Our Town October 5, 1916

SEND US ITEMS FOR FIR ESIDE COLUMN O P E ~ I N G Ol!' SCHOOLS. PRICE TWO CENTS FO R S AL E- Qu ar te re d o ak d in in g room Bult, In go o d c on di ti on . B ut te t 56 Inches long, p ed es ta l t"'ble a nd G chaI r s, w it h leather seat s. P. O. Box No. 704. Narberth. J.;I ,E CT RJ CAI. JORBISG-Young man will '10 electrical job hln g and estimate on new j oh s. C al l at 207 C o nw a y a v en u e , Nnrberth. a nd see C. D. Thormnn. (52) Fo n :O;. \I. 1'r -Dlnlnl: ' room elec tr ic dome p r l c ~ . $".00. Phone Xarbcrth 635- W. (52-x) HARRY A. JACOBS , Editor l \ lI11rb frum t1ft £bttnr I t ke this opportunity of thanking all wh o g av e me t he ir a ss is ta nc e d ur in g the year ending with this issue. At the meeting of the Board of Managers of th e Na rb er th Civic A ss oci ati on , h el d on Friday Evening, the matter pertaining to the editorship of "Our Town" for the ne w year, beginning October twelfth, was discussed. As no plans for a change in the editorial department could be readily con s um ma te d, I h av e d ec id ed , at the request of the Bo ard of Managers, to continue the work as editor; and, therefore, earnestly solicit y ou r s up po rt in sending in local news items. Programs Announced for Many l<'ine Evening Entertain ments LYCEUM COURSE FOR I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = - COMMUNITY CLUB 1 2 1 o 1 o o 7 9 O. 3 2 o. o 12 1 1 1 o 9 2 1 NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1916 H. 1 o 1 1 o o o o o o o NARBERTH. AB. H. Howes, cr. . Wal1ace, b 4 0 Davis, 2b. .. 3 0 S ti te s, r f. .."., 4 1 Fleck, If . .. .4 2 Durbin, 3b. . .4 1 Koons, c .4 2 Simpson, ss. . .4 1 Gibson, p. . 4 0 NARBERTH DEFEATS WAYNE, 7-2 Totals 36 WAYNE. AB. Ruser,3b 4 Brooke, cr 3 I: Hayman . . . .. .4 I'Mur P hY .4 II Patterson, ss. . 2 I i Corry, ss. . ..• ..... 1 ,Gear, rf. .... , 3 I , Hal1owell, p. 2 8turdevant, p. . 1 iWeaver, c 3 Ferguson, lb 3 NOTICE. HEAR DON'T Jo'OUGET! S u n d ay M o r ni n g , 11 o'clock The Little Church on the Hill Methodist Epis copal GOOD MUSIC Th e Reverend Bisho p Thos. B. Neely, DD.,LL D. In resuming the monthlY meetings of Th e CommunitY Club, th e commit tee ha s planned events calcula.ted n ot m er el y to e nt er ta in , but to in struct It s m any memb.ers. Of th e eight meetings, four will be devoteu to lectures on current topics of unl-I v er sa l s co pe an d I nt er es t, w hi le t he remaining four will be giv,en over to high-class vaudeville entertainments.' All th e entertainers ar e professionai and m ost of t he m h av e been one or mor.e years on th e Chautauqua course. Friday, October 7, th opening meeting will be held in th e com m u ni ty r oo ms of th e Y. M. C. A. Th e speaker, Mr. T. B. Chamberlain, Secretary of th e Civics an d Equity Leagu,e of P hi la de lp hi a, w il l t al k on Civics an d Equity, an d if he sustains the reputation we ha ve of him, his address will be well worth hearing. ~ : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ d ) We In Narberth ar e particularly in-I teres ted in CiVics, and, I am ~ u r e , DINNER TO END f ro m my p er so na l k no wL ed ge of my f el lo w t ow ns fo lk , in Equity as w el l; i an d so we should be glad t o h ea r, an d TE NN IS SE ASON SupcrIntendcnt Downs GIvcs Informa. pu t Into practice, an y h e lp f ul i n fo r - t Io n f or Parents. mation Mr. Chamberlain ca n give us I Th e Lower Merion ~ l e m e n t a r y an d on these two SUbjects, t he c or re ct Prizes to be Awarded Saturday I high. schools opened With two regular p ra ct ic e of w hi ch Is so e ss en ti al to E ' t El m H II seSSIOns, Monday, October 2. All good c i t l 7 ~ n s h i p . [vemn g a a , c h ~ l d r e n w ho w il l be si x y ea rs of age A b ri ef p ro gr am for th e season , I prlor to April 1, 1917, may be admitted 11 . Members of th e N ar be rt h T en ni s I at that time provided they present fo ows. A . 1" I k' . d i i ' ctober 27-Lecture by J. B. Cham- . s ts oc la I t on tal re 10f? m g l forwar w t 1 i c er ti fi ca te of s uc ce ss fu l v ac ci na ti on b 1 · S ta C" dE' 111 erest 0 Ie norma program ar-l an d a statement from th e parent I'n er am, ecre ry IVICS an qUlty f t d I L ea gu e. S ub je ct , "The Iniquity of ranged or ur ay even ng at Elm. which it is certified that t he y h av e CiVilization." H al l, w h en d m ne r will be served a . I n ot b ee n absent f ro m L ow er Merion November 24-Lecture by I rv in C. the cups p r es e nt e d t o th e w l n n ~ r s 111 I for th e ten d ay s p ri or to the date of Williams, Deputy Commissioner of t he a nn ua l tournament, j U s ~ fimshed I enrollment. No children ca n be ad Forestry of P e nn s yl v an i a. S u bj e ct , All members of th e association ar e I mi tt ed to f ir st g ra de, however, after "Conservation of lI:ational Re- urged to attend, this Includel> M o n d a ~ ' , October 16. All students must sources." wives that are" aCUve members an d I present c e rt i f ic a te s c e r ti f y i ng to their December 29-Vaudeville, Th e those. that ar e r e l a ~ , e d to club mem-; r e si d en c e i n t h e t o wn s hi p c o nt i nu o us - Dietrlcs. Refined comedy. bershl.p by m a r r l ~ g e . ! ly te n d ay s p ri or to the opening of J 12-L t b Ch L BeSides th e dmner and the pres-! school. anuary ec r,e y as. . t ti f tl . 't . t d I Swift, former member of State L eg is - en a on 0 Ie prizes, I IS expec e All b ui ld in gs h av e b ee n f um ig at ed lature, at present Superintendent that. a s ub je ct wi ll c om e up :o r dis-I tllOroughly an d every p os si bl e p re Anti-Saloon League. S ub je ct " Un cl e c u s s ~ o n that is of the utmost lOterest I caution ha s been t ak en to s af eg ua rd S am W ak es Up." ' I ami l m p o r t a n ~ e to every member. ~ n d , ! c h il d re n f ro m infection. January 26-Lectur,e b Mrs. Imo- I furthermure, It w il l b e a comparatively I All of th e ninety-six teachers whose gen B. Oakley, Chairman of C iv il , e as y matter to r e ~ o v e th e chairs an d I na me s a nd assignments were pub S er vi ce R ef or m in th e National : ~ t a r t a l i tt l e d a nc m g. So all . an d a ll l li sh ed s om e t im e ago, h a ve r e po r te d , Federation of Women's Clubs. Sub- i It looks as t h O ~ g h th e tenms p la y- a nd all ar e at w or k t hi s w ee k i n their j ec t, " Pu bl ic H ou s ek ee pi ng .and the' er s ~ v e r e preparmg a v e ry e n jo y ab l e r e sp e ct i v e buildings. Abatement of Unnecessary Noises." I evemng. Parents s h ou l d m a ke e v er y e ff o rt to February 19-Vaudeville. Th e 1m-I Mr .. W. R. D. HalJ, of th e t o u r n a m ~ n t e nr ol l t he ir children at once, as one p er ia l R us si an Q ua rt et te . Talented, c o m m l ~ t e e , , ~ n d author of that f a ~ i l l a r month of th e term ha s a l re a dy b ee n musical artistS. I quotation, you have two more, will lost, owin g to the quarantine regula- March 2 0 - V au d . e vi l l e Th e F am o us m a ke th e presentation speeches. tions. S uw an ee R iv er Quartette. Melodious I T he d in ne r will start at 7 o'clock, S. Edgar Downs, SlIper1Jltendent. harmony a la Ethiopian. and Mr. Andrew Greene an d Mr. Ralph April .10-Lecture by Miss Marlon O. Hall, wh o have charg,e of the a r- CLASSIFIED ADVE RTISEMENTS Cook. Subject, " Gr ee ce a nd I ta ly ," I angements, ar e anxious that every Two c en ts p er w or d In BdvBnce; minimum A c o m p r eh e n s i . ve review who ha s already sent in ten words. of man's earliest artistic efforts. as , acceptance, do so Immediately. FOR 8 A L 1 < ; - ~ ( a N R l v e quartered oa b ut tet. r ev ea le d in Crete t he I sl an d and on ' antique tlnlNh. foG Inch eN long; ver y rea son- t able. ~ l r N . H. J. Bub, 114 ERsex ave nue, Nar- Greek m a i n l ~ n d s . J o ' R O ~ r TilE S UN RI SE K IN G DO l L 'berth. (52) Membership tickets ca n be pur-\ - - - I Fo n REST W 11 f I d c h as e d f ro m an y of th e m em be rs of . . t a m t l ~ · ; n;-PI: h O ~ r ~ . : ~ e r : : ( ~ ~ ~ ~ t P t ; l . ~ ~ ~ : th e Board of Managers of Th e com-I Mrs. J o ~ n L. Dearmg" of Yokohama, b:,ard nea rby . Ad drees. E. P., Our' Town. munity ClUb, a nd t he Y. M. C. A., or J ap an , w111 be th e ~ u e s t an d s p : a ~ e r Narberth. (52) at the Y. M. C. A. office, at $2 each, at th e October o f t he MISSIOn Jo"on SAI.Jo'-{iIlN r an ge , l ib r ar y ta bl e a nd Ol'a tl'cket sufficI'ng for each faml'ly C ir cl e of th e Baptist Church of th e h at r ac k. Cor ner HaverCord a nd Eesex . E 1 aVe"UCN. Pho ne Sllrberth 6H-'V. (52) A. E. The proceeds a re f or th e exclusive vanl:e. o 0 benefit of th e Y. M. C. A., an d the This will be an open m e ~ t i n g an d o 0 patronage of everyone interested in al l w om en of the town ar e lllvited to 1 1 th,e w el fa re of t hi s organization, as attend. o 0 well as t ho se w ho ar e anxious for Those wh o heard Mrs. Dearln!!: 1 0 wholesome e nt er ta in me nt r ig ht h er e w he n s he was here on he r last fur 3 0 In ou r town is I nv it ed Incidentally lough w il l w an t to h ea r h er again, 2 0 th e s u c ~ s s this P l a ~ will r ~ s u l t i ~ a nd t ho se " who have no t heard h e, r W AS TE D- Ro om s wi th b at h, tor house- - h t i t f 1 keeptng, furnished and heated; ample hot 2 .0 its adoption by th e Y. M. C. A. to av a reat n s or e or t lem. water. Re fi ne d couple. Stat s pr Ic e. P. O. 4 0 raise funds in subsequent years. Rev. Dr. Dearing is th e foreign I_ B _ _ X '_3_2_5'_N_a_r_b_er_t_h_' _ Th e members of th e Board of Man- minister of the First B a pt i st C h u rc h , FOR S A I , F ~ R e t r l g e r a t o r In good condl- 8 27 13 1 agers of T he C on im un lt y Club are: of P h il a de l ph i a, and he and Mrs.:. tlon. Pri ce $7.00. Box 404, Narberth. i Mrs. W. M. Cameron, 112 E s se x a ve -I D ea ri ng a re no w the g ue st s of Rev. Fo n ! '; AL E- Br le k a nd f ra me house In A E I nue' Mrs. Wm Curtis Pollock Jr Dr. an d Mrs. G eo rg e H. Ferris, an d N ar be rth, 7 rooms a nd b at h; h ot wa te r ,. I ' , . . F' B h heat. gas and electric light; laundry tUb" 3 1: 407 Woodside avenue; Mrs. C. P. of the Irst aptist C urch. In basement. Good, chee r f ul southe rn ex- O 1 Fowler 109 Windsor avenue' Mrs! It ig said that It i s d o ub t fu l i f t he re posur e. Lot 48,,125. Pri ce, $3900 -$600 cas h. , , '. . A balance mortgage. Box 820, Na rher th P a. 4 0 Harry Hartley, 108 Forest avenue; IS a h om e a n yw h er e II I s la t h ro u gh Address "L:' Our Town. ' 1 0 Mr s. E. Hurth, 207 ·Merlon aVe1111e; w h ic h h a ve · passed more me n of note I 'A RT Y moving aw ay owes us $119 on 1 1 Mr,s. J. F. D on ne ll y, 18 Woodside a nd m o re m i ss io na ri es t ha n t he ir s. h an ds om e Up ri gh t Gr an d Pl an o, u sed 3 o 0 avenue. ,They continually l, ep "open house" months. It Is y ou rs f or b al an ce . W ri te T he , D 1 d Gibbs Plano Compllny, 71-73 lIIaln stre et, o 0 : an d Mrs. ea. ring las nurse r etu rn- I Springfield, Mass. (31 years In one location.) O 0 Ing an d worn out missionaries with T '"VO F'IN \1 "lATCHES I I I FOn nEST-After October 1. Gara ge, 10x l5, o 0 .. , ,J J ,everything, f ro m co n ta g ous d seases with pri vat e entr ance, on Rockl.. nd ave- 2 2· to nervous prostration; a nd c or di al nue. Addres P. O. Box, 926, Narberth. o 1 Th e last two matches in th e tourna- : greetings ar e extended to many as FOR SALE-Rupmoblle "20" Roadst er , ex- _ ment w er e p la ye d during th e past, they enter t h e f o re ig n field. cellent conditi n, tully equipped. Sacrillce 30 3 .2 6 11 6 . week. Mr. an d M rs . Al fred M il le r I M rs . D ea ri ng teaches New Testa- ~ : r ~ : ~ r h . c. R. Roser, No.3 Gor don aven ue. Totals . . . ..... 'Watts won th e Consolation Mixed ment G re ek t o Japanese s t u de n t s, and .Durbin out, hi t by p it ch ed b al l. !D oub les from Mrs. William Hubbarrl 1--wAll 111Rt come to hear he r at half- Runs-Hayman, !!-user, Howes, ; an d i Mr . Ro y Williams, 6-1 an d 6-2. past Tuesday, October 17th, at th e i S t it e s, F l ec k , D u rb i n, K o on s , 2; Simp-I: Mrs. W. I, Dothard d ef ea te d M is s I Baptlst Church of th e Evangel. A : son, 2. Two-base hits-Koons. E a rn e d R u th Diamond, 6-4 an d 6-0, in the cordial welcome awaits e a ch o ne . Tea FIFTEEN DOLLARS bUys "Novelty Kltchen- '- -- : i ( C on t in u ed on Fourth Page) C o ns o la ti o n L a di e s' S in g le s. will be served. p h ' ~ ~ e c ~ ~ r b ~ ~ ~ g e · 6 3 ¥ ~ R ~ b u t t hr ee m on th •. T he D el ta S ig ma in vi te y ou t o st op in th e C o mm u ni t y C l ub R o om on \ Sat urday a f t e rn o o n from 1 until 6 a nd b uy s o me h o me m ad e c a ke an d candy. The date: October 14th. Where, did y ou s ay ? Why, in Smedley'S office, N a r be r th a n d H a ve r fo r d avenue. What for? An opportunity for you to buy some of that cake an d pi e that makes your m o ut h w at er . And, kiddies, come early i f y ou want some of the good candy fo r sale. Ladles, . do no t forget to stop an d Ilave a c up o f d el ic io us tea. Ladies' Aid S oc ie ty , C h ur ch of th e Evangel. Autoists Delighted With New Concrete R o ad w ay - Ho p e to Finish Job This Week OPEN PART OF NEW WY NN EWOO D RO AD Quite a large g l lt h e ri n g o f base ball enthusiasts braved the cool winds an d w a t ch e d t h e N a rb e r tl l boys ge t revenge fro m t he W ay ne Suburbanites last Saturday on their home grounds. B ot h s id es w er e r e ti r ed v e ry easily A section of the n ew c on cr et e r oa d- in the first inning,but in the first half wa y on W yn ne wo od r oa d, f ro m t he of th e second th e boroughites go t busy railroad tunnel to \ Vo o ds id e a ve n ue , and pu t five runs across, much to wa s opened to t ra ff ic l as t S at ur da y t h e d el ig ht of quite a goodly number afternoon. And th e autoists w er e q uIc k f ro m o ur h o me t o wn . I t w as a ll d on e to find it out. I this way: Flick Stites and Fleck All Sunday a f te r no o n t h er e wa s a I b ot h si ng led an d w he n Durbin's fly steady stream of cars over th e n ew b ey on d short fell safe, Fleck was road. Most o f t he m, o f c ou rs e, d id no t I caught at s ec on d b as e. D ur bi n t he n m ak e t he d is co ve ry u nt il t hey w er e s to le second. Nig Koons then on their way back to Philadelphia./ doubled to centerfield, scoring Stites B u t, w he n traveling east, they r ea ch - a nd Bill D ur bi n. S im ps on wa s safe ed the r ai lr oa d t un ne l a nd s aw that at first on Ruser's error, he t ak in g th e " ba rs were down" an d that in - second, w hi le K oo ns s co re d. Gibson stead of th e "rocky ro ad to D ub li n" w as t hr ow n ou t at f ir s t, a d va n ci n g, they were facirtg a veritable s p ee d w ay , S i mp s o n to third. Howes wa s safe at they looked as p l ea s ed a n d happy as a f ir st w he n Ferguson muffed his fiy. small boy on Christmas morning. I t H ow es m ad e a dash for second, ha s been a l on g w hi le s in ce so much I Weaver t h ro w i ng the b al l o ut to cen good nature an d so many s m il e s h a ve terfield, S i mp s on s c o ri n g an d Howes IJeamed on Wynnewood road. going on to third and when The section of th e n ew r oa dw ay B ro ok e threw the b al l o ve r W ea ve r' s o pe ne d s av ed th e autoists th e trip h ea d, H ow es scored. Dick Wallace t hr ou gh t he t un ne l, a lo ng H av er fo rd e nd ed t he i nn in g by fiying ou t to left a ve nu e to Narberth avenue an d over I field. th e bridge. . . Narberth failed to score in th e thirc] T he new ro ad IS finIshed as fa r as , i nn in g a nd l ik ew is e W ay ne , bu t in Merion avenue, leaving bu t o ne s h or t I t he f ou rt h i nn in g they s co re d t wo square to R oc kl an d a ven ue , w hi ch it I more runs w he n K oo ns led off with is h op ed w il l b e c o m. p le t ed b y th e end h is second hit of th e da y an d Simpson of this week. T h e e n tI r e r oa d, h ow ev er , I also singled. Ruser tried to ge t Simp will not be opened to traffic i mm e- s on at second on G ib so n' s t ap , but diately, as sufficient time must be al- a ll h an ds were safe. Howes singled, lo wed f or th e concrete to become scoring Koons. Wallace t he n s ac rl thoroughly hardened. flced, scoring Sinlpson. Davis w as h it The new Wynnewood road will be by a pitched ba n an d th e Wayne team th e b e st a d ve r ti s em e n t Narberth ha s then executed a double play o n S ti te s' had in a long while. tap, catching, HalVes at third and then B o bb y G i bs o n at home. l\IElImERS AND SClIOLAUS. I "LTp to t h is t i me the Wayne team did . n ot h av e a semblance of a hi t o ff G lb - L a rg e e n th u si a st i c eongregations son, bu t in the f o ur t h i n ni n g h e eased greeted Dr. M unhall and th e pastor I u p a nd t he y c on ne ct ed w i th h is shoots last Sunday :' t th e M e t ho d i st C h u rc h . I fo r three singles, an d Brool{es wa s In the· m or nin g th e r itu al of the' hi t by a pltchell hall, a nd t he Wayne Lord's S up pe r w as g re at ly beautified i team executed a d o ub l e s t ea l . during an d solemnized by th e excellent sing,-I w hi ch t im e t he y s co re d their o n ly t wo ing of the c ho ru s c ho ir d ir ec te d by I runs o f t he game. Miss P re sc ot t. F iv e a d ul t s w e re re-! In th e s i xt h i n ni n g Manager Single ceived into church membership; three: t on r ep la ce d H al lo we ll w it h S tu rd e bv l et te r an d tw o on pr of es si on of van i, and while Narberth did nothing f ~ i t h . m or e. y et t he y did no t fully try, bu t Eight ne w scholars joined the on t he o th er band kept th e Wayne school. Four ne w t e ac h er s w e re a dd - t ea m from b e co m i n g d a n g er o u s . ed to th e staff. Of these three ar e N ig K o on s and Vernon Fleck led th e college graduates and all have had boroughltes in t he h it ti ng , e ac h h av t e a c h in g e x p er i en c e . Mrs. A. W. Ward ing two llitS, while t he p it ch in g of a s su m es c h ar g e of th e primary d e- B ob by G ib so n wa s of high-class. He p a rt m e nt , w i th Mrs. M at t h e w s and eased up a ft er t he N a rb e rt h t ea m h ad Miss Howenstine as assistants. Mr. H. secured a g oo d l e ad f or h im , an d only R. Paige fills t he n ew office of assist- exerted him!'lelf when necessary, but it an t secretary. All of th e old t ea ch - w as seldom necessary. er s were on hand to welcome back T he g am e n ex t week w ill b e w ith their scholars. Th e school is t ho r- t he W es t P hi la de lp hi a t eam on N ar o u g h l y o r g an i z ed with m o de rn m et h- berth's groundR at 3 o'clock sharp, ods an d literature fo r effective work. and SllOUld Na rberth win this, they will then be tie with th e Du n & Co. team f or f ir st place. a nd t hi s w il l in all p r o ba b i li t y 1)e p la ye d o n th e Nar herth's grounds th e f ol 1o wl ng w e ek . W at ch O ur T ow n next w ee k f or points of Interest In c on ne ct io n w i th t h e D un game. VOLUME II . NUMBER 5 2 I BASEBALL, WEST PHlLA. AT.NARBERTH NEXT SATURDAY

