Our Town February 21, 1920


Transcript of Our Town February 21, 1920

Page 1: Our Town February 21, 1920

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Page 2: Our Town February 21, 1920

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Of course, ".deliver - allJplace-au,



:E l .epa1. r1 . :ng

Se rv i ce



NARBERTHPhone 1 5 0 8

COO KCarried $10.00


They are made for those who appreciate

delicacy of flavor and the utmost in pur ity.

80 cents to $ 10 .00 th e pound


A ~ D . \ 1 0 R E AND NARBERTH. PA.

P .




Pr:ce o f P ea C o al $ 9 . 2 5 c h ut ed i n

Good se rvi ce by us ing th ia coa l

Price chuted, $9.50

DRElR'SSEEDS PLANTS BULBSE v e r y t h i n ~ needed fol' th eGarden. Greenhouse. Lown and Farm.includinllth e best varieties of Veltetable and Flower Seeds, Lawn Grass Seeds, Far 'DSeeds. Roses, Dahlias, Hardy Perennials and o th er Plants, Garden Im

plements, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rollers, Fertilizers, Insecticides, etC••DREER'S CARDEN BOOK FO R 1920Will tell ) 'ou ho w t o o bt ai n th e beat reaulta frorn

your homo lIardea.Call or Write lo r a cop:v-FREE

HENRYA ~ D R E E R 714·1(,ChestnutSt.,Phila.

No prettier compliment can b e pa id to the recipient than

is expressed bya boxof Bell e Mea dDelicious fruits, nut kernels,

pure sugar, butter, cream and Swee t Schocolate perfectl\' blended arepacked into b e a ~ t i t u l boxes,and m ake acceptable gittseverywhere.

NOTICEFo r Good Tax i

Call Narber th

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of the Term

24 Hour Service

We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding

Narberth Rea l Est at eand Assure You of Our Best Efforts

to Answer Your RequirementsThis office does a strictly brokerage busine!s and lias no par

ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing th e

buyer ~ n b i a s e d information regarding any particular property.

Our Ref . rences-Anyone with w ho m w e have done bU8iness

RO B E R T ~ N A S HRea l E s ta te B r o ke r


Residence, 10 4 Grayling Avenue , Narbe r th

Reaidenc. Phone : Narb.rth 605


" Domestic" CokeOrder now f rom your dealer

"You'll Like It "






S1 ; o r a g e

Lee's fiarage

Cotter's Market

Prime Beef, 'Sprinl.t Lamb,

Country Dressed Veal and

Pork. .Sugar Cured Hams

and Bacon


You will find our prices right

Groceries and Provisions


Te lephone Narbe r th 1633

\\'1'11, no\\', WI' 'II assullle th'lI 110 h'll'lIIwas lIIeal1t whr' l1 th e slel'p-"Onxl'n'atioll

plan "'ax hrought. to th e pll]ll' 1, fol' i t 's

hardly fo he expeetl'11 that. mel1 who

('ollstantly iUllieate thl'ir Ilixdaill of

s!el'p ns ' t!o th e fil'e-fighferx wouM hI's ~ - I I I " a t h l ' t i l ' 011 that s co re , h il t t hp rl ' 's

a lot. who w il l, us a story I ' l l t l' ll l a It'l'will show, helH'e Wl' must n gl 'c P o n I hl '

"alt!1' of a populal' n pppa!. A I1d as it"'oIlM Sl'l'llI from Ohxl 'n ' l 'l"x sl'('OIIlI Id

t, 'r thnt he ,1i,TI1 't have thl' ..ugil1p 1H'lb

i ll m in (1 at all, at all, w1ll'11 he IITOtl'firxt, hu t Old,'- th e f i rehouxl ' hplI , th e( 'h id thillT,s WI' hat! I ll ' t tn \I'ait a hi tlll'fol'l' we aUIIOlll1ee t .hat ( ,oll " tr l l r' f i, ' c

p rog l 'n n l wh i (' h Ohf' f ' l ' , -p l" l't'fjllt'sts, as

fhp l1l'xt I l '! t er migh t rplie\"l' t.he It'n-i

loll' 1,0llfl1siol1 whil"h JlOW Ill'Sl'tX IIX. allll

ill thl' I1ll ' al l ti l lle 1 nm nskp,,1 to han '

Ohxl'l 'vcr illfortll lis jl1st I l" ha t h I' WOII!,I

tlo to l"all till' fin'llll'l1 wh.'n th .. whixt II'W:lX 1'rozcu, fo r frozclI it wax Oil tIll'

0111" tw o or'I'axiol1s Oil w hi "h t hl ' !> .. II, \ " a ~ rung- (lul 'i llg ' :-:l(lppillg 110111:-;, an d itulight Ill' sait! that cll'xpitl' lhl' I'l'l'xixt1'111'" with whir'h it wa s lalllhaxtl',I, itx

..all was 110t sufiieil'ntl.,· ,·Iarilln to hl'illg

more' thall fOl l l ' 1IlPTllhpJ's to t l t t ' t\IIlC"I'g"

""",". Ro tl 'll liS, pll'a,, '. :\[1'. Ohsen'l'r ,il1xt what 1'011 woult ! ha ,' " ,lo!H' \lJllll ' r'fhl' saml' , l'il'eUlllxtnIlCl'x. aud as w"

I'allx,' fo r th e rcply, I pt 'x t .. 11 thl' x t O I ' ~ of othpr fol I ,x \ I' ho sl't gn' :t I x to rp h ~ sl....". xwel't., IIl1illlt'n-lIph'd x le ,' p , an t!

p lc u ty o f it .

(Continued on Page 4.)

