith thatsuggestionTHE IELL TlUPHONE COMPANY O. P I N N S Y L V A ~ I A

    has184,999 sisters

    l' ':..'""'-"""- , - ~ . ~ROBER.T V. WIDTE EDWIN M. CLARKWhite and Clark have been named co-chairmen of the Business. Industry and Labor Committee for the 1945 Red Cross WarFund Campaign. White is president of the Lehigh Coa l andNavlfi[ation Co., and Clark i s v ic e pres identof the Bell TelephoneCompany.

    Win ne rs i n t he H ar ve st Showheld at t he N ar be rt h PublicSchool Septembel ' 25 were announced this week.The exhibits inclUded vegetablesf rom Vic tory Gardens and homegrown :flowers.Judges at the show were Mrs.Robert Fellows Wood, Narberth;Mrs. John Lafore. Penn Valley.and Mrs. Earl Wagne r. P en nValley.Winners in the d iffe ren t classeswere:Canned vegetables: f irs t , Carmel la Azzer i; s econd. Mrs. Bren

    ner; third. Mrs. Anna Connor. tCollection of fruits or ' vegetables: first Mrs . W. Goof ; s econd,M rs . W . J . D rennen : thlrd, Mrs.p. C. Richner.Jelly. marma la de o r j am : first,Mrs. Ben McSeveney: second,Mrs. J . J . McClintock; third. Mrs.E. I. G o l d s b o r o U ~ h .Pickles: f irs t . Mrs. w. J. Drennen; s econd. Mrs . R. Phillips;third. Mrs . S . V. Richner.Fruits: f ir st . M rs. E. L.. GoldsborouR'h: second. Mrs. Lowell HelIeI'; third. Mrs . E . L . G ol ds bo rough.Collection of fi[al'den -vegetables:first, Georlte Hurring: second. Jerome ,Jenkins: third, TommyRees.White potatoes: f ir st . GeorgeKelly.Sweet potatoes: f ir st , J eromeJenkins; second. Georfi[e KellY.Onions: f irs t . Mrs. Eberly.Barn Dance Big Success Acorn squash: first, RichardApproximately 700 stUdents and alumni dancea to the rhythms Tofel. .. h Iof Jimmy Rayand his orchestra at the annual Barn Dance in Downs Hubard s qu as : f irs t, Winn eAzzor!.Gymnasium. last Saturday evening. Tomatoes: f irs t . George Kelly;In j ea ns a nd s tr aw h at s. t he Merionites resembled guests at a s econd. Mrs. Eber ly; th ird . Jane tback country "shindig" a s t he y danoe d ami d o ra ng e and brown stewart.streamers overhead and scarecrows about the dance fioor. Flowers: first, Mrs. Civitello.Decorations were i n charge of a committee headed by Rinky Pol- two coxcomb: s econd. V icky TIlock. the '44 L. M. Snow Queen. and comprising: Frank Shepperd, gano. two dahlias; t hi rd . J ea nBetty Rodgers . Bud Whitney, Barbara Leith, Jim Billington, JoeKern, Buchanan. one large marigold..- - - - A cour se of Staff Assis tants forDave Reeves, Frank Maloney, Sam Bradley, Marry Harr is and Mary I ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; - __; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; - - ~Oliver. Lesson Sermon the Main ~ i n e Branch of the Red IIProceeds from the affair ne tted the S tudent Counc il $150 . w hi ch "Ar e Sin. Disease, a n d D ea t h. Cross f or S ta ff Assis tants willwi ll b e u se d f or the purchase of future events calendars and other Real? " i s the subject of the les-I start Novembe r 1 t o 15, Mondaysitems for the stUdent body.son-sermon in all Churches of and Wednesdays. from 10 A. M.J New Gym Schedule Christ. S cientist, on Sunday , Oc- to 3 P. M. a t t h e Red Cross Head-Miss Clarke has announced that gir l Gym s tUdent s may s llbst i - tobe r 8. The Golden Text Is: "0 'tutc two "athletic" clubs f or t he regular Gymnastic periods. Recog- Lord my God , I c ri ed unto thee . Quarters at 5 11 N . Broad St.. Philnlzed clubs include: Hiking. Horse-back Riding, or Bowling. Jo ini ng a nd t ho u h as t hea le d m e. 0 adelphia. Appl i can ts c al l Mrs . H .two such c lubs w il l be equivalent to the w or k r eq ui re d f or a G ym L ord , t ho u h a st b ro ught up my Robinson Hepburn, chairman ofcredit. ~ o u l from . the grave: t ho u h as t jStaff Assistants fo r the Main Linekept me ahve, that I shOUld notShepperd Heads Choir go down to the pit." (Psalms Branch, at the Ardmore head-Frank Sheppcrd. Jack Burkholder, JeanS tuard , and Bill La Clair 30:2. 3l. .. quarters.were elected president, vice-president. secre tary. and treasurer. re-spectively. of the 1944-45 A Cappella Choir , Mr. Raymond, choirmas- : ! J 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I " ' 1 1 " " " ' I " ' I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 " I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 " " ' I 1 I " I I " ' I 1 1 " ' ' ' I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 ~