Transcript of Our Town October 5, 1916

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FOR SALE-Quar te red oak din ing roomBult, In good condi tion. Buttet 56 Inches

long, pedes ta l t"'ble and G chaIrs, withleather seats. P. O. Box No. 704. Narberth.

J.;I,ECTRJCAI. JORBISG-Young man will'10 electrical jobhlng and estimate on new

j oh s. C al l at 207 Conway avenue , Nnrberth.and see C. D. Thormnn. (52)

Fo n :O;.\I.1'r-Dlnlnl:' room electric domep r l c ~ . $".00. Phone Xarbcrth 635-W. •(52-x)


l \

lI11rb frum t1ft£bttnr

I take this opportunity of thanking all who

gave me their assistance during the year ending

with this issue.

At the meeting of the Board of Managers ofthe Narberth Civic Association, held on FridayEvening, the matter pertaining to the editorship of"Our Town" for the new year, beginning Octobertwelfth, was discussed. As no plans for a changein the editorial department could be readily consummated, I have decided, at the reques t of theBoard of Managers, to continue the work as editor;and, therefore, earnes tly solicit your support insending in local news items.

Programs Announced for Manyl<'ine Evening Entertain


LYCEUM COURSE FOR I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = -COMMUNITY CLUB
















AB. H.Howes, cr. . 5 1Wal1ace, lb 4 0Davis, 2b. .. 3 0S ti te s, r f. . ." . , 4 1Fleck, If . .. .4 2Durbin, 3b. . .4 1

Koons, c .4 2Simpson, ss. . .4 1

Gibson, p. . 4 0


WAYNE, 7-2

Totals 36



Ruser,3b 4Brooke,


I: Hayman . . . .. .4I'MurPhY .4II Patterson, ss. . 2IiCorry, ss. . . . • . . . . . 1,Gear, rf. . . . . • , 3

I,Hal1owell, p. • 28turdevant, p. . 1iWeaver, c 3Ferguson, lb 3




Sunday Morning, 11 o'clock

The Little Church on the HillMethodist Episcopal


The Reverend Bishop

Thos. B. Neely, DD., LLD.