To th e Editor of Ou r TOl nl :

Aull s o ." ou lI ' iIl kilO\\" just. II'hv tlte

I'l'escllt \\"rit.er ha s to tlu with t h i ~ 1"ire

Bell m att er. L et 'x rpad part of th e

llOftl Chil'f ~ o l ' 1 Sl'ut lI11l wlll'1I Ohsl'n'

pt"'x firxt Ipttl'r wax l 'uhlixhed:

"Th e C u m p a l l ~ - l"aunot h!'JI'fl'elill/.( tllllt this lIIall is hrall,l

ill/.( th em as a lIuiHallCI' , ax It"x,'elll;; to thillk we mak,' a lo t

of lIoisl' ;iuxt for the sakI ' ofmakillg it . SOllll'hody o ll gh t t oprot , '; ;1 SIH'h 1I sla IIdl,r, as I hI'

town OWl 'S thl' m ' ~ u a x'I"arl'

111'al, an d if a l l ~ - t h i l l g \\"1' tlodops uo t xllit 11111- of 1'1,,' "iIiZl'IIS, T do no t 1II;,ll'rstalld lI'h,'

tlt!'1' eall ' t ,'Ollie ,Iiredll ' ttl IIS

wit'h th e eOlllplaillt iuxil' l l l l of

takillg their t ro ll hl l' s t o th o

l l H r H ~ r an d C'l'rnting- tht' imp res s ion that . wc an ' a lo t of

wild ml'lI. \ \ 'l ' a r e a lways will

illg to Il'arll, hu t I thi;lk thix

1I11ln Inls a fl ,'l ' mixcd 111' witha fUlIl'ral."

Phone, Narber th 1687

Here and Hereabouts



* * -

Tn lilH' with tllp l'a1'(' ~ ( ) l I d j l l d ~ I I J ( ' l I twhieh hl ' l I Ial l if"st" ,] dUl' ing h i "lIxto,ly

of militnl'v nlfairs. ill nml ahol l t I ' hi l a

,IPlpltia ,I'nring- th, ' \\'''1". ["i,'nll'nlillt

( ,o lo nl '] H n f( 'h h ax 1"l"'I' lIth- I:tl(l'n hi s

ahoflt' HHlongst 11:-;, h1lt h : ' l ~ l I o t lH'(\1l

1,,'re s n m e i l ' n t l ~ - long to allo\\" all of

In the following up-to,date homef:

208 Grayling Avenue

34 Avon Road36 Avon Foad

100 Avon Road





NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Wei.s, Proprietor


EJl\\"AJW ~ 11,\\\"::;,

To t h" E di to r of Qllr '['011'11:

Tilt ' p:l:-;sillg' aW:l) ' o f ~ I i s : - - :\latilc1a

l'ollllg i:Jst ~ a t l l r d a l ' 1','1I101'I'X t Il l ' i :JxIof th,' illlllll'dillt" j'aIII ih' of t hl ' l al "

Ila,'i,1 a ll d I I: lr ri "l H " , ' ~ l'ollllg, II'ho

for 111'"11' ,,"aI's "Oll,hll·t,'d thl' IJ1l'airxof t!l,' <il'II'I'ral \\","'111' lilli, of Hl'I·,i1I1f i l l l la r,'" 1I1t'1I111I'i('s, (Jn ::\[ontg'ollH'l'y Pik('.

TIll'l'(' ? \ I i : - i ~ '"0..llllg \\':1=" htll'll Hilt! g'l ' t ' \\ '

l ip , a ll ,1 i ll h.'r IlItt'r .Yl'llrX 101'1',1 ttl n'l'all1I1t\ (" 'pu ts of l':\1'1,\" d a , " ~ , thl' 1'alllulls

folk who llx,'d to "Illllt' to tIlt' 11111 I'1'0 II I

I 'hiladl'lphia al1d Ilthl'l' ,·iti,'x. HI'I' al'·

tal"hlllt'llt to Ihl' spot, nll,1 to thl' I1l'arh,\" a l l t , i t ' l l t F r i ( ' J I { I ~ ' .:\ft\L'tillg-llol1sl' \ \ ' a ~\"('I'Y st I'Ollg'. ..\1'1 PI' SOI1lP ehallgt's 01'

l'p:.:.idpIlI'I' :--lIt\ }'t';jOi"I'd to tillel hpl':-l'lf :I

,"PHI ' ag'o a:,!.:Iiu 011 th(' } I i l ~ e , ill tlIt· his

tllril' 10l'at iOIl 1lIIl'P kl1llWI1 a x L ihpl ·t \ "l'iIl,', whl'l'l'. with hpl' ul'i,·p. ~ r i x x Sta,I,:I

' ' 'all, ~ h l ' OU"I' ilion' fplt i n t ou ch withlilt' lil'l' of t I l l' I ' oad , Shl' ha d a kill,ll\"

1I1:11111lr, a XWPl'l (lixpositiol1, a ,,"i,'t,illll'lIlsivp 1'01'111 of sp l' l' l' h . S h l' ,Iplight.I'd to ta lk of 01,1 tillll's with fl'il'l1,ls al1,1to xhow t hl 'l II o lt ! furll i tul ' l '. p i l 't l l res ,I I t l \ l I R i 1 ~ , pal' l l lents. pt( "" ollee a part of

t.h,' <'fluiI'IIIPl1t o f t hl' o ld illn.

Hel' lax!' III om I' II ts WI'I'l' qu id all'\I 'ainlesx. ,)'hl' 1'unpl'nl sen·il·e wax on

Wl',hll'sclay. th e TSth of Fphnllll'Y, ahrig-ht, bcautifu l I1l1y, ILt fh e )'Il'riol1

~ [ , ' e l i l l g - . ancl thl' filial hurilll will T)('

in t lH ' oW Fl'i"lllls ' /!round wlll're th ehodies of hl'r pa l 'c l l ts res t.

Post tUal" t l ' l ' .

