Our Town November 3, 1923

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Transcript of Our Town November 3, 1923

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 3, 1923
















    METHODISTS DEFEAT BAPTISTTho( Methodist and Bapth-It howlenY

    of the In te r -Church League l Il et o nFriday evening, O ct . 2 6t h, an d theformer romped nway with two gam es .Th e garnet! wer e e !o se ly f ol lowe d by nIHIJll'ber of interested spertators,Th e 'Methodi s ts bowled eOllsistl'ntly

    a nd t hr ee of Vheir men, C. renkins, E..Tenkins and Bai le y hqld totnl s t ' o r ~ .of 4iO, 450, and 438, respectively.The scores w-ere as folloW's:

    MethodistsE. .JenkJins 156Henry ., 151F. Miller 111C. .Jenkins 164B n ~ l e y _ . 163Totnls . . . . . . . .745

    BaptistsKeim ............ 137Trotter ........... 115Blind , . . . . . 111Clnypole .Werner _ .W. Smedley 140H. Smedley 144

    a Ftf teen Countybe FilledCarden 1J7arner LongProminent Citizen

    J'B.AN1t D. OAMPBELL.Frank D. eamPbell, after a two

    months i l lness , pnssed through' the portola o f d ea th to t h e l it e b eyond e a rl yThursday morning; leaving, 'besides hisfaithful wife , h i s beloved mother, whof o r t he p a st s e ve r al y ea rs ha s made herbome ",ith him. He will be rememhered ' 'by h is f ri en d s a s th e f ai th fu lSucre t ary of t he Narber t h Presby t eri an' B ~ b l e School, .which office hQ. held duy-ing the ,past t en y ea rs . S er v ic e s were TotILIR 627held -!l'hullJde.Y-3ftemllon,,,.a,t. , ..o!cloek, .' ~ e a D l S t a n c J J . n gat hiB :lateholIle; No.4 'Stuart avenue, . W Lconducted by Mr. Van Ness . .Lutllerult . . . . . . . . 2 1Mr.,OaInPbeli wa.s :a ~ n d l y and Pt'll''1'byteriall . :I 3g e n i ~ l spirit : land,' aa' s u ~ h will. 'hI! re: Methodist . . . . 3 3m e m ~ e r e ( f !by'a wide ciircleoffriendl. BUptist ., . . '. . . . . 1 . 2

    ~ f a s t e r Charles :\fcKillip" , .1 r., ofHu"prford avenue, "ntHtained a numlolf of h i fri"Hds \\ itll a masljuerade!,(l grace tIle occa s ion wi th hi s pres enceOil condition that he be no t r eque st er lto spe

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 3, 1923



    OynwYd 928104' BaJa. Ave,BaJa-Cynwyd


    Niabt Calls, Narberth 667 J



    Houn: 9.15 to 11 A.M. 2;15 to 4 P .M .7.15 to 8.30 P. M.


    WRAY HUGHES H O P K I N ~ , D.C., Ph.C.Phone. Ardmore 1011R


    The Difference!aste


    Complete Banking Facilities.Three Convenient Locations


    ,-,, ,.'

    At This .Time of the Year


    Curta in Rods are in demand. W ~ a r e well equippedto satisfy your requirements. Among others,we h a n ~dIe the famous Kirsch in double, t riple and singlecurved rods besides thestraight. PhoneNarberth 2277.

    Th e N arb er th DelicatessenThe Louis Burk's Meat Delicacies Exc:lusivelyHome Balled an d Baked Ha . . . . Vi"wlnla .tyle; OurOwn Malee Potato SaladandCream C a b ~ a w e . J u . t receive!! Marinated Herrinw. RuaolenC.viarand'Pate de Foie Gra. withTrulfel. . OPPOSITE FIRE HOUSE

    We Lead -Why?Prompt Service, Workmanship, Just Prices 18 OUr Polley


    Cleaners and DyersRepairlng PressingWe ca.11 for and dellverPhone, Narberth 1749-R102 Forrest Ave.Narberth , Pa.