In resuming the monthlY meetings

of Th e CommunitY Club, th e commit

tee has planned events calcula.ted

n ot mer el y to ent er ta in , b u t to in

struct It s m any memb.ers. Of th e

eight meetings, four will be devoteu

to lectures on current topics of unl-I

v er sa l s cope and I nt er es t, w hi le t he

remaining four will be giv,en over to

high-class vaudeville entertainments.'

All th e entertainers ar e professionai

and m ost of t hem h av e been one ormor.e years on th e Chautauqua

course.Friday, October 27, th e opening

meeting will be held in th e com

muni ty r ooms o f th e Y. M. C. A. The

speaker, Mr. T. B. Chamberlain,

Secretary of th e Civics and EquityLeagu,e o f P hi la de lp hi a, w il l t al k o n

Civics and Equity, and if he sustains

the reputation we ha ve of him, his

address will be well worth hearing. ~ : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ d )We In Narberth ar e particularly in-I

teres ted in CiVics, and, I am ~ u r e , DINNER TO ENDf rom my p er so na l k nowL ed ge o f my

f el low t owns fo lk , i n Equity as w el l; i

and so we should be glad t o h ea r, and TENNIS SEASON SupcrIntendcnt Downs GIvcs Informa.

pu t Into practice, any he lpful in for - t Io n f or Parents.mation Mr. Chamberlain ca n give us I •The Lower Merion ~ l e m e n t a r y an d

on these two SUbjects, t he c or re ct Prizes to be Awarded Saturday Ihigh. schools opened With two regular

p ra ct ic e o f whi ch Is so e ss en ti al t o E ' t Elm H II seSSIOns, Monday, October 2. Allgood c i t l 7 ~ n s h i p . [vemng a a , c h ~ l d r e n who w il l be si x y ea rs o f a ge

A b ri ef p rogr am for th e season , Iprlor t o Apr il 1, 1917, may be admit ted

11. Members of th e Narbe rt h Tenni s Iat that time provided they present

fo ows. A . 1" I k' . d ii'ctober 27-Lecture by J. B. Cham- . s tsoc la I ton tal

re 10f? mg

lforwar w t 1 ic er ti fi ca te o f suc ce ss fu l v ac ci na ti on

b 1· S ta C" dE ' 111 erest 0 Ie norma program ar-l and a statement from th e parent I'n

er am, ecre ry IVICS an qUlty f t d ILeague. S ub je ct , "The Iniquity of ranged or S ur ay even ng at Elm. which it is certified that t he y h av eCiVilization." Hal l, when dmne r will be s er ve d a . In ot b ee n absent f rom Lower Merion

November 24-Lecture b y I rv in C. the cups presented to th e w l n n ~ r s 111 Ifor th e ten day s p ri or t o t he d at e o f

Williams, Deputy Commissioner o f t he a nn ua l tournament, j U s ~ fimshed Ienrollment. No children can be ad

Forestry of Pennsylvan ia. Subject , All members of th e association ar e Imi tt ed t o f ir st g ra de, however, after

"Conservation of lI:ational Re- urged to attend, a ~ this Includel> M o n d a ~ ' , October 16. All students must

sources." wives that are" aCUve members and Ipresent certif icates certifying to theirDecember 29-Vaudeville, Th e those. that ar e r e l a ~ , e d t o c lu b mem-; r e sidence in the township cont inuous-

Dietrlcs. Refined comedy. bershl.p by m a r r l ~ g e . !ly ten d ay s p ri or to the opening ofJ 12-L t b Ch L BeSides th e dmner and the pres-! school.anuary ec ur,e y as. . t ti f tl . 't . t d I

Swift, former member of State L eg is - e n a on 0 Ie prizes, I IS expec e All bui ld ings have bee n f umigat ed

lature, at present Superintendent that. a s ub je ct wi ll c ome u p :o r dis-I tllOroughly and every pos si bl e p re

Anti-Saloon League. Sub je ct "Uncl e c u s s ~ o n that is of t he u tmos t lOterest Icaution ha s been t ak en t o s af eg ua rd

S am Wakes Up." 'I ami l m p o r t a n ~ e to every member. ~ n d , !child ren f rom infection.

January 26-Lectur,e b Mrs. Imo- I furthermure, It wil l b e a comparatively I All of th e ninety-six teachers whose

gen B. Oakley, Chairman o f C iv il , e asy matter to r e ~ o v e th e chairs and Iname s a nd assignments were pub

S er vi ce R ef orm in th e National : ~ t a r t a l i tt le dancmg. So all .an d a ll l li sh ed s ome t im e ago, have repor ted ,

Federation of Women's Clubs. Sub- i It looks as t h O ~ g h th e tenms p la y- a nd all ar e at wor k t hi s w ee k i n their

j ec t, "Publ ic Housekee ping .and the' er s ~ v e r e preparmg a ve ry enjoyable re spect ive buildings.

Abatement of Unnecessary Noises." Ievemng. Parents should make every e ffort toFebruary 19-Vaudeville. The 1m-I Mr ..W. R . D. HalJ, of th e t o u r n a m ~ n t enrol l t he ir children at once, as one

p er ia l Rus si an Qua rt et te . Talented, c o m m l ~ t e e , , ~ n d author of that f a ~ i l l a r month of th e term has a l ready been

musical artistS. I quotation, you have two more, will lost, owin g to the quarantine regula-

March 20-Vaud.eville Th e Famous make th e presentation speeches. tions.

S uwanee River Quartette. Melodious I The d in ne r will start at 7 o'clock, S. Edgar Downs, SlIper1Jltendent.harmony a la Ethiopian. and Mr. Andrew Greene and Mr. Ralph

April .10-Lecture by Miss Marlon O. Hall, who have charg,e of the a r- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSCook. Subject, "Gr ee ce a nd I ta ly ," I angements, ar e anxious that every Two cents per word In BdvBnce; minimum

illustrated. A comprehensi.ve review member who has ~ o already sent in ten words.of man's earliest artistic efforts. as , acceptance, do so Immediately. FOR 8 A L 1 < ; - ~ ( a N R l v e quartered oak buttet.

r ev ea le d i n Crete t he I sl and and on ' antique tlnlNh. foG Inch eN long; very reason-t able. ~ l r N . H. J. Bub, 114 ERsex avenue, Nar-~ h Greek m a i n l ~ n d s . J o ' R O ~ r TilE SUNRISE KINGDOlL 'berth. (52)Membership tickets can be pur-\ - - - IFo n REST W 11 f I d

chased f rom any of th e membe rs o f . . t a m t l ~ · ; n;-PI: h O ~ r ~ . : ~ e r : : ( ~ ~ ~ ~ t P t ; l . ~ ~ ~ :th e Board of Managers of The com-I Mrs. J o ~ n L. Dearmg" of Yokohama, b:,ard nearby. Addrees. E. P., Our' Town.munity ClUb, a nd t he Y. M. C. A., o r J ap an , w111 be th e ~ u e s t and s p : a ~ e r Narberth. (52)at the Y. M. C. A. office, at $2 each, at th e October meetmg o f t he MISSIOn Jo"on SAI.Jo'-{iIlN range, l ibrary table andOl'a tl'cket sufficI'ng for each faml'ly C ir cl e o f th e Baptist Church of th e hat rack. Corner HaverCord and Eesex. . E 1 aVe"UCN. Phone Sllrberth 6H-'V. (52)

A. E. The proceeds a re f or th e exclusive vanl:e.o 0 benefit of th e Y. M. C. A., and the This will be an open m e ~ t i n g and

o 0 patronage of everyone interested in al l w omen o f t he town ar e lllvited to

1 1 th,e wel fa re o f t hi s organization, as attend.o 0 well as t ho se w ho ar e anxious for Those who heard Mrs. Dearln!!:1 0 wholesome e nt er ta inment r ig ht h er e whe n s he was here on he r last fur

3 0 In ou r town i s I nv it ed Incidentally lough w il l w an t to h ea r h er again,2 0 th e s u c ~ s s ~ this P l a ~ will r ~ s u l t i ~ a nd t ho se " who have no t heard he, r WASTED-Rooms wi th bath, tor house-- h t i t f 1 keeptng, furnished and heated; ample hot2 .0 its adoption by th e Y. M. C. A. to ave a reat n s or e or t lem. water. Refined couple. Stats prIce. P. O.4 0 raise funds in subsequent years. Rev. Dr. Dearing is th e foreign I_B_ _

X'_3_2_5'_N_a_r_b_er_t_h_' _

The members of th e Board of Man- minister of the First Bapt i st Church , FOR S A I , F ~ R e t r l g e r a t o r In good condl-8 27 13 1 agers o f T he Con imun lt y Club are: of Philade lph ia, and he and Mrs.:. tlon. Price $7.00. Box 404, Narberth.

• i Mrs. W. M. Cameron, 112 Esse x a ve -I Dea ri ng a re now the g ue st s o f Rev. Fo n ! ';ALE-Br lek and f rame house In

A EI nue' Mrs. Wm Curtis Pollock Jr Dr. and Mrs. G eo rg e H . Ferris, and Narbe rt h, 7 rooms a nd bat h; hot wa te r

• ,.I' • , . . F' B h heat. gas and electric l ight; laundry tUb"3 1: 407 Woodside avenue; Mrs. C. P. of the Irst aptist C urch. In basement. Good, cheerful southern ex-

O1 Fowler 109 Windsor avenue' Mrs! It ig said that It i s doubtfu l i f t he re posure. Lot 48,,125. Price, $3900-$600 cash., , '. . A balance mortgage. Box 820, Narherth Pa.

4 0 Harry Hartley, 108 Forest avenue; IS a home anywhere II I s la th rough Address "L:' Our Town. '1

0 Mr s. E. Hurth, 207 ·Merlon aVe1111e; which have · passed more men of note I'ARTY moving away owes us $119 on1 1 Mr,s. J. F. D on ne ll y, 18 Woodside a nd mo re mi ss iona ri es t ha n t he ir s. handsome Uprigh t Grand Plano, used 3o 0 avenue. ,They continually l,eep "open house" months. It Is yours for balance. Wri te The

, D 1 d Gibbs Plano Compllny, 71-73 lIIaln street,o 0 :and Mrs. ea.ring las nurse r etu rn- I Springfield, Mass. (31 years In one location.)

O0 Ing and worn out missionaries with

T'"VO F'IN \1 "lATCHES I I I FOn nEST-After October 1. Garage, 10xl5,o 0 .. , ,J J "' • ,everything, f rom co ntag ous d seases with private entrance, on Rockl..nd ave-

2 2· to nervous prostration; a nd c or di al nue. Address P. O. Box, 926, Narberth.

o 1 The last two matches in th e tourna- :greetings ar e extended to many as FOR SALE-Rupmoblle "20" Roadster, ex-_ ment wer e p la ye d during th e past, they enter the fore ign field. cellent condition, tully equipped. Sacrillce

30 3 .2 6 11 6 .week. Mr. and M rs . Al fred M il le r I Mrs . Dea ri ng teaches New Testa- ~ : r ~ : ~ r h . c. R. Roser, No.3 Gordon avenue.

Totals . . . . . . . . 'Watts won th e Consolation Mixed ment Gre ek to Japanese s tudents, and

.Durbin out, hi t by p it ch ed b al l. !D oub les from Mrs. William Hubbarrl 1--wAll 111Rt come to hear he r at half-

Runs-Hayman, !!-user, Howes, ;and i Mr . Ro y Williams, 6-1 and 6-2. past t w Tuesday, October 17th, at th e

iSt ite s, F leck , Durb in, Koons , 2; Simp-I: Mrs. W. I, Dothard def ea te d Mis s IBaptlst Church of th e Evangel. A:son, 2. Two-base hits-Koons. Earn ed Ru th Diamond, 6-4 and 6-0, in the cordial welcome awaits each one . Tea FIFTEEN DOLLARS bUys "Novelty Kltchen-

'- -- : i (Cont inued on Fourth Page) Consola tion Ladie s' S ing le s. will be served. p h ' ~ ~ e c ~ ~ r b ~ ~ ~ g e · 6 3 ¥ ~ R ~ but three month•.