All l ' n' o rt w il l lw malIc ill th e Ill'ar

futllr, ' t o e st ahl i xh au outpost of Span

ish \ \ 'ar Yetl'ranx in Xarher th . itt'lIoup:h lIa111t':-; (': !JI h(' ~ ( ' ( , 1 I J ' ( ' 4 1 . :\fr. Ellwanl X. : \1, ' rk, 'I , ;11:; \\ 'oo(lhinl' aVl'nlll',

Xarlll'rth. lI·ill r"l'l'il"l' th e IIUJIlI"S ofIhoxl' wlw wi."ll to join,

Eligihilit.,·: Tho>'!' who s('J"'-l'tl in th eI-lIilt',1 Stalex "\rJll,l", or Navy, or l\[a

rillP ( ' orpx he tl l '" "u April 21. TS!lS, aUll.JlIly -I. T!lO:!,

'rh,' variolls ,'aJllps of Spun'ixh \Ynr

Ye1l'ralls in Philadelphia aI' " 1I0\\ , COli

,llIdilll! n tlril 'e fo r Ill'W rl'l"I'nitx. ~ r a j ( l \Gl'lIl'ral \Valler, T ~ S, ~ I C., rCl' , 'nt1)h(\( 'a1l1p:l l lu ' l l l lH '1 ' of this oJ'g:lJliza1ion:

'1'" tl,,' 1':,lilor of OUI' '1'011'11:

Th(, xlatt'llI,'nt ill ou r loeal paper lastIIl,,'k t ha t frel' deli . ,_, " fo r arbel'th

W:l:-' t . ' O I l J i I l ; . ! ~ alld tha t it. ,,"as :t JIIat tcl

of d : l Y ~ , 1I0t Wt,t·ks !lor I I l O J l t h ~ , "'as:-;tHIll'thinp: of a : -<u l 'p l 'i se to lIIe, as I

han ' ha d 110 a,iI'i,'!, to that L'ffel"t of

1i,·iILlI.,· ,alld han' , th"I'l 'fore, lIIade no

j'rl'l'aratious f il l' t he ' l'stahlixhllll'lIt ofIh,' x,-xt!' lll.I :;111 ad I'ixl"l. hOIl"!'H·r. t ha t th e Post

Ullil'!' lll'l'arlllH'llt hax axxigl1\ ' d t I ll ' case

to th! ' 1'0st Ol1il'(' lI1Xpl'du!'s of t he d is

t ri,·t, \\"ho will, ill du!' tilll!', ! Ua kl ' athorough il l '- l ' st igat ion of 0111 ('laitn £01

t I l l ' x,'n'i,"', Th,',v wi ll r " '1u ir e that 'H

Xllllll' thl'1II thaI ou r hOlllt's ar e proper!. '

uUlllhl'n'd, that our xtn"'lx an ' p a \ " l ~ d ,sitlt''''alk:-- : l11l1 ( ' l' l I: - -S walks ill good tOl l

t!ilioll. sln'l'tx light!'ll, all,l that th,

1'l',·,'il'lx III' th, ' oHi,'" an ' xut lie il 'ut al lt l

ill thl'ir judgll,,'ut lik,'!.r to eOlltillll!' to

I", xuili,·il'llt III \\'llITallt th e p"l"IIlal1\'lIt"xlahlixlllll l 'ut of" tll(' x l' rl "i e, ', I II this

"ollu"l'tioll I l Il ig 'l it x a ~ ' that all rexi

d"I1I:-- o f o ur 1'0\\'11 :-:hould pUJ'l'h:l:--l\ theil

xtalllJlS alld "tllllll"',1 ellvd0l'es at th e

:\arhl'rth I ' oxt Ol1i, '" hoth uow aut! iu

til" fu t Ul'l'.




A t the 1I11'l'tillg o f t he L ow er :\[erioll

Towllship . COllllllisxiollers 011 Tuesuay

1'1"l'lIillg t h e b oa rd issued an appeal fo rall pl'opcrty o\\'lIers to h elp in gettingIh,' xnow : l w n ~ ' hy opl'ning t he g u tt e rsill frollt of tht'ir properties so liS to

allow t he w at ,' r to d ra in a wa y a nu n ot

r"Jlluin 011 th e xilll'\\'alks t o f r" ez e. Ifl " ' e r ~ - p{'rsoll \ \ ' i l len tlea"or t o l oo k afterth e fronl' of his p r o l w , · t ~ - th e eondit.iolls

will he grl'atl,'- relieved.

Th c t owl l sh ip l i n' e ompanic i' a ls o i s

SUI',1 1111 appeal to t he p uh li c t o see thatthl' SIIOW i ;; rell lovl ',1 froJII al l lire plugs.

xo that 110 t illll ' will he lost ill ClISC of

:111 pnH1 1'g"('1I1·y.

W. H, C.

To tli,' 1·:,litor o f O ll r '1'011'11:

Ix it 1I0t abollt tilll" that th.' !>orollgh t'll:lt,tt'd a lJ, ,- -Ja\ \" l 'pquir illg l'esi

dl'lltx to ,·Itoall th,'ir "'alks ill willt, 'r?

.l1,'n'. ax ill othl'l' sll1>lIl'bx, it has 1"'1'11

It't't to Ih" SlIo\\' plow to tlo thl' lI'ork,

J1(J at t l'lIt ion lwi IIg' pa id to ti lt' :-:1I0W

alld in ' lIot l ' t ' I l I t) \ ·I"1 . The l'l':-:u!t th is

willtt 'r h:l:' Ilt't'lI \\,OI'St' tItan (,,·pr. Thl'

sidt'\\"alJ.;,s Iwt':lllll' I l l l ' J ' { ~ ('ow-paths-:.llld

I ,". '" I""'" ""II'-I'"lhs at that-whilt ,

:-;iIJt 't ' t i l t , ;-;1t'('1 slOI'Ill:-i tIH'" hu"t.' hl'l'll

"01"1','<1 w it h h ll bl ,h ' it'l, ;111<1 all foot

/ , : I S ~ t ' I J g t ' I ' S l i a " l ' h:;d to tnkl' to tlHIr ' . 'ad":ly. EYt '1 I S Il , tlll ' I ' t ' 11:1"(' h"(-'1\

tJ'"\I'X xl'''l'ral t i ll l l' S II' hl 'l I Ih,' wIIll;x( · t l l l id 11:1\'1' hl"lll ('It ':Llletl. if l'l':-:idt'lltshad I'lit th"ir Illilldx al ld xhol 'l 'b to i t.

~ hrig'hll' ]' sidt ' o f thi:-; tl'.\,jll;.!· " , i l l t f ' l '

f" r tlld folkx is th,' t'' 'lItillll",1 flill Ihat,1'Ollllg' 1'1'01'1,' hilI'" Ila,1 lI'ilh xltods alld

,,1(111 "x. TIi,' h"al'l ' l'rllxl t hl lt f o rt ll l' "

prtl"idl'd faxt sli,iill!, 1101 0111." Oil hill.-i,ltox, 1>lIt i ll ! lolIl l' . ' "anb th at IllId a l l ~ :-,10)11_ ~ I 't,{,( 't1t is:-illt' of t h l ~ E\'llllillg

Lt'dg,'r l'it'IIII'"d xl' ' ' , 'ral :\arl)('rlh ,·Ilil·dl't'l! It;-;illg :l Ill'\\" kind of : - ; k i ~ s l l ' ( l .