    tel', ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ t ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i u d e d : Rosa Sliva , Librarian; -Marnie Lessig " . , . - 4 ~ " ~ ? - FALL SWEATERSa nd Jo Hut to n. Assistant Librarians; Accompanist , Miriam Sweeny; = i \ . ! . . All W I C t s t P II =Assistant Accompanist, Mary La Cla ir ; Manage r, Wyalt Callahen; _=E_ .,::.:..':'..-.:'...,::.:./' , .,. overs. ~ r f e ~ t W I ; e ~ : : ; y t h r n l ' : -_=_Assistants, Arthur Callahan, Fred Newsome, BlJI Kuchn.On November 4, the Choir will inaugurate a series of fifteen- Fine Hand Bags. - Handker-= l ; chiefs. Hand Painted Gifts and =minute broadcasts which wllJ be heard each week ove r r ad io station = !. l =WFIL at 11.15 a . m . Among selec tions to be sung at the first broad- =Jiiil..:r \ Novelties. =cast a re: "This Is My Country," and "BeautifUl Saviour." = \ Ha.nd Painted McNicol Greeting =The Meistersingers-a highly specialized group of Choir members = Cards For All Occasions. =which wllJ participate in Chapels and la te r over the radio. include: =. E" P ATWOOD =~ ~ $ ~ g ~ ~ W : ; ~ 1 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 : ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ; E ~ ! ~ ~ i : ~ 1 ; ~ ; F : 1 ; : ~ ~ ; ~ ..ir)':%;:i ~ 4 ~ L ! ~ E R F ; R ~ VE.CPates . Nancy Sparks. Betty Raney, Bal:bara McClav.e, .Fred.. New-,,: - N nt l.n ! lIedI" D r u ~ Stnr., Narb.,rth =sOJne. Vincent White , Bill Law, Courtney Godley, Don Belcher, Wyatt i : i l ~ I ~ l I ! ! l I ! ! l I ! ! I I ~ I I ! ! ! I I ~ I I ! ! . l I ! ! . I ! ! I I ! ! I I ! ! l I ! ! l I ! ! l I ! ! ! I I ~ I I ! ! ! l I ~ I I ~ I I ! ! I ! ! l I ! ! I I ! ! I I ! ! I I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ~ 1 I ! ! ! 1 I ~ 1 I ~ 1 ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ~ 1 I ~ 1 I ! ! ! 1 I ~ 1 I ! ! 1 ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ! ! 1 I ~ 1 j ; ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Callahan, Frank Shepperd, Dave Welsh, Bill Kuhn, Bob TYSOn and :.:.Nazarene Ul'banelli.

    , ;b. ,


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1944