T he D el ta S igma in vi te y ou t o st op

in th e Communi ty Club Room on \Sat

urday afternoon from 1 until 6 a nd buy

some homemade cake and candy.

The da te : October 14th. Where, did

y ou s ay ? Why, in Smedley'S office,Narber th and Haverfo rd avenue. What

for? An opportunity for you to buy

some of that cake and pi e that makes

your mouth wat er .And, kiddies, come early i f y ou want

some of the good candy fo r sale.

Ladles, .do no t forget to stop and

Ilave a c up o f del ic ious tea.

• Ladies' Aid Soc ie ty , Chur ch o f th e


Autoists Delighted With NewConcrete Roadway-Hope to

Finish Job This Week



Quite a large gl lthe ring of base ball

enthusiasts braved the cool winds and

watched the Narbertll boys ge t revenge

from t he W ay ne Suburbanites last

Saturday on the ir home grounds.

Both s id es wer e re ti red very easily

A sect ion of the n ew c on cr et e r oa d- i n t he f ir st inning,but in the first half

way o n Wynnewood r oa d, f ro m t he of th e second th e boroughites go t busy

railroad tunnel t o \Voods ide avenue , and pu t five runs across, much to

wa s opened t o t ra ff ic l as t Sat urday t h e del ight of quite a goodly number

afternoon. And th e autoists wer e q uIc k f rom our home town. I t was a ll d on e

to find it out. Ithis way: Flick Stites and Fleck

All Sunday af ternoon there was a Ib ot h si ng led an d w he n Durbin's flysteady stream of cars over th e new beyond short fell safe, Fleck was

road. Most o f t hem, o f c ou rs e, d id no t Icaught at second base. Durbi n t hen

mak e t he d is co ve ry u nt il t hey w er e s to le second. Nig Koons then

on their way back to Philadelphia./ doubled to centerfield, scoring Stites

Bu t, when traveling east, they r ea ch - a nd Bill Durbin. S impson was safe

ed the r ai lr oa d t un ne l a nd s aw that at first on Ruser's error, h e t ak in g

th e " ba rs were down" and that in - second, whi le Koons s co re d. Gibson

stead of th e "rocky ro ad to D ub li n" w as t hr ow n ou t at f ir s t, advancing,

they were facirtg a veritable speedway, Simpson to third. Howes was safe atthey looked as pleased and happy as a f ir st when Ferguson muffed his fiy.small boy on Christmas morning. I t Howes made a dash for second,

has been a l on g whi le s in ce s o muc h IWeaver throwing the b al l o ut t o c en

good nature and so many smile s have terfield, Simpson scoring and Howes

IJeamed on Wynnewood road. going on to third and when

The section of th e n ew r oa dw ay B ro ok e threw the bal l ove r Weave r' s

ope ne d s aved th e autoists th e trip hea d, Howes scored. Dick Wallace

t hr ough t he t un ne l, a lo ng H av er fo rd e nd ed t he i nn in g by fiying ou t t o l ef t

a ve nu e t o Narberth avenue and over Ifield.th e bridge. . . Narberth failed to score in th e thirc]

T he new ro ad IS finIshed as fa r as , i nn in g a nd l ik ew is e Way ne , bu t in

Merion avenue, leaving bu t one shor t I t he f ou rt h i nn in g they s co re d two

square t o Roc kl an d a ven ue , w hi ch i tImore runs when Koons led off with

is hoped w il l b e com.pleted by th e end h is second hit of th e day and Simpson

of this week. The entI r e road, however , Ialso singled. Ruser t r ied to ge t Simp

will not be opened to traffic imme- son at second on Gib son' s t ap , but

diately, as sufficient time must b e al - a ll h ands were safe. Howes singled,

lo wed f or th e concrete to become scoring Koons. Wallace t hen s ac rl

thoroughly hardened. flced, scoring Sinlpson. Davis was h it

The new Wynnewood road will be by a pitched ba n and th e Wayne team

th e best adve r ti sement Narberth ha s then executed a double play on S ti te s'

had in a long while. tap, catching, HalVes at t hi r d and then

Bobby Gibson at home.~ E l\IElImERS AND SClIOLAUS. I "LTp to th is t ime the Wayne team did. not h ave a semblance of a hi t off G lb-

Large en thusiast i c eongregations son, bu t i n t he four th inning he easedgreeted Dr. M unhall and th e pastor Iup and the y c onne ct ed wi th h is shoots

last Sunday :' t th e Methodist Church. Ifo r three singles, and Brool{es was

In the· mor nin g th e r itu al of the ' hi t by a pltchell hall, a nd t he Wayne

Lord's S up pe r w as g re at ly beautified iteam executed a double s tea l . during

an d solemnized by th e excellent sing,-I which t ime the y s co re d their on ly two

ing of the c ho ru s c ho ir d ir ec te d b y I runs o f t he game.Miss P re sc ot t. F iv e adul t s were re-! In th e s ixth inning Manager Single

ceived into church membership; three: t on r ep la ce d Hal lowe ll wit h S tu rd e

bv l et te r an d tw o o n pr of es si on of van i, and while Narberth did nothingf ~ i t h . mor e. y et t he y did no t fully try, bu t

Eight new scholars joined the on t he o th er band kept th e Wayne

school. Four new t eachers were a dd - t eam from becoming dangerous.

ed to th e staff. Of these three ar e Nig Koons and Vernon Fleck led th e

college graduates and all have had boroughltes in t he h it ti ng , e ac h h av

teaching experience. Mrs. A. W. Ward ing two llitS, while t he p it ch ing of

assumes charge of th e primary de- Bobby G ib son was of high-class. He

partment , wi th Mrs. M atthews and eased up a ft er t he Na rb e rt h t eam had

Miss Howenstine as assistants. Mr. H. secured a good lead f or h im , and only

R. Paige fills t he n ew office of assist- exerted him!'lelf when necessary, b ut i t

an t secretary. All of th e old t ea ch - was seldom necessary.

er s were on hand to welcome back T he g am e n ex t week w ill b e w ith

their scholars. Th e school is t ho r- t he W es t P hi la de lp hi a t eam on N ar

oughly organized with mode rn meth- berth's groundR at 3 o'clock sharp,

ods an d literature fo r effective work. and SllOUld Na rberth win this, theywill then be tie with th e Dun & Co.team f or f ir st place. a nd t hi s w il l in

all probability 1)e p la ye d on th e Nar

herth's grounds th e fol1owlng week.

Watch Our Town next week f or points

of Interest In c onne ct ion w i th t h e Dun





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No Boy Would Go Wrong,

If All Men Went Right

Every Falher Shoold Go

to Sunday School

Narber lhMe'hodi. 'Sunday SchoolMeets Every Sunday 9.45



:Music an d Art-Helen M. Wilson.Publ ic Speaking and Secretary

Mary S. Melchior.

Miss Lillian Coates, Mrs. W. J. Caldwell , Miss Lue Ellar Dembey, 3, Mr.Allen Haldman, Miss Rose Kel ley, Mr.Wm. Muller, Miss Mar y T ol an , Mrs.E. Wil ey , Mis s B. Wiseman.

E. S. Jlaws, Postmaster .

Sever ll l New Names 011 N e , ~ ' Term'!!J , l s t ~ ; U r . ,UelehJor SUjljlortel1 ByAn Abl e Rody of TeacJICrs.



Over a week ago we came to the

vicinity of Narberth as a smal l f am

By of f ou r. Owing to the fac t, however, that my two small boys ar ejust r ea dy t o e nt er school, my wholeattention and interest have been turned to th e various educational institu

tions in an d around this dis tr ic t. Af

t er i nv es ti ga ti ng t he s it ua ti on a nd

talking with strangElts as well as

acquaintances, I decided to ent er my

boys of six a nd e ig ht at the Nar

ber th Pub li c School. Hence Fr idaySeptember 29th, found me s tand ing

in l ine before the office door of the

principal, waiting for th e enrollmentof my chi ldren.

T he fi rs t f ea tu re o f impor ta nc e

with which I met was the fact thatmy errand, previously considered tobe a strictlY business one, was t ransformed into a very friendlY visi t. Aftel' spend ing an hour In the office, 1felt that I had come into persona l

touch w it h no t only the principal buteven a number o f h is teaching force.One teacher cordially invited me to

visit her r oom; ano ther offered to

c al l o n me in a week or two to talkover t he wor k and progress of my

boys; others seemed pleased to takethei r t ime to show me over the entire

bui ld ing. Indeed, it is partly due to

this friendliness, good will and Inter

est on t he p ar t of all whom I met,

that I am inclined towrite these

fewlines.The element o f g re at es t i nt er es t t o

me, however, was the fact thatthroughout the school the faculty and

student body there seemed to be astriking feeling of home llk ene ss. Avisitor surely cannot but see that oneof the aims of the school authoritieshas been to h av e a nd hold a closeconnection between t he home a nd t he

school. This atmosphere i s symboli zed by th e pictures on the walls, thewindow boxes on the sills, t he v al

uab le and int er es ti ng s to ri es on thebook shelves and many other simi-.

larly attractive Items. Nowhe re .comparatively speaking, h!1ve I obs erved so much of the home spirit

and homel ike surrounding as there'seems to be i n t hi s school.Furthermore it might be worth

wh il e t o add that although Friday

was th e first day of school, new

bui ld ing ope ra ti ons wer e being c ar ried on, amidst the commotion of

painter s, masons , plumbers, heater

men, excavator s, a nd so forth, ev

erything seemed to be exceptionallYwell sys tema ti zed and in good run

ning order. For awhi fe I c oul d not

account fo r t he excellent results obtained under such unusual ly tryingcircumstances, but upon investigation

of the matter I learned that bOUlteachers an d principal had been care

fully planning and fai thfully working

over school problems e ar ly and latef or da ys before the actual opening;

and in addltlo nthat the school board·had been giv ing t he ir ti me an d eff or ts f or th e good o f s choo l duringall the summer months. It is to these

men that I bel ieve we as a commun

ity owe a great debt. In f ew communities have school boards sacrificedso much a s, I unders tand, these menhave.I am prOUd to have my boys start

Principal-WilHam T. Melchior. in a school which promises so much.Mathematics-Anna B. Sailor. f'French and G El ' I U espec ially a long the pract ical lines 0

el'man- Iza ~ I life. As for mysel f, I hope to do my

Snyder. part i n h el pi ng my boys support tlteSciences-D. Paul Rogers. ,Latin and Senior High School Narberth S C h ~ I _ . _

Engllsh-Grace Turner.

Junior High School English-Jane UNCLAUrED I,ETTERS ATW. Twining. NARUERTU POST OFf"ICE. 'History-Adeline W. Larzelere.

Fifth Grade-Margaret E. Kemery.Fourth Grade-Adah C. Clayton.Third Grade-Ida Read.Second' Grade-Anne L. Cooper.First Grade-Nellie M. Wetherill.Domestic Science-Anna E. Fry .er.





EMERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire 350.Police 1250.


Owned, and Published every Thurs

day by the Narberth Civic Assocla.tlor..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mrs. C. R. Blackall A. J. LoosMrs. C. T. Moore' Henry Rose

Mrs. R ay E. Clark W. T. MelchiorE a r l l < ~ . Smith O. L. Hamptonq. M. Henry

Associate EdJtors,

Send a ll l et te rs a nd news ItemP. O. Box 404.Send all advertising copy to P.

Box 820.Make al l r em it ta nc es t o P . O. Box

118.Our Town is on sale at th e depot

newsstand, and at the store of H. E.Davis.Entered liS second-class matter, Oe

tober 15, 1914, at t he P os t Office atNarberth, Pennsylvania , under theAct o f March 3. 1879.