Henry Rose,

A. J. Loos,

' i tom.

Mrs. Ro y E. Clark,

W. T. Melchior






SATURDAY. February 21, 1920

Prcs iden t -Mr . Joseph H. Nash.

Vicc-President- .Mr.•J ames Ar ,tman ,

Mr. A. J. Laos , Mr . R. J. Dothard.

Secretary-:Mr. R. J. Bdgar.

Trcasurer-l \ I iss Maiz ie S impson .

Direc to r s -Mr . ,T. J. Cabre.y, Mrs. C.

P. Fowler, Mr . H. R. Hi l lega s, Mr . Chas .

H. A. Cha in , Mr . W. R, D. Hall, M r. H .

A, .Tacobs, Mr . F. A. Lanahan, Mr .

Danic l Le i tch , Mr , G. Knutzen, Mr . R.

J. Nesper, Mr , E. A. l\Iusclla11lp, Mr .

Fletcher W. Stites, Mr , A. E. Wohlert,

Mr . Wnlter Y. S haw, M r. Walton M.,

Wentz, Mrs . C. W. Young, Mr s. James




April 24, 1919.

Send al l advertising an d news i tems to

P. O. Bo x 966.

O ur T ow n is on sale a t t he d ep ot

n ews st a nd , a nd at the store of H. E,


Entered a s se co nd -c la ss mattiJr

October 15, 1914, a t th e Post Office a t

Narberth, Pennsy lv an ia , under th e ac t

ot March, 1879.

Subscr ip tion pr ice one dollar an d fifty

e cn ts p er y ca r in advance.

OUR TOWN will gladly print

an y news i t 'lm a bou t a ny subject

tha t is of interest to Narberth

folks, bu t in order to mee t the

print ing schedule, all "c op y"

-manuscr ip t s -mus t reach the

e d it o r by 6 P. M. Wednesday each


Owned an d Pub li sh ed every Saturday

by t h e N a r be r th Civic Associa t ion.



AI: E x p ~ r i m e n t in C«l-operativeJ o u r n a l i s m - ~ o Paid Workers.

Fire, 350

Police, 1250



No Chan g e Made by Commissioners in

Basis of Assessment.

'1'1,,' CoullI ,. COllllllixxiOll('I'X ~ oll,by

nftl'1'1l001l, al'i,,1' a l"l' \ 'it 'w of th;' f i l l a l l " " ~01' ~ l o l l t ~ O I l I ( ' I ' ~ ' COUllt,\' fo r thl' l 'unellt

\ '(':11'. ill a ('OIlf'Pl'PI\('I' w Hh t hl ' C O l 1 l l t ~ "('olltl'oll"l', fixl'd thl' ta x r at l' f or l"oun

1'; l"ll'I")XI'X, Oil all axx,'x"abl,' 1'1'01'I'I·t.,·,at 111'0 llIilIH, th,' X:\IlI(' raIl' ax !las 1'1'1'

",lill',l th " past I"'I\' yl':lrx.

'I'hix \l'ill 1'1'1II'id,' 1l1l111< I 'l ll ldx, i t is

l'sl i l l "l t ,' , I , to 111(,,'1 a ll t h, ' d"lIlalldx nil

t1lp t·0111l1.'" for tllp .\,PHI', illt'llll1itq,!.' ~ ' H I l · hl 'aylll""lx ax will II(,,'I'UI' 011 t h, ' w or k

llt'illg' 1101l{' Oil t ill ' CIlIIShlllJOt·kt'll hritlgt.'I l ur i l l g ' l n ~ O as \ \ ' t ' lJ as upon otllt1 1' laq,!('i l l l p 1 ' o \ ' ( ' u } ( ' n h ~ 111111('1' w: I ,\" , :111(1 :d:-:n 1)('1'

mit of "'JIIsi ,111:1 I,I,' 111'11' wOl 'k i ll thl'

matll '1' of rOlltlx :llId hl'idgl'S ill thl' 11I1ll1



\\'''1111'11 ar e xllhjl'l"t to al l th,' ]l1'''I·i·: - - i l l l l ~ of tllt ' i l l t'O t JI ( ' l : lX law, W:lI'II:-: Co]·h,,·tor of IlIt"l'lIal 11"1'' '""1' L,'dl' I 'I"' .1'1I1)li .. xl'hool 1t'al·j,,·I'X alld 8ta1t' elllp]IlYl'('S un ' not taxt 'd I l i l tIJI'if' ill('oIJu'.

,All 1Il1JI!:lrril 'tl \ \ -Ol l l : l l l . :1 \\'iduw 01' alII:ll 'J' il 'd \ \ ( ) 1 I ~ : J 1 I wIlli i:-- l i \ ' i r l ! . ~ ' apart

1'1'0'" h,,1' hllxhalld IIlllst l i lt ' a I'l't urll if]1t'1" i l l l ' l I l lH ' fo r lHI!1 \\';1:-' ~ 1 . 1 I 0 ( l 01' 1 1 l O I ' ( ~ ...\ l l l : l l ' l ' i l ' d \\"0111;111 ,\"ho h:1S : t i l i l l t 'OIlle '

frolll a x,'palat" XOII"'" thau h,'1' hux

halla is "IJtitI"d 10 Iii,' a xl'l 'arall ' re 'f lln with rl'sl"'l'! 10 Ihat iUl'ollle_

~ a bu t true is the fnet that present-uayt1l0IlC)" has less t h an lmlf the pu rchas ing llOwcrof four or five year s ago , a nd t ha t being the('asc. don' t you think your l i fe insurance shouldbe r ev is ed t o meet the ne w c O l U l i t i o n ~ ? Fortunately, that very t h i n ~ can ue accomplishedin a very economical fashion. Call me over

some evening.