    Sf Special Pricesfo rSocial AffairsSUPPLEE ICE CREAM SOLD BY----- C.H.CRANE"Notice the FI or " NARBERTH, PA.

    Did You KnoW"That we have openeda Real Home \Made Candy Shop in Your Midst?

    N . ..I'I


    .... ~

    p ~ . ~ t t . .~ P C K w f l l t . f \ r r'. :., ... :' C p M B I N A t r ~ Q N , : , : : , ..:TbOlM! f i l m l l i ~ ~ -w i i ~ w;e pea .:oal fc)t:. the' ' f l f i . n a ~ ..willhd' thiSeOinbmation equally eatiSfaetoI'Y.:piuslf sub.. '

    8 ~ t i 8 1 sayiDg. ' . . $ l o . ~ 2 5 , per .ton ~ h ~ t e d '

    . : i O ~ 7 5 per. t o l l . < : a r r i ~ C " : ' : ' , '. LeSs "50 :cenUf.a ' t ~ n f ' ; t . : ' ~ h o D . d e l i v ~ . ~ " : ~ ~ ...'" :.'. :. '.. :N,AR&Etmf ':':B .l'ENN.A./.....' ....;... :t: J . ' .

    ' .11 L. l I I ' " . ' , '.' ' ~ : . ~ ~ i a . ~ ~ ' : : : ; : . : : . : : ~ < ' : : : : : , : : .:: " .,.....' :;:_ : : f ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ : ~ t J . :\ ... ;: '~ : : = : : : ! I . ~

    ", , "'.

    ' , ' , ,':.'

    . . . .' . . oi

    . m E t l ~ ~ ( j U S 'With.Uthe' mQrnins

    ~ o f f e ~ ~ ..Our [ ) o u g h ~n ~ ~ ' : : and: . R o i i J i ! l ~ e

    ..hoUi . treat. ~ d f6od.

    HEMSTITCHING"'eaHn#' Buffon. COHredAr t NeecUewC)rk an d NotionsDRESSMAKING-SMOCKING

    A. J. HERRSCHAFI', 318 Dudley Ave.Plto"e Narberth 1832'Wj

    lofiitig'I;\-.u n ' < : T h ~ '7;'A.;f,:~ . . U;W.LL": .




    The Ch ua YQCum . J o y c ~ Memori:!1Concer t which t ak e s p l ac e S nt u r dn y, .

    WM. D. S:MEDLEY HONORED., And then I thou!"ht of peaeeful wa."5\Thnt RUIn h ad t nr np d the tide,,A Busines" ~ I e n 's Bi'hle Class WIIS To carry h u r d ( ~ i 1 ~ of th(> days

    J ' ( ; ( ' l ' u t l ~ ' organized in the B a p t ~ s t Throughou t the coun trys ide .('hurd, which lIdopted the name Smed To ldl)dle pheertime for the nig

    Reeure from thI' t('lll!wst's roar.Then paRsing- "\\-ifl on wen t t he flowThrough wild and ,1,('1' eut g o r ~ ( ' ,

    To be f a s h i o n , ~ d ill rapi,ls on belowA t t he w hi rl po ol 's m ig ht y forge.

    lIere lashed with a fury that's untold." IHI ' ~ l I r t ' til Yo tp" is t he s logan of Like some War God 's o f a n ci e nt days,

    thp !t"'a l L ( ' a ~ l I e in its e ff or t t o carry \\'hose ",-mth W8R poured on a restful. , , ,t th(' Xlltio lla l Leaguc 's amhi t ion fo r folda i:i per ('en t. women's votes on e le c- Of a l an d o f p l' ae ef ul ways.t ;o n , la y. T he m ad sn{)w ('aps were lifted up,Do ~ ' o u know what offices are to be As if hy an unseen hand.

    fill!c1 on p lp et io n re s ! ' . ~ m e , l to be who s a l l ~held in Philan'plphia from Novemher a In joyous maltitude;! " I i. Only a fi,'pti ng ('{'ho rang.