= Iwould no t be placed In th e unpleasam schools." I t thus app,ears to be withinatlon to the end that a permanent" itlon of advancing funds or other. the province of th e board to makedefinite program for the proper con- ~ ~ : e hav ing the p U b l i c a t l O ~ he.ld up. provision for th e transportation ofduc t o f ou r communi ty l if e shall b I We may say that. the pr in ters re- pupi ls where there arE! circumstancescare ful ly planned and pushed to fu l q ui re p aymen t for each Issue, before requiring It. It may be conceded that

ftllment. , li t Is. sent out; hence the necessi ty for a gener al sys tem of fr,ee transportaYou ask what Is a survey? Here s i l l subscribers and advertisers to be t ion would no t be a proper expendi

a brief definition from th e pen of Mr'la

t In their ayments. In v iew ot ture of publ ic funds. A wal k t o and

Shelby M. Harr ison, di rector Depart - i ~ ~ ~ ~ c t that auPof the wo rk of get- from school, even f rom parts of the

ment of Surveys a n Exhibits, R us - t ln g out t he paper is given gratultous- borough farthest from the schoolsell Sage Foundation. I t st that all delinquents will buildings, is benef ic ia l to the Child,

Brief, Definition of a Survey. y, ~ toruMiSS Simpson at once, and r at he r t ha n otb.erwise. Even under:To sum up the survey in a few sen- ,rem h b t in payment bad weather conditions th e walk

1 t f e hencefort ep r omp . h 1 h . t likelytences, it is a n imp em en or mol' lOUR TOWN Iws estab li shed a place Ihome after sc 00 ours IS noIntelligent democracy, its chief feat-,. mmuni t . it i s g ladl y wel- to prove injurious in view of the

ures o r cha ra ct er is ti cs being: the i10 t l i ~ most h ~ ~ e s , affording, as it child's opportunity to change clothing IL - 'careful investiga tion, ana lys is , and' c ~ : e a medium for the exchange of after reaching home. But the trip toInterpretation of the facts of social, d ht n to lc s c onne ct ed with the school i n th e morning through a cold

MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, problems; the recommendation and I t h O ~ g f ° th rough for notices of rain or d ri ft in g s now i s a moreCasbler. outlining of action based on the facts, :goo lO s ot o u religious bodies and s.erlous mat te r. Under s uc h circum----------------- Iand the a cqua in ti ng and educa ti ng o f Im e ~ t Ing d other organizations, and s ta nc es wou ld the c ase no t s eem to be

H. ·C. GARA, the community no t only to conditioI),s .socia and' 1 1 ha penlngs and a proper one for the exercise by theAdvertising Manager. found bul to t lle corrective and pre-I for r e C ~ \ l O g s O O f c ~ l l k i ~ d s We trust board of its discret ion in providing

to ventive measures to be adopted. The I~ e ~ ~ ~ a n o ~ ~ I be heartily'supported t r a n s p o r t a t i o ~ for c h l J d r e ~ living!survey lays, moreover, emphasis upon ~ th s b sc rl pt io ns of our residents beyond certalO pr.escribed 11mits, or \

O. t he impor ta nc e o f s tudy ing PJdroblemJ s a ~ a ~ v e ~ t i s e m e n t s of our merchants, at least to artratngeflto r e d ~ c e a t ~ ~ d : ~ s t

in their various comml ln lty-w e re a-I b t b the active co-operation of al l to th e paren s 0 ve cen s .tlons and urges co-operative action w ~ t h rhe editors, in rep ort in g an y- One WJIO Voted for the School Loau.on a communi ty -wide bas is . It d ea ls t hi ng o f g en era l local Interest .

with the l ' V h o ~ e district a ~ endeavors I In answer to those who have MAIN LINE BOWLINGto lead indiViduals .to thlOk in. terms occasionally criticized OUR TOWN un-

of th e whole. It IS the appllca tion favorably we beg, them to keep in STARTS THIS FRIDAYof scientific method to t he s tu dy a nd Imind that our publication differs fromsol ut io n of s oc ia l p robl ems, which I those t ha t a re established for person- _

have specific geographical Ii.mits a ~ al profit. I t is carried on by busy men Narberth Will Have Two Teamsbearings. plus such a sp:eadlOg of l.tS and women, who can only give spare in the League, Captained byfac ts and recommendat IOns as Will momen ts of their valuable time. and Messrs. Savill and Wardmake them, as fa r as possible, th e who shoul d be c redi ted for what they J _

common knowledge oft ~

commun- have accomplished, rather than cri t i- I With ' the advent of autumn thei ty and a force for inte ll igent co-or- clzE'd for short-comings. We invite ou r IMain L in e Bow lin g League has re-

dinated action. critics t o h el p make our paper better! organized for th e season of 1916-17:What do YOU think of the? advisa- Officers and Directors o f and th e fact t ha t t he c i rcuit has In-

blJity of a Narberth Survey. Our t ile CIvic Association. creas.ed to six clubs illustrates theMR. JACOBS CONSENTS TO Town will b e g lad to learn your - - - . , , - - - success of the league last season, and

RETAIN THE EDITORSJIIP. viewpoint. ITo the Editor of Our Town: t ha t t he devotees of th e great inuoor

- - - You have solicited local items t ha t s po rt will 'have still greater InterestWe take great pleasure in announcing LJ<:T'S, JlLL BE. l'A,IR A ~ O U T • ,might be of int.erest t() :your readers and enthusiasm through t lw coming

thatMr. Jacobs, who had.expressed his THE COlUIUNITl SIGN UOARDS Iand, as my parentl1 intends a journal- season.

intention or giv ingup the editorship of --.-. llatie career for me, I have decided At the reorganization meet ing th eT WN owing to pressure of Several of our cttIz.ens have called to begin my apprent iceship by prac- fol lowing execu tive commi tt ee was

OUR 0 , s ve l' enerously con- Our Town's attention to t l fact ~ h a t t ie ing on your valuabl e periodical. e le ct ed : P re si dent , Frank M. Harother duties, l ~ ' s g services con- a number ~ signs announcmg va rIOu s KennedY Duff has bough t an auto- man of Bryn Mawr; first vice-pr,esis en te d to c on ~ : e r e lular s u p p ~ r t by communit:v a:rairs have been t o ~ n f rom mob il e. Good N igh t. garden! den t: Robt. G. SaVi ll, o f Narberth;

ditloned ~ n mod'tors


Elsewhere we the CommuOlty Sign Boards, on both Will Carmint ditto. We know a second vice-president, Ralph R. Walt,the assocla e : I '. t'on of hi s si de s of the railroad station, before Philade lphia church that will be of Wayne' secretary-treasurer Chas.have. e x p r e s ~ e tlapprectla 1ar a nd w e t he dat es on which th e affairs wer e m inus a tenor - on m a n ~ ' a Sunday A MCCrea' of B erwyn. 'servICes durlOg Ie pas ye , I d 1 ~ - 1 . , . b "

. d b 11 a reement to sc Ie u " l ! . morning The leagUe circuit Will e mau-e upare ~ u c h r e h e ~ ~ l I ~ I:xp:rience, the I t may have been. that ~ h people My father expects to buy a couple of the four c lubs o f last season. R.contlllue, as w I i pularity who removed th e s igns misread the of t ons of coal soon-if he ha s luck. R Walt will' captain the Waynepaper is s ure to grow knf pOhim the Idat.es and. thought the affai rs were Marlon Hawes has gone to Wilson CiUb which captur,ed th e championand .interest. We b e s ~ ~ a theorassociate passed. I t is hoped that everyonc College. Jolly girl. Ship'and th e handsome silv,er,trophycordial support of b ad I ha s com having s i ~ n s to place on the boards Fletcher Stites our nex t r ep re sen- donated to the league by Mr. W. L.

ed:tors, ~ n of a n Y a ~ e Y07 I ~ n t e r e s t t Iwill, hereafter, be part icular to n ote tatlve. That's a dllch. Austin, o f B ryn Ma'vr , which has tomunlcatlOns tom il t he dat es on th e notices already dis- Charl ie Humphreys Sundayed un- be won three y,ears to be held perNarberth, or w l ~ o will report l oca ane play.ed and not remove any signs pre- der his machine. manelltly by a club. Wayne, this

personal news Items. the maturely. What becanle of the Narberth season wil l b ow l o n home alleYs atOfficers llnd DfrectfrsAof I t fo n The sign boa rds wer e pu t up by Band? the n ~ Wayne Men's ClUb, playing

Narberth Clv c ssoe n • the Civic Association for th e use of T h . ~ Dahlia King ltad a bad crop under the juri sdict ion of th is organ-

everyone in tlle borough and the only Ithis year a nd looks glum . Nevel' iz at ion . The Ardmore Y. M.. c. A.,Narberth Is a suburban commun- rule t ha t m ust be followed is first Imind, Kink. b et te r l uc k n ex t year: the runner-up in tb.e league, flnish-

i ty o f t he p rogr es si ve type. I t ha s come, f ir st s e r v e ~ . Su:ely t h e ~ e ar e I Do yoU know wh.ere Nutty Row IS? i ng two games behind the champions,

community probl ems not unl ike hun- 110t so many a f f a l r ~ g010g on 10 our I 'll gi ve you on e elue. I t is w l ~ e r e will b e c ap ta in ed by S. Clark. Thedreds of other sma ll t owns whi ch town t ha t t be re IS not room for the deep th inkers and hard wor.k.ers, Rosemont Men 's Club team by Davidsurround the borders of metropol itan every notice. live. ~ r' M. Ramsey. Narberth Y. M. C. A.,cities. Narberth is - restless-is no t With this i ssue , OUR TOWN closes James MacMacldn is preparing to principally through the l ocal l eaguecontent to a ll ow i ts p ro blems to go the second y ea r o f its pUblication as b uil d on Chestnu t avenue between last s ea son, dev, eloped su ff ic ientunSOlved-and, through th e efforts of the organ of the Narberth Civic Asso- Narberth and Woodside. material , to enter two t eams in the

several of its leading organizations, sociation. The officers and direc tor s Wynnewood road i s about finished. Main L in e Le ague t hi s s ea so n Theis trying hard to find the method t ha t t ak e t hi s o ccas ion t o t ha nk a ll t ho se Most of our l ocal roads ar e in fin.e Y. M. C. A. team wil l b e captained bywUl solve i t s pecul ia r difficulties and who have hel ped make it a suc ce ss shape now. Robt G. SaVill, who bolds an enviablepoint t he w ay to o ther t owns c on- f or it is undoubtedly a success , and is Too bad Ed. Stokes is moving reco;d as a Knight of t l ~ e Alleys andf ro nt ed by similar problems. a welcome Visitor In most of our away. who captured one of the leadingThe c iv ic con sc ious ne ss of Nar- homes. We wish partiCUlarly to thank Did anyone ever get lost in the prizes for high score last season.

b er th i s aw ak en ed a nd th e fire of Mr. Harry A. Jacobs, who assumed th e desert of Anthwyn Farms? . The Narber th Rovers will be handledenthusias tic local pride ever burns in burden of gathering contributions and Nav ig at io n on J acobs' C re ek is by Irvin T. War d. The last named

the hea rt s o f "Na rber th it es ." And arrang,ing t hem i n a tt ra cti ve f orm. c lo sed for the season. is one o f th e new teams In th e circuit

this spi ri t hel ps in creating new and all of th e associate editors who Justice and Grugan wer e fin.e in and th e s ix th t eam will be th e Paolicauses for pride i n t he "Year-'Round contrihuted articles and collected news',the doubles, yes? /Trave le rs under t he management ofHome Town." items, and th e advertisers who made Have :you noticed tbe new post George Mathias. .