I.ANAHAN, 20:; J 'ore . t .\,·ell\le

-1'. O. Dox 352, I ~ h o l l P , NUI'IH'rth 3-014 n,

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S A B l E C E N S O R E

Pas teur i zed Milk 1 DELIVERIES

B r Y n C I O ~ ~ l k c e r t l l l . e d WEST PH ILA .

(Pedrlal lc Soclet;v) OVERBROOK

Spec i a l .. Guern sey" MERION


(Roberts 'A Sharp l es s ' BALA-CVNWVDairies )



Tab l e an d Whipping \VVNNEWOODCream.

Cream Bu t t e r rn l l k

HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and Heating


45th and Parrish Sts.






Frank ReginelliNarberth Shoe Store


Repair Shop


For - Good - Work - See


The Home Town Tailoring Parlor234 Haver fo rd Avenue

L a di es ' a nd Gent s ' Ga rment s Dyed,Cleaned, Pressed and RemodeledWork Called fo r an d DelivPred

French Dry C le ani ng a Specialty

Bell ' Phone 1 2 B 4 J


Scott-Po\\'ell I)alrle•• Phone, Pre.ton 2398.See dJ8Pla)' advertisement In tbls lftlue.


Loo._ I " l l U l l ~ ' II. I ' iauo teaelter.l>tll,lio, AJ'eari.. l ll ri g. P h on e , 31O-J.


"eO-erie•• J. II. II I NarlJertb ave.Phone. 666-M.

O I ' T I C I A ~ 1 5F t 'n t on , C a rl F . 506 Essex ave. Phone, 6J8.W

Phl la . addre.. . 1806 Chestnut s t . LocUllt III.Z e n t m n ~ ' e r , Josel.b. 228 S. 15th s t ., 1 ' hl l a.

PAINTEnSWalzer. Fred.117 Wln.or ave. Phoue. 1247-J.


('ara-III"Glnley Co. Phone. 1258-W.See d lop lay advertls.ment In this Issue.

AllIIer. oJobn A. 243 lona ave. Pbons. 661-".Sbop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone. l Uf i - J ,


Good " 'ear Sboe nepalr 8hol'.CUIlN{unUne. U. (•• ~ r ; ~ IIn\"l'rtol'd five.1110nt', l'\urlH'rth 170ll·W.

U e ~ i n e l l l , I'rnnl,. :!O!l Hllverford n\·e.

See d l sp l u) ' udvertlsement In this Issue.TAILORS

Premokt. Ii . Phone, 12tH-,I.See ,l!spJllY nd\'ertiselllent In this Issue.


('I1I<1\\'ell. ,J. A. Phone, 1US7See d i sp l ay advertisement In tbl. Issus,

I "r l ts ch, I I . O. Phone. 252-W..see display adver t i sement In tbltll III.utl

1 I ~ ' b e r g . U'>nt T. Phoue 1713.Spe disp I l l ) ' 1I,l\'ertisemeut In this Issue.

Nssb. Roben oJ. Pbone, 605.Money tor F ir st a nd Second Mort&,alres.

S lru l)SOI1, James C. 232 Essex ave.Pbone. 636, or 1420 Cbestnut st.


uArc l id la.


16th and C he st nu t 8t.,. PbU...See display adverthlament In tb18 h,.ue.


Witte, Geo . A . Fairview aVe.Phone, Cynwyd 778·J. Flr8t-cla.. work.


Cook Bros. Phone 1 ~ 1 0 J.Se e di sp lay adver ti sement In this Issue.

WaIl. H. U. Phone, 319.J.See dl.play advertls.m.nt In thl. Issu•.

Th e above department sbould be or tb .sreateet use to th e community. the 11.t coo·t al ns t be name ot ev.ry protell8lonal man,tra.desman, mechanic , ehopkeeper . etc., wb .doe" or can In an y way s er ve hl8 tellowtownsman, an d wh o I. progrell8lve enoucbto ad d name to 118t ot Re&,18ter.

As It 18 d lmcu lt t or t hos e con tr l buUnat he ir t im e a nd etrort8 to tbe produotloD ot"Our Town" t o p er so n al Iy sl tber k no w o rIn te r vi ew a l l SUCh. I t w ou ld be most helpful It th08e n ot n ow tound ID th8 prIDtedlist would 8end In a memo of their Dsm8S,addreu . pbons numbers sn d buslne.. .s orprofe.slon8 to r 1I8t1Dg. Tb1.8 wi ll 0 08 t as tol·low.: 10 cen ts e aob t..U8 tor J lIn8s; fi o .uP·tor eaob addltlonsl liD•.



Bell Phone Ii ! 1f.tf.,ll Building. Narberth, P&

February 27-Lower Merion, night


March 2 ~ W o o d b u r y , home.

lIIarch IJ-Upper Darby, night away.

:Mnrch f l-Darby, away.

~ I a r 9 h 12-Haddo11 Heights, away.

::\larch HI-Am bier, away.

l\farch 26-Radnor, night home.


P rtpenles For Bent and

Fire Insurance



'I'he boys ' basketball s ch ed ul e i s a s


Fehruary 2 , -Lower l\{crion, night


:.'Ifnrch 2-

)'fareh G-Upper Darhy, uigl1t away.

:.'Ifar('h f l-Darby, away.

:.'Ifarch 12-Vil la No"a, home.March 16-IInutingdon Val ley , away ,


}[arch ]f)- \Vest Chester, home.

l\larch 26-Hathoro, night home.

GARAnteed Roofs

The Narbertb Electric SbopWill 80lve a ll you r electr ic t roubles

Wewire old hou.e.l ike new quickly and withoutdamaR'e. Le tu s estimate on your work. We cnnsave you moneyon fixtures. portnblcs. floor lamp8and appliance•.

W. G. CASE. 3 2 3 Conway Ave.Phone. Narher th 3 9 5 W

Two Lines, JOc pe r issue; Sc for each additional/ineNarberth Register


( i nt t shn l l, I I . Ii. PulJlie Ael'ollutant; rl'ax

H(lI)Ort:-:• .;\ lldits. I'1c' .. : H ' l ' o I J l I J I i ~ h e l i . ~ : o a( 'nIlW:!,\' ll'·PlIlll'. NarlJl'rtlt, Pa.Keirn, H. C. Cer t if ied Publ i c Account ant .202 Dudley a v ~ . Phone. Narberth 100-W.