    A ta'hlp has been reserven by your I n t ha t grpat so li tude ,local c ha irm an for t he ' ba nque t on . .\s if somoe l os t s ou l s eeme d to beW p d n p s ( l 1 l ~ ' evpn ing , Xovember H. In tormpnt at t he g at e ,Pleasl' m)s.e your reservations to !ler Who songh.t to enter Et(>rnitypromptly. Ypt. fe-ar(>d to I('arn their fate.


    CotnDlunity .Club

    Next .week "Our Town" wiII beginits reglllnr Calendnr of Coming Events,ine1uding' thp a ct iv it ie s o f a ll o rg an i za ti on s. I n fo rma t io n f or t h i ~ departmpllt shouln hp s en t t h e e d it o r w i th o utd e l a ~ .

    t l ~ . ' ,~ f r s . H i h l e ~ - , President of the Board

    of DirectoTs, gave a r e po rt o f t he moving p i c t u n ~ . 'henefit h el d l as t !Mondayeven ing in Ardmore. She also spoke' ofthp ehil,lrp\1 ' s ' ] 4lndng c las s conducted'by the Clu. h. An invitation was givento all mothers to attend these Satur, I n ~ ' morning classes and to see the ben! 'f it the eh iln ren derive f rom it.

    Calendar of Coming Events.ThnrlloaJ', Novemher I-Executive

    'Hollr,1 mel'ting. 10.BO A. M., :l Blmwood'avenue.

    ~ n t u r o l l l ~ . :\o\'emlwr : l-Chil , lren 'sDancing C l a ~ s , 1O}10 A. M., Y. M. C.A. Building.'llfaunay, Novem-ber 5-- 'L ib ra ry S ta ffmeeting. 10 A. M.-12M., 'home of IdaBuckman, Wynnewood Road.Thursday, November 8-Club Walk.

    Leave Y. M. C. A. 1 .45 P. M.Tues,Iy, Novemher I 3 ~ t a t e d meet

    ing, 2 .:l0 P. M.Tupsday, Xovl'm'her 20-Current

    Events Class, 20fl Chestnut avenue, 2.301'.)1.Wpdnesday. :Kovern-ber 21-erth High School have 1l.tted in. tli\l: new environment.


    OU R TOWN will gladly prillt allYnews abol4t allY subject which i s o finterest to Nar be rt h f ol ks . C op yis dtu on Tuesday of each week. at6 P. M. Late copy received Wed-nesday evellillg will be printed onlyif space is still available.

    Correspondence f or t he Ed it o r shouldbe sent to Post Office Box 9f\6. Remittances for advertising, subscriptions andmembership to Box 58.Onr Town is on sale at t he d ep otnewtlstand, and at the s to re o f H. E.Davis.Entered as seconl1-c!ass matter, Octohpr15th. 1914. at the Post Omce at Narberth.Pennsylvania, under the act o f March 3.1879.

    SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. ODe Dollar aDdFin,. Ceote pe r 7 ... r 10 ad.aoce

    eAGE fWD

    O'URTO"WNA oo-operative Oommunity Journal

    01Flled aad pabUahed e.er7 Satarday b,.t h e N a rb e rt b Civic AaeoclaUoll .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 3, 1923



    - '"- .).

    i _ '0- . . . . . . ,




    ',' .. ,', ..:: ....


    City ()ffice1214 Locust Street

    TA.BLE AND FLOORLAMPSThis is the' season ofthe year when every oneis thinking of the light

    ~ n i n t he home. Long'evenings' at home, p a r ~ tie's/clubs and. other entel'taimnent' . ~ a k e . a .handsome, e h ~ e r t u l table. or.floor J ~ m l a necessity

    "..... "


    Telephone Cynwyd 662

    $14,500New single house, l ot 50x150 f ee t. 8main rooms, plus 2 baths and out-kitchen.Gar age. Well built , eve ry modern im-provement. Your choice papering and fixt ures . Splendidvalue . Act qu ickly . Arr ange w it h us and see t hi s and o th er attractive Narberth properties.