Specific Problems. it s pUblication possible. I office? The schedule, as well as the clr-Narberth's definite problem s, how- A word of explanat ion may be nec- I Cub. cuit, has been enlarged, the opening

ever, ar e eve r bef or e i ts a ct ive citi- essary to t hose who are not familiar games to be rolled on October 6, thezens for a "new solutlon"-there's no with ' the h is to ry o f t hi s paper . It s To th e Editor of Our Town: t eams r ol li ng Friday evenings this

definite program for community con- pUblication was undertaken two ye.ars The opening of the pub li c s choo ls s ea son. Ros emon t M. C. open w it htrol or growth. ago, to afford a med ium f o the Civic Ireminds us of the fact that we wlIJ the champions at Wayne 1\1. C.;There 's the borough adminis t ra tion Assoclatiol l to give pUbliCity to any in a few months be once more fa ce P ao li Travelers at Narberth Y. M.

problem, the s ch oo l pr obl em , th'e mov emen t favorable to the wel fa re o f t o face with th e p ro blem of trans- C. A., and th e Narberth Rovers atcommunity center problem, th e our community. T h e ~ r e t i c a l l Y , every port ing children of the primary Ardmore Y. M. C. A. The season willchurch problem, the athletic prob- resident of' Narberth IS a member of grade s t o the school bul1dlngs in all continue t il l Apr il . Silver trophieslem, the town paper problem, etc . the Civic Associat ion; by our consti- conditions of weather . It will be re- and handsome i nd iv idual p ri zes wil lEach of t hes e p art ic ul ar quest ions tutton, everybody is el igible. Member- called on the var ious occas ions when be o ff er ed t o the players and teamsperiodically reaches a crisis 'and is shi p cos ts only one dol la r per annum the question of location of tlw new excel ling wi th highest scores.thrashed out hy a small unit of p er - an d members hi p w it h a year's sUb- building was up before the people, i tsons who. h av e wres tled with the scription of Our Town, one dollar anll was suggested that it was w it hi n t hesame problem for years. Th ey over- a half, The paper, however, is mailed power o f the Schoo l Boa rd t o make

come the s it ua ti on t empora ri ly and to every family in th e borough. wheth- suitable a rrangements for the transhopefully work on unt il another crisis eJ ' they are regular subscribers or portatlon of cblldr.en of the lower

stares them in the face-then they not . and many famll les do not con tr i- g rade s from parts of the boroughr epea t thei r previous s tereoptyped bute a penny to its support. The d is ta nt from the school bUildings, as.performance. editor and a ssoc ia te edi to rs con tr i- f or Instance, t he s ou th side of the

Now, it seems to Our Town, that bute their s erv ice s w it hout ch ar ge . r ai lr oa d. T he re ar e times. thougha ll t hi s o ccu rs with such reg ul arit y During th e y ea r j us t expiring, the p er ha ps not v e r ~ ' frequent, when

that th ere can b e bu t one deduction receipts from a dv er ti si ng a nd s ub - p ar en ts Msitate t o permi t t he ir young-each activity is c on si de re d in a n scriptlons have been just about children to walk this distance. In the

Isolated way; no t in its proper rela- enough t o mee t expenses, bu t some- past it was possible to secure transtlon 'with all th e other interests of t imes Mr. Jacobs and Miss Mazie portation when desired at a cost ofthe community. . Simpson, treasurer of the paper, hav" ten cents each way , making twent"A Narberth Survey Comml tt ee1 been comp()I1ed to tide over cost of cents per day. This item Is quit,!! aOur Town suggests t ha t i t' s t ime I ss ue out of their own pockets, owinl!: serious matter where there are several

to g et together, t o have representa- to dellnquencies of' subscribers and small children In th e same family.Uves of every interest in our bor- advertisers. We re gre t t o say that The school code provides that "Theough meet f or th e purpose of 01'- naire ar e now outs tanding on tbe Bo ard o f School D ire ct or s i n a ny

gan iz ing a Narberth Survey Commit- treasurer's books, advertising, items schOOl district in this ( ' o r n ' ~ n -t ee whi ch will collect necessary <tggregating over $250, l ong ove ri lu e may , ou t o f the f unds o f t he d is tr ic t.

funds to employ an expert director of I f this were pai d up, as it certalnl" provide for the free transportation ofsurveys a nd t o stir up active co-oper- should be, ou r editor and t reasure" any p up il to and from the public

8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1916

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.y ' j


Gas Administered

Narber th , Pa.

Narberth, Pa.



c. P. COOK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anthracite CoalWOOD AND


Artistic Halr<lresslng, Electrical 'rreatment,ADlerlcan Wave Manicuring


Modern Homes. FOR



Bu i l d e r


Arcade Building

Scalp Treatment, Facial M8.llsage. Dyeing,Bleaching. Clipping, Singeing, Shampooing,

242 Haverford Ave., NarberthPhone, Narberth 302-J




Try Our Sticky Cinnamon BunsWe gua ra nt ee t he purity of our Ice

Cream. All orders pro'!1ptly attended to.

P. MIESEN,Confectioner

You will lind a variets of


fIoward F. CotterM"EATS of1 ~ . 1 QUALITY

Y . M. c. A . B UI LD ING

According toYourOwn Plans. Balallc.On Easy Terms.

Narberth's Highest Tract


Contracting Painter

AU Convenlences-oldShade, MacadamRoad, CementSidewalks, Etc.

FMJnstlCe Montgomery Avenup.

• I ,NARBERTH.or612 ChestnutSt.. PhUa.

George B. Suplee;Steam &HotWaterHeating

PlumbingBell Telephone.

45th and Parrish Sts.

Try a Pound of






An ounce of prevention is worth a thousandpounds of cures. For further prevention,see our window display.







The game next week wi th th e WestPhllad.elphia team Is the one which

Narberth won (or thought they had

won) on th e 4th of July morning.

Th is game was .protested by th e West

A rare tr.eat is in store f or t ho se Phi lade lphi a t eam. and t hey won t he ir

women who ar e fortunate enough to protest, whi ch made the g ame n ex t

a tt end t he luncheon to be given by wook necessary. The game isthe Woman's Community Club in scheduled to be call ed prec i se ly attheir room at th e .Y. M. C. A., on three o'clock.Tuesday, October 10, at 1.30. Mrs. Manager Walzer does no t expect

Richard J . Hami lton , p res iden t of th.e anything bu t a v ic to ry on Sat urday.

Ardmore Woman 's Club, and Mrs. The following week R. G. Dun Co.Leondis Beck, pres iden t o f the County will b e ou r Visitors. Full d.etails ofFederation of Women's Clubs, ar e this game h av e no t been arranged.

both to be t he re , a nd will give in - b ut will be announced at th e game

ter,estlng after luncheon talks. Every this coming Saturday.

Narbe rt h woman shoul d ava il her- Remember th e time Is 3 o'clock

self ot this sp1endld opportunity. ; s har p. B e on hand to root.I

An· advertiser writes us as follows: "Please discontinu.e classifiedadvertisement for space to rent in

garage, on Dudley avenue. The ad.

b ro ug ht q ui ck r es ul ts . T ha nk s; "

Narberth extends a welcome to Mr.John Klingler, Jr., who r ~ c e n t l ybought the property, 503 Ha.verfordavenue, from Mr. A. C. Shand.. Mr.and Mrs. K li ng er h av e e xp re ss ed

themselves as v,ery mUlih pleased

with their new home.

Miss Flannery, formerly a teacher

in the L owe r Merion Public Schools.has been appointed to a lucrative

position in a private school at Merion.

Thi s s choo l is conducted und er t hl IPasteurizedMilk IDELIVERIES

auspices of th e Merion Civic Asso-I Brynciovis CertUled WEST PBILA.ciation. Milk

(PedrlallcSociety) OVERBROOK

Special ..Guernsey" MERIONMilk WYNNEFIELD

(Roberts'8<Sharpless' BALA-CYNWYDDairies) NARBERTH

Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE

Table and Whipping WYNNEWOODCream.

Lett,ers testamentary have been

granted in th e estate of Frances L.Pri tchard, Narberth, to Merion Title

& Trust Company. Estate t o d augh te r for life and at her d ea th to granddaughter.

Dr. W. M. Cameron has fitted up

a most up-to-dat,e office i n t he A rcad eBui ld ing, t o t ak e c ar e of h is l ar ge

and increasing pract ice. The locationis wary central, and th e mOVe Is progressive, to say the least.

Hetty Bllxt>l!r's GossIp.


Snappy weather.

Schools hav,e opened for th e season.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Loos havemoved into their home at 507 Haver

ford avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman havejust returned from a sojourn at the


Be sure and help t he g ir ls of th e

De lt a Sigma at t he ir h ome bake,

October 14. Some o f t hem make goodfudge a nd s ea foam. Try it.


Sever al o f th e graduates of th e I BEST KEPT YARD INNarberth High School hav,e left for'

various colleges, among t hem Car ro ll , YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?Downes, who ha s gone to Dartmouth;

Marian Hawes , to Wilson College at - - -Chambersburg; Hilda Smedley to I At on : of th e meetings o the CivicSargent School, Boston, and Estelle ~ s s o c i a t l O n in th e s pr in g, I t was deCohlc t o Wyoming Seminary Wilkes- clded to offer some prizes to encourBarre. 'age those that were interested in

well-kept gardens as well as for

M H B dl h retur ed Among the n,ewcomers to Narberth some sort of an inducement to thosers. arry ra ey as n

..rom an extended visit t o h er father's ar e Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley Turner, who :were not inte res ted. il l well-kepthome in Michigan. I who have taken a residence on DUd-I p r e m l ~ e s to. beaUhtlfY thelbr 10thS. T$h


ley avenue. Mr. .Turner, who is a Icommittee II I c arge oug t ..Haverford graduat.e, is with the wor th o f cups and will be ready to

A large · number o f ou r own b as eb al l ent hu si as ts a tt ended th e Nar - G ir ard Trust Company o f P hi la de l- awa rd t he p ri ze s w it hi n a week, bu t

phia, and Mrs. Turne r, who wl ll b eIit seems to be difficult to get overb er th -Wa) 'n e g ame at Wayne, on

remembered by h er many Main Line the whole t ow n w it ho ut missingSaturday. friends as Miss Willie Bond Savage , sompone or o th er , a nd t he sugge s

was a student at Bryn Mawr Col- tion is her eby made th at th e resi-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott and family 1,ege. d en ts o f Narberth ar e invited to se-

have returned from Ocean City leet and n ame t he premises that ~ whe re t he y hav.e been spending the A Ci vil Service examination for a in their opinion t he m os t attractive

summer. iclerk in th e Narberth Post Office will as seen f rom th e sereet. The commlt-

be held Saturday, October 14, in tee will t hen g ive specia l a t ten tion to NOW Aufomoblalo RoadbookMr. and Mrs. Leonidas D. Suther- Room 400 Post Office Building, Phila- the properties that ar e so mentioned. U U

land arrived home Su nda y after delphia. Application b lank s and in- Whether or not it is possible to do , Just PUblishedspending the summer at Seaside formation regarding this examination so this season, it may be problemati- Our tormer townsman, Dr. John C. Rom-Park, N. J. may be obtained at th e Narberth cal ; bu t the committee thinks it quite mel. has arranged What Is probably the

Post Office from Miss Helen Kernan, feasl'ble t o p ro ce ed a lo ng this line, hest guide tor automobilists In this sectionot the country. It Is called theMr. and Mrs. W. E. Waters and I ocal secr,etary. Male or female ap-j and feel sure that when t he se p ri ze s ROADBOOK OF PENNSYLVANIA. DELA-

Miss Moille Lynch have returned f rom pl ican ts, over eighteen years of age,Iare to be awa rd ed next season, some WARE, NJo;W JF..RSEY AND NEWtwo weeks at t he shore .ar e ellgible. such system should be adopted . The YORK CITY.' id b h d h It shOWS vir tually all the roads; the cen-- - - - - - res dent s shou l e t e j ur y a n t e ,Htlons ot the roads. whether good or bad;Mr. and Mrs . W. G. McDowell and I We note that two was tepape r can sIcommitteemen of three appointed to I tollgates, towns, railroads, side roads;

familY have r e tu rn ed to their h ime ha ve mad e their appearance recentl;. be t he j udge s; as u nd er some s uc h I ~ l : : d : ~ r . \ ~ ~ r t ~ ' ; ' t ~ ~ ; t t ~ d . ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ t a . c ~ f r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~On Montgomery avenue. one on thc sidewalk betw.een Fielder s system a ll t he l ot s. n o matter where I or call and see a copy. It will be sent by the- - - d rug s to re and Davis' store and the they ar e locate d will be in th e com- publishers on receipt ot $2.60.