Lee8' Garft&,e-Repalrlng, Etc. Phone, 1605.Na rb er th Gar ag e. l 'h o ne NUl'bel'tb 1633.See dlsphl.\· 1I,!\'l'rlis.'IIl,'nt In this Issue.

A U ' J ' O ~ I O B I L E SI, ln ' ICE

CenNore, Subie. PilouC', 072.See d l s l ) l a ~ ' arl\'l'l'lisl'lIll'lIl In this issue.


Merion Title &: Trust Co. Pbone. Ardmore I.See d isp lay advertisement In thll l hll!IU6.


SIU,,"I, Alex. Coo .Jr. Phone, No , 1ilO.;\ 'urhl'rth Statioll.

Smedl ey , Wm . D . & H . T . P ho lle , 600.See display advertisement I n t bl B t 8s ue .


Ihn·ls. H. E. Phone. 1254-W.

See display adver t l sement In thl8 18sue.h ~ ' C " n d ~ ' ShOll.~ lIaw'rfol' ll Ave. Phone, Narberth 170;;.UAIU ') .;NTEnS ANI) BUILJ>ERS

"enklns, Cha.. L.103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.

SI)Clllimlln. Clarence A. Phone 16G2-H.Sl'e di splay advert i sement In this issue.


li ' rntantoni, ,'ameN, & SonH.:!:m IIumpt1I-'1) H\'P. j 'holl t ' ,lUB'- 'Y.


lhn'is, LuwrclH'e. Phont ', Ardu1ore, li,;)l.

See Display Ad'-erU""ll!,'nt In this Issue.

Orr. I)r. A. L. 101 Elmwood sv. Phone. UI-W.Ph ll a . Phone , Filbert 4252, Keltb Bid&,.

Schembs, 1)1 '••John. Phone Narber th 310- ,YoCor. G r n ~ ' l 1 n g nn d Windsor aves.Olll"e Hou r s un ti l lJ P. ;II. ,Ially.


Howard'.. Pbone, 1267.See I l isp lay advertisement In tbl. Issue.

Smith, T. B. Ardll!ore, Po.See dlspll lY advertisement In this Issue.


CaMe. W. G. PhOIl". ;m;,- \\'.S..e display 1l,1\'I'rtlSl'IIl,'nt In this issu ...

Pu&,h. Veri 225 lona ave.Nar . P bo ne , 650-W. Ard, Phone. 163-J.


Iml.erlal Grocer" Co. Phone, Narbertb 606.INSURANCE

1I0lVman, Samuel P. (Lite.)116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 653-W.

"o n. .. . Wm. J. 103 S. Narb.rth ave. PhoDe.680-J. Phlla. ad d res., P en n Mu tu al Bid&,.

Trotter Bro.. (FIre, etc. I209 Woodside ave. Phon• . 1262 .R.


Gilroy. o Jobn 211 Essex ave. Pbone, 1245.R.Phlla. addr e .8 , L i nco ln Bldg.

Stlte., F1etcber lV. 413 Havertord ave.Phon• . 3 72 -W Phlla. addr . . . . Crozer Bldlr.


MeDuDald J ohn. Na rbe rt h phone. 1288.1533 Ches t. 8 t.. Phlla. Phone . Sp ruce IUK.

~ 1 E A T S , ETC.

Cotter, Ho"srd F. Phone, 1291.See dl8play advertl8ement tn this luu,"-

l Iertzter. Jobn B. Narberth.'See display ndvertlsement In thls Is.ne.




(Cont inued from Page 1.)

Th e House of Refinement, Ardnlore, Pa .

Week heg inn ing February 23rd: Mon·d ay , B la nc he Swe et i n "The Fighting( ' n ' R R ~ " S " ; T n e R d a ~ ' , MacLean Ilnd lIlay

i l l" \Vha t ' s Your Husband Doing'l"

Bdter, than " ~ 3 % Honrs ' Lea" e" ;

"'ellllesllay, a s]weial production, .June

'·;Ividgp in "A \'I'oman of Lies" ;

'rhursday, o ne ! la y o nl y, \ Vm . Farnumin " \V iU gR o f t he }Iorning" ; F r iday ,I ' ; n ' l ~ ' n Greel,\' in ";\Ie nnrl Capt.

Ki!ld"; S a t l l 1 ' l l a ~ ' , Sessue Hayakowa in

"The Beggar Prince," Specinl show

ingR fo r r·hil,lren. A,lmission, 22 cents;

~ a l l l r , l a y matinee, 11 cents.

Th e , l' il lt "r ins]lPclion of' XnrherthTroop, Xo. 1, Bo y S co uts o f Amedca,was h el ,l Fl'hrnary fl, ] fl 20 , i n th e Y.

:\f. C. A. Thl>re ar e 21J sconts 1'l':.:iRtere,lin t hI> troop an,l t hr l' e n ew r l' c rn it s.

'rl,, ' troop 1l:1s reerniterl th-I' hoys sinreI l l f ' fall insjw,·tion helrl in Deceml)('r.

1 'hl ' i l ls !wf' tion was IIl:1,le h ~ t he F ie ld";xe"lItivl' of t he ) ' fa in Line Dis tr i r t.

After t ll l' i l ls per t io l l t i ll ' t r oop well t

10 th e :.:.nll1,aSilllll to play hnskethal1.

Thl'." ar e thillldng' of makillg' patrole

hasketball te am s to p la y amon g themReh·es.T o t il e Post of th e American l . eg-io11 of

::\ 'arberth.

F rom t he Scont Fiplrl F:xecuti\'C' of th e?lfain Line.

""C' 1lI1l1erstan,l yon a re , ,· jlling to

Ill'lp th e loral tr oo p o f B oy S con ts of

,\ 111eri"a. T he re is one way that von

,'an help th e troop a nr l t o lllil p th e h'oyshe"ollle ]00% A111el'ieans. T h c ~ ' neerl111(> assistal ,, 'e of Olll' of the ex-ser"ir"1111'11. all,l I}('e,l it harllv, heeanso thp

joh i s t oo mur·h fol ' one ; nan. \Vha t ex

soldier 01' Railol' is going' to volunteel'lJis aill as all Assistallt Scont lIInRter,:111,1 hpJp Sroll! : : \ fas ter F. C. Patten?Henll>111hel' 0111' 01,1 motto ill thp spn'iee.

f"llowR, "Let ' s Go."