    $13,500New 'hollow tile residence, 8 rooms andbath, hardwood f loors, open f irep lace;garage, Convenient location.

    Desirable lots in this suburb are becoming mighty scarce. We have a few, welllocated, attractively priced, near Station.Restricted development.

    ' :'.

    .' .... ~ ' . , .' .... ' . '1 . ' ' ' . '

    .. .

    A PUBLIC TRUSTYour gaso r electric c o ~ p a n y - is a trI1Ilt only in the seDlle.

    that it is ' e n ~ with ~ h d ut y o f rendering a greatservice toy-ou. Theon ly monopoly this Oompany deBf,re8is a monoPo ly on ' good will. Le t US suggest, however,"that our obligation to serve carries with it, on your part,a correspondiJI.g ~ b 1 i g a t i o n to us inserviIig you.Oo-operatiOtl Is th e keynote of this B1.tuation.

    ANNOUNCEMENTlA Millinery and Notions ShopHas been opened at105 ESSEX AVENUECarrying a Full Line of Millinery and Notions ofAll Kinds .

    Shirtwaists, Hosiery, Underwear,Clothing for ChildrenChildren's Millinery



    Member Philadelphia Real Estate Board

    : . ~ ! ' ..


    GLAZING Irr============================i1JOBBING

    NA" R;B"E'RT'R, .' < : .:.... '.( :'. . :: . t ~ ... I' J ' .: , ...... .. ' .. .

    ArdlDor. 1" ' ' '


    'Six Unusual Offerings at Very Low Cost

    VERL PUGHElectrical Oontractor

    . Patr ick F. D o n ~ u e

    ~ a r b e r t h ( ) ~ c eAt the Station

    Hollow tile residence; 4 bedrooms andtile bath on second floor; garage. Convenient location.

    Laundry Wark in AllIt . Branche.tFamil yWashby the Poundl

    Phone Arrlmore 1519

    NalOOdb Taxi Scrvioo

    $8,000Hollow tile and frame residence, 6 roomsand bath, all improvements, near Stat ion.

    $12,000Half stone, detached residence, 10 rooms

    and bath, modern improvements. Lt,66x100 feet. Fine neighborhood, very conven ient to Sta tion . Owner moving to another city.

    Open Day aadNight



    Narberth I'JI-Y

    PAINl'INGDECDRATINGWILLlAIIEWBORG I CO.PllnllllC' li d BlOorltlng21 2 Woailblne A_. , Narb."h, Pa .

    Phon., Ardmor.14311 W Narl l.rh 17&8 W

    -Contractor aDd B u i l d e r ~420 Bockland Ave, Narberth. ra .

    '. : j,,'

    0, ~ U , I t / T ~.~ O \ V N -.':-.' .. . ; ...' . ~ ~ , ,. .' '6' ' ' . . ..\, ". J . ~ , . ~ "' " . 4 ~ r' . ( ' ~ ' ;- . ',1,1-" .-

    Lower Merion H. S.

    Activities o f t he ClubsTh.e Welfare Committee discussed the Elecirlca1 :Repair. aDd\,&ppUa.Clelpractice of students in securing "'hops" IU GrIl.7l1Dw An . 8 CrlcIcet A.e.to and from school on antomobiles an d Narberth, 1".. ArellDore. Pa.condemned it. As n. result Principal ; = = : : = = = = = = : : = = ~ : = ; ~ I + ' - D _ a _ a _ " _ ' . " ' I I _ a _ l _ d _ I _ . _ a _...._._I_'_I_D_._'_'_'_._ ..Pennypacker anlloouneeo

    th King-dom,"In even ing: 'True Division of Du

    ties.' ,There is reason fo r grl'at encourage

    ment in our congregation and its meetings of whatever kin'!. Interest in thes eni c es o f the lool an d Oommitteemel'tingoe g iv e e \' id en ce of life Rndr]votion, While t.he money receivedfor a l l I )I lTposes show r eal l ihe ral i ty:1111\ henevolence.

    THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' Sunday services at 11 A. M.MEETING HOUSE Sunday School services at 11 A. M.Mlontgmery Pike , Narbe r th , was estab-lished 168.2. Here Wlilliam Penn mlr- Wednesday evening Testimonialshipped, a s w el l as many ()thJer noted Meeting, 8 P. :M.Friends. One of the h i sto ri cal spa te erica lis open for worship every for November 4th ,,,ill be "EverlastingFi rs t -day (Sunday ) m o r n ~ n g at 11 Punishmerut."o'clock.

    First-dfty Sclwol is held every Firstday (Sun.Iay) : It 10 A. M. i n t he Meeting Hou.se. Anyone deS 'i Il ing to a t tend eithJer th1l "dult c l ~ s s or the youngpoople's class will be very welcome.

    ST. MARGARET'S OATHOLIOCllIUlWHSunday masses at 7 0 'e}ock and 10o 'cl ock. On f irs t and third Sundays

    the late Mnss i s e High Mass, followedhy henediction.

    Daily Mass at S A. M.

    . .Plau,s/& E ~ a t e a. . Furnished For~ ~ e r a i . l ( j J : i s & Repairing" ~ r i ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1 e , ' Cail

    :.'A29 BBOOKHURST AVE." . . ' . ,.. : ~ ~ ! ' ". ' . " ..".,

    s. N.PRAGER211 B.AVERFORD AVENUEAbove Am. StilreWe call for and deliver .

    8.11 PhoDe, Spraee3S-ge aDd 3S.97Keya,ooe Ph.De, Race 70-.4

    For Bowling andPocket Billiardsc o ~ e t o th eRECREATION ROOMNo . I For rea t Ave.C L.PARKE

    Narberth Beauty Shop2nd Floor, Z11 Haverford Ave.Scalp Treatment, ManicurinllHair Bobbinll, Mareel WaoinllR_Iden t i a l Appolntmenb

    Phone Narber th 1749-J or 1606-J

    Jobbing promptly attended toN1Pt PhoDa. Nerbarth S87D.,. Phoaa. Narbarth 302J


    For PermanentSatisfaction

    BUY A

    HARRY B. WALL, Plumbing, Gas Fitting.and Heating. N ARBERTH PA

    Phone, Narberth 18OS-J

    TAILORClea.n1ng, Altering, PreIIB1ngHeady-made Sulta Dnd Snit. Hade to Order

    MILK AND CREAM758 LANCASTER AVE.BRYN MAWR.Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882

    GARAnteed RoofsDURANT and STAR

    DORAN MOTOR CO.Show Room

    45 East Lancaster AvenueTelephone, Ardmore 171

    HOWARD C . FRITSCHJustiee of the PeaceREAL ESTATEFire Insurance-Best Companies

    Phone 1749W-215 Haverfozd An .

    QUR'SToCKISCOMPLETE,You.willt:lnd o n o u r ~ l e s f t o . ~ r a complete line of silk'

    J,'; . ~ h a d ~ . f 1 Q o 1 ; :llitnpsan4.g1ass,.p8.nE!1.or slIk shade table '... '; lS:Mpg . f r Q n 1 ~ n o w . W i W d h r i S t t n a S t j m e . .' .. . ..

    Meetings f or Nov embe r 4 :9,45 A. M.-Sunday School.11.00 A. M.-Morningworship. Cele-h ra ti on o f t he "World's TemperanceSunday." Subject of the sermon," Law--------------.;;...--1 Enforcement and Moral Welfare.". 7.00 P. rM.-Meeting of t'he ChristianEndoovor SoCiety.

    i.45.P. M.-Evening worship. eermon theme , "Working Out Your Own'SaIvation. "

    Church Notes.At the prayer meeting next Wednes

    day evening the pastor will lead, in the~ t l l d y o f t he 27th Psalm.