S h 1 d ·th 11 t t t 't h Pt· '.. I Published byC 00 opene WI an enro men , ot he r nea r ~ h en rance . 0 e os petition and ge t conside ra tIOn. As it . AMERICAN ROADROOK C01UPANY,

of 393. T ~ I , e enrollment was. curtailed i O ~ c e . Here s hoping t hat t he absent- i s now, th e judges appointed feel they 1511 Cayuga Street, Philadelphia.by th e epidemic of paralYSIS. Immd.ed per sons who open letters a nd may h av e m is se d someone entitled to

drop th e envelopes on th e sidewalks a place or at least consideration. NoMr. and Mrs. Frank M. Calve rt . o f will mak e u se of them. The cans ar e collections fo r th e c as ll p ri ze s h av e

109 Merion a ve nu e, w il l so on l ea ve o f generou s p ropo rt io ns and bea r t he been' made yet , bu t th e amo un t ha sfor Swar thmore , where Mr. Calvert name "Narberth Civic Association." practicallY been pledged.has recent ly bough t a house.

Achsah M. Wentz, the talented

young organist of tlw Methodist

Episcopal Cl\urch, is one of four

s tudent s o f th e Kinder Organ School,Philadelphia. w ho h av e been select

ed by the d ir ec to r of the school,Ladies-If you ar e a membe r o f t he Ral ph K in de r, to give a recital on

gymnasium, we expect to sec you on the sp1,endid three manual o rg an in

opening day. I f you wish t o b ec ome Estey Hall. Philadelphia, on th e even

a membe r, s ee Mrs. E. Hurth. . ing of October 26. Miss Wentz wil lplay Fan ta si e i n F by West and Le

Cygne ( Th e Swan) b y Saint Saens.issElizabeth

Mowers,of Mer

chantville, returned home l as t Sat ur ·day after bavlng spent the summer

w it h h er a un t, Mrs. Harry A. Jacobs.

Others l eaving for college this week

are: George Smith to Iowa University, Chester Smith to Delaware

State College and G. Jacoby t o S ta teCollege.

.Miss Bertha Redifer goes to State

College this week.

Mr. Jas. Caus lln i§. the guest of Mr.. and Mrs. Carroll Downes.

Mr. Samuel Whitmeyer, Merion aveIlIW. will move with his family to

place Scranton.



ReT. C. G. Koppe l, Pastor.

ReT. Jolt. Van Ness, MInister.

ReT. Andrew S. Burke, R e e t o r ~

NtUtS of t4 t Q!lturdlea




"The Little Church 011 the HilL"

The meetings appointed for next

Sunday a re a s follows:10 A. M. Sunday school. A

and a welcome for all. Four

classes.n A. M. Public worship. During

thi s meet ing the S acram ent of the

Lord's Supper wlll be celebrated anda p ub li c wel come e xt en de d t o the

new membe rs o f t he church.

7 P. M. Mee ti ng o f t he newly or

ganized Christian Endeavor Society.All young people . cordially invited.Leader, Miss Dorothy M. Beatty.8 P. M. Evening, worsh ip with ser

m on by th e pastor ,SUbject, "Gideon's

RevivaL"Churcll Notes.

Rev. Walter Rue Murray, pastor ort he Holmesburg Presbyteri an Church

of Philadelphia, will be th e speaker

at the Preparatory Meeting on W.ednesday evening o t this week.

At t he largely attended prayer meeting of last Wednesday evening abranch of the pocket Testament

League was organized ill.l this church.Already about twenty-five have be-

come members. ,The young people of this church

have organized a Christ ian Endeavor

Society which will meet each Sundayevening at 7 o 'c lock .Miss Helen Wilson and Mr. Horace

Entriken ar e expected to sing at thehour of morning and evening worship

next Sunday.

H1a:v.erford College opcned lastThursday with th e largest freshman

Do no t fo rget the Home B ake o n t he c la ss in it s h i sto ry ; more than sixty

afternoon Of October 14. at the Y. M. Iyoung men having qualified for

C. A. Community Club Room. ent ra nc e t o the inst i tut ion.

Sunday services:10.30 A. M.-Blble School and

c hu rc h w il l h old a Combined RallYDay service. A very Interesting prog ram ha s be en p re pa re d a nd we expect eve ry membe r of bot h chu rch

and Sunday School to make a sp.6cialeffort t o b e p re sent . Dr. Gordon's subject will" be " J ~ i g h t - h o u s e s . "7.45-Evening wor sh ip . Su bj ec t,

"Some Believed a nd Some Did Not

Bell,eve."Wednesday evening, October 4,

prayer and p ra is e s ervi ce · at 8o'clock. Let us start th e fall prayer Is,ervice by l iv in g up to our motto.Every member presen t.

Bev. J. Gordan, D. Do, Acting Pastor.

Mr. N. H. Litchfield and fami ly arehome.


Sunday services:

9.45. Sunday school. Trained and Miss Estelle Cohlc leaves for

experienced teachers f or e ve ry c la ss Wyoming Seminary next w,eek.and department .

Men's Bible Class taught by the Mr. Henry Mansfield was visiting

. Rev. M. E. Bartholomew, of the Na- f ri en ds i n N ar be rt h o n Sun da y. Frank Ha im bac h a nd Sons, of

tional Bible Institute. Black road, Narb,erth will shortly es-

11.00. Morning worship. Sermon by Mr. and Mrs. J as . Wit he row have t ab li sh a milk route. The y ha ve a

the Rev. Bishop Thomas B. Neely, D. returned f rom Sioux City, Iowa. Iherd o f f ir st -c la ss cows.' tubercularD,. LL . D. Bishop Neely is th e n o t e d , . t es te d b y State Commissioner, and

historian of the Board o f B is ho ps o r I Don' t fo rget th e luncheon at t.h.e will se rv e high- cla ss m il k to th ei r

the M!!thodist Episcopal Church. Icommunity rooms, on October 10. customers. IChorus cho ir and org,an. _

7.00. Epworth League. Leader,; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bradley ar e Shir l ey road , a private drive, ha s IMiss Helen Cole. loccupying their new home on E sse x been· treated by the Highway Main-7.45. Happy Sunday evening . Gos- avenue. tenance Co. with tarvia, by th e Fln-

pel sonr; service. Hearty con grega-I 1,ey P ro ce ss . T hi s was necessitated,

t io na l s in gi ng . Cho ru s cho ir directed Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hillegas, of owing to th e r oad h av ing b een bad lyby Miss Prescott, with Miss Wentz at IElmwood avenue, ar e in South Bend,! cu t up by dr ivers of c ar s a nd teams,

the organ. The pastor wlll preach. Indiana. who used it as a detour to escape

the holes and ruts on Haverford avenue.

The services at All Saintfl' P. E.

.1Church, Montg,omery and Wynnewood

• avenues, for next Sunday. are as fol

. lows:8.00 A. M. Holy Communion.

l 9.45 A. M. Sunday School.1 11.00 o'clock. Morning, prayer and

sermon.4.00 o'clock. Evening prayer.

Be sure and attend the Sunday

school at 9.45 next Sunday morning.

Thi s not ic e i s for the teachers, scholars· and any who may desire to at

tend.Any Episcopalians who hav-e nqt be

come affiliated with any o th er churchar e requested to deposit t hei r l e tt e rs

at All Saints'. The r ec to r w il l b e v eryglad to cal l upon strangers or any newcomers to' this section.Church 'busses leave Wynnewood

and Narberth stations at 10.40 on Sun day mornings.


8/7/2019 Our Town October 5, 1916

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Phone, Narberth 672





Moving Furniture and Hauling!A utomobiles for Passenger ServiceNight Trips When Orderea


Undwided Profits

$/50,000 $/25,000 $75,000


a " o ~ ~ g 1 L @Detective Bureau

A Feature

Plumbing, Gas Fittingand H e ~ t i n g


Why no t keep warm the.e coolmorning. and e".nings be.ide a

Ricldin PerfectionPortable Oil Heater?

Phone or call at

203 Haverford Avenue

H. C. FRITSCHProperties For Rent and Sale

Fire msnraneeBell Phone 8i9 W.

Wall BnIldlng. Narberth, P. .

Frank Crist

MEATS&PROVISIONS1The Merion Title & Trust Co.Hiib Grade Butter

Telephone-Narberth 644, A. SAFE I SOU1VDI CONVENIENTI



Bread. Cake, Rol ls . P ies ,Candy, I ce Cr eam


cided success. The la rge majori ty of

t he sutdent s buy their l un ch each

day. Mrs. J us ti ce , who o ri gi na ted

the id,ea, Is now in charge , and setsbefore us a most appetizing menu.


The se men us c on si st of soup and

roll for five cents. Soup such astomato, split pea, cream of celery,

Ietc . ; macaron i and ch,eese and roll,

Ifive cents, or creamed: be ef o n toast,five cents, etc. Sandwiches: Ham, fivecent s; l et tuce , five cents; che.ese,

NARBERTH SCHOOL NOTES f our c en ts ; b ut te re d r ol l, t wo c en ts ;b ott le of m il k, three cents; cocoa,t h r e ~ cents; crack.ers and ice cream

By Members of Faculty, S tu- at stated intervals . Owing to the

dents and Parents present increase in prices it may benecessary to increase thes,e prices.

A ft er t he prolonged vacation, we The f ac ul ty a nd p up il s a pp re ci at e

a ss embl ed on Fri day, S,eptember 29, t hi s add it ion to ou r s choo l, not tofor the opening of school. Much o f menUon th e relief to th e mothers tothe wo rk , wh ic h must usual ly be know that their children ar e having

accomplished after school ha s opened, a ho t nour ish ing lunch.

was already completed. Children, Faculty ~ I e m b e r ,for instance,whose courses had not The system of "promotion by sub-been determined at th e close of last joCcts" rather than by grades has long

IS V IA rHE S A V IN G H A BI T I year, were interviewed in their homes been advocated by educators as more

GET THE HABIT-Open an account with us. You can s ta rt a n account so that the big high school and g r a ~ e fair to the child. It is being prac-

Iwith an amount as low as ONE DOLLAR. You ca n a dd to it from time to roster could be made out. When Ffl- tI<;ed quite successfully In many largetime to suit your convenience. A l i tt le put aside in a saving account is no t day came, we wer.a r ea dy t o receive High Schoo ls , bu t th e difficulty of

a talent buried. It i s e ar ni ng a ll t he time; l ike heart-beats , i t' s wor k goes the children, to send them to their making ou t a working schedule hason while you sleep. respective classes and t o a ss ig n t hem been almost prohibitive In th e

HARRY B WALLBEGIN NOW-I! y ou o nl y pu t two dol la rs a week by, y ou w il l h av e lessons. smal!,er schools, whe re t he re is no

• ' saved one hundred dolla rs in less than a year. • . Long before half past e ight on Fri- division of classes. T he Na rbe rthOpen an account for your chi ld ren. Get t hem II I th e habit of saving. day morning pupils b eg an t o arriv.e . High School attempted, it last year

3% Interest Allowed on Savini Accounts. 2% on Checking Acconnts They were g lad to s ee each other and on a small scale and adopted it thist he t each er s and were much int er - year as a definite policy, though there

The Merion Title and Trust Company e st ed i n t he a lt er at io ns o f t lw bu il d- ar e s ti ll s ome few cases which can-

Narberth Office, Arcade Building. Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday ing. .I t was rather r ema rk ab le , mo re not be mad.e to fit i n to the scheme. Inevenings, 7 until 9. espeCially for t he younger s tu dent s, general, t he adv an tage o f such a syswith what quietness an d ease they tern Is that a pupil who is weak

f,ell i nt o t he new way of living. a long ' a certain line need no t be re-

THE MISSES ZENTMAYER The ready ad jus tment to new con- t arded in h is whole course, b ut may

ditions was perhaps not ic eabl e i n t he carry his other s tud ies to a succ.ess-

125WINDSOR AVENUE hal ls whe re t he re was very little con - f ul fi ni sh , and at the same time re

fusion. When the be ll f or a ss embl y p ea t the subject in which he ha s

O TI\' I I d Jl d M d 0 2d rang, the pupils filed in orderly failed. The pupil who ha s l os t t imeWill Re - pen leir oC 100 an nin ergarlen. 1 on ny, ct. n Ifashion through t he h al ls t o their new through illness or oth,er necessary! : : : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : = = = ; = : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~places in the assembly room. The a s- absence, may on h is r et u rn concen

Isembly exercises were short but: t ra te o n two or three studies, pass

." , q]'J nI l ing of this term, but in case you I p leas an t and Mr. McCarter was pres-I them off, a nd make up his other work~ C l l i : J a h I l f _ l{/Ontz d on 't b er e is t he e xp la na ti on : " :' e I ent to w ~ l c o m e us a ga in to the school. i n the fol lowing year without the dis-• (I. have at the Y. M. C. A. a book II I IWe began and .ended the d ay w ith Icouragement o f rep,eatlng the whole

9'l/USIC UtUdlO which we keep the record of al l com- a feeling of real satisfaction. year's work. The plan otrers no par-i ng event s not onl y p er ta in in g t o the! __ t icul ar adv an tage to the pupil of

No, 6 ARCADE BUILDING'I Y. M. C. A. bu t everything i n N ar-: On Friday, the opening day of I" average or more than average

Phone, 604 Narberth berth. . ! school, seven members of th.e class I s t r e ~ g t h , ?u t to the handicapped----------------1 We have a sk ed t he co-operatIOn of, of 1916 were present , representing Ipupil it gives encou ragement and

NARBERTH YMCA I all organizations a n if W? fail to : the alumni association. Also severa l "ano ther chance ."