Hal'sell r... c 01'1~ l l l l ' 1 ] e l ' Gua I'll 13a rnesP. :\ful'111'r Guarrl :\fcLitteg'ali

Fil'1d goals-Fowll'l ' . 6: Cooke, 1:

Hus sr 'l l, 2 ; Kl'lIy, 20. Fonl goals

('"o!<t', , lou t of S: HnSH(,\. :J ont of 1::'~ \ l I > s t i l u t e - T . Pow]er for ),[altl,,·.

Hl'f'''l'l,,'·-I>. E l e s l ' , ~ r . Tillo ' - , llIill\ll,:s,, ~ nJi 1111 ttl!".

Th e Gir ls ' Baske tba ll Team have

planncu t h e fol lowing schedulc fo r the

5pason Ifllfl-20:

F"bruary 24-Haddonfield, home.

.\ tt ( l ~ t :('II AS. Y . XOEL,

S e l ' r e t a l ' ~ · .App)'o"e,l tltis fllh ,lay of p,'bl'uar.\'.

.\. n. ] ! J ~ O .

AI It'st:

( 'HAS. Y. XOEL,Seel'e1ary.

'AI']lI'o"I',l this !Jlh ,lay of Fehl'uury,A. D. 1[120.

CAHHOLL DOWX ES.B l l q . ! l ~ S S .

C.\RHOLL now:,\I·;S.

TIll rp-l's:-:.

W. H. D. !fALL,

PI'l'sil1"lIt of ( 'oull, · il .

I'''in t ] GO feet, more 01' less, west of

1\al 'uclth aven:lC; in Sabine avellUC,(rom l\lontgo111el'y a"enue to n point 33,1I t ' d , morc or less, westwa rd ; a nd in: \arherth a,'cnuc, frol1l \Vayne a,'enuc

10 .:\'[OlltgOJllC1'Y avenue;

Be it enacted 11101 o rd ai ne d by th e

.said Counl'il o f the B orough or ' Xar

)"'I'th tha 1, the tota I cost of the "on"I l'lll·t ion of sair! "ewers shaH he as"" ,se ,l as a s"w('rage tax upon t hp 1'1'01'" ' t ) ' adjoining' or a,l;jlll'.en!. t o t h, ' saml.up"n t1ie foot frout basis.St'C'. ~ ' ) Sneh a ~ ~ ( I S S I H ( l l l t s , (luly {'prti

ia',] under th e seal of tlo' Boro;lgh, al

t"stl',l Ily t he Burg"" o r l 'r r' si d" lI t o f('oulll'il all,l Se"re!.al')', shall Ill ' ( 'ollectildp frOll l 1hl\ 0\\,11(11' or OWllPI"S of fiu('h

;""pertO" OJ' p r o p ( , l ' t i p ~ in the 111 a 1111(1I IOW !,I'o,'ided uy law.

Pass,',l l hi R f llh ,lay of Fehl'ull1'\'.,\. n. ][120. . .

W. R. D. IL \LL,

Prcsi,l"lIt of ('oulI,·i\.

Have You PaidYour Subscriptionto "OUR TOWN"1


To sa,ve daylight and provide s tandard

Time fo r th e Borough of Narber th .

Tl,l' ('omo'il of He Borollgll of "\fal'lH'l"ll1,Ioe, orrlain:

Se, '. 1. That at " 0 '"lr)(']( nllt" III 1'

l'i,lil'lIl Of IllI' last SUlI,lll" of :.'If:))'" II in"II,-ll ""al' the s1:l101ar,1 ti;ll(' of th " 1301'

o l l ~ h ' of Narlwrlh shall h" n,h'alo'pd,1I1P llt)llr. :111(1 at 01 0 ',,10(,1;;: HlIfC ' Jl}(I.

l'i,li"1ll of Ih e bs l SIIIOl:J" of' Ol'fo]Jl'l'ill ea,.]1 ~ ' , , " r the Rllln,lar,l t in o' o f Ibl'n O l ' n l 1 ~ h of :\'aI'1ll'1'1h shall 11Y tlll' 1'('

1111',lin'g' of one h0111 he r,>!\lrll'",l to 110'

nll'an as11'onomieal tillle of 111" ,1 I' C!T('"III' lonc:1tuflf\ !!f)"pl'niJq:r thp Rnl'Ol1uh of

:'\1))'1>erlh. so t1i:l1 hl't \\'el>n tl1e b ~ SlIn':11'" in :.'Iflll·,·l1 111 0',,10"1, 11111(' meri,li"lll :"1<1 tl lp I.. ,t SI111l111Y in O,·tol",r

:11 n '(·l(wk Hldp 1l1C'l'illiplll in (Inf" l

V"I'I' 11,,' ,tI11HI" 1,1 t i ll l l' i ll 11w n'IT'ITu"ll/If ~ : l J ' h f \ r f 1 1 :-:11:111 hp 011(' 1'0111' ill :111

\"p 111'" tlf f111\ 1)"':111 nsf l'(llIOl11i( ':l1 t il1H'(If 1lip /1/\1:1'( '1\ of ln l l fT l111flp C : ( ) ' ! I ' l ' l l l J l ~flI(' s:li,l B o r n l H ~ ' h of Xl1l'hl'l'th. '

S .. ,-. " All onli l l: l ll""S a '111 nlll'ls of'(Jl(1ilJ:lll(l(\R 111' ('onfli('t h(I1'f'\\'ith a1"< 11(\1"(

;l.'· l'f1l)cn ]('/1.

1':1",,11 1his fllh 1 1 1 1 ~ ' of Fl'l>rllllJ'y,.\. n, ] ! l ~ 0 .