    The Amerielln Legion and the Women's Auxiliary will celebrate Armistice Day 'by attending this church in e. ho dy a t t he h ou r o f mor ni ng worship011 ~ o v e m ' b e r 11th.This pas.t week has been one of unusullI social ac t iv i ty in th is ehu rc4 . The

    $ I l l I I C Y : B U i K H o m c : ~ ! : . ~ i : ; ' : : i b 7 . : ~ ; , '..? ; . . ; ;" . i n t he c hu rc h; T hu rs da y evening, Wo-. . mell's IBible Class l/.nd husbande at the,.Wltl"D. & B T. SMEDLEY .. home of Mrs. Lambert; Thnrsde.yeven-'; ;ii'=!===iiE=a!i!!!3!!!iisii3iSieeiiiijfll i IIg, the Semper F ide l is B ib le (}ll1,sS at . the horne of Miss Udf l Johnston; and;i: . . . . . . ,,:.\., .. . " . &'.' f r iday eveningi tl \e e lde r s lu id v;,ivesi ~ ; : : T b O $ ~ A . " K c r r i u a i l S O n . at ; ~ ~ : ; : ~ : : : ~ ~ ; ~ ' : e e e ~ ~ ~ o f t he+ B ~ i l d ~ l a n d C o l l t r a c t i n l Women's Missionary 80c illty will be, . ,: .: .. ': '.. ; . . . . . '. . . ' b e l ~ nextWeilnesday at 2 P . :M.in the'"" , , ' . H ~ e 8 ' l 'or S al e Or :Bent -ehurchpatlor. There will be an in te r-. esting program; e.fter which til& \vill'be. ' ll e rved. :AILt he women . o f t he CQDgre-~ a t i i i i l are urged ~ o 'be present. . .' .

    , : ~

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 3, 1923





    . ,

    Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.)209 Woodside ave. Phone 1262-R.Campbell. }'rank D. Automobile, Fire. etc.4 Stuart ave, Pbone 39li-R.KINDERGARTEN

    .\1188 ZentmaYer's Klndercarten.N. W, cor . Essex Ilnd Windsor aves,LAWYERSGilroy, John. 211 Essex ave. Phone 12411R.Phl la. address, Lincoln Bldg.Stites. Fletcher \V. 413 Haverford ave.Phone 372-W. Phlla. addresB. Crozer Bldlr.

    LIGUTING }'IXTURE8~ l c D o n a l d . John . Narber th phone. 1288.1li33 Cbest . st .. phl l8- Phone Sproce 8138.

    MILK AND CREAMHighland Dalrl.... Inc.See display advertisement In thll IBsne.lIUSIOLaos. Fanny H. Plano teacher.Studio, Yo M, C. A. Bldg. Phone 816J.

    NOTARY PUBLICN....b. Henry T.. a t N ar be rt h Station,Phone. Narberth 1710.Slmp80n. Harry A. 205 Avon Road.Phone. Narberth 221'l3-J.TY80n, Warren R. 200 Woodbine ave.Phone Narberth 1202-W.OPTICIAN8