-. .. Ige t hearty co-operatIOn, thiS e nt er - membe rs who ar e l eavi ng for other 1 Faculty.

SHOWING ACTIVITYprise, which S ~ l O U l d ~ a wonderful schools visited'. The work whi ch i s Ibenef it t o a ll , IS a failure. Ibeing done upon th e b uil di ng s i s so SALES BY CALDWELL " CO.

I! you are planning a socia l event great an improvement that much I- - - at your home, call up the Y. M. C. c omment wa s mad e u po n it by the Caldwell & Co. r epor t the follOWing"Our Boys"-Business Men's A., Narberth 694 W, and find ou t if g ra du at es . T he H ig h School is now recent r eal es ta te sales in Narberth:

Gym Class-"Date Bureau"- there is any other even t scheduled separat,ed i nt o i ts r es pect iv e c la ss es No. 136 Merion a ve nu e f or J ames

I,for that night. I f not, you ar e safe which saves much confusion, and McMackin to Jos,eph H. Nash, o f Nar -

INFORMATiON FURNISHED ABOUT YOUR ROOF Bowling-Community Bible and we will m a ~ e men ti on o f y ou r Imuch more individual work can be berth..ALL KINDSOF LEAKS DETECfED I Study Class affair for that evening. Don' t over- Idone besides conserv ing ,energy and No. 209 Greyling a .venue for the

BAD LEAKS ARRESTED look th is , it may s av e you of a very i time. The two new rooms which jestate, o f M ary L. Cooper, deceased.LOSSES FROM LF...KS PREVENTED elubarrassing si tuat ion some evening. have been cons tructed in th e front of to Mrs. Josephine R. Du Bosq, of

"Our Boys." L MiT hi- I' We do this f or you r good. At you r t he bui ld in g give th e advantage or! ower er on owns p.

NOW IS THE TIME TO We want to t a ke t hi s oppor tuni ty s er vi ce . Aga in let us emphasize, this c lass rooms to t he H igh School. The I No. 103 Rockland avenlUl for Wm.

B H It.o express our s in ce re t ha nk s t o al l movement can be a r ea l a ss et to a Alumni is much interested i n t he con- T. Har ri s t o Alexander B. Gilf illan,uy a om.e who h ave so generously c.ontributed community, but only with the hear ty s t ruc tlon and r emodel in g that is of Radnor, Pa .to the fund for the promotIOn of ou r co-operation of all. being done on the school buildings. No. 222 Essex avenue for Charles

Belore Prices Advance boys' work. (Signed) An Alumnus . V. Noel to Horace C. Opdyke, of Nar-

.R If

.- - - • Ibertil. .CALDWELL & CO. T he r ai n l as t F ri da y evening p r e ~ ow ng, _

vented practically a ll t he comnnttees l O u r bowling alleys ar e in first-class "bere Are ~ I :Uembers of 19161 IXUlDERTH ])E}'EATS WAYNE 'Z 2. f rom sol ic it ing, a nd th e s treet you Icondi ti on . Come in and give them At present If we go to Dartmouth . J , • •

IT IS BETTER Iar e on may not h av e been canvassed. a trial. They look like new. College on a v is it we might soo Car- C· - - -Be prepared, th e boys ar e not through __ roll Downes, pres iden t o f last year's I (ontmued f r ~ m First Page)

To Have HOUSEKEEPER yet. We ar e thankful to say that we Commnnfty BIble Stud .. Class Igraduating class, hard at work in his runs-Narberth, 7, Wayne, 2. Bases. . • ' I d ' t b fA ' , on balls-Gibson 2. L ef t o n bases-

have already collected $75, With only Don't f orget Tue sday nights. Dr., eSlre 0 ecome one 0 meflca s I .' .Fill your prescriptions than wish $25 to go to reach ou r goal. H S Tillis leader Come you will Iprominent lawyers; als o in the New Narberth, 3, Wayne, 4. First base on

. .. , . . IE I d t t fI d H'lda S d- errors -Narberth 3 ' Wayne 1. Struckyou had, I f for any reason yo u h av e accI- enj oy t he class. Everybody is wel- ng an s a es we n I m.e

I. ' .'

, .dental ly been missed and care t o con - come ley in the Sargent School of Phys ica l out-By Gibson, 9, by Hallowell, I ,

AR C A D IAtribute, phorie or see Secretary . Education at Cambridge, Mass. On, Sturdevant, 5. Hit by . pitched ball-Hampt on . O th er d et ai ls later. th e way h ome we w il l st op at King_IDaVis, Broolre. Umpires-Ferguson

CIIESTNUT.Bel.1Sth St NARBROOK ARENDEZVOUS ston, Pa., and find Estelle Cohic land Jones. Time of game-1.20. Scor-: : . a : : ~ r r . : t ; r ~ : ' 1 n T : ' - : ; Rusiness Men's Gym Class. studying at Wyoming Seminary. How· er-Ear l F . Smi th .

EntireWorld. ever, before we r et urn l et u s r un outPhotoplays-CoatlauoWl 10 A. M. to 11.30 Where-Y. M. C. A. Gym. O c t o ~ Narbrook Park is a mighty popular to Chambersburg. There, knee-deep, Rase Ball Pick Ups.-P ~ ' : · P e . When-Next Friday evening, , place thes,e fine autumn Sundays. in studi,es is M a r i ~ _ n Haws taking a Fleck made a one-handed stop and

P R 0 G R A Mber 6, 8 P. M. I Now that it is nearing completion, it college course at Wilson College. We Igreat throw t o t he plate in the fourth

Who-Business Men. g rows more and more a tt ra ct iv e. Thi s hate t o l eave her, bu t we must re turn inning.Week Commencing Monday, Oct. 2nd Come-you ' ll never r eg re t it. f ac t a ct s l ik e a magnet on ou r citi- a nd visit th e rest of ou r class. In The s econd i nn ing t ook t he pep ou t

I! )"OU were in last year's class, zens and thei r week-end guests. They going tllfough th e U n i v ~ r s i t y of Penn- of the Wayne team.T he B es t Pic tur e o f Ills FUm Career d f th i f rmation If '"

DOUGLAS FAIBBANKS you nee no ur er no. all go for "a s tr ol l t hr ough th,e sylvania whom should we find but Wal la ce p icked t hem up O\1t of the

8ul,ported by Jewel Carmen Bnd Uuth you were not, b ri ng a n old pair of park." Last Sunday eighty-two dif- Char les Howard McCarter; Jr., 4jne Idirt at first.Darling in t.rousers and "sneakers" and y ou 'l l f er en t p er son s w er e c ou nt ed whi le o f the coming architects of our city. Fleck and Koons played a b r i l l l a n ~

"lL\NHATTAN MADNESS" r es erve eve ry Friday evening t his th e writ er walked around t he cen te r In leaving t he ' va rs it y and going to I part in the g,ame.A Cealllliells Be\'elatlon of Acti\'It)· year. Don't come to look on, come open space o f tM park.. our station whom shoul d be run I Note:-Next Saturday's game com-

Adde d A tt ra ct io n. CHARL IE CHAI'UN to get into the game. The grading in the open space is across, bu t MadelYll McCoy, who soon mences precisely at 3 P. M.

In Ills Latellt progressing in a satisfactory manner to receive a degr.ee at Coomb's con-I Big game coming the following"THE PAWNSHOP" Stop, Look and Listen. ,and the "circle" anll the grass plots servatory of Music. She was on he r week with R. G. Dun & Co. See Our

Week of October 9 th -E . Il . Sothern In Don 't a ll ow you rs el f t o go back to I' alongside the cement walks ar,e shpw- way to B ank' s B usiness College to T own next week for a ll t he partlcu-that grumpy , g rouchy stage of long ing up quite g reen a s a result of re- see how Marian Trot ter was enjoying lIars.

"TilE CHATTEL" facedness, indigestion and dyspepsia. cent seeding. h er w ork th,ere. Bu t now we are Bobby Gibson pitched a splendid

I\IAJN Production Starts at 10.40, 12.80, Don't go back to that anemic pale- I Mr. Wohlert ha s made an extensive 'home and with us ar e Agnes , Rose Igame.

2.111, 4, 6, 7.411 an d 9.80. . h bl d tI l f h t . i It haced condition Wit no 00 0 co or planting 0 ev,ergreens on is eas and Jean Justice, who ar e attending Sturdevant smiles w th every pc.

MISS WETHERILL'S your skin. side lot and Messrs. Artman a nd Br yn Maw r· C o l l ~ g e , and Aug us ta Buc k Weave r' s t hr ow in g a rm w as

I sn 't i t worth ti me an d money to , S hand have made a tt ra ct iv e a nd .Withe row, who is taking a post off.

Elem"entary School he at your bes t? !unusual plant ings about thei r houses Igraduate course at Narberth High The Wayne team lost Its "under-

Get in with a live, jolly bunch on the west side. waiting to r,eturn to Cornell to re - standing" in the second inning.

RE-oPENS MONDAY. OCT. 2d. 1916 where h ea lt h, lif e and sociability I The Har ri s house at the Windsor I sumeher course in m ~ s i c next sum- Howes scored one of Narberth's

A limited numberof pupils r ec ei ved. Fo r infor- reign. avenue entrance is now occupi.ed . nero And last, but not least, is runs on three successive errors.mallon apply to MISS MAUDE Eo WETHERILL Exercise to touch that wea k s po t; Several new houses ar e promised for Franklin Fos ter , who has a position Bill Durbin was robbed. of a h it b y

20 0 Dudley Allenue. Narberth. in your anatomy. :t he n ea r future. In Philadelphia now, bu t expec ts t o F le ck b ei ng caught at second.Activities to touch the satisfaction, attend a medical college next y,ear. T,vo umpires again.

s po t o f every man may be had in ou r I HOME RAKE. A ~ [ e m b e r or tlie Class or '16.Business Men 's Class . Come and see I lIOME BAKE.for yourself. Place-Yo M. C. A. Building. On Monday, October 2, th e lunch On October the 14th, t he D el ta,_ Time-Saturday af ternoon, October room was opened to t he facultY and Sigma Sorority wIlL give a home

"Date Bureau." "14th. student body. This addi tion to our Ibake. Please reserve this date. Fur-

We have a lr eady s t ar te d our "Da te II By Whom-Delta Sigma. school, whi ch was started as an ,ex- t h ~ r notice <?f this wil l b e glven nextBureau." You may know the mean- Fo r the Benefit of ' t he Publ ic School. perlment last year, ha s proved a de- week.

Home Dressed poullry. Butler. Eggs and Game.Fancv FrUIt and VeFet ab le s. "A STORE FORPARtICULAR PEOPLE,"

Te ephone. NARBERTH, PA,


Your physician knows our ability in compounding, and our prices are much lowertban those in Philadelphia, with superiorservice.


Oor P r e ~ c r l p t i o n Departmentis complete With the highest

quality of