2 8 S ou th Third St •• Philadelphia








Phone 672

1 WHS illh\1l11illg, ~ l l ' . ' ·:d it l lJ '. 10 ~ a a wOl'll 01' Iwo nholll :'\:11'1)(,l'th Park.

1'01' that lIlall (,ollil', thi'eatells to clmeC'1

his sllhsr'l'iption uIII"ss his wal'd is "0'-(1'1',1 ('ven- \\ '('ek, hilt it \\'olll,III'1 HI 1I1

tllel'e 's l ' ~ O I l 1 . "'<>11 hitll jllst to hol,l his

hol 's l' s a Ilit :111,1 ", .. '11 ge t him th "lig-hts, ~ n o w p ] I I \ \ - alld ( " · P J ' ~ · 1 h l l l g .

Automobiles meet a ll t ra ins throughout the day and evenlDg.

Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered.Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc.


(Continued from Page 2.)

WE suggest for inves tment United States Liberty Bonds, which at current prices yieldover Five per cent.

There are six 50 - foot Lots that

can be bough t a t an attractive fig

ure; IDEAL for either building

or investment.

his hOllspholrl to hecollle e l lt ir e ly f a

milial' with all 0111' ways alld h y - ; v a ~ · s .Hence it ealll" I 0 puss that til(' colore<1maid, rdl lf l Jil lg to :\arlll 'rth on one of

th e wil,l, tell,!,,'st IIOllS p,'plIin'gs we had

during th e hli"zu1'll, failp,] to oj", 'r"eth e prognllll Hl'rallg',·d to g('t hpJ' 1100\(',alld sh" pssaved i t f ro ll l the st l, t io l l Oil

fool, notwitl, 'stalldillg thl' tlll'hniell"" ot

t he n ig ht . As it l:dpr "I 've]ope, l . shp

mnst han ' w:dk,'d f or l II ik s. a ll d prol.

a h l ~ ' Idol lg Old (;1I1! 'h Boad, hO!II'h'ssl.,lost in th,' wild"r ll"ss of tlll' whilp. ,\ t

ahout L:lO il l t l' " I lIor ll il lg ', t h, ' p oo r

thing WI" hal·I, a/.:uill Oil Xarh,'rth an-

1111<' 1II1l1 ill ,l,'sl""'a 1iOll she sl a 1"1 ",I 10ring' (]oo]'-h('ll:-: ill al l 1'll'(]<':l\'OI' to a:-;('(lI'

1nin 1"h( ]ot'ntioll of lu'l' ('l11plo.,·('r':-- rt·:..;j·<lPIl( 'C. 1n si x i l l ~ l a l l ( ' ( \ s , nt h0I111 'S ( I ll

1'\arlwl'lh an'lIl1l'. SIll' was l'I'hnn'I'd witha st . ' , · (' I " l ' I ' t ' IHi l l l:11J(1 fo r nl 'ol1s il lg tIll' o { ~ ell!'anls nt slll·h :Ill \ J l , , , a l ' t h l ~ ' hOllr. nn,lill two l'aSl'S ,.]1 .. 'UIS tlll','ntl'lI"d with

th e polil'p. . \1 ~ . l i i "\. :\1. sh" fOlll ld aha"en, a 1I1l'1I1,,1 allll ! , h ~ ' s i , ' a l W I "" ' ' ' , heeOllling- hyst"ri"al ns ,d,1' "nl"l'l'd th,'

]]011:--(\, aft 'o l ' l1 i l lg :lnothl'l' Illt11111llHtillg

"xI'lIlpl,' of tl", fn d thaI ~ l e e p is oeea·

s i o n n . l l ~ ' held hig-h .. r t hl il l t il l' ]>n 's si ll g'l1e"lls of af1Ii,·I.,d hlllllnllit.,- :111.1 thnt

C h r i s t i a n i t ~ · i, ill SOlllp qunl'tel's Il~ riet ly S-h'lIl" propo"it iOll. ('01011.. 1llateh ha s ],("'11 n:',;I1I'('<l that th " O,"'UI'r en ce i s ,11,,]>1." ,1,'!,lol'l'll loy lh(' "onlJllulIity. a1ll1 h" 1 1 . ~ s I,,'('n i111!,l'e,s,',l thathe 1I111,t uot l'o rill nllY ,'oll..Iusioll" 1'('

gal'rlillt: Xal'l"'I·th·, ,·"j'IIl·it." for a ]>la,'('

in ei"il izat iol l as a l '( 'Sll lt of tlJis UIIR]wakahl.,- llI,tow:lI'll ill"id('lI1,




MemberPhila.Stock Exchange


MemberPhila. Stock Exchange


To provide for the assessing of th e

c os t o f th e construction of sewers

in Conway avenue, f rom Price ave·

nue to a point 200 feet, more orless, south of Holl and avenue; inForrest avellue, f rom Woodb ine ave

n ue t o a IJoint 200 feet, more or less,southward; in 'Woodbine avenue,

from .Essex avenue to a point 150

f eet , more or less, west o f Na rbe rt havenue; in S ab il le a ve nu e, f rom

Montgomery avenue to a point 334

f eet , more or ICES, westward; a nd i n

Narberth avellue, from Wa.yne ave·

nue to Montgomery avenue.

S"e. 1. \\'IIl'n'as, thl' nOl'oll!!h C'ollnrilc,f till' BOI'OIIg'h of Xnrlll'l'th ui u hy Or,

r l i l l a l l r ' l ~ p ll ss l' d a l id aP IJ l' o, '' 'd Oil t IwlOth dn.,· of :'\0"1'1111>1'1', I!l1!l. 'l1'llnin thn1"ew('rs sllllldd l , , ~ "0 IIslrlll't (' ,1 ill COIIwa y aV(ll ll lt '. f ron1 Ilr i( '( l a"clluP to :1]Joillt ~ 1 I 1 ' fl'l't, 11101'1' or less, s ou th o f1101lall(1 a"plll1l1 ; in l ~ ' ( ) r f ' ( l : - - t a Vl1 II 11(\,

fl'OIll \\'o'"11>illl' a""lIl1(, to n poilll 201'feet, Jllor(l or I ( l : - i ~ , southw:lJ'(l: i ll "Yoo(l ·l)inp a \ ' l ' l l l l l ' , 1'1'0111 E:"q'';l'X a \"{IllHe to a