    Fenton. Car l F . . 1631 Chestnut St.Spruce 77117. Residence. Wayne. Pa.Palmer. H. E . 209 Haverford Ave. Pbone301-J. Prescriptions IIlled and repalrlnlr.Zentmayer, Joseph, 260 S. 17th St., PhUa.PAINTINGSe\\'borc. Wm .. &l Co .. 212 Woodbin" ave.Phone Narberth 1758W.See display advertisement In this Issue.WalEer. Fred.117 Winsor ave. Phone 1247J.PAPERHANGINGAlarsbaD Company, Contractlnlr Paperhanlrera. 800 PriceAve. Phone. Narberth 1861-.1.PLUnB1NG, ETC.Cook Bros. Phone 302-J.Se" display advertisement In thla lalne.W. . . . So B. Phone Narberth 1602-J.See display advertisement In this lasne.PRINTINGLIvingston. Pblllp A. P. 0, Box 966.High grade printing and engraving.REAL E8TATEFritsch, U. C. Phone 2li2-W.See display advertisement Ia thla ISBne.Neab. Robert J. Phone Na rbe rth 1710.Money for First and Second MortplreLRECREATIONRecreation Room. No.1 Forrest ave.See display advertlsement In thll Islue.ROOFING, ETC.(iara-McGlnley Co. Phone l2ll8W.See dlBplay advertlseme.nt In this lalne.nUl.... John. A. 243 lona ave. Phone 861-J.Shop, 246 Haverford ave. P1Ione 122l1J8HOE)tAKERSGood Wear Shoe Repair 8hop,Constantine. B. O. 252 Haverford ave.Phone Narberth 171l6-W.TAILOB8A,lcllnl Rrothers, 102 Forreilt Ave.See display advertlBement In thla IlIn",Pracer. S. N. 211 Haverford Avenue.Bee display advertlsement In thll Illne.



    Narberth RegisterTwo Un e IOc pe r i n a . ; Sc for each aJdit ionall ine

    ACCOUNTANT8Kelm. H . C. Certilled Public Accountant.202 Dudley Ave. Phone Narberth 8OO-W,AUTOMOBILE8Ooran Motor Co Ardmore, Pa.See display advertisement In thla Iisue.AUTOMOBILE 8ERVICEUonahue. Patrick F. Phone 1683.See dlaplay advertisement tn thll Illue.BAKERYWhlte ' s 8weet 8hop. Opposite Btatlon.See display advertisement In thll Issue,BANK8.1I..r lonTitle & Trost Co. Phone, Narbth 398See display advertisement In tbls ISlue.

    BEAUTY PARLORNarbertb Beauty Sbop. 211 Haverford Ave.\See dlsplar advertisement In this Issue.BONDS"Ieer. Frank H. 15 Woodside AYe.Phone. Nnrbl ' r lh 1230.

    BUILDERSBottoms. Oeo. lV. Phone, Narberth 1266-W.See display advertisement In this Issue.Tbos . A. Kerrican & 80n.See display advertisement In tbls Issue.Sband. Alex. C., Jr. Phone No. 1710,Narberth Station.Smedl ey . Wm. D . &l H. T . P ho ne 600.See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.CAND\ '. ETC.Oavls. H. E. Phon" 1254W.See displaY advertisement In this Issue.CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS

    Jenkins, Cbas. L.103 Dudley ave. Phone 1684.CHIROPRACTORSBaldwin. A. C. Phone, :-Jnrberth !TODX.See d l s p l a ~ ' advertls /. ' ' : , 0 - : ( 4 ~ ) N O R R I S T b w ~ ~ : ~ A . I " ~ o a U ~ N o m . ~ ~ 7 n , . . .'' \ l ' - ; : " " : i ' ~ i ~ i . o V ~ I Y '; ~ t e d :, : , b 1 a ~ s .. : b ~ ' a : , ' ... ' '.' ."' ., . . : J ~ ~ i : p . Q . . ~ ~ p r . ~ l ! l ! B . ~ y ~ , . ~ J i ~ gNU' 1 ; ~ 4 ~ . ! J ~ B , ~ ~ C ! ~ . A . ~ P 1 ~ i i ) l R E ~ # D . T(}WAIUJ.BETTER $EilricE ,.0 ' ; I ' : ~ ~ i ~ ( ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ t c .. c , . , ~ ; , "';) : J ; ~ c ' ~ ~ ~ ; ' j ' ~ " ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' i ' ~ " ~ " ~ ' ~ " ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ; ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~..~ ; ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I" ~ ~ ~ m . , . , . . . ; ~ ~ : ~ : : ~ ; ~ ( ~ f